1950's Galion Road Grader "Widow Maker Rims" Pt.4

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[Music] so [Music] hey what's up guys welcome back to diesel creek if this is your first time joining us my name is matt this beautiful hunk of rusty metal right here is my greater christine this is a 1950s galleon road grader model 503 and i've been doing a video series on this thing kind of fixing it up going through it i pulled it out of the trees a couple months back and we're trying to get this thing back to operational condition so i can use it to work on my driveway here as well as various projects in the future so as a lot of you have pointed out old christine could use some new shoes so so i reached out to old simply tire since i've been using them for a while and as a satisfied customer i said hey you guys want to hook me up with a couple tires for old christine and they said sure so i got two brand new tires for the front of the grader here that's going to help snazz her up and maybe she'll start warming up to me when i start really putting the love to her if you never use simple tire they're great easy to navigate website they have all kind of car truck tires and they even have off the road tires like we need for old christine here as a honest simple tire user i've used them plenty of times in the past and i did not even know that they carried tires for stuff like this so if you need for some tires the links in the description go ahead down there and since they're helping support the channel maybe you guys give them some business too anyways enough about that let's get these tires yanked off of here i would just like to take this opportunity to show how hard this gravel floor is packed in the ship and container shop as well a lot of people said that this was going to be nothing but paint and i'm sure for certain things it will be but it packed hard enough to use a roller jack on and that's pretty darn hard all right that's high enough we can get the tires off that ain't supposed to happen the whole stud came out with that and that one and we got one one stud remained in there but that's all right now hopefully these things will slide off here without a ton of beating hey that was easy shouldn't say that too loud never ever say that phrase too loud you know i have no way to prove it but the tire tread pattern that's left on these tires and they are pretty well smoothed over but i can tell what tread pattern they used to be and it's an old tread pattern that they haven't made for quite some time uh it's possible again i have no way to prove it but it's possible that these are the original tires from the 50s or 60s when this thing was made so i think christine's earned a new pair of shoes see if this one comes off as easy oh that ain't a good sign uh oh man we might need a hammer here hopefully the old three pounder will knock her off because this uh my sledgehammer is not in my truck where it's supposed to be not sure where i left it there we go a little bit of persuasion what do you guys think about that huh that's one heck of an upgrade in the tread department i'd say these things look pretty narrow right now but i'm thinking once we get them mounted they should look the same we're hoping i mean these they are the same size tire according to the sidewall but uh yeah let's get these things broke down and we'll find out this is the part that always sucks there are special bead breaking hammers you can buy but of course i don't have any of them sometimes these tires that have been on here for a long time like this it is quite a struggle these tires are so stinking hard it's unreal i think i'm just going to try to get the locking ring broke loose this is a three-piece rim i didn't think about it i should have broke the beat loose on these tires out of the farm with the stinking dozer wasn't thinking the old walking ring is looking pretty crusty you guys either rust crunching as i'm working the bar around her oh what a sound this is one of those things that i don't do enough to be proficient at i've changed quite a few of these over the years but unless you do this all the time you forget all the little tips and tricks [Music] probably should have watched a youtube video on it first so ah holy crap oh it's it's just that easy you know what i mean that was a struggle this thing is pretty rusted through in several places that's a shame hopefully we can clean it up and still reuse it i mean look it's pretty well gone down here this must have been where this rim was sitting on the ground i'd bet hmm outer ring should just come off and it does it is also pretty scaled up but definitely reusable now here's the part where it would be nice if the rim just fell right out of the tire but i'm highly doubting that i'll probably have to work it with the bar oh actually feels like it might move without too much work [Music] all right i've been beating on that tire for 10 minutes with sledgehammer i'm done playing around thank you well i didn't figure it would pop it off and it didn't but at least it gives me an easier access to try to work this beat down man these old tires can be stubborn hard on the ears screw this i'm cutting it off here there we go what a mess that was a pain in the rear keeping on with the done playing around approach we got going here i'm gonna go ahead and just cut this tire or what's left of the bead of the tire in half and then i'm sure that we're still gonna have trouble peeling that up off this rim after it's cut [Music] [Music] so hallelujah it's moving oh there we go see how much rust and corrosion and junk was holding the stinking thing on there so we finally got our tire completely off the rim and i would be ready to put it back together normally except these rims are so nasty and scaly and rusty i don't want to put new tires on that and tubes because what will happen is the rust scale will come loose of the rim over time work its way in around the tube and end up popping our new tube and tire well the tube it wouldn't hurt the tire but what i'm going to do is take the needle scaler and go ahead and scale this whole thing all the way around and make sure we get really good up into these surfaces where the locking rings engage there's a lot of hysteria out there about multi-piece rims split rims you know there's lots of names for them but basically they are very dangerous if you're an idiot um if you don't pay attention and the ring isn't engaged properly and you start putting air to it yeah it's probably going to fly off of there and it it has killed lots of people but if you use your head and be cautious uh they're they're really not that big a deal and once they have air in them they're fine it's just the air in them up part that can be dangerous so what i do is i set my regulator on the compressor to whatever pressure i want to put in the tire and i make sure the ring is engaged properly and seated how it's supposed to be i'll wrap chains through the rim and around the rings so that if something were to happen it's contained and it can't go flying across the garage and take off my head um and at that point i'll stick the tire chuck on there a locking tire chuck and i'll let it start to take air and i'll just walk away and it'll fill itself up to max whatever i have the regulator set to and then it should be good i'll come back cautiously approach it make sure everything looks good and then i'll go ahead and disconnect the air and take the chains off if everything's all right and knock on wood i've done a bunch of these and never had an issue i think you guys just watched me struggle enough with the last tire so i'm not going to make you sit through this one i'll bring you guys back when this thing's apart my lord you wouldn't believe the struggle i had to get this second rim off of here i almost gave up twice i finally beat it i ended up cutting the tire all the way off having to cut both the beads off peel them off and then take the needle scaler around the locking ring before i could finally drive it off with a hammer it was an ordeal [Music] you can see this locking ring is a good bit more rusted than the other one was but the important parts of it are still there i think we can still use it i'm gonna go ahead and take the needle scaler now and start cleaning up this whole rim the rim itself actually looks like it's in better shape than the other one was it's gonna be a loud tedious process hold your ears [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well that was a long tedious process i took the needle scaler cleaned these up really nice and then i ended up taking the wire wheel around them too make sure i got all the flaky stuff and little bits of rust on it before i put it back together you know if i put it together like this with all the bare metal it's just going to do the same thing over again so i'm going to go ahead and throw some primer and paint on these things to keep them uh keep them protected so we don't have any issues in the future and you know i'm not doing a full restoration on this grater but i am trying to i guess do everything right you know as i'm doing it if i see an issue i'm going to correct it the inside or i don't know if it's the inside outside whatever side it is the side that you'd see after it's mounted i'm not sure that i'm going to paint those right now i might wait till down the line a little bit when i paint the whole machine but definitely the time to do this is now before i put these tires on so let's get that done this is the same primer that i used on my dump truck bed whenever i painted it a few years back and uh this primer is held up excellent anytime anything happens to that dump bed you know if the paint gets scrapped scraped off or whatever it scrapes down to the primer but it doesn't hurt the primer unless it's something major like a gouge it with a tooth or something on a bucket but you know rock dings and stuff it never seems to get through this primer i really like this stuff it's an exo rust brand i think yeah xo rust professional i'm not affiliated with them at all but they make a good product well i just finished priming out all the pieces here for our rims should be looking pretty good i'm going to let them dry overnight and then i'll come back tomorrow and throw a couple coats of yellow on them if need be at least one i apologize for the noise now they're starting on the siding on the house today everybody's been telling me to pressure wash it in previous videos and i haven't bothered because they were going to replace the siding so this should be the exact same color i used when i sprayed the engine uh looks pretty nice okay got all the rims painted up as much as i want to paint them right now i probably should have went ahead and just brushed the insides of the rims too where you're gonna see them but uh as i've mentioned in previous episodes i really hate brushed paint the only reason i did this is because it's a nice thick coating and it's on the inside of a rim where you'll never see it apparently the primer wasn't quite dry when i started putting the yellow on this rim and it made this really cool ripple effect there with the red and the yellow looks pretty cool so the one great thing about split rims is that they are incredibly easy to mount so we got this rubber flap that goes against the rim we got our tube that obviously goes in between the flap and the tire and what the flap does the rubber flap protects the inner tube from the rim go ahead and coax all this in here with our valve stem through the hole in the flap i've made a cardinal mistake here i said they were easy to mount it's really not too bad probably easier if they're laying flat on the ground now the next thing we're going to do and we could probably get away without doing this on a multi-piece rim like this we're going to lube up the beads just to make it easier to get everything seated how it's supposed to be and this lube is just hard lube always makes things easier doesn't it now since we've given a liberal application of lube go ahead and try to get your valve stem started first oh without breaking your inner tube and then just glide this puppy on oh yeah look at that now the first thing i like to do before i bother to start trying to put the rings on or anything make sure the tube isn't twisted we'll take the valve core out and just blow a little bit of air in there and then let the air pressure come right back out and might do that two or three times and that'll kind of let the tube fill out all the places it's supposed to make sure it isn't bound up at all and then if it is you're not out anything trying to pull it back off of there [Music] all right everything looks good with our tube our valve stem is still nice and in the center of the uh slot in the rim go ahead and put our rim pieces back together oh there we go that actually went together pretty good this uh the ring looks like it's seated nice all the way around here of course i marred the crap out of my nice new paint but i figured that would happen anyway uh we're ready to put the valve core back in it go ahead and put some air to it i'm gonna take the chains like i said i'll put a couple wraps around this thing just for safety sake in case something would happen while we're airing it up if it blows apart the chains catch the pieces they don't kill anybody so make sure when you're hooking your chains too you give enough room for the tire to expand otherwise you'll be able to deflate it again to get your chain off of there [Applause] okay i got the pressure neck down to about 60 psi that's not the pressure i'm going to run these at but it is the pressure i want to inflate them to the first time to make sure everything's seated nice and tight against the beads and all that so we'll hook this thing up and walk out of the garage for a while but you guys get the front row seat in case something does happen all right tire's inflating stand back and watch the show huh well it sounds like i quit taking air so the first thing i do is come over here and take a quick look well not a quick look a really good and thorough look at the lock ring here and make sure everything's seated properly it doesn't look like anything's half cocked or anything like that our chains still got some slack in them tires seated all the way around there on this side we'll pull the inflator off we'll flip it over and examine the back side make sure it's seated all the way and then i'll take the chains off yeah everything looks good i think that lube helped us out a lot especially because it's new paint it's always so sticky the rubber doesn't want to slide on it so here is something that i must have overlooked uh when i was inspecting our rubber flap in there i don't know if you can tell the rubber flap apparently had a slice in it and it's letting the tube kind of bulge up here into our opening in the rim which is uh definitely less than ideal probably last a long time like that and i'm not gonna take it apart now but uh i'm gonna make sure the other flap doesn't have that same issue before i put it together and if it does i'll replace it so if you never change one i hope that sheds a little bit of light on split rims here everybody calls them widow makers they're really not that bad if you're knowing what to look for and you're careful in your work this wasn't meant to be any detailed how-to video and i'm by no means an expert but they're really not that big a deal just be careful and use your head but anyways you saw me do one let's go ahead and get the other one slapped together we can go get these back put out on christine [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay there's two tires ready to go back on the grader so i just noticed something cool here in the tire too there's a stamp down here that says firestone 1161. so i see no reason to doubt that these are the original rims that came with the grader and i think that means that our grader is probably a 61 or 62 sometimes the components are made the year prior to the assembly of the machine so yeah i think that's some pretty good evidence maybe she's not as old as i thought she was looking good and those are going to look sharp on the front of that machine all right look at that huh don't that looks snazzy oh man oh christine is just loving her new kicks i do have one keeper missing here that was missing when i bought the machine i'm working on tracking one of those down but i haven't been able to locate it yet so if you know where i could find one of those drop me a comment down below i appreciate that all righty look at those new kicks huh those are snazzy so again guys i gotta give a huge shout out to simpletire.com like i said if you haven't heard of those guys go ahead and check them out they've got every type of tire imaginable over there and easy to use website and affordable prices that's why i use them and uh big big thanks to them for sending these over to me they help out the project immensely so now i just got to get the engine tossed back in it some hydraulic lines redone and old christine's ready to go to work if you think christine could use the rest of these tires replaced though go ahead and drop me down a comment below see if we should put the same tires from the front onto the rears well that about wraps up this video guys if you like these videos of me fixing up this old grater let me know down below by dropping a comment and make sure you hit that thumbs up button that really helps the channel out i've got a lot more content on the greater coming as well as many other projects the weather's getting nice i'm outside i'm getting a lot of stuff accomplished so stay tuned lots of cool stuff on the way as always guys thanks for watching i'll see you on the next one later you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 522,540
Rating: 4.9468188 out of 5
Keywords: galion, cat, caterpillar, champion, huber, komastu, john deere, deere, construction, heavy, equipment, abandoned, restoration, revival, will it start, will it run, accident, crash, rusty, International, diesel, gas, cummins, blade, moldboard, maintainer, plow, engine, wrench, fix, repair, haul, winch, badlands, split, rim, widow maker, 3 piece, locking ring
Id: kK5mMtghJp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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