1960’s Galion road grader, radiator repair gone wrong! + Fresh paint! Pt.7

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[Music] hey what's up guys welcome back to diesel creek if this is your first time joining us my name's matt this rusty yellow hunk of metal over here is the radiator and grill combination it's the back end of the machine of my 1950s 60s galleon 503 road grader that i've been doing a little bit of work to on the channel if you haven't seen the previous videos i drugged the grader out of the woods it was sitting there for quite some time the guy says at least 10 years we were able to get it fired up drug it onto my trailer i brought it home the clutch wouldn't work i removed the engine brought it into the shop gave it a good paint job got the clutch torn apart got all my parts back for the clutch now the last piece to the puzzle this guy right here the radiator is leaking a little bit and it's pretty ugly so we're going to head and get this thing cleaned up and get it painted to match the other parts i've been fixing up over to my right here so we've got our fuel hydraulic tank combo right there engine sitting right there just waiting on me to get motivated and finish this thing so let's go ahead and start stripping this thing down from the back side here you can see the radiator is much smaller than this whole thing and there's a bunch of these small little screws these teeny little screws that are in here and they're probably never been out since the machine was built so they're going to be probably impossible it's kind of a laughing matter to even think that those are going to come out but uh what else we have to pressure test our radiator because like i said it was a little some small leak i think it was over in this area somewhere it wasn't much of a leak but we'll go ahead and do a pressure test on that hopefully we can find the leak and fix it up and while everything's apart we'll go ahead and sand it down paint it up get this thing looking much nicer than it does right now this is going to be the toughest thing to fix up on here this is not my forte trying to be steady and paint something nice i might uh might sub that out to a relative of mine that's good at that stuff so when you know you got some bolts or screws in this case that are really stuck and you know they're going to fight you the whole way you might as well as well reach for the top shelf stuff bust out your trusty can of coil here i already soaked these down yesterday but we'll go ahead and do it today if there's anything that has a shot at getting these out of here it's this stuff but even at that these things are just so rusted and they're so small that i don't have a whole lot of faith that they're coming out of there without being cut or drilled out unfortunately all right as i said these screws are going to be incredibly hard to get out i can tell just by looking at how rusty they are so i'm going to go straight to the not playing around anymore step instead of messing around and stripping the heads off go ahead just start heating this thing up and i'll keep some pressure on the screw on the outside here and maybe it'll give for us you want to make sure you stand directly over top of the fumes too so if there's any lead paint cooking off you really just get a good dose oh i didn't see that happening there's one put a little bit more oil on that while it's hot let capillary action do its thing i can't believe that came out wowzers old christine's finally starting to see that i'm trying to love her and help her and she's trying to help me i'm just going to get rid of those screws we'll replace those with better ones that's one down 11 to go i can't believe it that's two for two so far unbelievable but i'm not upset about it i'll tell you that well it's just going to be another half an hour of me playing around trying to get all these screws out so i'll go ahead and time lapse this for you so [Music] i can't believe these things are coming out of here guys i mean look how rusted those things are there's not even threads left on them it's amazing never ever would i have guessed that all of those would have come out now i hope i didn't just jinx myself for this side but it's knock on wood going pretty well [Music] just straight blade screwdriver heads man getting lucky today [Music] [Applause] okay amazingly enough every single screw came out i cannot believe i got that lucky that's the mind boggles so anyway uh the radiator should just lift right up out of here now and then we can get all this stuff cleaned up pressure tested etc i just stuck my fingers in the radiator and there is some schmoo in there that needs cleaned out there we go so there we are you know usually on something like this old tractors and whatnot there's no protection up here and this stuff's rather flimsy something of this age is usually all bent up and smashed right here and this piece is actually really nice and straight there's no major damage a couple fins have a little wave to them but not much at all the only real damage is for the rad support here and basically that only happened because of this piece right here being riveted up against this created a pocket for moisture to hang out and obviously it rusted and rotted away also there was originally a spacer underneath of this plate which bolts down to the frame of the machine um and the spacer i don't know whether it was wood originally but that's what was in there when i removed it was what was left of like a piece of one by and i don't think that was doing us any favors either because then there was like a gap here essentially and this weight was all bearing down on the sheet metal rather than the support like it's supposed to so when we reassemble we're gonna have to uh do that a little bit differently i don't know if i'm gonna get a piece of one by box tubing or maybe space it up with some heavy rubber belting i don't know i'll how to figure out something kind of like the rubber idea because it adds a layer of isolation to everything should help with vibration but there we are back to the moisture issues now i'll take functionality over cosmetics any day as a lot of you know so we're going to go ahead and fix this first make sure it's all good here what i did first was install this rubber bilge plug in the bottom hose i'm going to tap that in a little bit further and then i'll go ahead and crank that down make sure that's sealed up good and then i have some more miscellaneous pvc crap that i'm going to clamp onto here with a schrader valve put a little pressure to it and hopefully we can hear or see any air leaks now that the radiator is out here in the open where we can see it too we can also see there's some sort of steel support thing that's rotted away here i don't really understand the purpose of that thing it's not doing anything structurally that i can see and also the side of the core support rotted away pretty good right there i don't i don't know if i want to try to patch that or not looking pretty rough actually all the way along this support bracket all the way up pretty rusted hate to see that actually i'm seeing a crack right here in the lower half of the radiator and i don't i never saw it leak anything there but it kind of has the discoloration around it like it might have been getting wet hey i'm not sure we may end up taking this thing to a radiator shop to be professionally redone if it's above my skill level which i guess that doesn't take much let's pressure test this thing got our radiator pressure checker tester all rigged up here just uh all pipe fittings and a schrader valve at the end there and we got the old gauge on here and we'll go ahead and feed her the onions and see if see if we can find any leaks in this thing all right unfortunately i don't have a gauge that goes up you know in smaller increments uh so psi is the black here we're only going to take it up to like the uh maybe the second line okay yep there's one big leak then to that didn't take very long this crack here i don't know if you guys can see that the gopro doesn't like to focus on that stuff there's a crack right there but i think that should be pretty easy to clean up and braise that and you know we'll probably end up finding multiple holes here unfortunately uh so so well it didn't exactly flow the way i wanted it to but we can let it cool down and we'll pressure test it still feel a leak somewhere on this corner here i'm just gonna just put a ton of solder to it basically because i looks like there might be a hairline running right up through here and maybe even one right here so i'm just gonna go ahead and put a bunch of solder to it [Music] i saw it i saw it suck into a couple places over here so maybe we got it pressurizing [Music] no it's still leaking over here where the heck is it coming from right here somehow okay i see it i see said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw well it's ugly but man i hope it'll hold if i can't make it hold up there's a radiator shop i can take it too he should be able to fix it but yeah it looks like it might have flowed where i needed it to that time pressurizing [Music] teeny teeny leak down here now and actually the one up here in the fins is the one i can hear more than anything right now i think we'll stay away from this thing for a minute fix this one on the fin and then we'll come back to this [Music] there it is oh yeah oh man ah i might have just opened up a can of worms here i tried to rip off one of these flutes to get a little bit better access to it and i actually opened up the flute it ripped the vein right next to it so now i have two gaping holes up here can you guys see that the whole side of this uh this core here is missing the only thing i know to do to fix that is to pinch it off and solder it shut uh and in the process of doing that i'm kind of afraid that i'm going to break some more veins i don't know what you call the these pieces right here that run up and down that's where the coolant runs and these little things just dissipate heat um i don't know what you call these things the proper name for them man that sucks oh man yeah this thing's so brittle you just touch these things and it's just falling apart i'm just doing more damage than good at this point dang it i was really hoping to be able to patch this thing up all right well i think i'm taking it to the radiator shop hopefully he can just record this thing because like i say these these things are so brittle i mean just look at them wrong and they're busting well i took that outer shroud off you can see it one last time before it goes to the radiator shop hopefully he can fix it and he said he'd give it his best shot there's the original tag on it looks like it says perfect corporation milwaukee off to the shop all right with our radiator now at the shop we can turn our attention back to this grill cover i guess that's what you'd call this thing it's got several layers of paint on it just like the entire machine's had we'll go ahead and flip this thing over and start soaking those screws with some coil now um i'm hopeful we can get these things out of here without too much trouble because they look a little bit better than the uh the ones that we had to get out on the sides here i couldn't believe those came out so hopefully these ones will come out we'll let that sit a little bit and what i'm going to do is cut out an entire section here and we'll weld the new piece back in there [Music] [Music] [Music] oh there's one side off i probably should have cut off the rivets here before i cut the sheet metal apart oh well we'll do that on the next side [Music] so [Music] all right well it should be fairly easy to patch i hope [Music] so bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right after raiding my entire metal horde i couldn't come up with any 14 gauge sheet metal so called up the neighbor and he was nice enough to let me raid his stockpile and i come up with a piece i'll just try to sit this in here ever so slightly clamp it and then i can just trace the edges there we go now we just cut that box out should be able to slap it right in there [Music] all right i got this thing all prepped up and ready to weld in here i had to do a little bit of finesse work on the edges just to get the fit as best i could it looks pretty good right there yeah we'll grab the old big blue hot glue gun and melt her in there and contact seems like i get comments on nearly every video saying like oh you've got all these amazing skills how'd you learn how to do all this stuff um i don't have any amazing skills i'm pretty much winging it like 80 of the time you just kind of kind of give it some thinking think about how it could go good and it could go bad and try not to try not to do the second one see like i just stayed in one place too long there on my tack and just melted that corner out so i don't know what i'm doing i'm no body man we're flat here we're flush here in the middle we got this hump so this thing's actually stretched a little bit so i'm going to tack this side and we'll go ahead and take the hammer and tap that down a little bit and it's not too bad maybe sticking up just just maybe a 16th if that yeah see perfect use your noodle it'll all work out this side's kind of in the middle of a radius so it's going to take a little bit more finesse i think so this side we'll just keep stitching it all the way up i put the tack i move the clamp ahead of the tack and it'll attack ahead of the clamp and then just keep leap frogging it all the way up the side [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay how about that this side cleaned up pretty good too paper thin up here around this bolt hole uh i could have built that up a little bit probably with some weld but i just let that go i'll use a bigger washer there um yeah it's it's not perfect if you look down across it here it's good enough for who it's for you know okay last thing we have to do is uh go ahead and pull this emblem off of here and i'm gonna go sandblast this thing which is something you guys tell me i need to do all the time and truth be told i just hate doing it it's such a messy dirty pain in the butt process basically it does a really good job but it's just inconvenient the way i have it set up right now [Music] oh yeah it's turning there we go we got it now i was concerned about this rust under here too this emblem you know sitting on there like that really holds the moisture in behind there so i was concerned this was going to be pretty rotted but it doesn't look too bad that's good all right we're down here from the sandblasting booth and uh basically this nozzle shoots out this black sand looking stuff that's all over the place and uh it does it at a under air pressure yeah it works pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] got our parts back from sandblasting so far sight better huh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good gravy that is a tedious process ugh i'm gonna have to do that one more time i did that so i could keep the edges of the letters established i'm gonna shoot the whole thing white right now this is gonna be a process [Music] [Music] all right well there it is with the paint alt or the tape all peeled off i'm i don't know it turned out decent i'm kind of unhappy i did have some spots here where the the white peeled off right there right there and right there and right there and then we had a few spots of gray peel off as well that's disappointing but i can touch those up with the uh with a small paintbrush what's really upsetting is that the masking tape did not seal off very well with that gray paint and we've got some bleed through on the edges here it just doesn't look real good so um yeah and the other thing i didn't wrong i don't know how well it's showing up on camera i think you can see it there it almost looks like there's tape left in the middle of the letters and what that's from is that uh i left parts of the letters exposed for those two coats of paint before the black and that was stupid because now i've got this thick layer and outline there and it it looks like there's tape underneath the letter i should have completely taped the letters off that was very stupid of me but you live and you learn this is kind of my first uh go at doing something intricate like this so uh it is what it is i'm gonna touch it up as best i can and call it good enough for me well remember i said i was winging it i wasn't lying but i am very happy with the way this came out nice and glossy uh covered pretty good i thought about giving it another coat but i'm worried that we're going to have adhesion issues i did have a bug land in it right there pretty disappointing about that this pitting here and this metal wrinkled up like that we're going to have our badge cover that over so it's not an issue but i'm pretty happy with it i think these dimples from the spot welds i think those showed themselves more than they did before i sandblasted it you got to watch with sandblasting you can deform metal and i think i might have caused some of that dimpling there but it's still good enough for what i'm doing here i think it turned out really good got a radiator fan shroud here it turned out good i've got some runs on this part i was pretty much adjusting the gun when i painted this because you'll never see it anyways it'll be tucked in behind the radiator same with this guy doesn't look quite as nice but heck it's going to be powered underneath the radiator doesn't matter at all you'll never see it just rust proofing at this point okay now i still have to touch this thing up obviously but i just wanted to throw it together and see what it looked like and i'm pleasantly surprised that it really looks classy we've got old christine looking sharp now i think she's really going to like her new her new coat of paint i think the grater is going to be looking good i'm going to do the entire machine just like i mixed this batch up i think this turned out really good it's got a nice gloss to it and uh we'll see once i have the whole machine together maybe i'll even clear coat the whole thing just as an added level of protection but uh yeah it's not perfect it's got some runs and some imperfections but i'm happy with it i still have to drill this thing out for the radiator support to go back in there and uh touch up this decal but other than that all we're going to have left to do on the grater now is uh get the radiator back from the repair shop 660 dollars to get it record they could not get me a new radiator it's too specific um so that's a big bummer but we're gonna get that back from the radiator shop we're gonna put new hydraulic lines on christine and then we're gonna paint the whole machine and reassemble so we're coming down the wire it's going to be really nice to see the whole thing tied together here pretty excited about that anyways guys i think that about wraps up this episode if you like the video if you think old christine's going to be looking sharp now don't forget to uh hit the thumbs up button drop me a comment down below if you uh if you think it looks good or if you think i did a sloppy job uh it's good enough for the socially distant restoration also make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss the end of the restoration get out of here moth make sure you don't miss the end of the restoration everything's really coming together now it's getting exciting hopefully we get this thing back and together in time for the uh steam show that i go to i'll get to take it out there and play with it a little bit and we'll get to see some other old equipment still in working shape so as always guys thanks for hanging out thanks for watching and i'll see you on the next video [Music] later [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 391,674
Rating: 4.9631343 out of 5
Keywords: asmr, pressure, washing, steam, jenny, power, blaster, fuel tank, sealer, epoxy, repair, restore, refinish, galion, cat, caterpillar, champion, huber, komastu, john deere, deere, construction, heavy, equipment, abandoned, restoration, revival, will it start, will it run, accident, crash, rusty, International, diesel, gas, cummins, blade, moldboard, maintainer, plow, engine, wrench, fix, haul, winch, badlands, split, rim, widow maker, 3 piece, locking ring
Id: yZk38NYRjk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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