FREE Diesel Trench Compactor gets a Military Surplus engine Transplant! (WILL IT RUN??) Pt.2

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[Applause] what's up guys welcome back in diesel creek if this is your first time joining us my name is matt this is my diesel-powered formerly diesel-powered ramx hydraulic trench compactor now if you don't recognize this unit it's probably because you haven't seen it in quite a long time if you've been around the channel a while maybe you remember it it was exactly a year ago to the day that i got this thing off the job site i was working on they just gave it to me because it was sitting next to a trash dumpster nobody knew what was wrong with it it's really old yada yada so they said take it i threw it on the trailer i brought it home here if you haven't seen the first video on this thing the links down below in the description you're going to want to check that out so you can get the backstory on this thing but anyway long story short the engine in it no good ferryman diesel powered apparently they're big in germany and other countries but around here not very common i did manage to locate parts for it but they were over a thousand dollars for a piston ring rod and uh rod bearing so that's a little bit too much money to be sinking into something you got for free and don't know if it works anyways not to mention there could have been other issues with the engine anyhow i didn't completely tear it down and go through it i'm not familiar with the engine you know you could be getting in pretty deep and doing that so this thing's just been chilling outside underneath my pine tree waiting for me to find an engine for it now a few have come along and i was finally able to pick one up the other day that i think is going to work for us so this yellow guy here underneath that precariously stacked pile of parts is the original ferryman diesel that came out of this unit as you can see i've got it all torn apart there and she no bueno now a subscriber reached out to me about six months ago and said hey i've got one that'll fit on there for sale haven't run it in about 10 years but it ran them i said okay so i went up and grabbed it brought it home with the intentions of slapping it on there upon further inspection i found that it had a bad rod bearing as well although this one was still together and functioning i'm sure i could have gotten this one to fire up but didn't want to take the risk of blowing it up well i'm sure the fellow that sold it to me didn't know that it had a bearing going out of it it's not like it was something he had used he had just picked it up somewhere and set in his garage so not a big deal but i'm still without an engine flash forward a couple weeks ago and bam military surplus ferryman diesel shows up on facebook marketplace now this guy fits the bill best i can tell it's pretty much identical we have a electronic fuel either throttle or shut off i'm not sure which one that is like i said i'm not familiar with these engines so just kind of winging it figuring out as i go but everything else seems to be there the engine spins over very nicely i can't can't feel or hear any slop in it or any bearing noise seems like it's ready to go the oil the oil is perfectly clean looks like they just changed it i'm not super familiar with military surplus but this 440 number the only thing i could figure that that corresponds to is maybe the hours on the engine because it is super clean seems like it's pretty tight you know i have no way to know that but i'm just just guessing and hoping that 440 hours or what's on this engine so now that this thing's back in the garage here the pine tree has left its mark all over it so i guess the first thing i ought to do is get all the pieces parts from off of the top of it and probably suck all the pine needles out of it with the vacuum cleaner and then we can really start getting into this thing and hopefully we'll be able to get that bad boy mounted and running all right we can actually see a little bit of what's going on now here um you know it's been so long everybody asks how i remember where things go back together and how they go back together or whatnot it takes some time sometimes i mean uh especially because this one wasn't like one i worked on for a while this one literally happened in like an hour i just threw all the pieces in a box and that was it so got some bolts laying there not sure what they go to i see we've got a couple nuts and bolts laying down here not sure what they go to and i know i have a whole box of parts there that go to this thing so yeah now let the puzzle begin let's get all these pesky needles out of our way much like a fine wine some projects need extra time to sit and ferment and become the delicious and fantastic projects that they could possibly be when you get birds building nests in them it's a sure sign that you should probably maybe work on this thing okay taking a look at everything here trying to see what kind of differences i can see our oil filler port is different but it looks as though we could swap this one to this one because this one is going to be in the way of the fuel tank which looks like it should bolt right up some sort of little button here not sure what that is but this plate holds on the electronic if fuel shut off solenoid or maybe that's a throttle control i'm not sure the new engine has a lift pump on here which i don't see any harm in having it doesn't seem like it would be in the way in our application uh the factory engine has a block off plate where the lift pump is so we could block it off if necessary we have the proper plate to do so the oil filter housing on this replacement engine has wires going to it i'm not sure what that might be starters look a bit different we're going to attempt to reuse the starter that's on the replacement engine and see where that gets us the front cover from the original engine has to be able to bolt up to this engine because it is the mounting plate for the hydraulic pump so that's pretty important uh it looks like the bolt holes should all line up though so hopefully we're good in that regard also i noticed the intake on our replacement engine is different than the intake on the factory engine in fact they are very different like 180 degrees opposite this one exits that side and comes up here on a bit of an angle this one comes up squarely looks like it has two glow plugs in there and uh yeah so might have to do some interesting modification to get an intake onto this thing [Music] look at that looks to me like the bolt holes all line up that's one whole bunch more to go [Music] next we gotta transfer this drive hub [Music] over [Music] [Music] now comes the fun part i guess i need to pick this thing up and set it on there without dropping a nut my lord she's heavy ah i am the equipment i know i'm gonna get 12 000 comments and you should quit doing that because you're going to regret it when you're older i regret it now so i remember i wasn't a big fan of the way that this thing had to come apart this flywheel cover actually has to mount to the pump first and then there's a drive coupler that goes onto the pump inside the cover and then you have to mount the cover onto the engine so you're like sliding everything around it's a real pain i imagine from the factory it wasn't such a big deal because all the hoses weren't connected to the pump but you know i don't want to take all those hoses off of there and have to deal with a big mess and it's just more disassembly i am popular today jimmy christmas that's something else i want to mention real quick and i've been meaning to mention for a while if you message me jesus see on instagram or facebook or email me and i don't get back to you i am so sorry okay i i really do try to read all the comments and read all the questions and this see all day i am blowing up i've always got 10 000 people trying to talk to me and i appreciate all you guys that want to reach out and have a conversation and i would love to if i had the time but as you can hear it never stops so if i answered everybody's questions i'd never get any of this stuff done probably the worst thing for nuts and bolts is sitting outside exposing the elements not even assembled or put together just laying around so all these bolts are kind of putting up a fight so we'll squirt some cruel on there and uh yeah try to run everything in here these bolts the way they're located [Music] the way these bolts are located it's really hard to get anything but an actual allen key in here so it's really nice that you can finger tighten them as much as possible before you need to get your allen key on it i just remembered i have these type of allen keys though they have that ball on the end man that makes it nice you can actually get in here so you can be on a pretty heavy angle and they still drive so that that works in tight spots like this oh yeah love it when you find a way to cheat we've got this drive coupler to put on here oil that up in case we have to take it back off for whatever reason with the keyway tell you what this little thing gets stuff pretty tight it's impressive so looking at the oil filter housing that's on our replacement engine here you see you got this big thick base here that adds some uh that adds some distance between the block and the filter here not to mention you've got these uh lines coming off here because they just have looped together and i imagine we could probably plug those off but this clearance here i think might be coming issues well we got a part for some other project here it almost looks to me like this filter housing will just unbolt off of here because it's covering up these other bolts and pull this filter hopefully we don't make a big mess nice just to unbolt this guy we might actually be good we might not have to change that whole plate look at that slap our filter right back on there that was easy hey look at that slid right together that little gap we have left should just be aligning our drive coupler see now the way this thing's made you have no way to get in there and turn anything to align it so you have to have the hand crank to get in here and spin the crankshaft this way and since i don't in the last video i explained i took an old junk socket here that fit in there properly and made it so it engages the shaft and now i can spin the engine over oh she's got some compression i'll tell you that there we go we got it slap our nuts on there now huh got a little ground wire down here we gotta connect looks like it's all coming back to me now i i actually cheated some and watched the video where i disassembled this thing but as any of you know that ever made a video not everything actually makes it in i gotta cut a lot of stuff a lot of times just to try to save a little bit of time otherwise my videos would all be 10 hours long so got the engine all bolted down right now uh with a couple bolts i might have to take it back loose again because we have a few things to figure out here first things first we got to install our fuel tank and change out this oil fill neck as we discussed and obviously connect fuel lines and whatnot our intake is different and our exhaust port is different on this new engine so we might have to do a little bit of uh serious fabrication to get the exhaust coming out how we need it to and i'm imagining this sucker is going to be pretty darn loud without any exhaust so i guess what i want to do is put the fuel tank on and hook everything up and make sure the engine runs and that the whole unit functions before i sink that kind of time and effort into fabricating up an exhaust and intake for this thing i do have a donaldson type air filter that i think we could easily make work on this thing uh but the canister type that was on the original engine may also be adaptable we'll see so is there some bolts i'm unaware of what's happening okay well i've tried 10 ways to sunday this bolt in this fuel tank that you know obviously there's like a sleeve welded up through the tank that this thing stabbed over top of and it must be all rusted together down inside of that hole because i've got chisels and stuff pounding underneath here's wedges and stuff trying to pry it up off there i tried unthreading the whole stud out of there it's just not having it i mean i'm destroying the tank trying to get it off of there so we're gonna go ahead and try to procure this orange one off of here because it's freely moving i just have to disconnect the fuel lines i think we're good that one actually has a filter on it too which is kind of cool come on i didn't think there was very much fuel left in there but apparently there is so i noticed our throttle control levers on the side of the engines here are a bit different the replacement engine here doesn't have a hole drilled down here to accept a cable clamp for the throttle like the original engine does so i think we could just unbolt this and take the assembly from the original engine the oriental the original engine also has like a spring loaded deal on this thing so it this one kind of returns to the shutdown position but the other one's got a lot more tension on it there it goes now oh boy okay that's not too bad yeah huh that's what i'm talking about all right we got our fuel tank finally situated on there fuel lines all connected and everything um not the end of the world but as you can see this fuel filter setup kind of restricts my options as far as an intake here um yeah i guess we'll burn that bridge when we come to it still gotta get this thing fired up make sure everything functionally tests oh okay um i really wish i could get that yellow tank off of there but i'm just just destroying it so i'm gonna rethink this whole thing and if everything checks out good here with the compactor maybe i'll spend a lot more time trying to get that tank off in one piece other than that i think we just have to connect our hot wire to the starter and our throttle cable and we should be ready to try this thing out so got our throttle cable all hooked up now and i'm ready to connect the wire to the starter and i just realized something these two wires here probably go down to a rectifier that's right around the front of the engine here but they had to connect to the stator underneath the flywheel and this engine is not equipped with one so yeah that sucks if i really want this thing to ever charge the battery i'm gonna need to basically pull this entire thing back apart pull the flywheel off and take the flywheel off the original engine pull the stator bolt it in to the new engine put it all back together so yeah i wish i'd noticed that sooner because i would have done all that one step forward and two steps back right okay i think we're ready to throw some fuel in this thing and a battery and see what happens all right i just filled the tank up with some fuel we should be able to gravity bleed most of this system so i'm going to crack this banjo bolt right up here at the injector well i think we just hit another snag in the road here you can see all that crud down inside the injector there i just pulled the banjo bolt out to try and get some fuel flowing and yeah she ain't gonna run like that diesel systems need to be extremely clean that is far from it uh i'm gonna probably pull the injector out of here the whole assembly and see if i can swap it for the one either one of the other ones that i have you know should be better than this and i also see this fuel line here it's got stuff in it so i don't know if there's bad fuel in this thing last time it ran or what but it doesn't look good look at that clear gasket fancy get i'm gonna tear it i'm gonna tear it there we go i didn't turn yeah i'm getting some nasty old fuel out of that thing huh spray a bunch of carburetor cleaner down in here there we go all right so we must had a clog in the line from here to here i blew that out and flushed it out with some carburetor cleaner and now gravity has bled all the way up to the banjo bolt here and so we just really need to get fuel to the injector pump here and then bleed it down at the injector itself and that should be it all right i got us a battery hooked up and everything i got this fitting loose and we should be able to start cranking it over now once we get fuel up to here close that off crack it down at the injector and this thing should just pop right off the ignition switch is messed up we're gonna have to cheat a little bit why what's going on all right for whatever reason i had to switch this starter out the original one on the green engine just would not engage the flywheel i don't i don't understand that but whatever so we're gonna go ahead and crank it over until we get some fuel coming out of here maybe all right we got fuel past our pump tighten that back down there we go we're getting fuel now oh boy i'm excited we're really close now i can assure you of two things when this thing pops off or if it pops off one is uh it's gonna be super loud we have no exhaust to speak of it's just i mean i can stick my fingers into the exhaust port so uh yeah there's that and also the fact that i'm not 100 positive what all the controls do i can make sure it doesn't run anything over but aside from that it's all it's all guesswork here goes nothing guys moment of truth will this thing fire oh it wants to go i can tell nothing yet gonna bleed this injector line some more i think we still might have an air pocket in there contact contact i hate to just keep cranking we're getting a starter not super warm yet but it's getting there well i really don't want to use ether but i'm kind of running out of running out of options here you know such a small engine it's really easy to ether lock it so i'm just going to kind of spray it over the intake and you know see what it does oh from [Music] hey it runs baby [Music] so i got all the controls figured out now these ones are your uh your drive so left drum forward right drum forward you know forward reverse this is your vibration control so but i figured out this has two positions forward and backward and you have to put it into whichever one you have to use this according to which direction you're going so if you're planning on driving forward you need to shove this forward at the same time you want to go backwards and vibrate you have to pull it backwards uh it spins the vibrator inside of the drums probably the direction you're traveling and like if you leave it forward and try to go backwards it basically just wants to sit and spin you're fighting two different forces and this guy over here is like a turbo lever you're just traveling the machine and you want to go faster this thing is awesome it's really loud we got to fix that but it's awesome this little guy over here is like your turbo level if you want to go faster if you're just traveling the machine you push this forward and then you push this lever and it takes off faster well overall it functions as far as i can tell all the hydraulic functions do their thing just fine but that thing wallops i mean when i kicked the vibration on out there the whole ground was shaking it was this thing's intense for as small as it is i've run a ton of these things especially newer ones and they all hit pretty good but i mean this thing really feels like it's it's doing the job there so yes it functionally works but we definitely have some issues to address here all right this thing has got fuel squirting everywhere part of that is on me it was sloshing out of the tank uh the other part is we actually have a leak down here somewhere i can't tell which line it is i think it's this return line going to tank why i stuck the zip tie on here trying to pinch it off but uh we got fuel dripping down here somewhere and it is just uh just leaking all over the place i don't know if you can tell down there but the good news is is that it functionally it does everything it's supposed to so that means we need to spend some time fabricate up a proper intake for this thing and a proper exhaust because lord almighty is this thing loud well anyways guys i think that about wraps up this video we got our military surplus engine mounted on here and after some obstacles we got this thing running the whole thing functions i'm very happy with that so in the next video on this thing we're going to take care of the intake the exhaust we're gonna put it all back together we got the the hood and the you know the engine cover and everything to bolt back on there and then uh might even shoot this thing with a quick coat of paint just to keep it from looking so ugly and then we'll take it out on a job and actually use it to pack something because i'm telling you this thing hits hard so i'm pretty excited about it if you guys like the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you haven't already hit that subscribe button so you can stick around and see all kind of other videos on this thing and all the other equipment i have coming but as always guys thanks for watching i'll see you on the next video later [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 555,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multiquip, rammax, wacker, nueson, compactor, roller, sheep, foot, skid, steer, diesel, ditch, dirt, construction, equipment, gasoline, gas, engine, motor, rod, bearing, blown up, siezed, project, farymann, parymann, rw, 1403, rw1403, 33/24, hydraulic, shop, garage, forklift, allis chalmers, propane, mud, stuck, fork, lift, loader, digger, excavator, dozer, hoe, oil, sludge, rollar, grader, crane, bomag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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