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all right we just got back from Tennessee Milestar just brought the banana back and that's good because we have a job this morning we got a call for a truck that's buried in out the Sand Hollow he kind of backed up to the lake and he's stuck in the mud we got to go get him out the morver is still with Skeeter and Trevor so we we've got the banana and we've got the Tangerine so we're loading up to do that it's not human anymore we're back out west where it's not humid so I'm not about to die and it's okay but it's still hot it's probably like 85 90 degrees this morning but we're gonna get the job done so we got Ethan Wayne here he's a good friend of ours we've been on his channel we did a little yeah podcast he's just coming in to visit he doesn't even know it but I just invited him to come on this job let's go do this we're going on a recovery with Matt I got Lizzy and Caleb with me yeah yeah we're gonna head out to San Holo and it's a bunch of it we haven't had one of those in a while so it'll be fun and interesting [Music] thank you [Music] good morning looks like you got it in there pretty good oh yeah I went to launch the skis and uh on my way out just started spinning just started going deeper and deeper just got myself in a bigger mess than what I anticipated then it turns out my 4x4 isn't working so that that tire is on attack so it's not even hitting the floor anymore so all right I'm gonna bury myself we're gonna hook a winch I'm gonna hook a winch to one side if it's that block and then that one's going to be doing small kinetic tugs okay see if that works so when a vehicle is in the mud like this especially when this heavy kinetic energy you should never try to try to do that um there's been people hurt and killed in fact recently from a truck being stuck in mud like this and they were trying to do a snatch recovery on it so we're so to break the section you're gonna have to do a long steady pull to make that happen so that's why we're hooking the winch up to it we've got it on a snatch so we're gonna be effectively doubling our pulling power [Music] so there's no way that the the Jeep is strong enough to do this by itself so we're gonna bury it to give it the best chance we have all right that'll give me the best chance um of Poland okay Lizzy come over here we're gonna be putting on yeah we'll do a steady pull see if we can break the suction and then if if it becomes advantageous he'll start doing bumps um put a little bit more energy into it go ahead and jump in there [Music] foreign like low gear okay um turn your wheels slightly that way find the amount of gas how do you take these caps off do you got the tools to take the Caps off because you're not in four-wheel drive right now it doesn't engage either way locked or unlocked that's right I'll just pry off so you just pry off this is locked that's locked see if it'll lock twist it okay go ahead and start it again Lizzy they do the same thing put it in gear all right we've only got rear wheel drive this is worse than I thought just uh just a steady pull with as much traction as you can give me okay like not nothing crazy just nice and steady it's gonna dig in that's okay just just slowly slowly fish okay thank you [Music] all right that could have gone a lot worse they have gone worse are you worried about getting out of here like back to the road I'm not today why oh yeah all right all right here you go here's your shirt oh awesome thank you you want me to put it somewhere yeah so my wife over there okay thank you so we got a call for a truck that is stuck and broke down I'm pretty sure it's dead up on the Mesa out of Apple Valley halfway in between Apple Valley and Grafton so we're gonna head up there see if we can get it out if you noticed we are not in the morning or banana we are in the tow truck Trevor's behind the wheel we got Skeeter in the back we also got the more Vera on the back because that's what we're gonna need and then we're gonna pull the truck back to the road and load it up on the rollback if this light ever turns green yeah we've been waiting for this light for like three minutes hey it finally turned green anyway it's been raining all day last night and today so it's gonna be a muddy mess hopefully we don't slide off the road we've heard the road was a river earlier today so we're gonna see how this goes and it's gonna be like we're back in Tennessee you guys follow along for the ride here Trevor thanks Lizzy we made it to the Little Creek Station and now we're filling up the moreover so we don't run out we're about halfway full but we're gonna fill up just for safety and get back on the road where did you learn such a thing from filling up just in case my dad because he hung out with Matt as a kid too so he knows so we just got off the highway and now we're gonna unload the more there good thing I brought my rain jacket because it is now raining so this is going to be even more lovely my trash bag for my ring yeah let's get going [Music] so the customer showed us some footage from was it earlier today it was just a river running down here so it's dried up a little bit but it's it's not going to make it any less muddy for us and it's that makes me [Music] Look Backwards pull out forwards pull it backwards and Pull It forwards yeah sounds like my kind of fun I was wanting to get a little muddy today yeah well sorry folks promise of mud will not add garbage bags for my legs and feet and stuff let's get out and look at it look at it do you have a key for it [Music] it's just another start probably a fuel pumps this won't run huh nope no worky Dodge crank but no start Peter we're gonna do it if you give it a good tug and Skeeter doesn't panic roll it right back [Music] all righty let's take her easy do you have steering steering and brakes I don't know Popsicle stand this is a little bit weird being on this end of the pool instead of that end of the pool it's a little bit different but it's almost like pulling a trailer and I've done that a lot so it's not too difficult so it has been a couple years since I've been out here and they have graveled all of these roads a lot of mountain bike trails are out here and people used to get stuck all the time I was wondering why we hadn't been getting phone calls other than the washboard just remember Lizzy he has no power steering okay so no quick turns I know because I've been I've been here many times [Music] um so we just got back to the rollback and we're gonna load up the truck and then I'm gonna drive this and Trevor's gonna drive the roll back and we're gonna take it on home [Music] these soft shackles are so nice I can undo it and do it up one hand [Music] that ain't going nowhere all right so we got the truck loaded up Trevor and Skeeter are gonna drop it off at Color Country Auto and I'm gonna drive the more bear home this road was supposed to be super muddy and like horrible to drive on and we are going to be doing donuts the whole time but it was a nice Growler Road and so it was wet but it wasn't horrible and so it got the job done it wasn't too bad we thought it was going to be like crazy through ruts and lakes and rivers all the water was pretty much gone by the time we got there thanks for watching [Music] what'd I do wrong girl power
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,014,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, lifted trucks, truck stuck in mud, flooded truck, tractor stuck in lake, crazy off road
Id: qeVoTjitCRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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