192 - Beginners Resin Sculpture - Double Layers - Alcohol Inks - Step by Step Tutorial OMG STUNNING

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hi everybody it shone from vivid days I hope wherever you are in the world you and your family are safe much love this will be a very quick intro today I'm gonna go back and revisit a resin sculpture I attempted one just the other week my first one as we know some fiddly is the one out there that inspires a lot of people to think differently with having a Kraig necessarily a resin sculpture lover I'm gonna just dipping my toes into this area but you watch for it so I'm gonna share my process so I will break down what I'm doing time frames and everything and show you the end result just how I'm going to evolve it a little bit and now have a vaster I'm going to use as my sculpture base and I am going to be working with master coast racing because everyone out of my other types of resid know gonna work with our colleagues because I'm gonna see if that makes it look more classic as opposed to the risen pigments that startle there's a balance but for me where I wanted a lot more sculpture and FAR's and glass as opposed to plastic this melted I hope that makes sense anyway wherever you are in the world I just wanna say thank you for your support remember thumbs up subscribe share comments are always welcome and remember to visit my Etsy store my red bubble and my facebook and if you want to showcase your art with me or little art family join now but other than that I'm digressing let's go on with this but I will talk through this time of my process much love okay I have prepped my area ready for my sculpture so I'll take you in and show you what I've done I use contact paper or I am going to explore different things because it's under my second one is to go to super shine you can cut it to size basically so what I've done is I am in visiting this be my mold so my glass bars but I'm gonna come at it with two layers so one will cover this side one will go the other way and I'm hoping that's gonna work and I am hoping that varying my colors may add a little bit of interest but I'll do my second one and we're still exploring I have mixed 400 mil of raising the resin I'm using today's master cast and inside that I have added the color cottage super Sparkle white just to give it a little bit of glisten without it being overkill and the resin I have set my timer for 15 minutes so they can start to remove the bubbles and start to go a bit thicker so it's not going to move as freely but this hashtag disclaimer the balance here is it's cool it's raining I know I have a 30 to 40 minute working time I'm going to stay in the area and I'm going to keep touching my jog to make sure it's not heating up because if it's heating up it's about to kill rapidly so you need to remove it onto your surfaces the other option is you could pour it on to your area and wait for it to start curing before you add your our colleagues but I've just got my time is that we're already took five minutes into it so 10 minutes what I envisaged doing is coming around the edge and add in some of these little crystal gems but we'll see how I feel about that I have made sure that my working area is leveled I have take down the corners of where I've put my contact paper down to try and keep it as flat as possible because raising is going to keep self-leveling and I want to control that area and they I've got my spatula ready because as I add my alcohol ink in drops and then going to mix it into the resin with this now hashtag disclaimer again make sure you working in a well-ventilated area window open and please don't you put a naked flame directly hunter alcohol inks because you are going to get a little fire so what I'm going to do is add a few drops I've picked three colors for this side three colors for that side and then I will use this little silicone spatula to just blend it through so there's going to be different degrees in color they'll be different degrees in pattern so hopefully that will make it interesting so the colors I've chosen is KL ticking so for this one it's going to be blueberry purple violet and juniper and on this section here is going to be blueberry green already now I said blue ish purple this one's the blueberry pink and aquamarine so some of these especially these ones are the softer colors but we're going to see how they go and if I have to mix it up and evolve it I will and what else have we got so I'm going to move my risen out of the place so what I am going to do at this stage is pour this one here to be slightly bigger than this one because they envisage it to have graduated inside so let's hope that's gonna work and it's about patience now on my less Rosina piece I waited three hours until I sculpt it around my VARs this time I'm going to set my timer for just two hours and come by in fact I'm going to set my time every hour because depending on the resident depending on the temperature is how quick it's curing so you want it so it's not like fluid still and it's gonna run all over but you do want it to hold its shape and be almost slightly tacky to touch anyway I will let you know how I go with this one wish me luck I've got my hair tied back I've got my heat gun ready not much long to talk to my heat gun that's gonna be used to get rid of the bubbles and when I start to sculpt it I'll put it over here to just heat it up a bit and hopefully help it hook that figure oh it's like I'm on RuPaul's Drag Race that that figure there and I'm gonna put my respirator on so you're gonna see my process as an hour but I'll have to do a voice over but I will bring it in at a time for sculpting okay wish me luck may the resin cast be kind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we have finished working on this urn it's been about 0.5 minutes since I originally started working on it and add 10 minutes on to that so it's definitely signed to cure I had to rescue my edges where it was just about to sleep Oh seek over supper a lollipop stick to stop it going over the edge because it is at that point where it's gonna stop moving shortly but really looking at where I ended up having to stick with these three alcohol inks here because they were the strongest colors which was the bluish purple juniper and violet and I'm loving how transparent it is and how there is in it's gonna keep moving in the alcoholics are gonna keep bleeding into them and create hopefully a pattern but some of the effects are looking pretty cool and the movement so you could see I was wiping it off my silicone stick in between your that was just so that I didn't try and muddy the colors and I was just wiping it off with basically wipe and I've got my gems all around some have gone in the middle but I'm not too bothered about that my most important thing is trying to make sure nothing's going over the edge and I've rescued that there and there and the gems that are not in the resin will all just naturally come off when I pick it up so I can reuse those but I'm gonna come back every hour now and see when it's ready to sculpt around my mold a chef in my class for us but yeah so far so good let's have a little look wait looks like I'm hoping that I'm not used too many colors three might be too many maybe I should have just what we want having said that once you start sculpting it I'm hoping it's gonna give a nice feel but I will bring you back in an hour and I'll talk you through if I'm happy with it I am back I came back to revisit this after an hour and did a test touch to the side and it was still very tacky so lovely one more hour I'm gonna do another test but love what this shape though so in a discreet area so it's tacky to touch but it's not coming off on my finger which means these are all ready to start sculpting so first thing I'm going to do is remove my mask you take that hold this down and then I'll start to stab it only bought the only thing I've got to do is get some contact paper between these less I'm going to do two left to make sure papers not going to stick to my resin as it is in my masking tape got my contact paper so first thing I'm going to do is take one of these out of the way and then I'm gonna bring in my Avars so this is going to continue to move look mouth move which is what you need but it's three starts look at your design and see how beautiful and bendy that is I will use a little bit of heat gun it's very tacky if I was to hold the paper because I've got to think about my design so on this side to overhang slightly more here and then on the other side I'll drape it in the middle of it I know what I'm talking about so this is where you start thinking about making sure your bottom is gonna be nice and flat so I'm gonna bring in some masking tape to hold it in each shape and then what I'll do is leave this for six hours and then I can remove it from the bowl or stress of the bars and then I can hold it together in a shape in my was just masking tape while it Falak yours overnight so the me I'll just think about my design I do like it when it waves a little bit like that's I might hold that there to the bottom in that shape trying to learn from how things went the last time so so I know hey I don't like to come to I do want it to fold so my that followed that in my diamonds I say Christmas crystal fold Oh see my fingers there you can see the resin come off there and bought with a heat gun I will be able to push that back in so you lose my fingers two minute big bulbs like patting your head and rubbing your tummy you know what lie guys just like that y'all like that you're it's like better than that I like that y'all it's just gonna heat going just there just to help that melted great on 400 I'm only going to keep it a little while but it's just to help that shape okay so just bend it elastic so getting a nice nice flat area little bits that touched each other and just pulled out like rocks I'm just going to melt that a little bit [Applause] [Applause] now that has slipped that back in never work out how I'm gonna add my second piece contemplate and do I put them face on each other or do I put some paper underneath and fold it this way so this patterns on the right side then I can take them apart put a little bit resinous stick them in or flip them like pancakes but then I won't be able to sculpt because it's still sticky so that said my own filth in there because I'm just mindful this is paper so that's probably going to come off whereas that's really super shiny so should come on so she'd only really need oh it's all gonna stick to it isn't it I grabbed the other one out further just gonna have to commit keep that on there for now push that down slap this on but that's right now they did overlook it mistake then slap this on over the top but get the overhang oh I've already messed up there it's stuck oh I'll share it missed that end up to chop that off with a pair of scissors I really do want this part here to dangle this way all right make sure those curves down under this but the good thing with that is it's going to add a little bit of resistance between it just checking it that's not touching that underneath okay so that's all good underneath I've just checked that it's not connecting with it other than April's it isn't just Rimmel this little bit [Applause] so she'll be able to pull a and then even if this doesn't take its shape as I want it to here when I pull this off and just hold it with a tape after its set a little bit I'll be able to add my crease this to it then that I'm wanting and then after hold fits on itself here like like so so start creating some fold like this as you can see I am totally winging it that's the fun thing right hit learning with me you'll avoid some of my mistakes or you'll improve so my processes yeah I think most of the sculptures on this second layer is going to have to happen and I know I am gonna have to put some more here and plate on it but wait alright last minute checks make sure nothing too funky is happening it's bringing in for a closer look this is currently where it's looking like so underneath I've got my shiny and then put that additional contact paper or reversed you may have other materials you can use because I don't want the paper side of this contact stick into the resin I'm gonna lower it time to cure and then I can pull off the contact paper I'm hoping I'm not ruin this face it's so sculpted it a little bit which looks like an organized mess currently for you but then what I will do is come back in 6 hours remove the plate and paper and then attach masking tape to set it into place and if it is not going to sit nicely on top of each other I will put some resin in the bottom and cement them together but there is some beautiful textures and pattern coming with that so fingers crossed I've not ruined it but this is what it's all about fun experimenting sharing with you and hopefully will create something beautiful or learn from it and to share wisdom I will see you back in 6 hours hey I am back after five and a half hours concede that to touch it is now non sticky which means I should be able to remove it from all of its packaging and then sculpt and leave it overnight and it should stay in position and fully cure so I'm just I've got everything crossed hoping that I have not royally messed this up so let's start deconstructing this and see what we're left with oh okay so really happy about that but I should be able to come and snip that off and turn that down but firstly remove so let's have a little look here I start removing tape although it is okay to touch I'm trying to touch it as little as possible well so that came away lovely so because it had because it was still curing you can see that little lip that's come out there so I'll be able to get that off with a Stanley knife and then send it down lightly let's remove this is so beautiful so I do love the glitter and the subtleness but you can see it's quite bender still so this is where we then come in and sculpt oh part a is correct that is so puppy's going to help it stand a creep not I have to come up with a base idea okay so by add in this second lie part in it it's created some sharp bit so I have to go and do that as well and send that off let's remove it from the bars nicely out of the way [Applause] [Music] Wow that just looks stunning so I'm gonna come back around now and just cut off all the bits I'm unhappy with and these little bits that have dripped off so do that with this Sandler because it's so bendy you can do that but oh my god that's beautiful and then the idea behind it is that will fit in it like that sort of feeling that I will come in and add some resin at the bottom so I might I just have to get my design step it put it in and then leave it like that black thing which is just spectacular love love love all right let's go up with this Sharon so first things first get your Stanley and scissors and get rid of all the bits you don't like checking around the edges for little things like that and then we'll come and stand it so it's all smooth so I've got some very fine sandpaper cut into four pieces it's a p800 p800 wetting it just helps it go even smoother so I'm just gonna slap because some of the imperfections I actually like where it's raised there it adds to the now the feature of it but I am going to get rid of the rough edges hey I'm getting some of the paper back with a shiny side and I'm just gonna stand that down I'm gonna start sculpting but this is the best time to get rid of all the bits that you're really not happy with the rest of it can be sanded down when it's cured but it is way easier to do it now because it is so bendy and then I'm going to quickly mix up some rays in to set this down just checking my edges and then jobs are done and we're going to start sculpting so I really like the Hat but this is going to stand in here see I think that's the way it's meant today so what we do is we get our masking tape so we're just loosely put it around so it can sculpt it as we want don't worry at this stage it is not going to leave any marks on it you're always in but if you prefer to not do that that's okay but what I need to do quickly is I'm gonna put some raisin in here then put something down to hold it and then shape it and this beautiful piece is done I mean this is extravaganza alright mix up your as a shower before you do it but just lean it against something I'm not fingers and thumbs I'm excited that stood up that way and then mix up your resin I'm just gonna have the add a bit of silver leaf into it nothing much because there's only 40 ml of a raisin I've mixed up that I really only wants just 20 but I had to sleep at the hand so I had to commit and I'm hoping that that might just add a little bit of elegance to the base you may have no value but will be able to see at the end of it so the trick way of any foil leaf gold silver bronze pop a little bit in and just stir it and it will naturally break up within your resin so make sure there's nothing on my hands I'll just if those are so I'm not gonna be touching the resin I'm not too bothered if there's going to be bubbles in there but I will get my heat gun just to try and remove some of my nice little future [Music] [Applause] okay missing in now let's get this stood in place just hold it down and then I'm going to start bringing in my dish got it just making sure there's no raise in fleet anywhere it's the reason Brian tempt it now to add some more dye Monty's down there where you can see it you could pull my strays I've got around the edge but I want to do it for let me move in and then any that's not leave it will come out alright fun time Sharon stick your mold that's all I really want to do is a little bit high a little bit tighter so you want enough tension on your masking tape to hold your shape but you don't want to pull it too tight so it's gonna lose it but as we go in here I've added you can see the Diamont is that I've put in there so when this is finished the resin that's coming through at the end it's not just gonna look like a blob hopefully those diamond tears are gonna add to the figurine so we're getting some nice shapes and interesting features very hardly to see really who Alex take top but all the while this one now Qi oh sorry my hand overnight and set really hard look at that interesting feature there you'll see yeah I love I do feel I love these transparent colors more for raising sculptures and that's not going anywhere now and I will see you tomorrow when it is fully cured and we will do mold it and we will present it in daylight for you so hopefully you get to see and that glitter from the color cottage the super Sparkle Oh stunning anyway I'm Sharon I'm digressing I'll see you in the morning Hey it is Sharon this is good so 24 hours since I taped it oxide gone to bed I've done a full day's work come back and joy time when I remove this this should all be as I popped it and we should have this finished product a little and then we'll also see how many of my crystals we have still got floating around down there or if the resin absorbed it all see how easy this masking tape peels away it's not gonna leave any residue Oh marks if you do want to give it a white hole where you can what my bowl has stayed remove that oh that is just let's get any excess so I've got a few jewels that come out I can use I'll just collect those because they are my precious bring this back into focus but that from a sculpture point of view I mean love I mean I always said I was never really a love that of resin sculptures but this I love and I actually love some of the so I say defects but where I put things on and it's created this extra little bits now the silver foil has gone up a little bit around you can see it but not a great deal it just makes it look I don't know like the rustic look of it well I'm going to take you outside well we've got some daylight and we are going to have a little look at that but I do love the subtleness of the alcohol inks anyway I'm Sharon I'm digressing remember thumbs up subscribe share comments are always welcome let me know what you think about this limb you know if you'd like to see me experiment with more or as in sculptures and other than that I'm just going to take you out and show you the detail and the daylight and yeah I think this is a winner when you win that chicken dinner happy shower remember also visit my Etsy store red bubble and Facebook well than that let's bring you in for the club so yeah we're going in for the closest so you can get to see summer sort of the dark designs and intricacy it so then there you can see we're added a little bit that raised in and put some more of my crystal diamonds or gems beautiful too syndra now this is the part that stuck on to the other paper but I actually love the imperfections of it they still look more organic to me and you can see in there more of those crystals actually loosely these well bits that came up that's inside you can see a little bit of their gold leaf but not a lot it's just a silver leaf but look at the details on some of those imperfections or folds that have gone in there so as we go around there around there down there sorry I'm going around this a lot myself I hope I'm not making dizzy but I am just in love with this really I'm really proud of it definitely will be trying some more of these I prefer this more than my first attempt I think it's because it looks more like glass but I just love the organic nests of it and the imperfections and the design and that could stand anywhere I'm really proud li you could put some flowers in there if you want or maybe some more little crystals in there but I think that just looks beautiful the way it is I'm gonna take you outside now and we are just gonna have a little look or it looks like with natural sunlight on it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sharon Lindley - Vivid Days Art
Views: 317,412
Rating: 4.9102817 out of 5
Keywords: Sharon Lindley, Vivid Days, Craft, Hobby, Fluid, Art, Painting, England, Southamtpon, Creative, Artist, Studio, Demo, Beginner, How To, Pigments, Mica, Inks, Oils, Acrylic, Glitter, Powder, Tutorial, Passion, International, Essentials, Create, Paste, Jewellery, Colours, Vibrant, Casting, Moulds, Abstract, Resin, Craftresin, artresin, resinart, resinpour, diyresin, epoxyart, resinexpoxyart, mastercast, fluidart, Epoxy, Resinobsessed, Hot Tip, Rezin Art, Craft Resin, Resin sculpture, Sculpture, Crystal, Gems
Id: pvNEfzpqzoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 28sec (2608 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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