#897 WOOHOO! I Designed My Own Coaster And Tray Silicone Mold And Poured Resin In It

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[Music] hey guys welcome back look what I've got oh my gosh it's so exciting now for those of you who don't already know I decided I was going to design my own so they can mold for resin so I did it and this is just my this is my sample that they've sent me the rest of them I only ordered a hundred because oh my gosh it's so expensive and shipping costs the same amount because they're at like a kilo each they're really heavy big thick molds so I wanted a hundred of pre-sold over 50 already so over half but this is my sample what I'm gonna try today the others are on the ship at the moment so it's gonna take them about three weeks to get here and then if you've ordered one I'm gonna have to post it out to you so and who knows with the covert things so look it maybe like four to six weeks before you even get one if you do order or if you've ordered already so that's what I'm going to do it's one two three four five six coasters with the geode edges and then this middle bit is the tray with the geode edges and I'm going to use these two little black handles today so very exciting if you saw the video of me making these gorgeous babies I'm going to do something similar try to anyway with the clear top around here but I'm gonna put gold flakes in it and then instead of the blue and the white I'm just gonna go with teal so teal and gold so that's the plan today that goes I'm using my balanced clarity resin it's a two-part of the other one and a one part to the hardener so I've mixed up I know how much I need because I've put it in a cup before and measured the volume to 100ml so a hundred mils of this one weighs a hundred grams the other one it's a big heavy one I'm not going to pick it up and the other one too - 100 mils weighs know what was it 200 mils weighs 220 grams so I've got two batches I've got 200 grams of one and 440 grams of the other I don't hopefully that's enough I don't mind doing the clear coat later on if I need to it's just been sitting there I find that it's actually a good idea to let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes the bubbles will come to the surface and pop all by themselves so yeh and the other thing I've done already is I've got some masking tape and I've just gone over the whole thing like this picking up little bits of fluff and dust and hair and you know things that are just in the atmosphere they tend to fall into our our resin so I just do that with a little bit of masking tape right let's get started I'm going to use to Laura's expressions colors today this one is the paste and it's called I think I don't know how you pronounce it apatite apatite APA TI te apatite blue probably pronounce something different I don't know and then this one is turquoise blue so I'm going to use those two now this the paste I hope that I can remember because I wrote down everything I wanted to do the paste I want to do like the darker one in the middle so along here here here on the edge of the tray the dark and then inside there and there and I'm gonna put the gold all the way around the outside and then I'm gonna put a little bit of gold in the center don't let me forget this is what I'm planning on doing so hopefully I can remember to do it all righty I'm just going to get started I'm gonna pour 1/2 a cup of resin into that one I can just sit up there for a minute and then I don't because I don't need very much for the outside my little edges there I'm going to do just scoop like that pop you in there I could always make up more I actually had no idea of how much resin that this guy holds it's um it's about six mil deep yep six mil deep the sides oh that was the other thing I was going to show you it's it's huge another way they're 16 inches 40 centimeters across same with this one I think yep 40 centimeters 16 inches my little coasters are about 11 centimeters or four and a half inches oops for a coaster that's about the size of the coasters so it's a bigan but so why not why not have everything in one you do it all at once everything's the same color but sometimes you know if you want matching tray to coasters you do you do one and then you know your next one to be your tray might be different colors so you know you try to get them all of a sudden you might have different shades now I want this one to be quite opaque so let's put some more in I can use a different stick another scoop there we go take the old stick out but you over there yeah so don't know where maybe I should mix off-camera it takes a while doesn't it now these molds I I have an eBay store because I used to sell jewelry and I get Co necklaces and real agate geode you know coasters and things like that so I've still got my eBay store it's called charmed moments and I will put the link for this big mold in the description now they are quite expensive as I said you know it's expensive to make it was expensive to ship but it is a really good quality it's 11 mils thick it's a really good quality mold and I know you can buy molds you know cheaper these sorts of things which are silicon as well they're very thin though but yeah it depends on your budget depends what you're doing you know if you're just doing it for fun then you know go the cheaper ones but if you're doing it for um maybe a business then I guess you'd go with the the more expensive better quality ones so totally up to you which way you want to go so this has been sitting the bubbles are almost gone so a scoop of the pigment and start with half a cup and I probably need to make another actually now it's probably about 3/4 of a cup of rosin I probably need to make another cup full of of this but I don't need very much of the dark don't want the dark taking over but because I wanted to use the black handles I felt that I needed to have a dark contrast somewhere so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep mixing I'm gonna put my gold flakes into a cap and I'm going to mix them with resin and I'll get back to otherwise it just takes way too long okay I'm all stirred up and ready to go I just hope I haven't made up too much I made up two cups of the so-called turquoise blue so hopefully up oh yeah I hadn't didn't make up too much my gold leaf is this one here I got it from echos Lee's if you're in Australia I also got a silver one now let's move everything out of the way and let's get this show on the road so the first thing I want to do with my pigment paste is go around my edges so just around the edges I'll start up here and try just to get a little bit especially in these because I think that the the pigment paste might sort of take over and I don't really want it to be very dark I want it to be quite a lot and I really really want to have that some clear edge so if I put too much paint in it'll not paint but you know color it might take over my clear edges I don't really want that to happen okay that's that one oh my gosh I'm so nervous just a lot of resin and pigment and everything wasted if you don't get it right you know and I want it to be right it's my first one of my new mold so I want to do it justice oh I've got a lot of this left over now we didn't need quite that much look let's talk about half a cup left you can just sit over there this is what I'm saying oh you don't know what you're gonna need until you've had two that sorry it's my daughter in the laundry I'm getting her washing out of the machine sets the dogs off settle down guys I want puppy watch at the moment bronty is due to birth Oh tomorrow the next day so she's gonna be needing a cesarean so I've taken the rest of the week off work and I'm just staying home on puppy watch okay here we go with the gold it's gonna drizzle that in just a little bit well there you are a big blob just went in aren't you to be difficult to kind of drizzle now this may be a bit of a long video so if you feel like fast-forwarding if you don't want to watch me drizzle um feel free to fast forward because some P I'm just going to do it at my own pace try and enjoy the process as much as I can even though I'm a bit stressed during it and everybody's watching me oh my gosh you guys feel like that when you're making videos everyone's watching you you got to do well here we go should have enough just to go around my edges here I do need some for the middle as well so I'm gonna kind of do do that ish alright now I mean a little bit more here I'm just gonna top up my little areas that don't have very much it's nice how they join like they match on the edges there so it's very specific when I designed this that I wanted the edges you know to look as if they they kind of all matched up together so when it's sitting on the table you can have it like this as a lovely display or you can you know when they separate it still look pretty and then when you when you put them back together like this I think that's how I would have it just sort of line like this on the table that looks really pretty okay so that's all the gold gone that was that was well-planned actually just enough gold wipe up as I go so I don't have much to clean up later on okay now I want to do a little bit of clear here's my clear in here a little bit of clear next to the gold like so and hopefully my edges will stay clear it's kind of already blending in there so I'm not sure how it's going to work but I mean the colors will all blend anyway you know it's resin its liquid it's going to blend and I still have more clear in my jug here it's pretty clean our bodies have gone you just left them sit hey and they'll go okay do that righty-o now the next thing I need to do is she haven't got much in there no I don't want to put any more into I think the colors will kind of I think they'll blend out anyway she's just going to put a post-it underneath this corner some reason this corners always a little on the low side okay now let's do this one next this is our lovely turquoise I'll just put you in there not quite sure what I'm supposed to do with the corner ones these ones is pretty easy just do a line but when it comes to the corner ones it's a little bit more tricky I guess maybe I just have to Oh it'll just do what it wants to do won't it it sure will all right here we go go round and around like so oh this is exciting now I'm just going to put a little bit of extra in where it's missing any of this dark and I can always add the dark a little bit later if I think that it's gonna be too pale you know I can always add a little bit more of the dark oops spilt a bit all right now this one's got enough color put a little bit more here it's an added bit slowly you know as I as I think it needs more because those corner ones which were a little bit a triangle they probably don't need as much color still taping pressing up because I did one the other day and I wasn't typing all right I'm gonna put some more clear in these ones probably won't do any more color in these guys I'm just gonna put some more clear in there but o'clock they'll try and break up this gold a little bit and kind of poke it down because I don't want it sticking out do I so we'll just kind of break it up a little bit poke it down so let's get back in there clean up as I go these baby wipes are great for cleaning up as you go you spill any resin on your mold you can just give them all a bit of a wipe with your baby wipe get it all cleaned up again just makes it easier than trying to pick off dry resin tomorrow when it's dry now when I go and put a little bit more clear on all my my gold and I like pouring them clear into a little cup just makes it easier for me to pour because it's really hard to pour out of a big joke so do that a little bit on the gold that's just kind of pushing it all down hopefully so that nothing's gonna stick up through the surface I think I did that one already didn't I okay so that one's got enough pour some clear into there and it will kind of push the other colors back how's it looking so far you guys did okay a bit drippy on top of it making a mess bit drippy okay so now this one here is gonna let's empty this one here's gonna need more of this color I wasn't sure whether I needed to put dark along the edges not because here we've got clear against the turquoise clear against the turquoise clear against the turquoise it's only these middle edges that I've got the darker color in I've made up enough resin you guys what after let's see how we go it always do a clear cut later now just a fill up my my molds with a little bit more clear make sure they're all got a decent amount in them I think I'm gonna need more color in there that's a lot of that's a lot of turquoise isn't it it's but a little more dark might as well use that I've made it up some ones we use at home this wasn't sure how much I was going to need but a little bit more dark it won't take over I did want a decent amount of dark though as I said to just play off the black handles that I've got and also a nice contrast between the lighter turquoise I'm just putting that in the corners there okay now I've got a little bit more turquoise so let's pop a little bit more of that on it's a more there some are there and I haven't got much left so put a little bit more there as I said it's really hard to know how much your coming to use too much more now don't want the it don't want it to go too far over on to my my gold mocchi have you got I'm just gonna scrape out now this is all I've got left fill in those little gaps okay I think that will that will do a tiny bit of dark left a little bit of flee and now I'm just gonna basically top them up with clear and then let them sit and do their thing this is going that way a little bit they don't take up all my gold please please don't whoops I've got a bit of gold in there yeah a bit of blue in my gold so then get that out I must have dripped in there come out to come out get you out I'm blue on my edge do I it's really hard to know how much the blue is going to or that turquoise is going to take over like over here it's taking over quite a lot mmm it won't take over too much all right here we go put some more clearing around there as I said I do want my clear Center a would hopefully hopefully this won't take over too much you know it'll come in a little bit but hopefully not too much right there I'm really finish as my clear whereas let's have a look and see which ones need more just kind of top the molds up a little bit try and push that back a touch go go it looks so pretty against that teal low doesn't it that turquoise so pretty I'm just filling these up now and I'd like to actually just break this gold up a little bit get it to kind of flow in a little bit more so it's not so in a straight line kind of get it to just kind of flow out a little bit well once you just follow back to the edges this one's pretty full I don't think I need any more in this one this middle one needs more just try and break those up a little bit how's that I think that's looking better isn't it a little bit of a flyaway mmm come here come here come over here and share over here more in this one I think I'll have a bit of a keep having a bit of a play with it and this one as I said needs it's a little bit more resin just to bring it up to the same height but I've only got a little a little bit in left left in there so this is going to be the last of it if it's not quite enough I guess I could make some more and do a flood coat tomorrow let's see what it looks like early days yet but that's that's it I'm pretty much out of resin now I'll pour a little bit into the centre of that just to break it up just a little bit that's not quite so in a straight line okay and that's that's it you guys I'm out of resin now I've learned that not to scrape the inside of these paper cups we've got wax on the inside and it's um yeah it's best not to to scrape them you end up getting this kind of residual on top oh I haven't touched have you liked my hands so what do you reckon it will change I guess I could have put it a little bit more of the turquoise in what would happen if I kind of strict it out no do I know I don't know what I want to do I seriously don't know what I want to do flip a little bit more dark just here I've got it sometimes we use it up use up all of what I've got left because this is quite a big big tray it'd take a little bit more color I think so tempted to like get a stick and swirl it around actually what about what about if I use my like my little heat blower thing these ones here the white didn't was at the front yeah like it stayed it didn't move too much more you know this embossing tool it's gonna see what happens if I kind of just oh that color on a little bit we're just going to blow over the top it's not moving a lot I'm gonna get my tool in the resin is here there this one's this one's doing a kite one below this at a little bit up in febrezing starting to set up a little bit [Laughter] [Laughter] a bit of a movement now the top of the resin will the turquoise I should say just kind of floats over the top a little bit not exactly sure what it's going to do but all I need to torch just clean these edges up and then I'm gonna talk sorry for the long video little baby wiping the resin you're quite full don't you overflow now will you alright there's my torch excuse my little creme brulee torch to pop some bubbles and then I can check the hairs and fluff and things like that so did see a little hearing that one get out torching popping bubbles is not meant here bubbles because I did wait for a while before I started using the resin this is gonna be a nutmeg trying to pick fluff and stuff out we're just moving it really quickly my little torch I don't want to burn anything they'll be really keen to see how this changes over time alright what are we thinking on suddenly I think I should have my clear edges and my clear center so yeah there's so many times I've really tried to have a clear center and in all colors just run on so you know I'm really pulling back on the amount of color I'm using to get those clear centers I might have to actually make up a little bit more resin and just top some of these up but I'll leave it there with you guys and I will be back for the unmolding on the handles on my hands the handles you're yelling at me aren't you the handles mmm nearly forgot my handles okay so I like to just put them in now where am I gonna put them so that they're equal hopefully they're oh that's the other thing there's not much room underneath so you've got to be careful not to stick don't hold them like that because your fingers are gonna get in the resin do that pull the gloves right up actually maybe I'll take the gloves off and do it otherwise I'm gonna get I'm sure I'll get my fingers in there okay hopefully that's centered all right where are you but then you can't move them you know a little bit once they're in I will get the tape measure and just measure across there make sure that they're not you know make sure they like that no not like that or anything so I'll do that that looks pretty good I think it's flowing a little bit it's moving all right thanks for reminding me guys appreciate it see how the black just picks up that little duck section of the the resume so yeah happy with that I guess could have put a little bit more color down here but I don't think it's gonna spread very much hmm I'll come back to you tomorrow for the unmolding see you then good morning I'm back Hey look it's all dried now I did get a little bit of overflow there across the middle which I didn't really want but then when I look back at my video and I thought oh what did I do wrong you know how I put the extra paint in I'll keep calling it paint I'm so used to really pouring I put that extra colored resin in on the sides and I shouldn't have because it was the extra color that's pushed in over the top so next time and I'll be doing lots of these because I just love it it's so gorgeous I won't put quite as much in because you know down here I had the same amount like if you go okay that's the amount of color you need see that's even a smaller area I like I needed a little bit of color because I wanted my Center to be clear so next time a little bit of color right but anyway let's get on with it it's a big heavy thing look at this all right I'm gonna start over here I'll Bend that and that should hopefully help us get it out a little bit oh so exciting first unmolding of my new mold oh look at that alrighty so there's our first piece just have a look at the back look at the gold really pretty look at the back oh that's really pretty tone but I would only I would use the front now it's gonna put that over there and we're just gonna get a riddle on and get all these out know how they come out so easily look just pops out Wow but a little bit of overflow that I'll need to to trim where I've kind of filled them up a little bit too much I don't know if you can see now through my screen my camera screen it looks quite blue to me I can either have nice bright colors or I could have the auto focus on just put the auto focus on it looks quite blue to me but it's it's actually really quite turquoise teal so when I put my photo up anyway of the completed product hopefully you'll be able to see the true color I don't know what it is about some sort of greeny blues greens greens and turquoises they just look blue beautiful edges tiny little bit of sanding maybe only edges there but you won't need to get up like an electric sound you can just send those with an emery board like a nail file and that'll be fine because it's only a tiny little bit of overflow there let's get this slide down on them down as well and that'll just help us a little bit easily so as you can see they're all very very similar whoops there we go very sim I love that clear top there with the gold it just looks so pretty doesn't it I've already got ideas on what I want to do for my next one this is so much fun I don't think I filmed it but I made up a little bit more resin because I didn't actually make up quite enough and just topped the coaster molds up so it actually took 800 grams of resin and I like the thickness of it like it's not too it's not too chunky you know it's just a good good size I think the one that I made my handmade mold it's a little bit on the thick side it felt a little bit chunky I'm gonna make another one it gives me a good excuse to play again and make another one what do you think they love it right now exciting part as well the tray see if we can get this baby out same thing I'll just loosen it there it's already wanting to pop out let down [Music] look oh my gosh we have a drink Wow I'll have a trade now the other thing as well for me to do next time when I did these guys I left about quite a lot of distance for my gold didn't I I had like half color half gold and then over here I didn't leave very much room at all for my god I put my goal down and then I put my color down pretty much straight next to it so next time I'm going to leave more area for gold unless I don't worry about putting gold in the middle maybe I'll just have extra wide areas for gold like on the side to match that and then not worry about the gold or maybe put some gold like in a flood card like a top coat but what do you think love it and I think it's the pigment paste that sort of goes over the top like this oh maybe not anyway I want to try again with looks so blue all the gold on the back so now that's what I wanted for the front okay so if my top looks like like that with the teal coming over the top and then I put a flood coat with gold it'll look like that because you can see underneath how we're getting those you can still see those turquoise pretty textures there yeah all right I can do that that'll work that's really pretty so I guess if you didn't put your handles in when you were doing it you could you know screw your handles in but then you could just be a plaque oh that's so pretty actually prefer the back now next time next time all right there'll be more okay these all back up here for a minute and it's gonna take me a while to paint all these edges gold but I'm gonna do it and I will see you shortly for the finished result so as you can see I'm setting up to do a blood cut because I really liked how the gold was sort of floating on the top which underneath so I've made up a little bit of resin I did 25 grams of Part B and 55 grams of Part A that's my two to one end I wanna see how it goes because I've never done a flood coat with gold leaf I don't want to try it so let's do it now see how that's a big clump of gold leaves you need to separate them don't just throw them in like that in a big clump they won't they won't mix nicely and then you'll end up with big clumps so separate your leaves and I think that's probably enough isn't it we'll see see how it mixes in I don't I don't need much it's a little bit for the middle there and mix that up that's not enough resin actually need quite a bit to mix with the gold leaf I always make up too much the gold leaf so will not leave some bigger pieces in there but you see how they all need to be kind of separated if you put them in when they're all stuck together it's really hard to then separate them okay now the other thing I wasn't sure about was do I pour the gold in first and then they're clear around or do other clear and then the gold I'm gonna do the gold first all right here we go wish me luck oh my gosh hope I don't ruin it just gonna put that gold in the center there and try not to scrape the inside of my cup because it is wax now I'm going to pour a little bit more clear over the top of these it's gold just to kind of spread it out a little bit but I'm going to use my little paper cutter just so that I've got more control over it so I'm just going to pour a little bit on just kind of ziggy-zaggy just to get it to kind of open up a little bit no I don't want it you know tip this and and move it so I'm gonna have to be really careful about how I'm doing this so I'm putting the resin on all right think what I'll do is I'll put some out here I've got enough what if I don't have enough you guys I'm gonna actually I'm gonna put it all put it all on put it all into the cup I'm gonna spread it a little bit with my stick because I don't want it you know if I made up too much and then it overflows so let's do that now I'm going to just gently spread this I'm not going to use any more for now I want to see if I can get to the edges and because the edges are raised slightly there's a little lip there I'm just basically pulling that risen out towards the lip and my stick is just touching the lip there and the reason is just gonna sit on it hopefully cross fingers that's the plan and this is going to take me a little while so feel free to fast forward you don't want to watch all this but it cuz I can't stop now it's gonna keep going and it's a little bit fiddly and I want a good result so I'm not going to rush now I'm gonna get under here and that's a bit tricky getting under the handle hopefully I've got enough resin on here because yeah I mean I've got that extra a little bit if I need it but let's just see how I go I just put a little bit more just on these edges here and I can't see where I've done where I haven't done because it's clear so the only way I'm gonna be able to tell is when I look across to get down low and look across with the light over there in front of it and then I'll be able to see so I could turn it around huh no maybe I can get there I can see that there's a little bit not done just there now able to get through there so I'm gonna try not to touch the middle at the moment I may just have a fiddle with the gold leaf later on and see if I want to move any but I just want to get these off to the edges actually looks as if I'll have plenty so this door probably a quarter of a cup left so if you don't want to lip on your coasters or your tray you can just do this little flood coat and then just you know pull the rosin out to the very edge and it should just sit nicely that lip is just enough to make it just sit there and stay stay put a little tiny bit more just you come around this side of the table actually haven't done I've done this part here have I make sure I get all of that I'll start from the inside and push it out like that a little bit more just to get underneath that handle there probably could use a pallet knife but then the problem I have is my painting pellet knife is covered in resin and that's not so good it's too hard to clean off something that's disposable like these sticks is much better am I done I'm only done I need to torch it and have a little look so resin self-leveling so it's going to move around a little bit and and level oh gosh I love it I love it I love it okay now do I want any more gold I don't think so let's just put a little bit more on just in the middle there I don't want any of these flakes to be sticking out just gonna kind of open them up just a little bit you can't actually see through to the bottom gold leaf as well which is really nice just separating them I don't want any bit stuck to each other whew just kind of flying away over here towards the edge I think that looks amazing you guys and I'm glad I did this yeah it worked lovely I guess the only problem may be that because it's not a very deep flood coach I may have a few little pieces of gold kind of look as if they were a bit raised even though hopefully they won't be let's just pour a tiny bit more over the top just to get any of those that are maybe trying to poke out to go back in got enough room on there that I'm not going to have gold sticking up or rum I mean you know resin overflowing upstairs a bit that I'm know hasn't missed all right I'm gonna give that a bit of touch I'm gonna get down low and look over the top of it sorry that's a bit of a long video that you know how it goes doing this for me try to enjoy the process and um you know I'm happy to bring you guys along for the process as opposed to me making the video specifically for you yeah making it for me so I want to take my time enjoy it and what if I can push the boundaries and have a little bit more better not have too much though hey how's that look I might have a little play with it and just sort of separate these a little bit more but I think I think I think I'm pretty done love it love it with my torch oh so much better you guys I'm gonna do this in future and all of mine that I know if my gold sinks or my silver suits I'm gonna do this across the top make sure I've got every little area I think so doesn't look as if I've got any blank spots I do wish I had a little bit more clear on these edges here there's no point you know putting more gold on here because I only wanted that clear edge with gold so I'll leave it as it is and we'll say lesson learned let's get my gloves off take it down for a little quick close up and yeah happy with that again it looks quite blue but it's not it's it's turquoise a little bit more light for you wish it wouldn't come up looking blue what do you think I really like how that God sitting on top now and you can still see through to underneath to the little bits of gold that are underneath so yeah really happy oh my gosh another 12 minutes this videos gonna be long I shouldn't bother with it I know I shouldn't but you know there's still people that say videos are too long you talk too much so anyway there it is and I'll wait for it to dry I'll paint the edges gold and then I'll show you the finished product when it's done see you soon you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 281,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resincoasters, #resincoasterandtrayset, #resincoastersandtray, #homemadesiliconemold, #resincoasterswithgoldleaf, #blueandgoldresincoasters, #tealandgoldresincoasters, #goederesincoasters
Id: EeGCMEtG4yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 43sec (3283 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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