#7 Tide Pool Splash! Resin Bowl (Bowl #6) part 1

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[Music] hi sandy from sandy beach bum so I'm just mixing up some resin today for a new project and I normally mix it up and then turn on the camera and start talking but sometimes I have a hard time talking and doing something when I'm concentrating at the same time so I thought I would just turn this on and just tell you a couple of things so first of all don't be too upset with me but I made a bowl yesterday without the camera on because I love my music and I love to work to music and I was finding that when I tried to make a video and post it to youtube it heard the music in the background and then banned me from any income from it because it was a copyright infringement so then I tried muting the background audio and you can hear that on a video or two and it sounds terrible so yesterday I was like I want to try something a little different I want to just be able to relax to some music and have fun and not have to talk and think while I'm doing stuff so I made a bowl without you and it's curing right now and it was spreading a little bit so I have it sitting in another vaz to keep it tight and I'll show it to you later I'll post it at the end of this video I decided to add the photo now and what I'm going to do is post a short video on the differences between making this bowl and Bowl number three so if you're interested in finding out what I did differently check out that video so now today I have no music on which makes me really sad because I just love my music but I wanted to make a video of what I'm gonna do today and also I wanted to tell you that the last video I posted I used saran wrap or cling wrap on here to pour on and it was an unmitigated disaster like I just can't get it out I'm gonna be picking at the new Vaz I made for two hours to get it all out and yesterday I picked at the Caribbean splash one for an hour trying to get it all out because it tore so no more cling-wrap for me no more silicon mat for me because they're expensive and that tore two times two times I used it seven times far worse so this time I can't go to the store and and like buy some you know shelf liner that is sort of heavier clearer paper or plastic so I had this bright idea oh I was gonna use a ziploc bag a big one but I have one left and it wasn't big enough to cover this surface I was like perfect and then I decided hey when I bought this plastic table cover to protect this I double I did a double layer and I still have a ton left over look at all this I have loads of it I just unfolded it to do this so I have to fold it back up so I cut a piece for here and it's heavier than cling wrap see I should miss during the whole time that's my three minute mark let me disturb it mark so it's heavier than cling wrap but not as as thick as the silicone obviously but I'm hoping it'll work like please let just something work so that I can get working on these things do not be worried about it sticking all the time so I have mixed my resin I have one little cup with some sand in it in the sand is a mixture of different Caribbean beach scents that I brought home I collect beach sand and I put it in Ikea milk bottles and I labeled them and I have them in a cabinet with all my other special Beach vines and so when I have a bit too much for the milk bottle I just put it all in one Tupperware and so I'm thankfully I saved it never knowing what I would do with it but I saved it and now it's gonna come in handy okay so a little bit in the sand and then actually I don't meet you I only need one no I didn't do it no I only need one sorry I've plotted this out in my head but not very thoroughly okay so they won't put some in here for the base this is gonna be the base of our bowl and then I'm going to tint this and this will be the rest of the bowl I actually don't want to tint all of this because I don't think I'm gonna use it all so I can of course them in here I haven't cleaned this out from yesterday yet it still got dried resin in the bottom and I usually peel it all out I've done that yet but that's fine it'll work for now okay so that way I'm not tinting all the resin if I don't need okay so I'm gonna pour this sand mixed with resin right in the middle here and hopefully it won't spread too far and then I'm gonna drag it out a little bit cuz I want it to kind of look like it's splashing a little bit with water when I get that other resin on here to look like water so I'm just dragging it out a tiny bit let's see how that looks I want to look like it's whooshed I love this okay now I'm going to add just two little seashells so that when you look into the bowl from the top is just inside you'll see the sand and a couple of little shells I thought would be cute here and this is sand that I just scooped off of a beach oh I think it was in Australia but I don't remember I should have labeled the bag and it had shelves in it sand and shells I'm pretty sure this was some purse I'm not sure um so yeah okay so now what I'm gonna do it's gonna mix up my ink that goes over this and I have to figure out which is the lighter of the two now oh these I think almost exactly the same I quit until I can't remember which one I said was more green okay let me have a quick look here sorry sorry I might cut this part of the video I'm always editing bits out where I'm either breathing too heavy or doing something that I don't like okay I do a lot of sighing and you just don't mind it it's my stress relief valve what I'm a little stressed out I sigh okay so I'm gonna do three drops like I did before because I want that same color that I got in the Caribbean splash Bowl oh it's too green dang it all okay let me try a different color here you know it's so I just and I don't even know which one I put in there I am I have this uncanny knack it's uncanny if it's a 50/50 I always pick the wrong always always always pick the wrong it is one of the most aggravating things of my life I'm going to let these colors set up a little bit for 20 minutes because I don't want them running crazy and we'll be back it's just been over 20 minutes this is thickening up a little so I'm going to I added a little more sand so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to kind of just do a little bit on here of this darker I don't want too much of this so I'm just gonna do it like this I almost need it in a squeeze bottle so that you don't get these drips because I really don't want the drips again my control of art why I can't paint in watercolors okay okay so I'm just going to pin these out a little it's not really the color I want it because I ended up with the wrong color and then just added the right color to it so this isn't the best but it's okay it will do for now this is just an experiment it's not anything I'm ever going to attempt to sell now I'm going to pour I don't know how this is going to work I hope it works I'm a little nervous actually maybe I'll wait on that okay so now I'm just going to pour around this very carefully like there's a bit too much here okay it's spreading out a little more than I wanted to chew it's there okay so just a little bit more here over here move too much too much too much too much okay you know take a little bit of the mineral spirits and just see if I can get that darker inside to swirl a little bit see if we can get it to you here okay so I'm not getting exactly the look I wanted here so again trial mirror I feel like the blue the dark blue there's just too much of it way too much of it so let's see also this mineral spirits doesn't seem to be working like I thought it would I actually didn't buy mineral spirits I bought just dinner I thought it would work the same but I don't think it does so cuz I don't see it Inc really moving the way it did for soo Finley when she used is it alright see if we can do this without burning I actually don't mind you know I'm just gonna leave the bubbles because I don't want to burn the plastic I don't want to melt that and I also don't mind the bubbles it gives it the look of splashing water so I think I'm fine with it no I want to put a little bit over that base just a tiny tiny bit and hopefully it'll spread out this want it to look a little bit the color of the water over the sand the shells over the shelves there [Music] oops too much too much too much then I want to add because I'm a seaglass lover I want to add one of my little pieces of blue sea glass wouldn't you know the wrong side went down it was that 50% thing again see if I can flip it over well it's got sand on it now there's a little piece of sea gloss from Puerto Rico right mm-hmm yeah I'm not thrilled that thrilled so I'm gonna let this sit for a while and then I'm gonna come back and pour more over top because I want these tendrils to be quite thick not sick with twice their thick height wife so I'm gonna come back and build it up a little hopefully that's a little hot yeah and see how that works hopefully it works what I've learned so far is that even though the bulb may not be turning out as I vision in my head they're still actually quite pretty even though you know it's not the way I pictured it I'm still loving it well the better I get like the bowl I made today yesterday I mean that I unwrapped today makes me realize how much better it is then the second bowl I made the Caribbean storm wave one my camera what I call the Caribbean ocean waves the white on that is just far far too thick far too thick you don't even realizing I think I should have poured the lighter first and then this color I think that would have been better that's okay do that next time and I'm not adding any crystals to this one although maybe I should around the bottom so it looks like it's bubbling up I'll do that in the next layer so I'm gonna let this sit for probably an hour then I'm gonna come back and build it up a little bit okay an hour or so um I added a little more and it's all run together in a big circle pretty much but that's okay because I'm still going to drape it and hopefully it'll run and we'll get some drips I also took the shells and the seat glass out because I realized that's on the bottom of facing the table and it's going to make an uneven surface so what I'm gonna do is when it's all poured and dried and formed then I'm gonna pour some more resin inside the bowl with the sand and put the shells in at that point silly me but thankfully I realized it before it was too late so it's going to be a few more hours I think before we can put this up over the bottle and then we'll see what kind of drippy mess we get and hopefully it'll turn into something really pretty I also added some crystals to make bubbles and I did the second pour over top but like I said it's all just spread out I kind of even went up over the edge a little hoping that would hold the resin in place stupid me I mean it's a liquid how is that gonna work it's not but anyway yeah so I'll be back when we can put this over the bottle okay it's getting quite set up and because I want it to drip quite a bit I'm going to put it on the bottle now so here's the bottle again I'm going to use the smaller end I want to use the I want to use the UM I can't milk bottle end okay so it's draping on here very nicely which is great now I just need it to Breton alright leave that for overnight so here we have it the next morning as you can see I've removed it from the this and I wanted to talk about this because you saw on previous videos how I struggled with the various mats I've used to pour on the silicone mat pours great I liked it I liked the way it handled but it tore when I tried to take it off it got stuck in parts and also when I was trying to tape it down tape wouldn't stick to it and it was quite stiff so so it sat out a bit when I wanted it tighter it sat out the cling wrap kind of collapses down really flat so it was difficult to get some body I had to put those sponges up underneath to lift it out a little and then removing the acrylic from the cling wrap was a nightmare as you saw it tore and I ended up picking at yesterday's Vaz the last buzz for I don't know an hour to two hours on my couch trying to get all the cling wrap out and I couldn't get it all out and I eventually torched some of it just to burn it away so this with this boss I keep calling it a boss it's really just a bowl but with this bowl there's some very deep creases in here I don't know if you can tell and I was like oh this is not gonna come out without tearing well it took a little bit of pulling and and careful you know maneuvering but it did come out and it didn't tear and it was by far the easiest product I've used so far so it's the perfect gauge for holding some body to the wet resin but also peeling off without tearing so as you can see with this I got some running some long drips here that I quite like but it's very uneven and if I was just gonna leave it this bowl I would probably cut these off because they're a bit ridiculously long but what I've decided to do is pour a second bowl over top so it'll be a double bowl and if I were to show you this bowl to completion this video would be far too long so I'm going to end it here that part one and we'll do the second part of the bowl in another video called part two [Music]
Channel: Sandy Beach BumTM
Views: 19,220
Rating: 4.89011 out of 5
Id: VjkHHoiX3aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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