#966 Resin 'SPLASH' Free Form Drip Bowl Sculpture

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back welcome to pouring your heart out hope you're all doing really well today i am i'm gonna try something different again um now did you guys see me making this platter hopefully it did so this was a formed resin like i put it upside down like that with a bowl underneath it let it dry like that so that i waited five hours like it's different with with every resin so don't assume that you have to wait five hours um you'll just have to do a little bit of playing with your resin i've got some resins that are still bendy in 24 hours so i would probably for this technique and that technique use a resin that sets up a little bit more quickly i'm using today the barns i can demold a coaster like 12 hours later and it's rock hard so that's why i've chosen it for this um now similar to the bowl i just showed you but that's my resin i don't know how much to use i'm going to do um a splash bowl or a drip bowl so i've got i've got my one of my dining plates under there under a piece of plastic i'm going to pour resin into the bowl into into the plate or on the plastic and then i'm not exactly sure how long i'm going to wait but i'm going to pick this up and i'm going to drape it over my vars now because it's open at the top there it'll all sort of poke in but i thought i'd do it like that and drape it over like that so that's the plan um i don't know how long it's going to take to set up so i'm just going to check it i'm thinking maybe three hours don't know we're just gonna have to apply it by ear right so because it's splash i'm just gonna do blue for the center clear for the outside and then i've got these gorgeous little crystals um and if it works and they all kind of if it all kind of drips down we'll have a little crystal sort of floating down and it'll kind of look like um waves anyway that's the theory let's get started i have no idea how much of this to make i probably made up more because i didn't want to have not enough but the other thing is if you make your resin too thin on this when it stretches it's going to thin out as well isn't it so you know you might start off with say six millimeters and when it stretches it might only be a three millimeter uh thick resin so just be aware that um whatever you do end up putting on here is probably going to thin out to about half of what you initially started with so i'm just going to put a little bit of blue in there first and i'm just going to use the alcohol ink by pinata this one's called sapphire blue and if i've got any resin left over i'll i'll put it in my pyramid mould okay remind me because nearly full i can put that there it's going to be fine so i just want a little bit of blue on the center so when you turn it upside down you've got the the blue base and then it'll sort of come down to clear so let's just try one drop and see what that looks like i don't want it very dark and i don't need a lot don't hate the way it always sticks to the sides clean it off the sides there see that's that's pretty nice already that color isn't it what's that going to look like down not very dark at all is it now that you see it on there let's do another one so you can always test your let's do three drops you can always test it on a piece of plastic to see what it's actually going to look like because it looks darker in the cup doesn't it you'd hate to pour it out and think oh it's too light and then it's down and it's too late you can't change it then so just put a little drop down and see what if you're happy with the color or not it's more like a little teal color isn't it i wouldn't mind a darker but no look i wanted it really transparent see what that looks like that's better isn't it maybe we'll do one more let's do one more let's do two more i like rounded numbers i like the number five let's do five drops because we do want it to look like ocean that's a better color look at that and it looks much deeper in there because there's a lot of it so once it spreads out it's not going to look that dark now i'm going to have to be really careful torching this i probably won't be able to use that actually it's put him right away i'll have to bring my heat gun out otherwise i'm going to melt the plastic and that's not going to be good so again if you do this technique because you can't really heat that choose a resin that sets up quickly and choose a resin that's not too bubbly okay let's just get that off there we go right put down our little puddle first what if i should have kind of like tried to stick that down i guess the weight of it will push it down eventually won't it put a little puddle down for now you know what i could have done and i'll just do that see if it'll work is if i just put a little bit of water on my my fingers what if that'll just kind of stick that down a bit no that's not working either all right we'll just have to wait for the weight of it to um pull that down hopefully it'll work i mean you could have i guess done a thinner plastic but then you run the risk of not being able to take it out of your mold like once it's finished being formed you won't be able to get it out like if you use cling wrap saran wrap whatever you want to call it i'm just going to pour that in it's taking quite a lot actually now let's see if i can it's a bit tricky i think it's okay like it's going to be quite abstract once it's taken out right now so i need some more blue in the center there it's not really looking blue is it it's more of a teal now we'll use all of that might as well okay now i'm going to put some oh look at that that's all i've got left put that around the outside oh just as well i made up that much look at that it's all gone here am i thinking i'm gonna have enough for my mold my pyramid mold no that's not happening is it nope all right i'm gonna wipe my stick off so that i could my this is my mixing stick i use it all the time okay let's just kind of swirl that a little bit to give it a more kind of organic sort of look that'll do ish i'm sure the resin is going to all change anyway now the next thing i want to do is now let me take my gloves off for this i'm going to put my little crystals in along the edge i'm just going to kind of sprinkle a few on i don't want to use too many in case it doesn't work and then i've wasted my crystals sitting up a little bit but i don't think there's anything i can do about that it'll all change once it's once it's draped it's going to all be very different i don't even know if you're gonna be able to see these little crystals once it's dry you should be able to get in there just a little bit of bling hey and that blue watery color that will kind of drip down as well have a little drip down like a different speed so i'll have a little bit of like blue in the middle and then a little bit of blue on you know dripping down and at different heights different level dripped in the middle i'm gonna have to get him out there's my tweezers maybe i should have used a a teaspoon where are you it's like playing go fish i've lost him he's in there somewhere i'll be all right okay a few more i don't want to use too many i should do a little practice one first hey i mean this is not huge because it's a little practice one now i don't know how thick my resin is it's probably it's probably a little bit on the thick side like maybe too thick for this but there we go that'll do i don't want to put too much on now where's my little stick i've got this stick here that's got seven millimeters on it that i i use when i make coasters okay so that's just over probably just on so maybe eight millimeters which is fine because once it stretches out and hopefully it'll like double its size when it stretches and probably come down to about four millimeters thick which isn't very much at all so um oh heat gun give it a bit of heat pop some bubbles not too much don't want to burn my plastic melt my plastic if i can push that no see that blue's not really moving very much that'll do like i said i don't want to overheat it my plastic's okay yep oh it's warm you can feel it it's warm okay i'm going to leave it there and i'm going to just come back and check it i'll come back in about two hours and check it and then i'll check it at the three hour mark and and so on um and see what it's doing if it's has to be set enough that it's not just gonna run straight off when i flip it upside down but not set too much um but it won't drip at all so it's really a fine line it's going to be tricky all right i'll see you in two hours hey guys it's uh it's been an hour and a half but um the middle seems to be quite hard the sides yeah i don't know i'm just going to try it i don't want to wait too long and then i won't get any drip at all hey let's put that there for a minute actually um where can i put it put you there i've just covered my bars in a plastic bag because i don't want to get any resin touching it obviously um let's go this way i'll see if we can get you in frame okay so let's try this and see what happens i'm going to put that there and i'm just going to pull the plastic i hope i haven't left it too long my oh my gosh look at that i don't get why the middle was look at that it's hard why is that hard that's weird whoops oh don't break your vars julie let's do this let's see if i can oh goodness me all right people that do these they make it look so easy am i in frame let's come forward a bit yeah they make it look easy i better put my gloves on in case i get any resin on myself and get my heat gun out because it oh my gosh all right let's get the heat gun out it's only been an hour and a half i'm going to heat it from the top here [Applause] it's going to be careful because i don't want to melt my plastic [Applause] i think i've left it too long who would have thought an hour and a half oh gosh look at that it's really hot i wonder what's gone wrong maybe maybe because it wasn't it's like it's i know i've just heated it but it was hot before like when it was on the plate it was hot um like it's really still quite soft on the edges i i don't know i don't know what to tell you it's just trying heating it [Applause] all i'm doing is melting my plastic more plastic smelling it's um yeah it's not really doing anything the sides the sides are starting to to drip but the top's not it's still rock hard like it doesn't want to bend i have no idea you guys have no idea um obviously left it too long now i've heated these and they're dripping i don't know um i've obviously after too long i'm going to do another one because it's still early and i'll let this one sit for a little while and see what it does but um obviously i needed to take it out sooner interesting okay i'll get set up and and um i'll do this again see in a sec now i because it's a splash bowl i just want like watercolor now this is just um some blue it hasn't got a label on it i got it from lores susanna sent me a couple of samples it's um it's a tint so it's not it's not an alcohol ink it's just a tint there we go that was one drop so i kind of want it looking a bit ocean like this one i know it looks blue there but in here it's more of a teal isn't it i guess if i put more blue in it might go blue so just to test it put a little drop there and you can see that that's the color because in here is deeper so it does look darker um i think i'll do another drop because i really want blue whoops there it goes it went in without me even pushing it in i mean on my gloves it looks blue maybe you need to use quite a lot to get blue though it's still looking quite teal i wonder what i can put in that to make it more blue let me see what pastes i've got piglet pastes um sapphire blue sapphire blue from lores let's do a tiny little bit of that i'll just wipe this stick off tiny tiny little bit because i you know i don't want a lot i just wanted to color it i still want it quite transparent oh that's better that's nice i like that i still want it transparent though because i just want the blue in the center and then i want clear around the outside so that when it kind of drips maybe the blue will melt in with the clear a little bit it's still quite transparent you can see the stick right so what i'm going to do first and then i'm going to put some of these sprinkles around the edge so what i'm going to do first i'm going to pour my resin in now i had a little practice with this before and i had a dinner plate which was kind of a bit on an angle the bottom of the dinner plate was quite thick about eight mil and then when it came up the sides it was really thin so because it was thick in the middle it set really quickly but the sides weren't nearly done yet they were far off being done so i um i would say just make sure that you get a plate or a container or something that's going to be flat like not on a not on a slope because that did not work the slope did not work and i've got a piece of plastic over my plastic plate this is just a plastic picnic plate i don't want to go too deep let's have a look at the depth of that one i've got a little stick here that's got seven mil written on it so i can that's about six mil at the moment so i really don't want to go much thicker than that what if i can push this because it's the it's plastic like it's it doesn't really want to go into the edges i'd have to kind of just push that a bit like that so it's not getting the tension on it like so okay so i'll leave that i'm going to put a little bit of this blue put a little bit of this blue in the center again i don't need very much oh it looks pretty and then i'm just gonna kind of do that with it just to spread it out a little bit it'll move around and do its own thing but i don't want to have too much blue around the edges i just want it more in the middle okay that'll that'll kind of spread out i don't think it'll stay in that particular shape look i've still got resin left i made up 110 grams of part a and 50 grams of part b so that's not much it's really not much at all i did contemplate just pouring it straight onto the plastic but because it's so thin like it would just spread everywhere wouldn't it so that's why i did the plastic plate um i'm just getting a little spoon take this glove off i'm gonna put a little bit of sprinkles around the edge the edge looks blue doesn't it it's um it's reflecting the the center and it's got these little sprinkles off ebay i don't want to add too many in case it doesn't work and then i've wasted my sprinkles just try and get along the edges there because as it drips down i think it would be really pretty it would look kind of look like it's just waves glistening in the sunshine hopefully just a few i don't want to waste all of them i thought i was getting more than just a little packet but never mind you don't know what you're getting do you until it's here all right that'll do she'll leave that spoon in there for a later date um now a little bit of heat just pop some bubbles not a lot give that a bit of a blow okay now not sure what it's going to do this this blue maybe i need to kind of spread it out a little bit not sure what it's going to do let's get it back i in know you could do that push it back in give it a swirl i'm sure it'll move and do its own thing anyway look that looks small like that looks a little bit more natural doesn't it so we'll see what happens it may spread out i don't know i'm hoping that when it sort of drips down the side a little bit of the blue will drip down as well with the clear so i'll just leave it like that um what's the time 2 20 in the afternoon i'm going to come back and check it in an hour hopefully it's not too thick and that doesn't look very very good at the moment doesn't it but um all right i'll come back in an hour and we'll check it see how it's going hey guys right it has been an hour and 10 minutes i got caught up outside taking photos of resin right now i'll put it i'll give it a test i'll put it over my bars and i'll see what it's going to do because look it's really it's really quite soft still but you know it has to be soft otherwise it's just going to sit there isn't it's not going to drip and we want it to drip so as you can see i ended up doing little lines through i didn't like the way it was just a blob in the middle okay now i've got some um grease proof paper or baking paper just under there to catch my drips and i've got my bars and i'm going to do this i always need another pair of hands i'm just going to hang on to that for a minute while i get my vars oh now i can't hang on i have to put this down i need to pick up my valves with two hands like so now can you see and make sure that you can still sit oh god no that's terrible you are terrible muriel how's that i'll come back a little bit more i guess that'll be all right maybe see how it goes i probably need to be up higher don't i see how that is hopefully you can still see right now i've got two hands to pick up this piece of plastic and i'll bring it over gently so i don't ruin it where's my middle there's my middle and just let it fall okay now i'm just gonna see if it's equal all the way around bring the side down a little bitty see i've got the wider end at the top because i don't want it you know how some of them they kind of go down down like a v i wanted it sort of a bit wider so that's why i'm kind of just have this shape oh it's very wobbly because it's only on a little tiny point there okay well that's that's sitting okay i'm just gonna make a couple of little creases in it i shall take my gloves off for that is it dripping yet is it is it huh is it i'm just going to kind of put a few more little creases in it because i'd like to do that without touching the resin around here oh look it is dripping it's working let's put another crease in there and another one in there so we get a little bit of a little bit more movement in it adds add a few little creases i'd say that was a good time you guys an hour well an hour and 10 minutes to be exact it's dripping it's tripping yay oh my gosh now just have to hope it doesn't drip all the way down here we want a little bit of dripping i mean i don't mind if we get longer pieces you know i think it's quite interesting yay it's working oh look at that there's you're racing off aren't you we're gonna have a little competition on who's racing the fastest now i just want to turn that around so i can see oops my dogs are barking again these two are stuck together now one of my little one of my little um creases went over the top of the other one like it's stuck like these two kind of stuck together i'm not gonna do it but izzy stop it please people listening to you all right i'm just gonna check that all the way around that little bit there i could i can just snip that off later like if there's any little bits that you don't like later on you know you can always snip them off when they're dry that was the bit that was stuck onto the other piece so i'll leave it like that and that little bit that little bit that's on the end there i'll just snip that off later but look it's dripping and look see there's bits of clear and then the blue is dripping down in certain areas where's all my crystals i guess the crystal thing didn't really work but we've got the blue on the top so that's pretty am i scented um i think so oh look i've got drips you guys it's my fault i'm doing it it's because i'm going yay like this and the dogs can hear me and so they think that i'm excited that you know they should be excited too i'll just shut the door now so they can't hear me because i figured look i'm only going to be 10 minutes i don't need to shut the door but obviously i do so there we go there's the blue on top it's still running look at look how far it's gone it's like nearly halfway already it's going to make sure that nothing's kind of folded over onto each other onto itself well if it does it does see that bit there i look i'm not gonna be able to stand here and stop it from folding in on itself it's it's you know it's an abstract piece it's just going to do what it wants to do and not much i can really do to to change it so there we go oh it's exciting my first splash um you know sometimes people do two and they put them inside each other like maybe like a skinny skinnier longer one to go up in the middle so we'll see what happens i might end up doing two if it's not like spiky enough so yeah we'll just see i'll keep you posted all right um i'll see you um oh what's it now it's only 25 to 4 in the afternoon so i'll probably check it again before i go to bed and i might show you then because it should be hard by then all right stay tuned morning well it's morning for me anyway right so these are our two babies i decided i'd keep this one because it might be nice with um this little one sitting inside it but if not i'll just throw it out right so it's just been sitting there on this bottle of paint see if i can get this one off first okay actually i might um fast forward you ah now it's all right you guys don't mind watching hey i don't think it's going to be too too difficult to get out reminds me of a crown oh look at that easy peasy lemon squeezy look at that now because i had it sort of sitting over a bottle it's got a bit of a curve on the bottom but it can still sit flat oh look at that so yeah it's um i guess it's a bit wobbly that way because it was you know curved but yeah it reminds me of a crown how cool is that i like it certainly looks like the sides look as if you know something's gone into the water and it's gone splash and all the little bits have come up on the sides really pretty all right let's move that one out of the way um i don't know if i can salvage my plastic again because you know i heated it so it's gone all shriveled so i guess that's a shame right next one let me just move you over a little bit and get centered okay now as you can see i did put some little bottles on the sides because it was starting to like follow the shape of the vars and sort of curve in and i didn't want that so i just popped some little bottles under here i'm gonna have a bit of cleaning up to do some of them have got stuck and just to sort of keep it out on an angle like that so i'll move those all the way around in the back as well i've got a few little drips on my bottles but that doesn't matter oh look it comes off i use these for my um my blooms all righty anymore one more okay oh so looking forward to this right let's take him off the vars first and i'll just move this out of the way i was worried that it was going to fall over because it's on its little thin end you see anyway i'll keep that wrapped in plastic so that um i can use it again let's peel this off okie dokies look at that oh look at these bits looks like antennas how funny is that i'm not keeping those but they look really weird let's just snip them off whoops snip and that's it and i'll think about what i want to do with those little points later i might keep them adds to the interest okay now same thing i'm gonna have to peel this carefully now this piece of a plastic is a little bit thinner than this plastic this piece of plastic um came with one of the molds that i bought the mold was wrapped in it and this piece of plastic it was covering an outdoor carpet that i used on my deck so i was about to throw it away i thought oh i should keep that because i can use it for my splash bowls oh look at that jig guys i hope i've left it long enough i guess it'll go hard eventually hey just don't want to rip any of these little tentacle things actually what i might do after i've de-molded so to speak because they're all kind of splaying out a little bit may um put some tape around them or a bit of ribbon or something just to keep them from spreading too far out what do you think do you think that would be a good idea let's see what it looks like see this one's already flopping down and i don't want them to stay like that i want them to stay upright look at that we've got it oh my gosh that is so pretty so we just need it to come in like this what about if i if i put a ribbon around it like that but then i think these top ones are going to bend over anyway maybe i should put it back what do you think do you like it this one's got a little double one i might chop him off we'll see we'll see what happens um all right let's just try this see what this looks like put him in there put him in there what do you reckon what do you think i will have to put it back upside down but let me just take you out down for a close-up so you can see the full effect and then i'll stick him back on the bars for another day it's like some alien creature isn't it with lots of legs that's really pretty and do you like how the center's blue and then as it comes up it's much more pale some of them are clear some of them got a little bit of blue in them oh look it's really flopped over now hasn't it all right let me put him back up on the um vars all right so i've just put it back on the vines i've put the just the narrow end at the top i don't think that's going to move too much um and then these guys they will just ease their way down and hopefully just dry like that so yeah i'll leave him like that this one's not going anywhere he's staying where he is all right well hopefully you've enjoyed that little video maybe not so little there's a bit on the long side because i put two together but once this one's dried fully i'll take a photo and uh and show you the finished product right oh thanks for watching love you all bye for now ah bye
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 199,119
Rating: 4.835145 out of 5
Keywords: #freefornresinbowl, #resindripbowl, #resinsplashbowl, #freeformresindripbowl, #resinbowlsculpture
Id: e_j3VuB-uiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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