#6 Caribbean Wave Resin Bowl (Bowl #4)

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[Music] you hi it's sandy from sandy beach bum so today I'm going to try another Bowl and this time I'm going to do more translucent Bowl as you saw and we will be trying some new things I want to get the white lacing cells on the wave again so this time I'm going to apply it straight to the poor as soon as it's done and see how that works and not a white frothy edge this time but something different as you see so let's get started so I'm going to mix three I think three colors here I have turquoise blue teal and aqua so I think I might actually mix all four because it's my first time using these colors and I'd like to see what colors they are so I'm going to pour of an ounce er mounts in a bit in each one and we'll see what happens here with the colors I did six ounces I believe let me just check and see how much I did how much resin like lead today I did 3/4 of a cup 6 on here which I assume is 6 ounces 3/4 are cut okay so this one is the turquoise see this one's got more in it this one here three drops and see how much we get from that oh wow that really is turquoise okay pretty color that's a turquoise now I'm gonna put that in front of there so I know just in front of the bottle so I know which one is which okay this one's Dee blue three drops of blue oh I like that color a lot and the more ink you put in I saw this on a video this morning the darker this will actually go so I might darken that one up a bit yet I don't know and okay let's try to see what the difference is between teal and turquoise starting with three drops in each for now okay so this is teal this is turquoise so the teal is quite a bit greener don't know if you can tell it's got quite a bit more green in it which I really like it's very Caribbean looking to me then the last one is aqua and let's see how this one differs from from the teal and the AK was even more green than the teal so we go from from a greeny blue to a bluey green all the way to bloom okay now I'm going to leave those colors for 20 minutes I'm going to leave those colors for 20 minutes and let them firm up a little so that they don't spread too much when I put them down so I'll be back all right we're back now I'm going to I'm going to start my poor here see all right it sets it up a little bit and now I'm gonna do something different I'm going to start on the outside all right that's one color doesn't look like much of a difference in the colors here but there is a slight difference very very very slight okay it's two colors then the dark in the middle now I'm going to take this big spatula I had and I'm just going to spread this out a little let me need to make more we shall see maybe I'll add some of this clear to it make it look even more watery I'm gonna do this this is something I wanted to try anyway I was wondering about like putting down just clear and then putting drops of color on what that would look like so we're about to find out it would give it a more watery sort of oh yeah I like that look actually does look very watery I'm going to drag the blue into the lighter colors a little bit because I really love that blue just spread out this time I'm I scrapped the using the silicone baking sheet after the fiasco yesterday trying to get everything off so now what I've decided to do is go back to some cellophane I've never actually used cling wrap I've only used what did I use before or kitchen garbage bag so hopefully this will work better we'll see okay all right now what I'm going to do so I'm gonna take I'm gonna take some white and mix up some white with this little bit that I have left and I'm gonna try again to do the lacing so I know we're not gonna need very much pour a little bit in here it's just like half an ounce I don't want very much of this I'm only and put in a drop or two because I kind of don't want it to be too dark compared to like I don't want it to be too terribly opaque see how that mix is in yes I quit like that it's giving it kind of a watery look look we'll need this I'm gonna try it I read something about the different consistencies of the what you're mixing in works quite well but to make do the lacing but we'll try this and see so I've put in some of the white alcohol ink and I always post all the the product I use in the description all right and this I'm going to do very very very subtly let's see what happens here that's very pale it might not be enough but we'll try it and see [Music] all right so try blowing this straw in like we did yesterday do a little bit more here like a wave breaking in the edge of the dish and try it out running out of space here [Music] now the other thing that helps with the lacing when you do this is to apply the heat a little bit of butane burner to it oops well that's burning the cling-wrap so we're gonna stay off the cling wrap that's for sure just burnt the cling wrap there whoa and there I wonder maybe the heat gun would be better okay try a little bit slow right here all right I'm gonna go ahead and let that sit for about an hour then I'm gonna come back and add my crystal embellishments to the edge all right it's been just over an hour this is setting up a little bit let me just see how much it's still pretty tacky few places where hmm okay I just looked a couple of sandwich baggies underwear I accidentally torched the plastic so that in this next step the resin isn't going right on the plate I'd love to be able to move this over a little bit see if I can do it oh it's working perfect that's great okay all right next step as soon as this resin is still malleable yes it is that's great news I'm going to mix a little bit of resin with these crystals okay now the way I want to do this is I just want to put very few of these around the edge and I really don't want it in the collar much I just barely wanted to touch the color so that it's not picking up too much like transferring too much of the color into this is because that's what's happened in the past I want this to almost be separate from that but still touching enough to stick [Music] now I'm just gonna take a few more crystals and add these to that just to fill it out a little bit [Music] [Music] now I'm going to add just a very little bit very little bit of glitter just around the very edge don't want to do with the glitter too much okay that's that we'll be back in about four hours to see how it's doing okay here we go it's tacky to the touch but not lifting when I put my finger on it the product stays that resin stays down just seeing how much movement there is here hmm I think it should be okay all right so I'm just going to slide this plate over give myself some room I've added some seashells just tiny seashells not very many I wish I had some tiny starfish but I don't and I don't live in a place that really sells that sort of thing mm-hmm so again I'm going to use the small end of this bottle this is a wine bottle this is an IKEA milk bottle Boz that I have taped them together and I'm going to pick up the resin and place it over here so I'm just going to slide my hand under here like this and pick this up oh boy you know what I feel like I need to leave it for another hour yeah I think I'm gonna leave it for another hour a little bit nervous it just feels a bit too soft so I'm gonna give it one more hour okay I decided to do something different I've put a rounded candle holder that I have here I've taped it to the bottle and I'm going to put this over that and see how it works so I'm going to lift this now put on here this way a little it's all I'm not going to make asymmetrical I'd like it to be a little more even all the way around so we'll see how this works out you know when I just now lifted it off of here off of the plate look some came through when I torched the piece I must have burnt a hole somewhere else that I didn't remember burning or didn't see burning and it's bled through which is not ideal but there's nothing I can do about it okay [Music] this is always so exciting little nerve-wracking but also very exciting I think I should have put a piece of plastic wrap under this because it's right on the edge here okay so my phone cut out there by the phone call from my daughter sorry about that so it's about an hour later now and I've put a some makeup sponges some triangle makeup sponges under here to hold these sites out a little bit they wanted to kind of fold down and I want them out a little bit so that's working a couple of makeup sponges on each side now some of the crystals are falling off a little bit so I've just pushed them back into place and hopefully they will stay [Music] yeah but I'm I actually am really really liking this I'd like the way it looks so far I think it's really gonna be pretty I love the color love love love the color so yeah we'll see how this goes this is where right here these crystals were down here and I've pushed them back up into the sculpture but I think they may be too far up ever since lost makeup sponge there so we'll see we'll see how it all turns out but so far so good I think it's looking kind of cute my daughter took a look at this I showed her she didn't like the seashells I added she thinks that makes it look kitschy and I wasn't sure about adding them now I wish I hadn't but oh well I did and that's all there is to it okay so leave this overnight we'll come back tomorrow morning see how it turned out okay here we go a little makeup sponges I use to form the ball [Music] maybe plastic wrap doesn't seem to wanna come on caring to talk about this bowl a little bit before I wrap this video up so one of the things I didn't mention is that the white that I added if you can see it there there's a little bit here there's quite a bit here it did not go into the lace into the cells that I wanted I don't know why because it had the alcohol ink in there and that should have happened but it didn't there's a lot of white right here and it's just swirling around it's not lacy so that's a disappointment I have to work on that a little more figure out why that didn't happen I'm going to check out a couple more YouTube videos I think and then yeah see if I can figure out why the other thing that I did that I didn't talk about on the video was I don't know if you can see but I added very few of these sparkles so let me see if I can show you what these are they're they're aqua on one side and silver on the other and they're a little bit larger quite a bit larger than the other glitter that I used around the edge so I just stuck my finger in and whatever stuck to my finger I just kind of tapped and flicked onto the bowl and so there's little tiny I think you can see them there there's little tiny spots there you go there you can see reader there's little spots of glitter so I added that through the whole thing and also the form that I used had those little glass mosaics stuck to the side and when you look in here you can see those mosaics like I think you can see it when the light hits it you can kind of see that it left the shape of the mosaic inside which is okay because it's very subtle but I want to try and find another Bowl that's just glass and smaller because this is okay but it's quite wide I would love this to I would love this to be tighter like closer together so instead of still spread apart like this bring it in more like that I don't want to do that too much because it'll crack that edging but anyway this obviously still needs to set it's been off the form now for four hours I've been working on the video for it and since since I did the last little part of this video I got something in the mail I got a lazy susan to work on so this is an ox a lazy susan I got it on Amazon and I'll put a link to it the something you should do just so you can see how much more we have to pay in Canada then you have to pay in the United States click on both links that I give you for an item and just take a look at the price difference it's quite staggering sometimes like this was a lot more in Canada than the States if I recall and so it's like the resin is really expensive here a lot more than you pay so you know we're paying for important duty and all that but and the difference in our dollar but it makes up to like these costing me a lot more to make than they would cost somebody in the US all right so that's it that's all I have to say about this bowl I will be trying another one soon I don't have any more of the large crystal chunks why do I have this many which is not enough to do another Bowl so I want to wait till my order of these come in and then I'll do another one I don't know that I ever really showed you these very clearly but you can see the size of them here I really like them I like it that they're uneven they don't look like little diamonds they look like little chunks of ice and I like that better than having like a great big diamond shape stuck in this I get it gives it a more irregular foamy look and I really really like it so I'll be using these a lot and probably will need to order them by the alright so that's it I hope you enjoyed this video something I haven't said in my previous videos if you enjoyed this or learn anything please click like and subscribe it really really helps me I'd like to start earning a little bit of income from my YouTube videos to help pay for my time and the only way that's going to happen is if I get more likes and more subscribers so please please help me out and click like and subscribe alright see you on the next one thank you [Music]
Channel: Sandy Beach BumTM
Views: 287,650
Rating: 4.9132752 out of 5
Id: E2wtO-GmpqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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