Bling Canvas Painting with Crushed Glass and Glitter / Turquoise / Teal / DIY

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hey everybody welcome to my channel wendy devro here um if you'd like to learn how to make a blingy canvas like this then please keep watching okay guys i'm just gonna run through the supplies that i'm going to use for this project and um i will leave a complete list in the description box below um so let's get started here so i'm going to be using an 18 by 24 canvas i've already got some little push pins um on all the corners and that'll help me with painting my sides and then the paints i've got white and black the black is so that i can make my own gray i have some gray here that i've already mixed and that was from a different painting that i did i have a lighter gray i'm just gonna i have that here i don't know if i'm gonna use it and i have two different types of turquoise and an aquamarine and i'm going to be mixing those together with a little bit of black because um i can't quite get the teal color that i want just off the shelf it's either too blue or too green so when i mix those together i'll get the color that i want so that's i'm going to be using a little bit of black and that as well and then for the bling i've got this really pretty color i got it actually in the teacher section of michael's there isn't a color name on it but um it's like a teal blue and then i have uh this is called paradise this is a beautiful beautiful fine glitter from michaels as well and then just this silver from the dollar store then i'm not too sure yet if i'm going to use this crushed glass this is a clear it's ashlynn brand from michaels the only problem with it is on the other side of the glass it's it's white and i don't know why it's like that i don't know if you can see that or not and then this is the stuff from ikea and i don't know if they carry it anymore i was just fortunate enough that a lady on marketplace in my area was selling 10 of those huge containers like that's a lot of crushed glass for ten dollars so it was like yes please i'm going to buy that but this one the the mirror part of that glass almost looks like black and it look it's gorgeous on silver paintings like i i did this one um that is actually sold and a lady is going to be coming to pick it up um so it looks great on silver but i'm not too sure if it's going to be good with this teal painting then i'm going to be using the try art liquid glass and that will i'll show you what i'm going to be doing with that later i usually um uh use resin but it's winter time here in canada and i can't get any ventilation in a warmer area of my home so that it dries and then of course we've got some stir sticks and cups so that i can mix my different paints um i got a jug of water i always have that on hand i got some flat paint brushes these blend really nicely i have this one for my glitter on the sides of my canvas and then the foam brush to um sorry my thumb just got in the way um the foam brush to apply the liquid glass and sorry my dog is barking at another dog right now i have a a little um spray bottle here i like to spray my canvas before i start painting on it and i also use it to spray a little bit if my if my paint is starting to dry too quickly on the canvas and i have a little canvas here so that when i finish blending my different colors i can just test it on here before i put it on my large canvas okay so like i said i will put this all in the description box below um so let's get started okay so i moved my big canvas out of the way this is the gray that i already have mixed and i'm thinking that it might might be okay i'm just going to dip my paintbrush in a little bit of water here that's great i'm gonna have hair on that i just know it oh maybe not just to wet with the bristles a little bit um you know what i think i think that one's gonna be okay yeah i'm gonna like that gray okay so all you have to do is um just put a white in a in a cup and just add a little dollop of black to it and mix it up because you can always add more black if um if you want it a little bit darker but this is left over from another project so i'm just gonna i'm gonna use it so we're not gonna mix the teal yet okay now i went ahead and get you in the center here that's good i went ahead and i just went across with this level just to get a straight line and i just put tiny little uh pencil marks i don't know if you can see those or not and you'll see why in a minute there always seems to be glitter glitter or dog hair or both so okay so now i'm just gonna go ahead and spray my canvas just a little bit with some water it'll just help with the paint to flow a little bit better um you can also use flotrol and there's probably a little bit of flow troll in this gray paint so i'm just going to just so i can maintain um an equal distance when i'm painting this because i'm doing the gray up top and the teal on the bottom so then and i have a tendency of caulking my head when i'm really concentrating so i like to put straight lines and then that way it helps guide my paint paintbrush in a straight line because you definitely want a straight line for this for this technique shake shake shake shake your weight and you want to put a dollop of white in between the lines a little bit over here and what the heck i'm just going to add a little bit of this just yeah this is just a granite gray i um i don't usually buy gray paint um i just usually mix it myself okay so now you just want to get your your paint brush and load it up with some paint here and then just bring it straight up i'm just going to do the side while i'm over here get my get those rock and roll here my edges okay so another straight we're trying to achieve um a nice white in with your gray that up and if you find that you don't have enough white streaks like i'm finding right now just add another little tiny dollop to it [Music] so [Music] sure that yeah okay okay so this is the deep turquoise um i got this one at the dollar store but you can or dollar tree but um these you can also get at michael's and it blew up on me so i'm just gonna so put some of that in there and this is desert turquoise this is americana um i think i got this at walmart ah that's the trick bang it on the on your work surface this is aquamarine this is a metallic um i'm going to be putting a coat of gloss mod podge on this anyway to seal it so um it's okay that that one is the metallic that's before i put a pile of it in here there we go yeah so you just have to um like my main my main color that i'm picking is this turquoise um deep turquoise from either dollar tree or michael's and then i'm adding a little bit at a time of the desert turquoise which i just did and i'm gonna add a little more of the metallic aquamarine oh that was weird okay i just want to make sure that i'm going to have enough of this to do this painting because once you have the color mixed it's going to be pretty difficult to get the exact color again if you run out when you're putting it on so i'd rather have too much than not enough in this case and i think that that's going to be good now i'm going to add just a teeny teeny tiny bit of black this one's not open i have the other one but i just wanted to do this quickly for you oh that might be too much so what i'm going to do because i don't want to have to add more yeah it might be okay i'm just gonna take that off put it to the side i know this isn't gonna be too much and it just it's gonna deepen the color a little bit more um which is what i want for this particular um canvas but i mean art is so subjective you guys you can uh whatever color you like then it it's just going to be fine some of my stick up top here yeah i think i'm going to really like that color so let me just before i put it on the actual canvas that i'm working on we are going to first get my paintbrush in a little water wet it and just wipe it off i always have old face claws around i can use okay and just yeah yes yes yes yes yes that's the color that i want not too green not too blue just right okay now just double check i'll make sure that i have enough i'm pretty sure that i do yeah okay so i'm going to do the same here i'm going to um put it in a nice straight line i know this would be easier in a squeeze bottle but um unless i'm using like grays or something like that that i'm using all the time then i don't bother bother this is this is good enough okay and again i think i'm gonna add a little more white because uh it seemed when i did the gray i didn't have enough white i'm gonna have a ton of paint i think i'm putting way too much on here okay wendy stop stop and maybe do this okay again load your brush yep i knew i did so i'm gonna put it on my plate over there i think i was doing an acrylic pour or something like that um and then i'm just i'm going to put it in just a plastic cup and i'll cover it with saran wrap tie an elastic band around it and maybe i'll do another um painting in this color that one went a little wonky [Music] so the mod podge seal uh is dry and now we're going to add all of the glitter and the crushed glass i decided to go with the ashland brand clear rather than the stuff from ikea so i want to um i want to finish my edges my these here i don't like that look on the side so we'll do that first because um if we add the crushed glass on the top i'm not going to be able to lift it up like this so we're going to add a little bit of the liquid glass not a lot because uh no sense wasting it um add a little bit of this turquoise glitter and then the paradise fine glitter and some silver a little stir then you can see this just gonna concentrate especially where the two um paint colors meet just bring it down and i think i'm gonna need to i'm not sure if you guys can see this or not but i'm just sprinkling a little bit more glitter just to make sure that that one area there see and we'll do the same to the other side grab my paintbrush here concentrate on that middle part bring it up bring it down and then give it a little sprinkle here and then that'll um then you won't be able to see where those two pink colors meet so um i find that using the liquid glass is a bit different than resin but i can't use resin right now in the winter time so you want to get a fair amount to bring along your painting here so we're going to concentrate in the center you want to really concentrate on where your two paint colors meet in the middle when you're doing this you want to make sure that you're going to add enough crushed glass and glitter so that you can't see where these two pink colors meet so i do want to bring it fairly close to the edge here and then another thing you want to keep an eye on is when you're coming up to make your little icicle effect here you want to keep it straight similar to when you're actually painting the canvas you don't want these to go on an angle and you can bring you can bring your icicle effect as far down as you want or as high up as you want now for this size canvas um in my opinion it looks better if you don't go up too high [Music] oh um i think i'm gonna add a little bit of glitter first just to make sure that i don't miss this middle part i just want to make sure that that center part is covered pretty good okay now another thing you guys is when you're putting your crushed glass on and this is what i was trying to get at when i when i work with resin it's not bad because it seems to grab a lot better this once you get up into the tips of your icicles the um the liquid glass doesn't seem to grab it as well so another thing that i do is once this has dried for maybe half hour to an hour and it's still kind of gooey i just take a white piece of paper just printer paper and kind of press down on it otherwise when this is all dry um when you look on the side of it if when light or the sun is hitting it and if you've missed any spots the liquid glass once it's dry it's really shiny and you'll be able to tell where you've missed any spots without any any glass on it even if it if it's just glitter it just i don't know it just doesn't look great okay that looks that looks pretty even now i just want to add a little more glitter here especially especially in the middle i don't do a lot down into the icicles [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so our liquid glass is dry um and after it was on there for maybe about 45 minutes i just took this piece of paper i'm just going to show you what i did just lightly i didn't squish down too hard and i went oh and i was really concentrating on the top where the little icicle peaks are and i just went along so that all of the glitter and the crushed glass would adhere better to the liquid glass so that's all that i did did that off camera so now we can go ahead and brush this off so i'm just going to move this out of the way grab my handy dandy bucket here and we are going to let that fall onto my you put that kind of on an angle this is kind of a larger canvas yeah you're in there just brush this off get rid of all the loose glass and glitter so turn this around a little bit because some of them some of the crushed glass will get hung up that has it okay the canvas is all brushed off we got all the loose um mirror and glitter off of there now this is what i do i vacuum the whole canvas and that'll pick up any other uh loose glitter especially right along here because of the static it's picking up some more loose glass better than the just the brushing it this is how you can dust off these pieces of art as well and of course you can't wipe it with a cloth there so i just take my soft brush on my vacuum this is so pretty and then if you find i like the color on the bottom so i'll turn it around this way and if you find that there's still some glitter because of the static i just take a bounce shoot and then it picks it right up okay i'm going to bring you down sorry my hand got in the way look at that look at my sides nice and finished edges no line in the middle where the two paint colors meet now see there's still a little bit of glitter there yeah that's so pretty very sparkly see this side here nice and finished very very pretty okay i'm gonna hang that on the wall stage it a little bit for you so i will be back okay everybody so here it is hanging on the wall um it's very blingy i'm very happy with the way it turned out i've got a window behind me here and it's really showing the sparkle i have nice straight brush strokes on the painting very very happy just enough white in there sorry there's a little bit of a shadow which can't be helped love it love love yeah so if you've enjoyed this video please hit the thumbs up share it with your friends and please subscribe to my channel hit the little notification bell and you'll be notified when i upload more videos i'm going to do my best to upload at least one a week they do take quite a bit of time to do and edit so yeah there you have it um thanks so much for watching and hopefully we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Wendy Devereaux
Views: 324,357
Rating: 4.9352565 out of 5
Keywords: Bling Canvas Art, Turquoise, Teal, Abstract Art, DIY, Glam, Shiny, Painting, Sparkle, Sparkling
Id: LyoCRb0T860
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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