#47 - How to Make a Resin Sculpture Bowl - Full Tutorial

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[Music] welcome back guys it's irene from rainy rocks and today i'm going to show you how i made this bowl isn't it awesome look at it i absolutely love this bowl and yeah we're going to just going to show you how i made it the only difference is i'm obviously i'm not going to make the uh the exact same thing i mean in terms of color this time i'm going to use some cool blues so i have um i'm not sure what shade this is from crystal uh crystal resin but it's a lighter blue and then i have the macaw blue green for my candy the carolina blue and blue blood which i haven't used yet and yeah i thought it would look really nice and i might add in a little bit of the amsterdam acrylic we'll see uh and with this instead of gold i'm going to use silver so what i've done here is i've actually mixed up girl's best friend from glitter makes it one of my faves some chunkier silver glass and some regular silver fine glitter all right so and then i just mixed it all up obviously i'm not going to use all of this right now i've mixed up more for the next step once this part once the first part cures but i am going to use just a little bit of it for this round all right so let's get started first things first i have this vinyl placemat that i found from dollarama yay and what we're gonna do is make sure it's clean so they have the shiny side we're going to flip this over and this is the dull flat side i'm actually going to lay tape packing tape right across the entire thing and that'll keep every that'll keep it sealed and then when i pour from the other end from the other side it'll it'll just all work out okay so i am going to speed up this process of me taping [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay take that fix my mat here take this over like that there we have it okay so we're back i have take this tape this uh the placemat down onto the the the packing tape and i've made sure that it's uh adhered properly oops there's a little something something there and we're ready to pour it's been about 10 minutes now 15 minutes i've already mixed up my resin or my colors and i use crystal resin one to one love this stuff i'll put that away and i'm gonna grab a wipe here just give me a sec so all the colors that i've used will be listed in the description box along with the glitter i think i am going to go ahead and use the blue green uh from amsterdam just up maybe along the edge or maybe i'll just like quickly i don't know we'll see the thing that i'm going to do differently with this one as opposed to what i did with the first one is um when i first started out i was individually pouring the colors in the holes then i real after a little while i realized why am i doing this makes no sense because it just ended up becoming it all meshed together anyhow and so i'm not going to do that with this one i'm just going to do a straight pour and see what happens fun fun fun okay so we're all good you can see here it's so sticky and that's fine okay so i have mixed up just a little bit of the glitter i've saved the rest for the next step after this cures so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to make the middle part silver so let's so yeah let's see i'm just going to play around whatever happens happens guys so we'll just i'm going to do this i'm going to put a little bit of silver on the edge of each opening you know what i'm going to do or use my fingers okay i'm going to make this one silver too right there right in there all right hopefully it turns out so i'm just gonna dip my finger in there and i am literally just gonna go to town okay well who's ready for spring summer i know i am i've had enough of the cold i mean it doesn't really get that cold here not like uh poor people in uh texas and even like eastern canada no thank you but uh i'm just done tired of wearing jackets and scarves and i just want and it's sunny out right now but it's actually it's windy looks like we're going to get a wind storm but it's the wind is just cold i mean shouldn't complain i grew up in toronto and it's way colder in toronto than it is in here than it is here in bc but i think you know after a while you just acclimate to the climate that you live in and uh yeah so somebody say from like back east would be would be here right now like laughing probably wearing shorts outside actually my brother did that once he visited me because he my family's still back east in toronto and uh it was march and i was just like complaining though oh it's so cold and he's like you're crazy that's what you told me because you're what are you talking about i'm like wearing shorts and a t-shirt i'm like okay okay chris so yeah okay i think this is going to look pretty i'm glad that i decided to use the uh girl's best friend it's a you know it's a light silver some of the silver glitters that you get they're just so i don't know they're kind of dark i don't like it but okay i'm not going to worry too much about the outer edge because i'm on the very last step we're going to we're going to pour some more of this lovely concoction but we'll just go tap tap tap tap glitter everywhere am i missing any spots guys okay i think we're good you never have too much glitter you know when i was uh i used to hate glitter not hate it but i was like why would i ever use need have the knee to buy glitter like literally right now on my nail technician's dream that's what my friend said to me the other day she's like she came over to my studio and it was like um i need to come here and do nails okay okay so i think we're good and i continue placing glitter i kind of want to use all this up because then it's just going to go to waste well not really i guess i could have made a a keychain or something okay i promise now i think oh yeah i gotta stop make sure check my videos my video is still running otherwise i'd be just talking to myself okay so that's that i need to grab my heat gun or my torch here quickly torch the colors bubbles in the cup there we go all right you want your this the resin to be a little bit runnier because and you don't want it like spilling out over there over all over the place so because i obviously i don't have it damned or anything to stop the resin from going past the the tape um okay so let's start off with the lightest color which i'm not sure what color that is but it's from crystal resin so it's like a lighter blue so we'll do that and that's actually very pretty i mean look at that it's actually quite gorgeous beautiful okay here we go really hopefully this works out let me make sure that down okay so i'm just going to go ahead and pour i kind of want the colors to meld anyway together so okay that's color number one number two is macaw blue green look at that love that and that's from eye candy this is so much faster and easier than how i first did it okay we'll wait next one is the carolina blue beautiful color like that's just gorgeous color is my first time using it and uh yeah it kind of has a it's blue it has like maybe like a gray tone to it it's really very pretty kind of going with the cool blues this time around instead of the warmer ones that i did in my first bowl all right oh i want to make sure i keep it in okay and this one is called blue blood i haven't used this one either but that's just gorgeous love it and we're gonna pour this around the edge kind of glad i went with the color scheme all right and i've already i've used it all up and that's okay scrape out the cup okay that one's finito so now i have my blue green i might add like a little bit in the center here now take the heat gun i'm going to spread this all around well hopefully i didn't muck this up should be fine let's uh finish adding the um the macaw blue okay the carolina blue which i absolutely i think this color is so nice these will look good i might make a coaster with this color all right that one and then i have my lighter one so i think what i'm gonna do with this i'm gonna have to cover up a little bit here it's not enough i think i should go lighter on the out just to like a line why not grab the stick all right i think it'll look good well we'll find out eventually and the remainder of um yeah this is starting to get sticky wow it's super windy out so deceiving because it's just beautiful and sunny but no thank you that's insane i don't know if you guys can hear that but uh yeah oops okay alrighty so here we go one big mess so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna blow this up my heat gun higher [Applause] hopefully i mixed enough pretty sure it is 200 on the last one [Applause] i'm going to squeegee it out let's blow this out like this a little bit i mean okay that's uh that's gorgeous i love this okay so enough of the heat my tape is starting to curl which that's my fault because i just applied way too much heat so let me just go grab my little silicone um thingamabobby here and we're just gonna pull this out here there we go oh yeah there's tons of resin here okay i'm just gonna pull it out a little bit nice i'm actually gonna yeah big mistake there let me fix this i'm gonna cut the tape that's fine i'm good you know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna take that down but let's let me just finish pulling out the resin here all right i'm not too worried about the edges because although i'm not trying to cover them because i'm gonna they're gonna be covered again anyway with resin still that being said we are done see the hair like from the heat what i did i'm gonna remove my silicone mats because i think that's what it is from underneath and get that flat down you'll be fine okay we are done we're gonna let this uh cure and then come back for the second step all right see you guys soon okay we're back guys and so you'll see that this is dried so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the tape off the back side of this i'm going to speed this plug up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so taking the tape off so when you do it make sure you do it very slowly um uh i see here right away where i had overlapped my tape that that was a big no-no so what i'm gonna have to do is i'm going to have to probably sand this down a little bit but um that's all right so now the next step is to peel off the uh the vinyl placemat so now you want when you do this this is why i didn't cover up so see i have a little area here a little corner that i could start peeling from so make sure when you do this you do this slowly if you do end up getting some cracks that's okay along the edges those will be covered up with our final coat and the glitter all right so let's start hopefully there we go take your time with this yeah i'm kind of bummed about this and i knew i should have um stopped and taken the time to be a little bit more careful with that but whatever live and learn hopefully yours turns out better than mine does this time round so you'll see it's starting to come out just take your time i will just go along the edges first still have some tape stuck over here okay i'm gonna speed this part up as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] ugh [Music] okay so as you saw there um i struggled with this one so it looks beautiful i absolutely love the colors and yeah i love the blue blood is just amazing like i just love the colors on this um you'll see that i ruined the mold the placemat not a big deal uh it is what it is lesson learned from this from from doing this the second time around try to use your heat gun as less as possible when you're spreading the colors around and make sure you do a better taping job than i did because i can see here are these little ridges so what i might do is i'll probably you'll see that uh the uh placemat came off easier after i used my heat gun so i should have done that from the get-go but uh yeah nonetheless i think it's gorgeous so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to see if i can just uh peel these off here i think i can actually yep just gonna go get a little exacto knife clean this up right guys so uh we're at the we're almost at the end here so i have i trimmed the um the tray a little bit more just to round it out and i have added um resin to my glitter so i've mixed up 300 mils for this one and what i decided to do was i've added a little bit of the icicle from eye candy into the into the clear okay so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to pour the clear resin onto the on top of this tray and you'll see here this is the the rough side the sticky side [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay we finally reached the finish line this is finally cured and now we're ready to shape it into the bowl so what uh you didn't see me do is after i played around with the glitter around the edge i fiddled and fiddled i had a little bit of a mess happening as you can see my silicone mat is a mess um the glitter didn't really cover as much as i wanted to but that's my fault because i didn't uh like you know i used a very light glitter but nonetheless i think it's awesome and i hope you guys think so too so let's get to down to the fun part so i have my bowl here this is the bowl that i'm going to use to shape this so first things first what we need to do actually place this over here and put place that over the bowl and we're going to heat it up with the heat gun [Music] [Applause] turn it up a little bit higher we're going to get it nice and hot so that it can uh it's moldable [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay let's try that so i have a piece of parchment that i'm going to place in the middle of the bowl and we're just going to press down i think we're going to have to heat this up a little bit more sorry guys a little bit more [Music] so there we go all right let's work a little quicker here i want to make sure that i have it evenly place we're just going to press down now i have this jar that i'm going to place in the middle keep it down obviously that's not heavy enough so i have this rock my starfish rock that i painted a long time ago and that's heavy so we're going to place put that there and we're just gonna fiddle around with this until i get the uh you put around until you get the shape that you want i mean literally you can make as many waves as you want i think i like that i'm gonna make it a little i think it's good it's actually pretty decent right now i could uh you know if you wanted to oops that one just not stained i want to make sure that this is actually centered properly let me just double check here okay let's twist this around let me take a look at it from afar i wonder if i should uh try to add another actually no that's good i think that's good it'll harden up here in a little bit should i add in more it's already starting to harden up i'll make this one a little bit differently shaped i like it like that shape so that'll stay i feel as though this is like i should probably add another um even though like you think the rock would be heavy i feel like it's not heavy enough i think we're good i like that let's put this on top here because you want to make sure that the bottom is flat so that the bowl can actually sit so while that's doing what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab see here i have uh my deco color premium and silver what i'm gonna do is i'm just going to paint the edges the trim just to finish it off like that there you have it you guys can see that there we go it's a little bit better right so we're just going to paint that and then this is how i make the bowl i hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you all very much please like share subscribe and see you guys again next time bye now you
Channel: Rinirocks - Artistry
Views: 61,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f-7yw_80Ejg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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