(1882) Whipped by Dave's 14-Pin Masterpiece!

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[Music] about a month ago dave out in california sent me a dimple lock and all handmade just beautiful work i'll put the link to the video down there it by a lot of trial and error experimentation i was able to get it open so dave went back to the drawing board with a completely new design and this is what we get when you combine an incredibly fertile imagination with crazy wild machining skills this is what you get and i think dave probably took some older designs here's what your key looks like by the way i was not able to pick this after probably more than 20 hours of trying all kinds of different techniques anyway slides in and just beautiful like it's mounted on ball bearings the precision on this is just amazing but before we take a look at this guy i thought several of you and myself included might find it interesting to take a look at some earlier designs that have some similarities with this lock those are possibly ideas that dave looked at thought oh that's a good idea and he picked and chose from different earlier designs and combined everything into this one and then added a couple of twists of his own to make at least insofar as i'm concerned unpickable let's take a look all right one of the locks i think dave probably got some of his ideas from is this one this has been living in the lock lab now for years in my naughty bucket i've got well over 100 hours in attempting to pick this one never got it open a single time there is a guy in poland in fact i talked to him via email and google translate that design has a hand designed custom made tool that's designed to pick these and also decode them unfortunately because of the language barrier and the cost many thousands of euros that he wants for that tool i was never able to get one just open this guy and it certainly wouldn't be economical but anyway the gerda and this is a dimple lock and it has the dimples on four sides so we're looking at a total of 16 pins in this guy when we line them up you can see this little nib sticking out here and that engages into that slot so we're able to tension this without too much trouble but being able to tension it and work it or and pick it yeah that's the gap i wasn't able to bridge so yeah awesome awesome lock but you'll notice that i get that key back out of there all the pins are in a row with each other so four banks of four pins total of 16 pins they all line up perfectly let's take a look at another lock with some different design elements all right another lock that i think dave might have gotten a couple of his ideas from is a company called super bright and maybe not by coincidence here's the wrapper this is sold by a company in los angeles so dave's from california this came out of california a little coincidence there i guess super bright's an interesting lock they don't make these anymore but it is also a tubular lock but you'll notice that there's no tensioner on the outside the tensioner is buried deep inside of this lock this does not contain security pins and i was able to pick this in a video a couple years ago when i first got it uh here is the notch for the tensioner and we'll take a look at that in a minute but it has to be aligned the key can only go in one way and it's not really marked so just line it up with a drain hole i suppose slide it in and it works beautifully so let's take a look at the core on this because this is really where the design ideas might have come from if you put the tensioner on the out on the outside where a picker can get at it that it's kind of hit to his advantage so if you put on the inside it's going to be problematic to try to tension it then you've got to figure out how to pick it luckily this sb only had nine pins and none of these were security pins that little screw right there is the tensioner the tensioning screw that lines up with that bolt and it actually does two things when we slide the key in there it allows us to turn the core of course to unlock it but probably just as importantly it makes sure that all the pins are perfectly lined up it can't go in any other way and of course that's what you want when you look at this you might say well there's some defects on this these holes don't line up and to the casual observer that may be true but believe me that's on purpose if you have this many pins inside of a lock and you start rotating it you don't want the wrong driver pin to fall into the wrong keyhole otherwise it seizes up and you'll never get out so just one more thing to think about when you start adding a whole bunch of pins to a tubular lock all right we've come full circle we're back to dave's lock and i think now you can start to appreciate some of the improvements that dave made to this some anti-picking design elements first of all on the outside of this there are no tension of the tensioner is buried deep in the back of this lock and you can see that from the key so right there would be your tensioner big thick hole in that key and that's because we had a very thick post that does not rotate so you can't use him to tension down the center of this to rob us of room to manipulate our pick inside of there so really great uh insofar as that's concerned as i said this thing is just perfectly smooth when i rotate this those pins as you can see they're all offset from each other both aligned this way and also aligned this way so that when i rotate it none of them fall into each other and i imagine that was quite a headache to do for dave 14 pins seven banks of two so he's got them numbered here so that when i take this apart there's 14 right there when i take this apart hopefully we'll be able to keep it all sorted um yeah so the biggest challenge of this the first full day at least the first four weeks trying to figure out how to tension it of course you know bill i tried the easy method first so i tried first just taking a piece of windshield wiper insert sticking it in there and i knew where the slot was because i could feel it but unfortunately when that rotated it ended up rotating enough doesn't fit tightly enough ended up blocking some of my pins reject designed the wider one made this one out of brass it again same problem it fits a little tighter but it rotated just enough to block access to pins on the left side moving up stainless steel a little nicer made out of wider tubing so the curvature is right it fit in there but again it just barely turns a little bit but it was enough to block those two pins so the the tensioner has to be so incredibly precise the way i ended up doing it was taking a piece of rod and smashing it and i just kept widening it i give it a hit put it in try it give it a hit put it and try it until finally i was able to get it so that it would wedge in there just perfectly to tension from the rear of the lock and at that point i realized i had a big problem because that was the first time i stuck the pick in let me get the lock cam and show you the problems that i was facing all right got this mounted up so it doesn't bounce around let's take a look at this guy um slide this dude in there and try to get it focused all right when we look in there the first thing you might notice is that these pins are actually overlapping each other a little bit deeper so this kind of reminds me of a cabba style lock they're right up against that center shaft and they overlap one another in dave's letter he said his design was intended that the pins would act as their own warding so they overlap all the way around there is an opening on the very bottom there's a little gap right there the light isn't going back far enough but back there you would probably find your tensioning hole this gap is slightly wider you can see all the rest of them are overlapping each other you're not getting back there with anything without bouncing off against at least two of the other pins just really really nasty very well thought out all right let me briefly talk about some of the attacks that i made on this as i said half of my time was spent finding a tensioner and getting it perfectly dimensioned so that i could tension the lock once i got that then i then my problems really started because now i realize i was going to have a heck of a time picking it because of the way that those pins were laid out i didn't give up i jumped right on this guy figuring with 14 pins sometimes you can rake them but because we've got security pins in this guy i wasn't able to get anything um i also was not even able to get a any kind of feedback or fault set probably due to two things the precision of the lock first of all and secondly 14 pins so even if you set two or three it may not be enough to give you that feedback which is so critical to being able to pick a lock so i raked on it for hours and i got nothing i tried both directions yeah nothing next of course was single pin picking so uh i tried that as well i found that i was starting to overset all the pins in the front as i was reaching for the ones in the back again that's probably by intent when dave built this you notice a lot of the pins up in the very front are very deep cuts all those would act as gatekeepers so if you're trying to reach that high cut one back there you're probably going to overset him as well as one or two on each side so really really nasty stuff all right so i realized i wasn't going to be able to single pin pick them so i was looking for a way to cheat no way to shim this guy uh or is there i thought overlifting might be the way to go so i got a piece of stainless steel tube cut it down and i cut a slot in the middle to maintain tension no way to bump it remember the tension's from the rear so we slide this to me take that tensioner out so slide him in and wiggle him in and what happens is he'll push all those pins out to about their maximum take your tensioner slide them down that little cut groove get everything tensioned put incredible tension on it pull this guy out and theoretically that would leave all the pins locked at the maximum then you could release tension while you're raking the problem is you probably heard it when i pulled this out half of those pins fell back down and as soon as i started to release very little tension and the other half fall down i'm just the precision on this is so tight that the tiniest amount amount of tension release causes the remainder of those pins to fall down there's really there was never a chance i don't think with to to get overlift to work so this guy has beat me beat me absolutely all right dave i gotta say fantastic job the precision you're a true artist when it comes to locks machining and lock design um if you're interested in the pinning stick around otherwise dave here's what i'm going to do for you i am going to return your lock obviously uh and i'm also going to give you this to get him out of my naughty bucket he's mocked me long enough i'll probably never get this titan picked so i may as well send them to you because you appreciate the design of it i'll also throw in the sp because i think you probably got some of your rear tensioning ideas and pin layout from from him as well this is gonna be coming back to you so if you're interested in gutting stick around i'm gonna gut this guy and see what they've put on the inside all right all i'm gonna do is take these out in numerical order and put them in these different slots i'm gonna fast forward it so the video is not going to be crazy long it is still completely intact and of course it still works perfectly all right let's see what we got here [Music] all right let's try to take a close look at this without disturbing too many things here dave wasn't lying we have just an incredible array of different kind of security pins so chamber one we ended up with a spool notice the springs are many of them are different as well so dave really wasn't taking any chances so spool we got a standard we got a serrated we got a serrated a baby spool oops baby spool here these are tapered pins we have a serrated here a spool chamber nine we have it looks like a homemade kind of a serrated pen kind of a mix between a serrated and a spool we have two t-pins in chamber number ten eleven oddly uh standard what's he doing here a spool in 12 we have a set rated in 13 and then spool and 14. your chances of getting into this are like zip i think the workmanship on this is just incredible the reason i'm looking at this is to see if dave really took any chances and put any kind of undercutting in there and i don't see any that would really i mean it was impossible enough right notice a wide gap right here and that's where the tensioner was which is what we're going to talk about in just a moment put him right here and the inside not a lot to look at inside of here the only thing i would expect is maybe a sidebar that would really throw things off all right let's talk about the tensioner um if there is a single thing on this i think that would maybe give it a vulnerability it is the let me grab the key it is the tensioner the tension around here there this is a perfectly clean access to where the tensioner allowed me to hand make a tensioner what i would say is if there were a row of pins maybe this row was moved over in this direction just a little bit to obstruct that access way to the tensioner then it would make it impossible to tension it that would be the only recommendation i could possibly make but since i couldn't pick this i certainly couldn't pick the other one anyway guys appreciate your time stay safe stay legal if you like the design of this lock and i don't see how you can't give dave a little plus up down there in the comments thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 84,710
Rating: 4.9735885 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: RWt8EgQQGlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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