(1311) LockPickingLawyer Raids LockLab's Naughty Bucket

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[Music] this is the lock-picking lawyer and today I am at the site of the world-famous Locke lab I don't think Bill's home right now cuz I don't see any cars in the driveway but we're gonna see if we can go inside and take a look at his naughty bucket just a little luck ah gosh the guy's got an AB boy on his door well let's see if we can pick it open all right minute time what the hell [Music] hey freeze what do you think you're doing out here man I'm gonna call the foot I recognize that hand Harry is that you what's the a boy on a garage door oh cheese is that all you want here man here's a key try this Oh that'll work okay folks here we are in front of the hallowed naughty bucket it wasn't how I planned to get here certainly a gun to my head wasn't part of the process but I finally get to take a look at some of the locks that have been stumping bill so before we go through these bill do you mind if we take the handcuffs off all right stand back Luke let me try to find the keys around here somewhere that's all right I already took care of it okay let's go through some of these locks yeah you might need some new handcuffs I think they have ones with medico cores on them or something some a strap boys well we got something to offer an equal level of challenge here I think so let's just do this logically we're going to start from up here at the top this is a lock that's been in my lock naughty bucket for probably about three years this is a Mauer and w5 don't take a look at that absolutely let's take a look at that key oh boy lots of pins and some sliders in there and an interactive element and those are pin and pin as well just to make it extra fun oh okay not bad not bad what else do we have well we got a this is actually a challenge lock that was sent in not too long ago from UK lock pkers it looks like a normal Gigi and it is it's completely stock but and you take a look at some of this bidding oh that's brutal yeah absolutely I've had no luck with this thing this evil-looking key way I have not had any luck even with my thinnest picks getting up inside of there so what do you think I'm wondering what these two little pins in the back are for I have no clue I wonder if that's some nastiness from UK lock pickers well he assured me it was totally commercial totally stock pinning so interesting okay I don't know this next one has also been around here for about a year this is a two-bar I think you've actually saw one of your videos really sure I recognise these these are a lot of fun to pick but some of them can be really hard I also have had luck picking them but this one not so much this is from the lock doctor and I you know here's a locksmith so I always am a little bit suspicious when a lock like this comes from from a locksmith I have not had a lot of luck with that locksmiths aren't very trustworthy oh absolutely more than 20 hours on that thing I've lubed it I try to every pick I own but maybe you'll have a little luck with it okay this next one is a bks this is actually a challenge lock that was sent in by florian Claussen again I've had that for quite a while and it was part of two locks he called him the evil twins I managed to get the other one open but yeah it's kind of Yale like the key way that's this is just a lure but it's got a little bit more of a curve on it there that looks really brutal I have not been able even my ten-thousands picks I've broken two of them trying to squeeze them up inside of that key way no luck what so rename it from evil twins to the pick eater it could be this one I got from I bought it from somebody on eBay this is an easy one I'd really like you to try to pick this guy it's easy it's a foreign lock not a lot of technology went into that it's cold it a to--'cause tech 300 easy peasy Oh get out of here yeah look at that bitty you can get that one yeah I'm sore too I said I have had no luck with that it looks like it might be easy I mean there's only five pins on it but look at oh my goodness I don't know if I have a pick that can reach that pretty evil-looking keyway on this guy this next one is a little bit it's called the Tong Xin Locke it's it's really an interesting kind of lock it's very smooth it's spring-loaded and I think this is probably for like a disk on a motorcycle I'm really not sure or a filing cabinet and when you turn it you'll notice that it the actually it pops out and you just pops out the front when you want to lock you just push it back in as core spring-loaded this one it looks very very innocent I have gotten a false set on this guy several times but I've never been lucky enough to get an open I don't know if it's got some kind of evil painting in it there's no way to disassemble this lock without destroying it oh yeah least as many hours as I do for you you're welcome to destroy it but just please give it an honest shot yeah here's another one I'd like to talk you into trying this is it's just a lowly trialing nothing to this guy yeah I know what that keyway is I want no parts of this this is the d12 right I picked those before breakfast oh yeah meat so much I just like I picked that a ploy on your door I've never had luck with this guy I can't even get a pick it out you know there was a guy that came in 1966 did pick I think it was the detent but keyway is very very similar keyway I've got a pic I can loan you if you want to try it I've not had luck myself but give it a shot this next one is really interesting grab that guy right there this is a it's again a stock lock it's a dumb and this is a dom diamante now these next two domes this one in the next one are both from a guy named jarn he's a lot of Smith and you have to tremon you having trouble unlock even with a key we can't get in there yeah ah yeah me too I know it works because I well that might be your problem right there what's that honest it was working wow it did pop out a little bit maybe it needs a little Lube there we are we go you know it's a little tighter that is completely stock it's not been modified he assures me that is a crazy-looking K I'm telling there's four different sides on that thing and they're all waivers and they're all independent that is an evil evil lock and it's hard to believe in fits such a large quantity of evil into such a small package I've got nothing on that lock I don't even know how to tension that I think this can stay in your Noddy bucket let me tell you I've been on doing this for a long time and I'm the reason I invited you here today you're probably one of the most gifted lock pickers that I have seen in a very very long time and you're in you're in some pretty powerful company there well thank you sir people like chess guy 125 he used to make some awesome videos picking medicos like the 800 series right out of the box I mean that's that's how credible I think you are in the same classes kokomo lock and whizz wazzle all those guys so I've got confidence that you can get into these even when I can't I appreciate it thank you the dom p HT premium another little lot of evil goes into a tiny little package here look at that a couple different sets of pins look like they're opposing they are this is a lot like the kappa 8 but i believe made with even more precision it's like they put those pins in there opposing so when you pick one you automatically over set the other ones it's just just nasty yep that sums it up they're so smooth the next one's really interesting i've got i've got him open actually a couple of times never on camera though this is a zeta it has some pretty evil pinning it's a pretty high-quality lock nice tolerances in it you take a look at that bit of nice bidding on that i know i think that's part of the nastiness but it seems like every time i put a camera on him he gets shy and refuses to open can't tell you how many times I've given him a chance to to be a star but nothing nothing that's an interesting law nice looking one two hey there's a nice-looking boy guys pretty high quality stuff this next one's interesting this is Ava shet I've opened up the shits are usually not that high quality locks to be honest with you but this guy is special I've had this one for I guess about two months now this is from call from mr. throne I have not even unwrapped the key he did send me some instructions with the blueprints of how this lock is put together and I think there are a total of 20 or 21 internal pins at almost every conceivable angle you know each side with no pins or though as the ones on the right there next to the body really nasty-looking again I got nothing from that lock so what do you think yeah give him a shot oh I can open all of them easy no problem I know you're gonna open and it's always destructive before breakfast the RAM set out here that's what I'm saying is not with a ramjet our additional guy was sent to me by UK bump keys it's a bantam these are hard they are really hard I got lucky with one of these that raked open I've tried the single pin pick it several times since then with no luck at all you and I are on the same boat that I've actually made special tools for this I made a fake bump key I tried raking it s pee-peeing it no luck on this guy it's got pretty decent bidding on it and the weird thing about if you look closely at that pin you can see all the way through those holes and what that tells me this is made with such precision that when the pins are set from opposing sides they're touching through those holes so as soon as you put a pic in between them you've over set one or the other yeah that's my feeling crazy so I'm gonna give that one shot I don't know if I have that much patience Ram said it Arthur's next was from Adrian Weber and you guys have seen this one before he oh boy has been living in the 90 bucket for about four years he's the longest term resident of olive he's got a permanent residence I under why take him on out of it because a lock that delegated is a lock picked in my view yeah nasty nasty stuff alright next one we guys this also is from UK lock Pickers I don't know if you've ever seen one of these guys the Cabot expert I have seen one and I have never opened one but I've seen one look at that how many pins is that that's got to be more than 20 too many to count it looks like somebody shot it with a shotgun there's so many dents in that thing mm-hmm but it works nice not a thing about threadable one of these was given to me a couple of years back by Joshua Hoffmeyer I have tried picking it many times since then no luck at all yeah I think you're probably gonna have the same level of luck with his brothers the camo Quattro the Quattro I had one I gave it away I was so frustrated but I hit well I'm trying to give mine away - you want it no no takers here yeah they asked you know this next one's a lot of fun this is a decimal now I think you've actually opened one of these this I have this is the 8 bar version and this one came off of a drug cart which you know you have to pretty high security in a hospital for the drug carts and this is the default lock now sure these are great these they actually they just took the side bar portion of the asset twin put two of them in one lock and that's what it is and they are a ton of fun to pick your and my fun I mean frustrating so your definition for the mine this is an interesting lock this is a French lock called zerah ax IR a now if you pull that out and take a look at that guy this is really another that's not just in case right you got all those different depths that you have to set it you got to find a way to tension it in a tiny little key way Wow tensioning that one I bet is the issue I don't even know how to start by the time you get a tiny tension or even the tiniest of tension there's not a lot of room to work nope so I've had no luck with that guy all right this next one's from China I mean this is the kind of quality you would not expect out of some of these locks but I have a collection of Chinese locks that just have some amazing technology and this was no different this was sent to me about Peter Valerio about two years ago it looks like a normal key way that you could place a little bit bigger than the than the eight pin US version mm-hmm you're starting to see a few more of these around we both saw these on the master lock Street cuff that's current where they have that little bezel or the little ring underneath the bezel is where you have to tension it correct unfortunately I don't know of a good way to move them beyond the first the first position there they're not easy to open at all it's going to take a custom tool for sure I managed to pick that one one level but I guess so far as I could get it like you said sure next one pretty interesting this was actually so whoever owned this before they couldn't find the key so they removed it that's my kind of guy yeah he got it off pretty quick I guess and then he later found the key and sent it to me to see if I could pick it just for fun this is a squire stronghold SS 65 CS sure now take a look at that q it doesn't look like it would be that difficult doesn't look bad i cut pins or near the bull but when you look at that key way it's pretty how do you even think about getting in there you know I have picked some of these Squire strongholds before but never with the our one key way here so this is an interesting one good luck with that one I can't tell you how many hours and how many ten thousands picks I've broken on or bent on him now another picky eater yep all right this next one's easy it's just a German little bitty German ring couch guy and everybody can open this thing oh boy what is this it's like we have pins from four different directions I'll be honest I can't even begin to count them at least there we go it's chock full no question oh gosh that's a full-size key those hands go all the way back well not only that in Germany this is just a drawer lock man you ought to see the locks they use on their front doors they put good locks on the front doors not like the the ABLOY you have arts this next one's interesting this is actually unquote unpickable US made lock this is a call to SB lock I bought this on eBay the interesting thing about this guy I have picked circular locks before but never one that has the tensioner in the back can you turn that key just a bit and show them that's the notch to tension this lock from the rear so by the time you rig up a tensioner slide it all the way to the rear there's five rows of pins in this thing that you've got a pick that's unbelievable isn't it though and what is this 15 15 pins and you probably have to pick this multiple times before you can rotate it around that would be my guess you rotate it just like the Chinese when I opened or the Korean when I opened you probably rotate that about 20 degrees it locks up and you got to pick it attention is the real battle here that's the battle because it takes a fall you're working space okay well this last looks like the last one is not the last one but this is a gg and this was sent to me by a carpenter named Jedi Buddhist again he's lived in a naughty bucket for at least a couple of years if you hold that key up to the top it looks like a seven Pinner and I'm totally lost here but he doesn't extend all the way to the seventh pin so he's probably only as six pinner but there's some tricky security pins in this guy it is a nightmare first of all just getting the key in it yeah it's very rough I mean there's something unusual once we get the key is it smooth like silk so there's some nastiness in there jedi Buddhist did tell me it's completely stock as I said as a lawyer and they took the this is the old lock that was on their lock box to keep their tools in and they replaced it with a better lock I guess is what he said and he sent me the old one and I have not been able to get this guy open despite my best efforts interesting you say this wasn't all of them though oh no absolutely not I got one more I'm gonna offer up to you one that's been here probably longer than any of the rest of them that is this guy this isin this is a Goethe Titan I asked for help from the lock-picking community years ago on this guide I've implemented every one of the suggestions I've tried a bump key on it I've tried impression in it oh my god I've tried everything you can imagine HP peeing and I get nothing from this luck the thing about it go ahead put the key in there start turning it you'll notice in order to unlock the locking bar how many rotations do you have to get I think that was four yeah so you got to pick this thing not only that so let's see four rotations and it looks like all these pins are lined up which means you have to pick this thing 16 times before you open it up yeah that's crazy well you know this is the older version when I asked for help the company actually laughed at me and they said oh yeah yeah that's our old one and they sent me a brand new one this is the Goethe g1000 I haven't even opened this box and I I promised myself I wouldn't open this box until I got that one picked so one of us needs to pick this thing so we can all join thousand sixteen times on a lock I'm not even sure how they open just pack a lunch when you start working on that one yeah sixteen times sorry I figure five minutes each you know you're talking serious touch at least an hour to get it open I ever go to live in the woods I'll take this with me all right look you took time to break in here the least I can do is offer up some locks to you before I shoot you in the leg so I'll let you choose a couple of things you can choose as many locks as you want and you can choose which leg of shoot you in wow you're a nice guy I'm trying to be something okay well these locks almost make getting shot worth that well let's see what we've got here now the NW 5 I have picked the NW for actually a couple of them I think so I'd like to try this as you never tried an nw5 before put that in your goal book it okay we got that one the two bar you've said this one's given you some trouble so I definitely want to try that as well absolutely those are a little tricky to tension to but you know that you've picked them before mm-hmm but let's see what else we've got here the Zeta this is another one I've actually seen the inside of these before it looks like a dimpled pin tumbler but this is a slider side bar design I don't think there's any false gates but I think we might be able to get this one open at least I'm gonna try I'll tell you what you have my permission to that one with the the RAM set because if you can't pick it I can't pick it we may as well get rid of it once it will do something it can't it can't survive to embarrass us another day yeah okay let's see what else we got here the the Benham I am gonna leave alone I have one of these at home that's already destroying me as is this one this keyway is just brutal there's a slightly easier key way made by sisa or cheetah I'm not really sure how to say as well yeah but and I've opened that one before but I have never been able to open this one and I think what that bidding that Adrienne picked out you probably never will it's a it's a lost cause those those locksmiths and I want to give this one a try this one has on the bidding doesn't look too bad I might have to to dig deep into it into the pit case to see okay what I will even loan you a ten thousand deep hook to get into that one because that's what you're gonna need okay I'll give this one a shot too okay and let's see what else we've got four of them here maybe a couple more okay this I'm gonna try out this one just because he's small doesn't mean he's not mean I think this is interesting I have never seen this before on a lock you see that little hole hmm that goes through the shackle and the lock body I'm guessing that's for some sort of tamper seal or something like that it would go right I've never seen that before and I think I stand a chance at opening this we'll see though okay I think maybe I can pick it one position and that may be improvised a key once we have it between them have at it and about evil you said this guy ate a couple of pics forth of the evil twin yeah okay let's try this one I think this is enough to embarrass me for a while you know that is that's all that's gonna be stock I think the bidding is probably what's gonna get you on this guy okay well I'll have to pick it to find out what it is but make sure you got it and again you got the permission once you once you get it picked got it you don't one second impact you're putting the card enough you are gonna hit I know you're gonna hurt in front of the horse did I tell you that thank you how about this guy he is uh he's all stock he's a very smooth lock there guys just got something that looks deceptively easy well that's what I found I thought well I'm gonna rake him and then that didn't work and I thought like it maybe SP p.m. hours and hours and hours later I'm still frustrated this is the kind of lock that can embarrass me but I'm gonna try it anyway I've already been there so they'll be two of them okay sounds good and you know what let me try one more thing you try that guy yeah let's try the r-1 I have picked a couple of these strongholds before but never tried the our one key way okay so let's give that a shot and and we'll see what happens I'll be interested to see what's in you you won't be able to Ram shut him I can tell you that oh no I've got to imagine this is about as close to bulletproof as you can get maybe put a 50 caliber ramjet note might work huh well I need to to get working an upgrade I might need to make that one myself alright I got a pretty good job of thinning out my naughty bucket I'm still gonna have to listen to all these guys laugh but as far as I'm concerned these locks are long as I've delegated them to you that's fewer that I have to be embarrassed by right well they're probably coming back unopened but we'll see only a couple of them of luck with all right well look thanks for stopping by I'm sorry I have to shoot you later we'll do that off camera okay I don't want to get a scratch side left leg okay I'm shooting in the right one sorry about that Hannah all right guys okay that's all we have for you today if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it you should subscribe to my channel forget about Bill and as always have a great day make me feel like dirt here hold on before you leave click that subscribe button and while you're there click that notification bell as well if you'd like to be a sponsor click there and for five bucks a month you get all kinds of benefits if that's not enough free stuff hit the lock lab we've got a self-paced lock-picking course with over a dozen modules at the bottom the page join the tribe subscribe
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 424,046
Rating: 4.9370832 out of 5
Keywords: 1311 lock, LockPickingLawyer Raid, bosnianbill lockpicking lawyer, (1311) LockPickingLawyer Raids LockLab's Naughty Bucket, lock lab lockpicking lawyer, bosnianbill lockpickinglawyer, LockLab's Naughty Bucket, naughty bucket, (1311) lockpicking, LockPickingLawyer Raids LockLab's Naughty Bucket, the naughty bucket, the lock picking lawyer, Lock Lab, lockpicking lawyer, bosnianbill naughty bucket, lock picking lawyer, lock picking, bosnian bill
Id: 1jSHwaOR_eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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