(1187) Whipped: Farmer13 (Yes......AGAIN!)

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[Applause] well guys when a challenge lock comes in the lock lab I usually give it one hours worth of attempts I make six tries ten minutes each for a total of one hour and if I can't pick a challenge like after an hour I usually would do a whipped video on it this video is a little bit different this is a farmer free clock farmer 13 I've been working on this lock for three days and now three hours now not constantly I took time out for you know bathroom breaks and things like that but a lot of hours have gone into this let me zoom in a little bit on the front you can see the wear on this where I've my picks have actually worn a little trough here in the bottom of all of the hours I've spent on this lock nothing I got just a very the most minor of fault sets let me tell you what I know about this lock through observation and then I'll tell you what I know about this lock through cheating observation first of all farmer freak locks are usually a mixture of a very good quality lock with some you know really nice pins and also a puzzle thrown in just for the heck of it this one's got a third element and I think or at least I believe it does it's got some psychological warfare thrown in so when I got this lock first thing I did is look at it look down the keyway got a flashlight and right on the bottom is a detent just like we find on Everest locks I can feel it got a very strong spring and I thought I had found the puzzle all you have to do that now is uh pick those six pins on top and you can feel all six pins right along the top of there well I beat the detent I raked it and I got one or two times in three days a very minor fault set but these pins on the top are always springy none of them were actually bound up so those are my observations I tried to beat the detent in a couple of different ways first of all I try if I can grab one here I tried to put a very long tensioner in there so I would slide this dude in get in there I would push him down it I mean it's a really strong spring and the pin is located roughly in the middle and then I would tension it the problem is because that pin is located in the middle while the front of this tensioner might be all the way on the bottom the back of it is still pivoting up on that on that pin so despite me thinking this was a good idea didn't quite work out so I came up with another idea and I was getting a little clip basically and I would slide him in there and then shove him down and clip him on the bottom just like that now this is kind of cheating because there's no guarantee this will not be flush fitted somebody you know there's no guarantee they're gonna be a lip on there put this on but it didn't matter I didn't beat it this has the same problem that really strong spring from that detent pushed the back of this up so the detent was never defeated unless I picked it manually now when you go use top of the tension top of the key way like I said all the pins are dead so looking a little closer and this is pure cheating let me back out a little bit here let's take him out of the clamp you know you got six pins on the top you can feel it and through the tape you can see six caps in there when you rotate it around there's also two caps here that I missed on my first observation there are two side pins coming directly in there like that I'll tell you I cannot feel them with my pick I have no idea what they do so that's why I say I think the bottom pin is psychological to make me think I beat the puzzle this is the real trap I don't know if these are these have to be pushed in like dimples I don't know if they're trap pins so that means if you touch them it'll seize the core I really don't have a clue there's doesn't appear I haven't taken the tape off it doesn't look like there's any other pins on this thing other than those eight actually nine counting the bottom one so I'm I'm whipped guys I don't know what to tell you I'm not going to put more than three days into picking a lock I'm declare this as a whip video and let's go ahead and take a look I have all this chunk out of the way let me find the end of the tape looks like it right there you know before we let me go and take the tape off and then we're going to go ahead and pull the key out I have the key still all right there okay and observation here there are six pins on top looks like there's two of them on the side and I didn't even feel that or see any indication through the tape there's another one right there on the bottom we'll take a look at all of those let's take a look at the key though I have the key sandwiched this little wafer thing let's go ahead and cut it and take a look all right I don't see anything to address those side pins I mean we got some awesome bidding on this thing no question to that but I don't see any nothing in there not even inside of the groove well let's see if this thing works I have no doubt that it will Wow that thing really really drags going in there oh come on man don't tell me you don't work it does work well I said it did it started turning there right there it partially turns there we go oh my god that thing is it's super tight it's loose going counterclockwise but when you turn it clockwise I mean it really takes a lot and I'm wondering if the tailpiece is on tight I'm gonna loosen that up the detent isn't locking in the little notches there and that really makes no difference oh my god announced okay well it does work but it is incredibly now it doesn't want to go back incredibly tight there we go all right it does work so let's give credit where credit is due let's hoping it up take a look grab the neck on this detent I notice the tail piece it doesn't have to be pushed down it looked like it was screwing off without having to push down on my detent I think it's because that's quite worn oops okay give me a key because I definitely need it I'm gonna turn the mic tell you what since there are all these weird pins and that's really strange how it's really tight going that way but when you go back it's super easy when it works come on there all right let's take this side let's take the bottom pin out first okay let's see if this is the right size and of course it's not sorry this guy there we go all right we have a ball bearing in the bottom as a detent with a spring holding in place and I don't see anything else down there all right let's take these side pins out next what do you know the right size I grab the right one all right all right little compress spring and a normal pin looks like there's another pin down there we get my beater block up here maybe there's not all right well stick that other guy out Oh what do I do with those tweezers I got so much chunk hanging out here yuzu means that you guys can kind of see what I'm doing here okay we got a half a spring and another another driver pin nothing else all right let's go and put the key in now and treat this like a normal lock and maybe not know a clue what okay starting to get like a false set I don't know guys I don't know what to tell you all right let's just take the pins out of the top since we do have these caps on here let's take advantage of it see if I got the right size here all right all right we're gonna steal spring and he's magnetic naturally just like my tweezers all right let's see what we got here all right guys this fell I don't know where that came from I have no clue where that came from I don't know if that that could not I think that fell out of the side that's one of the side pins come on focus give me a break all right well he fell out of that guy there must be another one inside of there as well this fell out of the Bible there must be another pin in the side here he's starting to come out he's almost out of there come on there we go all right it's another one of these little t-pin guy so these little t-pins were on the side so those definitely were active side pins all right now let's get back busy with chamber 2 another steel spring and looks like share rated with a standard driver I take that back that was not goes like that this was not a standard pin this was a two-part pin and then for the key pin and that slides down inside of the body you can see that's hollow there all right as we continue to fumble our way through this there we go I didn't drop one what do you know I've got a different spring come on come on okay we got a standard driver and a standard keep in okay we're continuing with our dropping habit another steel spraying number four oh boy take a look at that little guy and it looks like a homemade serrated I'm almost thinking that's a two-piece or it is come on camera focus baby it's a two-piece or no wonder I wasn't getting this guy open all right number five continuing with the dropping bill come on okay we have we have a driver with a little tiny little groove cut in him and then I don't know if this is a two-piece or just a straight very simple saturated in my sharp edges on him and the last one I don't want to know how many hours it took you to put this together come on come on [Music] all right we have I don't have to keep thing out yet a serrated driver and this one doesn't want to come out there he is just a standard standard keep in alright what do we have here looks like we have number one two four and five are threaded these little t-pins fit into the side like so I'm only going to put one in there and let's just do a real quick check it does protrude into the keyway I don't know if you guys can see that or not it does protrude in the keyway just a little bit so I suspect it was hiding right behind pin number six and the next one would would have been hiding behind pin number three so as I I would have to have picked him probably with a flag tool sliding him down inside of there finding him and then manipulating him to the shear line so it was a standard basically a standard pick from the side because we had a standard driver pin in the body of the lock so I had to get I had to pick pin number six and then pick the side pin I had two pink pin number three and then pick the side pin and I don't know the sequence if you look at this groove here it looks like something was really binding up around the lock that's probably what was causing all the problems I had buggered it up when I was picking I really don't know all right let me let me go in straighten all this stuff up so I give you a close-up shot of all the pins this is a two piece or and then the side pin goes here all right let's take a look at the body real quick on this one every single one of them all six of them were threaded and in the chambers and these guys were threaded all the way through the body as well looks like this started out as a piece of hex brass and he machined the whole lock himself and then might have used this core and retrofitted out of another lock probably out of Ashe leg or something but he did make the he did make the body to fit this all right now here's what we have let me get this working right we have serrated and now remember this was chamber number one is threaded chain number two is standard pin but that was threaded as well to catch this threaded part of that two-part pin that you see right there three was standard there were no threads in it number four we had a two-part dry key pin with a standard driver basically a wafer same thing on number four except it's a single part pin with a basically a master wafer and then number six we had a standard driver with a look like a little serrated six was also threaded by the way on the two side pins which were hiding behind pin number three and pin number six both of them were these little t-pins that you see right here with standard drivers on the bottom we had a ball bearing I really don't know what the purpose of that was other than to perhaps keep the lock aligned I can't see that's what was causing the binding guys that ball bearing let me grab that key real quick when you slide that dude in there would push the ball bearing out of that groove and allowed to rotate in that ball was actually creating a groove inside of the core I don't know why that would be maybe it's just a little bit too tight but it didn't work so I've got to give credit where credit's due so we had a puzzle we had psychological warfare and we had some nasty pins all tucked it into threaded chambers I don't feel bad I think three days is a little bit big a little bit much time to invest in it but I don't regret a minute of it farmer freak thank you sir I'd really love to know how long it take you to put this lock together this is incredible appreciate time guys stay safe stay legal you
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 180,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whipped by farmer13, farmer13, bosnianbill whipped, bosnian bill whipped, whipped by, door lock disassembly, challenge lock, lock disassembly, lock disassembly kit, lock disassembly tool, Bosnian bill, bosnianbill challenge lock, locklab challenge, trick locks, challengelock, pick lock, lock pick, how to pick locks, how to pick a lock for beginners, advanced lockpicking, advanced lock picking, advanced lock picking techniques, bosnianbill challenge, Bosnianbill, lock-lab
Id: NklxtGJ6Nos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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