(PRIVATE) Challenge: Slinky

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[Music] alright guys I have a challenge lock here from lock-picking Lebowski and I just wanted to document how I've screwed up already and I haven't even seen the lock I did cut this there was so much tape along the flaps I just decided to cut it with scissors and when I look in here I noticed that I cut the letter and on it I can see that it says top secret so I'm not going to even take that out but I it's clear I could easily get inside there and peek but I'm not going to do that I will dump everything out we got there's a key ok the key is the key is taped to it okay let her safe for camera cool all right but it did cut the end of it off by accident so the end of it probably right here there it is all right well my one more screw up to add to my very very long list but I don't feel bad because I got some to chew on a boo boo boo boo right all kinds of good stuff I will be looking on this while I worked on the lock let's look at the lock all right a slinky I can imagine what's inside of here I'm looking for I've seen some of the dude's paintings before I I didn't know I kind of expected to see little side plates with hidden pins a couple of random drill ones for additional side fins who knows what could be inside of here it is a Yale style keyway trying to look up inside there and I don't see any weird stuff on that first pin just looks like a standard pin up there in the front and that's about all I'm gonna cheat let me go ahead and clamp this thing up and see what slinkys got inside all right guys I know this is not proof to you that I didn't peek at that letter I haven't but this is my third try so I think if I'd peeked and it had done me any good it would have helped me out long before now all right my first two failed attempts ten minutes each we're trying to go clockwise this time I think I'll try to go counterclockwise and it is a Yale key way so when you use the top of the keyway tensioner these work great for clockwise that's why I tried it twice but when you go counterclockwise it kind of rolls around that little curve just the way it's designed and you can't do that so you have to use bottom of the key way I'm gonna use the medium one I think that'll be right say what let me use try that big one I think that's probably a little better that way I know he's not rolling down there and seizing up the cylinder I am going to stay with the same pick I used on the first two attempts the Atilla ideally I would like something very thin but I've already broken four of my 15,000th picks so there are three pins in here two three and four that are just at least when you go clockwise very nasty very precise so when you pick one the other two fall so I'm hoping by going in the opposite direction that the binding board will be different I'll have a little bit better chance so let's try it that was pin two I'll tell you what why don't you let's reset this let's put a just tension it counterclockwise put a little mark on it right there alright now let's start that clock again I'm about two minutes all right I'll weigh in light tension pintu again a little click tiny little click pin three okay I got a little fault set click down pin for real crunchy got a little deeper fault set out of it pin two again fell back down clicked again force down counter clock counter rotation on the spool just very slight and I got a fault set to did not fall how refreshing okay that was three two did not fall and four did not fall so breaking new ground here the downside of course is that I'm getting no feedback I believe that's pintu he's back down not all the way okay that's pin five little counter rotation that was a nasty I do still have a faults at threes down okay got him fours down come on this is where I break the pic okay nice little clique working with a fault set not much but something three down it's really hard to get on him to just Keim's a roll off to the side come on and there we go alright I will take it we're at 24 minutes and 35 seconds right now let's get it I won't make you suffer through the first two failures I'll make sure I leave those off but all right get that tensioner out of there get all this off to the side get a pinning to it I was almost starting to feel like wasted afternoon another whipped and I came very close now it's time to eat my boo boo boo boo all right this is the envelope I have not opened it but the key at least is still sealed let's go ahead let's see it says open before gutting okay do not open until after picking well I stumbled onto that and everything's safe with the camera I don't want to give away any personal information okay so this is the guarantee that I won't screw up the gutting so it shows you where everything's going to be but more importantly it tells me what's gonna pop out all right so I got a whole lot of ball bearings to worry about starting in chamber three so three and four look out for disasters and we got looks like a real strong spring in number five and looks like we got some well we'll go and look at some threads in the chamber there and chamber - all right let's give it a try let's pull that key off there you know why didn't it ring that should have raped and you guys won't have to look at it but I spent a big part of attempt number one trying to rake it perfect guys perfectly smooth no snagging no nothing goes both ways just like my brother-in-law all right let's pull this off here okay look what's the advantage of having this cheat sheet do I need the shim and I would say probably not the only one mmm might get caught up on and be that T pin in chamber one but that's right at the very opposite end of where I'm trying to go so I think we're I think we're good he says right before the gutting disaster icon shows up all right there are the promised ball bearings and chamber for I don't know how how many are there that looks like part of a chaining actually I don't know if I if they're separate if maybe I pick some to the higher chamber I don't know we'll find out a minute very long pin we have a serrated chamber to is also threaded through your standard core is oh it's a chain that's not just ball bearing that's a chain no wonder I had so many failures with deep fault sets alright here we go guys just one threaded chamber yeah let's take a look at this well we'll look at it later we'll look at it I want to save some good stuff I don't want to give away all the secrets right now cuz then all you guys to turn off the video alright our chamber one is the promised T pin and spring that was not a very strong spring I thought it was going to be like a looking at the picture it almost looks like a Bic lighter spring but it isn't okay we got a standard in chamber two with a very light gauge steel spring number three is again it's not ball bearings it's a chain number three number four is a spool and I'm looking over at the picture trying to figure out if that's what was promised and the last one wow that was really strong that is our super spring and he was in like that and this guy here come out of there really really a strong spring and I think we have one spring left in chamber four there he is it's a NASA spring ok upstairs I don't see any threading or counter milling on the anything like that all right now let's go back and look at the magic I like this guy's I like having a drawing it did save me from that was saving me from a lot of gutting disasters so particularly on the stuff that you know that freaky stuff you guys put in alright let's look at one of the how one of these would work I've had these viewer he was in chamber four so let's put him in chamber four I got a lot of fall sets now notice how that ball bearing kind of floats I mean come on focus how it kind of floats there so when he reaches that chain you get your deep deep fault set and if you're in the wrong place like I was several times man that could be very deceptive because once you pinch on that tiny waist between those two you're not likely to get a lot of feedback I run into these before a while back I think it was Lucas balls was the first one to come up with this idea and it worked great Lucas balls got a whip die this one didn't not because I'm any smarter but because today I am a lot luckier every guys appreciate your time stay safe stay legal walk picking Lebowski thank you sir for this sheet alright guys appreciate your time stay safe stay legal lock-picking Lebowski that was a battery failure by the way appreciate you taking the time to put together this this reassembly sheet thanks guys if you like the idea of drawing a large sport community please consider supporting the Locke lab by either becoming a patreon or clicking the join button below [Music]
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 29,950
Rating: 4.9509869 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking
Id: _5nuePd13Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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