(1862) Dave's Handmade Lock (Awesome!)

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[Applause] all right guys today we're gonna have a little bit of fun it looks like i have a handmade lock here that dave put together it did come with a little note so let me take a look at that before we look at the lock um got interested during the pandemic yeah i enjoyed it i tried making my hand at making locks more pick resistant and i highlighted this myself as you can see my strategy is to limit the room in the keyway yeah and i think when you figure the lock you'll he was successful there um robbed me a feedback also threw in some homebrew security pins uh the key has ridiculously called small cross section uh so he used titanium alloy so hope it slows me down a bit just looking at it has slowed me down so titanium key with shrink wrap it looks like a titanium follower i did pull this out earlier and the reason is because it has an arrow drawn on it somewhere there it is right there so pointing to this end and when i look in there it's got a reduced diameter for some reason so apparently this is machined to fit over the to like act like a sleeve so that guarantees a picking disaster right this is one of the smallest keyways i have run across it looks like a standard cylinder but he's built his own uh core for this thing tiny little keyway and if you look in there you can just see the pins they're quite deep on the right side i don't know if you can see that reflection in there or not but they are quite deep inside of there i have no idea how many there are in here so let's clamp this guy up see if i can't figure out a way to tension it while at the same time fitting what i believe is going to be a dimple pick inside of there to see if we can't get this dude open all right let's try attempt number three i have not yet picked a single pin when i started i went down the right side and very quickly the pick got trapped without even getting to the all the way to the back so i had to fight it out it took me 20 minutes that was attempt one attempt two went down the left side and worked my way to the rear started picking in the front worked my way the rear and again got trapped started fighting ended up breaking a pick so new pick i sharpened the front edge of it kind of like aerodynamics hopefully it will slide under the pins a little better than the previous one did hopefully won't get trapped so let's try this put him right there let me reach under and around the camera and let's see if we can make this work so light tension don't get trapped right around there i can feel it starting to pinch so dave's first goal probably was to trap the pick he probably knew that was going to happen but the goal of being restricted keyway certainly is working got a binder right there and he doesn't want to go anywhere so i'm not going to force him just yet and i got nothing all right so what i'm going to do let's pull it all the way out how he slides in this go um apply heavy tension and see if we can force a binder there's one they mushed all the way to the top telling me it's probably over set so i've got him set let's see if anybody else is binding and the answer is no so definitely that's an oversight get in there okay moderate tension get under there get under there there we go minor click little click come on where are you i'm looking for any kind of feedback on the tensioner and i got nothing right there is the only binder like a round pin twos my guess all right so nothing always rear get back there light let's try picking from the rear see if that helps us at all it's really difficult i can't even tell how many pins are in here guys because the feedback is just so subdued because of the pinched pick shaft i want to say that's pin one but if i were building a lock i would not make pin one a high cut like that um i have a pretty heavy tension i'm just trying to see if i can force something and i'm stuck there get in there all right that is not a pin very heavy tension super heavy tension there he is i'll take it there's one i'll take it nothing i think i overset him come on it's a good way to get stuck bill good way to break the tip all right lighten up i'm in five minutes my final attempt don't blow it okay there we go i felt a very slight turn on the core there and there we go all right but with two huge failures i gotta tell you dave your design uh of using a very narrow keyway definitely worked see i'm even stuck even though it's picked i can't get the pick out of there so we do have a key though so it is picked you can see that i'm going to probably turn this back so i can get my pick out so apparently there's a very low cut one probably somewhere in the middle and i can tell you that very first one is very low cut as well because that's where i would build a lock and i could tell it didn't want to go anywhere so let's take a look at this guy put this down get all this stuff out of here and get the box with the key and the follower we're definitely going to be needing that get the box out of here let me get a knot we don't need a knife there we go oh okay here we go all right a titanium key so take a look at the bidding on this guy we definitely have a very deep cut here kind of not a high one but a medium cut a very deep cut one there a very high very low very that's exactly the way i'd build a lock and this thing doesn't work yes it does i must have pushed it in too far something works beautifully all right um so i needed phillips and let's go ahead and take that out so it doesn't turn while i pull that screw out of there and that looks like a spacer of some kind let me pull this up here that's not a spacer check it out somebody did some really nice machine work on this guy that is why we have that tapered in that's why he put that little arrow on there yeah man perfect all right so let's let that key go turn it 90 degrees and follow the arrow bill follow the arrow a six pinner and that's a beautiful fit you can tell this is completely machined by hand beautiful job beautiful all right let's pull these guys out and take a look that looks like a standard pin that is a tapered pin uh that is a t pin but on a key pin a t pin keeping a i don't even know that is the one [Music] that was trapping everybody he has no tapered end yeah and i'm sure that was by design all right here we go uh another t-pin and another t-pin and that was a double double t pin and we'll take a look at these pins a little closer so i would have thought that or the secret would be up here so i'm going to put my finger on there just in case the pins pop let me grab some tweezers and let's grab a little care it's a little harder to use the tensioner or the follower all right that guy's literally stuck right at the shear line just barely breaks it tiny little spring and a standard standard pin this one does break the shear line and it is a tapered pin i'm not going to worry about that spring just yet number three does not even pop above just makes it to the shear line just barely it's probably one of those another one is baby springs no it isn't oh no that's that's the spring for chamber two chamber three doesn't want to come out of there chamber 3 does not want to come out let's get my dental pick up here and see if we can convince him that everything is safe all right that one is stuck that one is stuck and it looks like i know it's difficult to see but it looks like there's a piece of nope he's just stuck he's springy but he's there he is oh t-pin i don't know why he was stuck guys no clue pretty nice spring all right number four let's flip it around the other way let's get number six out it is a spool number five was a serrated and let's go ahead and keep these springs straight because they are different there's six five and the last pin pretty strong spring it looks like a standard one all right nothing else in there should nothing else better pop out of there although it wouldn't surprise me i'm trying to find out if any of these chambers are threaded and it doesn't doesn't look like it so it's probably a stock core stock body he just machined this part and this also there are no edges on there no threads no nothing it's all in the pins and probably the the nice tolerances all right let's take a look at this guy um standard pin and then this is a come on baby focus for me i'm going to change the camera angle just slightly to give a straight above view so we have a tapered end here and a tapered end here that's probably what was giving us a little bit of a fault set we have a t-pin here and a tapered end there this guy is you'll notice that these are all type key pins actually turn him around so but this one here is not this is actually a driver pin and that's probably the one i was having trouble getting the pick under that's probably also the one that was trapping my pick inside of the lock no way no matter how sharp you are it's almost impossible to slide under these guys again this one here we have a serrated on top on the keypad on the driver pin and a t-pin on the bottom last one we have a spool and a t-pin on the key pin t-pin key pin anyways there you go what a battle what a battle what and cost me a pick but totally worth it got some great entertainment out of this dave so the restricted keyway idea indeed does work try to imagine what it would have been like if you had threaded some chambers and really gone crazy on the inside of this thing thank goodness he didn't appreciate your time guys stay safe illegal the giveaway this week will not be this vlog i have to put it back together and send it back to dave but i do have i can find it here i do have one of these guys let me move him out of the way so i don't knock anything out of sequence you guys have seen these before a learnlockpicking.com this is the six pin ultimate challenge lock and get it open here and inside of these training locks uh this is not exactly a training lock but this one certainly is so you got a six pinner um all thread chambers you got all the plugs all the springs you can key it up to these keys or you can use this bag of security pins all kinds of extra parts to pin it up sequentially as your skills improve great training lock start out with one or two chambers expand your skills expand the number of chambers as your skills improve appreciate your time this will be giveaway you want to know how to get it stick around i will tell you appreciate your time guys stay safe illegal dave thanks again for the luck this was a killer job thanks guys all you need to do is navigate to locklab.com the tribal website and scroll down the middle of the page you'll see all the giveaway buttons monday wednesday and friday but the one you're looking for is the weekend review giveaway purpleband just click on it it'll take you to the registration page again scroll the bottom put in a good email address so if you win i can get in touch with you let you know put in a username doesn't matter what it is and click submit when you're done you'll get a green check mark confirming your entry thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 237,980
Rating: 4.9365811 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: P07OoK7Mid4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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