(910) World's Toughest Motorcycle Lock

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He could have drilled that "security" bolt instead of the whole core...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

As someone else mentioned, with a chain so hard, it might be able to be shattered. It would be interesting to see if the chain could be cooled with spray air, then easily shattered. That works pretty well on softer locks, and it should work even better here. This would the the ultimate way to break chain Quiet, Quick, and Concealable.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Severaxe 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2016 🗫︎ replies

Chessguy125 is not the only one who "has any hope" of picking this lock. Several of us, myself included, have picked and gutted this core on camera. Chessguy125 is a true master, but he is not the only one who can pick this lock.

Edit: Formatting

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/tumbl3r 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2016 🗫︎ replies

I like the content.

But for some reason, I also trust the guy.

He just sounds trustworthy.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/datums 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2016 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how susceptible the hardening process of the chain or shackle is to reheating to anneal it into a softer state so it can be cut, or very fast quenching to make it brittle enough to be breakable by impact or crushing.

I've used the first method (anneal and then hacksaw) on some old (shitty) hardened padlock shackles we'd lost the keys to, and I was surprised how well it worked.

I doubt it'd work so well for the setup in the vid here, due to the weight of metal you'd need to heat with a portable rig in a reasonable amount of time, but it'd be an interesting thing to see tested.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/shobble 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2016 🗫︎ replies

Youtube commenter mentioned a portable plasma cutter. Curious to know how well that would turn out. Lots of light and sparks, but probably a bit quieter.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2016 🗫︎ replies

$200 worth of bits later and he still hasn't figured out to use some cutting oil. Could have cut the links a lot faster with an actual cutting wheel rather than that 3/8" grinder as well.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/nvaus 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2016 🗫︎ replies
alright guys no chain and lock can resist attacks indefinitely sooner or later it's going to give up but the idea at least when Wayne Winton of tri-county locksmith put this setup together was to delay an intruder as long as possible so Wayne went out and he looked for the toughest stuff that he could find this is a P wig 12 millimeter square chain this is 1 metre by the way if you register to win this is the giveaway set so 12 millimeter square chain from P wig has a Brinell hardness of 63 so the metal on this is tougher than the metal inside of bolt cutter so you'll be able to defeat that just simply because of hardness of the metal wrapped up in nylon so it doesn't scratch your motorcycle in the center you guys have seen one of these before Wayne sent one of these to me a year ago in fact you're going to see it in just a moment this is a stanley body but Wayne has gone to the trouble to replace the core on these it is a 7/16 hardened steel it's just almost as hard as these links these also are resistant to both grinding and bolt cutters as approved to you in a moment they have solid steel bodies very tough body blocks but when you buy these directly from Stanley the core cores are made out of marshmallow you've probably seen me pick one of these before so Wayne pulled the core out of these and replaced it with something a little bit different this is a NASA core core alone on this lock is over $100 and he pins them up to look something like this now you notice we have six pins on the top and then if you look very closely we have five side bars that we have to pull up pick our side fingers that have to be picked I've been working on one for a little over a year and I've not managed to pick it even once these things work beautifully and it is the absolutely the toughest combination that I've seen the idea of course is delayed to delay an intruder so if you see them out there doing something crazy the longer he's there the easier is to detect them and then maybe you can walk out there and find some way to discourage whatever it is he's trying to do to your motorcycle lock and chain so hopefully this is a latter hopefully this won't be the last time you see this if you're the lucky winner this will arrive in your mailbox so for the rest of this video we'll be taking a look at this one it's identical it is the same lock this is the one I got about a year ago I put it through some rough times this lock actually was previously attacked and somebody gave up on it so Wayne sent it to me to play with it to test it's a little bit beat I tried bolt cutters and it had actually been attacked earlier with both a small grinder and bolt cutters I put my bolt cutters into the prestressed area and I got nothing there Burnell hardness number 63 pretty hard stuff it's harder than bolt cutters so I didn't even make a mark in this pea wig 12 millimeter square chain very very tough but Wayne asked me to carry one step further he asked me to take a little bit closer look at these as I said I tried to pick this there are four or five techniques that are very popular the first is picking usually with a rake you're not going to rake this I have been dedicated to trying to pick this have not been able to do it and as far as I know there's only one guy on the planet earth who's gifted enough to have a chance at getting into one of these locks that would be chess guy 125 he's the most gifted picker I've ever seen so if he's not the guy trying to steal your motorcycle I don't think you got anything to worry about so let's talk about the different attacks I've already talked about bolt cutters I've already tried it on this and total failure because the steel is tougher than the bolt cutter teeth I tried picking it more than a year I'm more I like to think a little bit more than average picker and I got no joy Wayne asked me to try to drill the core I've never tried that here obviously so we have a couple of anti drill things here to worry about plus anti drill hardened steel pins that are built into the lock that probably explains why it is so expensive I'm also going to try a hammer test I'm going to try to beat the bejesus out of this with a variety of different hammers trying to maybe break the case overcome the ball bearings or something to call some kind of metal fatigue and either the chain or the lock so we'll try that and then last but not least we're going to use a grinder on it now grinder is kind of interesting because whenever I show a new lock and talk about how tough it is everybody says well just get a die grinder and go right through there like a hot knife through butter guys it doesn't work like that because if I use bolt cutters or if I pick it or if I try to drill it the my signature is very very low people don't really notice because I'm not making a lot of noise and I'm just being pretty surreptitious in most all of those but when I pull out a grinder suddenly I'm making a hell of a noise and quite a signature as I'll show you in a video when I grind this try to grind through this chain so I'm going to be detected very very quickly if I try to grind but the point is die grinders even when you use them they're not fast when you try to cut through a chain you have to cut through a wide enough gaps in order to get the shackle through it's 7/16 inch hardened shackle so I actually have to cut two times through this chain in order to fit it around the shackle so it's not a very fast thing to do and believe me I'm advertising the fact that I'm breaking in the lock so let's begin with the drilling attack let's go ahead and clamp this up into the vise right guys before we start cutting on a hundred plus dollar lock let's take a look at what it is exactly we're trying to do and what we're trying to defeat first of all in the ISO lock here are what the standard six pins look like you can see that they're all the new style SF pins which have I get the camera to focus very fine cuts and those fine cuts obviously engage in some threaded parts which I'm going to show you in just a minute but these six pins of course engage with the six grooves on the top of the key right there now we got to deal with these five guys and I want to show you what those are because it kind of changes the way we're going to attack this lock all of these pins come out of this lock they are not in here and still in order to open this see is still seized we have to have the key to engage those five side pins actually there's only four and because I pulled one out to show you and then it'll disengage the side bar hopefully and then we can pull this guy out slowly and I put my finger on him and I'm going to hold that side bar in place just a second while I show you the undercut there's counter milling on all six of the cylinders on top and that's to engage those Edge's on those asset pens okay so you see there were no pins in there but we still had to disengage the sidebar this little sidebar fits in that groove in the side of the housing there so when the key is not in that little sidebar pro twos I'm not going to pull it off because they'll all the pins will pop out but it sticks out and it prevents us from turning that core when the pins are lined up then that little sidebar will then depress its spring-loaded and it depresses in a very specific way let me pull this little guy out I'm sure that I'm talking about the sidebar interfaces with these little teeth and you notice that each of them has a little cut like that come on baby focus for me that's Center one and the one nearer the tip of my finger right there and then you turn it over you can see the other cuts as well so every single one of these has a chance to engage in a very special place in those pins and when they're lined up you can see that those grooves are lined up let's take a look at those five pins closer look at one of them this is what it looks like now you see one of them is cut just a little bit deeper let me grab a pointer here this guy is cut just a little bit deeper than the rest of them and that's where that little edge fits into the rest of these are what's known as false gates so if you're busy trying to lift this pin to the right place that groove that you saw cut into that sidebar will artificially set and get stuck that little ledge there will get stuck and one of these false gates leaving you to believe you've got it picked you'll get plenty of feedback but the bar won't be able to push into the side of the lock or rotate so very very difficult not a lot of feedback they are spring-loaded but it's really difficult to get feedback from the side of there okay so I'm going to pull this out and show you the face all you guys are going to pop out of there but that's no problem set this guy down let's look at the lock now this lock has been worked on before but I wanted to show you this is about where you want to drill so you can drill out the shear line if you can drill out on a traditional lock right there down the length of the lock you can drill out all of the six pins provided they're not security pins and the lock will come open problem is as you saw the sidebar is still going to be involved engaged in this lock so drilling out right there on this luck it's not going to help us we actually have to drill out pretty much this entire luck face to drill out not only the top but also that sidebar so quite a trick to it these guys are made out of steel which is going to be quite resistant to drilling and to make matters even worse I'm going to turn it right-side up you'll notice we have a steel carbide anti drill insert here and then we also have another one located on the side there so all kinds of little defeats built into this lock but you know what that's not going to stop me let's go ahead and try to drill it out and let's see what happens all right guys got this baby clamped up I want to show you one more anti drill feature it's going to try to beat us this is this anti drill spinner plate all we got to do is align it like that and then put the drill in there this is designed when you put the drill in there this thing will just like spin around and kind of defeat you but I think we can overwhelm it problem is cutting right there it's not going to do us any good we also have to cut right about there to remove all of those side fingers so rather than try to use an inferior tool I'm going to cheat a little bit let me get this set up and I'll show you what I'm talking about all right guys you see I'm already cheating by clamping this up inside of a vise criminal is not going to be carrying 80 pound of ice but I'm going to try it also criminal is going to be using something like this a battery powered tool 18 volt 12 volt whatever these don't have a lot of power and so they can only drive a smaller drill bit so when we're drilling in there we're going to be there a while with a tool like this so that's why again plane fairs for titie babies I'm going to cheat I'm going to use I'm going to use this it's a two horse power or industrial drill a little well not a little bit a heck of a lot more power so we're going to be able to hopefully twist right by that and try drill plate I'm also going to cheat in another way I'm not going to use a normal drill this is an N mill an end mill is designed not only to go in linearly like a drill bit sharpen on the tip there but it's got sharp blades all along the side so it cuts laterally back and forth so I can drill in and I can wall went up and down to try to break all those side pins and upper pins loose these are quite expensive not the tool with normal criminal I think this is about fifty three dollars and if we break it which is the absolute worst case I'm not going to quit I got a whole bag of these dudes all brand-new ready to go all right I got my headphones on I got my goggles on I'm even wearing underwear let's drill this thing out alright that's not working so good we are kind of eroding and turn this down a little bit we are kind of wallowing it out things taken is slowly but surely but I don't know what the steel is but is pretty tough let me keep at it and I'll just use fast-forward all right again totally artificial I've turned this vertical in the vise to give myself a better angle criminal wouldn't do that my hope is to take this chisel and drive it underneath that spinner that anti drill spinner and then perhaps pry it out of there and I'm going to use a sledge for that I got my goggles on let's see if we can make this happen all right thank you shattered it there we go we've broken it out of there now if I can get that piece out of there there we go we buggered it up pretty good and we pull the camera for you take a look and now I think we can get access with the mill bit all right got a brand new bit in there let's see what we can do some damage now all right we have hit and hit the first anti drill pin I got to figure how to get that out of there oh alright we've hit the steel pins to spill down inside of the keyway those steel pins are snagging up the drill bit but I'm going to keep going alright got a new one let's give it a shot damn those steel pins they have totally mangled this bit as well all right I'm going to sacrifice one more new bit let's see what we've got man with those steel pins that doesn't take long to ruin these things alright this isn't going to work let's look at a different way in alright guys now we're going to try to little grinder I've got this again artificially hooked up I'm actually cheating by clamping just this link inside of the vise and now I'm going to take not a little bit of battery power die grinder but I'm going to take a bit large the Walt commercial grinder and it's got a brand new 7-inch disc on it designed to cut metal I'm gonna have to cut it right here and then probably cut it again right there in order to get it over that shackle but before we do that remember we're going to be doing this at night let's take a break and see what kind of tremendous signature this thing makes at night when you're trying to grind hardened steel alright that's about as good as it gets I'm going to make as I said two cuts I'm going to make one here and probably one or out there to remove a section to get that shackle to let's go for it all right that's halfway there's always section removed now hopefully get the lock undone I know how long that took but we made a lot of noise and we made a lot of light all right one side the link has a weld this side has no well let's see if it's any easier on that side thank you there we go they're both about the same it doesn't really matter I don't think alright let's let's try something different all right when that chain is on there it kind of makes it difficult to get at the shackle but you can kind of shove them to one side this is a little artificial because the others but you can get access to it let's go ahead and try I'm going to take these links off and let's just go ahead and try to cut through the shackle with that cruncher see how tough it is okay remember we have to cut through two places on the shackle as well to get that to get the link out so let's see what happens like another trunk all right there we go let the time that later but that stuff's almost as tough as the links on the chain all right one more vulnerability I want to take a look at this entire locking plate comes off and it's held on by one screw that goes in here and there's little nibs on it that keeps it from turning and then a screw of course goes in from the other side to hold that armored plate on there I'm thinking if we grind off the entire corner of this locked and just completely grind that that screw head off the plate will come off and the lock will come out I've already got it mounted up in the vise let's give it a shot let me zoom in a little bit now let's take that bottom corner off you and there's our core ow ow ow ow hot hot hot all right you can see when we drilled through this thing we get the zoom there we go come on zoom work with me here work with me we didn't actually drill halfway through this thing we didn't get that bar we hit too many of those steel pins but grinding off that bottom plate it probably takes about the same amount of time as cutting through the shackle or cutting through the links and all of them again makes a lot of noise huge light signature at night either way you go this is probably about the toughest motorcycle lock and chain I think I've ever seen all right guys I think we've proven that with enough determination and of course some equipment and a few hundred dollars worth of end mills you can eventually get into any lock and pretty much steal any motorcycle but what a determined effort this was unbelievable great resistance from both the chain and the locks tri-county locksmith you've outdone yourself just so you guys know he sent me a prototype chaining this is actually even tougher and larger in diameter than the one we tested like just just to play around i ground on this for eight minutes and made only those two cut pretty tough stuff I can't wait to test the production level the production run of that chain all right guys if you'd like to win it go to that website register and in one wake you one week you might be the lucky winner of what I think is probably the toughest motorcycle lock on the planet Earth you get one meter of chain got the nylon cover and a Brent new freshly ass lock wild key Stanley lock so there you go guys thanks your time stay safe stay legal you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 798,633
Rating: 4.7969828 out of 5
Keywords: (910) World's Toughest Motorcycle Lock, bosnianbill motorcycle lock, best motorbike lock, World's Toughest Motorcycle Lock, best lock for motorcycle, best motorcycle lock, motorcycle lock test, motorbike lock test, اقوى قفل في العالم, best motorcycle chain lock, motorbike lock, motorcycle locks, best motorcycle locks, motorcycle chain lock, motorcycle lock, Bosnian bill, Bosnianbill, motorcycle lock pick, lock test, motorcycle lock system, motorcycle lock chain
Id: 4JgEfZzaRtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2016
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