(1295) Whipped: Core Sleeve Trickery by Scott Armstrong

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Cool challenge lock. It's very well made.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/_Rob_K_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My brother made this challenge lock!

Edit- Fun fact about the key cover, it was secured by a small piece of spring steel that held the key by the first pin notch. It would have slipped out easily without damaging the cover.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MeatBallsandSauce ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't typically post other people's videos on here, but this thing is pretty awesome.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/theanswriz42 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

And here I am with a sleeved Schlage ready to send to him...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GoreWound ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] alright guys this is what I call a professionally put together challenge log package this is awesome it's like something you buy in a store it's already pre-cut out for everything that needs to go with the challenge like this is from Scott Armstrong he's obviously got some foam cutting skills and also some maybe some machining skills as well he gave me a I get it out of here real tight fit a custom made follower to go for his lucky you want me to use one of mine that I've been beaten up and then I really wouldn't have known what this was had he not put it in his note it's a little machine handle even got some grooves in it so I don't slip like it's like you know blood on my hands or something and a little magnet on the end of it some kind of pick up tool he says I have no idea we have a mummy key and it's sandwiched in between this aluminum but you can still move it but it doesn't come out of there nice wood on the on the outside of that nicest I think probably one of the nicest mommying jobs we've seen and then we get to the work of art really heavy so it's probably mostly solid aluminum he clearly machined it out so he could fit the lock in and then fit it in with these Allen screws nothing else on this no it's not designed to be a padlock or door lock he said he only made this body to make it a little bit easier for me to clamp up so I could pick it on camera so let's see if I can do that let me find that clamp and let's see if we can get this thing picked hey Siri start a 10 minute timer alright guys this is attempt number three you know these ten minute increments pass really fast ten minutes is about enough to figure out how to tension it and then you're on to your second try alright I think I've got the right tools I tried clockwise and last two attempts this time I'm going to try counterclockwise I've already drawn the lines on there I will be using a 13 thousands from rare elements and a 50 thousandths top of the key way I'm hoping feedback will be better going counterclockwise because going clock Hey look at there we already got a fault set and I don't even know how I did it but I'm gonna keep it must have brushed against something in the back as I said this lock doesn't really like talking to you there we go counter rotation I'm on super like tension I believe that's been three come on there we go we got asphalt set still I believe it pin one back down again and I think over set I'm we just lost a fault set here we go spin one again there's there's our fault set back as if that's gonna help us I believe that that is pin for counter rotation there we go I can't tell that rotation it's very slight on pin three but he's the only guy that's halfway talking to me pin 1 is still done let's get him three just flying that again and I think I'm just moving the core I don't think there's any counter rotation on him that's how light my tension is let's take a chance no not only thing I figured maybe something's cut really really high I paid this guy out it's a ten thousandth also from rare elements you can tell from their logo right there on the side rare elements real sharp use ten thousands maybe he'll be able to slide in there and if there's a high T pin or something maybe he'll find it without breaking I must being a trap because nothing is talking see the thicker pick back I am going to force something I just need to find out what I want to force this force three using only one raise this question in my mind that was weird like he slid off of a Ledge there's five I believe that's for little counter-rotation I believe I don't want to give that up they have two three that was three again two got a little deeper faults at now we are living big let's break my pic on four I'm still undecided I believe that's counter rotation on one I think he's popped back down on us come on don't break or don't break it's for again I'm in a loss I'm in a trap got to be nothings talking when it does that it might actually my pic bending in the back that's how much tension I'm putting on to him trying to force some feedback and I'm getting nothing leave do a little break in here real quick mm-hmm see if this guy go in there I'm gonna rig something back down but I doubt it that every one of these seems to be a security pin of some kind and I'm bending my pick oh so close yet so far all right that was my third attempt guys I got 30 minutes invested in this okay shiri that's enough thank you all right know when I figured out how to turn that off I still have a false ad but that is not it's not the first it's gonna be the last all right let's see if we get this open the other one try this guy there we go let's get a pinning tray one of my favorites up there zoomed all the way out yeah Scot you do great work man you must be a machinist that is cool all right I was not restricted I was starting to worry that it was only pickable in one direction and maybe he had some kind of block in there but it looks like it is not it was iffy pickable and either and it's only five pins oh that was easy enough that's the easiest I've got up in a long time alright let's uh let's set him down let's find the key got a key right here I think that could probably just twist him there we go didn't have to destroy anything only a five pin er unbelievable works beautifully make sure I don't accidentally pull it out of there alright um let's use the follower this God gave us and we didn't snag anything isn't that something alright I don't see anything weird guys yes I do have to show you in a minute you don't even want to come out now there's another side pin didn't even see that guy son of a gun look at this and starting to see this now look at this sleeve going back and forth like the old asif sleeve isn't that cool that's creative that's a work of art I don't feel bad at all especially since I've got the lock open and I still can't get that pin out of there it is serrated beautiful beautiful work that looks like an original asset pin but it's home made on on the key pin come on line up oh my gosh awesome work I do not feel bad and now let's take a look at this guy that must be what limits the rotation so it doesn't roll completely out of whack just enough to snag those sharp edges you saw there I don't know let's see here he did give me this guy let's see if that's what we're looking for to pull that pin out for once I guess right look at this guy's what great work that is awesome work very precise very nice work and that sleeve as well no rookie put this together very cool that is very cool all right let's look at the pins upstairs and I'll bet that we're gonna find some more of this real sharp weirdness do this through the camera very slowly so I don't let anything spring out there we go some more sharp edges really deep little spool thread a chamber of course all right chip in - looks like another spool have you seen in a spool like that before guys how awesome is that a multi-step spool all right also on the threaded chamber and let's look at number three [Music] I'm about to lose him here he just popped out another spool this one's what I would call more of a standard spool he's a steel one but standard dimensions no multi stepping on him number five look at that little guy serrated spool that made out of steel and the final one chamber four whoa there he is right there a multi-part pin it is a all steel this is a little spool that's Hollow and then this part fits where do you go where to go it's right in there come on how cool is that and he had a different a little bit different spring it's doubled up on there in the end and every single chamber in the Bible is there all threaded inside of here kind of what I would have expect since he had a thread it anyway to put the plugs in there let's take a look at this guy now remember we have a little sleeve here that turned just like the old a succour so it's constantly doing this as you're flexing and allowing stuff to get caught in underneath the lip of that so it's kind of like I flexible constantly moving undercut chamber in every single chamber and then to make it even sweeter you put something like this in there all of these are really sharp all I think this is the only standard pin I think all the rest of these are all homemade all very sharp edges there's our multi stepped spool we have a spool on the keep to keep in there as well what I'm gonna call a standard spool a serrated step down it's almost like it's threaded this little guy's the pin in pin this one look like a NASA pin serrated spool okay and that's ank you Cirie and then a spool with a share racing on the top so very cool a lot of work went into this only a 5 pin er uh-huh so I am going away I again I'm gonna have to say it I don't feel bad not been able to pick something like this alright guys Scott appreciate all of your efforts I'm gonna put all this back together and I know how much work you put into it I am going to return it to you appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal and I appreciate you tolerate and Cirie now I'm gonna go out and put a bullet through her thanks guys you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 105,744
Rating: 4.9552693 out of 5
Keywords: Core Sleeve Trickery, floating sleeve, (1295) Whipped: Core Sleeve Trickery by Scott Armstrong, floating sleeve lock, Core Sleeve Trickery by Scott Armstrong, (1295) bosnianbill, bosnianbill machinist lock, Whipped: Core Sleeve Trickery by Scott Armstrong, bosnian bill scott armstrong, (1296) review: the power of our locksport tribe, scott armstrong, bosnianbill whipped, review: the power of our locksport tribe, How to pick a lock, How to pick locks, Lockpicking, lock designs
Id: h7n3jAX7GYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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