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y'all ready we got a lovely little tree here check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out i'ma rotate you a nice you guts I love it all the way through it is Thoreau in nature and now unfortunately the machine does not get rid of leaves but you can hook it up with a hopper and chess system for you to automatically collect all the amazing logs that get collected from the collection process collect hey what's going on guys so I got zip here check it out I'm a scary where the skeleton I'm just kidding good just swag skull you guys will believe anything I got it from my brand-new mob grinder here it is in action wow that was fast here now it works a little bit nicer in that lovely yeah so exactly what is a mob grinder huh in fact how do you get one and not only that how do you get one of these and one of these and what are these you know my gosh is this a teleporter I am losing control indeed it is we're gonna use this brand-new ranch item to grab well at least you can see exactly what they are called it is the teleporter the solar panel the auto farm the Ender generator and the mob grinder and that's not all my friends those five machines were but among a countless amount of brand-new mechanization machines that you can add to your Minecraft world and get this y'all ready no mods at all all you need is a simple data fact which is pretty much a resource pack and you can get the mechanization update mod command what's go okay cool I got the name it's known as mechanization a technology based data pack and it's by I'm cool yeah 105 okay ice and like I said the download for CH in the description right now you don't need any mods or anything it's free download you just drag it into your world save of choice that you want to add all this stuff into and it's done I'm gonna be showing you everything you need to know about how to use and make these machines so you can use them to improve your Minecraft experience so straps ups in its gonna get kind of complicated to be honest with you and I don't know if we're able to cover it all in part 1 which means there's multiple process video baby I mean assuming that's what you want to see from me if you do hey let me know leave a like on this video subscribe so you can see the rest if it come out but anyways guys I hear you want some powerful machines yeah well in that case it's time to go back to the basics we're gonna go mine some horse we got a pic extra Easter egg hmm okay that could be about see if you can find some copper tin and titanium whoo that's right we start with some brand new ores right off the bat that you can find in your survival world copper or you can commonly find it well you can uncommon we find it between y equals 24 and y equals 48 on your XY and z coordinates and the moment you mine it which I will switch into survival mode for you can see it lads have made the advancement it's not that easy being green there's a full-blown advancement system in this data pack as well look at this you've got full-blown goals to try and set and reach that kind of give you insight as to what's coming but moving on we have another type of or the tin or uncommon Lee found at y 220 up to Y 244 go ahead and mine you his way of a he be contributed geology rocks I get it are you funny but this looks a little okay there's there's water dams is that's very unsettling the final or titanium or it's rare and it's found at y equals 1 and y equals 16 currently we're at 58 but you know it's sake of examples it's going better than diamond apparently this is better than diamond anyways now that you've done some mining it's time to do some crafting craft a machine craft word you used to create custom machines we're gonna combine the ore to the Flint steel to refine them that's right you get custom crafting out there with zooming this as well in fact this is how you create the custom crafting machine you're gonna need a grand total of seven iron ingots one iron block and then a crafting table and then look at this we're gonna close the book don't want to see that but the crafting table right in the middle block behind right in the bottom there and give it some diamond pants baby this structure void aka the moment goes your inventory the machine crafting table don't worry about what you just saw tell everyone look you got an advancement made let's get started this is this is where it all begins you need a machine crafting table to pretty much do everything in this data back yeah I wasn't sure what to call it Sara Lee like it's not a mod it's just it's it's like it's strange in between anyways with a machine crap the possibilities are endless to start using a crafter wrench and a multimeter yes all items have tooltips that tell you what they do very well well these ones don't it just tells what we are so now that we have our machine crafting table the first we're gonna do like the sign set is refine these ores that we just happen to pick up don't mind if I do we're gonna need the following in order to make it happen one titanium or I gotta let you off screen don't worry about it throw a flint and steel in the middle there though it happens give some durability the flint and steel but look what's waiting for you right outside an ingot of the very type of ore that you just happen to smelt and it all works in the exact same way throw in your flint and steel throw in the ore of choice and it will appear right on top there we just got ourselves titanium tin and copper ingots these are gonna be very useful for the builds that we're about to do now to show you one of the most useful recipes you're ever to have for this data pack you need your wrench so go ahead and take the flint and steel out of there and draw this shape which will give you the wrench tool right click the rotate machines and sneak to right click to safely break them so if you try and break this block it'll kind of goof a little bit and you won't be able to get the item necessarily you'll get like a part of the item the rest will break use the wrench to be able to claim it at any moment by sneaking and right-clicking nearby now of course if you want to rotate it you can do that as well it doesn't work on the crafting table one because looks the same on every side but you'll be able to see it later for now look at this recipe for gold ingots to iron ingots to redstone dust in a glass right in the middle what does it make allow me to show you a multimeter right click to see machines stats and sneak right click to edit the machine grid ID I don't no idea what that means but we got an advancement now I can feel the power multimeters gonna come in handy little a now that you have some ores and the basic tools it's time to make some machines tier 1 machines you need to create a tier 1 machine frame in order to make any tier 1 machines for the most part you're gonna need the following for boom Oh irony that's right these are different I'm used to double clicking they all collect you need 5 iron ingots and then you need four tinning it's the one of them collective that's 4 you'll also need 4 glass place them like this and say goodbye you just got yourself a tier 1 machine for this is a staple ingredient in most of machines recipes now as mentioned earlier you can spout the new ores by combining the flint and steel in the custom crafter but through the power of creative mode I have a full stack of each so we rollin good maybe we got it all now you can start producing power a lot of these machines I run on battery packs we're gonna make a furnace generator so we can start powering our tier one batter here are the recipes for each of these that kind of ride out those not anyone whose the recipes for the mah furnish generators gonna require eight sets of white terracotta a key a white stained clay one Tier one machine frame which we just made a furnace a bucket of water and four copper ingots to save time I'm not gonna keep making all these this is just all the recipe for this guy so we made it I need coal to power it you mean it is a furnace now about you attention over here or divert whatever you make yourself Tier one battery as well here's how you do it eight plus eight sixteen white wool sixteen redstone dust four more copper ingots and a tier one machine frame to make a battery and you can store kilojoules with it as well as transfer through watts and it's got a transfer range of 12 bottled a block yeah look it's a lot of big words okay I'm trying they can use this battery remotely so it's real nice it's like a wireless setup parish transmitted wirelessly just place the battery and provide generator with the furnace and the fuel flame particles indicating the power is being transmitted so I'm gonna go ahead and put down this furnace generator right here I'm gonna go ahead and place some coal inside ignore the cobblestone in there it's just used to kind of like signify that the machine is active we're gonna go ahead and put down the battery as well and you can see here in a second you'll reverse to hear some interesting sound effects y'all here those are what sounds like some kind of like laser beam like there's some electric shot going on so we're gonna use the meter right next to this guy so you can get some information about what's going on the energy stored in this one currently is 300 kilojoules right click again after the update you'll see that it slowly fills up constantly and constantly and you can change where it exists on the grid ID alright sneaking and right-clicking as well I mean just regularly there's thinking record I don't remember there's ton of information on I'm cool he has mechanization page that you can find out more and now an admission every single machine in this world currently being powered by this ultimate battery over here just for sake of showcase so that it's a lot easier to show everything off if we were to go ahead and show look at this look at this guy y'all ready check this out check this out 5,200 kilojoules on this guy transmission modes going good that said now that you know about batteries we're not gonna build anymore all the machines are already powered moving on though we're gonna use this power for some our first advanced machine we're gonna make an electric furnace that smells 20% faster than a regular minecraft furnace it does use 20 kilowatts per use I suppose but like I said we're fully powered baby here is the rest before you need one two three four total of eight iron ingots four copper ingots 16 redstone dust the Tier one machine frame and a regular furnace we're gonna grab both of these and just kind of just compare speed so you can see just exactly how much different they are so here's a regular old furnace and here is an electric furnace and it's placed wrong because I wanted to show you how to use this wrench right click when you're near by it will rotate the face one face at a time every time you do it you see look so you can customize make real good nice time for us to test this baby huh we got 30 claw right here and look at this we're gonna just pretty much place them as soon as we can you don't need to add any cold this electric furnace it's powered by the battery whether it be the giant gold battery over there or the barrier that you powered because you you know you did the dad pack correctly but so far I bet you anything there's already a good lead here we're about to stone in right as this guy finishes I'm going to show you what the other one looks like boom s2 this guy is almost done with three already now if you were to take this cook and expand it out to a very long time 20% is a huge difference in the amount of things that have been cooked up for example look we're halfway through four on this guy we're on three still over here so extremely useful furnace it's very important that you take your objects out of the furnace before you pick it up with the wrench if you don't do that well I hate to break it to you you just lost your items time for our next machine the block breaker automate cobblestone farms with this bag here's the recipe you need for copper ingots a gold axe a gold shovel a gold pickaxe a gold sword and your tier 1 machine frame and you get one of these puppies I'm excited to use this one simply apply it wherever you would like to place the block breaking mechanic and you'll be good to go boom we're gonna do this in a quick fashion boom you've been placed and now every single time a block appears there whatever block does appear there it sifts into this hopper system as you can see here the cobblestone is filling up nicely and it will just continue to go as long as there is a battery somewhere nearby this is gonna minimize the amount of space needed for automated machines by so much oh it's exciting next up you're gonna love this one the tree feller that's right semi automatic tree cutting tree fella it cuts down trees here's the recipe you need for one tier one frame machine two diamond axes and then four of the most common wood types jungle birch spruce and oak logs and then once you got all that together you get your tree fella after you can craft it together this stuff is amazing y'all ready we got a lovely little tree here check it out check it out check it out i'ma rotate you a nice you guts I love it all the way through it is thorough in nature and now unfortunately the machine does not get rid of leaves but you can hook it up with a hopper and chess system for you to automatically collect all the amazing logs that get collected from the collection you process collection collect but wait those my friends were only the tier 1 machines there's tier 2 machines as well and they can do a lot more we're gonna need alloys in order to make the tier 2 machines though you can create alloys in the alloy furnace what you can see right here when I start combining some fruits to make some special alloys first of all here's how you make the alloy you need 8 brick blocks a furnace a tier 1 frame machine a lava bucket and 4 copper ingots and then you'll get one of these things now there are various of ingredients you need to make the various different alloys and we have them all right here so it'll go down like this you need 10 ingots nether quartz and lapis lazuli it will start to collect and you'll eventually get a lovely new item it's known as the structural ingot not bad now if you combine redstone gold ingots as well as copper ingots together you'll grab yourself a nice conductive ingot iron flint and coal will get you a different type of ingot aka the steel ingot and finally diamond redstone and emerald which honestly is pretty expensive you see look the furnace is cooking away look what you grab yourself right as it finishes here a crystal composite not a diamond a crystal cut yeah sure I'm on the end you're not fooling anyone dude anyways now that you have all these special new items structural ingots conductive inks steel and get some crystal apology you can start to make some of these new frame materials namely gonna need the tier 2 machine frame which looks a little different and now as good a time as ever to explain to you what happens if you were to try and break one of these devices and attempt to get it back without using your wrench remember you're supposed to use the wrench in order to get all these objects back if you were to mine this for example you would be left with a simple dropper as well as the Machine frame aka that thing you made when you first got the machine so use the wrench if you want the items for now again the tier 2 machine frame right here not really useful on its own but it's used for these first up the grinder that's right it's made a sick return and bikerider I don't mean mob right exactly a different one here's what you need for it 8 obsidian blocks need for conductive ingots two crystal composites and your tier 2 frame machine in order to get yourself this grinder and you can use the grinder convert things and more useful thing specifically thing and we've got some test ores right here that we're gonna use the grinder on so don't mind me while I place it down we're gonna add in some copper ore look what happens to the copper ore well as its grinding down you can see the sheen whirring right there you get two ingots for every single or if you happen to use this machine I'm gonna go ahead and put some fire in there instead and you'll be able to tell the difference right off the bat 6900 or drops down to fifteen but you get yourself two iron ingots as well and it works for the various other ores and alloys that you can place inside pretty sweet deal if you ask me but that is it annoying noise it just wouldn't end now the grinders nice but what if you have enough ores to use it with hey well my friend you probably grab yourself a quarry that's right it adds quarry's to those you that don't know the quarry is it basically mines out all the blocks in specified area for you and leaves you with all the goodies check this out in order to make the core you need a tier 2 machine frame a diamond Javal diamond peg diamond sword diamond axe and four conductive ingots and you'll grab yourself your quarry right here place the quarry down and all the blocks underneath it will fall big check it out check it out check it out I'm just gonna stand still okay gonna do a thing all the blocks slowly start to disappear that have been placed in this one looks like a ten-by-ten area right underneath the court maybe 11 by 11 now I'm an accountant right now but as you can see here the ores the coal ore is the iron ore is the excetera types of boards will all be left behind while the rest of the ores and will well that's the cobblestone rather gets completely deleted as if you need more cobblestone right we let that thing run come back a bit later we got some really sweet automation machines coming up but in order for you to get your hands on and make them work properly you're gonna need some extra power to tier 2 generators available bio batteries and solar batteries solar panels will produce power from the Sun these are the batteries that you seen right over here you can also right-click them to turn them into lunar panels right now they're nice and blue but if I were to right-click each of these it will turn them purple and in the event of nighttime all of a sudden they're collecting lunar energy although it's not as effective as solar energy now one other neat trick solar panel creators hate them is you can actually change the direction that they're looking by you know changing the time of the day so where the Sun is that's where the panel's look slow look at that and that night just slow okay it's the only worked once anyways they rotate here's how you make them by the way solar power requires 12 blue stained-glass a tier 2 machine frame for conductive ingots and two day light detector oh there's an excellent source of power and the second battery type used is for tier 2 is the bio generator produces power from plants more types plants use the more power you'll get here's what it looks like and here is what you need for you need 16 nether bricks a furnace a tier 2 frame machine hopper for conductive ingots and you got it right here we're gonna place it down I'm gonna grab a couple extra plant types check it out check it out check it out ooh this thing's cool-looking I'll place all these goodies all up inside and look it gets busy right away the chimney is a puffin the flames are stoked and huh I'm stoked as well this is actually really sick remember there's no mods this is no mods oh it's just like back in like fun-ness super fun no it's more fun taking this back but again I'd like to remind you all the plants now gone so empty your goodies first so now you've got more than enough power to run some extra machines the Biogen is a great source of power you can supply if you got a lot of crops the crops are not the half of it get a load of this thing the auto farm it's gonna lie to collect these crops for these batteries real fast and it also it's just really fun to look at y'all ready for this check this out boom auto farm need for conductive being its diamond hose two of them diamond shovel tier two frame machine and a hopper look what happens when I place this thing that is incredible we happened that place this thing down you can place it right on top of water i well in the wrong place and kind of goofed it i don't collect you real quick we're gonna place it right on top here instead like I was Oh things like really frustrating to use anyways it's been nice and placed look what happens the moment it activates all of the crops that you saw before I've all been harvested and placed right on top of it again if you were to place a hopper on top of that it would instantly collect it can literally just be right on top and look what I'm gonna do real quick I wanted to go game rule I'm gonna set the random takes me to 700 so you can watch how fast all of this happens again like I'm gonna grab one of these hoes and replant some goodies look at it happens oh my gosh so cool the moment it nice and finishes up it instantly gets teleported to the top there look look at that oh my gosh it's so fun and it's collecting them all instantly now if you were to place a hopper right there I wouldn't be able to collect too many crops before it ran out of space but you know you can link it up to something more complex very easily this thing is so cool-looking and now back to our regularly scheduled crop growth we've got even more machines check out this one it's known as the item reformer you can use it to repair any damaged items we've got some butter here and check it out as that durability slowly Rises completely and what's good is you can actually use it for any tool yab and it will keep the same enchantments it literally just increases the durability on if you're curious on how to make it well you're gonna need eight bottles of enchanting four conductive ingots a book of mending tear to machine frame and a crystal composite again not a diamond Christel composite look at that all the way healed well I mean it takes it one damage off that's just how the machine works this next item is known as a love of fabricator it will actually create lava out of stone by slowly heating it you'll want to kind of place this in the ground so it doesn't accidentally lava up your entire area but get a little dis we're gonna place it right at the bottom there and now we're gonna play stone on top I'm gonna come back to that in a hot second I'm gonna show you how you make the lava fabricator right now you need to get you so way that was from the last one that's right you need four steel ingots for conductive ingots twelve magma blocks tear to machine frame and a flint and steel but look what happens it slowly cooks up the stone you can hear you can hear it right now I can't wait okay I can wait oh and look I just turn right as I on pause that's funny it turned into lava that's fantastic you can then scoop it out with a bucket or whatever you want to do with it and make some more by placing some stone right in there we gonna move on for the time being remember this baby that's right it's time the mob grinder it kills stuff in order to make yourself a mob grinder you need four conductive ingots two diamond swords to wither skeleton skulls and it to your to frame machine it will kill any and all mobs nearby within a brief amount of time check it out look ya'll trying to blow up uh-uh not on my watch baby ooh we'll put in so many looks all day yes uh-huh I'm evil and look at leaves all the items experience for you to collect after it's not bad it's pretty cool-looking too honestly and that my friends is where we end today's meal just kidding there's a whole Tier three of machines even more to show off purple stuff and her eyes whole bunch no no really we're gonna end the video right now it's already jam-packed with knowledge and information about the mechanization data pack honestly I don't want to get too much deeper into this it gets a lot more complex and there's a lot more machines for us to cover so if you really want to see a follow-up to the mechanization data pack worlds and showcase let me know baby drop a like on this video subscribe so you can see the next one right as it comes out you know if it happens to come out and of course please give a big shout out to I'm cool yeah okay I see shall be found in the description of this video he's the one behind this in data pack including everything that you see here and everything that you've already seen in today's video you gotta check out his channel search to get my subscription he deserves it but with that we're gonna end today showcase video hope you enjoyed it like I said drop a like if you did thanks so much for watching hopefully see you for part two of this awesome dad effect have a good one and we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,430,297
Rating: 4.8307714 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 16, updates, NEEDS, to, add, 16 Updates Minecraft NEEDS to Add, update, minecraft update, update video, minecraft 1.13gaming, new minecraft update, updates minecraft should have, minecraft changes, minecraft changed, minecraft suggestions, update suggestions, comedy, laugh, funny, mods, commands, command, mod, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, log.zip, log dot zip, mech, tools, blocks, spotlight, 1.13, minecraft 1.13 update, no swearing, gaming, new, custom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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