10 Updates Minecraft Got RID of (Comments to Crafting)

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from the nether reactor in Minecraft Pocket Edition to the fabled red dragon that never made it to Java from one of the original mob tests introduced in game the giant as well as subsequent drops to one of the earliest iterations of redstone found in game the cog today we're covering real cancelled minecraft updates as well as some suggested by you guys in the comment section speaking of leave your comments in the comment section for the next comets to crafting theme the next theme is secret there could be a secret trapdoor it could be a secret item only found by doing certain things in the game it can be whatever you want just make sure the theme is secret so our first cancelled recipe is throwable TNT this one was suggested by Alex quite the name dude sapphire recipe super simple AT&T one feather for eight throwable TNT for the CMT you don't need flint and steel you just need to drop it on the ground and you'll instantly start to see it going off that fuse is smoking baby step back it's gonna explode nice here's the cool thing accidentally sent one off by dropping it not a problem go pick it up again kind of looks like a book oh good reading yeah I should probably pick that up use it to explode hard-to-reach areas like this boy this good ol boy yo you probably grabbed that one back away bagged up nice okay so it did moderate damage too huh okay well no wonder it was canceled didn't do any block damage try this again BAM Oh BAM yeah oh yo he's in trouble now big man on deck okay goodbye mr. villager much better number two glowing obsidian this one was suggested by my life as a joke well he's something batches funny you just need one obsidian and four glowstone dust in order to make the glowing obsidian now this one's awesome it's very similar to the new crying obsidian namely because it does in fact give off a light source we're here in the middle of the night scary and look you've got light appearing but here's the other cool thing also impervious to D&D D&D will not blow this block up in fact it's literally just hanging out having a grand old time ooh nice if you did want to break it for whatever reason it's allergic to ink sack so you drop one of those on the ground and you'll instantly get your glowing of sitting back I imagine it's because the ink from the ink sac you know it gets in the way of the light that the glowing obsidian you know giving off look guys just go with it okay now let's see if it survives this time let's see if I do yep made it just fine give it that sack it's not coming back well I guess it is you collect some other glowing obsidian is number three the nether reactor Oh throw back the phantom Pig 791 suggested this one and they're a true og-pog addition players will know exactly what this special block is you'll need three diamonds and six iron ingots in order to make it but you'll need to do more than just make the block you'll have to create a structure in order to utilize it so you start with layer one right here five cobblestone four gold blocks the second layer and of course the top layer so we're gonna go ahead and build this thing right over here so you guys can get an idea of what it is we aren't working with say y'all ready three four five just like that gold on the corners there on top of the gold we placed this other cobblestone you'll place this nether reactor in the center and notice we get a very special message when we place it down not the correct pattern that's because we're not yet done with this structure to complete it place another cross essentially open them in to place it on top just like this little plus right there and notice the text it now changes sneak to activate and when you do so something magical is gonna happen allow me to show you good just like that the nether react has been activated what you're seeing right here is a mini nether biome world structure dimension what everyone called this was Pocket editions original way of implementing the oh gosh oh there's a pig in there another pig another pig before the nether was actually in Minecraft Pocket Edition this was the only way to access nether blocks items and other various goodies gold nuggets glowstone dust quartz etc etc etc notice something very special we also got glowing obsidian after having made the structure which you can't in fact collect by throwing him sex at it maybe now we don't move quickly enough it will cool off and turn into regular obsidian and if we were to go into creative mode and actually mine towards the inside of this you'd see something very unique indeed we actually got a slight refund back on our nether reactor core that's because at the center of each of these cores is a depleted nether reactor you can actually see it right here it's a little bit hard to tell because the texture on it's a little dark but check this puppy out very scary this was literally in-game and then was eventually removed so they cancelled the original implementation of the nether and left us with you know this guy instead breaking this block will give you a slight refund on what you spent on the original core number four is the sandwich quite the transition this one was suggested by sebastian oh yeah I think that's a say his last name anyways in order to make the sandwich you're gonna need six wheat to cook pork chops one cook mutton grab sandwich gotta say it looks delicious to could always use me a nice submarine sandwich now this was cancelled in favor of the cake at least that's the story according to this common here now should we grab the comments from the comment section so the recipes are from there as well I all right I get eat the sandwich now the reason this would be a cake replacement in theory is because you can eat the same sandwich maximum of four times look now there's just a bite of sandwich eat that again check it out ooh another piece of sandwich you don't mind if I just finish this whole thing yes four board total bites healing five hunger shanks which in theory means it is the best healing for a single object that is a sandwich huh let's go there you've really used some condiments though very dry number five is the quiver another actual canceled update third recipe this one was suggested by mr. galaxy it's an honor to live inside you anyways to make it you just need a whole mess of leather it's basically upside down pants best day of my life get the quiver holding the quiver will let you collect other arrows and store them in a very unique fashion we currently only have three arrows on us so I'm gonna go in fire fire and hey we'll drop this one right in the center now well us holding the quiver you'll notice we get one of those arrows back it appears right there but when we click the second one still just one arrow and when we click the third one still just one arrow so then what gives we'll check it out you think we only have one arrow think again Bam Bam Bam just like that arrow City baby in fact we got an extra one cuz there's one that comes with the quiver at the start you can use the quiver to consolidate the amount of errors you keep on your person at all times in fact you can store more than a stack of arrows in one single inventory spot using the quiver so check it out we're gonna display how many arrows we currently have on hand right now it's just one but we're gonna add 100 arrows to our quiver magic maybe a couple hundred more now check this out still only one arrow taking up only one slot in our inventory but look at our sidebar there as we shoot these out we have two 97 96 95 94 we will literally have three hundred arrows access to us at a moment's notice yes baby and look when holding the quiver you will actually restore the amount of arrows found within very very very useful number six the cloud lock the funky onion gaming suggested this guy who could blame him I would love for this to be in-game look it's literally a cloud that slowly floats up oh yes my friend I hardly knew you oh no he started crying oh poor guy waterworks just calm down it's not that sad - maybe you'll need four wool as well as five string for your cloud block now as you can see the cloud block literally floats up into nothingness you know because it's a cloud but if it hits a block of some sort it will eventually dissipate and turn into nothing so you don't have to worry about a thing when attempting to do that you see poor guy get stuck and then it dies haha the clouds die or you can if you're a very curious ride this puppy check this out float:none up ooh baby I okay well that hurt a little bit place properly you can actually ride two at once essentially indefinitely it takes a little bit of effort but look lo and behold baby yah oh boy well you can use it to get a decent height honey honey oh man yeah as long as you know when you need to get away from the cloud you could time this and do some pretty unique jumping tricks alright number seven is the COG suggested by Daniel reach the COG is a cutie pie look at that animated wonder it's basically a built-in clock into a single block space to make a cog you'll need eight iron ingots and one single piece of redstone dust and you'll get four cogs for your trouble the COG was originally in-game as one of the precursors to redstone torches repeaters as we know them today not only that but you used to be able to place them on walls as well for now we're gonna be placing them on the floor as you can see here it acts as a clock as we were discussing just a moment ago so we could in fact do some very interesting things and using this puppy what I am blue well place you down right yeah yes good we'll have to realign this because I'm not too bright at this definitely yeah so check it out y'all ready check it out home boom boom beautiful let's break this now you can see it stops working place this back down once again and you have a working device now not only that you can power this thing from all four different directions all activating at the same exact rate I wish they'd add it back oh thank goodness number eight the saturation potion getting hungry there's one was suggested by Tim Mustaine who's over the opinion that mojo originally had some kind of potion of saturation that would immediately fill up all your hunger and give you regen so we got the next best thing going right here using six apples and one glass bottle you can make essentially apple juice now look at my hunger bar down there we only have half a shank left so look at this drinking this up will give you a little bit of hunger but more importantly it will give you a saturation effect now look at my hunger bar down there as you can see it is slowly but surely filling up over time that's right we literally get more and more saturation slowly as we continue to carry on about our day a pretty decent amount as well to the point where if you've got an empty hunger bar you will essentially get a completely full hunger bar once that timer has run out I mean look it is pretty dang close right now I'm just saying wow we almost got completely back to a full hugger bar using one of these little potions or apple juice finally a use for apples I could drink this all day I mean I happen to love and love juice so it's not even a problem for me now look we could even hit this at the same time and get that hunger dropping and as you can see it is slowly combating one another filling up very very very periodically give me another one quick Oh ein okay cool so it's still slowly working out its magic yeah I'd be keeping apple juice with you at all times number nine is the watering can yoky Games brings this suggestion to us and the idea behind it was that the watering can was eventually removed in favor of bone meal imagine if we had an actual watering we wouldn't have to use the remains of skeletons to grow our crops anymore to make you need two sticks two water buckets and of course an oak trapdoor to make a watering can very convincing and right clicking with it will allow you to literally water your plants and increase crop growth from time to time see look growing up baby there's just something beautiful about watching them get older front of Faerie eyes Oh bad guys it's actually not sad I feel like a farmer right now y'all I think I just gained a level and you can just go to town you can just water all your crops baby all at once get it going and get that gold and wait make it happen nice y'all I'm gonna make a sandwich cancelled update number ten is the pet collar suggested by Sandro Hamato you'll need two leads and some green dye really any dye of your choice but we're gonna go with green in order to make your pet color so we can use this on any mob essentially right clicking nearby them and now you've got a pet collar you can see that it's your pet because it'll give off some special particle effects and look no matter what we do to our poor little friend he doesn't actually do anything hey best buddy now in terms of what they do as a pet there's that much difference there but hey like I said you can literally pacify any entity Lexi hanging out just wants to be my friend well maybe hi hi hi oh well he burped it that looks like burnt particles coming from you can even do with a creeper oh well you gotta be quick with it try this again BAM yeah yes okay well maybe not creepers it was canceled how about the husk yeah about an Enderman hey come back so you don't do nothing how about a blaze yes yes try firing off of me now baby nah ain't got no thing not there nothing yeah where's he going the creepers gone man I don't to tell you here have another number 11 is the Giant now now I know what you're thinking you can't normally craft mobs using crafting recipes and well if you weren't thinking that that'd be a really good thing to think get it together Billy well today suggestion courtesy of Cassie saves the day using for rotten flesh for water buckets and one zombie head you can now craft a giant and what's more this version of the giant actually does some damage in fact it's a little bit of a mini boss battle so he'll start coming at you and helps a major knock back that you'll need to deal with as well while you're trying to take this mob out now you stay I stay no one likes you I'll get your good we got to eat that happens I'm hungry yeah wish I had some apple juice right now Oh sad story get it get away no he's coming for my nether you're not gonna get the reactor that's mine Oh oh wow whoa now look this is not exactly what I had in mind but hey giant rotten flesh sure I uh I wonder what it's used for look at it in my inventory giant flesh it's like it can't even fit a little square down there so check this out our hunger is completely down and in a hot second you're gonna see what happens when I eat this giant flesh we're gonna go from no hunger at all to eating it all the way to full but we are instantly a hunger to if I'd which means that a if you're almost completely out of hunger I would save that giant flesh because it's an easy quick Heal and you'll just be a little bit hungry after say you know but number 12 is it's a real thing the red dragon random stuff guys suggest to us another actually cancelled update we first need a red dragon egg which you get by adding eight blaze powder to one single dragon egg there you go now all you got to do is place this dragon egg down and it will begin hatching with time what happens when it hatches well a dragon will spawn into your world and with enough time the dragon will hatch whoa where did he just go what the heck whoa you look at him oh my gosh we have a battle on our hands get him strongest oh good thing I have this quiver I just keep missing with all these arrows you'll actually have another mini-boss battle on your hands being able to take out this red dragon in the overworld he's got a lot health we're gonna go in creative mode and just kill him right there that way he doesn't wreck any of the showcase area that would be hilarious if he did except it wouldn't really be hilarious at all but hey we freed the end even though we've never been to the end but hey check it out fancy fancy levels all over the place they all take it number 13 the mining helmet suggested by the golden weirdo I love here avatar duty simple recipe indeed four gold ingots one glowstone dust mining helmet gotta say it looks pretty fancy as well with a glowstone dust on your head yeah hahaha pretty built-in it can be worn as a portable light source and it's good for night use as well they okay it's nighttime check it out Wow we've literally got glowing around us it's even got a nice little flicker effect wherever we're looking so it's like we're a miner or something I don't know let's head to the games give you another example Wow y'all it's actually really cool looking you check this out sweet 90 mad about this at all and you can see that the light actually disappears from further behind you the deeper into the Gabe you go oh ho yes I'm a fan hard to tell exactly what's going on though I assume it's just a bunch of torches being placed constantly yes it appears to be the case number 14 the Emerald vest suggested by a skinny beans gaming grabbe's have a leather tunic and four emeralds in order to make this emerald vest you can use it to make villager trades that much more worthwhile it's because when wearing it you get hero of the village so check this out we got a villager right here he's gonna gain his job get busy buddy and look at these trades ooh big discounts to emerald discount there one emerald discount there take off the vest such a sad story guys back to full price ripoff oops let's just bought it another one okay what are your trade seven and four okay put the vest back on five and three now the downside of this vest is that it will make Vindicator faster and stronger like much stronger like look he's coming at me with a vengeance oh boy you know I'm still stronger than you and finally number 15 craftable ors take any gem add four stone to the sides and you can get the or equivalent this one was suggested by a dolphin double o - no it's nice to meet a secret agent yes for things like lapis and redstone you'll need a little bit extra five types of that gem to get the appropriate or you now have a way of getting ores without needing silk touch in game in order to get them beautiful that was all 15 recipes my friends don't forget to leave a comment the comment section below with the next themed secret
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 593,805
Rating: 4.9143353 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, canceled minecraft, minecraft updates, canceled minecraft updates, red dragon, red ender dragon, ender dragon, tnt, nether reactor, new update, 1.15 update, crafting recipes, gaming, minecraft 1.16, items, funny, mobs, logdotzip, comments, new, comments to crafting, new minecraft items, update, new items, minecraft challenge, rare minecraft mobs, pet items, new items in minecraft, new pet update, minecraft glitches, new tools, new weapons, new crafting recipes, canceled
Id: jhoPKxB5NWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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