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welcome back for in another video thank you guys for stopping by I'm glad you guys want to spend a few minutes of your time with me so I appreciate you guys this video is gonna be a little bit different because basically every video on my channel is comedy lations pretty heavily I do intend to take this seriously there's probably gonna be some jokes in here I can't help myself man humor is just my way about going things my way about my way wai-wait going about things my way about going things that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense God already already I [ __ ] this up is one of these personalities [ __ ] because I'm pretty sure I know which one I'm getting no but I do intend to take this seriously I don't know much about this test other than it takes less than 12 minutes I need to answer honestly even if I don't like the answer and I'm not gonna try to leave any neutral answers and actually this personality test is a link that's one of my friends sent me months ago they texted it to me like oh you gotta check this out and I was like oh absolutely and then I never [ __ ] click on it I'm not clicking on your stupid [ __ ] links Frank you sent me at least four links a day you think I'm gonna check on every single one alright alright let's let's pull it in let's get serious you often get so lost in thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings disagree you find it easy to stay relaxed and focus even when there is some pressure yeah pressure is my middle name actually it's not but it would be pulling the middle name Dillon pressure matters you do not usually initiate conversations okay here we go I'm gonna go with a moderate agreement I don't have problems initiating conversations I just don't like small talk I'd rather bask in the silence than to jism just like trudged through some some small talk none of us want to talk about this [ __ ] whereas talking to talk it's not this you feel superior to other people oh are you kidding me have you seen my channel do you know my ego being organized is more important to you than being adaptable no I'm gonna disagree fully there you are usually highly motivated and energetic I'm gonna go slight agree because I have been known to procrastinate and to put things off winning a debate matters less to you than making sure no one gets upset I'm gonna go disagree moderate disagreement because winning a debate is very important to me I love to debate it's one of my favorite things in the world I love challenging people and their ideals I love what people challenge my way of thinking as well however that said I'm very cognizant of other people's emotions why did I say it like that emotions their emotions and in fact I've let people win debates just so that their feelings remain intact you often feel as if you have to justify yourself to other people I'm gonna go ahead and disagree I do YouTube for a living if I had to justify myself to other people my life would be sad you do not my being at the center of attention yeah I agree I kind of like it I'm gonna attention horror what can I say you consider yourself more practical than creative I'm both man I'm practical and creative I know those those are kind of diverging things I'm gonna go slightly agree I mean I'm creative too I'm writing a whole young adult series in a fiction world like stuff man I'm no slightly agree people can rarely upset you I'm a [ __ ] rock good luck upsetting me baby your travel plans are usually well thought out I'm gonna do a moderate disagreement when I moved to Los Angeles I didn't know anybody in Los Angeles I didn't have an apartment lined up I literally just had a hotel for the first night and that's all I had planned so I drove out there and was like okay what do I do so that that's like travel plans that aren't very well thought out it is often difficult for you to relate to other people's feelings disagree fully man I pride myself on understanding and being in tune with other people and how they're feeling your mood can change very quickly disagree hundred percent and a discussion truth should be more important than people's sensitivities should be not our I'm gonna go with the moderate agreement because they should be the truth should always matter more than people's feelings and emotions on the you rarely worry about how your actions affect other people no I'm constantly worrying about everything that I say and do constantly planning out other people's reactions to the to my actions and words your work style is closer to random energy spikes than to a methodical and organized approach what a moderate disagreement there you are often envious of others no I don't really feel much envy an interesting book or video game is often better than a social event okay so a social event has a higher ceiling in a lower floor when you go out there's like a chance you have a lot of fun high ceiling but there's also a chance you end up bored and just want to go home which is the floor a video game or a book think that can be really fun I'm gonna go with the sure thing and just moderately agree why did I boys get higher whenever I'm uncertain do you find yourself lost and talk you know what as a parent you would rather see your child grow up behind than smart this is a good here's how I feel about intelligence and I'm not talking just like book intelligence that's never been my forte my forte has always been emotional intelligence common sense that sort of thing those people realize people that are that have high common sense and have high emotional intelligence they realize that being kind is the best course of action so being a smart means you're likely to be kind as well your dreams tend to focus on the real world and it's events what kind of dreams like my nightly dreams or like my goals and aspirations cuz my goals and aspirations are obviously about the real worlds my night dreams are about some crazy [ __ ] like zombies Oh like I tell you the number of zombie dreams I've had it's it's four four of them it's a lot right your emotions control you more often than you control them got my emotions on a leash you enjoy going to social events that involved dress up or roleplay activities if we're talking furry conventions then yes I do enjoy social events with dress up and roleplay anything else hard no no seriously dress up a roleplay like cosplaying is that is that what they're getting at that's not really my thing however if there was like some sort of like clue event like a like the board game Clue and like one of you is the murderer and you got to try to figure out who's the murderer like I would totally be down for one of those things you often spend time exploring unrealistic and impractical yet intriguing ideas like me making good YouTube videos unrealistic and impractical but intriguing you would rather improvise than spend time coming up with a detailed plan I would rather improvise because I'm a lazy [ __ ] you are a relatively reserved and quiet person you got a business you would find it difficult to fire loyal but underperforming employees no [ __ ] you either perform for me or you get out I don't care for friends Frank you're fired you often contemplate the reasons for you in existence all the time logic is usually more important than heart when it comes to making important decisions I write on logic if you know me I'm I'm breaking things down logically that's just how I operate however when it comes to important decisions you can't there's such a thing as instincts you know you got to go with your gut at times like moving to Los Angeles that like was it instinct to me I didn't know anybody I didn't have any plans logic was telling me you should probably think about that stuff before you go but my gut was like no just go write it out and I'm actually kind of feeling that again I kind of want to like move to to like London or something like that like move to somewhere in Europe and then just go with the flow I'm feeling that in my gut recently and I'm like maybe I should do that but then the logic side is like well you should probably save up some more money before you just make that leap because you are [ __ ] poor right now but then my guts like you know what you got this worst comes to worst you can sell your body I can't it just comes back to prostitution how does every video just circle back to me selling myself for sex your friend is sad about something you are more likely to offer emotional support that suggests the way to deal with the problem I do both man normally what I do is I come in and I'm like hey man Frank its I'm so sorry that Beth like broke your heart like it sucks man she cheated on you what a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] you know how you could fix this though so I try to embrace my advice with some emotional support but I'm more likely and I'm gonna give you far more advice than emotional support so I'm gonna go disagree you rarely feel insecure and I feel insecure very rarely I'm gonna agree with that the longer I live the less I give a [ __ ] about people judging me I really don't feel insecure much except when I say the word insecure insecure I feel like that word key word is this coming out of my mouth minute sounds all sorts of wrong listen to this keyword cure cure sounds wrong right being right is more important than being cooperative when it comes to teamwork all I'm gonna disagree with that listen being right is important however if you're not cooperative if you want to just take the boss role then the people that are working with you they're not gonna want to work with you in the future and they're gonna be more you know you're gonna butt heads later on when they believe they're right and sometimes just give in and let them do their way because it's it's very important to be cooperative you know what I'm gonna go for this agreement here I really enjoy being right and I believe I'm right basically all the time but I was talking about Eagle before there it is that said you can't piss off the people you're gonna be working with because those relationships are gonna bleed into future projects and you can't you can't upset those relationships got to keep them strong and if you if you're kind to them and you're cooperative then they're gonna teach your words more more likely in the future you feel more energetic after spending time with a group of people this is actually really interesting one youtuber I was watching years ago she was saying that the difference between introvert and extrovert is not do you like being around people or do you like not being around people the difference is if you need time to recharge extroverts recharged by being around introverts recharge by being by themselves and I think it's very interesting I always feel more drained after being around people I'm more introverted that way but I thought that was really interesting I wish I could remember who that youtuber was I can picture her face but I have no idea wonder Janice called gel like pink hair and she was writing a book she had like anything like 750,000 subscribers or something you see yourself as very emotionally stable absolutely you would not call yourself a dreamer again I'm doing YouTube for a living I'm gonna call myself a dreamer you usually find it difficult to relax when talking in front of many people no man I used to that's another thing I used to be nervous in front of large groups of people because its insecurities coming back however when you have an opportunity to like speak to a large group of people like even you guys like having an opportunity to talk to you guys you can't be too worried about yourself because you have such a cool platform to talk to people so being in front of a group of people their attention on you you have to capitalize on that you worry too much about what other people think no man I don't give a [ __ ] if the room is full you stay closer to the wall is avoiding the center I'm gonna agree with that moderate agreement but only because Dwight Schrute once said thank you I never let anyone walk behind me seven out of ten attacks are from the rear that's 70% of attacks happen from behind so if I can protect my my backside it's like you only have a hundred eighty degrees to attack me and I have time to defend myself you know come at me [ __ ] you feel very anxious in stressful situations now I'm good under stress you believe that it is more rewarding to be liked by others than to be powerful honestly being liked by others is a power in and of itself look at artists look how many loyal fans artists have theirs well lights you know they're not powerful but we're talking about rewarding like internal feelings exercising power over people I mean there's like a slight rush to that however people respecting you and liking you that's a pretty good feeling so I'm gonna go full agree you often take initiative in social situations only when other people are being lazy [ __ ] and they're like which to me to do we go bowling or should we theme me and just I just don't know what I'm like okay this is more [ __ ] doing because I want to sit here for three hours talking about it and then we don't do anything I'm having a campfire on to the results I am a debater 54% extra versus 46% introverted I think that's wrong I'm more intuitive than observing more thinking than feeling I agree but I think that thinking is probably a lot higher I think that thinking versus feeling thing got messed up because I'm very in tune with other people's emotions however I don't express my emotions very well in a very logical when it comes to emotions but I can still understand emotions so I think that kind of got messed up their tactics I'm more prospecting than judging I don't know what that means and a very assertive and not turbulent in the least Wow okay the beta personality type is the ultimate devil's advocate thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift and the win for all to see so Bader's don't do this because they are trying to achieve some deeper purpose or strategical goal but for the simple reason that it's fun I do enjoy a debate just for the amusement of it however I do enjoy it for like the strategic part of it as well no one loves the process of mental sparring more than debaters as it gives them a chance to exercise they're effortlessly quick wit broad accumulated knowledge base and capacity for connecting despair ideas to prove their points an odd juxtaposition arises with debaters as they are uncompromising the honest but will argue tirelessly for something they don't actually believe in stepping into other's shoes to argue a tooth from another's perspective yeah I do that all the time I'm a contrarian whatever you believe I'll believe the opposite just that I could push you in your beliefs you know I don't do it like to shred your arguments and to make you think less of yourself I do it's let you push your boundaries and you think harder about your own life and your own beliefs you know playing the devil's advocate helps people with the debate of personality type not only develop a better sense of others reasoning but a better understanding of opposing ideas my personality type or rather what they're getting out here is that I love being the underdog and I enjoy the mental exercise that comes along with debating things they will end up avoiding getting caught doing the grunt work at all costs absolutely debaters capacity for debate can be a vexing one yes I relish debate however I there's a certain point when you realize you got to turn it off and I'm very good at that so I don't know if I'm a full debater and that's said with this personality type thing I'm assuming they're trying to sell me something because they have a premium profile so at the end of this they're gonna try to sell me something so they want to relate to me as much as possible so no matter what personality type I got they want to keep it as vague as possible so that anyone taking the test can be like oh yeah that way you know romantic relationships this should be fun okay I think this is very interesting because they say that it's difficult for people to keep up with debaters because debaters are constantly pushing the envelope and pushing things forward and it can be an overwhelming thing if someone doesn't match up however if they find that someone then it can be very stimulating and they can get in deep and I think that might be the case I've never really been in a super deep relationship because I never found someone that I'm like super compatible with I'm very picky when it comes to relationship partners and I would again I feel like I'm introverted I would rather be by myself than to be within a relationship that I don't really enjoy the Bader's idea of fun is often rooted in self-improvement you know they say that a debaters most glaring shortcoming is their emotional obliviousness and again I don't feel like I have that while the Bader's are more open-minded and other analysts personality types of others perspectives they are also more likely to express their disdain for such things as emotional sensitivity and cuttingly well phrased in clear terms easily hurting their partner's feelings without realizing it friendships you guys won't be my friend let's see what you guys got Abby loyalties support emotional feedback these are not what debaters look for and their friendships I think the loyalty is like the most important thing out of anything for me support not so much emotional feedback again not so much but yeah loyalty I'm surprised that's paired in with the others the last thing people with the debate a personality type want to hear is your rights yes not unless they have absolutely earned the distinction in a heated round of intellectual debate they will easily spend an entire evening debating an idea they may not fully believe in I've been known to do that the epitome of debaters friendship is when someone can hold their ground in these arbitrary debates with valid rational arguments absolutely and it's hard to find people that want to spar mentally over like super like important issues but I like when people like have some give and take some push and pull room the people that take the stance like I am right this is the facts I enjoy going out those people as well and trying to convert them however I like the people that are a little bit or I'm gonna fluid a little bit more jello where they they are a solid still but they they have a little bit of bend to them they know how to relax and have fun too it's just that fun two debaters a bottle of wine and discussion about the causes of in solutions to the European migrant crisis could be described as an evening from Hell by many other personalities when debaters are faced with a friend who figuratively or literally needs a shoulder to cry on they have no clue how to handle the situation I disagree with that they are perfectly willing and happy to offer a series of rational reasonable solutions to the problem at hand as debaters do for any situation where a problem needs to be fixed but they are certainly not known for their sensitivity or outward affection no matter how intuitively they may understand another person's position career past youtuber entrepreneurship I guess that's kind of what YouTube is even acting in photography hey hello the jobs I feel like most dad at our jobs were I'm just like told to do something and I just have to execute that one thing for just day after day after day after day so in conclusion they like to push their own boundaries as well as other people's boundaries through debate and they'll oftentimes take a stance even if they don't believe it in order to push somebody else to push themselves and the other person I do want to see here though the other personality types there's the architect logician commander debater people with the architect personality type are imaginative yet decisive ambitious yet private amazingly curious and they do not squander their energy again that's another one where I relate to it so I think it's very easy and people want to be like pressed down into like this box you are a debater you are an architect people want to easily define their lives because then they could just label it and then move on and then they have an idea for what they are I relate to this specifically architects are able to live by glaring contradictions that nonetheless make perfect sense for example architects are simultaneously the most starry-eyed idealist and the bitterest of cynics as seemingly impossible conflicts yes that's what I am let's do a campaigner less interested in sheer excitement and pleasure at the moment than they are enjoying the social emotional connections they make with others again that's something that I am fiercely independent and much more than stability and security they crave creativity and freedom yes so that's the thing man they're trying to sell you something at the end here it's like they tried to use as vague as possible so that you purchase whatever they're trying to sell no I'm not but this is interesting I think these results are like the most interesting a bit more introverted or a bit more extroverted which is surprising morons who would have been observant more thinking than feeling more prospecting the judging and more assertive than turbulent and far more assertive than turbulent and I think that comes from me having a lock on emotions for better for worse to me I think it's better but I know some people work a lot through their emotions so I can see why people would see that as a negative trait I see it as a positive and if you do see it differently in the meat than I am open for a debate I love debate if I ever meet you the best way to get to me is just to open a debate with me and I'll just I can talk to you for probably hours I feel like I'm very good at self recognition so I recognize a lot of this about myself before I before I took this but I guess it just kind of gives you affirmation that's kind of what therapy is therapy is all about giving you affirmation to the things that you you just don't recognize that are in your subconscious therapists just help you to bring it to the forefront so that you can you know act on it rather than just having to be in the back of your minds hopefully you enjoyed this video the next video is gonna be I know what it's gonna be I don't want to say yet because it's gonna sound stupid but as soon as you see the title for it you're gonna be like what the [ __ ] is he yelling so make sure you're subscribed make sure you got the notifications on because that's gonna be coming in probably on Tuesday I'm gonna try to stick to a Tuesday Friday schedule thank you guys for stopping by go watch one of these videos on the screen here I'll put one up here one down here those are both good videos that I recommend have a great day and I will see you later [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 242,625
Rating: 4.9826765 out of 5
Keywords: 16, personalities, personality, 16 personalities, test, 16 personalities test, celebrity, youtube, youtuber, funny, comedy, laugh, story, storytime, humor, vine, instagram, instagram comedy, vlog, cringe, lol, best, fail, try, not, to, challenge, funny videos, haha
Id: KQ2z03RHw7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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