She Rejected Me

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I had originally intended to make this video about my college experience I was just gonna give a broad stroke of my college life but then I stumbled upon a story this happens to me all the time hello by the way welcome to my video it's happens to me all the time I'm not someone that like remembers things very well my memory is kind of it's kind of faulty and I sighs even like my memories fault it's my fault because I intentionally like eject thoughts from my head and I kind of treat it like a hard drive with limited space so if I don't be like I'm gonna need it much anymore ooh I guess it's the sound it makes to get deleted but as soon as I start like recounting my college days like I stubble the problem this story and this story and this story and then it's just kind of like a floodgate of like old memories coming back to me which isn't always a good thing in fact more often than not that just makes me cringe a ton I'm gonna save the college story for another time this one's gonna give you better insight into me and it'll help explain some stuff later on in the college story right so this story is gonna be about the time that I had a crush on a girl and then just got brutally rejected yeah should be fun I knew she wasn't gonna say yes I knew for a fact that I was gonna get rejected not for a fact but I was like I was like 95% sure cuz I've said this before but I was like um average I was complete average in high school I wasn't cool in high school at all and she was I mean she was part of the the upper class not upperclassmen but she was like the upper class of cool and we'd only talked really like one time before I asked her out we we rode the same bus and we lived kind of a little bit away it was like a newer subdivision that we lived in and that was kind of away from everybody else so our boss only had like 20 students or so on it and I think we were the only ones in our class freshman will be freshmen or sophomores no we were freshmen and then we also went to the middle school and picked up the middle school kids so ever a freshman and then there were a lot of like middle schoolers on the bus as well and I remember one of the the days that we were on the bus the middle schoolers got ahold of a condom and then they were playing with it like oh my god look at how much it stretches and I was like oh who's dick cuz they have their whole hand in it and I was like there's no need there is no dick this size but I don't never playing it cool cuz they were doing it and like acting all stupid and I was like kids like I'd handled condoms before and I was like the key amateurs they don't know what to do with the condom I do even though I wasn't anywhere near having sex I didn't even have my first kiss by this point but I played it off like ha kids probably mature as if she was gonna be like your experience with condoms you must be a real man have me we really only talked at one time it would feel like one 15-minute ride and then we rode the bus together every single day because we were freshmen we didn't have our licenses yet so we rode the bus together every single day for like a whole year and we talked one-time the rest of the times it was either like a passing hello or a nod but most of the time that was just complete ignoring the other person her ignoring me because I'm not important to her me ignoring her because that was just my strategy and so back like I'm not desperate I still sometimes to this day use that strategy even though there's like a 0% chance it works just still be like I'm not that interested in you so fall for me obviously you're gonna you're gonna fall in love with me because I'm not paying you any attention that strategy works to zero percent of the time asking her out okay I hadn't resolved myself to not asking her out because I knew the answer we had a one conversation it was like a one-sided thing I liked her she don't think like me there was like a 95% chance that she was gonna say no so I was like I'm gonna let this be I'm not gonna do it but then one day advanced yes I was in band freshman year played the percussion my friend Joel was also in band and I we were talking about the girls we liked and I think I had mentioned her to him and he was like you know what I was reading somewhere that girls like being asked out because even if they say no it's like a confidence boost for them and I was like that's actually kind of a good point where did you read that and he's like Cosmopolitan magazine and then I was like you read Cosmo and then he was like no my sister gets it and then it was either he was on the counter and I just happened was just having me open to that page and I just looked down and then I just read that really quickly and then I was like oh sure that's what happened he was like we should vote he's not banned I would be a better progressionist so let's focus on the instructions and then I was like oh yeah yeah you just want to be a better precaution is thats that's why I want us to shut up yeah okay so I got home that night and I was like I'm gonna call her grab my landline phone cuz I didn't have a cell phone at this time she did but I didn't know her number because we're basically complete [ __ ] strangers so I called her landline phone and I'm like is Courtney there and this is terrible because the person that answers goes this is she and I'm like [ __ ] why couldn't the mom answer and then hand the phone to Courtney I do so much better with moms I should just date moms from now on cuz I just do so much better I'm so much comfortable with a mom but like our conversation has started with like me checking the validity of who she is so I don't know the sound of her voice enough to be like oh hey Courtney so this is not a great start so I'm like oh hey this is Dylan from class because we had a science class together I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go out on a date with me and then she goes oh I'm busy and then just me in a panic mode I'm like I need to get off this call ASAP so I was like okay pion and hung up but here's the worst part about this before I could hang up and I hung up so fast she hung up first she was so uncomfortable with what transpired on the phone call that she hung up immediately after her answer I'm busy hang up and I was trying to hang up faster than her and she hung up before me that's how awkward this was for her I'm getting so animated I'm just having trauma flashbacks and this is the only way to stop myself in cringing like how rude of her to just hang up that fast my heart was just broken cancel me [ __ ] and what's up with this excuse I'm busy oh you're busy that's interesting cuz I didn't give you a date or a time how could you just use busy forever for the rest of your life what did I wanted to ask you out when you're 48 we already established that I'm better with moms so maybe I wanted to ask well later in life you're really busy when you're 48 years old at least say let me check my schedule ah looks like I'm gonna be too busy that is fine like that that's let's let me down easy but just being like our busy is my life my entire life the rest of it just gonna be busy so now I know I've made a mistake cosmopolitan never listen to their advice [ __ ] you Cosmo but Dylan being the intelligent boy that he is remember when I was on the phone and I said this is Dylan from class I didn't mumble there for you guys I mumbled there on the phone that was verbatim that's what I said on the phone I mumbled my last name so that next day in class I could just walk by and if I was confronted about it I'd be like asked you out I'm just gonna recall last night no no maybe it was like another Dylan or something huh it wasn't it wasn't me just the worst [ __ ] plan it's the worst plan in the universe oh and also Dylan being stupid by the way we rode the bus together obviously that's because we lived very very close to each other my house is right here her house is right here it was like a street that turned her house is here so my front yard you're seeing clearly right into her backyard her house was right there and what am I gonna do now it's awkward it's awkward and the way our neighborhood was set up it was like a newer neighborhood there was like two streets that ran parallel this way and then one Street that went up this way that led to the driveway of my house and like I said it turned and then went up to that Street and then there was one street that connected the two parallel streets I hope that makes sense let's do one more time so my house here her house here is like a square here of streets and then some other houses in here and then parallel streets in here this street on this side the right side this was so much faster to get to my house but I would have to pass her house every single time so I tried my hardest I rarely took that street I went the longer way down this street here to my house just to avoid maybe she's out in her yard and what am I gonna say what am I gonna say if I see you around your yard be like I thought you were busy [ __ ] you said you were busy you're just a [ __ ] laid out in tanning you couldn't put up a tanning to call of me really so for four years for four years I inconvenienced myself just because I asked a girl out just to avoid some sort of awkward interaction I might have with her she ended up having a kid senior year and all I could think about was ah that could have been me I could have been that kids Father out have been such a good dad actually come to think of it that was the second girl I was interested in that had a child while still in high school that must be my tight man super [ __ ] and I obviously didn't know how to use condoms so that literally could've been me if I had sex in high school which I did it took me till college which I'm gonna have that story later on no but really it wasn't surprising she was a bit of a ho she slept with everybody everybody except me obviously why would she sleep with me I'm [ __ ] taking advice from Cosmo magazine no woman sleeps with anybody that takes active advice from Cosmo magazine it just doesn't happen she did come to my house once though oh so I had time for one more story let's do one more quick story this one kind of connects to the first story but there was another girl in high school I had a shot with I actually had like two or three times in high school I had shots with hot girls Courtney wasn't one of them I think I go for the girls that I can't have if they're hot and I can have them then I don't want them I'm just I'm all sorts of [ __ ] up but there were a couple times in my high school career that I had shots with girls way out of my league this was another one there was a friend of Courtney and she one day it was in the summer I think the summer leading into junior or into senior year I don't remember exactly but I get a call in the summer and it's the girl and she's like I can see your house right now and I'm like she's not gonna say hello you're gonna jump right in me asked on the phone hello I could see your house ah [ __ ] I use stalker cuz uh this really [ __ ] weird thing is saying look she's hot she gets a pass so I'm like uh you can see my house what are you talking about then she was like yeah I'm at Courtney's house right now and I'm like oh cool I don't want to see Courtney cuz this is gonna get way awkward but cold plus I'm eating the pizza I just made a pizza I was like one slice in and I don't want it to get cold and I'm watching Boy Meets World I'm like invested into Corian Topanga [ __ ] but she's like do you want to meet and I'm like sure so I go out to the street in between our houses and I'm like hey and Courtney's there and then there's another guy there I have no idea who the [ __ ] he is I think he goes to our school but I think he was like a class above us or he had already graduated so it's just the four of us and me and Courtney both of us know what happened she and I both know that I asked her out a number I have no idea what the [ __ ] she's talking about I don't know if a man who knows this because I don't know if they talked about me asking her out I don't think so but maybe and the whole time I'm just thinking my pizza's getting cold Cory and Topanga are probably getting into some [ __ ] that I'm missing because I'm out here talking to you not to mention that I'm still awkward this was still during my high school age that I'm still awkward so I don't know what to say I'm not great at small talk to this day I'm not great at small talk but now I'm out in the middle of the road having a conversation with a girl that likes me the girl that rejected me and some random [ __ ] dude I have no idea who the [ __ ] he is what he's thinking is he interested in one these girls I have no idea it's a messy spider's web man and I'm no spider I'm like a fly and I'm trapped in this web and I'm [ __ ] trying to kick my way free trying to get back to my [ __ ] pizza and Topanga oh and you might ask how did I know she that the girl likes me besides the fact that she's calling me from outside of my house was also the fact that she told me we had two classes together she told me that she liked somebody in one of our classes and there were like three or four viable candidates so just over time I was like hi Sandi I know it's Andy it's gotta be Andy and then she'd be like nah it's not it's not Andy it's not Andy and then I'm like oh yeah yeah I totally knew that so it's gotta be Brad then it's totally Brad so I just kind of like manipulated her into like knocking out the candidates to be like no no it's not it's not so I never asked like is it Brad I always was like it is rad I know it I know you don't want to deny it so that she would feel the need to deny it and then I'd be like okay cross them off the list and then eventually all the candidates were crossed off the list and I was like well who else who else oh [ __ ] but I was too much of a [ __ ] to do anything about that I'm not gonna ask a girl out are you kidding me that's too much of a risk I already got burned one time and the only reason that my ego survived that was because I already knew the answer coming in if I think I'm gonna get an acceptance and then she rejects me then I'm in shambles I'm in shambles so that was the very first time that I got rejected and then also my missed opportunity with another hot girl oh what a mess I have so many stories like once sooner I started thinking about my college experience I started typing out like all the things that happened to me and I just like there's so many things the funniest thing that's ever happened to me and you're gonna laugh your ass off I want I don't know that's gonna be the next storytime but I really want to tell that story I need props I need one specific thing and I'm gonna have to go pick it up but it's the class project one and then also another oh holy [ __ ] you're gonna cringe so hard but in like a good way it's it's so funny okay I can't wait I don't want to keep typing this out but that is the funniest thing that's ever happened to me I want to tell that story I'm gonna talk about my first girlfriend and the first time I had sex which coincide that the same girl and then I'm gonna talk about my college experience as a whole maybe my high school experience as a whole and there's some stories littered in between so I'm gonna do some more story times if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe now I'm trying to stay - a Tuesday Friday schedule but I think that does not gonna go very well so I might be kind of random and I'm gonna try to get as many videos up on this channel as possible because I don't want to just be limited to two a week I don't want to drop three or four weeks so stay tuned we're just getting started on this channel if you want to watch another story time the line there's one up here and then there's gonna be another funny video down here that you can watch thank you guys for stopping by I hope you have a great rest of your day
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 168,332
Rating: 4.9723835 out of 5
Keywords: story, storytime, story time, relationship, broke, broken, heart, love, romance, advice, ask, girl, boy, out, asking boy out, asking girl out, middle, school, middle school, high, high school, drama, love story, our story, girlfriend, boyfriend, storytime love, storytime love story, triangle, how, to, how to ask a girl out, how to ask a guy out, dylan, dylan is in trouble, dylan will not participate, breakup
Id: tN5VXKiDkrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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