I HAVE A MAN CRUSH ON RYAN GOSLING (if it's wrong why does it feel so right)

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hello troublemakers welcome into another movie commentary Thursday where I do movie commentaries every single movie day I bought a new ring check it out it's a crown I'm pretty jazzed about it let's get to the movie this week I said I was going to be doing it critically acclaimed film I chose la-la-land because it's been a while since I've seen a Ryan Gosling movie and I need my dose of Gosling now I'm kidding I like him as an actor man I sometimes he gets flack I think what happened is he got really really really popular everyone was like nah he's not he's not all that but he is all that he's amanda Bynes in 2004 we got abates baby no we got rented $3.99 [ __ ] yes last year I've had to buy in my wallets like hey Dylan you a broke [ __ ] don't be trying to buy [ __ ] that you don't need this is the guy who spent like $25 on a ring whoops let's do it a thing the camera just comes to Ryan Gosling who's like playing the saxophone [Music] in the middle of traffic girl you're gonna get ran over yeah guys like what the [ __ ] get off my car [ __ ] and you imagine if this actually happened in real life I don't know if I'd be like excited to see it or if I'd be behind them honking like get in your [ __ ] car I got somewhere to be oh that's Khalif some marks in that bitch's got one semi just comes through piling through everybody ha ha ha why am I so dark [ __ ] that was cool okay yeah that was fun that's all one take it looked like - it's quite good sense Oh is he a hipster Gosling get a car with a [ __ ] CD player no we don't even have that anymore get your ox cord Out Boy no it was it was I don't know if they've cut yet honest ah she's famous she famous that girl look familiar yeah I think she met him in the OC which is like her smallest role ever but that's the one thing I know we're from bro no okay maybe that's not the girl I'm thinking of I'll do a side-by-side of the girl I was thinking of why should people get teary-eyed makes me teary-eyed oh okay I know it's an addition but [ __ ] okay okay I am I'm happy for you I'm so happy for you now those in the [ __ ] Oh God holy [ __ ] haha whoa you don't understand that oh man I don't know why I thought this guy's turn horror it someone's gay murdered I think we're good thanks for coming in yes it was the winter coat yeah take that Park off [ __ ] I don't know what a park is I don't think it's that I like when I see sounds between cuts that help the transition so the closing door the sound kind of fades into the sound of her opening her door there to her apartment which is actually kind of big for Los Angeles oh my god she's living large are you kidding me it's being a large that's a big-ass face I don't do that either you leave streaks on the mirror stop all my car key people stop scaring the [ __ ] out of me you got the in blossom look at this this is one long take it hasn't cut Jesus man they probably spent months on just the choreography of this I think Damien Chazelle directed this this is phenomenal Oh in sweats girl step it up I'm in sweats currently I should have said that [Music] Batman I'm all about subtlety in my acting there's like very little that gives it away but in our heads were like oh she probably wants to go to this party but she's she's debating it and you can just literally see it come over her face that's what she said it's very my new it just like what if I did go she's considering it hey you porn it up into that cup sir yeah the cups are full that's such a waste plus there's like liquor all over the side of the cups how are you gonna hold it your hands are gonna be sticky it's a problem I should become a bartender that lighting shifts god damn it I don't know what this one I know this one some Academy Awards I don't know what it went for I hope it won best picture cuz this is awesome Best Director at least these long takes our exceptional [Music] it just smashes excitement it's all the cameras spinning your Dizzy's fireworks outside design something so boring a towaway sign for like I sound like five seconds Gosling gonna save the day where is Gosling he's like 85% of the reason I signed up for this I haven't seen him in anything since that movie with Russell Crowe which was hilarious by the way you're gonna get murdered oh my god if there's a jump scared I shouldn't expect it this isn't that kind of movie but I've been scared twice oh she hears a piano piano we're like p-n yes oh she likes the pianist oh we're gonna follow his day now yo slick we split you like I am oh she's a redhead too hokey Carmichael sometimes got an affinity for redheads cuz their sisters a redhead I got you a throw rug I don't need that what if I said Miles Davis pissed on it's almost insulting is it true sure Oh [ __ ] I love this guy it's not my fault I got shanghaied oh I saw him I saw him I saw him in Hollywood I was excited he was picking up a bagel it was pretty anticlimactic how's a dollar what a cheap bastard oh he's going he's going rogue he's going rogue no okay no man it's a nice ring Gosling been attained a crown though good fired isn't he [Music] some about that dangling hair makes him look like you're struggling artists I feel like if you're a struggling artist and you have a dangling hair you feel more authentic look at that dangle that's some pretty impressive dangle to like it's out there that hand was like a spider let's let her hand oh my god it's like a spider he's got spider hands oh my god he's gonna get fired you're fired no no okay just gets pulled back into the office thing you're fired aw he did get fired it's Christmas I see the decorations good luck in the new year he's so ballsy [ __ ] jonah jameson over here you want a job go get me pictures of spider-man cash money for a picture of spider-man I went to public to see spider-man for that two-bit criminal he really is man that was an aggressive brush by she's fell in love with him she's she's like holy [ __ ] that was the hottest shoulder I've ever felt in my life you don't like it the doors to my left lady won't you be tripping like that you be tripping oh [ __ ] I thought they were gonna get together it's been months since I last saw each other odds hovervan all my goddess Gosling this is killing us all what's your name Mia yeah guess I'll see you in the movies my [ __ ] love Gosling man you gotta put that thing to your chin it makes your head into an antenna so I think it gives you cancer but you find your car faster I mean you don't leave this long but you get where you're going quicker so it all evens out I love this script oh we're getting a [ __ ] song I guarantee it actually I think this is like the the promotional artwork she's wearing a yellow dress he's in white shirt and tie look she's just like why are you singing you free oh the better their shoes are the same they're gonna do a foot thing they're into feet it's a foot fetish thing the foot fetish community just loses it right here Oh Bob Kelly yes I'm part of the foot fetish community yes I don't know they haven't cut yet this is all one take these long takes so so so so difficult I don't want them to get together yet I like their banter too much I like when they're acting like they don't like each other there's so much color in this movie to the splashes of color the blue there when she was auditioning she had like the bright red background the green screen how'd you get home I basically just hauled ass past the guard gate so can I have a new bathroom that's like a serial killer thing to say my last audition was 14 so pitched as Dangerous Minds me Theo see all he knows I love the LCD I want to watch that Dangerous Minds in the LC Ryan Atwood [ __ ] fighting crime [ __ ] yes I have the OC on BB it's up there I'm gonna zoom in I got a callback what the Dangerous Minds me feel see yes ah [ __ ] yeah right Atwood god damn it that's a nice shot you step in poop no no you just found a hat oh if he's gonna started doing tricks with the hat in one long take I'm gonna be impressed these are simple enough yep give it up just uses wife Emma stones out the picture now it's just this woman give you your hat back you [ __ ] if I can thank him let him have your wife for a night [ __ ] it's the price of a hat I can do it a different way no that's that's fine thank you very much all this handheld it this is the first handheld shot look at this shake man see that's like that's an interesting directorial decision I think everything I don't remember any shot being handhelds but now that she's going through like a little bit of trauma to convey that to make it feel more real the camera shakes as we follow her out makes you feel it more interesting and who needs a TV show you got a boyfriend yeah she's like happy now man who needs who needs a TV show when you have a Gosling I was her boyfriend did you forget all she chose him over the Goss over the Ling I skank stood out he wore a blazer and everything he wore a blazer and she doesn't even show Oh what the hell she's so poor well underdeveloped right no she's so done come on break up with him we can't compete with the Gosling you just can't Griffith Observatory she needed me a job in the theater you nasty oh there's gonna hold hands she's playing with her skirt I thought she was inviting him upstairs gus-gus oh yeah okay this is Griffith Observatory this is the place in the movies I went there when I was in Los Angeles I don't think you can just drive up like that though Oh what the hell is this Charlie and the Chocolate Factory did you drink some of the soda that makes you fly yeah this is wild one of the eat shrooms shrooms in the theater they're still sitting in the theater but they just like hallucinate it all this hey Lucinda leaving the theater they're both is drooling on each other's shoulders why don't the script look like in this part here the two dance through the universe if I read that I'd be like what the [ __ ] that's the wildest [ __ ] I don't know dog okay well how did they get to the Griffith Observatory though when it's like closed did they break in Ryan Gosling also broke in to the Warner Brothers Lots where she works at the coffee shop and then his sister broke into his apartment in the beginning of the movie I think his family's like a bunch of criminals they're like breaking artists Ryan Gosling's character when he was like 14 to his dad I don't want to be a criminal dad I want to be a musician oh yeah son you want to be a musician what are you gonna do with all that information I taught you about breaking into places this is how he applies it the purple oh my god yeah these of color the splashes oh they're into it now how long has it been this summer I do it they're gonna break it's going through well now we're only halfway through the movie they just got together at the halfway mark either you get together very early on or at the end if you get together in the middle you're breaking up someone comes out and yells at MA no dancing just closes the door on the guy hey come here man John Legend's we're looking for keys are you kidding me no I'm not kidding I'm good you sure it pays Oh resents John Legend did he have a thing for Chrissy Teigen to do it moms don't want to hear that I want to be an actor and I'm gonna sink money into it and not get any money in return okay now I need to know more but what happens regarding a legend this dude kicked Ryan Gosling out of the band doing at one point Oh God don't be don't be like that guys thing it's like that oh hey it's not real instrument it's not real music anymore cuz it's digital you say you want to save Jess how you gonna save jazz if no one's listening jazz is dying because of people like you where the kids were there young people you're so obsessed with Kenny Clarke and Thelonious Monk these guys were revolutionaries how are you gonna be a revolutionary if you're such a traditionalist you holding on to the Past but jazz is about the future another guy he wasn't as good as you sure pain in the ass man did you hit that oh wait at the beginning the movie he said he got shanghaied I don't know what that meant but was John Legend the one who shanghaied him [Music] sign with the band she's quitting the job oh she's doing a one-woman play that's right she's literally paying money to do a play but she quits her job masked girl is gonna be so broke well she's like a leech and she's just like leeching off gosling like goslings the sugar daddy whoa that's almost got nine hundred thousand views on a local radio interview that speaks to their success I guess man the Rialto closed that's so interesting before brought her so much happiness driving by that shots he's adapted he's adapted seems happy smiling what's your deal you're not into him anymore because he conformed last season I haven't heard from you in a little while is he back with the grand romantic gesture bro Gosling did he come through he did I mean the long haul like you're gonna stay in this band for a long time I mean what did you think I was gonna do didn't think would be successful thought you wanted me to do this it just sounds like now you don't want me to do it to be in a band to have a steady job you know of course I wanted you to have a steady job so this is so serious [ __ ] hell why aren't you starting your club you said yourself no one wants to go to that no one wants to go to a club called check it on a stick so change the name this is the dream this is not gods like me worked their whole lives to be something that's successful why do you care so much about being what an actress what are you talking about was that like the big line the music stopped well you're an actress I thought it was a pretty innocuous line no she's heard maybe you just like me when I was on my ass cuz it made you feel better about yourself yeah winter season now can we go back to winter yep this fire alarm relationship is burning ha ha ha yeah you forgot the cake you forgot the cake in the oven you happy now Emma Stone you trying to bake you a [ __ ] cake and you had to argue with him what even is that what did he cook seven photo shoot I thought that was next Thursday no it's tonight that okay oh shoot girls who writes a one-woman play come on that's such a poor choice it's Gosling here scoffs yeah he's gotta be here oh [ __ ] your lip like yeah that's good that's great put so much time and effort into your one-woman play how many people here we got one two three four five six seven eight people not including her friends his three friends are there that seat is reserved for Ryan Gosling and he didn't even show up oh god you sunk so much money into this [Applause] I would like that's a such a poor business venture you mayn't you've been making poor choices dating Ryan Gosling good choice doing a one-woman show bad choice don't quit your day job they're criticizing her work while eight people came and they people are critics critical of it let me make it up to you okay I don't you don't break up with a Gosling nobody showed up so much I can't eight people showed up yeah it was a poor choice I could have told you that I won't woman play that's so stupid this is home no it's not anymore so long Boulder City isn't that where she's from so the play about her leaving Boulder City is what's gonna drive her back to Boulder City is that the irony of this what a stupid show up and play girl why do you think that was gonna work why did Oh mom and dad moving back here mom and dad yep yeah oh boy Kirsten so you got a job at the he drove to Boulder City the casting director she was at your play and she loved it so much that she wants you to come in tomorrow oh no I was railing on the idea to do what we would play you can't have that end up being what saves her career I was talk so much [ __ ] about it you can't movie you're making me look bad all jokes aside eight people were at her one-woman show and one of them was a casting director and several of the people hated it so much that they talked [ __ ] about it before they were even out of the theater but the casting director loved it so much that they're giving to give her a job what what well then you have to make sense if you're gonna be quiet you have to make some guy here because maybe I'm not good enough no maybe I'm not yes you are maybe I'm not in six years and I don't want to do it anymore I'll be out front at 8:00 a.m. you'll be out front or not [Music] [Music] the film shoots in Paris and we don't have a script we're gonna build the character around the actress it's a three-month rehearsal and a four months shoot there they're just giving her a job without her having to audition because she did a one-woman show she did a one-woman show and it landed her a huge movie that she doesn't have to audition for that there's no script for and they're gonna build the movie around her okay yeah just tell us a story your storyteller so one day Ryan Gosling shows up at my apartment looking she's you know burst into song they're like aah we're not looking to make a musical girl why are you singing I'm so confused as to what's happening I don't know this is kind of boring this part here it's like there's no action there's nothing going on I have no context for what the scene is anymore is this still an addition or is this like a transition into something else I was like what if this movie ends or the lights come back on after she's done with her song and the people who are auditioning her artists like yeah we're gonna pass unless she goes back to Boulder City to live with her parents so you didn't get the part ah that's what he says you're gonna get it I really might not yes you are it's appointed there's you sing a [ __ ] song you gotta give it everything you got what are you gonna do I gotta follow my own plan I'm always gonna love you that's cuz he's got saying I call it I call for it I wanted it right after they fought though because I was uncomfortable five years oh is that the gas no oh she's like a big deal now yeah that's the gate of a girl who's a big deal yeah this is a parallel when at the beginning in the movie some famous girl came in we didn't really find out who she was but then she got on a golf cart and the two people were in awe of her this is a direct parallel to that she's so brother seeing her fame she's just like yep that's me I'm Emma Stone look at her I know if she's so great yeah up into a golf cart gus-gus what are you up to he's just like a dad he's got a gaggle of children table swings like a ten this guy is like I was zero what are you [ __ ] doing and you have a kid are you doing that girl something like that you wait for him you way from like he's in the military they're gonna go to this jazz club they know about it right they have to I said I knew they're not getting back together cuz they dropped I will always love you and you don't say that to somebody unless you're not getting back together do you want to just pull up here and get dinner she doesn't even know I thought you supporting her love he's got the strands going to you know he's still a struggling artist take advantage of the dangle capture the struggling artist feeling she's got a kid she can't fall back in love with him back to when she first saw him huh don't tell me this is the life they could have had her one-woman show did so well theater packed right what was that the casting director oh yeah the audition okay that's cool [Music] can't believe she had a kid oh this is life they could have had but they did it because they had to break oh that's what he put into his playing that future [Music] go get your girl bro he chose Jaz over his girl that was so bittersweet they really went for the emotional punch they're trying to hit you in your fields so hard by showing you the future they could have had conveyed through his playing this should have won I hope Best Director let's see what the awards this one Academy Award for Best Actress and Best Director perfect Best Original Music score Best Cinematography yeah I would agree with that Ryan Gosling won a Golden Globe for it and I also wanted Golden Globe for Best Picture fantastic performances I think the best performance was Damien Chazelle I think his directorial performance was just knocked it out of the park wait la la la I mistakenly named Best Picture what and the Academy Award for Best Picture la la land oh [ __ ] we lost by the way buddy moonlight you guys won Best Picture actually happy this is not a joke moonlight is won Best Picture I want to thank you guys for all the support you've been giving me one comment off the last video from kasi caught my eye so hey Dylan I never comment on videos but I just wanted to say thank you for your content passing all the months have been go through a hard time I found your videos a few weeks ago they've been one of the very few things to make me genuine than that any time I'm feeling really low I'll put on one of your commentaries or a video from your episode series and even though I know all the jokes it still makes me smile and feel a little better for a while so glad the channel is growing you truly deserve all the success in the world thanks again that's my goal man people even me like go to YouTube just to kind of escape for a little while to laugh and kind of be distracted I want to try to do that for people just make people laugh a little bit and make their dad just a little bit better so yeah all the supports you guys went giving me has been pretty awesome I'll be back next week with another fresh movie commentary video for you go watch this video up here I thought this was really funny and I want more people to see it so watch that video and then on the bottom is going to be another movie commentary video you might enjoy until next time you know I love you guys and I hope you have a fantastic [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 855,221
Rating: 4.9752173 out of 5
Keywords: la, la la land, la la land reaction, review, la la land review, dylan, dylan is in trouble, ryan, gosling, emma stone, ryan gosling, emma, netflix, reaction, trailer, movie, cinema
Id: Ot7huJ6TW7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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