I got robbed...

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I got [ __ ] robbed this is the new shooting room it's gonna look so much different when I'm finished with it I'm gonna put on my painting I'm gonna put a new wallpaper up or something and then I'll get some furniture in here it's so plain I don't want to shoot in here you know what let's shoot in the living room is this better it's not it's really not it's just an empty apartment I know what I can do to make this apartment more homely plants hey that was so not smooth like in my head I was like it's gonna look so cool I'm just gonna slide in but then like there was like a slight cramp in my thigh she's trying to get though hey as you can tell I'm wearing the same exact jeans that I wore in my last video that's because I only own four pair of jeans now since getting robbed let me tell you guys a little story of what happened to me so my intention was to drive from Wisconsin to Los Angeles California the land of entertainment opportunity that's the best the biggest thing it had going for it entertain the capital of the world's great weather two things that was all that's going on in my head when I was like I'm gonna move out there then I packed everything I owned it to my car and took off just me my car the open road it was a pretty legendary trip until the end about an hour outside of Los Angeles it occurred to me I don't want to live in Los Angeles what happened was I hit some LA traffic in all the reasons I left Los Angeles in the first place because I lived there a few years ago all the reasons I left just came rushing back in a way some of the negatives include visible pollution in the air just traffic everything is congested there's people everywhere oh yeah and it's unbelievably expensive I spent a few days in Los Angeles just to see if the feeling would go away and it didn't so I was like okay I need to find a new city I have two choices I could go north up towards Portland and Seattle or I could go east towards ponics I decided to go to pehoe niché's Arizona I found a couple good apartments including this one which I'll do a tour yeah I'm in Phoenix by the way I'll do a tour once I get like furniture and everything I only make a whole video about it it's gonna be awesome but the day that I applied to this apartment I wasn't allowed to move in for another four or five days because they had to like do some final renovations on the apartment before it was ready to live in so I went back to Los Angeles I have a friend who was gracious enough to let me stay with them for a few days when I went out there the first time and I was wanting to hang out with them some more so I went back to Los Angeles didn't have to pay for a hotel that was my line of thinking I didn't think oh there's more crime in Los Angeles so let's get into it I parked my car in a parking garage a public parking garage on Monday at around 5 p.m. I took my PC Tower and a bag of clothes with me into my friend's apartments and that's it everything else I left in my car you can see where this is going can't see you I wish it was a misdirect tis not so I'm Tuesday night I was gonna go out with my friend but I left my jewelry in my car so I was like okay let me just go get it quick it'll also be an opportunity for me to check up on my car make sure nothing bad happened to it [ __ ] me right and as I'm walking up to my car I can see the top of a box so I'm like okay everything's all good if someone had broken into my car they would have taken everything no worries so I go over to my passenger side and I open up the back door and the pillow that I had sitting there just sag to like two inches now I'm like suspicious why is that suspicious because when I packed my car I did it so that nothing would fall out when I open the doors because I don't want anything hitting the ground the dirty Los Angeles streets I was aware when I packed it that I didn't want anything falling on my car I want to open the doors so when the pillow I was like mmm suspicious so then I closed the door and then I heared glass hit the ground and I'm like oh [ __ ] that's when I looked over to my passenger side window and the whole thing was just smashed in just a couple shards around the edges and here's the thing I don't know whether I should feel lucky or pissed off I got robbed by the worst criminal in human history let me tell you what they took no no no let me tell you what was in my car to take like a pewter monitor which was six hundred dollars by Mac all my video games and books by ps4 my ps3 my ps2 nearly the whole [ __ ] PS family my nice Bluetooth speakers so much I had so much nice stuff in my car let me now tell you the things that they took so they smashed in my window and took a tire pressure gauge gloves which were right next to in my center console a pair of headphones didn't take those for some reason they took a bag of clothes with I had two bags right next to each other I only took one bag and then they took one shoe I have the up I have the other shoe here's the other shoe when I packed I'm not some Savage who put one shoe over here and the other shoe over there they're a [ __ ] pair they need to go together the shoes were right next to each other okay and in fact one of the shoes cuz they were I had taken to the gym with me these are my gym shoes the other shoe had a lock in it so the man took the left shoe out was diligent enough to dump out the lock and left me to lock but it wasn't diligent enough to take the second shoe why not to take both shoes what am I supposed to do with this one shoe now and then the last thing they took was a lock box which was locked it had some very valuable stuff in it like my birth certificate in my social security card so it's very valuable to me but it was locked and it has nothing of value in it for anyone else only also took four towels they took four towers it was in a Barack's and they open the paper box took out four towels and then left me the box so they they took their time going through my car they took a lockbox which they're not gonna be able to get open and if they do put the effort into getting open will have no value to them they took four used towels I would want those for free if someone came up on the street was like hey you want these four towels I would say no I will pay I would pay you the take those tiles away from me that's how much I don't want to be around you used towers and again I should feel grateful they didn't take all my expensive stuff granted all my expensive stuff was in my trunk and they did they weren't smart enough to pop the trunk they were in my car there's a button to pop the trunk all that [ __ ] is in there they weren't smart enough to do that but that's what eats away at me I got robbed by an idiot if I got robbed by some super genius level criminal I would be like oh yeah there was no chance like I had no chance against them even if they took everything I could live with that but instead I had to pay five hundred forty dollars and all they took is a bunch of used clothes and useless [ __ ] I had a spare set of keys in a box in my trunk if they have popped my trunk and went through those boxes they could have stole my car and I kind of wish to hit had because then I'd be like oh yeah they were a smart criminal I got taken advantage out by a smart man but I didn't I got taken advantage of by an idiot oh let me tell you about the LAPD they [ __ ] suck so I call them one one and I'm like my car got broken ensue can you send an officer I need to file a police report and she says yeah no problem let me transfer you to someone else she transfers me the phone rings and I get voicemail not a comforting sign when you call the police and they transfer you to voicemail I leave a message but I want an officer I want to file a police report tonight because they have my Social Security card of my birth certificate I want to get that back so I call the non-emergency police line and they are like can you call back tomorrow morning they literally said that to me they're like can you call back in the morning at 7:00 a.m. and I get it man there's like murderers and stuff going on in Los Angeles there's like more pressing crimes but at the same time can't have one officer come over for ten minutes to file a police report but then it clicked in my brain I was like oh I know how I can get the cops here so she's like yeah can you call back tomorrow morning at 7:00 and then I'm like I didn't tell you an important piece of information um white she hasn't taped it for a little bit and then she was like I have a squad of cars on the way I called again in the morning guess what voicemail so then I was like whatever I'll just file the police report online I'm never gonna find this stuff ever again and then two days later two days after the crime was committed I get a call LAPD your car was broken into how can we help you bitch-ass mother so yeah man that's about it that's how I got robbed parked my car in a parking garage with all my possessions in the worlds in the car do you see this right here this right here is the one and only key to the lockbox and I'm keeping it because I have this fantasy in my head that one day in the future I'm going to get a call from the LAPD and they're gonna be like and I'm gonna say no because this is literally a fantasy conversation I'm making up in my head oh yeah that makes sense that so I'm gonna keep this key just in case I don't think I'll ever need it again but I'll keep hope alive thank you guys for being cool about my sudden hiatus like that just came out of the blue but you guys have been super supportive through it all so I really appreciate having you guys you know I love you guys and I will see you again soon actually want to go this way okay
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 412,619
Rating: 4.9893136 out of 5
Keywords: story, storytime, robbed, police, los angeles
Id: EZnhTpYf30U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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