15 Survival Uses for Baking Soda

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baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and it's been used for thousands of years in fact there's a lot of sign that the Egyptians used a similar thing for a lot of different purposes the frontiersmen would carry about two pounds of this with them when they got ready to go out west and a lot of different type things you can do whether it's hygiene whether it's cleaning whether it's medicinal first-aid and a lot of times guys you know we had this around in our homes but we're gonna continue the series of again taking everyday items and using them for survival purposes you got to improvise to survive as you can see there are a lot of different packages Arm and Hammer is just predominantly the biggest baking soda company you know you can go to any store I just have a generic box here and there are other types that are around but the big thing you want to do is to make sure that this is pure baking soda and you'll know that by looking at the ingredients sodium bicarbonate 100% of course one thing that all American household times baking soda in the refrigerator of course baking soda is known for cooking so refrigerator cooking those are you two main sources but those are everyday it is slightly abrasive which actually aids especially in cleaning things like that it makes it a great paste when you add a little bit of water to it and that's important for some of the medicinal purposes if you have some kind of skin irritation insect bites poison ivy poison oak something like that we can make a little paste just add a little bit of water that's one of the things about baking soda that's nice is that you know you can use this as a paste so let's say you have some kind of irritation just work it in let it dry it'll dry out any kind of especially like poison oak or you know insects insect bites things like that and just leave it on there let it set and this will help with any kind of irritation my favorite use is to use it as an exfoliant this gets rid of that pesky dead skin any baking soda is also known to be a good fire extinguisher so we're gonna test it of course I got this Vaseline cotton ball it may be a little difficult throw it on there it actually takes the oxygen out of the air so it ceases it now do you want to waste a lot of baking soda putting out a fire just according to the situation but definitely something that could be used unfortunately that was a nice little fire we had going now cooking over an open flame you know you're gonna get a lot of residue and things I mean it kind of bakes on after a while you want to keep that clean and you know use some kind of cloth but here I have just a scotch-brite pad we're just getting good and started but you can see we could definitely get things back to normal and if you want to pack this away it's gonna make a mess if you don't dang now I got to clean this whole stupid thing now when it comes to your coffee pot if you're like me I just reuse it over and over but even when you wash it it builds up and so we're gonna take a little baking soda it can also be used to clean the filter basket a little water pour in some baking soda take you a nice pan just get that good and clean gets all that that residue from the coffee and the acids some people even take a little bit of baking soda put it in their tea or their coffee just to kind of tame down the acid as well man that looks so much better and no coffee is shtf now for us we have a dishwasher but we do wash certain dishes at times and use regular detergent the baking soda is slightly abrasive so it will help to cut back on a lot of things so if you're washing dishes by hand in an shtf situation this is going to help kind of break things down a little bit now one thing that a lot of people do is for an acid add some water a little bit of baking soda it's really about 1/4 of a teaspoon so you don't really want to put too much baking soda can cause some effects if you use too much so you just stir it up and then this will help because it is alkaline it helps you know calm down the acid now one of the things about this you don't want to take this on a full stomach because you need to allow your stomach acids to work but you know instead of tums or something like that or maybe in a grit down situation you don't have a way to calm down heartburn in that acid and this would be a way to at least soothe it and as far as the taste it's not bad but it just tastes like baking soda and water but if it'll help with heartburn I'm all for it and their claims that baking soda can help with a lot of different ailments even to cure cancer so you know I don't want to get into that and a lot of times these things are far-fetched but they're out there one thing baking soda though is also known for is to increase performance in sports and especially marathon runners they take a little peel with baking soda in it and it gives them some kind of carbohydrate effect increases performance pretty dramatically so in a grid down situation that could be something important if you need that extra boost maybe there's something going on to where you just need to be able to get things done now if you have a splinter you just can't get out soak it in baking soda in water for a good long period of time and this will draw the splinter out baking soda has been known for teeth brushing teeth for just standard care and you can get a little bit of baking soda on your toothbrush and brush your teeth you definitely have that sodium taste but man your teeth feel really clean one big thing too is it does help with certain odors also if you have tinker sores or ulcers in your mouth you can actually treat it with baking soda just make a little paste with a little bit of water just rest it on there and it'll help soothe it or if you have dentures or retainers or anything that's inside your mouth you can also clean it with baking soda and he wants to put dirty dentures in their mouth baking soda relieving odors a little bit you can use this as a paste or just as the baking soda itself use it for deodorant one thing that can definitely be a problem is odor with your boots or your shoes in an shtf situation you know your be wearing maybe socks for a long time so it's good to keep those feet good and healthy but one thing too is you may be keeping these boots in your tent or whatever and so you don't want boots that are gonna really stink now the great thing is these le police gear side-zip boots do not stink but just to demonstrate just take a little bit put it and the soles of your shoes doesn't take a whole lot and then you can shake them around and this will definitely give you some relief and speaking of feet they can be soaked in a bath of water and baking soda a lot of people use epsom salts but it's pretty much the same thing they're both sodium and this helps to relieve tension soothes your feet and just allows them to rest the guys keeping your hands clean there's a lot of reasons why personal hygiene is important take a little bit of water mix it with the baking soda again the exfoliating properties and it just keeps those hands fresh and clean you never know what you're going to be dealing with in a zombie apocalypse the battery terminals can get corroded against battery acid all on here it turns real white in fact my wife her battery just we just had problems with it of course I didn't have this video going and I'm open this up and I'm glad that I don't have it but I'm sure you've seen it where it's just built up and corroded you can take your baking soda and this will relieve the corrosion that's on your battery you can also do that with coca-cola but this isn't about coca-cola now guys if you do have use of a washing machine this will help to boost the detergent that you use but also if you have bedding camp bedding sleeping bags things like that you know you're using them for a number of days without cleaning them you can treat them with baking soda just cover them and it will help get the odors out just like it does with your carpet at home so just being able to translate that to standard survival situations compared to everyday use so sodium bicarbonate or baking soda an excellent product of course to have around the house but in a survival situation this could really take care of a lot of needs so guys if you're really serious about prepping and survival check out survival dispatch insider it is one of the best resources on the web and I upload one video a week this exclusive to survival dispatch insider that you're not gonna see here on sensible prepper be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] if you have some skin irritation or poison uh it goes boys movie we have some poison Toby but if it'll help with your let it up love it but it'll live it but it up live it up with water and Biko diems Biko diem SAR been eight Biko diem sahrvin eight [Music] you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 1,401,429
Rating: 4.8976574 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Baking Soda, Uses, Everyday House Items, Improvise to Survive, How to, Improvise, Survival Dispatch, SDI, Survival Dispatch Insider
Id: 8xDgrkYcSsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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