30 Coffee Filter Uses for Survival

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coffee filters in a survival situation let's check it out you got to improvise to survive one of the most popular things that we do here on the sensible prepper channel is take everyday items and show multiple uses in a survival situation one thing that's really different but it is very common especially if you drink coffee or coffee filters and there are a lot of different sizes and types course have this basket type you have this kind of a triangular shape these come in different sizes as well and also comes in white or you can get the non-diet i mean there's a lot of different choices because there's a lot of different coffee drinkers out there so we're gonna look at 30 ways to use coffee filters in a survival situation and guys there are a ton of different ways that are just everyday hacks but for us for survival this makes a great way to be able to improvise to survive the great thing about coffee filters is they are cheap I mean they are very inexpensive and you can get a lot this has 200 filters and you know they're just really inexpensive of course you get up into the triangular types and these are a little bit more expensive this is what they call the number two size and then the number four is large instead of getting another white I wanted to get these undyed filters and this is just a little bit more healthy plus it's a little more subdued color so first off these are just super expensive to have and to have around the house and typically if you're a coffee drinker you've got these anyway so it makes it really easy to be able to use this in a survival situation of course the number one survival use is coffee guys if I don't have my coffee in the morning it is shtf but there's nothing worse than getting up and realizing you used your last filter and you have none paper towels come to the rescue but it's not the same keeping your computer screens clean or your phone you know you get those fingerprints all over them and this just wipes it up it's soft enough and yet it gets all those off cleaning your eyeglasses you know they can get those oils on there and just gunk and keeping those clean you can use a little water or you can use some water and vinegar and that always helps if you've ever been on a picnic or you're hiking camping and you set your food down and you've got flies that are flying around which is a very big annoyance just take the coffee filter cover it up you keep those flies and insects off of it I mean I know you get a little added protein from the Flies laying on it but I think I'll leave mine just like it is looks pretty good I'm going to demonstrate this next use with just a regular jar a big wide mouth jar would work better but take your coffee filter place it over the jar you can take something to tie it down with I'm using some paracord here and you can capture water in the morning just by setting this out or even rainwater and it keeps the leaves and debris out and then it filters your water this also makes a good fire tender it'll burn really nice also if there's a lot of smoke around put this over here and use it for a mask whether it's dust or smoke keeping vegetables and produce fresh you can drop it in if you don't have a baggy ziplock baggie wrap this up and when you put it in refrigerator it doesn't get soggy and slimy coffee filters also can dab up the grease and as you know when you're cooking out in the outdoors gonna be a lot of grease and help settle your stomach she tried to be a really good video might not be entertaining for you but it is for me of course keeping your skillet clean but you don't even wash it keeping it wiped down good good as new and if you're having to share a plate or a place dirty you can put your coffee filter down and put your food on a clean coffee filter and we can use this as a funnel so I'm gonna put two of these together just to keep the seepage down a little bit fitting put two or three I'm just gonna trim off the edge let me just pour the water in without losing as much it's still gonna seep through the filter a little bit but you're going to get most of it and if you make a mess you can use the coffee filter to soak up the water this is a great surrogate in case you run out of paper towels now I have to clean the old things it's not gonna help a lot with this old rusty drum but you definitely get the idea also starting seeds alfalfa sprouts here's some radishes put a few in there close this up you can even tie it off give it a little bit of water and you'll have sprouts growing in no time again alfalfa seeds you can eat those directly even these radishes but this also gives it a good starter for the spring to be able to get those little sprouts to be able to plant obviously if you need to make notes you can use this paper and it makes it really easy to do and if you need a spot of tea we put our tea leaves here in the filter we're gonna seal this up take some twine just tie this down and then just put it in hot boiling water before long you'll have a nice cup of tea for tea tine of course if you need an improvised Bowl drop your food in there and you can hold it without keeping it in your hands especially if your hands are dirty and it makes a nice little Bowl or a small plate you just lay it out this chicken seeing a lot of use and then when you're finished you can just wrap it up and put it in your pack better than this laying right next to your rain poncho or you can use this as a doggy bag at a restaurant of course there's winter coming up you can always use this as tissue oh of course having some kind of source of light candles are going to be around as you can see this wax is getting everywhere take a coffee filter set it on top and at least it'll protect that wax your surface from getting that wax on it taking good care of your pets during shtf this is much better to put the dog food or cat food in a bowl rather than just on the ground where all the dirt and everything else gets in it and of course set it down okay all done there you go good boy this is sued security right here baby you'll chew your arm off if you don't know you now obviously we know what this is used for but if you're out of this this makes a decent surrogate better than leaves now baking soda is known to absorb odors so if we take our filter put some baking soda in there and we'll just take it and wrap it up into a ball take our twine and of course just drop it down in your shoes or your work boots got the string left over we can pull it right out a lot better than just dumping baking soda in the bottom of your shoe it gets on your socks it gets everywhere then when you get ready to wear him pull it out and you have nice fresh footwear of course this can go in your bug out bag your car a number of different places to absorb odors and for the ladies in your life this can be used as an improvised feminine hygiene product panty liners or even a tampon if you rolled that up but you know I'm no expert so that's what I'm told one critical element in survival is water you can only live three days without water and drinking good fresh water keeps you healthy here we have a filter this is the LifeStraw there's a lot of different types but going and taking dirty water directly into your life straw is going to just lower the life span of your filter take your coffee filter place it in whatever container you're using and then here we have some really dirty water takes a little time for it to drain but it does keep all of those that dirt in those leaves and everything else out of your water and that's not a bad pre-filter I mean everything's filtered out it looks clean but again run that through your filter now I've got some spots here on my sweatshirt take my coffee filter just clean those up since I didn't have my bib with me and yes thumbs way up now there's no substitute for a real first aid kit these items are sanitized they're specifically made to treat wounds and things like that but if you don't have anything you can definitely use this to stop the bleeding you can get the bleeding just push it down add pressure this can even be used to pack wounds even though I'm not recommending that it's better than bleeding to death but having the right gear is the most important thing guys take your filter fold it up just dip it in the water drain off the excess water just put that on your forehead it can relieve a headache if you put enough on there also your eyes are burning you can use that cold compress under your eyes which after all that food I've been eating it can be used as a wet wipe now guys there are a lot of other uses for the coffee filters down in the comments below please leave your ideas a lot of people read through those and it just makes it a good community to be able to learn how to improvise to survive and guys that is so important so again guys taking everyday items to use in a survival situation it makes prepping so much easier you know trying to get everything that you possibly need together is impossible and being able to improvise can save you a lot of time a lot of money and if you run out of something this gives you just more tools in your toolbox be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic it's about like H its Haan for a short time man where's that coffee filter oh yeah good clean air so take one of the filters set it in this container take your coffee filter plate say here we go cleaning up with our coffee filter that's a good boy oh yeah boy you you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 413,404
Rating: 4.8418808 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Coffee Filters, Uses, Improvise, Improvise to Survive, Prepper, List, How to, DIY, Do it yourself, Mcgyver
Id: j1-W1WNnH2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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