Top 10 Survival Uses for Petroleum Jelly

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ten ways to use Vaseline in a survival situation let's check it out [Music] [Music] petroleum jelly was actually discovered in 1859 it was kind of a byproduct from when they were drilling for oil and it was kind of a sludge material the guys that were working on the rig's would use it to clean their hands they would use it for different things to moisturize their skin but since that time petroleum jelly is used in a lot of different products today it's typically triple purified it's actually used by hospitals and doctors for a lot of different applications petroleum jelly is non carcinogenic which means it does not cause cancer and it's also hypoallergenic what we're gonna look at today is ten ways that you can use petroleum jelly in a survival situation there are a bazillion ways to use it but we're going to kind of focus on things that might happen in an shtf and so we're going to continue our series of taking just everyday common items and using them for survival you've got to improvise to survive that comes in a lot of shapes and a lot of sizes even comes in tubes one of the big things that this is used for is to moisturize your skin but when you're outside a lot in the cold especially or your skin's just dried out this is a great moisturizer you know whether you have your face have windburn sunburn and again it is hypoallergenic so it doesn't clog your pores it's funny because a lot of people feel that because it says petroleum in it that it's dangerous but it's not and again this is used in the medical industry in so many different areas having a wound or cut especially in a grid down situation these can get infected even if you're out hiking and moving around and the vaseline or the petroleum jelly actually protects the wound and so it's a great way to be able just to keep that sealed and keep dirt and infection out old tools metal parts you can definitely just put a little bit on here and then work it in this one's pretty stiff and the petroleum jelly will make it much smoother operation wise and guys while I wouldn't use petroleum jelly typically on a firearm if I didn't have any other choice it's going to give you some lubrication and that is important you have dirty sticky hands just take it rub it not only will it moisturize but it will clean off the sticky part this will just rub right off and again it's gonna more stir eyes those hands when you're done you can wipe it on your shirt or better yet a paper towel but not bad for cleaning now if you have a zipper that's stuck and it's you're having problems with it it's just tough to get open taking a little bit of petroleum jelly and placing it on the teeth just helps that to be much better I mean it's much smoother it's great and especially again on your pants you're definitely going to want to be able to get those things off cold weather can do crazy things to your lock and one thing to do is maybe put a little bit of vaseline on it and this would be house keys as well and then this just lubricates the keys or the locks and helps them to turn better in fact I've had to replace this lock during the winter time and then when it warmed up I could use it again and if you have chapped lips just a little bit around the lips and guys if you've ever had chapped lips and no chapstick that's a can be very painful if it'll protect skin it will protect leather and that's one thing you can do especially older leather that's getting a little bit dried out you can take just rub this on there a very light coat let it soak in and it'll protect it it'll keep that moisture out of it this just helps to keep it good and supple and it'll last a lot longer when the temperatures are below freezing you know covering those extremities it just keeps them protected and helps you know when burned things like that frostbite even being able to just to protect your hands and your knuckles especially if they crack now one of the top things that I use Vaseline for is for firestarter and I take cotton balls in fact I have a process have a whole video actually on this where I slit this in a bag and then use it and mix it up without getting it on my hands then you can take these and you can store them away and guys a small little light catches it very easily and this burns for a good while this is a great firestarter and of course the petroleum jelly will overcome a lot of moisture as well but this is one cotton ball and you can see how well it's burning and it's going to burn for a while now Vaseline is an accelerant but if you take it on its own and you try to light it it just melts it doesn't light on its own we're gonna make a candle and you take some cotton you don't really have to take that much and what you want to do is kind of get it to where it's all twisted up into a wick and then you want to get some of the Vaseline and just coat it now here we've gotten it coated we're gonna place it into the petroleum jelly take our lighter and now we have a small candle if you put a glass around this especially with the wind going around it'll actually burn longer and straighter but now we have a candle and again the Vaseline itself will not catch on fire just the cotton notice how the Vaseline melts down into the dish so it's very important to have a small dish if you're gonna do this one thing that runners do which I'm not going to demonstrate is to actually take Vaseline and put it on the inside of their thighs and this keeps chafing down especially when you're running a marathon or also putting it on your toes when you put your socks on and it helps to protect your feet when you're walking a lot so that's two areas that you could be traveling you could be on foot and this would help make your journey a lot more comfortable so guys again just taking everyday household items and using them for survival just thinking outside the box this is not necessarily something that you would use primarily but it could definitely get you by in a grid down situation be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic I already look 10 years younger not really don't go get okay useful is to take some in [Music] you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 680,943
Rating: 4.9119358 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Petroleum Jelly, Vaseline, Improvise to Survive, Fire Starter, Frost Bite, Lubrication, Candle, medical uses, 1st aid, Everyday items
Id: dWtF5qnQkgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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