17.4.6 Lab - Test Network Latency with Ping and Traceroute

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test network latency with ping and trace routes use this topology your pc connected to your router and connected to internet to obtain realistic network latency statistics this activity must be performed on a live network be sure to check with your instructor for any local security restrictions against using the pink command on the network the purpose of this lab is to measure enable write network latency over time and during different periods of the day to capture a representative sample of typical network activity this will be accomplished by analyzing the line from a distant computer with the pink command return delay times measured in milliseconds will be summarized by computing the average latency min and the range maximum and minimum of delay times required resources only your pc instructions use pins to document network latency dual examine network latency of several websites in different parts of the globe verify connectivity pick the following regional internet registry rir websites to verify connectivity for example ping triple w lagnik.net okay for latin american afric.net for africa and apnic.net for asia pacific because right.net do not reply to icmp requests they cannot be used for this lab okay pink triple w lagnic.net open the command prompt ping tribal w log nick dot net enter okay you can see i'm using ipv6 okay reply all very good and if the websites are resolved to ipv6 addresses the option 4 can be used to resolve to ipv4 addresses if desired okay and you can use the option for for ipv4 okay repeat the same command but add the option 4 and you will use ipv4 for the pink okay very good and pink wreath nick dotnet and apnic.net okay you can use ipv4 or ipv6 you can use any i will use ipv6 for free nick.net triple w afrinic.net okay this is uh [Music] pick to aphro nick an example using ipv4 for apnic apnic.net success collect network data you will collect a sufficient amount of data to compute statistics on the pink output by sending out 25 echo requests to each other's listed in step one this step may require administrative privileges depending upon your operating system record the results for each website to text files in to list the available options only ping okay pink now you can see [Music] all the options for example one option is option n count number of lco requests to send okay by default are four air core requests but you can modify that value using option n use the pin command with the account option you can send 25 echo requests to the destination as illustrated below okay pink option n 25 25 pinks 25 echo requests to this destination it will create a text file with file name in the current directory this text file will contain the results of the echo request all the results redirected to a dxt file okay and only repeat the this command i will use ipv6 if you want use ipv4 no problem you can use any pink and option and 25 25 counts and pink and 25 destination triple w lucknick.net and redirect to lagnic.txt file enter okay the terminal remains blank until the command has finished because the output has been redirected to a text file lagnic.txt the greater than cyborg is used to redirect the screen output to the file and override the file if it already exists if appending more results to the file is desired replace greater than with this [Music] this double symbol in the comments okay and very good now you can see the command prompt again all the output was redirected to the file and go to this directory use c users 0 mirror in my case okay c users 0 mirror and you can you can see this file lagniq and you can see the results 25 pings 25 airco requests request timeout request timeout pocket set 25 receive it 23 lost 2. 8 lost minimum what 250 milliseconds maximum 2222 milliseconds average 408 milliseconds very good my statistics for this ping using ipv6 and now the same process with afrinic and abneg okay only repeat the command and modify the name a3nic.net the file should be different free nic.txt 25 enter wait a moment okay review the file um now you have this file afrinic okay it's not finish it close this okay now you can see the command prompt that mean uh that means is finish it okay enter again now you can see 25 pings 725 receiver 25 lost zero lost zero zero percent loss minimum maximum average in milliseconds okay and the same process for apnic asia pacific and the text file should have a different name abneg enter and wait a moment and now you can see the common prompt and you have this another file apnic and you can see the results very good verify data okay use your command to list the files in the directory also the wildcards can be used to filter only the text files okay there all with txt extension all text files now you can see your three files three txt files to see the results in the file created use more commands okay for example i want to see uh lucknick.txt and use more lagniq txt yeah you can see the results record your results minimum maximum average okay in this case minimum maximum average for afrinic free neck minimum maximum average for abneg minimum maximum average compare the delay results how is the lie affected by geographical location okay okay i am placed on latin america now i am on peru here on the green section in latin america and this is the pink for latin america okay and the average for latin american is is 408 milliseconds so for me pink to lucknick is very close okay very close to me 408 milliseconds but afrinic is placed on africa the purple section and i am placed on latin america i am the source and the destination is africa on the purple section and the pink is 582 milliseconds okay obviously it's a higher value and for asia pacific up nick asia pacific is the another destination i am the source placed on latin america and uplink is the destination and review only the average is 173 milliseconds okay it's very close to me because the earth is a sphere okay the pink can go using the pacific ocean on my left and reach the and reach this yellow section very close okay and the answer here is the response time is longer when compared to the physical distance to the destination more distance more geographic distance cause more delay more milliseconds okay use traceroute the roots trace it may go through many hubs and a number of different internet service providers depending depending on the size of the internet service providers and the location of the source and destination hosts the traceroute command can also be used to observe the network latency the tracer command is used to trace the path to the same destination in part one the command try chart is the windows version of the traceroot command the tracer command uses icmp ttl time to live exceed packets and icmp echo replace to trace the path use tracer commands and record the output to text files use tracer the destination and redirect the output to a text file for the same destinations if you want to use ipv4 use the option 4 i will use ipv6 try sir try brw lucknick.net redirect redirect to trace traceroute underscore lagnic.txt enter enter and wait a moment may take a while you can see on now you will have this this file traceroute underscore lagniq and you will see it's not finished close this and wait okay now you can see the command prompt is finished and review this file again now you can see 16 hops 16 lines that means 16 hops most of these hosts are routers okay maybe this is the and this is the server the destination server using ipv6 okay my the first hop is my my router my local router okay and this is the ipv6 address for my default gateway okay no response no information for hops 2 and 3. and this is my internet service provider but this is the name of the of the destination and this is the ipv6 address name ipv6 address name ibv6 address ok in some cases only the ipv6 address and for the destination the final destination triple w lucknick.net and ipv6 address okay i pass it through 16 hops to reach the final destination and repeat this for afrinic and apnic use the more commands okay and use more command to to examine the the file for example and only use this more more and the [Music] file name traceroute underscore lagnit.txt enter enter and now you can see the same result the 16 16 hops for example the use three pings the first less than one millisecond the second less than one millisecond and the third less than one millisecond okay for number four the first being 36 milliseconds the second for the 34 milliseconds and the third 34 milliseconds okay uh average is not shown here you need to calculate the average of these three pings okay for example for hope number seven the first delay is 537 milliseconds the second delay value is 147 milliseconds and the third delay is 144 milliseconds so the average is not shown here you need to calculate the average of these three values to calculate that only do this 557 147 1 44 and 3 this is the average 276 okay this is the average okay so you can see 36 141 160 537 146 247 252 and okay and you can see the folder the destination the delay will have a greater value okay perform the same analysis with the rest of the trace results what can you conclude within the relationship between the round trip time and and geographical location the response time is longer when compared to the physical distance of the destination extended trace route reverse name resolution resolving an ip address to a domain name can add delay and try search results and yield inaccurate results okay use the option d okay the same comma but use the option d okay repeat the comment and try third to this destination triple w lucknit lucknick.net and redirect this to [Music] a file but the file should be different different name for the file trace root underscore d underscore lagnic.txt and use the optiondid for trisort and modify this line try insert use option the tripod triple w lucknick.net traceroute underscore the underscore lagning.txt okay different names different file name and the enter okay and wait a moment okay review the file and you can see this new file trace root d okay it's not finished and wait a moment close this very good now you can see the common prompt you can see the file here now is completed price complete 16 hops close this and you can use the more commands to be okay use the more commands to view the results on the file okay more space traceroutes underscore d underscore lagnic.txt and okay i'm sorry enter okay now you can see the results 16 hops with this is the result with option d and this is the result without option d you can see the difference you only have ip ip addresses only ip addresses okay with option d only ip addresses without option d name and ip name and ip for example tracer only tracer and you can see the option d is do not resolve addresses to host names what is different about the tracer output when the the option was added the answer is traceart using the option does not resolve ip addresses to host names okay and don't forget to do this the same process for all the for afrinic and for apnic reflection questions the tracer and pink results can provide important network latency information what do you need to do if you want an accurate baseline picture regarding network latency for your network and you will need to perform careful delay analysis of a successive days and during different periods of the day how can you use baseline information you can compare baseline data against current data to determine if there has been a change in network response times this analysis may assist with troubleshooting network issues and scheduling of routine data transfer during off-peak hours you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 3,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, itn, introduction to networks, v7.0, version 7.0, version 7, ipv4, ping, ipv6, latency, network latency, tracert, traceroute
Id: jIKSmiy0sI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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