Building a 600hp 5.9 Cummins Long Block | #24vSilverado [EP2]

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nobody's home what's going on how about you you get a new car yeah you're gonna love it it looks fancy it's just kind of coming it has engine parts in it [Applause] i should have no electric parking here well that's the funny thing holy cow we are 40 kilometers from home and i got a range left of 16 so i got to plug it in this is just regular flight yeah no not at all [Music] yep [Music] so silverado was like why does the ford get a bus engine i want a bus engine so i bought another bus we're gonna put a bus engine and silver out of it we're gonna be cranking it up to about 500 600 horsepower somewhere down there with our budget and with our horsepower expectations we are going with just the o-ring on the head we have to use uh studs for that that is it to prep your internals for 600 horsepower all right guys exciting times i'm gonna be building my very first engine for myself i've done dozens and dozens of engines but uh never got to enjoy it myself we've had scott build us some engines he did the gto the audi and the f350 but this will be the first one that i'm building myself so we did have scott do all the machining and we'll get into that but uh super stoked about this one compound turbo 24 valve hp pump and uh lots of other upgrades on it as well for this build we're aiming for about 5 600 horsepower which is like the medium capability of this engine we can go way past this but then we're in a whole other league so if you want to build a stock engine definitely check out our video on the how to build a million mile engine nice stock 230 horsepower not blowing up transmissions not uh rolling coal none of that just a reliable five nine uh this is going to be what i think is kind of the max of the reliability any more than this and it's going to get expensive it's already expensive with clutches and the transmission upgrades and all that but this will be a very fun truck very very reasonable to attain for anybody in place of buying a new truck so um let's get into it here we go all right so we've made videos on rebuilding uh the engines before so some of the stuff that's similar like the disassembly we're just gonna skim right over that because nobody needs to watch me take something apart so we've got our block down we've got our head down to nothing the first thing i would do is send your head out to get machined 24 valves are bad for cracking the seats they are not a precedent seat they're just a hardened seat and they like to crack so we've got our cylinder head done now we've got footage on that and i i've got a confession to make um this is actually our second third 24-valve p-pump cummins two of them went off to australia so definitely check out the skid factory um where they took the 24 valve that we built here and put it in nissan patrol that one's running and moving but back when we were building that engine scott at north town didn't want to make videos with us so we had to kind of bypass uh that footage now for the video series by the time skid factory got ready to build their engine scott was gung-ho explaining the theory behind everything that he does so all the footage on that head um is actually in the video for al's engine uh we did exactly the same with that that we did with al's head um but we didn't have the footage for that so we sent that now when you watch that video you'll read some comments about the valve seals not going on the top and uh you guys are sharp you guys picked that up the reason for that is we had to o-ring the head and we had to pull all the valves back out again so we shot it we assembled it that footage is on skid factory then we had to disassemble the head again put in stronger valve springs and o-ring the head and then after the assembly the valve seals went on so now you guys can go to that video series and uh reply to all those comments saying um your machine just forgot something no the block needs a little bit of extra work can't just throw it together there's only one man for that job and that's scott to make sure that we are perfectly straight so that we aren't going to blow head gaskets when we give it 60 pounds of boost so check this out here we go [Music] when you get home you should take the pins out of here dry them all off and come back in yeah [Music] [Applause] so beautiful time for the carbon there's still to clean up once it all came off all right so scott already put the five nine block on the machine to get prepped to get decked um i i just took a a knife sharpening stone and just went over the top when i was taught in trade school or at the shop we just put a perfectly good straight edge on there and then took a feeler gauge and stuck it underneath and see if you can pull it out yeah that's a traditional method on how to do it um you can still do that to just check typically i won't even take a job if they don't factor in the price the price of resurfacing the block because every time i do i can check this block and we'll do it we'll put the straight edge across it will check for appearance but you can't measure imperfections you can't measure the twist if you're not exactly perfect across that block you'll miss it right once once in a while i get some blocks i clean up really fast but then sometimes i get blocks that are take 10 15 out of clear up clean up right right so this one's actually pretty good i i did a pre-check before it uh so what i do is i prep the hand gasket area there's a little bit of rust on it but what i do is i flip it over prep everything file everything and then i check my distance from the center main to the top of the block on each side and this one is actually pretty square when i put it onto the machine and now i start dial indicate it and even to the machine bed uh it was only out by about a thou so that's when i started using uh small pieces of paper a while to bring it up so the center line from the crank to the top of the block was square so when i put it on the machine it's telling me that this is out a little bit so what i want to do is i want to make sure the deck surface is square and centerline in the crank you're making sure that the head is square to the crankshaft yeah based on that one right right so one cylinder isn't higher than the other so now when i miked it across or used the dial indicator it was off by about two thou without any shims so now i shimmed up a little bit to get our zero across he'll be within a couple tenths and then we'll put a straight edge across it so you can see where it's out this block is actually pretty good it probably has never been overheated around that yeah school bus putting along at 50k an hour so i imagine that we'll get it we'll get it stuck on every spot but then we'll take a nice clean cut and we'll see how much twist is in it nice so we got zero there now i'm not putting any pressure on that this is all stable off cutting head so all i do is just hold the needle [Applause] we'll stop here [Music] so you're just under a thou over two and a half yeah so that knife zone is just as valuable as this entire machine yeah it is okay so we'll do crisscross first yep so this is 2000 so let's see it's getting stuck a little bit of tension right there a little bit it's very loose right there yep [Music] there's a little bit of a twist to the bottom okay let's double check [Music] okay just hold that there it'll start to tell me if i get close to it you obviously don't want to hog right into it right now so we're getting close so i don't want to do any more so let's bring it down by the wheel now i'm within five thou right there this is still a complicated gasket on this one yeah some people say they like to uh have a rough cut in it but i still don't like that no i've done basically a smooth finish on everything i've seen some old timers that will speed up the cut so it actually leaves rivets so you can grab with your fingernails yep not a big fan of that to each their own [Music] all right so start the spindle up let's double check this so we're within [Music] either okay it doesn't get as close so we're feeding in i always stay here just in case you never know something happens i'm fastness i just click it and it gets out of the top right oh okay yeah so now it's just for your initial stuff yeah i know it's over the top is better now so i just find a spot where i can see that cutter hit and you'll just start to see it yeah you can see that yeah so flick it back i'll set my zero my first cut i'll usually maybe one now okay and then we'll see where to nice [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so this is one pass and you can see where it's cutting on the outside but not towards the inside yeah it's just the way the engine twists especially after a lot of years of hot cold hot cold even through our winters the cast iron will uh stress relieve right yeah so even just even the heads are known for it even more especially coming said just being a thin head right huge huge twist zone that's why i always laugh when people crotch guys say oh i put the feeling you feel engaged with a straight edge oh it's perfect i shouldn't have any problems because i always check in between yep and then on on diagonal and right here i would have missed each one of these spots not that it like and again it's too tall but it's not perfect the biggest thing is right here if you look at a couple of them you see this one's not touching and that's a coolant hole yeah another cooling hole it's not touching another coolant hole so if you were to put this back together you might not have any head gasket problems especially without ringing it yeah but where it's going to blow isn't necessarily between like pistons it's gonna be into your cooling jacket yeah so now you're gonna be taking off now whenever we did the head gasket we always sent the head away but never the block because you leave your pistons in whatever it's a head gasket usually one service is pretty much what you need but if it's out already and you're doing the job yeah right that much better and when you do the head gasket if you've got two of these imperfect things now two thousand comes fourth out and that that's when so my biggest thing is is that uh on the head as soon as you on both the head this the stretch you're leaving in the head twists yeah you'll never be able to mimic bolting that head back up to match to take the twist out so that's why mandatory if a customer doesn't want to do the head resurface ahead i don't take the job it's not worth it because you will have a blown head gasket maybe two three four months but it will happen right so you can never bolt that down now if it's twisted this way and you're torquing it down in the opposite direction well now you're actually pushing the gasket out so i've come into all kinds of situations that you could possibly imagine with customers question me on jobs and stuff and i've learned what now you can just say i'm gonna point you to this video just watch it it's gonna come back to me nice so so now when you resurface the head you actually break cut the seats and the valves deeper yep to make up for the difference right so it's back to stock yep so if it's too deep if we had to go to if we resurfaced the head and now the valves are just for say they're the seats were pounded in now we have to go too deep that's when you change the seats and bring it back up to factory specs right okay always keep all their jobs in the factory specs now we're taking material off of our block which basically means that the pistons are gonna yeah protrude a bit more what happens there yeah so this i'm guessing we're probably gonna take between four and six style off of here so technically the pistons will be six thou above protrusion from what we had so what i say to you before we highly recommend install every single piston do your top dead center and you check the protrusion on every single piston and then if it's within specs i would i on a build here i would still check everyone and cut every piston to the lowest piston okay and then that way you have the quality across the board okay because the the protrusion is a lot more crucial in a diesel than it is in a gas um because you're taking all that air that extra air it changes it a lot i like to do the equality so that you have the same stresses on each piston so you have the same push back from combustion if you have one that's similar to higher compression because it's it's now say 20 and it's happened i when i talk might be six or seven or eight but i've had some that are 25 above right yeah so you have to watch that right one piston is doing a pile over compressing and the other ones just kind of along for the ride exactly yeah oh and then the piston could hit the head you have a composite gasket so there's a lot more like fiddle room in there okay uh but when you get into mls you have to bang on right on two more cuts or one more cut probably two more two more i don't like to go too heavy on the cuts okay because when especially there's a lot of interference cuts like this yeah uh you can end up getting a deflection on this side so you'll actually feel it it's it's crazy how much your finger can actually pick up on waves but you could probably even feel this yeah go go to a spot where you know it's not touching and just use the use the skin on your finger and you actually feel the low spot in yeah so if i have a bad spot or a hard spot i can drag my marker all the way across and i'll do a light cut and you can actually see where the waves are where the marker hasn't been cut sometimes they get into hard blocks like mercedes blocks super super hard and there's a lot of interference cuts so it creates a lot of distortion and a lot of vibrations right so that's why we have to change our speeds and feeds and feed it up and how much cuts we're going to do it's sometimes you can play with it for a long time right yeah but i'll grab a marker so we can try it it probably won't do nothing because this is a pretty nice block but this is just what i do if there's ever a case where i'm worried that there might be a lot of uh wave or something in that block after my cut like i'm talking more about the machine if that's i have really hard material and we're getting shaking or vibration out of it i'll just do that so we shut down the spindle so every time you start the spindle up it could be off a couple of though yeah so i'm going to stay back a little bit i'm going to put a marker line here yeah so i can re-feed into it and start as if it was a fresh block again okay the bits i use a cbn bit which is a diamond bit basically it's not meant to cut on the reverse level of it um so that way i only do one cut forward lift it up come back drop it back down to my zero uh and i'll do this typical method where so i know exactly how much i'm taking if i just use my dialect it's not accurate enough where i couldn't feed her two or three or fourth out i could be off so i don't i just i do this on every single cut i cover it with a marker i start to go into it cut it set my zero so i know exactly what i'm taking and then i feed my amount [Music] so let's get close i'll be ready just in case uh here's the car now the lights happen it's happening oh [Music] i'm already feeding ninja about a half pound yeah so we'll take a two thou cut now okay it'll get rid of all those lines this block doesn't have a problem with [Music] waves [Music] it's just a stain on it okay you can't even feel it so we could take more or it's up to you this you'll probably have to go another probably four more thou no i'm i'm okay but that's not uh there's no marks there's nothing nice it's just uh some people are when they visually see some of the things the problem my hands aren't dirty they're stained yeah exactly they're not concerned about a straight edge and tooth out but when they're sustained they're pissed [Music] 220 degrees right there dad don't let it get out of here you should touch it use those fancy clothes that's like you can smell this it's never a good thing i always bring my hand on here and see if it this smells horrible smell it now oh something about freshly machined engine pipes and all going together it's pretty neat [Music] okay so we're polishing this crankshaft the exact same way we did the cat we don't have to chamfer it because the cummins already have the chamfered oil holes and the only reason for that is when we're sanding it we don't want to raise the lip of it on the very edge because that will wreck the bearings it's a quart gasket so we don't take materials off but the cork does cause respiratory issues so we've got masks right there you don't necessarily want it in the clear okay can i look at that color it looks pretty good right yeah i'll just do this yeah yeah you can see little lines like that yeah we won't be able to take that out okay in the direction rotation we bring those hairs back up so it floats on the oil of film and it grabs that a little film yep uh we don't need to get that out we don't need to remove material right right and just remember when you're doing the come on down yeah that's tension that's in between yeah you don't wanna you wanna try to keep that gap the same yeah yeah all right yeah okay we'll see make a difference different yeah so that's where the line is yeah yeah crazy so there's a line right right on the edge of the hole this it does only work on a hard shaft if i just had like a cast iron chevy 350 yep wouldn't matter so these are superior crankshafts to anything you've ever seen before i don't know if i get that there's a cali spank that's over there okay so it's fairly tight yep thinners and there's glass a little bit in there first just do that to all the holes yep blow all the holes out yep [Music] [Music] perfect [Applause] [Music] the thinners is so it removes the oil so fast that it leaves like a dry patch yeah probably it actually sucking the old oil out of it right yeah so that's why you're just trying to get rid of i just technically it makes it look better i didn't wouldn't have to do it but somebody told me the difference between a good job and a great job it's usually about an hour and he's pretty he's pretty accurate yeah some of this stuff like you won't get rid of that the little the shadow but yeah you can't get rid of unless we use the abrasive polisher but shoes you use the bracelet polisher there's two different pressure goes down yeah you make clearance but then to use the abrasive polish on the crank you can't get it to cut around so essentially your crank will be like a wave all around because this this isn't accurate enough to remove material off a crank and keep around well maybe you but i was i was pretty good so it's that's why i don't use a braces uh i never ever touch the prison if it's to the point where it needs abrasives you gotta ground grind it yeah [Music] yeah it's still a little bit warm on it yeah it's crazy how long it holds that heat yeah but that's funny too like it comes when you have a cold start in the morning it takes a while to you know warm up and fire at the end of the day it's been eight hours since this ran there's still heat energy in that with like minus 15 yep but it fires right up i definitely hold heat for a long time that's 14.95 what i should have is a sign that says plug electric cars in here and it's a gas pin and it's 180 per kilowatt hour right [Music] okay yep [Music] it's 37 kilometers home and we have 44 if we drive in eco but it like it's gonna go down about five six k so [Laughter] look at the rabbits really you as long as you're beating them a little bit i do a burnout but i don't have enough left good luck see scott thanks now my block is perfect look at that wonderful so um you understand sometimes why it takes so long to get videos out because it takes a while to squeeze in and out and line up shops and gather parts and everything but we've got our perfect block now ready to go we'll start with our oil squirters or piston squirters and then uh crankshaft okay so we're using molly for the internals on this engine um if you're not uh i've built a pile of engines for customers and some of them demand oem but cummins is really expensive um and we've had really really good luck with mali we're running mali in our audi and a bunch of stuff in the cat as well and mainly because they're so diverse they have a massive variety of parts for pretty well for every engine and we've never had a failure with one of these um they always fit really nice well packaged i've got usually generally used as molly and whatever scott recommends i kind of follow suit these ones don't have holes they go in the cap these ones have holes they go for the squirters and the feed here we go oh man this is just better than christmas just unwrapping not only car parts but parts that you've worked on to get this perfect oh here we go [Music] all right um all the torque specs and everything if you're interested in those just go back and watch the million mile video it's all the same i'm actually watching myself on youtube for all the torque specs and that um because it's nice to one step at a time it's the order that it has to go wanna make sure you got a nice cross hatch um and we did that with the with the home what we're doing different for this one is we're replacing these with new bolts obviously but we're using total seal piston rings and what those are we use them on the ford as well is these rings that have a groove cut them can you see the groove so that you take a smaller one and put that opening on the other side so there is no physical opening on your piston ring pretty cool setup very uh straightforward install we've got our oil ring it says bottom groove top groove middle groove because we've got tapered groove on the top we can only do them on the second groove i still want to check all your clearances make sure that your gap is still proper on both and that's going to be different for each engine not typically fourth out for every inch of piston or diameter so this is a four inch so we're basically 16 down we'll measure put those in place pop them on our pistons i took all the pins out and just cleaned them and oiled them uh it's very low mile engine so all of the bushings were in good shape so we're leaving them alone and there's no play um and scott's happy i'm happy so put the oil ring on the bottom of the piston and then use that to push the ring down your oil ring would square up the piston so it's not crooked and then you've got your gap i'm gonna measure it and we're just at 17 dow there so that's perfect um we'll check all the other ones pop them on and bam i got a short block now you'll get instructions with yours um and it says on there don't over lube the pistons when you put them in in my other video you saw me dunk the entire piston and put it uh put it in the truck uh we're not gonna do that we'll just lube it with uh some straight 1540 non-synthetic so that um the rings have a chance to bite into the cylinder wall and here we go pretty easy install it actually works a little better with some oil all the rings are marked top and you want to space your gaps on the pins opposite from each other and what's also cool is you can tell them your exact specs of what you're building what you're trying to accomplish whether it's like an older restoration or whether you're racing or diesel or whatnot and in the racing world things still blow up so you can actually send the rings back to them they can diagnose whether they were the right rings or something else was wrong or they got different material that would work better for next time so pretty pretty cool [Music] so because the top ring is tapered keystone we can't use gapless on the top ring but the second ring will definitely help if you've got flat all on all the grooves then you can run gapless on every one of them [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] 30 and 45 to 90. [Music] it's getting heavier i won't be able to flip it too many more times i know they make engine stands with cranks and stuff but then i have to go to the gym the only difference between al's head and our head is that al is going fairly stock so we replaced these seats that were cracked and this head we ground every seat um all 24 of them and put in the hardened seats so we're ready for some boost let's check out the head all right just unwrapping more and more parts [Music] so let's check out these o-ring grooves i'm trying to figure that out oh so so nice all right so for our i would say medium horsepower capability engine we o-ring the cylinder head now there's a couple different ways to do this um scott machine to head he hasn't done any cummins blocks he only does power strokes because there's a local guy who uh loves the power strokes and he just loves spending money so i think scott's done a few heads for him as for this there's a tool to center inside the bore of the block if you want to do your block but we opted to do just the head so what we've done basically if this is your block what we've done is cut a groove in the cylinder head where we put a piece of wire now that ends up right on the steel part of the gasket the fire ring and what it does is push extra hard on the firing now this is the first level of o-ringing um there's a couple issues the groove is square whereas the wire is round so there's a little bit of a gap here um which isn't ideal and a couple issues with that when we're using the wire when we put it in it also has a gap where it has to butt up to each other so you can do it flat um or you can do it on an angle and have a meet this way that takes a lot longer we're going to go flat because there isn't an issue it's just that it's better if it's on an angle if you want to go more horsepower if you drag it drag racing or stuff like that you might want to opt for the one piece and they cut them square so what that is is square that sits in that o-ring or in the groove and then it's rounded at the back and that's what pushes on your gasket now when you get to that level you want to cut the head and the block so what it actually does is give a little recess for that firing to push the gasket in between there but that has to be absolutely perfect machining if the if the block and the head don't line up 100 then it's actually a lot worse and your engine won't even leave the shot before it has to get tore down again so with our budget and with our horsepower expectations we are going with just the o-ring on the head pushing on the gasket tight against the block we have to use uh studs for that and we opted to go with the exotic studs now exotic's been around for quite a while that's the exact same material as the arp but i think they're less than half the price originally there were some complaints about them not having enough lube in the package and not being packaged very nice but um i think they've upped their game a little bit each one packaged really nice lots of lots of lube if i could get that open aaron chew on this open this up we'll get to that in a bit when we actually stud the engine but um if you are going to o-ring you need to get some studs this is like 40 40 some odd thou but you do want to take a file and square off the edge [Music] you want to find a spot away from coolant passages and your your head studs and then basically put it in it's pretty tight fit a brass punch so you don't mark anything now don't be shy go a little extra because you can file it down if you're short you got to start over [Music] again [Music] you can see how difficult this would be if you [Music] tapered [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] for the 24 valve it's 40 foot pounds on the studs then 80 then 125 starting to mellow work your way out very typical [Music] okay so that is it to prep your internals for 600 horsepower next video we'll start talking about the air we're gonna put some compounds on it 369 and a k27 um and we're gonna see if all the intercooler piping and exhaust piping will work in a silverado uh power driven diesel designs it for a dodge but honestly who drives a dodge that's it for now thanks for watching guys um if i missed anything definitely comment down below i appreciate you guys feedback this is my first time doing o-ring so um yeah if i did something wrong let me know i'm so confident i won't leak i'm gonna paint it black anyway i don't even have to rely on paint on this one remember get out there you guys can do this yourself work on it because if you're not filthy you're not rich here we go
Views: 261,989
Rating: 4.9533577 out of 5
Keywords: chevy silverado, chevrolet silverado, chevy silverado 2500, 5.9 cummins, cummins swap chevy, cummins swap tutorial, chevy silverado 2500hd, cummins silverado, cummins conversion, diesel conversion, 2005 chevy silverado, 24v p pump, 24v p pump conversion, 24v p pump cummins, 24v p pump swap, p pump 24v cummins, 24v cummins silverado, 24v cummins swap into chevy, chevy 24v cummins swap, power driven diesel, the skid factory, compound turbo cummins 24v, oring head
Id: fs4_Iez2qgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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