Scary Stories | True Creepy Stories Told In The Snow - Compilation Video

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in new zealand's we have a lot of walks and sometimes I like to just drive somewhere and go for a hike into the bush normally I just walk to a point and turn back but tonight I decided to walk the entire track this specific track goes from a visitor center at the top of the hill then down a hill is the track which takes you past a large old abandoned railway that was once used to show-off glowworms and now it's just a rusting wreck I decided to walk down the track toe and it was around 4:30 and it was starting to get a bit dark so how I thought that I would explore a bit and then walk back to my car about 200 meters from the main station there's an old tunnel used by the Train as well this tunnel has been abandoned for coming up on three years now so if I go to the tunnel with my little lantern this tunnel would not have been more than five hundred meters long I'd say while I was walking over the sound of my wet slapping footsteps I swear that I could hear someone following me breathing on me I felt the hairs on my neck stand up and I stopped in my tracks and swing around with my Lancet but there's nothing just a small ball of life and the tunnel opening so I start walking again and the feeling returns then over my own breath and slapping up my footsteps I heard something know someone a man in a deep voice my hood in a dangerous whisper say get out and well you don't need to tell me twice I felt my large frame running through this small tunnel designed for a tiny train and I hear the footsteps behind me the light of the mouth of the tunnel is getting larger and larger I feel the security of the daylight sort of wash over me twist my tripped over and fell down on my stomach while still in the tunnel and I felt this presence near me that's I tried to get up but my shoulder is killing me and my legs have decided that they don't want to work anymore and whatever it was it didn't want me there and didn't want anyone there I got covered in mud all down my front men to the safety of the daylight though walking up the railway looking like some awful extra on the walking dead I reached the small station and managed to sit myself down on a long defunct station sitting there while I was trying to stretch out my arm so it wouldn't hurt anymore then stretching my legs I looked up and to my left standing on the platform is of waiting for a train was a guy dressed in brown overalls and a white shirt looking dirty and disheveled I looked back down my fort and turned back to look at this guy again and to my utter shock he just wasn't there anymore I promise you that I'm a pretty big frame guy and I have never run so fast in my entire life up the hill as well through the thicket of the forest and back to the safety of the carpet and now I'm sitting in the car trying to process what the hell just happened and in case anyone was wondering - yes I'm able to take photos of this place it's not bad to access but I'm only going back if I'm prompted [Music] a few years ago my friend Jane and I took a trip to Portland Oregon we're both from the south side of Chicago and Jane was feeling pretty jaded with the city she was convinced everything was better on the west coast including the people so we flew out to Portland and rented a car which we named Veronica the day before we were supposed to fly back home we took Veronica and drove up to Aberdeen Washington to see Kurt Cobain's childhood home after that we drove down the coast sightseeing along the way we visited a storia Oregon to see the house from the Goonies and mended the day of Cannon Beach to check out the haystack rock all in all it was a pretty nice day once it started to get dark we decided to head back to our hotel which was just under two hours away I knew that I needed gas so I told Jane that I would stop at the first gas station that I see Cannon Beach is a small resort type town a lot of little shops and restaurants but I didn't see any gas stations being from the city I'm used to seeing two on every corner so I wasn't really too worried am I expected to see one soon I'm completely unfamiliar with the area though so I just keep following the GPS as instructions while talking to Jane the next thing I know we're not in any type of town but we're in a dark winding road surrounded by trees at this point I'm getting a little worried so I pull over to the side of the road to use the GPS to search for the nearest gas station it tells me that there's one about a mile down the road awesome I'll get some gas and we'll be set so I'm driving and Veronica's telling us that we arrived at our destination I pull into a completely dark and empty gas station we're still surrounded by woods and darkness as far as I can tell this nothing around for miles according to Veronica we have about 10 miles worth of gas and the nearest gas station was 30 miles away Jane and I are sitting there trying to figure out what to do when another car pulls in I keep going about my business and don't really pay attention to the other car I just assumed that they need gas to and out of the corner of my eye I see someone gesturing to me after some hesitation I cracked the window to see what they want there's a middle-aged man and his wife in the car he starts asking us all kinds of questions need to fill up coming from the beach driving back to Portland I keep my answers polite but short then he tells us that he actually owns the gas station we're at but doesn't make enough money to keep it open that late he tells us that he knows of a Chevron about three miles away and gives us directions for ins he gave us his number and says to give him a call in case we don't make it he says my name is Sam the mechanic man let me know if you don't make it and I'll come and rescue you ladies we thanked him profusely and then we head out Jana's going on and on about how nice that was and how that never would happen in Chicago I agreed that was very nice if odd of him strange - that's he happened to be driving past his gas station at the same time that we pulled in but whatever I guess might make a joke about him calling his buddy at the gas station saying I'm sending two women your way we make it to the place though and this kids 18 or 19 years old comes out about their guests he asks us how we're doing and then says yeah there's a lot of weirdos out here tonight Jane and I look at each other and I let out a small laugh and say I told you I turned back to the kid though and ask him what he means he tells me this story about how his brother some drug dealer a ton of money and how he's hiding somewhere nearby he's planning on kicking the crap out of him when he gets off his shift I can so Jane is getting uncomfortable with the building weirdness of the night so I give the kid a good tip and wish him luck and start driving again at one point during our conversation Jane calls Sam the mechanic man and leaves him a voicemail she tells him that we made it to the gas station and how much we appreciated his help I thought the call was unnecessary it was what it was but a few minutes later we're on the highway in about 10 minutes from a hotel Jane's phone rings and it's Sam again she thanks him profusely he asks where we're from and Wimmer flying home he tells her that his name is Sam glass team and he wrote a book called wrongly accused he told us that we should read it when on our plane ride home and this definitely piques my interest hey Jane you have to look up that book to see what it's about she googles it and then she just goes limp and she looks like she's going to puke what is it I don't want to scare you but he was apparently accused of being the Green River Killer and immediately she starts freaking out because he has a number now back at the hotel we do some more digging and apparently a victim of the Green River serial killer picks Sam out of a lineup however the real serial killer was caught and convicted based on DNA evidence but around the same time in the 70s Sam was convicted and served time for abducting and assaulting a young woman in the area that we were with a book he wrote was about all of that we ended up stuck in Portland for two more days due to a snowstorm in Chicago it was a weird tension field two days considering the circumstances and the weirdness of that night things definitely could have gone horribly wrong and boy am I glad that's all I got out of that night was a story [Music] it's happened about two years ago while I was in university working on my degree in biology I had signed up for a trip to gather samples for an experiment some students in the ecology department were going to run it required the collection of samples from several sites so they recruited biology ecology the forestry majors to help them complete the sampling in a short appearance the area my group was to take samples from was a few hours from my uni in the Pacific Northwest there are nine of us in my group eight students and a supervising professor well we got to the campsite in the late evening and set up our tents one of the other students had brought a big container of split pea soup from home and we're sharing it with the others and the trips I don't really care for split pea soup so I just decline the offer everyone had some except for me one of the students and the professor come the next morning the five students who had eaten the soup weren't in the best of shape they were in the grips of some gnarly food poisoning and we're in no shape to hike for eight or nine hours to collect the samples that we need the professor who was supervising us and originally come with some rules such as people travel in groups of at least two and we had to return to camp by nightfall but now those rules were tossed out to make sure that we kept our timetable and collected all the required samples but we were just told to do our best to complete the work assigned as long as you can do it safely that morning I set out for a long day of hiking after a while or so I ran into the stream that I was supposed to follow I needed to travel about four miles upstream stopping every quarter mile to collect samples of the water in the soil this meant that I had to hustle to get back before dark way through the day though I realized that that was not going to happen about two miles into my hike I stopped for lunch sitting on a log overlooking the strain the scene was really peaceful until I smelled the cigarettes it wasn't a smell of a cigarette being smoked more the musty smell of a heavy smokers car where cigarette butts have been left to from and for weeks on end my looks around but I couldn't see anyone I just assumed that the wind had blown the scent of some hunter or hiker over to me but minutes later the smell hadn't faded the vegetation in the area wasn't that dick but there was still a lot of places for someone to duck behind a tree or butch I was unnerved I must admit that someone was apparently staying close enough to me for me to smell them for this long and without so much as a word I quickly packed up the trash from my lunch and I continued up the string musty cigarette smell went away for the next few hours it wasn't until I arrived at my last sample location late into dusk that I smelled it again the woods were getting really dim by this point looking back on it too it was a really stupid idea to stay out so late it's just hiking back to camp in the dark would be pretty dangerous even without a cigarette smoking stalker having just put the collection tubes in my bag I shined my flashlight around the darkening woods looking for whoever was giving off the smell I didn't see anything they caught my attention it would actually be more correct to say that I saw too many things in the dim light that might have been a head sticking out from behind a tree or someone crouched low in the foliage to actually know what was going on I didn't like the idea of being in the dark woods with a stranger who for the second time was lurking me me without revealing themselves so I began to double-time it back down the stream I made much better time on my way back even though it was dark because I didn't have to stop to take any samples but even so I didn't get back to camp itself a bit before 10:00 I was the last one to get back and everyone but the professor was already asleep I didn't mention the cigarette smells as a professor because well he seemed tired as it was and he headed to his bed in the RV soon after I got back I headed to my tent soon after as well at some point in the night though I woke up needing to pee my decided to head into the woods to do my business as I knew some of the other students were still feeling ill and needed the RV toilet for more urgent matters than just having to take a leak I walked about a hundred feet into the woods found a tree and did what I needed to do as I turned to go back to the camp something caught my eye though some were off into the woods there was a tiny red glow I was confused as to what it was until it flared momentarily and I realized that it was the cherry of a cigarette and I stood there for a while watching the red amber glow fade they moved slightly closer to the ground as whoever was smoking would take it out of their mouth not being able to see the person though I assumed that they were watching the camp I didn't know if they had seen me make my way into the woods on Artez the fire had been doused and the moon was only half full so there wasn't very much light I made my way slowly back to the camp as quietly as I could though and entered the RV to wake up the professor I told him about the person smoking in the woods and about the smell of the cigarettes earlier that day however when we got outside of the RV the ember from the cigarettes was gone my professor woke up the other student who had come down with food poisoning and we took turns watching over the camp I didn't see or smell anything else when I was on guard duty and went to sleep with the professor woke up for his turn in the morning the professor the other student and I went to where I guess the smoker had been standing that night before and sure enough we found about ten cigarette butts on the ground next to a tree and the tree itself looked like someone had been twisting and stabbing a knife or other sharp object into it as the bark in the outer layers of the wood had been damaged and chipped away the professor decided that the group should head back that day even though we hadn't collected all the samples that we were assigned to be on the safe side we packed up camp and drove down the thin dirt trail with that the second that we got into the paved highway though white paneled van pulled out of the clearing just off the shoulder and began to follow us his fans stayed behind us all the way back pulling off the highway when we did taking the same surface streets that we did and only stopped following us when we turned onto the road leading to an University campus everyone was freaked out by this but it was around 9:00 at night on the weekend so the security office on campus was closed we decided to unload the RV and call it a night as the van hadn't followed us onto the campus my offer to help the professor catalog and store the collection choose from a trip so it was another couple of hours before I left the Biological Sciences Building and started heading toward the dorm building that I lived in I stepped out into the cool night air and began walking my professor having left the building in the other direction to get to his car and drive home it was a couple of dozen feet outside of the building which was now locked when I was hit but the musty smell of old cigarettes again I looked around and about 25 yards away in the darkness off of the footpath I saw the cherry of a cigarette smouldering away I was pretty scared at this point but hope this it was only a student or some faculty staying late having a smoke I couldn't completely convince myself of this though is the musty cigarette smell was definitely the same as what I smelled in the woods the previous night I started down the footpath and soon passed whoever was smoking 100 feet or so later I looked over my shoulder and saw the cigarette cherry bobbing in the darkness the smoker was following this creeped me out a bit more but I still held it together until I rounded a small stand of trees and saw a white panel van parked alone in a parking lot I took off at a sprint toward my dorm building I looked over my shoulder a few steps into my run and I saw the cherry of the cigarette fall to the ground and a dark shape beginning to move after me I didn't look back again but I could definitely hear someone running in the grass off to the footpath I got to the entrance to my dorm building and frantically waved my keycard in front of the card reader that controlled the door lock as soon as I hear the soft beep I opened the door jump through the doorway and shut the door quickly I stopped and peered through the glass door and I saw the dark shape stop just before the lit pathway I just watched for a minute or two and then I saw the spark of a light huh the light is just barely bright enough to illuminate a shaggy beard and a brim of a baseball cap before it disappears and was replaced with the red glow of a cigarette I turned and headed up the stairs to my dorm by the time that I get to my window overlooking the same yard that I just run through there was no trace of a dark figure or cigarette Jerry [Music] so I work in the service industry beauty and body etc a few years ago there was a very strange and very creepy client it's we had who came in for a series of treatments which meant me and three other girls see him several times a week he would come for the latest appointment possible bring weird books about lucid dream and stripped down so absolutely nothing but a towel over his junk even though his treatment did not require for him to be nude we all agreed that he was a complete weirdo and after a few weeks we were free from his crazy ups fast forward to this past winter and he calls in out of the blue says that he wants to start these treatments again I begged my boss not to have him come in but there wasn't really a reason to not have him plus he's in his early twenties rich kid who will spend all of his mum's money as he was speaking to me over the phone he remembered everything about me and began apologizing for being rude to me in the past which he wasn't just a free man said that he had a huge crush on me bla bla bla the first few treatments my coworker would be with me but after a few weeks she couldn't work that late anymore I was like me constantly tried to keep me in the room with him first asking questions about the treatment that's then trying to pry into my personal life he kept complimenting my body in looks to which I would politely say that that wasn't appropriate and he would apologize on more than one occasion he was definitely high out of his mind and not weed and would say the weirdest things this all doesn't sound too bad but if you could picture what a serial killer would behave like from movies and TV that was this guy I'm not even joking he was the scariest person that I've met in my entire life the day I finally had enough though was when he came in wearing his suits and during the treatments me complimented me over a No and then began asking me how I felt about women being raped and murdered and saying women were horrible and such I became increasingly nervous and he would laugh or try and contain his laughs while talking about rape and murder I can't even remember what he said because I was so scared and so I just blanked everything else after this treatment was done I immediately called him a cab he would usually ask me to do it but I did way earlier than he would ever ask me just before he left he said I find it adorable that you're so vulnerable and stood there staring at me with honestly the coldest look in his eyes and a slight smooth and literally almost bawled my eyes out right in front of him I could feel my heart racing and I was sweating profusely before he left - he said that he forgot something in the room and stood there waiting for me to go and get it for him if I had gone into that room he could have easily followed behind me and blocked the doorway I could have easily been trapped in there after 8:00 p.m. in the winter when it's very dark out the streets around here and dead at this time and the other tenants in these buildings always leave around five or six he just stood there staring at me and I said at my desk literally clutching a pair of scissors away from his view waiting for him to go in and get whatever it was that he forgot he grabbed the item then asked me to help clean up - which I obviously said no and lock the door Isaac was gone I watched him get into his cab and then ran to my car literally trying the hardest that I've ever cried in my adult life he called for several days and tried to explain to my coworker that he thought that he scared me and wanted to apologize I never spoke to him and told my boss what happened to which she banned him from ever returning I don't know if he would have actually attempted anything but I think the fact that I called the cab earlier without him asking he knew someone would have been outside and who knows maybe that's what deterred here so my family has some land on a remote ish mountain just outside of Eureka when I come down here a few times every year and haven't really experienced anything too out of the ordinary but last night was well different to say the least I didn't know this before but apparently this area is pretty popular for UFO sightings I still don't know if that's what this actually is but I'm having a really hard time coming up with a logical explanation so we had a good fire going for a few hours and after everyone else went to bed it was just my dad fiance you know I left we're all just shooting the breeze and enjoying the weather and cozy fire around 1:00 a.m. we started talking about constellations so we had all laid back and we're just staring up at the sky my fiancee pointed out a light that was noticeably brighter than all the other stars and it was steadily moving to immediately figured this it must have just been a satellite but my dad chimed in with no I don't think that that is but watch it for a second my dad and I are hugely into aliens and we both have had a fair amount of sightings in the past I focused closer on the liason so it wasn't just gliding across in a straight line it was zigzagging back and forth as if it was moving east the three of us were exclaiming about how we'd it was when it suddenly veered an arc towards the southern mountain I'm thinking to myself okay is this really happening right now and the light just stops it just hovers above the mountain for at least five minutes and then we're all saying that it's definitely not a satellite with the occasional comment like holy crap this is wild the law had started to shift to the right again until it was behind a tree and we lost sight of it completely we went back to the normal campfire shenanigans for a couple of minutes and my fiancee got up to get some drinks and as soon as he got up the entire sky just lit up in an almost painful bright white flash like lightning on steroids this was a crystal clear night there wasn't a storm on the radar for miles and miles we couldn't even see one little wispy cloud it absolutely could not have been lightning my dad and I were the only ones who saw it as most people were asleep and the fiance was inside there wasn't a single sound when it happened and there was no boom or Rumble or anything but the entire mountain went dead silent for a few minutes afterwards it was really eerie it's like time around just just pause momentarily or something my dad ended up feeling so uncomfortable and anxious about it too that he just eventually went to bed whoever stayed up for a while after that but we didn't see any more weird lights or flashes that's I definitely felt a heavy sense of unease around us for the rest of the night my boyfriend and I have been together for nine years now I've always suffered from night terrors but that's not something that you bring up on your first date this was back when my boyfriend and I had been dating for a few months and I recently started sleeping together so we were sleeping in his place my woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that we were holding hands I thought it was cute but I noticed that his hand was really pale and then my boyfriend actually has hands a bit like an orc my eyes got used to the darkness and I saw his hands were crossed on his stomach while I was holding a third pale hand as I became aware of this something that looks like a woman with long black hair hanging over a face set up from behind my boyfriend's form looked at me and laid back down my struktur hand with my thumb as you do when holding hands with someone I don't know why I did that I just wrote it off as dream logic this was in the beginning of our relationship so I didn't tell him about it because I didn't want him to think that I was crazy he has passed though and we're now living together he's very aware of my paranormal beliefs and night terrors when out of nowhere I came to remember this dream I said to him hey did I ever tell you about that night terror that I had at your house when we just recently got together I saw someone who looks like Santa Co in your bed when we slept my almost got jelly my joke but he didn't love me he got very pale and said wait did she try to hold your hand I got taken aback by his reaction and I told him that's I did hold a hand and even remember stroking it with my thumb my boyfriend then revealed to me that as a child he'd have a reoccurring nightmare that a woman with long black hair and white hands tried to hold his hands but he'd wake up in a panic before she ever got to him he'd never told me this because he just wrote it off as a childhood nightmare he'd never told me this because he just wrote it off as a childhood night but now neither of us think that they had nightmares anymore in my college days 20 years ago me and some friends often took off for the North Georgia Mountains on the weekend well we wanted to smoke and drink and commune with nature these mountains were perfect on the weekend this unsettling event occurred me my friend bill and his German Shepherd once he headed out toward sky valley here it was the beginning of fall semester at UGA and not much was going on yeah it's we'd found an area where a dirt road laid back a half-mile and and then we would hike in another mile or so and set up camp near a creek excellent trails were nearby with fun places to explore not to mention flat ground perfect for setting up camps bill and I arrived at our spot around 4 p.m. and got a fire going we were musicians bill a guitar player and me a percussionist so we sparked up and as we started Jamie around 10:00 after jamming a while we chatted about life and girls before tucking in for the nights it was a clear night and we just slept under the stars it is important to note too that we never had any sign of other people in this area during our other troops at about 2:00 a.m. in the morning I was awoken by Monty growling it was a deep guttural growl bill was still dead to the world and I set up to look around and listen thinking maybe an animal had come near our campsite the fire was on the embers at this point so it was hard to see but I just barely heard audible voices in the distance focusing on the area of the voices I saw a faint red glow followed by another faint red glow to the left of the first this was about a hundred yards away my mind connected what I was seeing cigarette embers burning and they were getting close bill my whispers wake up bill Rast from his sleep and I explained what was going on at this point once he started barking as the strangers approached the kid by the time we stood up that were in the camp completely unfazed by the now rabid 70 pound German Shepherd - incredibly unkept late 30s and early 40s deliverance looking mofos walked up on us bill told Monty calm down I will never forget the look of these guys skinny as hell about 5/8 shirt skating grime mangy beards and probably 5 teeth between the two men each has huge knives attached to their belt buckles what are you boys doing way out here look like you having a good time we responded and told them that's we'd been out there to camp and drink some beer they asked if we had any weed and we gave them some they looked around a bit and asked if we wanted to smoke with them well we declined saying that we were headed out early throughout the conversation anything billar I said they looked at each other before responding finally before they left one of them said you know stay safe out here you never know who you could run into you know followed by a laugh as they walked away he packed up earlier than we expected and we left the thing that sketches me out to this day though is the fact that you only woke up because the dog was with us [Music] I have newly moved twenty-one mail into my house and I'm still not a hundred percent familiar with my own neighborhood yet the way the neighborhood was built makes its rectangular shape laying down on its long sides with my house being at the top right hand corner sorry if that's confusing this it's the best way I can describe it so the other night around 12:30 a.m. I was at home alone when I decided to take a break from playing guitar and having a smoke before bed oh I grabbed the smoke and started out my front door about three or so minutes into my cigarette I noticed this faint noise of what sounds like an old creaky metal object that needs to get oiled but the sound was of cadence which makes it repeat every two or three seconds after this happened for about 10 seconds I noticed that I can hear tires gripping the road as well then out of nowhere I see a man who looks to be in his mid-40s riding this horrible beaten down bike that emitted a very intense ear piercing high-pitched squeak every time he pedaled as I stood in my driveway and he passed me he kept moving forward but his head so the road headed left and he locked eyes with me I am not kidding when I say to that this guy looked identical to Hannibal Lecter from the movies that's not what made my heart drop as I'm looking eyes with him and he's moving past my driveway he suddenly gives me the scariest and most widest scariest jagged tooth smile that I had ever seen in my life and continues to lock eyes with me and this was no ordinary smile to I'm talking uh when the Grinch Stole Christmas ear to ear smile but within 15 seconds or more he continues peddling and his out of sight I can now just faintly hear his bicycle gears squeaking at this point I'm wondering whether or not he's going around my rectangular block of a neighborhoods and whether or not I can chief this SIG fast enough to get inside before he comes around again as I'm doing this I begin to hear the metal creaking eyes but also he's something different I hear this dude laughing like a maniac which to be honest maybe nope the hell out of there as I'm stumbling from my door handle because of the adrenaline rush he begins to round the corner where my door is almost in view at the exact moment where I would have become visible I got my door open ran in and slammed it shut and locked it no sooner does my door closed do I hear the man from outside scream as loud as can be where'd you go and just begins laughing like a crazy man when it's a full-out battle mode ran around my house and turned all the lights off battle crawled to my bedroom and waited as I lay in my bed for the next thirty minutes I would hear the squeaking of the bike for about thirty seconds every three to four minutes about 30 to 45 minutes later it finally stopped and the man was gone I have actually quit smoking since then and haven't been outside that late and every now and then around 2:30 in the morning I still hear the squeaking and the bicycle from outside my room wind I don't know who he is or what he wants but this guy he's creeping me out so I'm not sure I know where to start with this one as it happened 10 years ago and trauma makes the memory fuzzy but I'll try my best to be precise and accurate in my telling of this for some context I'm a short almost 540 female it was definitely on the fluffy side Bob is incredibly tall probably the tallest person he'd ever meet with huge gouges and Ken when angry were quite intimidating but has never heard anyone ever he's the kind of guy that nurses birds back to health if you get my drift so I grew up in a small town big enough to have a Walmart at the time but small enough that she knew everyone and everyone knew you were in high school one of my best friends dated this guy those will call Adam it was a great higher than us and generally popular at the time I didn't think much about him mother than that he was my friend's boyfriend it was likeable to almost everyone charismatic seemingly intelligence there were other things at the time in hindsight that I should have seen but was blinded by youth and ignorance fast-forward a little bit I'm 17 graduated early and off to college I'm a minor in a new town over two hours from home knowing nobody and living in the college dorms it was co-ed in a few people I knew from my home town butts but they were older than me since I was going to college early I didn't have a strong relationship with any of them my first day I've come to the dorm and see Adam is the male RA for my floor yes I think to myself I'm so glad that I know someone here we chat for a while and I unpacked my stuff my parents and I look around the campus and drop me off giving lots of hugs and waving goodbye and all that good stuff I'm excited and terrified to lead my new adventure of independence and when I get back to my dorm my door is a piece of paper that reads something along the lines of Judo and proper moral conduct you have been expelled from college and should leave immediately or something to that effect I open the door and see all of my belongings are gone I run downstairs and show the paper to the front desk in tears and they help me figure it out and then lo and behold Adam the RA had pulled a prank and moved all of my things underwear and fiddly bits included into his room I was furious when in retrospect I should have been terrified but laughter Dauphin's unpacked my stuff again it was my first day I was young I didn't understand that's I should have nipped it in the bud right then and there but it's where this story really begins so Adam didn't get into any trouble from that instance but over the next year he would occasionally play pranks on me and other residents that were above the threshold for appropriate at the time I was beginning to think that it was just weird there's nothing besides the first time was so averred that I couldn't write them off as actions of the young and dumb fast forward two years my boyfriend at the time future husband to who will call Bob Meno I have been living off-campus in these super crowded apartments there was at one time seven people in a three-bedroom apartment but we decided when our lease was up that we would move into a larger place and sublet we found a nice apartment across town that had four bedrooms two upstairs and two downstairs there were two bathrooms and one upstairs and one downstairs that were in the middle between the two bedrooms each bathroom had a door leading into H bedroom and the downstairs bathroom had a third door leading into the living room well we signed the lease in our name only and got permission to sublease under our name it meant though this we were personally responsible for many damage and the full rent amount as the lease was in our name and here is where we made our first mistake Adam and his then wife had recently been kicked out of their apartment being the nice and generous people that we were we offered to sublease to the month-to-month they both had steady jobs and Pell grants so I knew that they could afford the rents man Adam was in ROTC and seemed to be on the straight and narrow for the most part we also put feelers out to other friends and another hometown guy had to rent out one of the rooms but me good movie in for 90 days which at the time was fine as we're moving into the new place Adam and his wife off it's a help and we discover this a lot of our stuff went missing or was broken we're pretty pissed but there's nothing to be done about it man didn't know for sure who did it the second that all of our stuff is over to the new place I've discovered Adam and his wife had filled the entire house with their stuff sofas kitchen utensils make cetera et cetera that's fine though I don't mind sharing space I think and I just let it go well I was during the day and went to school and slept during the night Adam and his wife went to school early in the morning slept during the day then worked overnight shifts as security guards I started noticing very expensive electronics coming to the house I rarely saw Adam and his wife but one occasion I would ask hey how much was that brand-new projector and Adams response was covered by the worksites insurance it made me uncomfortable but again he was a prankster and maybe he was just kidding I mean his family was very wealthy maybe they were presents rights about a month passes and things are starting to get weird though each room had a separate deadbolt to it so you could keep your room locked with a key only you had I had asked Adam and his wife not to get into my room thinking back to the dorm days and I came home a number of times during the day to find things moved around I thought it was just my imagination at first or perhaps Bob that's Eva Hemant Lee denied moving things around I started to test a theory by telling Bob that I was going to place X on the nightstand Y on the dresser and Zed on the windowsill and not touch them I would come home and X Y & Z would be in completely different places I thought that I was going crazy my room was dead-bolted so I started to try and figure out what the hell was going on when I noticed that the handles in the bathroom door that face the living room had been flipped around so it couldn't be locked from the inside weird my thoughts my self but maybe it had always been that way so being the handy person that I was when I grabbed my screwdriver and flip it back around problem solved might leave a little note on the kitchen counter saying something along the lines of Amen I fixed the downstairs bathroom I'm going to keep it locked for my privacy let's have a house meeting let me know when you're available and we'll talk about it I wanted to ask him if he'd been getting into my room and then set some boundaries the next day the note was gone but no response I left for my daily activities to come back and find my room had been thrashed my small rodent pet had been taken outside onto the patio and its cage with the door open obviously I'm livid I checked my door still dead bolted I checked the bathroom door still locked but find Adam had removed the door to the bathroom going into the empty downstairs bedroom allowing him access to my room via the spare bedroom and I mean what the hell right I leave another note on the counter this time explaining look We Need to Talk whatever is going on is not cool at this point in time they were never home as I was he had actually been fired from his Night Watch job due to things going missing I assume and gone full force into his ROTC training I didn't know where both of them were most of the time I was working 40 hours a week and taking 30 credits and doing undergraduate research so I was rarely home bob was working two jobs too and having to scooter across town and then would come and see me after school on campus so he was also really home we found out later that Adam had actually been kicked out of college due to his behavior too time passed though and there was still no contact I knew that they were still living there though as stuff was moved around but I never saw either of them I stayed in my room for much of that period of time as I thought that I was going crazy my brain kept telling me that's I'm being unreasonable maybe there is a reason but then one day when I come home and the doors of my bathroom that faces the living room was completely gone just gone this meant that to pee you had to do it in the open with the whole kitchen and living room being able to see you and all the stuff in my room was absolutely trashed again my pets were outside again my boyfriend scooter was outside clothes strewn about stuff was missing and that was the last straw I leave a note explaining that this isn't cool and put the back door I received a note the next day saying that they removed the door because it's unfair we have to walk upstairs to use the bathroom if we're in the living room and you kept locking the door but the door was not replaced I called up the apartment complex and explained what was going on and asked if we could break the lease in the next month and transfer to a studio apartment they agreed and the plan was sent after talking to the apartment for a while we found out that Adam and his wife have been trespassed from the property prior to moving in and failed to mention that to us so again I left a note on the kitchen counter in not so nice of a tone this time saying hey the lease is in my name you were here by my grace alone on a month-to-month sublet I was trying to be cool but this is too much you've removed my ability to have privacy in my own bathroom and keep getting into my room you have 30 days to find a new place to live I'm ending your subleased you too invading my privacy on multiple occasions and destroying apartment property I have tried to talk to you about this but you have not responded I feel that we're in an impasse so please take this as your 30-day notice eviction at this point in time I'd also give her my pets to a good home as my fear for their health due to the current situation I made it a point for Bob and I to be away from the apartment for two days to give everyone time to calm down I get home and the note is gone nothing in its place I go to my room and Bob and I settle in tomorrow we start packing the non-essentials so we move at the end of the month 5:30 ends I hear a knock on the door who is it it's Adam I go and unlock the door thinking he's come to talk about the eviction notice and crack open the door just slightly and they're right in my tiny little face he's a gun I can see straight down the barrel - Adams calm expressionless face I scream and slam the door closed twisting the deadbolt shut just in time Bob is awake now and he's running to the bathroom door and making sure it's locked Adam starts slamming his body against the door and screaming I'm going to kill you this goes on for maybe 15 minutes I'm amazed that the door held up to be honest when suddenly it just goes completely quiet - quiet I listen to see if I can hear what's going on outside and as soon as I can I run across the room and grab my old faithful nokia phone and call 9-1-1 and explain the situation the operator states there's a patrol car already on its way that's weird I think but Bob and I huddle in the closet and wait a knock comes at the door a few minutes later I try to get out but the sheer force of Adam's rage against my door has bent the deadbolt and it's hard to open now so Adam gets to the front door first him and his wife are talking to the officer by the time that I get out of my room they're all well dressed calm looking yeah I'm in my PJs and sweating tears running down my face Bob is also disheveled they're explaining to the police how they came to talk to us about an unfair 30-day eviction notice when we freaked out and began threatening them with violence I try to explain my side of the story a second officer arrives and pulls him outside to talk I can hear that he goes on to explain that's as the Honorable ROTC soldier or police officer he was just a security guard and his wife who miraculously was now pregnant he was frightened for their lives when I started to threaten violence I'm worried about the health of their baby I realized in that moment sooo so many life lessons be the first to call the police make sure you know your optics learn the signs of a psychopath then most importantly don't have roommates I tried to explain the situation to the officer told him about the gun showed him the deadbolt but again being young and dumb and terrified I didn't have any pictures of the mess that they'd made in my room or the door that they had removed or any of the other weird stuff I told the officer about how they'd been trespassing off the property now they weren't technically on the lease now I suspected him of stealing from his work etc etc but it all came down to has sleep-deprived adrenaline high ramble madam calmly handed a copy of his sublease and eviction notice to the officer who proceeded to thank Adam for his service I knew at this point that I was done for - the police informed Bob and I this we had to allow Adam and his wife the full 30 days that we were not to talk to them or interact with him in any way during their 30 days or Adam could call back and Bob and I would be arrested for continuing harassment for the rest of the month Bob and I stayed in our room only beelining for the door to go to work and come back every time we tried to leave to go into the kitchen a living room there would be Adam telling us to go back in our room or he called the cops if we had had any money whatsoever I definitely would have rented a hotel room but with the fees for breaking the lease plus college we were pretty much broke for 30 days he and his wife held us in proverbial hostage in our rooms finally the night before the last day I put out a note asking him to leave his keys so I can return them to the office and guess what he calls the police this time I make sure I control the optics though I'm dressed in the most innocent way possible and try to explain how for 30 days I've been prevented from leaving my room terrified of this man with a gun and now I didn't want to break what the officer had asked of me last no contact by leaving the notes I also had a letter now from the apartment complex stating this they were trespassed the officer takes his keys and gives them to me they finally move out and as I'm doing my final walkthrough I find that he has overflowed the upstairs bathroom with water and put a hairdryer in the sink and rigged it to turn on when I open the door jokes on them though is there was a GRE switch that they plugged into words and countless toys if you catch my drift strewn throughout the place Bob and I moved into our studio but four years afterwards we would find ourselves somewhere and notice Adam behind us following us wherever we went the gas lighting had been so bad that it took a long time to realize this we weren't actually crazy I had nightmares of that month of hiding of him shoving the gun in my face of being somewhere and him just turning up the Shia's sight of him made me so nauseous and I would vomit on more than one occasion after college Bob and I moved back home we were living our lives and the event was far behind us when one day I buy a newspaper to see the front page reads local hometown hero Adam to have parade in his honor and an account of how he had injured his leg while serving and yep it was indeed a parade I did some research though and found out that he had joined up after college and only served two years and never even made it to overseas before he blew up his own leg while messing around and so I guess you could say that's there is some kamar in the world and to this day in my hometown he's still considered an honored disabled veteran so before I begin the story I feel it's important that I give out a few details first so me and my three close friends like to drive around and walk around spooky places as we generally get bored with university nightlife fast and need something to sort of excite us all the verse are also big believers in the supernatural and three out of four of us have experienced some sort of paranormal experience all of us are from Malaysia and we Malaysians tend to believe in a lot of supernatural stuff as its woven tight into our history and culture no Malaysia had a terrible incident back in 98 or 99 don't really remember we're two apartment buildings collapsed due to uneven lanes majority of the tenants of those two apartments died and what's worse is that a number of them didn't die when the building crashed but died due to a lack of oxygen you can actually Google the two the building is highly in town so we decided to go to the area nearby there is the site where the tragedy happened is closed though there are no guards on patrol just outside the gates is a small neighbourhood and boy is that neighbourhood creepy you can actually see the area that is the rich area and yet a good amount of the houses were empty yeah but what's stranger though was the fact that the whole neighborhood was absolutely quiet it's a very uncommon thing in Malaysia is we're pretty lay out here and it felt as if everyone just decided to up and leave that area so as we walked around a couple of strange things happens first the dogs in the neighborhood started barking at plain air we Malaysians believe that when dogs start to do that sort of stuff it means that they are seeing something that's we aren't able to see so we decided to avoid any area which the dogs are barking at it's important to note that we made a few rules before doing all of this again a Malaysian thing I suppose but one don't call out real names use nicknames this is so that any wandering spirits won't be able to attach itself to you - don't look back if you feel a presence this is often a big mistake is even if you look behind to find nothing you've actually just shown the spirits around you that you've noticed them and three don't make loud remarks about strange things we believe that if you see hear or smell anything strange it's best to just keep it to yourself if you need to tell someone then just use hand signatures or make some excuse to sort of hint at them this is similar to the second one as any remarks could easily attract unwanted attention so as we walk throughout the neighborhood we heard footsteps behind us remembering the rules none of us look back though and you see the footsteps were riders they just sort of randomly appeared out of know the footsteps also started to get faster so one of our group mates the expert as we call them led us to the exit using a shortcut as it was getting too uncomfortable and here is where things went down see the expert is one of those guys who can see things or at least feel it to a certain extent now because we're big believers we don't actually question you we just follow us we all want to get through this as clean as possible the expert is also my best friend and he often brings me to the site to whisper to me if anything is really wrong and close to being dangerous the place where we had parked our car was directly beneath this huge tree so my best mate called me to the side and whispered to me dude don't panic but when you get to the car keep quiet and make sure the others keep quiet too until we reach a place with more people and why well there's a woman on the tree above your car and she's been looking at us since just now following his advice I went on and started the car like usual while making some small jokes trying to take everyone else's attention away is I reversed the car both my mate and me noticed in the reverse camera that it was a clear shadow of a woman sitting down on top of the car again not wanting to scare everyone else and to antagonize it further we just kept quiet we went to a nearby restaurant and sit down for a while the woman was still on the top of my car according to my mate and was hiding itself the worst case scenario is that it follows us back to our University dorm and decides to latch itself onto us so I told the guys that's when we entered the car that I'm gonna play a special prayer outloud using the auxilary cord while also reading the prayers myself I'm not a super religious person but I do believe in God and his protection and if the plan didn't work out then we would just drive around or hanging at McDonald's until 5:00 a.m. because that's the holy time for my religion and the woman will hopefully disappear we eventually entered the car and I immediately started playing the prayers my maze was driving this time as I wanted to focus fully on the prayer in the moment that I started the car suddenly got really heavy as if there was an extra passenger there where they shouldn't have been I continued with the recording along with journey and to my shame I actually fell asleep halfway well the time I woke up it was near 2 a.m. and we reached the dorms already here according to my friend the prayers worked but it took quite a bit of time as the woman only let go as we were entering the university area I asked if he noticed anything strange and he said that all three of us actually fell asleep and he heard someone huffing and puffing butts in a really angry way he also noticed that several times the prayer recording just got interrupted as the volume went up and down as if someone was trying to purposely mess with it thankfully the woman got off and we've not since went back to the neighborhood area being followed that once I was definitely enough for me I think that there's something strange living in the woods near my house I live in a rural area in Mississippi I won't say exactly where for privacy reasons and the area is surrounded by a vast forest that is littered with deer camps and thick foliage I've seen something weird in there too since I was 13 but before I get into that I want to give some context my family has lived on the property since my grandparents moved there to start a family my dad and his siblings all grew up there then my dad and my mom moved into the house next door and my uncle moved into the house down the street from there I lived in the house for the next 18 years before I left for college and I've since moved to a nearby town the property itself holds several acres of dense woodland hills and steep embankments with several footpaths tracing throughout that leads to deer camps and hunting stands some of the paths also leads a hunting camp so it belongs to other people who live in the area so when I was 13 I was walking along one of those paths when I heard a tree branch break and something land with a loud thud a couple of yards off the path I looked over just in time to see something humanoid barreling off into the forest on all fours it was naked and its skin was paper white but that was all that I could discern I could only see it for a couple of seconds before it just disappeared I didn't see it again for several weeks until I was coming out of the forest or a path behind my grandparents hence it was raining and I was running to make it back home and I heard something shuffling around in one of the sheds of my grandparents backyards I thought that this was we had considering the sheds were full of clutter and old junk that we didn't even use so there shouldn't have even been any one in there but I looked inside and that was when I saw what I've come to call the pale moon up close it was completely hairless and crouched down into the piles of junk with its back turned to me it was very thin with a human-like body with visible ribs and strangely long limbs to they look back over its shoulder to look at me and I could see that's it had deep black eye sockets with wide eyes staring back at me it didn't have any lips just teeth and a mouth pulled back in a horrible grimace it also didn't have a nose and it screeched at me and that was when I ran straight back to my house I told my dad what happens but when he looked to check the shared gun in hand he just found a completely empty the next sighting isn't actually mine that's when I learned of by complete happenstance that was participating in summer work programs this past summer and I struck up a conversation with one of the other participants while we were waiting for orientation to begin it came up says we were both interested in Native American folklore and urban legends when he asked me if I'd ever heard of the rake since the rake is the closest thing that's I've been able to find appearance-wise in regards to what I saw all those years ago I told them my story and he looked shocked when I told him this and lamented that he had had a similar experience and the details shook me to my core it happened in 2014 the same years my experience in fact it was deer season and he was sitting up in his deer stand before the Sun came up while he was waiting you had something scaling the side of his deer stand which stood 15 feet in the air he looked over and saw a skeletal face peering into the window something was clinging to the side of his stand whatever it was it was startled and fell to the ground he heard it thump against the ground and watched it limp off into the forest he described it as looking like the Wendigos from the game until dawn appointed I also made to my college friend who introduced me to the game I asked him if he could take me to the place that he saw road bits he said that he doesn't visit that stand anymore because well he's too afraid my still asked him what general area was in so I could drive through the area and see if I found anything and he did give me an answer and this is what really startled me I can't give the exact address again for privacy reasons but he said so you know where such-and-such Road meets such-and-such roads it was right up the road from there and my house was directly on the intersection of those two roads meaning this whatever he saw was in the general vicinity of the thing that I saw I didn't get any more information out of him after that that's when I suspect that it happened it's one of those deer cams that are connected to my property yeah this definitely spurred me to look into the matter a bit more seriously as well I considered myself an amateur paranormal investigator and have been going on searches throughout the area in previous weeks every now and then oh here's something really big walking out of sight in the forest nearby either obscured by trees or on the opposite side of the hill that I'm walking around somehow always being out of science it will walk in sync with me too and when I stop walking you well hear it take a few steps before it stops restarting and then when I started walking again an incident like this happened about a week ago when I heard a trailing directly behind me as I made my way following a small creek just off one of the parts there was a steep hill on my right side and I walked around the hill and started going in the opposite direction I could still hear the creature on the other side of the hill and I looked up and I could have sworn that's I saw something humanoids moving at the top of the hill ducking to hide behind a thick tree the hill was too steep for me to climb up to the top and investigate so I missed out on that opportunity I'm not a hundred percent sure that I actually saw something in this instance too so it was just a fleeting glimpse but I do know that I didn't hear any more footsteps following me after this which was definitely weird then anyway I went for a full-blown steak yard just yesterday my camps in a clearing next to a deer stand which is only a couple hundred yards from where my friend had his first sighting and made even shorter distance to where I had my first sight my revisited the area where I had my sighting and saw something that piqued my curiosity the air here is full of very steep hills and washouts where rain water erodes the dirt between the hills making the area very precarious and there was a downward slope just off the path where I had my encounter and I saw a collection of sticks stacked together against a tree in the washing hands I actually climbed down into the washout to investigate this further and the sticks were assembled almost like lean-to against the tree but they also curved kind of in a bowl shape almost it looks like something had been woven together a nest out of twigs something about the size a man could fit in in fact they'd also use large branches sometimes three inches thick to strengthen the structure I don't know of any local animal that could have built something like this and I don't think it was naturally occurring but if this was the work of the pale man I don't think he'd used it recently I couldn't find any bones or droppings or footprints or any sign of something actually living in it I did take pictures of this nest though and I can actually upload them if you guys would like to see them but after this I then returned to my tent and watch the area until the Sun went down and I went to sleep planning to wake up around 3:00 a.m. and before my stakeout when the time came I stayed inside my tent and looked out into the north through my tent window I soon discovered though that it was incredibly hard to see in this much darkness and I couldn't see anything clearly far beyond my tent but I did say something however it was a indiscernible shade situated at the base of two conjoint trees it was way too far for me to discern what it actually was but I know that it was about two to three feet tall I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't use a flashlight to which my answer is the only one I had available was the one of my cell phone it wouldn't have been strong enough to reach whatever was resting at the base of the tree plus I was afraid of distressing it and possibly causing it to attack although admittedly in times that it had been following me through the woods mids never seemed keen on actually its it just seems to be curiously observing just out of science but I kept my eyes locked on this shape for several minutes and it's didn't even move an inch and after about a half an hour of nothing happening I determined that it must have just been a bush that looks weird in the complete darkness I was tired too and what animal could have possibly kept that still for so long right so soon after that I fell asleep and then I woke up at 8:00 the next morning no while I was packing up my things I looked down at the two trees where this thing should have been and there was just absolutely nothing there not a bush not a tree stump the spot where I saw something was just completely barren which made me think that maybe there actually was something just watching me I don't know I don't know if it means anything in fact I don't know if anything happened or if it was a trick of the eyes or what have you but this is just what I noticed and that's my story like I said I consider myself an amateur paranormal investigator I'm only posing this here because well I'd love your input on where I should go next with this investigation as well as any information that you think would help I will say this though whenever I did see it very closely resembled the range in fact that's really the only thing that I've been able to find and matches up with it it's that being said it's very difficult to find any reliable information on the matter so I figured that I would come here I'll be continuing my searches throughout the area and I'll be continuing stakeouts and I do expect to keep you guys updated if anything comes up please feel free to share any questions or theories or even hunting tips anything that you think might help because I really want to know what this thing is [Music] so I think something sinister lives on my parents old farm my folks bought the place back in the early two-thousands and since the first time I ever set foot on this property I just knew this there was something else here I used to spend summers here as a kid which is when I experienced most of these happenings I had been here in six or seven years but I've recently had several family members pass away and they all live within a couple of hours of this farm so that's where we've been staying the nights while we attend memorial services during the days now this place is absolutely huge 350 plus acres corn fields woods pastures ponds all the good stuff that need expect to find out your typical farm there's a couple of old sheds the house in a summer kitchen too which is used as a little cottage new to the west of the house there in the woods the front door or the porch face these woods and this is one of my first experiences takes place my aunt and uncle and two cousins came here to visit us one weekend I was really young maybe around eight my cousins were a couple of years younger than me and we were out exploring in the woods we go pretty far away where we couldn't see the house or hear our parents talking anymore and we were playing tag my cousin Megan yelled that she found something so my other cousin and I went to see what it was and it was clothes like an entire outfit jean shorts shirt socks and a pair of underwear but they weren't any shoes that we saw anyway so me being young I was like well that's weird but to be honest I didn't think too much of it so we're running around some morons I'm hiding behind a tree because we're playing hide-and-seek I'm crouched down and I look on the ground and I literally see hair like a person's ponytail I mean it had a tie on it and everything at this point even my little kid brain was like what the hell I told my cousin's that's you should probably go back to the house at this point we started out walk back and all three of us stopped after a few steps and looked at each other because we could he steps somewhere else in the woods but it was hard to tell what direction that they were coming from it was super freaked out at this point and took off running back to where our parents were I bought the farmhouse I told my dad that I found a ponytail and that it looked like human hair and he absolutely insisted that it was not human hair that it was a horse's tail that was left there after the horse diet being in years old I relented rather easily and my student forgot about it I didn't even remember to mention the pieces of clothing that we'd see - and within a few days we'd left to go back home about 80 hours of my hand I completely forgot about the entire experience until I went back the next summer when we returned I ventured out into the woods to look for the clothes and all the hair that I'd seen the year before but I just couldn't find it anywhere and that summer was when things started happening in the house so I always wonder if whatever was in those woods finally made its way into the farmhouse [Music] I work for a small technical consulting firm we have about 10 employees and the two owners most of us usually on-site with clients full-time in some cases though we have in-house work or jobs that require us to work at the Home Office so my last office site gig ended and I had to come to the home office our offices at gorgeous completely updated building 50 miles out of the city and farm country said about a half-mile back on a huge Hill with a long driveway which is the only way in and out the building is mostly glass and the parking lot is right behind the building so I can literally turn around and see my car from where I sit the office overlooks that driveway too so we can see anyone driving up mostly delivery guys at first - it was really peaceful being out there I'm an early bird so it was a really pleasant drive out into the farm country I didn't have to lock my car doors like I did when I worked downtown I could gaze out my window at gorgeous green fields but it could get lonely here which is why when UPS would show up with a package I would jump up to meet the delivery guy at the door point being I was hyper aware of when people showed up there and who was actually there some days - I would be the only person in the office some days there were three or four other co-workers in between assignments or working on short in housework one morning it was just me ends one of the co-worker here this particular co-worker and I would walk down the long driveway and back once a day to get some steps in we did this this particular morning and came back into the building and a few minutes later he looks over at me and says look at our cars we had only just walked past our cars a few minutes prior and now all of the doors to our vehicles were open or four of the doors on each of the vehicles in fact and I hadn't heard a thing I can confirm to that it's one ever came up that driveway the nearest farm was like 12 miles away my coworker couldn't have done it he was sitting about 10 feet away from me the entire time which meant that's there was really only one other option someone had walked through miles and miles of cornfields just to mess with their cars nothing had been stolen and my coworker had been left his iPad and on his front seat we looked around closed the car doors locked them and he just went back into the building locking the building on the way here I lock my car doors now and the door to the building is always locked whether I'm here alone or not [Music] I'm happy to say that most people in this country go their entire lives without encountering some of the monsters that exist in this otherwise beautiful place unfortunately though I have not been so fortunate before I start I'd like to bore you with some backstory so I've been working as an IT systems administrator for a few years now and have met many people who my occasionally moonlight as a repair woman for and yes I do pay tax over the years friends have told friends and I occasionally get messages and phone calls from strangers asking for basic computer repairs for cheaper than they would otherwise find locally for years now I have been overly cautious of people places and objects that just don't feel right I've learned to always trust my gut instinct in to err on the side of caution to this story however is the one and only time that's I ignored that instinct around four years ago I was contacted over text message by a local man he was direct and straight to the point the conversation was pretty basic he asked me if I could look at his computer as he heard about me from a friend I said yes and they explained the issue that he was having PC had suddenly just stopped booting and occasionally he would manage to get it running but it would operate incredibly slow and crashed quickly I told the man that I would need to inspect the PC myself however it sounded like a textbook hard drive failure I asked the unknown man's a corm here to discuss an option and where he could bring the PC to for me to take a look at it his response was no phone calls where can I drop it off and when I need to things off it as soon as possible it seemed sketchy to me at first I mean most people like to talk over the phone about the issues that they're having and to try and sort them remotely and at the very least know how much it was going to cost I eventually brushed it off though thinking that maybe he was just well off and was looking for a fast turnaround which he knows only a hobbyist would be able to achieve in this area I discussed a time where you could drop the PC off at my work when asked what time was suit him and he didn't reply and the next morning it's the door of my work there was a PC on the ground with a post-it note crudely marked with my name in black felt-tip marker my boss was not super impressed as our business is quite strict security and members of the public are not usually allowed into the premises after hours I was ultimately very confused however because I never got a reply from this man and as far as I knew he had just done a runner by now I'm pretty convinced that this guy has some sort of social anxiety or something a refusal to talk on the phone and deliberately dropping the PC offered that a word of warning before our business not a client based business - this is an office block men again Malhar bells are kind of ringing at this stage but there was no reason for me to really worry it's not as if he seemed on edge or dangerous or anything not that I could really tell in a few text messages that we send each other so my proceeded as plans rain diagnostic tools confirmed it was a dead drive remove the drive replaced it with a repurposed one reinstalled the OS and proceeded to start the recovery process for those of you who are not informed at the process here's the basic rundown so we pull out the hard drive plug it into the working PC either directly or with a dog create a clone of the drive and then perform the recovery using specialized software on the clone not the actual hard drivers it may fail during the process I did this with good results and managed to recover pretty much everything I copied all of his files over to his new drive reinstalled the applications that I could see that he had and sent the computer on its merry way later that day I'm sent a man a message stating that his computer was fixed now and he could come and pick it up sometime during the business hours he responded a few hours later saying that he was not going to be available until after work okay I thought that's fair enough he's probably just working and at first man asked if he could meet me at my house after work the following day which by this stage was definitely too weird I obviously declined and insisted on meeting him at the local post office at around 6 p.m. by this stage I was kind of getting some pretty bad heebie-jeebies I decided to have a friend come with me just in case things got weird I have a male friend at work it was happy to come with we arrived at the post office a little early and sit on the small park bench at the front about 15 minutes pass and the guy finally arrives by this stage it's getting pretty dark I'm thinking back now I am pretty sure he delayed it as much as he could the man walks up to her slowly in a kind of predatory way if I had to put it creeping forward as to make his little noise as possible even though we knew that he was there his gray jeans stained with what looks like white paint wearing a dark hoodie covering his head and what we can see of his face is the protruding long grates had it beards and stands in front of us while I introduced myself and my friend the man doesn't react at all instead seemingly look at me up and down from what felt like minutes I could smell his breath from where I was standing and his silence was only broken by the sound of his nose hairs whistling as he breathed I eventually try and speak to him about his PC stating that it was in fact a dead Drive however before I could finish speaking he interrupts me mid-sentence with a raspy voice the kind of voice that makes you feel a tingle at the back of your throat and he says is that the computer I responded yes did you get everything back the man quickly responded it more of a statement rather than a question yeah I told you in the text message I mean a quick and angry voice he then asked me did you go through any of it of course not are you sure at this point I was getting really weeded out and my friend could tell that I felt threatened I do not deal well with older men and he knew that so he swiftly responded with look man the computers fixed and you have your data back do you want it or not friend then back at the man he looks me up and down one last time it's rusted some notes into my hands quickly grab the PC and swiftly but silently walked away to the carpark we got back in the car and I soon realized that's he had paid me $400 for a simple repair I mean we never discussed the prices that usually happens early in the discussion or as they return for their computer but usually this would only cost about a hundred and fifty dollars I was shocked I must admit but also pretty happy but my friend he was not so happy Hey something was really off about that guy and now I'm even more convinced did you notice how intense he was on you not going through his data I agrees something weird was going on although I'm not supposed to and doing so is kind of a breach of privacy my age to know what he was so paranoid about was really strong oh the next day at work I'm having being bugged by my friends I finally decided to take a look at the contents of the clone drive and I noticed pretty quickly that's it was quite large I ran 250 gigs for what was essentially a Windows install and some basic applications photos and a few downloads it can be tricky to find out what is taking up so much space sometimes but using a tool like space sniffer can really help my bid at the program up and quickly found a zip file hidden in this windows folder under a very long tree of folders and inside these folders were other empty folders some had empty documents in them others were completely empty here I jumped straight into the zip file and opened it luckily not password-protected I found inside makes me feel sick even more so given what I've been through in my life it were just thousands and thousands of images and videos of children some suggestive others more than that and I open three or four photos and immediately felt lightheaded and sick I quickly closed the zip folder shocked oddly enough it did not settle in until sometime later what I had filmed all I was thinking about before was what would happen if a colleague saw those images in the building little did it occur to me what kind of threat this man was and what now lay on my desk that's all my friend who told me to call the police ASAP I did and was asked not to touch the image further and to come into the station to make a rapport with my friend they later confiscated the drive that I had copied the clones who and I never got it back I was told by police a week or so later that the phone number the men used to send me the text messages was a web-based application and the phone number was actually fake however they had identified the man thanks to the metadata stored on the hard drive clone and that the man probably did not realize a copy was made of his drive in the process of recovery they also told me that the man was looked for however his last known residency was in a different state the police believed that he was staying somewhere without Elise with a friend or simply squatting and has since skipped town it's been four years now and I haven't heard anything I'm still paranoid that he's going to come to my office building again or follow me home or something I've surrounded my house with self defense items just in case and my home feels safe but my work not so much like I said earlier most people go through life without ever seeing the scum of society I have experienced it myself three times now and at this point I'm done never ever again will I allow this to happen so to start out I'm fairly skeptical of the paranormal so I don't really know what to believe about this but the only stories that's even a little similar to what I've experienced all new scenes be paranormal so to get some backstory my street or neighborhood is pretty quiet especially at night due to the number of young families and elderly couples as I live on my street which makes staying up into the early hours of the morning more relaxing ends well so a bit cooler knowing that I'm mostly the only person up on my street anyway the only thing is is that I've had some really strange and creepy experiences like hearing noises or even seeing a few drug deals but most of that can be chalked up to living next to a big forest with lots of wildlife or just some sketchy names but for the past week I've been trying to find a logical explanation for the strange events that's just keep occurring let me tell you about it so it all started at 2:00 a.m. last Tuesday morning I was just sitting in bed on my phone with earbuds in something that I do almost every night when I began to hear whistling coming out from my window I took my earbuds out and began listening to the whistling trying to come up with the explanation for it normally I'm not scared by anything in my neighborhood this late and to be honest I'd get more excited that something's happening and I'm there to witness it but this time it just felt different I wanted so badly to get up to look out of my window but I was almost paralyzed with fear I don't know what came over me but every minute that went by I have this whistling yeah I felt the pit in my stomach just grow larger it went on for almost an hour as well and for the entire hour I waited for the whistling to start a tune or a song this I could look up but it just kept whistling the same note in a really strange pattern it would whistle one note for a good minute and then take a break for about 30 seconds and then return to its one-minute whistle until about 20 minutes in when the whistles got shorter and closer together to return to the original pattern after about 10 minutes what was even more strange was that's whatever it was it was pacing in front of mine and my neighbor's house up until it stopped when they retreated back to the other side of the street as I heard it Levi almost immediately felt the pit of my stomach subside too and while I was still confused I decided that I should just go to sleep before I scare myself even more so the next day I asked my parents and even some of my friends that live close by if they had ever heard anything like that everyone assumed that it must have been an animal which made me feel a lot better I admit but I wanted a definite answer of what I heard I stayed up for hours that night researching types of animals that were local to my area and the noises that they made and in the end I just didn't find anything that matched they certainly left me more frustrated that's my had no clue what it was so I continued staying up in the hopes that I would hear it again and at this time I would look out my window to see it but with my luck I never heard the whistles again except lots of other weird things have been happening after the whistle for instance I began hearing someone or something walking around in mine and my neighbor's driveways and sometimes even yards very late at night but the really strange thing is that whenever I go to check I can't see anything then about two nights ago I swear that I saw a figure of a person looking behind my neighbor's car then the night after that I saw what looks like a flashlight in the woods near my house and whatever it was was holding the flashlight and running out of the woods and then again last night I could have swore that I saw a person crouching in my neighbor's car just looking around I thought that I was done researching because like I said I couldn't find anything about any animals that sounded like that but now I've begun researching any stories even similar to mine hoping that so I'm either not even better someone has the answer to the strange occurrences because I would like to start sleeping in a more normal time again and not be worried about either a stalker or a poltergeist coming to get me in my sleep the whole situation has just been really weird and strange and I hope that it all ends soon [Music] so I've definitely seen some things the possible graves like 50-plus miles away from the nearest access road shelter structures that don't line up with human survival techniques may be a big force but though I think it was it was in all likelihood just a large curious bear and some shredded animals deep in the woods without their organs or muscles being easy as if someone or something just did it for fun as I've been saying a lot lately what has spooked me the most and turned me into a believer though is what I've heard the creepiest experience I have is about a deep night in the Oregon woods I'll preface this by giving my background - not as a brag or anything but just to show that my outdoor and survival bona fides are there I'm 37 I've literally spent over five total years alone in the woods camping and hiking I've gone months without ever even talking to another human being I've taken every class or training that you can imagine in identifying animals especially threatening ones that can kill me I've walked most of the Appalachian Trail Barefoot's I've spent weeks in varying wilderness areas across the US and Canada and I know what a mountain lion sounds like whether it's mating scared or communicating or whatever I know what foxes bobcats owls and varying birds moose elk deer variant weasels bison bugs sheep bear and everything in between sounds like when you have a hobby like I do and spend every free second alone in the woods you have to know sounds it's absolutely imperative in fact to know if something is closeby that wants to eat you and again I only say all of this because it's inevitable that every time I tell one of my stories at least one person is going to say dude it's just the Fox they scream like bloody murder yes I know that so with that said I've had three or four sounds that scared me that's really don't match any animal living in North America it was only one though that made me leave my camp early and go back to civilization this time I was actually doing a buddy camp with my oldest friend he's the same age and has more experience in the woods than even I do but we met up in Oregon for a two-week camp in the vicinity of Mount Hood National Park we were well off the beaten path no people or civilization anywhere near us in one late night at our camp set up me and I was sitting by a fire just bullcrapping around and reminiscing yeah it's also important to note that we were definitely so good I do occasionally drink and I do occasionally smoke too but never on these trips your sobriety and level head can be the difference between life and death out there so it's just something that I don't do and as we were talking from maybe 300 yards or so away down in a ravine we heard a growl or a howl or a scream of some sort that persisted for like several minutes and I mean it literally vibrated our heads that's how powerful it was it was guttural and just booming and the only way I've ever been able to describe it is imagine a huge horror movie with limitless budgets imagine some huge powerful demon and now imagine in that movie that the demon is somehow defeated and sent back to hell imagine the demons scream of agony and anger is its dragged back to where it came from it was like that and he was terrible and I mean two grown men with decades of experience both of us carrying firearms for protection firearms that if need be could take down a 1000 pound bear in hysteric tears clinging to each other frantically deciding what to do we made it until the first signs of day and just booked our asses back to our checkpoint and got the hell out of not just the area but Oregon completely I'm just now getting to the point where I can actually talk about it again I never went out there toots a monster hunt it's always just been about my love of nature and animals and solitude over the last few months I've become enthralled with unknown sounds because of my own experiences though I've never gone out with any technology except a mobile GPS and an emergency satellite phone my next trip is coming in Mahon's I've recently invested in solid recording equipment an FL IR camera and a solid digital video recorder too and this next trip I'm going to actively devote time to recording the things that's I've heard so I live in a very small town and the house across the street from where I live was constantly changing its occupants in about two years there must have been three families who had moved in and out normally my family kept to their own and doesn't really get to know our neighbors I mean we had conversations every once in a while but smother than that no contact but the family that stood out the most was the third family that lived there the only reason we happen to talk to Gerald was because well we've gotten a new mailbox and had kindly replaced hours with their houses original mailbox the house was really badly damaged we assumed he did it because it looked bad and the mailbox was on their lawn but one day when me and my dad were playing outside together Gerald was doing some yard work so my dad wanting to thank him walked over when he got closer I had realized that he had a puppy with him I being 15 at the time immediately started petting as well my dad and Gerald had started talking yeah but when they were done my dad came over to me and told me this we had to leave so we went back home and later that night I heard my father tell my mother that Gerald just seemed kind of off skip ahead a few months too and I'm a very light sleeper which means that when I heard screaming from across the street I immediately woke up I was very much still half-asleep when I looked at the time now that's who I am and stumbled towards the window I looked out and I see nothing's I just go back to sleep about an hour later I wake up the sirens though so I get up again to look at the window and my seeing ambulance coming and a few police officers coming to I'm quite nosy so I stay up to watch what happens and I see Gerald get arrested and I see his wife being put into the ambulance after this several black SUV show up and take up the whole street and eventually I just go back to sleep knowing that's my head school the next day the next morning I get up and I go to school when I'm outside waiting for the bus I realize that everything just looks extremely normal to normal in fact I go throughout the school day if not worrying too much about its thinking that's it's just my overactive imagination giving me weird dreams or something and after school my mother told me that she actually saw Gerald on the news he was arrested after calling the police on himself with bashing his wife's head in with a sledgehammer I was obviously surprised I mean not only was my dream not a dream but I had woken up to the sounds of her screams for help I've never really told anyone that part to the wife never came back to the house people came and took all the belongings I hope she survives but I'm not too sure it took a while for anyone to stay in that house again in fact and eventually people came and now living there like I said I don't know what the outcome of all this was but hearing those screams it still haunts me for a bit of context I was 16 and pretty naive at the time working in a supermarket and going through 64 I had to take a bus journey from where I lived my place of work also the buses were men still are absolutely awful for being on time arriving at all in fact so I was waiting at the bus stop during a horrible downpour of rain with my coat and umbrella but we're still getting completely soaked when all of a sudden the door to a house really close to the stop opened and two glass came out and told me to come and stand in their open porch it didn't have walls just a couple of columns holding it up and I thought well why not they're being nice and it would stop my uniform from being more drenched than what it was they seem like really nice guys too and I started off talking about how the bus is always late around that time and they agreed we then talked about how they ran a business or something to do with some decorating I think and they started asking me about my work I told them funny stories about people being idiots working there or customers and they asked if things went missing or was stolen if there were noticed at all and I said there are new people who took tools and things but no stock but the way it's kept was pretty idiotic basically the loading bay was always full of pallets of stock from foods of electronics or whatever looking back on it I was a complete idiot but I thought it was just nice conversation so my bus was getting to 20 minutes laid by this point but hey I was drying off now so it was cool the guy started saying things that's I don't really remember but along the lines of we can take you to work you can open up the back gate so we can take some things and no one will notice and you could come stay with us it's a really big house and at this point I was just thinking about how much of a hole that I dug myself in they know my transport wasn't there and they know where I've worked and pretty much everything and I was pretty sure that I wasn't going to be able to outrun both of the might I just gave excuses in the end of I don't have the back door keys and I can't live here and I have a home with my stuff in its butts it weren't taking no for an answer also I vaguely remember the two of them working their way around me forcing me to start backing off into the rain one of them tried to grab me as well but I managed to pull away and start backing up in the luckiest stroke in my life the bus turned up right at that moment sooo and stopped I ran into the bus and screamed something like thank god you're here and got the bus driver to take off I've never been more terrified in my life and thankfully I didn't have anything happen after that I never reported it though and hell I never even taught my parents I probably should have I know but safe to say I never used that bus stop ever again this weekend I went hiking with my boyfriend and a few of his friends the five of us were heading up to her not-so-popular mountain trail that is about ten miles long up to a small lake we saw two couples on their way down but no one passed us on the way out the trail isn't super easy and wildlife is pretty common we even saw a moose about three miles in so we were all on guard for more moose or mountain lion or anything that could cause a problem after the moose we ran into a small patch of snow that was maybe a 100 feet along the trail past the snow we walk another 20 to 30 yards and find a deers ribcage and spine we gathered around it not saying much and one of the guys turns it over with a stick and it speak totally clean after we stand up an older guy is standing like 10 feet away just staring at the group of us the weird thing though is that one of us heard or saw him walk up it was kind of like he just appeared there and after we make eye contact with him he just turns to his right jumps over the little creek cutting through 12 to 18 inches of snow and walks up the side of the mountain disappearing into the tree line making plenty of noise well you never did see that guy again after that but how he got there without us noticing or hearing anything that's beyond me I spent the majority of 2011 and 2012 living it's an old farmhouse in New Hampshire the house itself was in need of some minor repairs but outside of that it's looked like a typical New Hampshire farmhouse this is a description of the farmhouse from zillow it reads listed in the New Hampshire State Register of Historic Places the Burley homestead has been in continuous family ownership for over 200 years and retains the essential characteristics of the dwelling as it was built around 1760 portions of the home were remodeled during the early 1800s set back nicely on the Lots the side entry porch invites you through the gardens to the door the center chimney reflects various fireplace openings in most rooms and a huge cooking fireplace with oven in the country kitchen the sitting-room fireplace is surrounded by early paneling and mantle shelf reflects a federal style periods the front foyer with wide pine flooring huge entry door a captain's staircase to the second floor three bedrooms an updated bath in a back room area with walk upstairs to the Attic two wonderful barns for the hobbyist to enjoy my business as well many original features carried shed and more a unique opportunity to own this special home at first it was an incredible experience to the five of us two sisters my mother father and I were all ecstatic about the size of this house we'd been living place to place for the majority of my childhood and the majority of them were small so to see all the space we had was just a dream come true when you walk inside from the porch you're greeted with a kitchen in the far back and this white door next to the sink the white door led to an expansion of the house this small carpeted room with the washer and the dryer inside oddly enough as I was refreshing my visuals of the house I noticed that Zillow and its many other sites doesn't show the inside of this added on laundry you know what's behind the house I always had a weird feeling about that room as soon as I entered it for the first time so I just typically stayed away from it I lived upstairs with a window looking out towards the front of the house about a week into living there things seems well pretty normal my sisters and I were attending school my father was truck driving on the road and my mother was a stay-at-home mom one day I was grabbing something to drink my mom asked me about this we in rock formation outside the window that's inside the laundry room I hadn't noticed it at the time so I walked inside the room and peered out the window about 10 to 15 feet away was this odd stack of rocks and it seemed like they were pointing in a specific direction oddly enough aligned with the window in front of you as you enter into the laundry room I had an eerie feeling in my guts at this point I've seen my fair share of superstition in life and wasn't interested in ruling anything out I searched around the room for anything else that seemed odd or eerie the carpet I was standing on wasn't properly stapled to the floor as if it was covering something and under the carpets was a hardwood floor with a massive painted circle that took up the majority of the laundry room floor it was a red and blue yin-yang with several weave constellation looking symbols in science some later found turned out to be symbols of planets all lined up with this stack of rocks in this backyard and I recall there being other rock stacks but nothing as weird as this as soon as I saw this symbol It was as if a code of just negativity enveloped the house - my mom was panicking my dad wasn't home sister's neither just the two of us discovering this was a ritual or praying room inside this house something and that's something I still don't know anything about to this day in fact that something could have been here since the 1800s over the course of the next few months though things started to move around the house and take a turn for the worst things would just magically disappear my night terrors came back full swing the energy in that place just felt if I can even recall my mum being possessed my mother sister and I were sitting in the kitchen one early after my mama just finished making a sandwich first opened we're all having a really pleasant and good conversation my mum went inside the laundry room to switch the clothes from Washington dryer but as soon as she opened the door a dark overcast just overcame the Sun and immediately after this I just felt this pressure in the room my mother's smile turned to a friend as she exited the laundry room and suddenly became very angry with my sister she was really angry she had her hands up literally instigating to fight my sister there was this deep hatred of just rage in her eyes and mind you my sister isn't a bad person this was just completely out of the blue it lasted a few minutes before the overcast cleared up and my mother standing there in the kitchen came to her senses asking what we were talking about my sister and I both appalled at what we just saw tried explaining it to her and she didn't remember an inch of it we all had this constant feeling of being watched my sisters used their TVs to sleep at night similar to my mother I just lived in the darkness however there was one night that honestly just changed me forever it was a light overcast I'm about 2 a.m. at night when I work out of my sleep I felt like something was watching me and felt this urge to just get out of bed sit next to it and meditate I don't meditate often but I also don't wake out of my sleep in the middle of the night with a sudden urge to meditate so I just obliged as I was sitting down eyes closed meditating towards the window I thought whatever had been watching me when I open my eyes I saw this just weird-looking white mask thing with empty eyes about a foot away from my face it also had swirly cheeks similar to that of a Chinese demon mask the same appearance just white and this black void in its eyes it lasted for just half a second I was completely speechless when I went to get back in my bed I heard a noise from my outside window as well and ripped on the side is this grayish brown looking gargoyle thing with wings and what I believed was black eyes although our eyes didn't seem to meet but never noticed a glow it just pushed itself off the side of my window and flew into the sky and was gone in a flash I stayed up the majority of that night googling to see if I could figure out what that was but my results were well pretty much inconclusive why masks spirit in front of me resembled a Chinese demon mask when you search it I don't recall seeing teeth the majority of it was just peripherals as I was encompassed entranced by its hollow eyes the winged creature honestly resembled a gargoyle that's the only thing I can put it down to whatever it was that house although spacious historical and beautiful was an absolute nightmare and hellish experience I was not prepared for what I experienced there it wasn't until a year or so later as well that's I learned what pagans and Wiccans were protection spells and all that jazz they were that knowledge maybe it would have helped or maybe it would have made it worse back in October of 1989 my mother and I went up to the western part of North Carolina for a week to see the leaves change color we rented a cabin which was owned by the cousin of my brothers former high school band teacher who had retired several years earlier the band director was more or less just keeping watch over the place they lived down the street but it wasn't until Friday afternoon that we actually saw him the cabin was someone in the wilderness but it was nearer main roads the main director had to go away for the weekend and was letting us know we had the number of his cousin in case we needed any help this was on a Friday afternoon and up until that time the trip had been pretty much uneventful Friday evening came though winds we went to a church do you know which was just down the road when we came back home it was already dark my mom started thinking about how we were the only ones on this road and we didn't really know where the nearest neighbor was which was a little bit unsettling the moon wasn't full that night but there were some lights at which we had separate rooms in the cabin the power went out in the cabin shortly after we came home from church dinner and then my mother heard what sounded like footsteps and she saw what looked like an outline of a hat which meant that there was a man walking around near the cabin then we saw his hat disappear into the woods and by this time both of us are terrified that this man is going to come into the cabin and try and harm us both of us wondered if he had actually cut the power source I decided to sleep in the bed which was in my mother's room that night we tried to sleep and they were awakened by an owl howling my mother could actually see the Owls eyes which were looking into the window the drape couldn't be closed the entire way and the owl didn't take its eyes off of my mom the entire night yeah also who did all night my mother tried to ignore the albert's its presence just really unnerved the eyes really unnerved me as well so in the end neither of us could sleep as every noise just jarred us away it would be like what's that or what noise is that and every once in a while we would also see the outline of that hat again walking the general vicinity then it would go off into the woods and both of us were freaked out at this point but we weren't able to leave in the middle of the night plus it would have been risky to go out there if there was actually someone out there there was no phone in the cabin and this was long before cellphones were in the common usage the power finally did come back on several hours later on so it seemed we were in the wee hours of the morning at this point originally we were going to leave on the Sunday but we left as soon as the Sun came up on the Saturday morning let me begin by giving you a bit of background information I live in a large home and have three kids my now ex-husband and I built the home over 10 years ago from the ground up an old house used to be on the loss we tore it down though and built a new one but we moved in at the time I only had one baby my decorated a bedroom is the nursery and there he stayed until I became pregnant with my second baby max we then moved into the bedroom down the hall which we decorated to be little less nursery like an small boy like I had never had a good feeling about this end of the house and tried to make sure this room felt warm and cozy right outside the door of this room was a spot that just always made me feel uneasy yeah for over 10 years this spot has made me feel creeped out for just no logical reason the first while went for that an issue for my then three-year-old which surprised me to be honest as I expected some adjustment period but it was all good but after about the first month around 3:00 a.m. I heard him scream in absolute terror over the baby monitor it jolted me awakened I ran into his room John was standing in his crib pointing to the corner across the road pirate mummy pirates he kept pointing I looked in the dark corner but I didn't see anything he kept pointing wide-eyed I didn't hesitate i whisked him up and carried him to my bedroom and so began an almost nightly occurrence of John coming to our bed at around 3 a.m. any time John slept in his new room he would wake up just in terror so I moved him back into the nursery with his baby brother and this arrangement worked out fine in John's room just said empty at the end of the hall for years then came a weekend's when my husband and I would have been actually going for a weekend getaway and leaving the boys with my dad and his partner Maria an Indonesian woman who was quite religious her ethnicity doesn't really make a difference I'm just trying to paint a picture here anyway the first night after we were away I called to check in Maria got on the phone right away in whispered so my dad wouldn't hear her and she was don't understand through her panic and her accent but from what I could ascertain she was saying my woke up in the middle of the night because I heard talking down the hall outside John's old bedroom it sounded like a man and a younger boy I thought of TV was left on somewhere so I got up to turn it off I heard the talking coming from down the hall my walk down the hall and they started talking faster more urgent until I got to John's room they didn't stop talking though they just started whispering she was honestly absolutely terrified I could tell that they were afraid to mention it to me because she didn't want to come across as crazy but it's found it necessary to tell me she whispered to because she couldn't explain this to my dad he would not be pleased by such a nonsense she'd been waiting for me to call you know up to this point I hadn't told anyone about the hallway or John's room or anything basically Maria's experience though reinforced that I wasn't imagining that there was something slightly ominous going on but fast forward nine years later my husband and I had divorced not because of anything paranormal but because of his secretary and I was now remarried to a great man myself the things that moved pretty quickly my husband moved in I never told him or anyone else for that matter of what I felt in the house we got a POW in a rescue dog and often the dogs would just sit in the foyer and stare intently into the dining room and then furiously start barking in unison the dining room was below John's room on the first floor and was always an area that's my god goosebumps - it was a large beautiful room with a chandelier fireplace and long table for 12 people the dogs did this often though but it only happened when they were looking into the dining room the dogs never went into the dining room except for the occasional time that the puck took a crap under one of my dining chairs but that's another story so I think it was an F future whatever entity was in there otherwise the dogs just sat straight up side-by-side in the foyer staring into the dining room for the longest while until they would both start just barking furiously at the same time my new husband had a home office across the hall from the dining room when I would come downstairs every light was always turned on I asked him why and he said it was because he had this eerie feeling like he was being watched from the dining room and it really unnerved him when the dog sat and just stared into the darkness so he liked to keep the lights on eventually I got pregnant with my third child John was now 10 and wanted his own room so we had converted the guest room to be his bedroom because me refused to go into his old bedroom Mac stayed in the original nursery and we were going to use the room at the end of the hallway for the baby yeah I told myself that I was silly that it would be fine it was such a beautiful room but I just couldn't bring myself to have my newborn sleeping in there we decorated it especially for him but in the end I just said no I couldn't bring myself to leave a newborn in this dark room so he slept in our room in a bassinet and then a playpen for a full year surprisingly - my husband agreed he said that he could feel it too and was hesitance actually leave him in that room I was relieved that I didn't seem crazy I must admit but also felt more dread about my intuition being correct eventually though it was time for the baby to have his own room so we beat the bullet and moved the baby in we also hired a nanny to help out during the day she was a sweet little Filipino woman and one day I came home one afternoon to find a little glass statue of Jesus and the baby's bookshelf and a rosary pinned to the bulletin board in his room I think than any for the little gifts but as to what was behind them she said it's for protection ma'am there's something very bad in that room I was flawed to say the least and filled with dread again she felt it too and it reinforced that's I wasn't just imagining things surprisingly though all went pretty well mostly with the baby sleeping I had a very bright Nightline in the room and had the whole well lit as well which seemed to help but one night a similar occurrence that happened almost 10 years ago with my first seemed to play out again I woke up at around 3 a.m. to my two-year-old baby letting out a shriek of Terror I ran into his room and there he stood in his crib pointing to the same corner of the room that my other son had pointed to years ago clown mummy clown he kept pointing so not a pirate this time but his vocabulary is very limited given that he's only 2 and I'm really not sure if he could articulate exactly what he saw also he does not like clowns that's I mean who does really but again I looked at the corner and I saw nothing I managed to settle him down and he went back to sleep but occasionally you wake up in the noise and I hear him say go away in his little baby voice almost angrily I don't see anything on the baby monitor buts its positioned over his crib it doesn't show anywhere else in the room other things have happened over the years - like the TV in the basement is turned on by itself a few times volume full-blast no one uses the TV in the basement and the weird thing was I couldn't turn it off at first the remote was just not responding there's also a mirror that we have in the front hallway I admit that it's creepy in a way that's I didn't realize and so my now two-year-old pointed it out I may post a pic at some point but whenever my two-year-old sees it he says clown mommy it's a decorative mirror no clan's or anything but if you look at it you may or may not see why it's creepy because it's an antique that a design picked out years ago anyway at this point I'm really not sure what to do if anything I've tried sage I've said prayers and it seems to get better for a while and then the odd things start up again I love my home and I'm accustomed to the creepy areas and at this point I've just lived with it my two-year-old does love playing in his room during the day but prefers to be downstairs in the playroom at nighttime his story goes back a few years ago when I was a seventeen-year-old high school students every day I'd walked the 25 or 30 minute journey to and from school there was a shortcut that I would take home that took some time off the walk and as a nature lover the shortcut was very enjoyable whenever I would walk home alone and I would take this shortcut to enjoy the small and a forest that we have in the medium sized moderately busy city that I live in my shortcut was pretty well traveled and I would occasionally see other people walking from the neighborhood towards the busy streets close by or other students walking home from my high school or the college sometimes there would be no one buts just me on the path so give you a bit of an idea the path definitely was not grew image but it was traveled enough that you could make out a path from being trampled over the years the shortcuts started off from the busy road by my high school and went into a low-lying open wooded area with small ponds after a few minutes of this I could be a ride up to the big hill towards the street parallel to my street one day I was walking home from school after staying a bit late for extra help a few minutes into my short cuts I noticed a guy standing off the main path of its seemingly just minding his own business and talking on a cell phone there was an open backpack sitting on the ground by his feet growing up with overprotective parents and in martial arts I've always been a very cautious person and taken a lot of details especially being a young girl out walking a lot this wasn't unusual by any means since the entire low-lying area has traveled and there are numerous paths of the main path they need for directions since it isn't a thick forest sort of like a free-for-all for walking sometimes people would stand off the busy road while waiting for the bus stop close by to not wanting to stand in all the traffic fumes while people sped by during rush hour the only thing the night saw caution are was that I had been seeing him there a few times that weekend's had never seen him there before but oh well maybe he was just a college student or just moved into the area who knows this time walking on the shortcut felt different though possibly because there was no one else on the path today but I just started to get this bad feeling in my stomach the one everyone has a hard time describing but most people know too well something just wasn't right that was already well along my shortcut though and I decided to just blame my feelings on me being paranoid which is not too uncommon for me I kept annoying him out of my peripheral vision walking by and he continued to talk in his cellphone and didn't seem suspicious so I'm just continued on my merry way I must have walked 20 or 25 meters away when the guy stopped talking on the phone and I felt an even bigger feeling of dread in my gut my turn around to see him crouched over phoned or fidgeting around with some sort of cloth and a brown glass bottle before I even get a second to register what the hell he was doing his head shoots up in my direction and the look in his eyes is a terrifying mix between I've been caught and I'm not stopping there he drops everything leaving everything behind and starts sprinting straight for me cloth in hand at this point I'm too far away from the busy road for anyone to see me in the low-lying woodland with this crazy guy anyway and I'm too far away to scream bloody murder my first instinct though in that split-second decision is to run towards my neighbourhood I decided this all as I turned around throwing my heavy backpack on the ground and sprinting as fast as I could starting up the hill towards my neighbourhood judging by appearance this guy looks like he could break me in two with no effort and I trusted my flat response more than my fight response plus I didn't know what the heck he had at his hands luckily for me Walter at school I'd been the subcontractor in ER in my entire school out of the female and male teams my running had been my savior and a few other worthy occasions but soon into the chase I knew that it wouldn't be enough this time this guy was fast and I could tell that he was slowly gaining on me without even looking back I finally see him fenced in back yards up ahead and hoping people are home from work I start trying to scream help as much as I could with my out of breath useless voice I make a split decision to start jumping fences of people's yards hoping this guy's hurdling skills are crappier that his running the first fence throws me off but by the second into the next yard he's on my arse and I feel them come insanely close to grabbing my leg I'm crapping myself at this point I see no cars and driveways no sign of anyone home and the only thing that's keeping me from panicking and wiping out in my exhausted State is thinking that I may never see my family or friends again the next yard belongs to people that I know rather well including their dog necessary background interruption to this house was close to my street on the street parallel to mine and I've come to know their dog rather well since they recently moved it my friend hated the short cut and sometimes I would walk to school with her in the street down the hill to the busy street this dog was huge and an absolute maniac and usually when kids were walking to school they would put him in the back yard instead of their front yard since he would growl and scare the crap out of kids walking by a while he was tired out science I love animals so every time we'd walk by I would talk calmly to him through his menacing I'll mess you up barks every time he'd be slightly less vicious to me and so one day the nice people who lived there gave me a treat to give him and after that the dog was a nice stop on the way to school and the dog's name is Leah with that next yard and my newly-acquired friend inside I had never felt hope like I did in that moment by some insane stroke of luck they let him out into their backyard for the afternoon while they were at work when Leo saw me frantically running toward him he started wagging his tail then looked to the guy chasing close behind me and he started growling I thought that this was going to be enough to get the guy to leave me alone but no he started jumping over the fence the second after ideas but the dog jumped up and his teeth came so close to his face the creep fell backwards into the other yard straight on his ass's I fell into the dogs yard on my ass the creep and I stared at each other out of breath for a few seconds while the dog was barking and jumping like mad at the fence idiot maybe he was assessing if he could take on me or not I prayed that the creep didn't have a knife or something like that the guy looked angrier than I'd ever seen a person look before and after a few seconds got up and just started running back down the hill from where he came I sat there for a few seconds and just complete shock and I couldn't move until my hero started looking my facts I snapped out of it and ran to the back door and just started pounding they obviously weren't home or else they probably would have heard what had just gone down my house was actually really close now so I jumped the fence and I ran the rest of the way home and called the cops to investigate and try to find the guy I gave them the best description that I could after coming practically face to face with the dude's bag was gone and so was every trace of it they found my poor backpack in a muddy puddle and the police told me that they keep looking I never did see that guy again and I didn't hear anything more about it and after calling the office a few times I eventually just gave up they told me that during that time that they had received sketchy reports people being stalked chased but nothing like mine there were a few missing person cases to bits in a city like the one that I'm from not the worst but not the best you can never connect anything like that sure the more I thought about it over the years though and we'll messed up it is and the more confused I am first if he was trying to kidnap me well I didn't he think of a better way to grab and snatch me in the forest before I had no chance to get away or before another tail go I possibly walked by he didn't appear to have a weapon on him or anything except that creepy cloth and what the hell did he actually have in his hands a friend thought that it may have been chloroform but I did some research on it and apparently it's more a myth that's pouring it on a rag and covering a person's face causes them to faint very quickly Plus where the hell would you get it anyway [Music] well if in Florida and this incident happened about three weeks after hurricane oh so back in July the ex and I had just finalized the divorce and I moved into a gated neighborhood where every house was rented out by the same rental company or landlord's it's a very small neighborhood with about 15 houses tops I'd say more 15 houses to bordered around a man-made lake with the backyards facing the lake no one really has a fenced backyard as well when you walk out your back door you can see the lake in front of you and your neighbor's backyard on each side of you everyone in the neighborhood seems pretty close someone was always hosting a family friendly party or barbecue or having people over to watch sports and whatnot I was an M still depressed after my divorce I never partook in these social gatherings the only person I got to know it was my next-door neighbor Steve I'm an active Navy soldier with a huge love for guns and Steve is the true hero in this night yeah so my daughter Alice is 4 years old and I get her every weekend now this his bedroom window faces the back yard towards the lake my spoil that girl to death she truly is my everything and I count down the days to the weekend every week just to be with her and that's why I was upset when Emma came ins I had to go almost three weekends for that senior the weekend before the storm she was with a mom and obviously the weekend of the storm she was with her mum then on top of that the weekend after she had to be with her mum because my power was still out no I see in Florida is absolutely miserable the humidity was so bad that week that I slept in my daughter's room the whole week because she has the only room with a window that face the lake my open the window exposing just the window screen so the wind from the lake could cool the room as much as possible while I slept eventually the power came back though and Alice starts visiting me again like normal and that was when the nightmare started my daughter would complain about the singing lady and now she doesn't like her anymore I thought that maybe she was referring to one of my ex's friends or one of the teachers at a school or something maybe there was a teacher at a school that sang to the kids that she just didn't like that's Saturday nights now let's woke up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder I ran into a room and turned on the light and found her hiding under her covers I asked her what was wrong and all she could do was point to an empty corner of a room and say look look but there was nothing there she was acting as if she saw a ghost but after I calmed her down she started to talk about the singing lady again please tell the singing lady not to come back please daddy make her go away obviously she's having nightmares right I showed her that there was nothing in the closets nothing under the bed and there was nothing to be afraid of she calmed down and went back to sleep I went back to my room and I quickly fell back to sleep - it couldn't have been more than 20 minutes though before Alice comes running into my room screaming she's back she's back and after this Alice absolutely refused to go back in a room so I let her to sleep with me the next morning Sunday morning I took Alice after breakfast and we stopped by target to pick up a baby monitor I haven't used one since her mum and I'm still married but I wanted to easily be able to hear her if and when she started having these nightmares again so I could respond quicker after I set them up I shown Alice how they works to give her assurance that I could hear her and she was safe that night she slept pretty soundly and honestly he didn't even make a people Minds the following weekend Alice had to stay with her mother again because she caught a stomach virus from one of her little friends at school it was Saturday night and I was sound asleep in my bed when I ran who I am is when I heard a woman's voice humming a soft nursery rhyme through the baby monitor the humming in the soft singing got louder and clearer as the voice got closer to the monitor I definitely wasn't dreaming yeah I could hear a woman softly singing lullabies in my daughter's bedroom I had honestly never been so scared and also dumbfounded in my entire life I was feeling a mixture of just pure terror and disbelief and then the voice workouts Alice sweetie are you awake adrenalin shot through my veins I jumped out of bed and looked my bedroom door I picked up my cell and called Steve from next door he didn't waste a second and as soon as I got off the phone with him I heard him storm out of his backdoor screaming don't you move and I ran outside and found him aiming his shotgun and a woman crashed outside my daughter's window the window that's my had left open after her and never closed Steve quickly dropped his guard when he recognized the woman it was Jeanne the neighborhood maintenance Steve's wife came running out after him and confirmed that it was her Jeanne played dumb said that she was not singing and didn't even know my daughter's name she said that she was near my daughter's window because she was doing a weekly patrol for Gators and thought she saw one approaching a house from the lake which was absolute bullcrap because I definitely heard her singing she called out to my daughter by name and yes it's true that there have been a few Gators spotted around the neighborhood and yes part of genes job was to patrol the lake at night every now and then but at 2:00 a.m. I obviously knew it was bullcrap and even though neither Steve or his wife called her out on it I could tell from the look in her face that they didn't believe her either the next morning I went over to Steve's house to thank him and tell him exactly what happened you told me Jeanne and her husband have been known to be a little cuckoo but this was by far the craziest thing to happen so far and after this Steve help me install metal bars on now this is window that afternoon so I'm currently going through a pretty nasty divorce I left my wife about four months ago and moved into a house by myself close to work we have a four and a half year old daughter which I haven't been able to see for the last four months because my wife filled an injunction against me nothing happens it was just divorce tactics but luckily she recently came to her senses and dropped the injunction and now I have a 50-50 timeshare with my daughter which actually starts next weekend and so this past weekend my mom came to town to help me set up the house because you know I'm a guy and guys have no sense of day court rights at least they sound my mom things but when it comes to me she's probably right you know we bought a twin bed for my daughter's room though bought her frozen my favorite movie themed furniture and decor we got a bunch of knickknacks to decorate the whole house candles pictures fake plants rugs all that stuff and we did everything that we could make it more homey before we bought all these new rugs and set up my daughter's room I kept my cat's litter box in my daughter's room for the past four months while it was empty after setting up a room I'd moved the litter box to another empty bedroom and while my cat didn't like the fact that her box was moved apparently she decided that that room was going to be her room and absolutely refused to use the litter box after it was moved instead she would just crap and piss on all the new carpets many times my mom and I were out of the house the entire weekend was pretty much conducted of the two of us deep cleaning the new rugs with strong cleaning products every time that she would crap on one when finally I decided that I just put the little box back at my daughter's room which is right next to mine until I could figure out a solution but trust me too this is relevant so fast-forward to Monday late afternoon my mom's flight is at 6:00 p.m. so we leave the house go out for one last meal and I drop her off at the airport I get home at around 6:30 p.m. to my newly furnished and decorated house it definitely made me feel more at home I had no plans that night Suze I spend most of the night just on the couch Ben watching movies and drinking scotch around 11:30 p.m. I was pretty hammered and stumbled to my bedroom closed the door locked it furgus monsters and vampires man collapsed on my beds and I passed out instantly but around 4:30 a.m. I woke up to just the worst smell that I have ever had hit my nose it was so bad that it actually made me pull out of my drunken sleep it smelled like a combination of crap sweaty ball sack oka trash and just bleach all mixed together my first thought was the damn cat took another crap on the rug again I ignored it rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't the smell was that bad finally I got up and I unlocked the bedroom door and peeked out into the living room to see if she left a surprise on the rug for me here but it was clean I looked at my daughter's room and there was a nice turd in the litter box so the smell couldn't have been my cat at least know what I was smelling so he just shrugged it off in the end and closed and locked my door and collapse back at my bed I laid on my bed staring into the darkness for about 30 minutes trying to fathom what I was smelling maybe it's a combination of my cat's crap and all the cleaning products that we used over the weekends I don't know maybe a pipe burst somewhere did I forget to take the trash to the curb and was I smelling all the crap that we throw away over the weekend no matter what conclusion I came up with none of it just made any sense a little after 5:00 a.m. I get up and I walk to the bathroom and sit down to do my business my brows write it for a few minutes on my phone until I'm done and I flush the toilet and then collapsed onto my bed again you know that draining sound the toilet makes after you flush it so I'm laying there on my bed listening to the toilet to its drain cycle until it finally stops and I was in complete silence and that was when I heard a sniff and the sound of someone clearing their throat from my closet I don't know what happened but I immediately jumped into survival mode I jumped out of bed grab my phone unlock my bedroom door grabbed my car keys and I bolted out of the front door and jumped into my car I started the car backed out of the driveway and went into my neighbor's driveway across the street I shine my high beams at my house while I called the police they were there within a few minutes the cops approached my car and I told them that there's someone in my closets my sleep in the nude so the cops thought that I was just some crazy drunk at first but after two minutes of arguing they went to investigate they were in there for what seemed like hours - and sure enough he came out with a very skinny obviously homeless black man in handcuffs he put the guy in the back of one of the cruisers and approached my car sir asked me some questions apparently this guy snuck in through the back sliding glass door while I was dropping off my mom at the airport he admitted to looking for pills or something - porn for bills when he heard me come home freaked out and jumped into my closet and the smell that I was smelling was his terrible Bo coming from my closet three feet away from me and this man was in my house the entire night what if I didn't smell him and open my closet the next morning while getting ready well what if my daughter had been there overnight the whole thought just gives me shivers I was playing poker in a late Sunday night when suddenly I just got a really bad feeling chills just ran through me but I didn't feel sick I was a drunk tired or even remotely feeling physically bad I just had a sudden need to go home and make sure that my mom was safe so I guessed yet my chips and I just left disc white followed me all the way home but I never considered anything out of the ordinary I figured that I was just thrown off by being out so late on a Sunday the night was cold and quiet but no stranger than usual when I got home my mother was in the shower she's an obsessive late-night cleaner I haven't beaten into her by her abusive stepmother I called out to her that I was home and she was very relieved I went to hang up my winter gear by my window and that was when I saw it we lived across from a park and floating down the sloping hill towards my apartment was a massive hooded figure composed of just tattered shadows it was blacker than the surrounding night and seemed to warp the space around it somehow it moved fluidly and with clear agency floating like a squid through water and I have never felt terror like that I knew that I was seeing something that's I had no business seeing it wasn't thrilling or exciting it was just awful this was before smartphones too but the thought of trying to snap a photo with a digital camera never crossed my mind the truth is I wouldn't want I felt an awareness from this thing and it was not friendly I felt as though if it knew that I saw it something horrible would follow so in the end I closed my shades and just hid under my blanket like a little kid I had the day off the next day that's the late night and a friend of mine came to visit me told me cops were all over the place downstairs he saw the look of my face and I told him what happened he laughed it off we went to grab some food I asked the cop what was going on but they wouldn't answer we came back and found a young guy I wonder my whole way he was a reporter in nastas if we knew where a woman in the building lived we asked him if he knew what was going on and apparently it had been a murder a man shot his girlfriend and then ended his own the murderers mother lived on the other side of the building and my friend gaped no I didn't hear the shots and then filled in the blanks with an imaginary specter I fired guns since I was a kid and I know what they sound like no and didn't watch our movie or have something supernatural on the brain I've never seen anything remotely similar since I'm open to the idea of things that we don't understand but I also understand the importance of healthy skepticism but I know what I saw and more even I know what I felt it was like peering behind a door that was never meant to be opened people think that they want to see supernatural occurrences and perhaps there's a good aspect of them but I think the truth is that most of us would absolutely freak if faced with something that's not supposed to exist in nature like that things like what I saw go against everything that we consider to be right in a very profound way a few years ago my friend tez and I set out on the great American road trip we were going to drive from New York to Los Angeles zig zagging through the country for six weeks or so well we're both in our early 20s pretty broke and as my mom had been a long-haul trucker I suggested to save a ton of money we would sleep in the back of our hatchback it was a pretty cozy setup we bought some blankets and sheets at Goodwill and cut one of them up Simon curtains by the end of the first week we couldn't so good at it in fact that we could set up camp in about ten minutes luggage moved in the front curtains up bedding laid down and out for the nights we slept in the parking lots free camp science rest areas basically anywhere that it seemed safe and semi-legal but that was never annoying after the first night where we felt scared - until the last week of the trip in Arizona so we wouldn't have Flagstaff and had gotten pretty used to our routine we didn't go on a set schedule and would never drive for more than three or four hours a day no destination really in mind outside a few must-see landmarks that is but we just drive to places that we found the night before on Google and take suggestions from other campers locals and people that we met we had also gotten very good at making friends well we went to Denny's with a group of rednecks that we met at a campsite in the back of their pickup because I got hungry and overheard them saying that they were going to but we met an 80 year old cowboy though who took us out drinking and taught us to line dance in a country bar I really do hope you're still kickin old grandpa Mack we played the guitar with some musicians in the middle of a thunderstorm we got fed breakfast and dinner by tons of campers who invited us to hang out with them spent the fourth of July with a family who basically adopted us into their campsites grandma gave us some weed candy but basically every encounter that we had with a stranger was a positive one and this nights didn't look to be any different we found a free campsite on Google and drove up into the woods following a GPS we were pretty far out of town and something just seemed a little bit off when we pulled up to the campsite that was one RV parked and two cars further up in the trees we pulled up near the RV and my men opened the door tears waved hello and he just kind of stared at her and his expression was also completely blank then as if she hadn't said anything he just slowly closed the door again staring at us the entire time figuring that's me just wanted some privacy and thought that we'd be obnoxious or something we pulled further down the road and found a flat spot to park the car instead of our usual routine of setting up camp immediately well it was still light out but we goofed around for a while smoking and laughing and taking dumb photos of ourselves tears pointed at a campfire further down the campsite and we decided to go and be friendly we've met so many people in the previous five weeks by just going up and offering beer or just chatting so we just wandered over thinking that this would be the same near the campfire there were two men the owners of the cars that we'd seen earlier they seemed friendly and we sat down to chat with them they were drinking and smoking and we sat down and we had a beer with them one of the men seems well pretty off we came to find out too that the two of them didn't actually know one another the older man was definitely on some sort of drugs he was spinning in circles and talking about UFOs however he seemed mostly harmless this left us chatting with the younger men who claims to be a former park ranger he was handsome and easygoing in fact we spent several hours just chatting about our trip and families and everything like that but then he started talking about the bed he'd seen a bear earlier in the forest Tezz didn't believe him and he pulled out his camera to show her photos of the bear it was very close to the campsite and we both were a little freaked out it wasn't unheard of for one of us to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night so the idea of a bear hanging around in the nights he had really spooked us the Ranger just laughed and then his expression just changed completely it's hard to describe but his voice seems somehow cold he said if you get out of your car in the middle of the night it's not a bear that you should be worrying about I kept waiting for the laughs or for him to nudge tears with his elbow jokes on the foreigner in the city girl right but he never did I laughed awkwardly and made a dumb joke about serial killers in the woods my friend laughed as well and joked about Texas Chainsaw Massacre and we moved on to another subject but within five minutes the Ranger had come back to it and was talking about something grabbing us from our car in the middle of the night no matter how we tried to steer the conversation away from serial killers he just kept latching back on but the older man was high as a kite at this point and was staring at the stars not talking we just awkwardly laugh and sip our beer and try to get the conversation going somewhere else but then the Rangers stood up and walked towards the cooler to get another beer at this point it's pitch black in art and I can't see anything outside the circle of light from the campfire the vehicle it was just outside of that circle when suddenly there's a red dot in the darkness and it took a moment for me to realize that it's a camera the Ranger is holding a camera he had taken a photo of us and I could see the screen on the digital camera lineup no it wasn't totally odd for the people that we met who asked to take pictures with us my friend tez is gorgeous dark hair blue eyes like a young Megan Fox and we were friendly people like having pictures of themselves too so like I said it wasn't totally out of the norm but it was an entirely strange thing to have this person just take a photo of us without asking or even indicating that that's what he was doing we were both staring at him like a deer in the headlights at this point but instead of realizing this what he was doing was a bit weird he checks his camera adjust some things and takes another photo this time with the flash no asking us to smile no proposing a group photo and explanation after this photo he comes back to the fire and sits down not even a word said about the photo it was at this point that me and tez a mutually freaked out - we make some BS excuse that we need to go back to our campsite and hope the hell out when we stand up to leave the UFO guy smiles and says - have a good night Ranger however looks at us with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes and says be careful out there there's more than bears in the woods and every hair on my body stood on end I wasn't alone in my discomfort either because tears laughter response out and pulled me away from the campfire towards our car we rush back to the car which we only found in the dark by referencing the RV and jump in the front seats my friend tez is all but hyperventilating why did he take pictures of us I was shaking but I responded actually when I read somewhere that serial killers sometimes warn their victims she stared at me for a second and then locked the car doors do you think that he just took victim photos of us we both freaked out she's in a full panic and turns the headlights on in the car and I immediately yell at her to turn them off because now he knows exactly where our car is God knows why but that is the only night that we'd not set up camp we didn't need to tear anything down so we just put the car and drive and we flawed it straight out of that camp signs as we got onto the dirt road as well the Ranger was actually walking towards our car with that same cold expression as a kid I was obsessed with all things paranormal I was constantly trying to learn more about it through TV shows or books after a while I started to feel like I was being watched I had certain toys that's I swore would just come to life and watch me one of them freaked me out so much in fact that I had to make it face the wall because of this I believe that there was a presence in her house and I wanted to see it for myself so every time I left the house for the day I would take something put it in the middle of my room and say if someone is here move this before I get back nothing ever happened so eventually I'm just decided to give up but then one night I was up late scrolling through my phone when I heard these loud heavy footsteps walking down the hall and stopped at my door the footsteps sounded familiar if my dad was walking to my room with his work boots on so my first thought was that it was my dad because my room is at the end of their hallway and my parents room is at the end that's on the Ryans their hallway is wood but the bedrooms are carpet so in theory my dad was walking to his bedroom and they seemingly stopped at my door because being turned into his room and was now walking on carpets except it was about three hours too early for him to be leaving for work oh I open my door to see not one single light is on and that both my parents fast asleep that's when the fear set in there initially I thought someone broke into a house I freaked out it's not my parents that's I heard someone walking around my dad checked every inch of her house there was no sign that anybody was or had been in her home they thought that I was just hearing things but they were clear as day and I knew what I heard and soon after that I opened my door to see a black figure at the end of the hallway it had no face but I could tell that it was a man wearing a trench coat and some sort of Fedora type hats I completely froze and as soon as I realized what I saw it was just gone another time I was in the living room and I saw the same thing standing in the kitchen like the first time my frozen before I had time to even think about its advantaged another time did I feel scared to get a bad vibe or anything yeah also from what I've read most people see him at night or during sleep paralysis both times I've seen him it was daytime and I was wide awake before seeing him I had never heard of the hatman or shadow people so I definitely couldn't have imagined it well my family used to laugh when I would tell them about these encounters because they thought that I just had a wild imagination it wasn't until one day my mom picked me up from school and said something we had happened to her she said that she was sitting on the couch reading a book when she noticed a black shadow standing in the hallway just looking at her I asked if it looked like a man with a trench coat and a hat and the look on her face was absolutely priceless I think that's when she realized that what she'd seen was real and that all those stories that she used to laugh at were real - although my experiences words exactly sinister I wasn't crazy about seeing the hat man and wished for it to stop and eventually it did I kind of forgot about it - and so a few years later I was staying at my cousin's house for the weekend one afternoon I was there alone I was in her room with the door shut just hanging up my phone when I heard those same heavy men like footsteps walking around the hallway my uncle's office is right next to her room so I thought maybe that he'd just gotten home and went into his office but no I opened the door and called that for them but there was nothing but silence I walked around the house and there was nobody check the garage no cars when everyone got home they all confirmed that they hadn't been home all day I also learned from my aunt that day that's before my great-grandma dies she kept freaking out talking about a man's shadow outside a window and it was at that point that's I learned about the Hat it took me years to realize that other people had seen him too so what do you guys think I can't really find much info on the Hat man which is why I'm sharing this here I haven't been able to find many stories quite like mine most have to do with sleep paralysis but if anyone has any info or links or anything like that please let me know in the comment section below when I was about 13 I used to have my bed right under my bedroom window it was also around that time that my dog was brought inside because she got too old to stay out at the time we didn't have the screen coverings that we have now so the window could easily be opened and there was no barrel you know I always left my window open during the day to let in fresh air then close and lock it when it started getting dark my house is also surrounded by forests not very thick but still thick enough that you can't see clearly through it it's completely normal hearing strange noises at night because well things like bears or stray dogs or even their former neighbors chickens would just roam around our yard so when I heard something shuffling around my window I didn't think much about it and continued playing video games not even ten minutes later I heard something hit against it I thought that it may have been a June bug or when they hit a window they can sound like rocks so I just ignored it the knocking kept going but I just kept ignoring it and it finally stopped fast forward until the rents who I am I was finally settling down and going to sleep when I hear breathing very faint - enough to miss if my room wasn't silent and then I had something dragged down my window like a sticker a finger it did it a few times and that was enough for me I jumped out of bed and ran to my dad's room I told him that there was something at my window and he immediately came to look we turned out the light so we could see better but there was nothing I told him when I heard though and he said that he would take a look in the morning we did just that and my stomach churned because under my window there were two different foot tracks one back and forth beside the generator and one that was back and forth directly under my window there were even some cigarette butts laying around near some bushes like he had crouched there and just waited the foot tracks also led towards the woods we have neighbors that's lived through the woods and down the hill and a very trashy so we chalked it up to one of them coming up here drunk but the thought that scared me the most about all of this was the fact that's when I went to open my window later that day I found that it was actually unlocked I had forgotten to lock it the night before and he could have gotten in without one issue so this is going to be a bit of a long one so please hang in all of this really started about seven years ago I'd say and I'll try my best to keep it all in chronological okay so a little bit of detail before we get into the meat and potatoes I was going to college in renting my uncle's basement and on weekends I would usually drive home to my mom's house which was about a 40 minute drive away this story will span from those places to a few more but mainly at those the first night that I ran into CSG the creepy stalker ghost I was at my mom's house and a Thursday night after I got off work I got a place around 10:45 p.m. and went to my old room and started watching Netflix with my headphones on I didn't ever to that because my sister it was in high school at the time still had a room light on and occasionally she would knock to ask me questions on a homework and what moments the night was rather uneventful and I decided to call it a night and I texted my girlfriend at the time to tell her goodnight and for privacy sake I'll call a Jill I didn't get a reply which made sense considering it was 12:30 a.m. and she had to get up early to go help her grandma with something I fell asleep shortly after and I was in a nice deep sleep when suddenly I woke up to the feeling of someone getting up out of my bed in my tiredness my first thought was that it was Jill needing to get up for something in the night as I reached out to touch what I thought was a shoulder to see if she was okay she stood up as what I thought was Jill had stood up I realized that it actually wasn't you this was a lot taller than her and when it turned around it was a figure just dressed all in black and every time I've seen this figure - no matter the amount of minimal lights the only light that would hit it was enough to slightly outline the clothing which was a an old-timey suit with like a long overcoat the head was the same with only enough light to barely make out the features aside from a very obvious smile and eyes which held a very slight greenish tint as if a pale green light was shining Jen into its eyes and at this point as soon as it looked at me an intense feeling of fear just washed over me and I no lie started to cry I had experienced a few things before but nothing compared to that feeling I started scrambling for my phone to shine a light on it and as soon as I got my screen lit up and shined it in the direction of the figure it was just gone but instead of turning on a light after that I kept tapping the screen to keep it bright until I just fell back to sleep I wasn't asleep for long though until I woke up again to that same intense feeling I looked away the figure had been the first time and there it was again just standing and staring and smiling I quickly grabbed my phone again and shine a light and again it was gone this happened another couple of times before I took out my laptop and adjusted the settings to keep the screen on and then propped it up to shine on the area that I had seen the figure and after that I fell asleep with no issues the rest of the night the next sighting was one week later I was watching Netflix this time as usual and I heard my sister get up and walk into the kitchen and then come back and I had the lights click meaning that she was finally going to bed the time must have been around 11:45 p.m. or so just outside of my old room to the immediate riot was the door to the bathroom which I had a nightlight to see when you woke up in the middle of the night and the walls aren't super heavy-duty so when someone closes the door the wall can shake if you don't close it nicely yeah that will come into play soon and it's pretty important so the way my bed and dresser was situated my door was to my riot and I was tucked in the corner of my wall and dressers so I had a back rest with my laptop on my lap watching a show away noticed out of the corner of my eye my door slowly opened my look to expect them to see my sister but as soon as I turned to look the door slammed shaking the wall that I was leaning on and about a half a second went by before that intense feeling of terror and dread came back and I looked up to find CSG just standing there smiling at me as soon as I recognized what it was I turned my laptop around and it was gone we're not wanting to deal with it again I turned my room light on and turned off Netflix and I just called it a night but now things really picked up somehow weekend ends and mid Sunday night and I'm heading back to my uncle's so that I can drop off stuff and head to work I get back from work and play some video games for a couple of hours before going to bed around 1:00 1:30 a.m. I was in a light sleep and it was about 2:30 a.m. when I woke up to the sound of whispering I had my basement set up I had my bed on the opposite end of the windows facing the street and I had a couple of bookshelves at the foot of my bed behind the TV to kind of separate the rest of the room from my bed on the opposite side of the bookshelves there was a catch to the left that I can still see from my bed and the door to go to the hallway to the garage and the stairs to go up anyway I wake up from the whispering and start listening harder thinking that's my uncle was still awake upstairs and on the phone or something and that was when I saw a head pop up over the bookshelves and look at me and as soon as I saw it it popped back down for a handful of seconds before coming back up and staying up I recognized it as CSG right away and turn on the light over my bed and it was gone my turn on a movie on my TV and get comfortable enough to turn the light off and eventually I had drift back off to sleep the movie ends and enough time passes that the TV and the DVD player go into sleep mode and again I wake up to the sound of whispering and I quickly look around to find chg sitting on the arm of the couch just staring and smiling an intense feeling comes over me again and what felt like 10 or 15 minutes we just looked at each other and eventually CSG got up and walked out of the door to the hallway and after that I fell back asleep for the rest of the night with no issue the very next night though the same thing happened again but the only new thing was the sound of CSG dragging something heavy across the floor which to this day I still can't figure out what it was unless it was moving the chairs and then moving the back or something the events of those two nights though became a commonplace thing for the next few months by now it was getting into late summer and I was running my motorcycle as much as I could and so I had to park it you to the weather I always had a spot on the end of the bookshelf for my keys and wallet and every day that is the spot that there would end up and I'll repeat that they never went anywhere else I had that Thursday off for some reason too so I was taking my time getting ready to ride down to my mum's and then stop out of Jill's and see her and her parents for a bit too earlier in the year I had traded my old bike for a 2012 ninja 650r and I was excited to take it down I go grab my key after putting my wallet into my pockets and I can't find the key I grabbed the spare and put it in my jacket just in case and I start checking my old pants nothing I check under a pile of clean clothes that I had yet to fold nothing you know check my car nothing there no key anyway oh I figured that I'll look for it later and I go down for the weekend and make note to everyone to please keep an eye out for it because I can't find it I eventually go back to my uncle's not having found the key and I kind of forgot about it the events with chg go on as usual and about three weeks pass I head back down to my mom's and I make a stop on Friday had at Jill's because she was off school I get there and I hope I do a laundry that needed to be done and we reached the bottom of an old pile and lo and behold there is my key yeah it is beyond me how not only could my key move within my bedroom but to a completely different house that just seems impossible but there it was stay me in the face again though things go on as usual and fast-forward about another four months I would say Jill is taking the semester off of school and gets a job at a place near where I live so she starts staying a few nights at my uncle's with me but one night she was off work and watching a movie sitting at my bed when she told me that she had noticed a shadowy figure pacing by the windows and the opposite side of the room know at this point I had yet to tell her about CSG because I didn't want to figure out I'll have a think that I was crazy a couple of weeks go by and randomly in the middle of the night she wakes me up saying that she's sorry I asked what she was sorry for and what she was even talking about she replied saying that she had kicked me me being tired I am responded saying that it was okay in that she had asked to trade signs of the bed because she seemed a bit scared about something I fall asleep for about an hour before I roll and kick something at the foot of the bed fairly hard I knew immediately too that it wasn't her because there was absolutely no gift to what I had kicked I quickly turned the light on above my bed and we both look at the spot that we had kicked and the comforter was compressed and slowly rising as if whatever was there it just got numb we both just look at each other and after that we decided to leave the light on and turn a movie on for the night a bit more time goes by though and from a local restaurants my uncle actually got a Valentine's Day balloon that's he then gave to me so I took it downstairs and let it go to the ceiling a couple of nights go by and it's just the usual CSG antics ends I was thankful that it didn't wake up Jill at all then another night when I was at work and Jill was still at my uncle's watching movies for the night off work there was a video of this on my old phone that she sent me but when I recently checked the SD card it got corrupted so I lost the video but she was sitting on the bed when all of a sudden the balloon just started bobbing up and down and making circles it then bobbed and drifted over to where CSU usually sat on the arm of the couch and circled there for a few minutes before moving to the foot of the bed that's where it had been sitting and started bobbing and circling there for almost five minutes and then slowly brought back to where the balloon started not moving at all after that I looked at the video on my break at work and called her to calm her down and when I got home I popped the balloon and I just threw it away again it was the usual deal of CHD antics for a couple of weeks before Jill and I were watching a movie she was sitting up and eating some fruit by the foot of the bed and I was half laying against holding a hand across her stomach she has poor circulation so her hands are always cold so I didn't think much of it now the way she eats fruit she would hold the wax paper in one hand to peel it off the actual fruits and use the other hand to hold it and eat it in other words it takes her two hands to eat when out of nowhere I feel the hand with the fingers interlaced grab my hand incredibly tight and jerk away I looked up at her with an angry looked see ya eating the fruit two hands well she said was what with a very confused tone I told her that it wasn't nice to squeeze my hand and then jerk away like that after that she looked really puzzled and just wiggled a hand saying that her hands had been eating the fruit the whole time I really creeped out by this we turned on all the lights and a movie before eventually falling asleep again more time went by and Jill was back in school full-time and back in her parents house and I was still at my uncle's working on what would be my last semester at the school that I was at usually scg things went by and nothing two more out of the ordinary his visits were a nightly basis but they were pretty harmless for the most part the new you came and it was April that I decided to change schools and left my uncles and moved into a portion of Jill's parents house that we rented from them and it was at this point when my run-ins with CSG started to slow down a little bit and I wasn't seeing him as close as I had been before where they live there's a lot of old native Indian burial mounds and some in crop fields that are no longer there but oh that's a different story that I can post late but anyway that winter my best friend was down in his parents house for the winter break and his parents were having their houses appraised he just wanted to stay out of the way so we stayed at my mom's and hung out and played video games for four days on the second night in was the last before a long break of run-ins with CSG I gave my best friend the guest room and I took the floor to the living room in the basement I used a ton of blankets and built a sort of nest so it was nice and comfy the way that our position at my head there was a loveseat that acted as a kind of partition in the basement from workout equipment in the living room to my left was the regular couch and my feet was the TV and behind the wall behind the TV he was the guest room the door to the guest room was just off the TV and to the right of that was a small l-shaped hallway that went the same direction as walking in the door to a small bathroom and I woke up in the night is 108 a.m. after not having been asleep for too long I checked the time and then look around and look towards the hall and the air is escg standing in the hall peeking around the corner you look at each other for about five minutes - before CSG he walks down the hall further and disappears into the dark I fall back asleep only to wake up again this time at 2:08 a.m. and this time CSG was squatting at the corner of my nest just to the right of my feet I whispered him to please go away and leave me be his smile got wider though and he stood up and walked back to the dark eventually I fall back asleep and wake up again at 4:08 a.m. and this time I'm laying on my back and on all fours over top of me is CSG his face about two inches from mine same slight green tint in his eyes and a massive smile on his face it felt like forever but was probably like a minute if that when finally he slowly got up and walked back to the hall and before he disappeared he turned back around and smiled again and then was gone at that point he was actually gone for a few years I thought there were maybe a few times when I saw him again but was never a hundred percent sure every time after that's when I had to go into my mom's basement I would always get that same intense feeling along with the feeling of being watched but had never actually seen it and now we get to the part that was kind of dumb on my part so I was down in the basement for something and I had that intense feeling before I finally said all right fine then let's go just kind of asking it to follow me again which it kind of half worked at that point on occasion I did start seeing CSG again but it's always far away since then I'm no longer with Jill and I now rent an old farmhouse just outside of my town that I grew up in fast forward to about two weeks ago and my goal on the subject of skinwalkers with my mom and it reminded me of CSG and I was telling her about the stories - just because it had been a while and again I kind of thought that it was odd that's even though I had told CSG to come along again that's it never got too close and I ended up telling my mum that even she had told me every now and then that she would get an odd feeling when she would be in the basement alone late at night it's kind of creeped me out to bits I didn't think much of us and eventually just went home and relaxed a bit and watch the office of my dad I moved him out there with me to keep an eye on him because he's got an early onset of Alzheimer's no incidents that night at all though but now this past Thursday night it was about 10:00 or 10:30 p.m. things in the house were nice and quiet and I was playing some minecraft my current girlfriend using the phone to talk because that seems to work better for some reason but I had the volume off just enjoying the quiet and neither of us were talking when I heard a man's voice outside yell hey it sounded like he was trying to get someone's attention I had first thought it could have been my landlord coming over to check on his horses and close the barn up for the night bits I remembered that he came over on his buggy a couple of hours earlier and it was way too late for him to usually be out there thinking someone's out there messing with the horses now I grab my super bright light and one of my carry pistols and put on shoes to walk out I'm pretty far out of town and the only closed house is my landlord and then no one else for quite a ways I flip on the lights to the entryway in walk out and as soon as I got outside I noticed that everything is pitch black and all of a sudden I get an intense feeling of dread and like I'm being watched I shine my light all over looking for something as my was around my truck and head toward the barn and the horse pasture where I heard the voice come from at this point I have my trusty EDC out and ready to rock and roll my shine in the horse pasture which is fairly flat and don't see anything I don't even see the horse which means it was probably in the barn or out in the lower pasture or something I shine my lights or some bushes and a tree between the house and the fence and that was when I saw a shadowy figure nonchalantly walk from a bush to behind the tree with that's I kept the light there for another moment before getting that intense feeling of dread all over again so I head back to check out my dad inside and all is well I quickly local the doors and closed all the blinds and text my friend who lives in town and I say that I may have someone outside of my house by this point in my life I've seen enough normal things and never been so scared to the point where I don't even make a sound and just turn it rush back inside the house so my friend says to let me know if I want him to come out and drive by and shine a light around from the road and see if he sees anything and then walk around and look so I'm not alone out there in case it is something I tell him though that so I lock the doors and close the blinds too which we agree that that's probably good enough for now I stay up for about another hour or so before deciding to go to bed as I sat there just calming down I was trying to think of who could have actually yelled I thought that maybe the landlord walked over and didn't turn on any of the lights to disturb me and he was further in the barn or something where I couldn't see and then maybe he was trying to get one of the horses attention and as soon as I was starting to think that that was probably the answer I got the same exact feeling as the first time that's my ever saw CSG and I knew that it was him again I finally get up to go to bed and there's a window in my room that faces right to the tree when I saw CSG walk to not wanting to be convinced that it was actually him even still I got a surge of adrenaline and quickly rushed over and closed the blinds and situated a better so anyone outside couldn't see in my whole body was on high-alert till about 3:00 a.m. when I finally fell asleep I woke up around 10:30 a.m. just straight exhausted and and I just took it easy that day had my usual day off and just relaxed now that Friday night it was too late in the evening but I got home from a workout with my best friend and I took a shower and go cleaned up before heading to my girlfriend seance in my bathroom there's a clock that's being dead since I moved in I'm not sure why I never put batteries in it but I just kept forgetting to but anyway the clock had always read 907 because growing up whenever I took a shower I would always check the time and instinctually I always check the clock even though it always read 907 but that night it was different I got out of the shower in the clock read twelve o'clock exactly and that brings me to right now while I'm typing this I'm sorry that this is a really long story but I wanted to get as much detail in as I could I was trying to think of how far back this goes when I was telling my girlfriend about us and it reminded me of a reoccurring dream that I always had when I was age whenever I would stay at my dad's apartment that he had at the time I would wake up and under my desk I would always see a face staring at me and smiling so the first possible sighting could have been about 17 years ago but on that part I'm not too sure because it was a long time ago if anyone has any idea about what CSG may be please comment and share because I would love to know over the years I've talked to my great aunts who is very in tune with spiritual things and basically I've given everything that I've told you here to her and after typing this up pretty sure that this thing is very bad very powerful and possibly even demonic I don't know and I'm just guessing but it seems that way she said the key factors to of the eyes that it was tangible and that it appeared to more than just me and the feelings it gave those who noticed it too anyway if you guys have any ideas of how to get rid of this thing what it might even be I would love to hear it I was a kid my mom and I lived in a somewhat sucky neighborhood in Chicago despite the condition of the neighborhood the apartment complex that we lived in was pretty fantastic that's hopeful unit had a fireplace that saved their lives in the winter for those that don't live in or haven't even visited Chicago the Windy City is particularly icy in colder seasons and nice quality considering the area AC that iced at the front units in the summertime but the back area where the bedrooms were pretty much remained hotter than Satan's armpits because of the temperature and hot more cold in this case days my mom and I would camp out in the living room to sleep on those nights anyway despite the rough neighborhood I remember having a good childhood in the short time that we were there maybe because my mom always made sure to protect me from the parts of the neighborhood that were exceptionally rough so on one winter nights our apartment was pretty much freezing cold my mom told me to grab my pillows and a blanket because we were going to have a sleepover in the living room she popped some popcorn on made some hot chocolates one with no marshmallows for me and one loaded with them for her but we ate and drank and watch Christmas movies before I passed out clearly a white girl just wasted on hot chocolates at some point in the middle of the night I woke up to go to the bathroom and saw a movement in the kitchen I don't know if it was because I was stupid tired or oblivious to what the heck was going on but I called out mummy even though she was asleep on the couch next to me yeah but the person who I saw I am soon realized was a guy because of his huge stature and lack of hair under the mask that he wore walked over and crouched down to eye level in front of me at whispered shush I simply shrugged some reason went to the bathroom and came back to the living room to go to sleep and that was that the guy was no longer there and the door was left slightly ajar I chalked it up to one of those lucid dreams and my father away in my repressed memories I do however remember moving the next day to my grandparents place for about a month until we found something but because I was so young my mom just never told me why not until I was grown at least the topic of the apartment randomly came up in conversation one time and I off handedly told her about the dream that I remember I had and this is the terrifying conversation that is shoot hey did I ever tell you about the weird dream that I had no I don't think so what dream after I told her she went pale as a ghost now my mother is a dark skinned black woman so seeing a go pale scared the hell out of me it wasn't a dream sweetheart that really happened now it was my turn to go pale I felt my stomach fall to my ass and I stared at her like speak well I woke up in the middle of the night and this this man was standing over me he was just staring at me and I remember immediately demanding where is my child where is my child I tried to get up but he growled yeah growls and then whispered angrily don't move at this I start tearing up I saw the fear in her eyes the other terror of thinking something had happened to her only child I hated seeing my mum so upset it's just been us practically all of my life so to imagine her having to move herself in a young girl out of a neighborhood from sheer terror is hard to say the least yes sweetheart the man just continued to stare at me and he rushed out of the apartment when he heard you flush the toilet and left everything that he was going to steal the next morning act up our stuff and we went to live with nan Erin pop I left the furniture the plates silverware TV pretty much everything and just got our clothes and got the hell out of there but because we vacated the lease it's kind of effed up my credit but I couldn't imagine sleeping in that place one more night we just sat there in silence freaking out because my dream which happened to actually not be a dream was all too real I would say that it was simply a drug addict trying to make off with some free stuff but but why walk up to a child and tell her to be quiet instead of just leaving with what you already packed why stare at a woman make a lie still in place and leave when the kid comes out of the bathroom I really don't have the answers to all of this but honestly I don't know if I want to know my Welsh grandparents have always lived in a beautiful white house surrounded by beautiful gardens bursting with color and while myself and my sister and my cousins all have fond memories of our time spent playing around my grandparents house we all shared the same fear in common being upstairs particularly alone we put this down to a creepy painting that was hung in the upstairs corridor it showed a little boy probably about 3 to 4 years looking fearfully to his riots his eyes tear for the direction in which the boy was looking made it seemed as though he was scared by something at the fire and in the upstairs corridor which was windowless and led to an old-style writing desk and a creepy looking at a catch too in fact we became so fearful of this painting that's we could only go upstairs in the company of an animal tour each other leading to my grandparents replacing the painting with something a little cheerio despite this though we all remained spooked by the upstairs of the house for many years after that all claiming to feel a strange sort of vibe went up there especially went alone but the night that I actually saw something I was well into my late teenage years however was still fearful of the upstairs of the house since my family did not live in Wales well we could have holidays at the house my sister and I would often share the same room too being somewhat afraid of the dark and long term creeped out by the room I slept by the window leaving the curtains wide open to the streetlights directly outside the windows shining into the bedroom illuminating the room in a dull yellow enough to see the outlines of the contents of the room this night work around 2:00 a.m. and to quickly realise this I wouldn't be getting back to sleep soon due to the fact that I was awake and aware of the fact that I was not going to be able to sleep for a while due to the creepiness of being the only one awake I decided to go on my iPhone for a bit instead before sitting up and looking out of the window taking in the view from my bedroom window as cars drifted by silently in the night their headlights briefly casting light across the ceiling I went back on my phone for a while and then something caught my eye my sister in a bed parallel to mine seem to be sitting hunched over on the end of her bed her head bound I'm having a fear of sickness my immediate response was to be concerned that she was feeling unwell so I asked what she was doing to reply again more urgently I asked what she was doing before repeating her name a couple of times and then once more loudly and at this point I had grumbled from the top of my sister's bed and a faint what I looked at my sister's pillow and she was curled up asleep obviously having not moved in a while my eyes instantly shot to the foot of her bed and the sledge figure had vanished now bearing in mind my anxiety of being upstairs in this house my fear of the dark and my having always had an interest in fear of ghosts I felt strangely calm in my mind there was no doubt what I had seen a clear outline of a figure said on the end of my sister's bed clear enough for me to believe it to be my sister in all of her fleshly 3d glory I had been awake long enough to know that I was awakened I was certain of what I had seen and yet I just wasn't afraid probably due to the fact that I had not felt afraid when I had originally seen the figure I mean I was afraid of my sister puking but there was no bad vibe so to speak eventually although shaken up I managed to get back to sleep and ensure that everyone heard my story of the visitor the next night something I can absolutely say that I saw with my very own eyes about 15 years ago I lived in Sulphur Oklahoma my playground the Chickasaw National Recreation Area I love that park so much and my road more miles on my bike then anywhere else I've also walked every trail and rode every road pretty much every day too I would ride my mountain bike up and down the trails and would be home by nightfall one night however I'd wrote out a bit further than usual on my way back however I decided to ride the trail from an area known as Buffalo Springs where they have live buffalo roam and there's a large spring or fountain there for all to enjoy as I was riding back I near the end of the trail was coming up and I'd have to cross a stone bridge across the creek then up the roads of my home it was dark at this time and all I had to use to see was the full moon I was maybe a few hundred yards from that's when I got a sharp pain in my left thigh I stopped and looked around to see what just hit me and and I heard a noise sounding like something hitting the ground hot in front of me there was a rock about the size of a baseball rolling across the trail me confused starts to look up the side of this hill and just as I turned my head to look I almost fall off my bike when another rock comes flying down and hitting my front wheel I finally had my eyes adjust look and see someone very tall and dark and covered in hair at the top of the hill throwing things at me and screaming I yelled that I had a cellphone and was calling the police I didn't actually have one this I didn't have a cell phone yet this seemed to have pissed it or him off and he started charging down the hill at me I for obvious reasons lit up the bike and took off just as I cross the bridge I had a huge splash noise in the creek I saw a large rock that had been thrown I was in the clear to home but was frightened all the way there I went to the ranger station later the next morning and told a ranger that I knew there about what happened and he says so who were attacked by Bigfoot huh snidely laughing look I don't know what it was but something was trying to hurt me out there okay Justin if I have any more Bigfoot calls I'll let you know what we get I just said fine and left the very next week I was riding in the daylight's when PR pulled up next to me and said for me to get in my asked why and he said that he needed to show me something we headed to the police department in town before we got out of the car he turns to me and says look I have to give you a huge apology man I'll be honest that's I didn't believe you when you told me about that story of the guy attacking you however it's come to my attention that a couple was out at the same area last night and was attacked in the same way saying this they'd seen a lot hairy creature throwing rocks and sticks and screaming at them they called the police and they came out with some of the other ranges including myself I immediately thought about what you had told me when we arrived and started up the hill sure enough we were having rocks and things thrown at us - guns drawn and yelling - officers tackled me into the ground he was six and a half feet tall naked covered in mud and had long hair and a large beard allegedly he had escaped from the Veterans Center across Veterans Lake apparently he thought he was back in Vietnam and he was trying to take out the enemy he also said that I was very lucky because he was trying to kill me we went inside so I could give the police my statement as to what had happened they had him sent to a more secure facility somewhere else and to this day I still get the shivers when I hike that trail and I always keep my eyes on the ridge top [Music] this happened yesterday while both my parents were at work for context my dad's a mailman and my mum is an RV sales woman that's is always on her feet so neither can pick up their phone very quickly I do have an older brother but he's a college two hours away so he doesn't matter in this story so I was sitting in the living room is my dog a fairly big German Shepherd but you can't do much harm when I heard people talking in the hallway this is an unusual because I live in a third-floor apartment and there's a noisy family next door that brings over friends and lots this was also a Saturday so I wasn't expecting it to be completely quiet I obviously just ignore the talking since it's not that loud and I had headphones on but my dog perks up and walks towards the door with an alert posture the hair on his back was sticking up which he usually never does so I got up concerned and I took my headphones out and this is when I heard the voices from before which were two adult men yelling very loudly in the apartment hallway am I gonna be freaked out so I pushed my dog away from the door made sure it was locked and crept towards it so make sure that they weren't near my place when I looked out of the people I couldn't see either of them and because the only blind spot in my peephole is directly to the right I knew that they were at my neighbor's as I'm leaning against it my whole front door just starts shaking because the men are banging on the neighbor's door so hard and yelling it's at this point that I grab my dog and pull him into the room while I try to call my dad who luckily picks up in a few rings he told me that I should just stay in my room and stay quiet and that that would go away it'll become very obvious that my dad has really bad advice soon too I did stay in my room for the most part but Michael my best friend just to have someone on the phone because my dad couldn't stay on my room is the furthest from the door so there definitely wouldn't have heard me whispering to my friend in this situation and after about five minutes I didn't hear the banging and I told my friend that I was going to check if I could hear anything when I got out there I didn't hear the banging anymore or so I got closer to the door I looked out of the peephole and I could see one of them pacing all I remember was that he was bald tall and why I had since I was in so much shock I freaked out again and started creeping back to my room when I heard one of them say maybe we have the wrong house this threw me into a full-blown panic attack since my identical apartment door is five feet away from her neighbors and all the others are down a hallway if they didn't even know the exact number and they obviously weren't scared to bang on the apartment door midday they would probably be coming to my door next so again I pulled my dog into my brother's room since it had a lock and camped out there I waited for about another ten minutes before I heard the banging calm down again and I couldn't hear any talking from my position I was texting my friend who also lives in the complex what was happening and it's stopping when the banging started again at this time it was a mine door they went through the same routine but this time there were much more aggressive I could hear them slamming and kicking and hitting my door all while yelling for some guy to come out I call my brother later and he told me this there's no way that it could have been involved in this especially because he's 19 and those men had to have been at least 25 I called my dad again and in his panic he told me to go out of the room and tell them that there's no guy in my apartment through the door and that's why I'm just a girl but I told him that I'm just going to call nine-one-one I know they weren't just looking to break down the door and that they were targeting this at some guy who did something dirty but I still didn't want to go out there because well one if they are looking for some guy I don't know if they have weapons and in there in rape state they might just call bull crap on me but they still have the info on me which leads me to number two I'm a high school freshman yo I'm 5'4 and 116 pounds and quite frankly I have no fight in me whatsoever for example I'm terrified of knives and guns so I brought a bowling pin to my room for a protection instead I know stupid but it is what it is plus I was mid panic attack I would stand no chance against two adult men at my door so letting them know that I'm a teen girl home alone definitely wasn't the best idea i sat next to my locked bedroom door with my dog as i called 9-1-1 oh I tried to keep quiet this whole time but I didn't want to be suspicious during the situation I made sure not to talk to my friend when I was out of the room to keep doors quiet and to tiptoe everywhere so they didn't know anyone was home besides a dog I'm pretty sure that they didn't know anyone was home even though they said we know you're in there during the yells because earlier they weren't sure if they had the right place and we're doing the same thing I was on the phone with 911 for a few minutes before I heard like knocking at my door making me realize that I was in so much shock that I didn't even know the banging it stopped the operator said that it was the cop so I ended the call and entered the door the officers told me that the guys took off right before they got there and they asked me a few questions about male family members and if they could have any correlation with this in the end I never did figure out who those two guys were or exactly why they were there they were obviously cross at someone and now we're banging on the door so hard that I honestly thought that they were going to break my door down I'm really glad that they did it in the end but I sure hope that's they don't return I'm an avid believer of the paranormal and always have been and I think I can attribute that growing up or at least spending the early half of my childhood in a very strange house a neighborhood that's some pretty weird stuff happened I lived in Wisconsin until I was about seven if I believe correctly Wisconsin is a hot spot for the supernatural which could have easily explained many of these things I'm sure they're nothing to over the top film worthy or anything but they definitely did give me the creeps and have stuck with me for the rest of my life here are some of the occurrences so first and foremost I'm going to preface this by saying that it was factual that the previous owner of the house had actually ended his own life my mom was told by our next-door neighbor who had lived there for a while shortly after we moved in but he quickly retracted the statement saying that he didn't do it in the house my mom had a digital radio in her bedroom on the dresser and I just remember being in there and noticing this it suddenly turned on by itself because I saw the blue numbers on the analog clock why don't as a five maybe six year old kids I was only mildly confused by this she was in the room at the time I believe and noticed it to bits somehow didn't freak out which my later learned was because she didn't want to scare me by saying something or making a big deal of it the next experience was something that finally all I was witness to but once I was sitting in the backseat of the car I think in the parking lot of my grandma's apartment at night and sort of just blankly staring at the streetlights when I saw this strange form passed underneath it's real quick and then just disappear it wasn't the shape of a person or anything just an abstract transparent figure I didn't tell my brother or my dad who were waiting in the car with me because I couldn't explain it as a four-year-old and I didn't feel particularly scared by it I just thought that it was odd apparently though I did at one point on my mom that I saw things in my room at nights because she mentions it to me whenever I say that I don't actually recall seeing a ghost in the house and I don't and little kids say creepy things all the time right but she thought that this was an additional proof of supernatural prayer I guess it could have just slipped my memory but I'm not too sure she was insisted on that too because well she didn't want to think that she was going crazy and seeing things and considering all the other strange stuff that happened I really don't believe that it was just her imagination according to her she would sometimes look over in the corner of the room when she woke up and would see a shadowy figure sitting on the chair there but she emphasizes that the figure was not menacing at all and never tried to harm her or anything and that it looks sad in fact like it was hunched over in its seat looking down like a an evil spirit but rather a lost soul that had nowhere to go after death Halloween was also an incredibly popular holiday there celebrated more than Christmas in fact which is likely why it's my favorite now and always has been and probably because my birthday is the day before which really was a bigger deal when I was a kid than it is now everybody went all-out though yeah it's full of witches and zombies glowing orange lights sticking the porches and the roofs giant inflatable jack-o'-lanterns you name it but my mom would take me trick-or-treating around a neighborhood and nothing particularly weird or creepy ever happened while we were out but I do distinctly recall one unnerving thing you see there was this one house that we pass every year that had blood splattered on the door and I don't mean the fake blood that you get at a Halloween store I mean like genuine actual blood that came from something once living it's not too hard to tell the difference between even the most realistic fake blood and the real deal and both my mom and I were pretty freaked out by that presumedly who ever lived in that house obtained it from a butcher butts I can't help but think that's just maybe there was a more sinister reason behind it but again who knows people passing our house would habitually stop and stare though it wasn't that fancy a house and we didn't have anything interesting nor eye catching outside at any time anyone would walk by on the sidewalk and they would stop and just stare at it for a moment before carrying on to this day I have no clue what they could have been looking at but it was certainly bizarre we also would often see a man well a boy really in the area while heading out of the neighborhood when driving this was dressed in all black from head to toe like an emo kid but just gone extreme that wasn't in itself that weird but what was weird was that there was this soulless emptiness in his eyes it was unlike anything that I'd ever seen before - and haven't seen since it was like he was honestly well and truly dead inside not even strung out on drugs but instead just a husk of a man whose body was being used as a vessel for something but truly Eldridge it may not sound that scary I know because it's hard to really put it into words but it's an image that has always stuck with me and my mum too who witnessed it as well back when I was 18 I'm a female - mom had been working in the garden so she was exhausted and went to bed early that day it was winter so it got dark early - I knew that I would be the only one awake for the next few hours until my partner got in from working at 4:00 a.m. so I went about my usual nightly routine just rode up a smoke and went out the back to smoke it as I did pretty much every night it's not allowed to smoke in the house the house has two floors and my bedroom was on the top floor after I had my smoke I have my back upstairs and continued watching whatever I was watching about an hour later I decided that I was going to have another smoke and then just head to bed I finished rolling and got myself ready to head out into the cold but just before I headed downstairs something on my phone distracted me and I sat back on the bed concentrated on that when I'm in order to past I heard a loud bang from downstairs well I thought to myself it's just my mom's partner coming home then seconds later I realized I didn't hear the front gate open didn't hear the taxi pull up outside didn't hear the front door open my cat was on the bed next to me - so it wasn't him and my mama's asleep next door or so what the hell was that bang so I grabbed my taser which honestly looks like a Nokia phone that my mum also didn't know about and stick it in my dressing-gown pocket and go into my mum's room normally she's a really light sleeper but because she was so tired from gardening she just slept through the noise I wake her up and tell her what I've heard she gets herself ready grabs a metal pole and we slowly head downstairs I insisted on going first because in all fairness my mom is like five-six 130 pounds has MS and is also holding just a flimsy metal pole I figure my taser would be a little better should we encounter anyone looking around everything seems fine however the last room we check is the bathroom which is on the ground floor to find that the window that sits just above the bath is wide open and our 2 1 liter bottles of shampoo and conditioner which are on the window sills have been knocked into the bath creating the loud bang of course we're like what the hell how could this happen the wind maybe obviously not though we were just really scared and trying to make ourselves feel better I think it's like 2:30 a.m. at this point and my mom calls her partner to tell him that someone has tried to break in through the window and blah blah blah please come home his response oh it's probably just a fox or something close it and go back to bed you guys are just being paranoid so we're like well you're no help so we make sure everywhere is secure and we call 101 UK's non-emergency police number to report it five minutes after calling though four police cars and dogs all turn up they look around and then come to the door and ask the obvious questions after doing a walk around the house in the area they come back again and ask do we usually keep our plastic garden chairs under the bathroom window and no we do not the police advised us that a dodgy gang had been going around the area and trying doors and windows etc to break in and steal whatever they must have taken the garden chairs to stand on them to help them get it the police also advised that my house a few streets over had just been broken into and everything was taken and the house was completely destroyed on the inside I don't think that they were ever caught - but the thing that freaks me out the most about this is that's and I'm not got distracted by my phone before going out the back to smoke I would have been outside sitting on those same chairs in the pitch-black the outdoor light was broke where the intruders would have come around and seen me and God knows what would have happened
Channel: Be. Busta
Views: 395,340
Rating: 4.7265549 out of 5
Keywords: scary stories, true scary stories, be busta, true horror stories, scary horror stories, scary horror story, true scary horror stories, scary storytime, scary stories to tell in the dark, scary true stories, scary story, be busta scary stories, true scary stories to keep you up at night, true scary stories reddit, scary stories animated, scary true stories reddit, true stories, horror stories, ghost stories, ghost story, scary, horror, stories
Id: cgxgA9FShmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 28sec (12688 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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