50+ Horror Stories Animated (Compilation Of April - June 2020)

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you now remember I don't want you talking to him unless I'm around you here yes dad I'm serious no tuck in your shirt he's here the front door swung open and there stood uncle Tommy drenched in sweat from a day's work in the summers heat it's a scorcher out there ain't it he said putting his bag on the floor and untying his boots I appreciate you letting me crash for tonight just so long as you're gone in the morning my dad replied coldly of course now Uncle Tommy said turning to me and lowering himself to a need where's my hog at been a while since I seen you last I took a couple of steps towards him and leaned in for a hug his tight embrace made me uncomfortable and I let out a light whimper don't you know it's a hundred degrees out there he asked tugging at my long sleeves I haven't been outside today I recited to him don't you have some chores to finish up dad interjected I knew that was my cue to leave so I shuffled off to my room later that night I lay in bed tossing and turning unable to be comfortable when I heard the thud of footsteps in the hallway outside my room after several long seconds of silence the door opened quietly the dark silhouette of a man entered the room and the door closed again for several more seconds there was nothing but unrelenting silence I might have thought I had dreamt at all if he weren't for the sound of a hushed breath being carefully released I could feel him getting near the warmth of another person in the room was unfamiliar at this hour I was not prepared for this I prayed he would go away to even come back in the morning if he must he reached down and touched me he rolled me onto my stomach and lifted up my shirt from the corner of my eye I could see two things the faint beam of a pocket flashlight and uncle Tommy's eyes studying my bare skin his rough fingers ran up and down my back suddenly he got up walked to the bedroom door and left I tried again to fall asleep eventually succeeding he was gone by the time I awoke around noon the phone rang while my father was out hello I answered hey buddy uncle Tommy yeah your dad around no sir went to the store good you said his voice a bit shaky it was silent for a moment I'm calling about last night I don't know if you are awake or not I was well then I'll just get right to it I've got a question for you and I need you to be honest with me can you do that yes sir where did you get all the bruises from it was a typical autumn afternoon the Sun was mellow the wind was soft and I was riding my bike blissfully down a deserted country road the hamate a man's voice ripped through my thoughts I looked around a gray van had pulled up alongside me in the driver craned his neck over to me do you know anyone named Carl Willis ka r lr e I ll IES asked the driver he smiled baring his blindingly white teeth a gray cap perched on top of his long dark mane oh no sorry I mean I don't know do you know the name of the street maybe I could direct you there I stammered still smiling he said no worries gave me a thumbs up and drove away we will do I watched as the gray van slowly disappeared around the band what was that about whatever I shrugged and carried on the sky was crimson by the time I decided to go home the streets were empty as I rode through town in the melancholic Twilight I suddenly saw it again the gray van slowly approaching me it was the same gun and the same man do you know anyone named Karl rellis kar lr e I ll IES the same question asked in the exact same way I stared that his eerie artificial smile in bewilderment surely he was not still looking and had forgotten our previous encounter overcome with emotions I hysterically said no then sped away looking back I saw the grave and slowly turning around after abruptly turning left I shoved myself into a small alley between the terraced houses I stood panting in the shadow sweating from the effort and the fear the grave and slowly drove past my hiding place held my breath counted to 100 then a stealthy as a cat they sneaked out on my bike to make great horror the gray van was still at the top of the street the driver was in conversation with another of passerby he asked the same question as a passerby shook his head I made a run for it I got to my house and collapsed onto my sofa trying to call myself I was safe clearly there was something sinister about a man just driving around asking every person he met about another strange person Karl grellus that name was distinctive enough that he could have just gone straight to the police's office and get an answer so why didn't he he who was Karl grellus but it sounded almost like the driver only wanted to know if I knew who the guy was no more no less curiosity got the better of me as I decided to Google the name in I wished I didn't serial killer on the run Karl trellis I looked at dozen of alarming news headlights and there on the page his long black mate and blinding white smile the gray van driver looked back at me the door bell chimed I'm infected you know what I'm infected with you saw it on the news the World Health Organization called it a pandemic the other day I never thought it would infect me but he did now I don't know what to do unlike some people my age I don't have a salary I don't have any sick days I used them all when I sprained my ankle in January Brett says I need a doctor's note to get paid leave you know to make sure I'm not capitalizing on the paranoia to dodge shifts he doesn't want to set a precedent problem is I can't afford the bill sure it's not a hundred K a heart attack bill I know I need to self quarantine but I don't have any savings but a hundred and seventy five dollars for a check-up is almost half my week's pay I can't pay rent if I don't go out and make rent money you know what I need to do but I'm not sure I have the stomach to do it I checked the clocks and down a Bennelong shot 45 minutes until my shift starts gotta get moving donning a medical mask I broke quarantine as I rode the bus disease spirit for my mouth like a thick green fog my noxious gases carried malicious little germs a child looked up at me microscopic predators scurried across her skin into her eyes and mouth soon she too lived green I imagined her sick and dying I imagined all the people her infernal vapors would infect she smiled at me smile while you can little one smile before the plague begins getting off the bus I watched a thousand subtle suicides a man on a bench licked ketchup off his hand and began leaking green a little boy sipped from a public fountain and began leaking green a woman already leaking kissed her husband regurgitating green into his mouth like a mother bird I coughed by standards recoiled if they only saw what I could see they would break down in tears when I showed up at work Bret yelled at me and told me to take off my mask he told me I'm scaring away the customers while spitting leak like a toxic flamethrower I protested but he insisted just wash your hands he said it'll be fine he said I washed my hands dirtying them again the second they touched my breath by the time had gotten ready and clocked in plague filled the building like a tainted hotbox I thought about leaving I thought about running away but I didn't instead I put on a smile and greeted my next victim welcome to Burger King may I take your order it started three months ago when a new student enrolled in our school plus advisor called her to introduce herself in front of the class it was a few steps from her seat to the chalkboard since she was a de front-row and yet the taps she made with her wooden heels who are rhythmic soothing even she was by definition the expected class hottie for the school year hello my name is Myra nice to meet you all the last thing everyone wanted her to have to accompany her raven hair beautiful eyes and porcelain skin was that voice the only flaw I'd be able to squeeze off her is that she never smiles it wasn't even a week before it started to happen it was the first few minutes of our first class when our class adviser hesitantly stood in front class it really saddens me to inform you that Mac's passed away last night by taking away his own life everyone in a classroom fell silent some silent sobs could be heard from the back of the room where max was seated before we could even process what happened our advisor took something from her Maggie my room max wanted to give you this love letter as his final wish my room stood up as we all looked at her receiving the white envelope without a speck of emotion weeks after the first incident two more from our class were reported dead both by suicide Lewis and Patricia were already acting strange before they died both had an insane crush on my route but never really approached her as the school year passed by my rookin tin you to attract more admirers all claiming to be in love with her smile none of them eat sleep or study well the strangest thing is that I've personally never seen her but with one blank expression on her face another thing is that there never attempt to approach her just stop her from behind it wasn't long until my friend Joshua fell into the same trend he kept saying that his feeling for my Reuben is eating him up like a bunch of worms crawling inside his stomach but he could never make a move to silently watch from behind it it wasn't long before the police found his body inside his room dead and naked with wounds that spelled out her name the next day I sat in clubs grieving from a loss of a friend sitting right in front of me was my room whose lack of care on this phenomenon irritated me my class adviser entered the room and we all stood up and greeted her and that's when I saw it every hair on my body stood up my jaw dropped my eyes fixated just behind all the black hair from the back of her head both lips and teeth was Mira's smile ten simple rules for surviving the apocalypse find the breathing mask immediately there are things in the air small microscopic things that float like pollen and enter through your nose and mouth if you've ever been out and thought you smelled something sweet like cotton candy it's too late your lungs are about to liquefy slowly cell-by-cell I'm sorry about that only drink from fast-moving streams it doesn't matter if you got a water filtration unit never collect water from ponds or lakes it's not because of the dead bodies it's the half that once they can stay down there for months at a time just waiting for someone who doesn't know better stay away from settlements any half-decent settlement already has too many mouths to feed if you ask they'll let you in but it won't let you stay they got all those hungry mouths after all [Music] do not eat the birds I don't know what these new birds are but they smell like tar and their meat and burn a hole in your throat stick with canned goods and cockroaches it's safe to travel by night but if you hear a sound like a ticking stopwatch stand perfectly still and wait until the Sun comes up they'll pass you by as long as you don't move do not aim for the heart or the brain aim for the legs if they can walk aim for the arms if they can crawl don't assume anything will stay down for good just make sure you can run faster than they can read source heal with time white sores will rock down to the bone within 48 hours remove the limb cauterize the wound that should buy you a few weeks at least [Music] the living don't knock if you're holed up somewhere with four walls and hear someone knocking ignore it whatever it is needs you to let it in and you really do not want to do that do not be alarmed if you see angels it's normal to see beams made of soft light descending from the heavens it just means there are parasites attach to your optic nerves they can't kill you they won't kill you they'll just consume your parts from the inside out always leave one bullet for yourself it's a brave difficult thing to make a life here in the after but eventually you'll get tired eventually you'll see that of all the things you could do during the apocalypse surviving might just be the words but that's for you to discover until then good luck oh my gosh look Lydia exclaimed running out into the crowded fairground I couldn't tell what she was pointing out until I caught up with her but he just turned out to be one of those fortune teller machines with an animatronic old woman sitting inside underneath was a sign reading madam Fortuna mistress of faith I love these things she explained to me fishing out 50 cents from her purse when she turned her back on me to put them into the slot I rolled my eyes she'd mentioned in her dating profile that she was into spiritual stuff psychics horoscopes and such but I didn't think she'd fall for something this dumb yet she pressed the receive button on the machine and looked genuinely excited when the animatronic came to life turning its head upward and opening its mouth making an unnerving grass chemo as its crystal ball lit up before all the lights in the machine a brothel turned off and a small card was spat out which she then snatched up you will soon be graced by divine luck she read up that's so exciting ice carved but if she heard she did not react instead looking up at me expecting me okay now you take one come on I began as I put my arm around her why don't I use the money to treat you to a drink at the bar instead but she was unrelenting please she begged it'll be fun don't you want to know what fate has in store for you I groaned inwardly but since I still wanted her happy enough to agree to come back to my place after the date I gave in fine my mumbled grabbing two quarters out of my pocket causing her to squeal and excitement after putting them into the machine I was once treated to the machines creepy animated and like last time it spat out the card after its lights turned off do you want to read it together but I asked Lydia as I pulled it out and she reacted like a kid on Christmas morning running up and grabbing onto my waist as she read my smoked for his dumb as I thought this was it seemed to have paid off my happiness didn't last for long however looking down at the card my eyes widened is the blog trained for my face the flowery text printed on the card read out the police found the bodies run after I read it I felt Lydia let go of me and before I could catch her she already got lost in the crowd before I could chase her I heard a faint sound in the distance that stopped me police sirens I turned to run but as I did I saw something that made me freeze in fear the lights in the machine were back on and the animatronics face had changed she was now staring right at me with a wide pool [Music] up until that point I had always perceived myself to be a fine specimen of gallantry and shivery then I went and did the unthinkable I hit my fiancee it haunts me to this day everything started the night my fiancee went out and did not come back I tried to call her and he went to voicemail every single time pacing the apartment Ike Njord up all sorts of imaginative scenarios in my poisoned possessive paranoid mind around 1:00 a.m. was when I went into full panic mode the phone got overheated and died on me that no one I called knew where my fiancee was 2:00 a.m. I drove like a madman to the places in which she could have been 6:00 a.m. I collapsed on my sofa exhausted the harsh sunlight slapped me with a start it was streaming in from the glass door that opened up to the balcony where my fiancee silently sat staring happy i sat bolt upright nauseated by this sudden movement and by whom I was looking at her hair was messed up eyes unfocused makeup smeared skin pale clothed torn and wrapped lazily around her body what happened to you where have you been are you ok I fired the questions at her while shaking her shoulders to refocus her gaze her skin was cool and she remained silent that pathetic silent burned the last silver of patience I had in my heart I erupted my voice shook in a fit of rage I screamed my last syllable yet she just sat there voiceless and emotionless a tear traced its way down her cheek and I lost it my hand shut up in a violent blur and landed on her already battered face full of hatred anger and bitterness I knew I was wrong only too late her head came flying out of her neck rolling like a deformed bowling low on the timber floor the shockwave pushed me stumbling back into the room or accidentally hit the remote control as I collapse onto the coffee table the local news channel flared up bringing to you the latest breaking news at this hour a female body was discovered by local police this morning with signs of sexual assaults forensics results show that the time of death is likely to be between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. today the killer decapitated a victim in this brutal murder and took the head with him police are calling for me I looked around staring at the soleus head of the one I loved and still do I'm sorry please don't hit me again her lips trembled out the words and that officer is exactly what happened I swear you [Music] what are you afraid of what shows you to your very core we all have one thing is it dark a blackness so pure then you can see your hand in front of your face could you last being lost in the woods hiding from both the known and unknown wondering if you'll ever make it home are you afraid of ghosts does the idea of demons and spirits make me nervous or maybe it's just people killers sick twisted Psychopaths they want to make you scream not sure we will figure it out for you what are you waiting for click here this was the advertisement Monday night on my Instagram feed my closest friends and girlfriend clicked and filled out a short quiz that followed I wasn't really interested I was never too big on those online quizzes when my friend Chris the arrogant son of a [ __ ] she was filled it out he told me it was [ __ ] he never admitted to being afraid of anything after he completed the quiz he received an email simply saying thank you your results are pending nothing ever came Sam my girlfriend also filled out a quiz she's obsessed with online quizzes even the stupid ones like what kind of squirrel are you she received the same email it was pretty bummed out when she was left hanging my best buddy Joe took the quiz since he loved all things [ __ ] he had the biggest collection of horror movies that I've ever seen the same email this all happened Monday it's Friday now two days later a video spread all over social media foreign crisps pissing himself while passed out drunk and a party he hung himself that night in his garage with an extension cord Sam's mom had a psychotic break and has been tied to her bed post since Wednesday they called a priest and he has been with her ever since her family doesn't want to go public but they believe she's been possessed what must be Joe was found in his bedroom at least what was left of him pieces of flesh were stern all about his room blood stain all over the wall his head was removed and a grisly cut was made straight down the center cops found a chainsaw covered in blood at the end of a trail of footprints leading from his bedroom through the house out into the backyard I didn't take the quiz when David but the next night I couldn't sleep I took the quiz my results the bar was closed and Morris hadn't had a bite all night maybe he was getting picky or maybe the city was just running dry for an old Fox like him all the pretty and dumb girls hunted to extinction no there were always others he pulled out his phone perhaps to prove it to himself there were more bars after all secret places that stayed open all night he just needed a ride the first and only ride offered made his heart go pitter-patter Amanda he said out loud chewing each syllable like a last meal no stars no history a little lamb all alone on a Tuesday night she was there in two minutes driving a little green Japanese thing and waving through a tinted window Morris helped himself diving into the passenger seat lovely night isn't it Amanda the girl from her eyes dancing over so slightly in her skull I think you're supposed to be in the backseat no no I get sick in the back she was small and maybe a little plump for his taste but the face was good the face was just his type okay she said she would be there in five minutes take your time said Morris the car was cramped but it would do spacious enough for what he needed first night the girl considered the question just new to this OP oh of course said Morris with a lot what color are your eyes Amanda the quite striking the girl flinch unconsciously turning her head away you think so I do send Morse and I meet a lot of girls but hardly with any eyes looked at but some now more is flinched more out of surprise than anything one or two the girl nodded my sister has eyes just like me I wouldn't mind meeting her then I [ __ ] she's just as pretty as Morris looked out the window he hadn't been paying attention to the road only Amanda I think you're going the wrong way they pulled to a stop I'm tired of an abandoned warehouse you've already met my sister said the girl she's killing the engine I don't think you've met the rest of my family though five men came out of the warehouse followed by two women the man carried baseball bats and big heavy wrenches the women looked just like Amanda an older version and a slightly younger version both those same striking eyes he wasn't sure which op used so I sunned up for all of them said the girl you know I could have killed her said Morse voice raising and so panic slowly corrected I didn't though the man reached the car yanking open the passenger side door don't worry said the girl as they dragged the screaming Morris out onto the pavement we won't make that same mistake [Applause] it started around puberty the defiance the swearing blocking his bedroom door playing loud music I don't know when he started using drugs he didn't even have money to keep up without habit so he started selling them then he started stealing I tried talking to him but he wouldn't listen sometimes he shouted over me or raised his fist his stepfather bill intervened once and Wanda with a black eye it was ruining our marriage bill spent long days outside driving the fields over and over with Harold loosening up dirt the planting we barely talked we were never intimate so what I found Joey's note on the counter last Friday announcing he'd gone to live with his father as much as I was upset I was also relieved bill robbed my back while I saw and he was me not him that said maybe this is for the best I put Joey out of my mind as best as I could for the weekend and it worked I actually found myself smiling for the first time in months on Monday I decided to call his father to make sure that he had arrived all right make sure he was eating make sure he wasn't in jail already the little [ __ ] never came here his father said I collapsed on the floor what do you mean they laughs as startled as I was I called the police I called hospitals I even called the fire department their calmness in the face of my despair was maddening finally I tried calling Joey it rang endlessly then went into voicemail I'm not here so I fought said my son's recorded voice leave him a message bill suggested they'll call back soon I'm sure but I needed to talk to him now I called again and again on probably the tenth call I began to hear something it was faint but I could swear I heard Joey's phone ringing somewhere in the distance he must have been squatting out in one of the old barns of the property where we sorted hay and farm equipment it's raining Mary bill called after me he hadn't heard the ringing I kept reading every time he went into voicemail I folded backward and forward brought to the horse paddocks louder hear quieter they're listening intently to figure out where was coming from I expected it to be drawn towards one of the barns but instead I find myself circling back over and over with specific spots in the middle of an empty field to some freshly churned soil where bill had been planning to plant I dialed again and lowered my ear to the dirt I could hear the phone ringing louder than anywhere else bill I saw had caught up to me bill I began my voice shaky did you he swallowed hard not meeting my gaze silence and then bill looked at me who said he was tearing us apart stop whining i hissed you're going to do whatever it takes to repay Miss clover for the damage she caused it throw or kicked or battered a baseball through her front window pain obliterating framed photographs piano keys candlesticks and tiny crystal animals thousands of dollars of damage it was just his latest calamity I gave the doorbell another poke what will she make me do though wine James clean up the mess you caused for starters then I don't know maybe some weeding up back helping unload groceries polishing shoe leather whatever she needs help [Music] finally miss clovers silhouette peer through the frosted glass of the front door paraded open cautiously craning her neck passing the door jamb so sorry again miss clover I said poking James forward but James is here to make things right she held her head high literally looking down her nose at him is that right James she asked James looked at me you can answer yourself i prodded he gazed up at Miss clover yes ma'am she allowed him the hint of a smile cast the door wide and ushered him in I'll be back at 5:00 I called I'm not sure miss clover heard me over the slamming front door I arrived a bit late but I figured it might serve James well to prolong his torture a few minutes it took three or four rings for miss clover to materialize but when she did she looked very the police as he repaired his debt I joke oh she sighed there's still work to be done but James was very helpful mind if I take a look at the state of things I asked please she answered beckoning minute into the party the place looked immaculate all the crystal creatures had been swept up pictures frame candlesticks replaced two of the piano keys I notice were still cracked and broken these were ivory burn day I asked alas yes his clover answer I can grind up a good replacement we've still got an old moulding that won't be quite the same as ivory no shame I nodded frowning in solidarity is it all right if I take James home then for today at least oh yes if you said brightly I think he's given everything he can you may want to wait a spell though he is still icing his gums I halted mid stem food is what daddy I heard James called a noticeable lisp in his voice he bolted into the parlor his face puffy and red he wrapped his arms tight around me what what did you do to him miss clover far over her round I took what was owed she said it was then that I noticed the bronze plated plate beside the piano bench the heavy iron pliers inside and they're in a cluster at the bottom of the bucket twenty pearly white milk teeth some still pink with blood [Music] [Music] mama makes the best pies people come from miles around just to get a taste she doesn't have a bakery nor a stand and you can't order them online she makes them when the mood strikes her the time don't matter much neither she'll call you up at any time of the day to let you know that your pie is ready the ones that returned one down either just last week mr. Jones trochlear across town at 3 a.m. to get his addictive they're called heavenly divine ain't a single soul had one and not come back for seconds it ain't the sugar or the fruit that makes him good although we grow the peaches ourselves and they're the sweetest juiciest peaches you'd ever see know Mama's secret ingredient is love real love essence of love extracted directly from the human body and cooked to perfection mama says we gotta be careful that stupidity and carelessness is what causes Salem and goodness our ancestors were smart enough not to get caught but still it should have never happened sacrifices are hard to come by these days the invention of cell phones and security cameras have made it almost impossible just to snag someone off the street but we have adapted we all have tricks mames his pies see mama don't bake pies to make friends if you don't rightly care what no human thinks about us no mama bakes pies so that when she calls you up at midnight and tells you that your pie is ready you'll come straight over no questions asked no witnesses no mess and when you get to our house on that full moon night and Mama's smile is a little wider than usual and her hair is a little grayer then it had been the night before maybe you'll think to yourself that something is wrong you might even consider leaving but she won't because mama usually only puts a drop or two of love in each fight this time though she adds a whole vial once the smell hits you won't be able to think straight until you get a bite and once you've tasted it he'll be so consumed with your love for mama but you won't suspect a thing when she asks you to come outside with us and you won't much care when she asks you to disrobe and lie down on that large flat rock you'd be so busy basking over the overwhelming feeling of whether raishin that she won't even notice the knife in her hand and maybe once the metal has pierced your skin and your beating heart starts to fail maybe then she'll scream but were so far in the middle of nowhere ain't no one going to hear you yes mama makes the best pies and yours is ready [Music] he gripped the edge of his chair tightly trembling he spoke bless me Father for I have sinned go on my child through the thin screen separating them the priest could see an obscure face hanging low so father I met this girl down at the bar a while back her name's Val Valerie you know how it goes down there right you slide onto the stool next to her ask for two drinks and hit her up the best way you can I mean she's great tight body anyways we were seeing each other for a month before she started to smell the smell sounds rather accrued but what about it call me crazy father but I've always known how to tell when a good man turns bad it's always difficult at the start don't get me wrong it's like when milk just began to sour you don't catch the smell unless you look for it but it always starts deep inside a patch of rot grows right in the heart and it spreads like cancer cells all throughout the body past a certain point the smell of decay god it makes me gag well son I've never heard anything like this before I don't know what this has to do with I'm getting there father I'm here to tell you I killed her this is not a joking matter who said I was the priest looked outside the booth the dimly lit Church was empty he was all alone why how can you be sure that you're not you're not delusional oh I wish I was father I was 16 when I caught a whiff of it when my dad he always cared for us so nice and so gentle the smell got worse and he nearly beat my mom to death I smelled it on my kind old neighbor and what do you know the cops got him after doing things to little kids it is my gift and I have to make use of it I know I have to kill them before evil takes over and drive them to do worse but that cannot be the only way do you not shower when you smell stink on your skin why would you pluck out the weeds before the garden becomes overgrown there is no other way father I'm sorry I'm going pop split the air into the priest saw the fabric at his stomach darkened and burned two more pops sent him falling out of his chair and to the ground I saw you at Mass last week father you were standing very close to me close enough to tell but I haven't I haven't done anything the priest choked struggling to hold on to what was left of his breath but you were going to you were going to the voice was now steely and cold there is no other way my car totaled last night so I had to ride the bus to work i sat down in the last open seat put on my headphones and played some music as I was listening I started getting this bad feeling in my gut I have good gut instincts and started looking around to see the cause nothing seemed out of place except for the girl next to me she looked like she was about 12 she were a green dress in white headphones she also had a backpack on her shoulder what strike me as odd is that she seemed to have no adults with her and she was not going in a route to school did she skip school probably the girls seemed to notice I was looking at her she turned to me and smiled ready to go I was bewildered this is not my stop if that's what you mean oh very well she got off of the bus the next set of people got on a girl sat next to me she looked familiar green dress white headphones backpack it was the same there no doubt about it she turned to me are you ready to go didn't you just get off she looked at me sadly take your time I guess the next group of people boarded the bus she got off and another girl sat by me green dress white headphones backpack the same girl this time she didn't even wait ready now she shifted in her seat a little and I saw that her backpack was slightly open I looked at the opening and saw what looked like a knife in her bag quickly I got up to change seats i sat next to a woman in another section of the bus when she asked why I switched I told her about the girl what girl I looked at the seat she had been in she wasn't there the woman got off the next stop and someone else sat next to me green dress white headphones backpack she grabbed my arm you need to go please I moved up to the front and stay there until I arrived at my stop as I got off the bus I didn't see her leave I sprinted to my work scared out of my mind and she was there sitting in the lobby green dress white headphones backpack you don't need to be scared of me please you need to go I ran to my office people were cleaning out my desk I tried to ask what was going on nobody responded I only heard bits and pieces they were saying something about a car accident everything fell into place then I never made it out of that car accident alive and the girl she stepped in same green dress same white headphones same backpack except now she was holding what I had thought to be a knife in the bus but it wasn't it was a scythe she looked at me sympathetically are you ready [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] starting to wonder if my uber will ever come my battery is dwindling and I'm standing all alone outside of a club on the edge of town it has closed for the night and everyone has gone home while I wait let me tell you what happened so this club has gotten a new life in recent years as a sort of revitalized hipster dive it was once a biker bar almost closed down after a slew of stabbings and was reborn under new ownership you know this kind of place PBR and fireball for five bucks a couple of whole school arcade games a string light on a patio American spirit for sale in a cigarette machine if you got a dollar for every beer glasses and played combo you saw you'd walk out of here with enough money to hit one of the classier joints in town my friends and I had decided to stay until last call the bar staff were out of there quickly as we exited and I realized I had left my cigarettes on the back patio I told my buddies not to wait up and I jumped a fence grab the pack and came back out to an empty parking lot the silence was eerie I couldn't even hear the sound of the city I made my way across the lot towards my car and fished my keys out of my pocket as I got closer to the vehicle I clicked the unlock button on my key fob the interior dome locked slowly turned on did I see what I think I just saw in the backseat I thought I saw a shadowy figure there but I was too far away to be sure I instinctively click the lock button the lights went out about 20 yards away they clicked the unlock button again and the dome lights slowly lit up the inside there was no mistaking it someone was sitting back there the silhouette was all wrong clearly a human of some kind but the scholar was about 50% bigger than average the head was crooked the eyes were white and big the glowing ping pong balls is the thing in my back seat smiled at me and stared a large nose parted the veil of black wet hair that cascaded down its face I instantly locked the door with the remote and the car went dark I darted my way back to the club looking over my shoulder the entire way nothing followed I was more than a little buzzed and past experiences had led me to mistrust the police so I decided to get home and come back during the day to get my car surely this was all just my imagination I received an alert on my phone that my driver would be arriving the driver had long black hair and their face was obscured in their photo across the parking lot my headlights turned on [Music] he gripped the edge of his chair tightly trembling he spoke bless me Father for I have sinned go on my child through the thin screen separating them the priest could see an obscure face hanging low so father I met this girl down at the bar a while back her name's Val Valerie you know how it goes down there right you slide onto the stool next to her ask for two drinks and hit her up the best way you can I mean she's great tight body anyways we were seeing each other for a month before she started to smell the smell sounds rather a crude but what about it call me crazy father but I've always known how to tell when a good man turns bad it's always difficult at the start don't get me wrong it's like when milk just began to sour you don't catch the smell unless you look for it but it always starts deep inside a patch of rot grows right in the heart and it spreads like cancer cells all throughout the body past a certain point the smell of decay god it makes me gag well son I've never heard anything like this before I don't know what this has to do with I'm getting there father I'm here to tell you I killed her this is not a joking matter who said I was the priest looked outside the booth the dimly lit Church was empty he was all alone why how can you be sure that you're not you're not delusional oh I wish I was Father I was 16 when I caught a whiff of it when my dad he always cared for us so nice and so gentle the smell got worse and he nearly beat my mom to death I smelled it on my kind old neighbor and what do you know the cops got him after doing things to little kids it is my gift and I have to make use of it I know I have to kill them before evil takes over and drive them to do worse but that cannot be the only way do you not shower when you smell stink on your skin why would you pluck out the weeds before the garden becomes overgrown there is no other way father I'm sorry I'm good pop split the air into the priest saw the fabric at his stomach darkened and burned two more pops sent him falling out of his chair and to the ground I saw you at mass last week father you were standing very close to me close enough to tell but I haven't I haven't done anything the priest choked struggling to hold on to what was left of his breath but you were going to you were going to the voice was now steely and cold there is no other way [Music] my phone vibrates on the countertop as I continue applying the moisturizer to my cheek send me a pic the text was from Ryan I roll my eyes and chuckle as I text him back shouldn't you be finishing up work I put the phone down and continued my task a minute or two later it buzzes again I'm gonna be a while before I have time to respond another message comes through how about some motivation to get me home quicker I pulled down the jar of moisturizer and think about it as luck would have it I was just primed to enter the shower so I figured sure why not hold on my text I removed my baggy star wars t-shirt and undo my blue lace bra for an optimal shot of my well you know after positioning myself with my back to the window I wrecked my middle finger and snapped the picture I send it to him along with the tagline dog hurry home with another quick chuckle I concluded my hygienic routine and fully undressed to enter the shower the scalding hot water cascades down upon me as the grime of the daily grind drifts away and relaxation sets in on the counter outside I hear my phone buzzes once again I think nothing of it I sit in the shower for several minutes allowing the comforting stream to flow down my neck and hug my body with its warmth again I hear the phone buzz and again I ignore I step from the shower several minutes later and wrap a towel around me I throw my hair into another towel and finally returned to my phone three missed calls all from Ryan confused I scroll down and see that I have a text from him as well grab the gun underneath the bed and hide I'm calling the police a grimace forms on my face as I read what got him so riled up Nicole answered the phone I'm on my way hang tight another text rolls through thoroughly flabbergasted at the events I text him back what's wrong I await a response I decide to take another look at the pictures which had apparently so suddenly set him off I open it and at first I see nothing amiss but then I see it and my heart drops like an anvil in the background of the image almost blended entirely into the darkness on the other side of the bathroom window I see the face of a man with wide hungry eyes and a sadistic doing the phone falls from my grip as my hands begin to tremble it begins to vibrate again his Ryan's name is illuminated on the screen as I leaned down to pick it up the bathroom door creaks open behind me [Music] I knew there was something odd about David when I first saw him he was a handsome guy tall with athletic build the type of guy who seemed to charm everyone everyone seemed to like him he was kind and witty and people just seemed to gravitate to him the charade he put on was convincing but somehow I saw through it there was just something about him that set me on edge each and every time I interacted with him maybe it was a sixth sense but I always got the feeling he was hiding something my suspicion was straitened when I randomly caught him arriving to work one day he closed his trunk as I pulled in and used a water bottle to wash a red liquid from his hands I agree today as usual but that moment I knew for sure he was up to something nefarious later that week he was alone in the lunchroom and didn't see me come in and then caught a glimpse of what he was reading on his phone Effects of rohypnol it's not a crime to just look something up but giving the context I found it extremely unnerving that moment substantiated everything I had a sense from him but rather than notifying the police I elected for a different option I borrowed the Front's car so he wouldn't recognize me and followed him when he clocked out on Friday he returned to his apartment and didn't leave for the rest of the night I staked out in the parking lot for the entire night the following day he finally emerged and went to his car carrying a large duffel bag with him i tailed him for the rest of the day as he made several stops at local hardware and convenience stores later that night I followed him to a local bar and posted up outside as he went in he returned two hours later with a friend it was a young woman and from her stumbling footsteps it was clear she wasn't in the right state of mind my heart began wandering in my chest and I stepped out of the car just as he put the young woman in his backseat he did not see me sneaking up and before he could turn back I slammed my back into the back of his head he fell to the ground conscious but days beyond belief after taking a brief look around I dragged him to the trunk and forced him in he looked up seeming to recognize me I smiled and spoke what are the odds huh two Psychopaths in the same place at once his eyes sprung open as I wrapped him in duct tape and closed the trunk his lady friend was out cold in the back seat I got in the driver's seat and fired it up as my smile grew even wider one must be my lucky day [Music] [Music] it was Jana's idea to ditch that day eight of us went on our little adventure for me it was my first time doing anything remotely rebellious my older sister decided she didn't feel like going to school that day my sister was a popular senior while I was an awkward freshman I was brought mostly because jenna worried I would snitch sad I know but I thought I was so cool at that time so there we were five seniors two juniors and one freshman brought out of pity all in Travis's car we were going to go to the woods behind the school and hang out there all day Travis was driving carefully but I wish he wasn't I wish the cops caught us I wish we crashed I wish we were crippled or killed but we weren't we got to the woods just fine the rest of the day was pretty normal to Amy brought lunch for all of us we played truth or dare and I was targeted the most Carter gave out the war stares and being the youngest I was targeted I wish something came out of the woods and chased us out I wish that hiker we hid from were suspicious and noticed we were all in school uniforms I wish our sandwiches had poison in them I wish I fell out of the tree Lana dared me to climb splitting my head open but he didn't we went back to town just fine back to a town that was not ours when we went back to school the building was a completely different style the uniforms were different than the ones we were wearing Jenna's car was gone and my mom came to pick us up she never did that before my mother looked completely different it didn't even register she was my mom my father was dead apparently after I was born Oh and I had another sister a twin sister my room was completely different I was apparently a competitive dancer and I played on the tennis team I didn't either none of my friends existed I had a new set of friends that I had never met my name was different our last name was gardener not Jones like it was Jenna's name was Lizzie no I also had a black-and-white cat called tuxedo we tried telling people who tried getting back we tried ditching school and going back to those woods none worked we've tried to enjoy our new life I do like my new sister and my cat and my friends are nice but I'm not myself we'll never meet I've forgot so much the longer I stay here I don't even remember my old name the only concrete thing I have of that life is the uniform I was wearing I feel like a stranger a poser I will always be a stranger I wonder if my old parents and my friends miss us or if they remember us at all maybe they're gone too I don't know please for the love of God stay in school I had been an insomniac as long as I could remember and as an insomniac sleeping has always been a problem I would constantly stay up all night living me tired and dreary all day this along with anxiety and slight bout of depression made for terrible school grades mom begged me to go to a psychiatrist to get it sorted out but I was sure it would go away soon and it did I remember the first time I slept for more than an hour it was the first time I forgot to take some pills mom had been giving me since I was 4 word that she been causing the insomnia I brushed it off as a serious inquiry because I knew that she wouldn't do that to me I proceeded to go to school after calling mom I got some sleep she seemed surprised as I thought she would you're taking your pills right yeah yeah - at night every night good god - see they're working and wave her goodbye and go to school for the first time I managed to stay completely awake in class my grades improved with every day as did my sleeping habits I had managed to get a five hour sleep denied before that I could only assume felt like heaven ever since I stopped taking those pills I felt alive free from the ball chain of sleep deprivation that I had vowed never to take the pills again one night before going to bed I heard something downstairs a muffled conversation I creep down to find mom on the phone he's starting to fall asleep this was followed by a short pause yes doctor I'll double the dosage another pause I understand goodbye I creep upstairs again without alerting mom and crawl into bed what was she talking about who were those pills really the reason I couldn't sleep why I didn't need long to answer that question for the first time in the middle of the night I woke up to a howling wind I stayed out for a while watching the trees sway that's when I noticed it it was only a shadow barely a shadow more of a silhouette and the moonlights grass it's shoulders were right angles and it's arms went down to his knees it was a statue barely moving in the wind and I could feel it staring at me then it turned its head a long beak emerged from the shadow of the torso the beak was huge it began moving towards me I could see it getting bigger it didn't seem to step but glide over the grass to my house as it spoke I come in asleep in hunt when you wait mum kept me awake to protect me that was the last stop that crossed my mind before seeing pearly white teeth [Music] daddy how did mommy die you'll know when you're older buddy his conversation is with dad about mom always went like this short and start even in that age he knew his dad was hiding something but what it was he never knew an eight-year-old child's intuition could only extend so far and then there were the rules like how he was forbidden from stepping out of the balcony of their 12th floor apartment why his dad knew that he was scared of heights so he would never voluntarily do that himself yet his dad repeated the specific rule everyday like a ritual is that explained eventually though after much harassment from him that he as a baby nearly fell to his demise but for his dad catching him just in time close call it was still gave him the chills every time he thought about it his aunt however told him a completely different reason she was his mom's sister and she was always nice to him during the many days she came in state she whispered to him that there was a hidden secret out there in the balcony yet she never clarified what it was so he never knew because he never dared to violate the rule of course nevertheless here he was for the first time as he knew it standing from the balcony clutching the railing desperately trying not to look down his dad had gone on a business trip leaving his end to look after him where's the secret auntie he blurted out the words trembling as the night wind picked up strength it's on the railing look she said in pointing at the cold metal do you know how your mom died no suicide she jumped from these railings nothing could have prepared him for this harsh truth shock he spun around once again trying desperately not to look down at the ground that once was plastered but his mom's shattered body that thought dizzied him and he let go fell backward his aunt rushed towards to catch him she held him tight in her arms my sweet sister murmured his aunt her eyes gleaming with tears glassy and unfocused her husband can no longer stop your wish but you tried to accomplish I will be the one to finish it for you brighten up child remember your mom only ever wanted the best for you me too locking him in her arms smiling she jumped you [Music] thank you for making coffee I say to my wife even though it tastes horrible she knows I hate hazelnut blends I think to myself taking another sip I must pretend everything is normal if I want my plan to work I look at my watch I should have at least 20 more minutes our fighting had made this morning extremely awkward she decided to GPS track the location on my phone when she was mandated to work night shift my late night trips to the casinos and red-light district had brought on an epic fight did you see there's another missing prostitute she asked glaring over her tablet as she turned it for me to see was she one of the ones you liked I tried to give her this arming smile to hide my relief I take another sip of the coffee and hide my grimace at the taste she seemingly picks this up and gives a passive-aggressive smirk knowingly I told you before I didn't have sex with anyone other than you I look to my watch 15 minutes I take a larger swig at the coffee planning my exit I don't believe you were you doing this even when I worked days she inquired setting the tablet down paying for women to sleep with while I laid here untouched tears in her eyes now from the pain [Music] she would never believe me but I honestly did not have sex with any of them albeit I did touch them binding him up and carving sections of their bodies off torturing them as they were my wife it was the only way to handle her passive aggressiveness without hurting her honestly I was thinking of her the whole time but you wouldn't understand now her insecurities had provided rock-solid evidence placing me at the locations of several of the bodies her stupid insecurities triggered a series of events leading up to what I had to do this morning I look at her and try to give a compassionate smile taking her in it would be the last time I saw her alive and I wanted to remember her look I have to get to work we can talk more when I get home I look to my watch only eight minutes left I take the remaining coffee in one full golf it's so bad that it's giving me heartburn as I stand I become dizzy and nauseous I steady myself on the table and chair the taste in my mouth it wasn't hazelnut it was almond I look to my wife holding back the vomit building in my throat she's smiling oh dear when I said my first two husbands left I meant they left this world nobody treats on me her smile vicious as I began to vomit and shake finally falling to the floor I take a final look at my watch four minutes I wonder if she'll smell the gas before the explosion I found out what happened when I looked up from the cup of lukewarm coffee to see a familiar building on the screen of the breakroom television a news ticker scrolling across the bottom of the broadcast to pump out a bold string of attention-grabbing words with a gruesome sense of urgency it took only two for my stomach to draw and my heart to pound sickly in my chest and my head to swim with a sudden dizziness that struck me somewhere between stunned disbelief an incredible dread active shooter hey a voice that sounded a million miles away clumped a hand on my shoulder that's not where your wife works is it I wish I could say that the rest was a blur but I remember it all with tormentas clarity I remember the sound of my mug shattering on the floor I remember how I gripped my keys so tightly as I ran through the parking garage that they bit into the flesh of my palm like metal teeth I remember the angry blaring of car horns and a screeching sound of tires coming to hold while I surged through traffic with a complete lack of caution I never stopped calling her I called so many times that each ring felt like a drill making its way through my cell but she never answered not when my shaky hand dialed her number as I stood transfixed before the TV not when I tore freed from the dais and raced to her office and not when I pulled up to the way erected in silence and read flash of ambulance lights I saw her co-workers some were embracing bloodstains blocks across their crate and shocked each to their faces as they wept while the wounded were bandaged by paramedics or washed away on stretchers but I couldn't see her it took 15 years to build our marriage in just one bullet to end it in the days following her funeral when the grief became so consuming that not even the sleeping pills helped I decided to visit a co-worker that was still hospitalized my reasons were selfish I had done nothing but obsessed what her final moments had been like and wondered if he could tell me something anything that might answer the questions leaving me lying awake at night in a bed that now felt cold and empty we were hiding in a closet he whispered visibly pained by each word his body a labyrinth of tubes she had a hand clamped over her mouth and I held my breath listening to the footsteps going up and down the office I don't think he knew where we were finally I heard the sound of a doorknob turning from across the room like he was about to leave and then and then what his answer will haunt me forever her phone rang [Music] [Music] it's obvious you're surprised to see me how long has it been 20 years my how time flies you must be here for Brendan's funeral did you know his family left town shortly after yours moved away if not for his grandfather's inheritance I doubt he would have returned I missed him I miss you too do you remember that summer we explore the caves behind Henderson's farm those were good times weren't they you were still a child filled with youthful energy do you remember the games we played oh now I've gone and upset you not the best way to start a reunion but we had fun didn't we well you and Brendan had fun myself not so much it seems like I was always the target of your youthful aggression hold up where are you going we're just now getting reacquainted I don't mean to stare but you've become such a beautiful woman it comes as no surprise you were lovely lovely little girl perhaps that's why I endured your constant abuse to tell the truth I had a crush on you back then crush that's a funny word a bit ironic all things considered oh I've gone and upset you again please forgive me it's been years since I've been around other people admittedly I lack social graces but back to the caves you laughed uncontrollably when Brendan shoved me from behind I tumbled down the steep incline arms flailing screaming did you hear what happened when I hit the ground oh my you look so pale yeah you most certainly heard my legs snap and do you remember what happened soon after of course you do you panicked as I drifted in and out of consciousness I heard the two of you talking you were worried about getting in trouble after some debate you took charge and ordered Brendan he was a heavy stone to finish me off much like myself he was not the one to say no to a pretty face the authorities got involved soon after there were search parties but nothing ever came of it they checked the caves of course but found nothing you see soon after you and Brendan left they found me old forgotten things rose from the depth of the earth and cradled my shattered skull in their clogs sympathetic to my sufferings they carried my broken body down into their deep dark abode I would like to say they nursed me back to health but it was too late for that instead they brought life back into me how I don't know but I was grateful now as I was then so here I am after all this time very much the same child you remember not counting the sad state of my head and likes and there you are twenty years older and here they are my good friends eager to show you the things they shall render an ER tech has announced its latest revolutionary product the workday chip with this product a person can go a whole workday and not even know it it automatically initiates a sleep sequence in the users brain then controls their muscles so they can do their job while completely unconscious all of a person's energy can now be put into the things that really matter hobbies family friends they never have to think about work again unless they're picking up their paycheck soon this chip became a regular part of life some companies even started giving it out for free to employees it was a win-win the company's got more efficient workers and the employees no longer had the stress of a job he could hardly even tell a person was unconscious the chip recognizes patterns and could converse just like its user would for a while this seemed like the perfect system three years after the implementation of the word nature the disease broke up nicknamed the red flame disease terrible combination of caffeine of blood and in pain swelling pain its friend like wildfire consume the majority of the population was infected even though most people were in no state to work the chips forced them to automatically there was no officer and it was able to pick locks or break down doors in order to get its user to work in the end it didn't matter if a person how the chip or not everyone ended up dead from the moment you first coughed up blood you have mere days to live the disease didn't discriminate between old and young every single person eventually succumbed it all happened so quickly that most parties never even got taken care of they were just left in their homes to rot away now roaming the streets are corpses doing nothing but going through the motions as they were ghosts dead baristas try to ask customers that don't exist for their order but some no longer have tons rivalled hence work in factories to produce gadgets for nobody businessmen look before crossing the streets on their way to work but no longer have their eyes these ghost-like beads are stuck in a strange purgatory they are dead but not at peace watching over these ghosts are the CEOs the top 1% they live in the elaborate bunkers and clink glasses laughing about how they will never have to pay another worker again the workday trip has no off switch and that's exactly how it was meant to be you I remember when the wife would call me outside to watch the sunset with her it wasn't much for me but it must have meant a whole lot for her we would sit outside have some tea watch the dogs run around the yard it was alright lately the Sun hasn't been coming up some kind of a problem with the orbit or Earth's axis I'm not really sure an extinction-level cosmic phenomenon they called it the way I figure it it ain't too much to worry about the NASA guy on the TV said that what's happening is impossible so there has to be some kind of an outside intervention too much for me to really understand what's going on I've lived my life come what may my wife and I decided to sit out on the porch there ain't no Sun but we can always just enjoy the outdoors right i sat next to her on the bench and I covered us up with a nice homemade quilt weren't long before she was out like a light figured I'd rest my eyes a bit too seeing as how I'm already here it got cold real quick I woke up shivering could barely move my fingers I looked over but the missus she wasn't moving when I looked off out into the sky I could see it the Sun looked a heck of a lot smaller that he used to they were into right neither I could hear some chatter from the TV in the other room the earth is falling out of orbit with the Sun temperatures are dropping all over the earth casualties are thought to be I turned it off I wiped the frost I rested my head in the missus one last time the Sun came up Edith I whispered I guess we missed it [Music] it all started with the pool one moment New York was full of people hurrying to work and talking on their cell phones and the next poof all the noise stopped the streets were empty everyone had just vanished into thin air without anyone to pilot them airplanes fell from the sky cars and trains and buses crashed fires started in buildings and parts with the fire department unavailable and the nation in absolute confusion that continued to burn through most of New York City and take days to put them out of course after that was taken care of questions were answered the government would launch an investigation into the event an attempt at finding the 19.4 nine million victims nothing ever came out of it the poll left no bodies no evidence families mourn speculations ran rampant on the news conspiracy theories were passed around but eventually the world started to move on then the push an opposing force or maybe a complementary one it doesn't really matter what it was body parts appeared out of nowhere heads were found throughout the Oregon wilderness impaled on tree limbs and floating down streams toes and fingers were expelled from hollowed-out trunks and holds flowers bloomed opening up to reveal human eyes questions were asked sure but nobody had any answers don't you worry the place is absolutely child-friendly those were the last words our neighbor Sarah told us before leaving yesterday morning my wife and I sure the funny look before I got up and cleaned the table maybe we do need a vacation after all it's been a year now since we've been to the beach and this new camping site seems like there's a lot of fun activities to do she said trying to sound as if she's thinking about it but failing to hide the fact that she's actually excited about the idea I was working overtime for a few days and my wife wasn't getting any luck finding rest working at the hospital after all our six-year-old daughter Libby had been getting straight A's so we might as well go ahead and treat ourselves a little trip during the weekend so after lunch we went on a surprise camping trip to Ashbury woods no further than ten kilometers from our neighborhood just like Sarah said it was quiet rarely any signs of wild animals and close to a lake where I can finally teach my daughter how to fish just like any other modern day parent I learned how to set up a tent on their internet causing us to set camp longer than expected strange enough while we were setting up camp Libby was looking into the woods as if she was looking for something Libby what are you looking at I asked he turned around and just stared at me quiet night fell and all the marshmallows eaten the lights off the three of us snuggled up inside our tent with alarms set to make sure Libby and I get to the lake as early as possible I woke up not to the sound of my alarm it was only 2 a.m. my wife was frantically asking me to wake up telling me that Libby was gone I stood up panicked and grabbed a flashlight did a paddle and went straight into the dark woods with my wife Libby we continuously shouted getting more hopeless each time we did I were surprised when we reached the lake there she was holding another man's hand looking at the bright moon the hunched man turned his head and looked at it his eyes were circular and yellow and wide apart from each other his head is shaped like a football and long-lost dark hair flow down from its head and onto his broad shoulders my wife and I frozen field left we drove back to our house never said a word today is strange my wife and I decided not to go to work instead we ate breakfast and showered to prepare our visit to the Stanley's next door they just have to try going to this new camping spot but the Ashbury worked after all it's absolutely child-friendly you you James and I have always collected bones be it cat or mouse we would collect its remains clean them up and present them in little glass cases we were a pretty good team and had been collecting for a while racking up nearly 37 complete sets as James was speaking out for dead bird he found in the backyard he turned to me with a sad look on his childish face you know that I really wish mom was here he always told me she was the reason we started collecting he paused for a second to look at the bird in his hand I wonder what she would think I walk towards him dropping to one knee and placing a hand on his shoulder you're right she is the reason we started collecting and I'm sure she would love our collection but she is always here with us I pointed to my heart then his you know what come with me I have something to show you I get up and walk down to our collection shed ibeacon for James to come inside a very rare thing for him and he follows still clutching divert we walked to a lump of clothes at the back of the shed I think you're old enough to see this one this is the first collection I did and I'm very proud of it and I lift the cloth hearing a very audible thud is the bird's body hit the ground James stares in awe or in horror at my first collection you're right James she was the reason I started collecting and she will always be here with us James continued to stare at the bones of his mother I'm the mother of a picky eater he's two years old then one of the most well behaved kids I know but whatever I find that the store never seemed to satisfy my little man I've put up with it for a long time but it gets old real quick the cashier at the local corner store knows me by name even jokes about my son being an insatiable black hole all I could muster was a small choking laugh because of course it's funny to someone on the outside their child is in as stubborn as a mule I tried everything play noises didn't help or at least they don't know he used to blow over the thought of applesauce on a spoon play but at some point it changed making a game out of the chicken nuggets didn't help either more than once I have tried offering an incentive of ice cream when it was very clear I was talking to a brick wall he just sat there in his highchair refusing to cooperate in the slightest I am not the kind of parents that stands for this type of behavior so I eventually decided to do what my parents would have done the rule is we'll have to sit at the table until he eats I thought the hunger strike would surely last a few hours but at the end of the day there he sat with his untouched plate I didn't enjoy it but I told him to eat or sleep at a table for the night when I woke the next morning flies covered his leftover meal and still he saw the stench of rotten food filled the dining room to the brim with its forend the smell surely his chocolate milk was the main culprit a wave of my hand shooted most of the flying bugs away from the plate but one just flew up and landed on his cloudy eyeball without a blink I really had to admire his commitment I guess he learned it from me [Music] the day my father first raised his hand against me was the day I first saw her long pale hair deep dark eyes and a gray dress she was standing behind me when I looked at the mirror in the bathroom after washing my face the door behind me was open and she was standing in the hallway looking at me with a sorrowful smile I was surprised we never had any visitors at home when I turned around she was gone I saw her more often after that always in a mirror a small distance away from me I was scared at first because she only came when I had been crying I tried avoiding mirrors but then I would see her in the reflection of a window or some polished surface over time I got used to her I had tried talking to her and she seemed to understand me but she never answered she became my friend in the darkness she was the one who listened to me when no one else would she offered me smiles with sad eyes and I stopped feeling so alone as I grew older and my darkness grew she appeared more often when particularly bad days I noticed her appearing one or two steps closer to me than before strangely God comforted me as she was the only one who had ever been close to me I met someone I fell in love and I fell hard it was wonderful at first and the dark days became less and less my friend left with them I missed her because he had always been there for me but I felt a strange relief as well it meant that I was getting better saner then there was the accident it had been rainy we had been joking suddenly I was alone again the next time I saw my reflection she was back she stayed with me every day after that I saw her in every mirror I talked to her even put up a mirror in my bedroom to have her with me at all times I loved her even as many days grew darker and darker she got closer to me every day and I welcomed it we sat on the bed together me facing the mirror and her closely behind me one day and a particularly dark day I knew that we would finally be close enough to touch I let myself fall into my darkness until I could feel her behind me I did not dare to turn around afraid to see an empty room behind me and be alone again but I should have because when I felt her cold hand sliding up on my neck I knew that she wasn't my friend she had been waiting there's an email address that lets you decide how you want to die nobody knows how it works nobody knows why it's there but it is there it works simply all you have to do is send how you wish to die and your wish will be granted within five days you don't need to be specific you don't need to put anything extra you don't even need to put your info they know and once you send it there is no turning back did you wish to die from a stabbing did you wish to die hero did you wish to die something inappropriate your wish will be granted people die in their own beds from a hooded figure stabbing them to death people die saving others from fires people die do something inappropriate people die I want to die too I desperately wanted to end life is impossible for me to continue to go through and I don't want to live it anymore but I'm too much of a coward for suicide so I went for a better option I didn't want to die painfully and I didn't want anyone to mourn over my death was to leave this world peacefully and let everyone else who used to be in my life live their own wanderer slobs so I raised my fingers over the keyboard then typed I want to die painlessly and not have anyone weep over my death one day passed and I was still alive two days passed and I was still alive the third and fourth day passed and I was still alive the fifth day was the day of the party I came over to my brother's house along with most of my family today was the day of his party everyone else was singing and laughing and yet I was sitting in the corner on my phone I should have known it was a scammer they should have known it was fake I just wanted to die painlessly not have anyone suffer over me so why wouldn't it happen why wouldn't I die then I got the notification and I went pale realizing my wish came true you don't need to put your info in the email you don't need to put any extra details in your email and you do not need to be specific in your email but god I wish I was more specific I looked up at my family enjoying themselves and completely unaware of what was about to hit them as the words nuclear-missile burned into my mind I know the day you died it's a gift I've always had and it's nothing personal either I can do it too pretty much anyone ever since I was an infant I could tell just by looking staring right past someone's eyes and deep into their future the day sort of just appears in my mind with the spontaneity of an idea or forgotten memory and it's always accurate too even if I tell them I don't tell them anymore I'll get to the point I suppose I know you've read the court case numerous times so I'll spare most of the details my whole life I've been laying low in terms of employment jobs with minimal interaction sanitation in small offices that sort of thing the less people I have to look at the better I've been employed at the local school for a few months and even though a thousand kids come in and out of that place every day I had to become pretty good but keeping my eye line low sticking to work after school hours that was until the emergency fire assembly a thousand kids all lined up outside on the concrete I tried my best to avoid eye contact mind you but I'm only a man I saw one kid who died in about a week and felt a pang of guilt but what could I do and then well the kid behind him was going to die on the same day but I assume it was a coincidence or maybe they'd both passed in the same accident I avert my eye line and you wouldn't believe it a thousand kids all set to die on the exact same day I've never seen anything like this so you're understand I had to do something anything maybe calling in a fake bomb threat the day beforehand wasn't the most rational thing to do but it got the kids out of school and that's what mattered I thought it mattered damn it I thought I was doing the right thing you know the rest 26 roadside accidents all dead 55 dead in unrelated gas fires over 600 suicides all dead on the day I had foreseen the universe correcting my mistake I am not even sure what you found me guilty of your honor but I know it all seems very suspicious this story of mine isn't exactly common hell I'm writing this for myself you probably think it's all [ __ ] which is why I'm going to prove it's not June 16th your honor June 16th is the day your daughter is going to die I saw her briefly before the case began you can do all you want to fix it to keep her safe lock her in an empty room all day it won't matter the will of the universe is unknowable and I guess I am only its prophet trying to clear my name you don't want to do this I yelled as I leaned out the office window but the man remained where he stood on the building's ledge the tips of his shoes peering over the concrete he gazed out humbly at the throne of spectators congregating on the ground below many were filming him you don't understand he replied sadly it's over she left me he was close enough to be within my grasp I slowly reached towards him thinking he was too immersed in his anguish to notice me I was wrong stop it he shouted and shaking the inch further away from me I shrank back already the crowd had swallowed in numbers many more had gathered to watch the gruesome end of an unraveled man I knew it would be just a matter of time before the cops arrived I prayed that be accompanied by a negotiator far more trained than myself listen men I pleaded I know we've never met before I'm just a night janitor who wanted to clean your office and I saw the window open but I can tell from the framed photo on your desk that you've got people you love are those two girls your daughters he nodded how do you think they'll feel when you never come home from work I spoke every word in a calm even tone although inwardly I was panicking don't you think doing this would hurt them for the rest of their lives the man began to cry look I get it I continued never taking my eyes off him I'm divorced myself it's hard but it doesn't have to be the end of the world your kids still need you here I reached for him again this time he did not back away come on I said encouragingly I won't let you fall he hesitated and slowly began inching closer to the window I was so observed in that moment that I never even heard the office door open just as his fingertips gazed against mine I felt someone placed a hand on my shoulder and roughly pulled me away startled the man on the ledge lost his balance no I yelled but it was too late he already began to fall his terrified scream matched with those of the horrified lookers I'll never forget the pulpy sound of his body hitting the ground I turned around and locked eyes with the cop tears streamed down my face why did you do that I demanded my voice trembling with grief and rage I had him he shook his head solemnly no you didn't last night he climbed onto the ledge of another building and threatened to jump a man fell to his death trying to save him and unsettling sense of confusion washed over me I don't understand you weren't going to pull him back inside through the window the cop replied gravely he was going to pull you out of it you you my father and I were really close until he met Bertha once they got married I became their enemy Bertha was extremely abusive she was particularly obsessed about my way with my mother out of the picture I was hopeless you are deformed she would say so I left as soon as I turned 18 I never saw my father again he never knew I joined the military he was not there when I got married or when I graduated college I don't even think he looked for me not if Bertha could help it now Bertha is in her 50s still pretty although an older version of the same abusive coal digger she did not recognize me when I asked her for help at the mall just another pretty lady shopping for lingerie and shoes she did not seem to panic when I asked her to get into my car in the parking lot I can give you a ride back to the mall sweetie no problem she barely fought when I injected her with a sedative and in capitated her she found herself tied to an old bed in an old house I feed her every day she knew she would be severely punished she refused to eat lard and more lard eat or be punished after a few months my dad's stress got to him and he had a heart attack some say he died of a broken heart I made sure people in this town gossiped about Bertha and how she left him for another man I keep feeding Bertha every day she was feisty in the beginning but after a while she started to shut down her body was swollen her face was broadcast and she smelled when the time came I got close to her face and uttered the last words she would ever hear you are deformed she looked at me and saw the little girl she used to abuse she finally realized who I was in what was coming to her after I strangle or I poured chemicals on top of her body covered her with plastic bags and construction defeats when my husband and I bought the land we knew the old house was condemned we called the backhoe company and had a demolish the trash will go straight to the landfill exactly where it belongs you you Janice stood staring at herself in the mirror as she did every morning before school she grimace as she looked at a large swollen stomach and puffy cheeks she had tried so many diets each more strict than the last she didn't understand why this fad blog was staring back at her in the mirror each day she turns away to upset with herself to look any longer and quickly gets dressed as she makes her way down the stairs she overhears her parents her mother whispering to her father she was such a beautiful girl I don't know what happened how can we help her they both go quiet as she walks into the room she hangs her head and walks straight past them out the door they know how to help they just don't want to she thinks that she makes her way to school at school she sits quietly to herself all day it's been this way for months she used to have so many friends so many boyfriends no one talks to her anymore why would they she thinks just look at what I've become when she finally makes it home and Janet has had enough I'm going to fix this she says the result she's been watching a lot of television and YouTube videos she read every book on the subject that she could get her hands on mom and dad don't want to do anything so she will do it herself she takes a small handful of pain pills she stole from her grandmother and walks out to the garage she takes her time sanitized equipment while the pills kick in finally she can begin channel clicks her clean and shiny box color and makes a small incision at the bottom of her rounded stomach she then takes two newly sterilized shopvac hose and inserts it in how hard can liposuction be she thinks the she flips the switch to turn the machine on that would be the last thought she ever had the machine quickly sucked up a bit of her intestine when she fell to the floor unable to do anything she watched as she was quickly disemboweled by the Machine and left to bleed to death in the garage for a short time later her parents arrived home here her mother screams as she opens the garage door and sees the remains of her daughter she was nearly skeletal - beginning now with no civilians sucked into the steel guzzling machine there seems to be nothing left but skeleton [Music] the day my father first raised his hand against me was the day I first saw her long pale hair deep dark eyes and a gray dress she was standing behind me when I looked at the mirror in the bathroom after washing my face the door behind me was open and she was standing in the hallway looking at me with a sorrowful smile I was surprised we never had any visitors at home when I turned around she was gone I saw her more often after that always in a mirror a small distance away from me I was scared at first because she only came when I had been crying I tried avoiding mirrors but then I would see her in the reflection of a window or some polished surface over time I got used to her I had tried talking to her and she seemed to understand me but she never answered she became my friend in the darkness she was the one who listened to me when no one else would she offered me smiles with sad eyes and I stopped feeling so alone as I grew old in my darkness grew she appeared more often when particularly bad days I noticed her appearing one or two steps closer to me than before strangely God comforted me as she was the only one who had ever been close to me but then I met someone I fell in love and I fell hard it was wonderful at first and the dark days became less and less my friend left with them I missed her because he had always been there for me but I felt a strange relief as well it meant that I was getting better saner then there was the accident it had been rainy we had been Joe suddenly I was alone again the next time I saw my reflection she was back she stayed with me every day after that I saw her in every mirror I talked to her even put up a mirror in my bedroom to have her with me at all times I loved her even as many days grew darker and darker she got closer to me every day and hi welcomed it we sat on the bed together me facing the mirror and her closely behind me one day and a particularly dark day I knew that we would finally be close enough to touch I let myself fall into my darkness until I could feel her behind me I did not dare to turn around afraid to see an empty room behind me and be alone again but I should have because when I felt her cold hand sliding up on my neck I knew that she wasn't my friend she had been waiting you [Music]
Channel: Stranger Stories
Views: 208,294
Rating: 4.7816763 out of 5
Keywords: horror story, reddit stories animated, true horror story animated, animated horror compilation, deep web horror story, deep web animated, school lockdown, school horror story, school lockdown horror animated, animation, scary, story, creepypasta animated, animated horror stories, scary stories animated, Scary Stories, mr nightmare horror story animated, wansee horror story animated, horror story compilation, scary stories compilation, scary compilation
Id: x8gCZuPz_Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 46sec (8026 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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