13 More Survival Gear Items That Last Forever!

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hi folks Canadian prepper here so due to popular demand we are back with 10 more survival tools that will last forever and this one is viewer informed so let's get to it [Music] okay so we live in a day and age where cheap single serving junk attempts to subvert our better judgment using fancy packaging and deceptive marketing tactics and this often overshadows quality gear that is built with pride and practicality in mind the goal of this video is simple try to find survival related gear items which are built to last a lifetime without necessarily breaking the bank check out part 1 of this series here after this video to see my own personal top 10 list in that video I asked you guys what are some survival tools that you would recommend that last forever and you responded the following top 10 list was boiled down from those suggestions so let's get to it the most popular item on the list had to be cast iron cookware whether that was skillet a Dutch oven or wood Silve there's a reason why the Pioneers committed to carrying these massive chunks of metal across the frontier and it's because they're built to last damn near forever in fact they lasted so long that they were often passed down as family heirlooms in addition to durability cast iron also has excellent heat retention whereas many conventional pots and pans dissipate heat rather quickly and don't distribute that heat throughout the entire surface of the cookware cast iron doesn't have that problem in addition you can put cast iron cookware directly on to the coals of a fire and not have to worry about damaging or warping your pot and burning the food that's contained within it over time oil that's released from the food that you cook in there saturates into the pores of the cast iron this creates a natural lubricant which creates a very similar but far less toxic surface than modern-day Teflon and in addition using a cast iron stove can actually prevent iron deficiency which may well be a factor in a survival situation now this isn't something that you're gonna lug around the wilderness in your backpack but if you do have a mode of commuting or a bug-out location having cast iron cookware makes the most sense for long-term survival up next is a paracord belt the reality is you're always going to need a belt so why not make that belt multifunctional at least if you get yourself in a bind you know that as a last ditch resort you have hundreds of feet of high tensile strength cordage wrapped around your waist I've worn my paracord belt for nearly three years straight and I swear by it every day sure it may not be the most stylish thing in the world if you live a predominantly urbanite existence but if I ever had to build a shelter tour vehicle catch a fish make a bow-drill he'll make an actual bow make a tourniquet to save somebody's life and countless other survival applications the cordage can be used for I would have that capability now you can make your own paracord belt relatively cheaply I'm gonna post the link in the description to YouTube's paracord master paracord yield and he's gonna show you how to make one just be careful that if you do purchase paracord that it's authentic 550 military standard grade paracord I would recommend making your paracord belt out of either survivor court or survivor cord XT this is a product I talked about in the last video go check it out in the description now if you're lazy like me you can always go out and buy a paracord belt if you're interested in that I'll post a link in the description up next is this jumbo fire steel which is appropriately named Magnum XL I've actually reviewed this one on the channel before this has a one-inch diameter and it's six inches long you're gonna get more strikes out of this pharisee of rod then you're gonna see hours of your life left on this earth this would probably be the last ferrous iam rod that you ever had to buy the only problem is is that it does weigh a pound so again like a lot of the items on this list they're not necessarily tailored towards bugging out rather we're talking about survival tools that last forever and as a friend of mine used to say lightweight durable and cheap pick two of those that's the best you're ever gonna get if there ever was a do all post collapse urban scavenging tool the Stanley fat max fubar demolition tool has to be one of the best tools on the market for breaching demolition prying hammering and even some self defense applications now I personally bought this as an impulse buy with my Canadian Tire money about a year ago but if you go on Amazon and you see the actual reviews of this thing it's very rare this day and age that you get a product that has a solid 5 star rating this thing is just a big bad chunk of steel which very few standard doors out there are gonna be able to compete with now up next is probably one of the most popular things and I don't own and that is the Kelly Kettle this is very popular amongst bush crafters and outdoorsman and it has quite the cult following very similar to the firebox stove that I reviewed in the last video it's essentially a stove in a kettle all in one and just like the firebox you can use natural fuel like sticks and twigs and grass and bark that you would find in your natural environment to heat up your water now most kettles are designed to boil water from the outside in this one boils it from the inside out so it's an interesting concept and of course it's seemingly built to last a long time now in the last video I gave a shout out to my silky nada which is my personal favorite hatchet but people were insistent that I talked about axes and saws now axes are undoubtedly better for splitting and chopping but which one will really last the longest that's what our discussion is about here there are several European axe manufacturers which are the preferred choice of experienced woodsman around the world and this is due to their ability to carry a razor-sharp edge and to be transferred to a different handle should that wooden handle get compromised but truth be told the longest lasting axes without the need to tinker with wooden handles are probably going to be s twins now I personally don't own a nest wing but through common sense I can reason that a folds acts made of one solid chunk of steel it's probably gonna last darn near forever now word on the street is as you would expect these axes are not as well balanced meaning a lot of the weight is gonna be in the handle and that's gonna limit the impact power that you're able to generate and they're also said not to hold as sharp of an edge the steel isn't as good as those traditional axes and they're said to be less economic than wooden handle axes as a lot of the force from the chop is gonna reverberate throughout your hand and lastly they're a little bit heavier than these other axes so will it last forever barring some one in a million manufacturing defect where it just splits in half one day absolutely is it the best cutting axe on the market based on my research absolutely not up next is a g-shock watch now this one came up in the comments as well but I've actually also owned and done a review on the G Shock tough solar watch I bought it for the same reason I buy all the survival gear I buy and that's because it was built to last a long time and it was built to run on the power of the Sun the G Shock product line is also the choice of many militaries around the world including the Navy SEALs now if you don't think time would be important in a survival situation I'm gonna post a video that I did specifically about this topic indeed it's most certainly not an essential survival item but it's very useful for managing time and communicating and strategizing with others without time civilization doesn't function I've owned my g-shock for more than five years and I've never charged it once now I've since replaced it with the Galaxy gear s3 watch just because there's more functionality and for my highly active lifestyle it just made more sense but if the crap ever hit the fan I know that I would be relying on the G shock to keep time into perpetuity now the G Shock watched like many of the Casio watches are quartz-based watching the short of it is they rely on batteries there are also mechanical watches which as the name denotes are far more complex they have a lot more moving parts and unless you have a Swiss clock maker in the family you may want to steer away from these for long-term survival purposes but automatic watches which require winding would probably be my next choice there's a brand of watches called marathon watches which are Swiss made military grade watches and of course they also contain tritium luminescence as well these watches are basically designed for battle I'll post a link in the description if you want more information up next is a diving compass Gordon Lawrence recommends a diving compass over a standard compass he does indicate that it's a bit heavier and it's a bit larger than you would expect but that it's incredibly durable these compasses are built to withstand the pressure of deep undersea diving so obviously they're gonna be built very tough now if you're wanting like the cat's meow of military grade compasses then you can check out the Kamenka 3h tritium military compass tritium is a radio luminescent gas which is contained in a very small tube and it's going to emit light for up to 12 years this lens attic compass incorporates that tritium to assist you with navigation in low-light conditions now this doesn't mean the compass is gonna stop working after 12 years this thing has an aluminum frame and obviously waterproof housing so it's built to be highly recognized for the wilderness Wanderers of the world go check it out through the link in the description most people don't realize this but a good compass is not only used for navigation with a compass in a long string you can survey and measure large areas of land with incredible accuracy knowing where you're going in a survival situation is paramount now people have also asked me what is a silky saw that I would recommend now I'm not gonna sit here and claim that a silky saw is going to last forever as most people know I am a silky saw fanboy as evidenced in my library of silky saw videos and I stand by those and truth be told for the price of a premium Japanese saw you can go down to your local hardware store and get dozens of bow saw blades but in my personal opinion the benefits of Japanese pull saws for bushcraft are so numerous there really is no competition they're more agile they're quicker to deploy they cut way faster there's far more different variations which includes different types of blades different thickness of blades different angles of blades different TPI or teeth per inch ratings are less dangerous there's no learning curve they require less energy there's cleaner cuts they stay sharp longer and they're more packable then that's just what I can think of off the top of my head and the other problem is that there are very few traditional buck saw manufacturers you know those buck saws that the Pioneers use when they're coming across the frontier unfortunately these are very hard to find nowadays now as a side note if there are brands that you would recommend we bring to Canadian preparedness calm then I would be more than happy to oblige but barring competition lumberjacking these saws are very hard to find now the most well rounded silky saws in my opinion are the Zubat line they come in a variety of sizes from 240 millimeters up to 390 millimeters it is by far the best selling and the most robust full-tang fixed blade saw you can buy now it's not to say it's the fastest or that it's the best for every job there's a lot of great folding saws out there but if we're talking about what's going to last the longest typically I'm putting my money on a full tank fixed blade saw and lastly this is a bigger ticket item but this came up in the comments as well and it's something we actually retail at Canadian preparedness comm it's not gonna be for everybody and it's certainly not necessary but it's worth mentioning the MSR multi-fuel stove this stove has been around for decades and it burns nearly every type of fuel you can imagine from white gas to kerosene to standard unleaded gasoline diesel aviation gas anything you can imagine this thing can run on it so so long as the guzzoline is still flowing in the Mad Max world MSR multi-fuel stove may be something to consider now there are many other items which were mentioned among those things were things like the all-american pressure cooker $20 nokia phone which makes perfect sense nokia makes very robust phone some of the original nokia phones still work today they're simple dumb phones which came from an era when people were still smart enough to build things that lasted one commenter recommended a canvas tarp and you can waterproof that canvas tarp with beeswax that's gonna last you down there forever not gonna be ultra light but it's going to be cheap and it's going to be long-lasting member the two of three rule now I'm gonna reach out to my subscribers once again and I'm gonna ask you to please add more suggestions in the comment section a very durable survival camping preparedness related products that are going to last forever they don't have to be specific brands they can just be concepts like the comment about the canvas tarp but I'm really interested to hear what you have to say check all those links if you want more information don't forget to subscribe if you're not a subscriber yet just bear in mind that I tend to jump around with different topics so if you like videos of this nature it may be only one in four one in five of the videos I do so bear with me thanks for watching canadian prepper out the best way to support this channel is by gearing up through canadian preparedness comm we got high quality gear and i mean high quality gear only there are free shipping options and my subscribers get an exclusive discount of 10% off use coupon code survival prepper in all caps one word at the check oh thanks for your support
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 792,502
Rating: 4.8915744 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, end of the world TEOTWAKI, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse, Survival gear best, best survival gear of 2019, top 10 survival gear
Id: un9pZK17f04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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