Army Ranger Reviews the Best Tactical Knives | Knife Banter Ep. 91

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[Music] today we're gonna be talking about tactical knives and we got Neil Perry from ready got her you know just a knife doesn't look cool it does sound cool and it probably gets all the ladies [Music] how's it going guys and welcome to knife Manor today we're gonna be talking about tactical knives and we're talking about tactical folding knives tactical automatic nice fixed blade knives the whole nine yards so obviously I'm not tactical expert so I'm gonna bring a little bit of knife expertise and we got Neil curry from ready gunner how's it going good are you good man and he is going to be bringing on some of the the tactical expertise we won't call you an expert I know how that goes right on every weekend yeah you don't wanna call anybody an expert so if you guys don't know who Neil is he is owner and operator of ready gunner here in Utah it is the premier gun range gun shop everything you need for guns here in Utah and he's got a laundry list of things here so I tried to read down so I can remember so he's got five years special operations experience with Ranger Battalion he's got two years diplomatic security experience in Iraq with the Department of State ten years on an operator of ruddy gunner and then five kids and he said the five kids have been the most tactical training experience you've gotten I guess yeah all you dads out there you know what I'm talking about bro quick so he's gonna help he's gonna help run us through these these knifes here and at the end of this thing guys we have an epic giveaway I promise you're gonna want to hold on till the end so let's jump into the first one and I was doing all right cool so we'd be remiss if we didn't talk about the granddaddy of tactical knives and that's the the USMC the ke baare USMC right like he just doesn't this is this is the knife right he tacks an infamous knife it is the name K bar has been around for you know decades anybody's been in the military knows the name K bar yeah there's cadence is about it and everything else so yeah it's it's a infamous knife for sure and this has got a 1095 Crowe van steel blade this particular one's got put on the word traditional classic leather wrapped handle now these knives launched in World War two they were replacing kind of the trench knives at the time because I guess the trench knives at the time were really thin not very good and so this was the knife that was designed to kind of replace them and I would say that this K bar I don't have the exact numbers guys but I would say this K bar has probably been the most deployed knife out there because the USMC fighter the Navy had a version as well and maybe still has a version just a really really popular knife all the way around using for digging trenches prying stuff open cutting stuffs you know self-defense whatever you need to know and I asked I asked me how before we got rolling I said did you know anybody that carried any of these and you never read anybody that was carrying one right I didn't personally not in my unit anyway maybe there's some other guys in other units it's just we were kind of picky and as to what we carried and you know we kind of used things there a little more a little smaller right right so he's gonna carry around a more concealable yeah I mean it's a great knife it's a little bigger right so anything that comes with size and you know as far as the gun world we talked about it all the time as concealed carry a purse you know having a gun in my home or my car things like that so the same application goes with 92 so he does something to be a little harder to concealer carry in the military it's a little easier because you do have kid you just put it on a piece of kit you know whether you have it on your kit up here on your leg or something like that so but but even for me I prefer something kind of a little bit smaller for sure so and this this thing goes for like 70 495 so nice entry price and Rises right exactly this was also something else we were talking about you know guys I mentioned this knifes 1095 steel you know a lot of you guys are like I don't know about that it's a low entry price but you were saying with your experience you weren't really picky about brand name or anything else with a knife you were looking more it does it is it a folder does it fit the size correct yeah so I mean you asked me you know what did you carry the military and I can tell you it's like I don't know I have a little it was a little fold or knife yeah and it did everything I needed to be whether I was at the range you know kind of opening boxes of ammo for shooting it that day or you know something I needed to use in the field or even self-defense right so every knife has an application I would assume where hey this one's a little bit better for this this was a little bit better for this and this one's a little bit better for this but at the end of the day you can use that knife for all three scenarios it's just this one might be a little bit better for this specific scenario for sure so the knife I had yeah I mean it was like a little 3/4 inch folding knife and work great for for everything I did and and the biggest thing for me it was it was heavy duty it didn't you didn't break it function to lasted and it was you know did everything I needed got the job done oh yeah yeah and that's what you'll see you guys on the table you're gonna see knives certain knives you're gonna know and certain knives are just knives that get the job done so kind of in the both of those worlds I'm gonna reach over yeah I kind of do with both of those worlds we've got Emerson Rangemaster this is the sheepdog spear point version now this one goes for about two hundred sixteen bucks so cost a couple more bucks this is 154cm blade as you guys know with the emerson wave feature this was actually something that Ernest emerson design he had a couple of underwater welders come to him and say hey we need a knife here's the specification we want chisel grind we want this guard here all these things and then it turns out a few years later he learned that they were actually guys from SEAL Team six that were contracting to make these knives that they needed for the special deployments they were going on very very hush-hush at the time but now he's able to talk about it so with the emerson range master you get a very very grippy g10 get kind of your standard pocket clip there and then just a really burly build yeah you were handle this one before and you were saying you liked how grippy that hand yeah so I do love the grip on it obviously the it is a little more grippy when you're on the field in doing things I mean a lot of time you're wearing gloves so it is kind of irrelevant but when you're not your hands can't get sweaty and things like that and your hands can slip off especially when you're using a knife it's not something you typically want your hands to fafa before we give you a bad day but yeah I like this knife the functioning of it as far as opening up with that quick open was kind of nice too but it is one of those things that like a firearm it takes a little bit of practice right yeah so there's everything has features and if you don't know how to use those features or practice those features then it really isn't relevant for you so it is one of those things you have to train with just like you know drawing a gun from the holster and getting on target things like that pulling this out of your pocket and deploying that blade is one of those things you'd want to practice build some muscle memory with so for me I like the size of this knife this is kind of what I was talking about is typical to the knife I carried in the military same size with the you know the the folding option and it's it's something that I wouldn't you know what you're carrying so yeah and the price wasn't bad either yeah you know it's it's not horrible and then and the great thing with Emerson is just try to treat and test it knives now this particular woman was designed by David Grossman Grossman let me know in the comments if I'm saying it wrong haha but he was he was an Airborne Ranger though so yeah also trying to be agree it's got to be a good night right good it's a great night from Emerson there alright so next up going back to the fixed blade world and going back to kind of a little more price point night my papers are out of order yeah all right is the Gerber strong arm so the Gerber strong arm again this is just a 420hc blade just kind of a get-it-done blade a full tang rubber grip Gerber's been making nice and military since like 1968 so they've got the tradition there a lot of guys I know carry Gerber's we're gonna look at one of their other really popular knives that they make as well do six auto here in just a second one thing that I really love about this knife it well the first thing that I really love about this knife is this is actually made in the USA which is great because Gerber kind of has a double production instability was always plus and then the other thing I really love is that it's an AM be sheathed if you guys know you guys can watch a knife banner you know I really love a good ambi sheet so ambu sheath and US made just solid knife all the way around now this one is a little bit smaller than the K bar you think this might be something you'd find on your kit I think over the K bar this is something I would use on my kid I love kind of that rubber grip you know like you said the tangs keep kind of keep your hands from slipping off you got the you call this something you hammer with Ryder I need a hammer or drop glass break I think the not uses a glass breaker you know for for military use especially the glass breaker comes in handy because you do have to breach windows breach vehicle windows things like that so there's an application there for sure I like the size of blade it's not too big but it's big enough to do all the things you need to do with it right and it is something I could easily attach to a piece of kit like I said you know depending on where you want to put it you got a lot of options so and it's in its fashion well we always talk about like fit fashion and function and this kind of hat fits all three of those so it's cool like a knife it feels good you know same thing I instruct people when they come pick a firearm it's like look you but it's got to feel good in your hands if it doesn't feel good in your hands you're probably not gonna like you probably not gonna shoot with it so you know I'd assume the same thing applies to a knife and overall I'm a big fan of this one here and I don't know what the price is on this but everything else is there for me ya know it comes in right at 70 bucks so and the price yeah right it's a great night for that and the sheet to you where you could be like you said it's an anti sheet obviously you want to be able to deploy the knife quick but also everyone thinks well I've got to put it away quick right so but that's not true like if you use your knife you've got to do something you might have to put it away pretty quick to get your hands up on a gun or something else you might need to be doing so being able to put the knife away in the NB sheath there's an application there for yeah for sure where I like the end be shaped a lot is with experiences I've had is with diving with dive knife so I like my diamond because especially when you're diving you can't you usually aren't looking right where you're putting it so you know you're just gonna get the knife put away every time so so a great entry friend over there alright and then next up Safety's on next up is the talking about we're just talk about the safety gerber grow six otto this one's also made in the United States they're just in Portland Oregon s30v blade and this thing has this thing for Gerber this thing's been deployed all over the world it's been tested in every single environment you can imagine and it keeps coming back for more if you guys haven't seen our video on the gerber o6 otto go check it out it's awesome some really great stories from military in there now you mentioned we had just talked about that safety yeah and you were saying it kind of like you were saying with the fixed blade you want to know your tool you want to know how to use it you want to know the way that it works exactly you can't just buy a knife and just be like hey I got a knife it's a knife and I'm you know can do it especially if you're using it for self defense just like a gun that has a safety on it if you get has a safety they make it both with or without then obviously you want to be able to train and build that muscle memory to draw that gun take the safety off and engage it as you need to right if you can doesn't have a safety then you know they're worried about that right but then you got to be a little more careful hey I have a loaded gun doesn't have a safety but I have it in my holster all the time which has a trigger guard protects it right right so it is one of those things like you said so if I pull this out and I go to hit you know the release button and it doesn't go well guess what I just lost a second or two there and I'm like crap you gotta take the safety off and then deploy it right yeah so there's one of those things you want to practice with builds muscle memory as you do any self defense tool it is nice though - for those of you who or may be scared of like hey I don't have in my pocket actually hit the button or I sit on it and it deploys I might you know pocket myn estat myself yeah so there is a function there and obviously that just comes down to user preference like hey I do like the safety feature and it's easy for me just to remember to take it off and pull it but obviously when you guys are in stressful situations sometimes even muscle memory has got to be very ingrained in yet yeah yeah into that muscle memory which isn't too bad because for a lot of knife guys when we get a new knife we just playful with it over and over and over and over again so right it's you know you probably have it that's it that's a beauty of a knife right you can't do this with the gun like yeah this is it my gun and just I mean I could drive fire right that is it the thing but I can't just sit there and actually just shoot bullets into my wall right well you're right no but you can sit there you know and do whatever you need to do and do work and just kind of go through the functions of you know engaging disengaging things like that so that muscle mind is a little easier to kind of build the muscle memory with I don't like to go to the range to use this exactly which is nice so speaking of the range some other stuff that Gerber offers is they have some really neat multi tools so this one in particular is the MP 600 it's got a one-handed opening as you guys could see they're just kind of slid it open the one-handed opening replaceable cutters on it and then inside it's got a couple specific tools like the front sight adjuster I think it has a scraper for for cleaning your gun things like that and I was asking if you guys did much field service and you said most the time no no really so most emissions we did were we're night missions right we're just kind of in and out yeah and typically typically back that same night we're not doing a lot of overnighters so it's just kind of a quick in-and-out yeah kind of thing but you were saying on range days you guys would go through like yeah so back stateside when they're like hey it's arranged a in a in a semi truck full of ammo pulls then they're like you got to use all this ammo before you guys gonna go home at night yeah yeah so sometimes you guys starts to get a gunked-up and you got your inform some of those days we're literally we're putting our in for a full auto we're just doing you know mag dumps just to try to get rid of this military if you don't use your allotted ammo right then you lose the alum in the next time I said they always told us you got to run at all otherwise your allotments gonna go down next time because you guys aren't using them what we allotted you right so we're just we're just trying to get rid of the stuff and sometimes yeah I mean you're shooting ten thousand rounds in a day you're bolt carrier groups gonna get gummed up and you're gonna have to scrape some carbon off throw it back in and throw some oil and things like that so that's kind of when that's done can be build service but even then it's not something that hey I got to be in that field to clean my gun like this is something I would use in my hooch overseas because after every mission we'd come back you'd have to get your guns all cleaned up again pull it out and then you can use it there as well so or if you're sitting at home I wanted the range and and you know shot some stuff and I have 500 rounds from my gun and I'm gonna go yeah so I can be used this as a tool absolutely for sure and that's something that's something great that Gerber offers and they offer a couple different variations a couple specific tools you might find useful for cleaning a gun or telecommunications or anything like that this particular one goes for sixty seven fifty on the website and then just to show you guys a couple other options that they have going I'll show you my favorite and then I'll show you a couple from lunderman as well so this little guru short stack this thing is my favorite AR tool now I'm not a firearms experts by any means but I do shoot quite often I enjoy it I've got a couple guns and I've used this tool a lot in the field on my AR actually the last AR I built it I did it here ready Gunners got a sweet area you can go and like build your own AR and all that stuff that's super sweet and I didn't get the gas tube quite tight so when I put a couple rounds through it and I use this tool to break it down and tighten up that gas don't feel too bad it's pretty calm yeah pretty good yeah so this little short stack is a great tool to have onion is pretty cool I will say one more thing I think that is designed to go into the grip so if you guys are familiar with ar-15s you have like the grip that has like a little you know compartment in there you can put that actually in your pistol grip on your ear 15 as well which is kind of cool oh and I told those for about 4495 on the one side and then you know Leatherman makes the the mutt this is the military utility tool goes for 180 but it's got like military performance spec cap crimpers so it's kind of like a demolitions multi-tool something probably never use anything I like to milk like a master breed your course yeah exactly and you're not dealing with det-cord and primers and things like yeah we were talking about this before he's like this is a very specific tool and you know they call it it's a military tool right it's got a replaceable c4 punch it's got a replaceable bronze carbon scraper so this Leatherman mutt it's the EOD black utility is an awesome multi-tool if you're in these very specific areas doing work and then finally the Leatherman Raptor this is a pretty neat EMT kind of first responder tool and it's a foldable scissor it's got a seatbelt cutter on it obviously these incredible scissors glass breaker oxygen ranch that whole thing that thing's pretty cool obviously put a lot of the EMTs out there you know medics and military that's a pretty cool tool yeah exactly EMT shears coming in handy for a lot of things so yep I'm having those extra functions on there pretty neat as well yeah so exactly I'm a big fan of multi-tool that was telling me I have literally one I think and every single on of my cars lifejacket and my range bag so it's it's a great thing to have yeah I'm the same I bounced around multi-tools quite often so alright the next up is the CRKT m16 and so again when we're talking about just kind of affordable blades that get the job done the m16 again this is a huge hugely popular knife with guys that are active in the military I've talked to a ton of guys that this is what they carry last year we worked on a fundraiser for a continued mission and the guy who runs continued mission he carried an m16 the whole time that he was in the military you know his knife guys we look at this and it's got like a nas eight blade which isn't a very high-end steel it's only forty eight dollars and so a lot of got knife guys are like can't trust it but this is probably very similar to what you carried I imagine probably and it all depends on what you're doing there like I wasn't throwing mine and like car doors in front of Prime yeah exactly that you know so it like for me I I knew the function of a knife and I knew what I could do with it its capability right as far as the Steel's and things like that are some expertise obviously that's yours yeah but I'll just look at a knife for me it's something that basically almost will do a little bit of research on look at the reviews and things like that and then it's something you just got to learn to use get comfortable with and and you know put its work yeah it takes a lot of practice is like anything else yes exactly and this one in particular guys this one comes with the auto locks feature I know this is kind of a divisive thing for a lot of people in the knife world so what this does is this actually locks the liner lock in place so that you can't see Megan on camera here we go so you actually can't close the liner lock without disengaging D'Alessio back yeah so you can get where you can do it with one hand but honestly it's probably safer to do it two-handed to release it so some guys like that some guys don't CRKT still makes it with the auto locks and they make it without if you get one of these with an auto locks on you can actually take the knife apart to pull it off you don't even have to have it if you don't like it so let us know down in the comments if you guys like the auto locks I was having a conversation with Ben about this before we shot this video and he had opinion so let us know down in the comments we all have opinions yeah we all got opinions all right so next up is the Spyderco autonomy now this is a rare knife from Sparta Co because it isn't automatic and I'll actually go ahead and hit that again there we go yeah this thing is this thing is burly man it's not playing in games so this comes with g10 scales really open construction because it's meant to be used in the water huge firing button and meant to be used with gloves also in the water and then that wonderful Spyderco h1 steel if you guys haven't seen our salt video make sure to check it out h1 steel is incredible basically it never rusts that's the short end of the stick and this was actually designed for the Coast Guard specifically so this was designed for guys in the Coast Guard to use on duty doing things that they do now you have some experience in the water as well right a little bit so family business growing up was whitewater rafting so my dad owned a whitewater rafting business I was a guide for 15 years on the Colorado Grand Canyon green South America and various other countries going around running rivers so my first knife I can't even I don't know the name of it was a Spyderco like banana yellow knife which I thought was the coolest thing in the world that is bright or like yeah Yellowknife on my jacket I thought it was so cool but mmm despite the the fashion of the knife the function was great I mean I used it 90% of the time to cut rope right worked as a deckhand on scuba diving boats as well in Hawaiian Catalina used the same Spyderco knife I had for years and as far as cutting rope that serrated edge would cut through rope like butter okay so it was great for that not so great for sharpening when it became due I don't know if there's some special tool for sharpening stranded blades but you know that was kind of where it became a pain in the butt because obviously that doesn't stay sharp forever and having it for ten years he got kind of don't but yeah it was a great knife and one of the first knives I ever owned so it was it was great for that application cool so yeah so not it yeah great experience out there doing that as well and this knife goes for 234 which is a little spendy but I mean you feel how that auto hit this thing is made work man it's actually it's pretty heavy duty knife it is yeah wait - or sure you know never got buddies and other branches of the military and sometimes I hear them joking around about the Coast Guard yeah but have you seen the video of the guy jumping on that submarine the NARC submarine yes I mean people tease other units in them yeah yeah it's like a common thing right yeah but every every you know like the Air Force for example yeah Coast Guard falls in the same category the Air Force probably gets more crap than any other unit like oh you're in the Air Force to chair force whatever right right the Air Force actually has one of the most badass units in the military my opinion so the pararescue the PJ guys JTAG guys those guys are some of the most hardcore guys I've ever met right so yeah and they're in the Air Force ya know as a specialized unit in the Air Force as the Coast Guard has specialized units exactly yeah it's not a blanket statement where like though Coast Guard Air Force there are some badass guys here and I probably wouldn't make fun of them to their face yeah this is a common thing I see with military guys is they'll rise each other in the different yes right yeah yeah we tease each other all the time oh yeah alright so next up is the Spyderco Yojimbo - now this is a michael Janish design and this knife is designed specifically for self-defense just straight on pure self-defense it's got the warrant cliff style blade on it which definite can be used for utility as well it's an s30v blade g10 handles it's got the compression back lock on it and the design for this was actually he teaches these courses marshal blade concepts is the name of it and I was lucky enough to go take one of these courses Adam voice you can check him out on Instagram it's at spartan mode on instagram super great dude and it was a really eye-opening course on knife defense in general and yeah this whole design the whole knife design everything is about knife defense did you guys I mean did you have much experience with training and knife defense or anything in oh so there's there's some knife courses that you take one of the things I liked about the Ranger unit was the only signed us up for all these courses you know yeah that like jiu-jitsu courses and I've courses EMT courses and everything else you know the knife courses is one of the ones I was lucky enough to take and I enjoyed it and there's a lot to it that you don't even think about there it is how you hold the knife you know hold it like this yeah like this I mean there's there's all kinds of ways and as far as angles and it's just a lot of I don't know any civilian courses I'm sure there's a bunch out there but it if you guys are gonna use a knife and carry a knife just as you would again I always recommend people you take training for right it's not something you want to pull out and just start slashing away so there's there's a lot that goes too and it's actually pretty cool and unique what you learned in those classes so yeah and I said obviously I don't know what you guys were going through in your courses but it was actually some a boxer and the way that you hold the knife and knife self-defense is actually counterintuitive to the way you actually hold it opposite the way that you would box yeah I thought that was really interesting so yeah definitely if you have a chance to take a course check out marshal blade concepts they do a great job it's actually pretty fashionable knife look yes pretty cool yeah it's kind of a cool you might use it myself to spend situation pull it out and the guy you're about to get in a fight with might be like that's pretty cool knife and you start a conversation and Eska way just come just become buddies this is a de-escalation that yeah okay you guys heard it here first this is a DSP but be ready to be ready yeah and then kind of cool with that knife or with a handful of tactical knife so you guys will see on the table today you can get a trainer for that as well so if you go take one of the courses or if you get the DVDs or if you find a course local to you whatever it is you can't get a trainer blade as well so that you can actually train what you're what's extra good idea yeah yeah and like it's a couple the knives on the table you can get training blades before and that Yojimbo to goes for 140 on the website and the trainer also goes for 140 on the website alright so now we're gonna jump into micro tech and we are gonna be looking at the SOCOM elite so this is the micro tech so commonly you got the bohler m390 blade there and then I'm actually forgetting it's an aluminum handle material but it's got this texturization done in here that helps you get a really good grip and kind of molds to your hand when you're using it yeah and then this one also comes with a glass breaker on the end as well so kind of just a great knife exactly what you would expect from micro tech it hits real hard this is a bigger knife and honestly if you're not holding on to it this thing could jump out of your hand I mean it's it's a it's it fires man oh yeah got a little spring to it a little bit of spring to it yeah I'm a big fan of having textured on the knife too because when you're using these things sometimes when you're cutting or pushing or whatever it is with it it requires a little bit of force right so you have your hand coming off that blade yeah exactly and that's something that with this so commonly you get really really get in spades it's just great texture and nothing goes for 3:09 on the website and then if you live in an area where you can't have an automatic it also comes in a manual version as well so you pick up a manual version as well exactly all the exact same specs just manual and it also comes in a bunch of different flavors so if you want a certain color you want to sort and blade anything like that check out the website we got all sorts of options so here's a question for you now you brought that up in places like States I know the OTF knives that are regulated in some places is the automatic yeah yeah there's fall under the same OTF category oh yeah yeah yeah so all automatic knife so OTF sand side openers any sort of auto knife gravity knives which are knives that kind of just open by sliding open that way same thing yeah same thing so a lot of restrictions and if you get into Europe there's even more restrictions out there so make sure you guys know your local laws but it's similar in the gun world right i mean there's restrictions on suppressors and there's restrictions on yeah magazine capacity bag capacity yeah safety features the weight on your trigger even like massachusetts as like your trigger has to be a certain weight I didn't know the job you like figure yeah that so crazy so yes restrictions everywhere all right next up guys we've got the bokor strike this is in the desert where your color pattern when you guys know you love that desert where your color pattern this is just a simple oz eight blade aluminum handles and this thing goes for 40 to 95 on the website and this thing falls right back into that kind of serviceable workable blade we did a video on the Kalashnikov recently and the strike is very very similar to Kalashnikov so if you want to see what type of abuse these things can take go watch the Kalashnikov video it'll teach you a lot about this but hits really hard super beefy nice thicker stock and a nice deep carry pocket clip as well and so I think it's a four-way nope two way reversible deep carry pocket clip on that now you were you were talking about liking a look of certain I tell you like a look at that one yeah so really I wanted this brain just remember this one my are eyes told me surrender structures told me that he's like hey there's three things you need to remember here and they on your school and he's being facetious obviously but but there is some truth to this he's like number one thing is you need to know where you're at on the map at all times right so don't get lost nowhere yet on the map if the RI comes up to you and says hey private where you at you got to be able to point on the map and tell him where you're at number two make sure you look good you know don't have your shirt untucked you're hanging out boots and type things like that make sure your gear is in order and number three if you don't know where you are on the map at least make sure you look good so you know fashion does play a role in two things not so much the aesthetic value of it but but there is some functionality to function if that makes sense so right so the clip and things like that obviously the group here and I'm see the colors if you guys have a favorite color of things like that hey maybe it'll build confidence and you using it for sure you know I mean of motorcycles and I see guys build motorcycles sometimes and sometimes the build comes out real ugly and the guy never rides that motorcycle so if you got something I like the way it looks I'm more likely to use it like man I gotta defend myself right now but I'm kind of embarrassed with my knife out so yeah yeah all right so we've got the cold steel this is the safe maker too this is a push Dyer 3195 on the website and this is full on just the business end of self-protection this is all it's designed for sure you could use it as a utility blade you can get in here and you can you know cut stuff with it but the end of the day this is I know for a lot of police officers I've heard some guys in the military as well they'll carry this on their offhand and so that they can pull it if somebody was trying to get a hold of their gun or anything like that and be able to defend themselves so yeah just yeah there's no sin to the knife yeah a lot of designs have multiple applications that one right there is just kind of ruined somebody's a day yeah that's exactly yeah they're trying to ruin your day I guess that's where you go right so 3195 on the website for that and it's a great backup blade if you are primarily carrying a firearm or something like that a great style for backup light all right next up we have the protec tr3 this is the SWAT edition this thing goes are about a hundred bucks on the website you got 154cm blade aluminum handles made in the USA amazing warranty you guys know how much we look protec they do a great job and i don't know if you've ever fired a pro check before but you got to feel that thing they are there's just something different about him it just feels smooth is smooth yeah you know like the other ones on the table they've been good but mandals protex are just smooth yeah that's a clean knife yeah it's a great knife and you know this is a knife that we see a lot of police officers carry Dave from protec has some great stories of guys in the military carrying these as well so super great knife and not one that's gonna come up on you or anything like that and then like I said one 7995 on the website for that one guys all right next up is one that I snuck in like I said I'm not a tactical expert by any means but I've fallen in love with this knife and I think it's got some some good applications I'm interest to see what you think okay so this is the benchmade outlast and obviously I had to ruin the open on it when I build it up so much right so the benchmade Outlets goes for about 255 on the website now the cool thing about this knife and I've been carrying this knife a ton I've just been loving it is that it has two blades so the primary blade is s30v just regular plain edge blade and then you close it with the access lock and then on the same access lock you've got a secondary blade which is a 3d blade full serration with pride tip on the end of it and then on top of that it's knife just got all sorts of fun stuff about it it's got a seat belt cutter built in and then it also has a glass breaker built in as well and then nice deep carry pocket clip sort of disappears in your pocket so obviously this would be it make a really great like first-responder knife but you're mentioning earlier when you're carrying that Spyderco that full serration was kind of promising to have a plain edge as well correct I'm sorry what do you think bout something like that I like I mean obviously a lot of different applications you can use this for here what you like just kind of like three knives in one type of thing yes actually it's not it just heavies you it's big but it's not a brick right exactly so yeah it's kind of cool I mean this would be good for something like a go-bag or something like that you know obviously somewhere you'd be cutting rope or you'd be carving maybe like a bone grill the start a fire or sticks or whatever it is you need to do for you know survival situations so it's pretty cool I like it yeah yes it's a fun one that's actually what I carry and grip too yeah that's actually what I'm carrying today and I'll show you guys that pride tip gets a lot of a lot of use I tend to beat my knives up quite a bit so that's what they're for yeah I like this one because it's it's it wants to go to work what's a price on that guy two fifty five on that one yeah so definitely a more of a premium blade but you know you get some high-end steel as things like that all right so next up from benchmade is the infidel OTF now this one is the blade HQ exclusive in the green that we have here you get a deep carry pocket clip you guys remember from one of the nice banners we did it has podium jimping so that's the type of Jim being it on the firing button and then also it's got an s30v blade now what's interesting about this is I contacted benchmade and I just kind of talked to him about some of the knives some of the most common knives that get deployed things like that and they said the infidel by far is one that's that's deployed a lot you said you didn't see a lot of OTS they weren't popular when my yeah I mean I don't know when OTS became popular I was in you know this is 2004 through 2009 so yeah I don't know the popularity or with the history these these knives are but I didn't see him a lot yeah totally and we were kind of talking about it before guys you know we've talked about ot FS as tactical knives we talked about OTS as you know self-defense knives things of that nature and specifically with the infidel that's kind of what it's designed around is self-defense but you were saying that it seems like it has more mechanism more movement maybe well maybe potential for more failure yeah for me I mean that's a great knife I could do this all day I could sit at my desk in just yes but having said that to like what's the and I don't know if these come with hey this can be deployed you know five thousand times before you start having issues I don't know the function of it but for me it seems like something you know that that has more ability to have some kind of you know malfunction yeah right don't so a more moving parts something that's you know maybe I go to do this when I need it in a sticky situation and maybe doesn't deploy a half deploys or something like that but again that's just me from like an uneducated yeah but on the other hand you know this knife does look cool it does sound cool and it probably gets all the ladies and so that's a it's a chick magnet night night and I can sit at my desk constantly and just kind of working my laptop and just do this nice boy Billy and obviously be able to do that and deploy the knife pretty quick there's a ton of value there yeah obviously I just again don't know what the function of this would be as far as durability for sure so let us know down in the comments guys so you know a lot of us have experience with ot F's I personally have a couple OTS never had any failure problems myself but let us know if you guys have any like infield experience with the infidel or with an ultra tech or anything like that I'd love to know down in the comments I'd be curious to yeah yeah so yeah just because I don't have experience with it so let's know and that goes for 437 75 on the website alright so next up is this is actually a mutual friend of ours next up is hope knives so we've got the Hoke ex-01 hope makes a bunch of incredible knives I just grabbed this one to kind of show you guys this one in particular but as you can tell super beefy build and design this is an Allen a wish it's Alysha wits design you get 154cm blade really snappy action all made in the USA incredible warranty I mean everything you would expect from Hogue all-in-one knife which is great and they make a ton of different versions ton of different playing styles colors fits finish you name it they've got it so big fan of these and then something cool that clove does stolen tactical egg but also on the on the cool end yeah is that they have these sick variations as well and you actually downstairs you actually have the matching sig fullness right I did I mean if you're gonna buy a cool-looking gun you might as well get a cool lookin I have to go with there you go this is the signet in 11 emperor scorpion and this is the matching I have to go with this so one of the things they've done is they've kind of matched up a few of their knives to some of the sig finishes like the Legion and things like that which is kind of cool - yeah it's been popular among the gun community - to get the match you're gonna have to go with the end so and I have a couple of the hoax - I love them I beat the crap out of those things that haven't had issues with them so yeah say in far as my experience with knives you know I can said I'm kind of rough on my knives as I'm sure you are as well oh yeah and I just want to make sure they work at the end of the day I just want my knife to work not malfunction or break or things like yeah I want to work every time matter and the same thing I carry a microwave switch around which is kind of their smaller version and I put that thing through the wringer and just keeps coming back for more so hugs are great knives and they work with a lot of military they work with a lot of police so it's it tried and tried and proven knives and the regular ao1 goes 4 to 12 and that emperor scorpion version goes for 229 alright coming up here on the end guys sweet giveaway in just a minute so one of our last knives we have on the table is the tops knives this is the cut 4.0 this was designed by Joshua's Wang swanigan I always say it wrong swanigan sorry dude Joshua's went again this is a 1095 blade with that awesome tops micarta handle this has got the Karambit ring to it now crammed it's generally are designed as primarily a self-defense knife but this one was designed with both self-defense and utility in mind and then it comes with a really nice high tech sheet that you can carry scout carry or you can you know change up the sheath and carry it any way you like but on your kid or your gear whatever you got going so I say cut an eye on that one have you it's cool I mean that's great look your knife you mind if I take it yeah go for it all right you know this I mean again I don't know about the the durability or the quality of the steel but it looks great I like the grip on it and it's just a good feeling knife again like I said coming down to a knife that has a great grip feels get in your hands and we all have different sized mitts right so for me and my big Rolla hands you know this is this is actually a good feeling knife and yeah thin that it feel like it could work with and I have my hands just up off for things like that it's it's it's a nice knife yeah tops makes makes a really great knife it actually chose this one because this is one of your guys's favorites but to be honest if you're looking for a tactical fixed blade tops makes incredible knife so check out the website because they've got just a ton of amazing technical fix blades you can choose from and that tops that cut 4.0 goes for 110 on the website alright last knife on the table we've got we can't talk about tactical knives without talking about zero tolerance so we got a ZT oh five six - this is the Thai version this comes with a CPM 20 CV blade so really really great blade I'm never gonna let you down titanium handles nice deep carry pocket clip and then it's a hinderer design so you know that it's it's built well and it's built with use in mind because Rick Enders famous for hard use knives now zero tolerance was originally founded to help out the military and stuff that's actually where they came from Kennon was one of the founders for it and they they started specifically to make no hard use knives from the Terry and four police officers and that's what we get here now this one in particular it's got a titanium handle I'm personally not a huge fan of that get that Morris Lake service yeah it's a little more a little more of a slick surface and a lot of those eating now actually come in a titanium or carbon fiber which is a little more of a slick surface so let us know guys if you guys are using a titanium or carbon ZT out there for more tactical applications I'd love to hear how that goes I think it's just a preference of mine I don't think it's a shortcoming just my preference yeah I mean for me again it's like you use this your hands are sweaty you don't have gloves your hands can slide off of this I don't know how this isn't cold weather you know probably gets any pretty cold a bit but overall the fashions are yeah the fashion thing well and it's a beefy blade too I mean this thing again Rick kinder he's he's famous for just really beefy overbuilt designs so you could take this thing out just beat it to death and it'll just ask for more yeah yeah and that goes for or 280 on the website guys beauty all right man it was a lot of nice it was a lot of millets I've noticed there's a lot of military applications here a lot of guys making knives for the military design the military's probably there's a lot of feedback from the military on the building yeah a lot of designs that we see on the table came from direct feedback from the military yeah we I mean those guys are out every day just kind of doing the things that required these kind of tools right and doesn't mean that there's no civilian application for but obviously you want to be ready for anything even though you're not going down and kicking down doors every night it doesn't you never know when she is gonna hit the fan for you guys here you know state said so yeah nice for me we did a video on this a long time ago where you know what are the top things you need in a go-bag and knives is probably one to two it on top of the list like for me it's number one yeah you know if I had to pick one thing to be stranded in the desert with or in the woods with wherever it is it's a knife I mean there's a lot of things you can do with it there's a lot of applications for it and it can be used for you know creating other tools and creating ones creating shelter or you know hunting with so it's it's a great great tool yeah it's for me I see knives as a primary tool in any kit oh yeah I'm sure all right well we're at the end guys so as promised is time for an epic way and Neal was digging on this strong arm here so I think we need to have a strong arm I really like hope I think we need a hope and we're just picking stuff now he's picking stuff we're just big enough but you know what because you also said you liked it and I actually really liked it we got this the Gerber AR tool as well great so what we guys guys here is we've got the Gerber strong arm that we're gonna be giving away we've got the Hoke exa o1 that were being given away and then we've got the Gerber AR tool that we're going to be giving away we're gonna be giving away they're on Instagram is where there's gonna be happening now you said at the beginning that ready I don't want to jump it on this as well yeah we'd love to just throw on something for you guys we'll give you a $250 gift certificate to the website to buy basically anything so you can apply that to a gun you can apply that to our air fifty monthly subscription plan or any of the many other things we sell on the website clothing apparel gear accessories you know upgrades right here 15 things like that so yeah that's pretty sweet now I want to win all right guys so this is a big big giveaway so what you need to do is head over to instagram at lady xq on Instagram and we'll have all of the giveaway details there thanks so much for being on may be appreciate it it has been fun and we'll see you guys on the next one thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 1,098,202
Rating: 4.8380427 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Knife Banter, Ready Gunner, Tactical Knives, Tactical, Folding Knife, Pocket Knife, Automatic Knife, Knives, Knife, Steel, Military, Special Forces, Police, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force, Gerber, Microtech, Benchmade, Leatherman, Protech, Spyderco
Id: WgpR-7VLiMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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