10 Best Survival Foods to Stockpile for Disaster

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[Music] hi folks canadian prepper here so today we find ourselves in some unpredictable economic times and that's why it's important that we make every single dollar count that's why today we're going to be going over the top 10 survival and preparedness foods let's get to it now before we dive into my top 10 picks let's talk about how far a dollar will go today that is before that dollar becomes hyperinflated in terms of getting you calories well the grid is fully operational how many calories can you get for a dollar in different types of foods well let's think about this one dollar will get you 100 calories worth of survival tabs if you don't know what they are there's a link in the description but hold on because after i do this video you may not want to do that one dollar by 2020 standards or should i say august 2020 standards will get you 100 calories of freeze dry food 30-year shelf life tastes amazing but you're only getting one calorie per penny spent now that might sound like a lot except when you consider that the average person needs somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 calories per day to survive what about mres well a buck will get you 120 calories what about deltrex ration bars aka dog food well a dollar will get you about 200 calories in that garbage what about dehydrated fruit 250 calories what about honey last damn near forever in the right conditions 300 calories milk powder 500 calories what about ramen noodles with that little delicious packet of monosodium glutamate 1300 calories spaghetti 1400 calories kidney beans fifteen hundred calories for one dollar spent peanut butter sixteen hundred calories oats two thousand calories one dollar will get you three thousand calories worth of canola oil what about sugar plain old refined sugar 3 500 calories for one dollar spent what about the holy grail staple of preparedness rice one dollar will get you 4 000 calories worth of rice yes indeed you can live off a dollar a day if you do it right now in the top spot and to the best of my knowledge the best possible bang for your buck that you can get is flour one dollar can buy you approximately 4 500 calories worth of wheat flour now you may want to end this video right here and just go out and buy a bunch of flour but as we're going to talk about today the price per calorie is not the only factor in building out your preparedness food supply so let's get to it i've done an extensive deep dive into how i rate preparedness and survival foods in my video the prepper food survival index in that video i go over 10 main dimensions that i measure how good a survival food is longevity storage requirements taste cost the preparation required micro and macro nutrients available how accessible is that food does jeff bezos have to send it to you from one of his factories or can you just walk down to the corner store what about the durability of the packaging how versatile are the accessories that come with that food this will become more apparent when we talk about mres and lastly how good would that food be in terms of trade or barter or donating it to people in need in addition to all these factors you have to ask yourself are you preparing for a bug in situation or a bug out situation is it an emergency or evacuation kit that you're trying to build is it something that you're gonna put on a lifeboat put in a vehicle or is it something you're just gonna store in the closet for 25 years all of these things factor into the type of food that you're going to want to purchase now if you're on a budget cost is obviously going to be at the top your priority list and you probably already exited the video and are at the grocery store stocking up on flour and rice but i would advise you especially if you have young generation z or a children in your household that you really try to focus a bit more on taste especially if you're talking about long-term food storage because let's face it if you're preparing for the end of days and you're going to have to eat something for months if not years on end in the worst of scenarios you want to make sure that you're not vomiting it all up after the seventh day of eating the stuff now if you're talking about something to put in a three-day survival kit then realistically the food doesn't have to taste that good that is because when people are starving when people are hungry they'll eat practically anything and that's kind of a scary thought if you've watched any post-apocalyptic movies you probably know what i'm talking about because remember there was a time when our species ate everything raw it's only in the last 10 000 years that our palate has become so specialized and only in the last hundred when we've had refrigeration and mcdonald's so let's get to the list now this is a bonus one so this is going to be the 11th on my list and that is powdered peanut butter the reason why it's 11th is because it's a lot more expensive than normal peanut butter but with a 15-year shelf life instead of the normal two years for peanut butter but as i said before peanut butter and itself as a short-term emergency preparedness food will work just fine all of the foods that i talk about today are going to be palatable well after the best before date if you store them properly typically that involves storing it in a cool dry and dark place if possible and make sure whatever you store is in an airtight container which is going to be impenetrable to pests up next is the tack bar now this is an emergency food ration bar and this is going to be great for a boat for a bug out bag for a emergency vehicle kit part of the reason why it's so great is that it offers you all the benefits of a deltrex bar meaning that you don't need anything to prepare it you basically open the package and you start eating it it has a relatively decent shelf life of five years it tastes better than the deltrex bars i've actually done a review on the tack bar if you want to go and check it out as has the urban preppers channel his review is far more adventurous than mine so make sure you check that out now the price per calorie is going to be a bit higher so this is definitely not something you want to store a lot of because you certainly don't want to be eating this every day several weeks after the apocalypse hits this is something you want for those one-off emergency situations maybe your car breaks down you're stuck out on a back row and you got to make your way back to the city it's going to take you a day or two that would be the perfect situation for this or maybe you're on some mission of sorts and you don't want to draw attention to yourself by cooking things and having excess packaging and things of that nature the tack bar is a great low key option up next is probably going to be the survival tabs now like i said before the survival tabs in terms of the price per calorie ratio is terrible you're only getting one calorie for every penny spent but the great thing about survival tabs is that they have what's called a high biological value that means that the calories that are in it your body is actually recognizing and absorbs survival tabs have been around for a long time they have a sweet taste to them but just like the tack bar it's not something you're going to want to eat over and over again for emergency use case scenarios only next is not a food at all and is not going to afford you any calories but it's going to be an excellent barter item and it's something that most of us have become addicted to while the lights are on that is coffee and in fact instant coffee will last 25 years if properly stored so make sure you store some instant coffee because i'm pretty sure you're going to be able to get something for it at barter town you might even get some ammo remember there was a time when people traveled across the world just to trade tea and spices now on the topic of tea it's not going to last as long but of course you still have nature at your disposal and no matter where you are on this earth there's a good chance you'll be able to find something to make tea out of pine tea in particular up next is powdered eggs powdered eggs are going to be a great source of protein and they're going to store between 5 to 10 years they're also going to be very high on the versatility dimension meaning that you're going to be able to mix it with a variety of things and because it's eggs which is in the same class as a meat protein it's going to provide you with a lot of the essential amino acids that you need to survive that your body cannot make on its own our bodies can manufacture the majority of the proteins that we need to survive but there are a select few that we can't that's why it's important that you factor this in to your preparedness now we're going to talk about that a little bit more in a minute no matter what kind of food you store make sure there's a lot of attention paid to your micro and macro nutrient needs now if you waited too long and the shift is hitting the fan go down to your local grocery store and stock up on tuna yeah i know it's probably chock full of mercury but starvation will probably kill you long before mercury will tuna is a very cheap source of protein which should keep for three years but in some cases if properly stored in a cool dry place and undisturbed unopened kept in a sealed container it can keep a significant period of time over that i've heard anywhere up to five years but i must warn you do so at your own risk contracting some sort of disease by eating bad food after the [ __ ] hits the fan could be one of the biggest mistakes you've made which is why you might want to consider some of these other options that we're going to talk about tuna is great because it's a very low-cost form of protein which is already prepared that's another thing you need to consider when building a preparedness food pantry is how much energy is it going to take to cook it because right now all you have to do is turn on the stove and that electricity is converted into heat energy well that takes a lot of electricity and if you don't have electricity you're going to need wood to make fire in order to cook your food if something doesn't have to be cooked and it's still relatively palatable meat in particular well that's a pretty good deal when energy has to be rationed up next is going to be condiments and i know there's not a whole lot of micro and macronutrients with the exception of salt but you're going to need condiments to make your food palatable we've all grown up in a novel world of condiments and to bridge that gap and to make it just a bit easier we should invest in things like sugar salt vinegar bouillon like chicken or beef bouillon even soy sauce these things are going to last indefinitely soy sauce is a great bet if stored in a cool dry place in a sealed container because there's so much sodium in there there's a good chance that nothing is going to survive now number five is honey or maple syrup honey is nature's candy it lasts forever in its non-refined form it has a lot of great healthy enzymes to it it has a variety of other uses so the versatility factor you can use it as a topical ointment for antibiotic purposes honey is an incredibly rare treat which also is going to have a lot of barter potential so honey or maple syrup pure maple syrup that is should be a staple of your preparedness food supply now number four is going to be milk powder milk is one of the only complete proteins which is going to last up to 15 years if properly stored everything the human body needs can be found in milk powder and i promised you i was going to talk about it some more but this is going to go really well with your instant coffee so every prepper should have milk powder in their pantry i would advise storing it in mylar bags links for those will be in the description number three is going to be meals ready to eat an mre now what is an mre for and what isn't it for in my personal opinion an mre is not something i'm going to stockpile in mass but i do think that every household in america should at least have a few boxes of mres the reason why mres are going to be even better than the foods i'm going to talk about next is because they were designed for military operations in the field everything that the soldier needs in order to have their diverse meal which theoretically is supposed to provide all of their nutrient needs is provided for them in this package typically they come with utensils condiments napkins and even flameless heaters even the package of the mre itself and even some of the waste that's going to be left over can be used as a fire starter or a way to transport water afterwards so the mre has exceptional durability and it also has exceptional versatility the problem is they cost a lot of money but you do get a diverse array of contents some mres taste great usually the ones that are issued by the military not so great depending on which country you're in but an mre is ideal for a bug out situation now one of the drawbacks of an mre is the waste factor and that if you're going to eat your meal it's going to take you a while because it requires preparation going back to the tack bar and the deltrex bars and the survival tabs the great thing about those is that you open them up and you eat them there is no preparation time required now if you're on the go if you're being pursued by a band of marauders and you are on your last leg and you're about to pass out because you haven't eaten in hours then busting out a daytrex bar is going to be a lot easier than fumbling through an mre and opening all those little packages within it so don't discount those other things like i said context really matters when we're talking about prepping foods there's no one-size-fits-all approach every household should have some mres but i certainly wouldn't advise stockpiling them in mass because namely it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg now if you're rich and after five to seven years because i forgot to mention they only last five to seven years that sounds great but in terms of prepping foods not so great some mres will last longer so make sure you pay attention to that when you're buying them if you're rich enough to cycle in mres every five to seven years because we all know if you're that rich you're probably not going to eat it you're just gonna throw it away now number two is the dynamic duo that everybody stockpiles even joe rogan confessed to stockpiling this on several occasions throughout the recent events and that is rice and beans rice and beans together will provide you with all of the essential amino acids you need in order to survive now obviously you're going to be supplementing that with other things to make sure your micronutrient needs are met but in terms of the price per calorie in terms of the longevity rice and beans can store up to 30 years and in terms of the ease of storage nothing beats plain old rice and beans and the only reason why it gets the number two spot because it doesn't taste as good as freeze dried food freeze dried food is one of the least known about least talked about greatest innovations of the 20th century the technology of freeze drying allows you to extract nearly 99 of the moisture out of a food allowing that food to preserve for up to 30 years in some cases well beyond that but the difference between this and dehydrated food which i forgot to mention but i guess we could lump it in with this one but the texture of freeze-dried food once you rehydrate it is going to essentially be the same as before all the moisture was sucked out of it now freeze drying is a very complicated process and as such that's why you're paying one penny per one calorie now i've talked about freeze drying at length on this channel before i've done numerous videos on the harvest right home freeze dryer a very expensive unit but this allows you to freeze dry almost anything in your house and make that food last up to 25 to 30 years you can also buy freeze-dried food but i will say a word of caution here the freeze-dried food you want typically comes in individual packets or number 10 cans i would encourage scrutiny of any freeze-dried food bucket which appeared too good to be true and by that i mean for that one dollar maybe they're offering you three or 400 calories worth of freeze-dried food the kicker with a lot of those food buckets is they're not providing a lot of meat protein so it's very essential that you pay attention to the micro and macronutrient content of the freeze-dried food that you're purchasing some notable brands are things like happy yak backpackers pantry mountain house foods and alpine air now there are a variety of others that you can buy in bulk but i would encourage you to first buy some individual portions of those and see if you find them palatable before you invest the thousands of dollars it's going to take to build out a one or two year supply of that stuff and make sure you don't make the mistake of judging all freeze-dried foods on the basis of one entree or one particular brand because i can tell you there is a world of difference between the different brands in terms of how they taste so i've done dozens of videos on this channel that pertain to emergency preparedness foods i'm going to post links to those and the products i talked about in the video description below thanks for watching guys like comment subscribe canadian prepper out the best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up at canadianpreparedness.com your one stop shop for premium high quality brand name products that have been tried and tested by myself and other youtube gear reviewers my subscribers saved 10 off by using the coupon code survival prepper all one word in all caps
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 254,759
Rating: 4.9446907 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, end of the world TEOTWAKI, survive zombie apocalypse, survivalism
Id: Y6hWGuMww6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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