24 Tiny Survival Tools

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hi folks Canadian prepper here so today we're going to talk about 24 credit card size survival tools and we're gonna talk about which are gimmicks and which are gadgets stay tuned to find out let's get to it [Music] most of these items are for survival purposes only they're not for EDC use for EDC I'm using my Leatherman I'm using my stream light flashlight and my Benchmade bug-out knife I'm not relying on this stuff from day to day the reason why you would want any of these things is because they're lightweight and discreet let's say you had a larger bug out bag or a camping pack and you were going out for a hike you're going for a camping trip these are things that you could keep on your person in case you got separated from your main gear so they're kind of like a last-ditch option half of it is junk half of it is decent but to be honest a lot of this stuff you don't have the skills to use it you're pretty much as good as dead out there so I don't want it to give people a false sense of confidence so we're just gonna go through these things and talk about which I believe are practical and which or not ok so let's get into this let's start at this top corner we have the star flash survival mirror now this is definitely not a gimmick this is a gadget this is something that everybody should have in their survival kit especially if you're on the other end of a search-and-rescue situation this can be a game changer this can save your life having this as a way to signal or communicate with Morse code can be indispensable it's lightweight and of course it does double as a mirror so there may be some medical applications and even vanity applications as well why not look good when you're out there ready to die up next we have the grim survival tools a fishing hook card this is probably one of the least gimmicky cards they have it may be 304 stainless steel all I know it's a really hard stainless steel so a fish is not getting away from one of these hooks absolutely a good gadget up next is the sewing card that they sell so you get some needles on there a bunch of needles probably more than you're ever need and some buttons so the only thing I would say about this card is that there's probably too much redundancy with it I think it's a little overkill with regards to how many needles they give you now something like this may have alternate uses like you could bend one of those into a fishing hook but I mean how many sewing needles do you need of course these aren't going to do me much good if you have no thread now you can take the thread out of one of your articles of clothing I would say this is halfway between gadget and gimmick up next is the cordage card now this allows you to make cordage out of any pop bottle basically I've demonstrated this in the past you cut open a plastic bottle and it allows you to quickly make cordage from the bottle I personally think it's kind of a gimmick which is why I don't sell it at my store how many situations are you gonna be in that you're gonna have carried this into and then you're miraculously gonna stumble across you know some two-liter bottles that you would need to make cordage with me personally I always have a paracord belt on like 24/7 I think the likelihood of you being in a situation where you would carry this because it's not a lot of weight but it's enough weight that you would feel it on your person you would have that but you wouldn't have cordage not it just doesn't seem like a likely plausible scenario to me next up is the tool card this is a lock pick card and this absolutely has a lot of utility like I said this is a very hard stainless steel and these tools are gonna last a long time in fact I've complained to the manufacturer who is grim survival tools that that steel that they're using is a little bit too hard it's hard to sharpen I'm gonna talk about that when we get to Fowler's maker II and mischief survival card right here which is actually a pretty decent one alright so up next we have the Lions gear survival card this reminds me of the old ready man card ready man was the first ones to come out with this style of card where you have this assortment of little tools that you can break off and use when you need be now this one has some interesting innovations and has some bandage Clips obviously you would need a bandage but you could use that with clothing so that's actually pretty convenient it's got some tweezers it has some fish hooks which look like they're in the shape where they could double as a suture but that's a pretty thick pin to be stitching through a wound so I don't know if I would really rely on it for that it also has a tick remover it has some serrated blades which you may be able to use for crafting bows and arrows but not much else you're not gonna be sitting there sawing on wood to get firewood for that maybe if you're making snares traps that sort of thing it might come in handy up next is the wallet ninja now this one has a lot of good reviews on Amazon once again I just can't see myself carrying something like this we got obviously the ruler we got a small flat-head screwdriver on there a can opener on the back you have a mirror you have a file you have a screw driver on the corner you have your hex bits and you also have this cell phone stand so you would stick that in there like that just like that see that on there so that's how your phone would stand up very durable very heavy-duty but once again I can never see myself carrying it personally which is why I'm gonna be giving all this stuff away cuz I just most of it I'm not gonna use except that not giving that gold away up next is the Lions gear fishing card my personal favorite because it has the spoons on there you're not only getting your hooks but you're actually getting something that is going to lure the fish in so I definitely like this card I would say that that is a gadget now let's head over here this is the duct-tape credit card all this is is an old card with duct tape wrapped around it can't go wrong with that up next is just a credit card size chunk of tinfoil you can do a lot with this you can make a container you can use this for signaling you could make you could use it for cooking you can use it to obviously encapsulate some things to to keep them from getting wet you could boil water in it you could do a lot of things simple thing to add to your kit some tinfoil up next is grim workshops survival cards now I actually really like this remember I was talking the other day when I was reviewing this gold card how they should give you a little case like this this is what I like to what I see with the gold card but it's a nice little case and a variety of different survival card tips so it shows you you know which part of a tree you can eat food preservation what else do we got here we got a Sun clock so it shows you how much light is left in the day most people know the hand trick how many hands is an hour for each hand wildlife tracking looking at scat water preparation skinning a snake so you get a lot of information in here and it's very condensed the cards are also quite thin and they're also waterproof excellent I definitely see that's a gadget now up next is Fowler I'm sure you guys are familiar with Fowler's You Tube channel and I'm gonna give this one a pass also because I really like this knife the problem I've always had with grim survival tools steel is that it's just too hard to sharpen they're using a steel in my opinion is a little overkill for a survival situation but I really like this design because it has a taper on the blade there so it's actually easier to sharpen and it comes actually a little bit sharp so you could use this for skinning making traps you know making Spears arrows whatever and it looks like there's a tick remover on there too so I think Fowler is lucky to have put his name on one of their cards that actually have a knife with the taper now up next I think this is a total gimmick this is the lion gear hatchet card and how it works is this is a pretty sizable chunk of steel and the idea is that you're gonna tie this with some cordage to a stick and use it like a hatchet I just can't see it maybe if it's all you had and you were on like a in a castaway type situation you can probably find a way to make it work for you to do something I don't know it looks like it's got some kind of gut hook or seatbelt cutter on there it's got this serrated part on the back here with saw teeth which I also think is kind of BS I don't think you're gonna be using that for much has a hex wrench there and this Arrowhead is way too heavy especially if you're using with a primitive bowl because the speed and power you're gonna achieve with a primitive bowl which I'm assuming you're gonna be using this with this is really only compatible with a makeshift arrow shaft where you have two halves going over it then you wrap it in cordage it's just way too heavy so I'm gonna I'm not given the lion's gear pass that one is an absolute gimmick I would certainly not recommend this maybe you guys disagree let me know up next is the tweezer card by grim survival tools this comes with a few sets of tweezers some serrated blades which in my opinion they're not gonna work that well there's also some course file on there as well I'm gonna call this one a gimmick and that's part of the reason why I don't sell it I think that the in frequency of use of something like tweezers would warrant that maybe was integrated into one of these other card sets but I don't think it's really necessary as a standalone card alright so up next is the gold the gold combi bar this is a credit card size 50 gram gold credit card and you can break off little pieces into one gram increments each gram is worth about 50 bucks USD based on current prices some people think it has no survival utility some people think it has a lot whether you think it does or not doesn't discount the fact that it's worth a lot of money something like this may be of utility in times of economic crisis if you find yourself in a bug-out situation and you need a ride or you need some gasoline or you need some food you just need to get home you never know right it could come in handy up next are these learn and live survival cards all very useful especially the not card I would say is very good lots of good tips really nice illustrations laminated cards which are waterproof so I would actually recommend these we sell a lot of these UST card sets these are made by ultimate survival technology company probably one of their better products in my opinion but the case that they come in always breaks so which doesn't really matter because like I say they're waterproof and they're build pretty tough now up next this is kind of interesting this is Brunton lost hiker kit basically this is strictly for if you're lost in the wilderness and you're signaling for help so what you get in here you get your signal mirror gives you instructions on the back how to use it you also get your Fresnel lens so that's for making fires concentrating sunlight you also get this compass card this is pretty cool basically you cut out this disc compass of this piece of paper and you get some water you put it in your hand and this will basically tell you which way north is I would say that this definitely gets a pass because you have your signaling you have your fire and you have your navigation all in a very slim form factor all right so we're starting to get to the interesting stuff now so up next is the SOG sync belt buckle multi-tool so this actually comes with a clip that you clip onto your belt buckle personally I can't see myself ever doing that it has a rare form factor to it which you don't see too often and basically you just get your pliers there there's no spring action to it but it would work good as a pair of pliers you got your wire cutter come obviously you have your ruler it's not the easiest to get these tools out of here this screwdriver doesn't lock but this does lock so if you want to unlock it you got to open this up it's definitely a dance this is kind of one of those things you're using in a last-ditch situation and then you can close it there is also a blade on there as well I can get that oh so you got a blade nice sharp little blade doesn't seem that sturdy it looks like I just have to tighten it up a little bit but still not too impressed with that we got a file we got a flat head we got a can opener I think what you're mainly gonna be using this for is the pliers to be honest so sog sink somewhere in between gimmick and gadget but I'm leaning towards gimmick up next is the swiss multi-tool swiss card this one i actually like so you got your magnifying glass on there you have your tweezers in there you have your pen which actually works and i had a pen on my swiss champ work for a long time and i it probably still works to this day even though i don't use the swiss champ card anymore you have a little Corder Tang knife on there which you're not gonna be using for anything too serious you also have scissors in there which come in handy they're not very big though so I don't know what you're really gonna use that for you have your screwdrivers in there and then you also get this little light not sure if you can see that on the camera there it's not very bright so I'm leaning towards gimmick but because it's such a well-made thing and you know this would be something for a woman to keep in her purse something like that so I'm gonna give it a pass let's call it a gadget up next is the ultimate survival technologies survival card dealio it's got one of these dime-a-dozen multi tools on it where it looks like there's a bottle opener or a can opener actually has a pretty sharp edge to it and you know you might be able to do something with this the magnifying glass on there and you have a compass as well I don't really think it's necessary for this thing to have a case unless you're worried about corrosion but it is stainless steel so that shouldn't be an issue up next we have the see KRT eating tool not really a credit card size but almost so that's why I put it on here and I actually could see this you know being quite useful not so much for the multi-tool aspects but just as a spoon I think it's it makes sense so I could see myself definitely using this the only thing is if you have a deeper dish or a bowl or a container that you're trying to dip into might not work too well and it's also pretty heavy for what it is but they made it that heavy because they're also trying to use it as a hex driver so they should have just made it a spoon and left it at that but they wanted to add more so now it's way too thick up next we have Fresnel lenses you can get these for probably a buck on Amazon you always have a way to have fire if you have a Fresnel lens probably one of the most underrated fire-starting tools is a Fresnel lens now up next is just these diamond card sharpeners these ones are neat because there's a finger loop in the bottom so you can hold it like that and you can just sharpen your knife like that these come in a kit I believe there's coarse fine and extra fine grit so these diamond shaped credit card tools definitely an excellent gadget up next is the conflicted card game series so they have about 10 different decks some of them have survival skills and useful tips other ones are just getting you to brainstorm what you would do in certain scenarios I'm gonna be doing a whole series on this card game I've already started that series I've done one video I'll post a link up here other things in this form factor but are kind of bigger that didn't quite make the list Zippo hand warmer just a mirror which also would act as a signaling device a right in the rain notepad this is one of the smallest ones they have and I carry these on me all the time just a Titan survival blanket can't go wrong with the SAS survival guide small thick but chock full of information waterproof wallet you can get these from a variety of different places so if you had tools you could put them in here or you could put your identification put your money in there these are extreme post-it notes sticks in tough conditions so they have duro hold paper and adhesive water-resistant so these are something that you might be able to use for signaling or marking if you were you didn't want to get lost and you wanted to mark where you had gone kind of use it the same way you would use flagging tape if you're gonna put post-it notes in your survival kit use extreme ones and last but not least is the fire box wood stove these this is the stainless version there's also a nano version so this folds out and it's in that nice flat form factor that we're going for here this is actually a very very functional stove easy to use easy to set up and you just put your pot on there put your wood in there and you're ready to go it folds back into itself easy peasy now I don't think you necessarily need to get the titanium version because this is so small and lightweight as is that to make it half of that weight is not really gonna make a huge difference in your pack but yeah I mean if you're really about the ultralight go with a titanium version overall I'd have to say then a lot of these things are not necessary for most people I think the signal mirror the duct tape the tin foil the Fresnel lens obviously the gold the information kits are probably some of the best things here the most useful and of course the diamond sharpeners let me know what you think in the comment section below thanks for watching Canadian prepper Oh the best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up at Canadian preparedness com your one-stop shop for premium high-quality brand-name products that have been tried and tested by myself and other youtube gear reviewers my subscribers save 10% off by using the coupon code survival prepper all one word in all caps have a Merry Christmas enjoy the time you have with your family but stay ready
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 210,497
Rating: 4.8675637 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse, survival gadgets, survival gear, prepping gear, prepping supplies
Id: ClZ9lsCvzq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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