30 Hobbies for Preppers to Improve your Prepping Skills

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what's going on guys we are on sensible prepper live welcome to the escapades of civil prepper uh we really appreciate robbie wheaton for being here gunsmith for over 20 years wheatonarms.com great glock aftermarket parts and he does custom gun work uh just a great resource for us and we really appreciate robbie for being here every week so it's the don robbie show we have a big time um we also have something we're going to announce um in just a couple of minutes that robbie's doing i think it's going to be pretty cool um and really appreciate sarah mack for setting everything up we the the our area is having some they're doing some repair work on the internet and uh so hopefully things will hang on if we start having some problems make sure you put it down in the comments and sarah max watching but uh hopefully things will get through we have had some issues but we're back so sorry we're just a couple of minutes late but that's part of it all right so today we're going to be talking about 30 different ways that you can get into a hobby that's going to improve your prepping what do we got oh yeah well we're going to get that we're going to get to that we've got a couple of things to get to but that's what we're going to start out with um i do want to mention though that sportsman's guide is sponsoring today's episode you get 20 off every 100 or more purchase guys that's 20 off and you get if it's over 100 then do two 100 orders that's right and then um use such s-o-o-t-c-h no zero zero no just s-o-o-t-c-h uh we can't put a link down below in the description because they do sell a lot of things they sell camping gear they sell military surplus which is one of my favorites they sell firearms they sell everything so great resource you really appreciate those guys for what they do and make sure you sign up for their buyers club as well with their buyers club you get free shipping on whatever you order with the exception of just a couple of things like ammo which nobody has in stock anyway but uh sign up for the buyers club you get free shipping you start buying big bulky items and the shipping of pay for itself the free shipping and pay for itself almost immediately with your with your first couple of orders yeah i mean i i buy we both buy a ton of stuff on there just straight up and sometimes they'll send me a couple of things to do some reviews but i use sportsman's guide for a lot of things so especially for the prepper there's a lot of great things out there so we really do appreciate those guys and one of the best magazines out there yeah and then of course we don't never have our magazine with us because we have it in the bathroom magazine yeah they do a printed magazine so we really do appreciate them um guys one thing though and i'm gonna let robbie kind of talk about this for a couple of seconds um what the new venture that you're doing yep yep so uh we have a new company that we've started it's called gomedgeer.com uh g-o-m-e-d-g-e-a-r com and it's a it's a medical supply company and so we've teamed up with with our good buddy such here and we're going to be releasing the gomed gear suit ifak in the next week or so and that'll be up on the gomed gear website they'll also be links to it from wheaton arms where you can link over there if you go to wheatonarms.com or go med gear you can sign up for our newsletter right now and go ahead and get on the uh the early list for that so you'll know when those are coming up yeah and we're gonna we'll get that information out guys because one of the things that i do religiously is take a trauma kit with me to the to the range and that's one of the things when robbie started talking about it and he said hey why don't we do a suit you know ifak yep and so this is going to be a sealed little pack you can keep it you know in your cargo pants you can keep it right there where you're where you are it is vital whether you go with go mid gear or not it is vital to have some kind of trauma kit when you're at the range because even if you're by yourself but even with other people you know it's definitely some one of those things you need to do well and it's good to have one anywhere well it is you know whether you go hiking camping i mean you know we're a lot of the stuff we're going to be talking about today with the you know 30 different hobbies that we're going to be talking about today that kit could go with you almost every one of those every one of those adventures and every one of those hobbies that you do especially when you're doing candle making that's right it's wild it gets really wild you burn yourself next thing you knew you didn't lost an arm yeah and of course obviously when you're doing woodworking that's another place but yeah there's you know life is just what it is and you know i keep a med kit a trauma kit in my vehicle i keep on in my back my go bag you know it's just one of those things it's not near as sexy as a new gun or you know whatever you know fishing rod but until you need it until you need it it's worth its weight and gold that's right and uh and we also recommend getting training for it and um definitely you know that's that's one of the big things which we are big about okay so we want to get into some things uh one thing about sensible prepper we love is even though we talk about being prepared for a bad situation guys bad situations just happen i mean they just happen and we've seen it across the country and you know we cannot talk about it but one of the great things that we love about sensible prepper in particular is you guys are a lot more positive than it is on the suits channel a lot of times with guns you know in the political part of it it gets a little hairy so we really we really enjoy doing the sensible prepper uh sarah mack especially since she sees all the comments um and if you leave a really nasty comment i'm not gonna see it anyway so you know whatever but she will okay so let's talk a little bit about some of the things because we've got a list and we're going to go down now one of the things about a hobby and prepping is prepping can be a hobby uh you know people get in they get into it they start they kind of they can overwhelm them oh yes oh yes it can actually it can take away a lot in fact we're getting ready to do a video on uh 15 things you can do for free as a prepper and these things that we're going to do are actually vital more important than getting the newest gadget and the newest little trick and trinket and so you know you need to have balance so we thought that this would be a great way to give you guys some balance at least in thinking because a lot of you guys have these hobbies anyway you may not even realize that's right that's exactly right and you know there's so many things on this list that you know i'm i was sitting here looking looking over the list yesterday and looking over it today and i'm like yup yup yup yup yup i'm like jesus i don't need any more hobbies okay so but this is the thing that i want to kind of do i want it to be a little bit of a paradigm shift because a lot of you guys are doing some of these things but one of the things i want i want to kind of parallel with this and we've talked about this in the past is guys if we do have a grid down or let's just say an economic slide it doesn't have to be the end of the world but we're having some issues and people you know your funds are going down we're already seeing building supplies food supplies a lot of stuff medical supplies going up in price ammo prices gun prices that is inflation whether they admit it or not that is inflation and so some of these things you can actually use to have you know part of your business now if you hear a lot of crunching and cracking going on it's lance our german shepherd's over there chewing on the bone so just let you okay so first off and this is an easy one this is one that you definitely but this is one of the to me one of the top ones is camping you know just get out and camp i mean a lot of us have enjoyed it over the years and it's a lot of work but guys it can be a lot of fun i mean you were with the boy scouts oh yeah your boys really and you know it camping goes right along with right along with prepping you know you've got all your survival gear you've got your fire starter gear you've got your your gear to keep you warm you've got your gear to keep you dry you've got food uh shelter you know everything that you need to be able to survive and camping gives you a great opportunity to really be able to get out even if it's only in your backyard yeah yeah definitely but it gives you the opportunity to get out and get to to use some of this stuff that a lot of times just sets in totes in your garage and you're like well you know maybe one day the world will end and i'll get to pull that out hey guess what friday night is the day pull it out put some you put put all that gear to use get some use out of it get your kids out get your family out and and really enjoy being outdoors and not just cooped up in the house with a tv and you know that's right that's right well you know not on tuesday though let me tell you you're here well they should be up and online by that's right uh one thing about i'd almost give you a little experience because we want to go this is a lot so we want to go through this list pretty quickly but um one of the things that when my wife and i first got married we went on a camping trip with another couple and i took my tent we got it set up this huge in fact we were watching this fire and the fire laid down the wind was coming through the tunnel and then we could hear the rain coming so we all jump in our tents i forgot to put the fly over the tent when we woke up the next morning we were in water this deep so let me let me just say this guys getting out and camping and learning your gear and doing is vital you know because if something really bad is going on you can kick it into high gear you know what you're doing you get out there okay now the next one is and it relates really closely to us is bushcraft bushcraft now that that can be a hobby and guys honestly bushcraft um you know it can relate to survival in some extent you know and yet so you know it you can just make it into a lot of fun learning how to create fire learning how to you know to distill your water and to filter your water you know just getting out in the outdoors it's again it's really relatable to camping uh you know you're using your knife you're learning how to do things you're learning how to feather you're you're taking your axe you know you're doing all those kind of things you know you've got your lights you want to make sure you have light in all the different things when you're outdoors now for me i always say this and this goes with camping it goes with you know field craft it goes with which our next one is hiking and you know backpacking is that if you are planning just a just a bug out that is your survival plan i've got my stuff together as soon as something happens i'm gonna leave the house now if you live in an urban situation that may be one of the things you have to think about but you're just a glorified refugee so make sure that you have your location set aside ahead of time know what you're doing but bunkering in is the best but having the skills to survive in the outdoors is vital so i just want to put that out there um okay bushcraft you know and there's a lot to that there's a lot of resources out there about how to get into bushcraft okay also backpacking and hiking just getting out putting that pack on one of the things about backpacking too is you take your bag you put it on you get going you understand man this thing's heavy and you also understand the the benefit or the drawback of having a really good pack you know something that fits you has some has a frame has some support you know your waistband your chest band where you can really pull it in to where it fits you well you know you get a you get a backpack that doesn't have some padding and reinforcement in it and you fill that thing up and you've got 30 40 50 pounds on your back and you try and walk all day with it your socks dude that's one of the most often overlooked items with people that go hiking and backpacking is extra socks right you know you the first thing that tend to go your socks get wet your shoes get wet you get blisters on your feet and you're done right even on a day hike it's not a bad idea to change your socks out at least a couple of times while you're hiking keep your feet dry you'll have happy feet you'll be able to hike a lot longer and enjoy yourself a lot more okay so those kind of are relatable and those are fun they're fun you know you want to get out and do that i mean it's something that a lot of people do whether in prepping or not okay now another one is gardening though gardening now i'll tell you something about gardening if you've got your seeds put back you got your seed vault you're like okay i'm good you know if you haven't gotten out in the dirt and actually started gardening you'll notice right away that it's a lot tougher than mike bloomberg says it is it is a it is there's skill involved in gardening because you have to worry about pests you have to worry about blight you have to worry about you know just all the things that happen disease last year we had a blight with our cucumbers we grew a ton of them but then all of a sudden it started and so we started treating it and we had to fight it we had to know how to treat it and so getting out but one of the things about gardening to me we just finished up our getting our early garden in and i mean it is it is full on i mean we've got everything set up it's beautiful but you know we got to tend to the guard you got to make sure we water it oh yeah you know and all those things the same thing we've got our you know our our broccoli's up our early lettuce is up our uh our cabbage is up our cauliflower is up um garlic onions a lot of my herbs and spices all of that's up and doing well uh corn corn i've got about an inch of corn out of the ground this morning yep so i was watering everything this morning and saw i had corn coming up so super excited about that but yeah just like you we got the early stuff already up and doing extremely well and then we've got some of our our mid-season corn already starting to come up as well because the growing time is quite a bit longer with that but you know guys even if you live in an apartment even if you live in a condo and you live in an urban situation you can grow things in pots absolutely and planters uh maybe out on a porch you know even in a window well like you and i both were both doing raised beds right so instead of instead of tilling the ground breaking the ground up like we did that last year and we had a big garden last year where we tilled everything and had our garden this year we decided to do raised beds and uh dondo's raised beds as well and it's a very easy way to when to keep weeds out yeah much easier with weeding with the raised beds than it is with uh with plowing a garden it's it's almost a full-time job when you when you plow an area versus the raised beds you know now i can go out there and i'm like yep right got it yeah and two you know you may live in a big neighborhood where you can't have a big garden that's right but here's the thing about gardening you know there is the garden of self-sufficiency this huge big huge garden where you need a tractor and you do all that and that's great and that's the that's the optimal but sometimes you can't do that and one of the things about having just a few fresh vegetables is it helps you to have fresh vegetables that's right you can apply it to your other food and you need it because if you're just looking at long-term food storage it's going to get really boring and you're not going to get the nutrition you need so it's it can be just supplemental and so you know that's one thing one thing we had that was a big deal i had big planted gardens and the deer decimated it i mean des we had zucchini growing up this tall and they ate the all the way to the to the ground the stalk and everything so you know you need to find out these things early okay canning which goes right in with it uh guys one of the things that goes fast when we have any kind of disaster are canning lids canning lids they just disappear in fact even this past year we were looking we had to search and search and search for canning and we finally found some of course you need to have your jars you need to have your your pressure cookers you need to have all the things that go with canning but canning can be very rewarding well you know used to your your lids and your seals and everything you can buy reusable lids and seals right they don't make those anymore everything that you buy now is like one-time use you use it you throw it away and you buy you buy more so you can't get the reusable stuff anymore like you used to be able to and you know that these companies are able to produce more or sell more because the stuff is not reusable like it uses right yeah they can make money but you need to have a surplus and they're not very expensive if you can find them i would have i would highly recommend buying canning lids even if you're not canning and put them back because there will be people that need it which bartering is part of it too that's right okay now these are some big ones fishing fishing and i'm gonna go ahead and include hunting in with that fishing hunting trapping you know guys i mean there it's it's already a big sport it's a big sport uh last year was the first year i got back into hunting i took about a 20-year break and uh robbie and i i joined the hunting club that he's at and you know just uh just beautiful get out in the outdoors enjoy that weather enjoy getting your gun sighted in one thing though about hunting i'll tell you that that really it really came to me big time was you know i go to the range i'm shooting i'm doing all this shooting but when i'm up in a deer stand and it's early morning and i'm looking through my scope and i'm i'm searching out for deer if i have a pair of binoculars and i'm looking it really allows you to find your target it allows you to look at distance it allows you to look at your scope and say you know what if i'm at early morning am i able to see my reticle you know there are different things like that that hunting is actually going to help you in your shooting it's going to give a whole nother absolutely absolutely you know it's like all of my all of my hunting skills i've got illuminated reticles right to where you know early morning like you were talking about you don't want to turn it on real bright you turn it on bright and that's all you see is just a glow but you can click it on like one and it's just enough to highlight that reticle to where you can see it right in that darkness yeah that's right and two you know you have your gear with you you know what you i mean you know and i usually take a trauma kit with me i make sure i have that with me so one of the big things is shooting positions you know yeah it's most of the time when you're hunting it's going to be an awkward angle that you have to that you have to take a shot or you may have to shoot left-handed or right-handed those deer do not go with what you know they don't [Laughter] so you know definitely hunting um okay and then fishing obviously fishing's a great one and really fishing to me uh is one that you'll be able to reap more reward for your food you know now one of the things about it when when the great depression happened hunting and fishing man it i mean people just went out and they just they hunted things out and so you know it but it is something that at least in cancus can sustain you but also their skills that you're going to bring in with that all right now let's go to the next one ham radio now ham radio is something that you've got to develop some skill with it's not something you can go out i mean these balfounds and these oceans i mean they're everywhere and it's cheap to get in the ham but you've got to have some technical skill and you can use ham in an emergency situation legally without a license but if you're going to use ham at all you need to have a license and there are places you can take these these uh courses you can go and you know learn more about ham because guys again there's a lot of technical skill that goes into that but having ham radio is vital because communication is that's right and i tell you the only the only ham that i've ever got into is honey glaze yeah you know the i like some smoke tams too a little smoke town is good every now and then but the the ham radio is one of those things that that i have on my to-do list that i really want to that i really want to pursue more this year and really get into that right it's important and you get repeaters you can uh i was with a buddy of mine has a real setup i mean he's got antennas running down the rafters of his house and all this stuff and we were talking we were sitting in in our state greenville south carolina and we were talking to this guy in sweden who was on a boat i mean it was pretty cool wow so you know there is a lot of capability all right we're going to geocaching now geocaching to me was one of those things where i always thought that's just kind of weird but you know you're able to locate things a buddy of mine that owns a big silver shop or a gold and silver shop um in town he told me years ago he's from canada and he said he buried a bunch of silver coins and he buried it and he put it in this one place and it was on his property and then you know he moved here but it was on family property so it's still there well he went back a few years ago he said he had no idea where that was because it's somewhere because i thought i could find it you know geocaching gives you some skill to be able to maybe bury something or hide something and be able to find it later and so geocaching's a big one all right now we're gonna go with a couple more but if you have some questions and right along with geocaching you know i mean that goes along with with maps with compasses learning how to shoot azimuth learning how to how to define coordinates learning how to read a map right what all the little lines mean on there right um so all of that goes right along with geocaching right which is which is a great skill to have if you're out in the woods you're out in the wilderness and you need to be able to find your way to a point or you need to be able to find your way back out right right yeah it can be for location now again we're going to have some if you have some questions sarah matt's going to give us a sign but we're going to keep going but if we get some you guys want to ask some things please feel free to do it um okay woodworking i mean would i mean you know we all get out and have our skills or a lot of us some of us don't but not only the great thing about woodworking is you can fabricate things and you know in a economic meltdown in a grid down situation uh you know things need to be repaired and so having you know woodworking skills maybe you want to make cabinets or you want to make a shelf or you want to make a chair or something that you use a little more often like bowls and plates and cups all of that can be made out of wood that's right that's right so the woodworking i mean it is the i mean the sky is the limit when it comes to woodworking i'll tell you there's nothing prettier than a beautifully sculpted piece of wood that's been stained and polyurethaned and you can see all the grain and the figure in the wood that's that's like up here for me that that to me is is just just an art to be able to see some of the stuff that people make out of wood right and you know they've been doing this for centuries even before electricity so one thing that i've been doing lately is picking up different tools and things that i can use in fact recently i got one of these it was a grinder because i have a bench grinder you know that i can do things with but this one has a hand crank oh yeah and the way the gears are set man it'll spin that thing so you can sit there and use it without power and so that's that's one thing that's you know there are some tools out there you know whether it's you know your screwdriver you know your yankee screwdrivers that's right yeah your little hand drills with the little cranks on them or or some of the bigger grinders that that run off the foot pedal right where you push the pedal it spins the wheels you can grind your axes your knives or whatever you know those are those are even today you know with power or without power it's still a useful tool yeah it really is it really is and you know you can find a lot of this stuff at flea markets yard sales ebay you know that in fact that's where i've been i've been on ebay and i just kind of went crazy buying tools but you know i read a book by john wesley ross and it was tools for survival and it went through some of the tools that you really need to have on hand and so some of us you know guys we've got our tools and i've got a lot of tools i love tools but on the other hand we got to make sure we don't miss some holes that we could use um okay let's see what have we got is that shooting shooting that's a big one and um and guys you know that's one that a lot of times with preppers we like to shoot we like to do but here's the thing that that makes it different you know going out and shooting as a hobby is fine but make sure that you're using it to to to improve your skill well that's the thing there's there's shooting and then there's training to shoot right so and there's you know i always try when i go to the range to shoot to try and pick out three or four very specific drills and skills that i want to work on be it shooting if i'm shooting a rifle maybe i want to work on my offhand shootings i'm left-handed so maybe i want to shoot right-handed that way right and that's one of the things that i focus on positional shooting you know whether it's it's standing kneeling sitting prone some kind of you know all your different awkward stances and and things those are things you need to work on when you're at the range so that way you can improve those skills so when you move back up and you go hunting and you get put in an awkward position for an awkward shot you feel comfortable making it because you've trained that and you're very familiar with what it feels like and you're able to make that shot confidently right yeah shooting from weak hand is definitely different you know one thing too is you'll notice this in a lot of my gun videos is we do shoot one-handed and sometimes we candid because the thing is in most shooting situations your chances of being shot in the arms of the legs are 80 percent compared to the center of the chest yeah and you go back and watch a lot of the videos that i'm in with you and i'll shoot i'll shoot strong hand and then i'll switch right over and i'll shoot weak hand right you're amphibious i am he's amphibious i breathe here yeah but we do we try to make sure that we incorporate that because it is different when you pick up a gun one-handed make sure your hand's out of the way let's put it here but when you fire and also just like you point just point it'll you put the gun at just a slight angle and so it allows the reap but the recoil does differently and so you need to be training with that and that's just part of getting into the hobby but it's not just about setting up a target at 10 yards and trying to make a little small hole because in a self-defense situation it's not going to be like that and knowing to move knowing what to get behind different situations like robbie was talking about uh reloading now of course right now and shooting right now you know with ammo scarcity and the high prices it's more difficult to do uh but reloading is a big one yeah you're you're a big real i've been in i've been reloading for about 25 years now and uh you know it's it's something that that i enjoy doing it's something i do with my little boys you know we we go to the shop and and i've taught them how to reload they know how to reload rifle they know how to reload pistol they know how to reload precision rifle rounds but it's a skill it's it's a skill you know right and it's a it's a learned skill and there's great online resources there's a ton of great books um you know if you're interested in getting into reloading look at like the the hornady reloading manual or one of the one of the really good ones is the the lee lee manual for reloading right yeah it's it is a novel that you know it's got your ballistics data and stuff in it as well but it actually goes through the entire history of reloading where it came from where the components came from how it all works how it all fits together and it really gives you a deeper understanding of what reloading is how it works where it came from up to the point where we are today right so it's a it's a really good history lesson to get you started into reloading yeah and you get your components as you can you know and right now there are some components that are available and some that aren't so you can actually kind of go with shotgun a lot of times or large rifle primers those tend to be available if you can find the powder so you know it's one of those things plus it does it's cheaper to reload because you don't have to pay by that case every time you can reload your case i've always people have always said that reloading is cheaper it's not cheaper it just allows you to shoot more right well that's true in fact when i used to when i reloaded and obviously when i started getting ammo sponsors the motivation to reload kind of went to the side even though i did set up my reloading equipment but that was how i shot competitively for years i couldn't afford at that time to be able to shoot that often so i reloaded to be able to and you can tailor a load specifically for your gun and specifically what for what you're doing right that's right you can get that down um and two and this is not i didn't actually have this on the list but being an armorer guys the gun is not magic it's a mechanical device now robbie can tell you this more than i even because of being a gunsmith for so long but knowing how to replace a spring knowing how to check and replace your springs in your magazines knowing how you know the different things that you have being able like to build an ar that's a big one because if you have an ar-15 i highly recommend you building one because it gives you all the ins and outs it shows you how it comes together and if you have any kind of problem you can replace that's right how everything works if something fails what kind of failures you're gonna get with it um and just have all the parts mesh together right you know and the ability to be able to go through and know that if something happens you've got spare parts you can and you have the ability to be able to replace it and repair it on site so and i recommend that with any with any firearm that you have learn how to work on it learn how to take it apart learn what all the parts do how everything works together and get some spare parts for whatever firearms you have that way if you do have something that breaks like a spring or a pen you know common failure parts you have the ability to be able to replace it yourself at home okay we have a question um art royal asks as far as the medkits international orders question mark uh no just domestic um alex kenmon says hey such thoughts on learning sewing for preppers clothing especially underwears with socks are going to be the first thing out of commission in a pinch yes and that is that's on the list but we'll go ahead and hit it because sewing is vital and in fact you need to learn how to sew uh your pack you can have a rip in your pack there's one thing that exotec offers it's called the rip spool and it has a sewing needle in fact it's a sail needle with kevlar thread wrapped around and then there's like duct tape under it i mean it is a great little tool in fact you can go to exotac and i should have put the link down there but if you put suitch0 they give you 20 off exotec products i tell you even like even the military when i was in boot camp in the marine corps that's one of the things that they teach you in boot camp is sewing right you know it's a it's a requirement you have to learn how to sew just for just for basic expedient field repair putting buttons back on your uniform keeping everything serviceable right um you get a rip you need to be able to you need to be able to close that rip up and you know when i was younger the same thing with boy scouts you know boy scouts that was one of the big things was learning how to sew and being able to repair your uniforms and stuff when you're in scouts as well i don't know about today because i'm not really involved with it anymore but that was you know when i was growing up that was a huge huge very important deal was to learn how to sew and to be able to maintain your stuff well if you get a rip in your shirt and then you catch it on the limb you're gonna rip it off so yeah sewing is a big one so not necessarily even a sewing machine but having a sewing machine is also a great way to be able to actually help other people that's a great down situation it can be part of your you know it can give you extra income it can be your only income if things get really crazy so having that skill is great uh craig b says if you're interested in ham radios now is the time to get your license soon the fcc will charge you 35 to take the test ah okay i appreciate that thanks for that yeah and they're hammering especially like the red cross different places like that they offer ham radio classes they have clubs and you can really get involved so i highly recommend that's a great hobby uh matt david aviation says thanks to both you both and sarah for the solid content as always from your from all of your observations ammo seek and local stores what's the fair market price for five five six and nine millimeter currently well it's fluctuated a lot a little bit yeah from from what i've seen with nine millimeter uh 500 to 600 a thousand is kind of the going price that i've been seeing for nine millimeter so which works out to be about thirty dollars a box for fifty uh five five six five five six is the one that's really kind of been all over the place i've seen it anywhere from six hundred dollars up to about eleven hundred dollars uh just kind of depending on what it is i mean for that four thousand yeah a dollar around a dollar about a dollar a round yeah it's yeah the ammo right now and it's funny because i have a the guy that i that does my um uh transfers he drives down to charleston picks up ammo and brings it back and he actually sells it cheaper than a lot of other places and so you know and so you kind of have to look around because sometimes i've seen places where it's 50 bucks for up for 50 rounds 50 rounds i'm talking about 9 millimeters but yeah 223 right now is going to be a little bit more difficult because the of the assault weapon ban scare so people are really buying that up but um yeah you can check around but yeah it's hard to find but now with remington back online yeah i actually uh one of my distributors had uh now they were already sold out when i saw it but they had the new remington uh range 915 grain nine millimeter um there was actually some of it showed up on one of my distributors this morning which kind of surprised me so yeah great to see remington back producing ammunition yes yeah definitely yeah uh hillbilly prepper asks hi guys speaking of geocaching how do you feel about geocaching weapons and ammo i think that's a smart move but you need to make sure you prepare it uh very well yeah one thing that i like is vacuum seal vacuum seal uh you know and of course you know the big thing is is you want to make sure it's not somewhere that there's some liability involved that's right that's the biggest thing you know if you don't you don't want to put it somewhere on somebody else's property and then it come back to you so you know that's one of the big things but honestly if you have a place now let me just say this though guys you know if if they're really searching and you know they they come in with metal detectors and with dogs and all that stuff you know um but one thing that you can't do is is put roofing nails in a certain area it makes it really more difficult to find of course it'll make it more difficult for you to find but i mean you know uh it's like james yeager once once said he goes when they're telling you to bury it he said that's when you should be digging them up [Laughter] but on the other side this is the thing guys and it's something we talked about last night on patreon live is um you know when you um let me man that just that just blew right by me i must patreon live was so exciting last night i guess i just forgot about it but um you know i don't remember now that that's just old man okay i'll think about it later train with square wheels says initial cost of setup to reloading is a tough sale are there lead are lead wheel weights still easy to find you can still get lead wheel weights a lot of your shops still save those and will sell them uh even like your indoor ranges and stuff they sell their lead out of their out of their range so you can a lot of times buy the lid from your indoor ranges the big thing if you're reloading and using lead is to make sure that you mix uh tin and antimony there's a formula for it is like two percent one and something or the other but you've gotta mix some tin and some animony to the lead or otherwise the lead is going to be too soft and it'll just it'll just fill the rifling up in your barrel so you want a brunel hardness of about 18 to 22 at a minimum for a handgun running at about a thousand to 1100 foot per second anything faster than that you also need to run a gas check on your bullets okay we're gonna go one more question and then we're going to continue on our list uh jay i asked tips on how to convince the wife we should start prepping that's the age age-old question that's the age-old forgiveness for before permission brother let me let me just say this yeah it's tough that's a tough sale if someone is and it's just like my brother-in-law his wife was like i don't want to hear it i don't want to think about it i don't want to do it i don't want to do it you know and and he would he just continued to go ahead and do what he could you know and prepared and he's actually now and she's now on board but one of the things about it is is looking at what's going on uh to they need a motivation sometimes and to me after 2020 a lot more people are wide open prepping i know in march we gained a hundred thousand new subscribers because people were going what the heck well and you're exactly right i think it's it's creating awareness to what's going on in your environment around you you know like in the last year we've had we've had covid uh we've had right we've had riots we've had the grocery stores the shelves have been empty we've had the toilet paper scale of 2020 which everybody's still shocked over you know i mean there's underwear that'll never be the same but yeah on on a serious note you know you've got all these all of these things that have been going on all the civil unrest within our country all of those things are reasons why you should be you should be preparing now to make sure that you don't get caught you know for lack of a better term with your pants down later you know so those would be the things that i would talk with her about you know this is what's been going on this is what's been going on this is what's been going on in the last year go back and look at these things honey we need to be preparing now so we don't get caught later in in a bad situation now one thing that i would recommend though is not to overwhelm her no you know say look let's just put some things back you know come in come in like hey you know let's have some food set back let's have some you know let's figure out some way to get water if we need to you know one thing that i'm big about is the big berkey we use it every day i mean it's just a great way the water is so good so you know there are things you can do like that to say hey this is a this is healthier that's right and just picking up a few extra cans of stuff at the grocery store every week right that way you have some surplus you know and having say okay you know let's kind of come at it as not the end of the world but come at it as you know we just want to take care of ourselves uh one thing that um you know is to see what's going on in venezuela what's going on in argentina what went on in argentina that's been a big mess so you know there are some legitimate no it's not you know i've been thinking about prepping for all my life pretty much yeah and you know so for me you know it's like it's more of a lifestyle yeah but if if you're not careful you know you just there nothing ever happens oh i'm doom and gloom doom and gloom oh and nothing happens nothing happens no it only has to happen once in your lifetime so you know just coming at it in a slow bringing her in and then before long hopefully she'll pick it up but even if she doesn't you have a responsibility to take care of your family yeah well and like we talked about some of the earlier stuff with camping and hiking and backpacking and bushcraft a lot of the things with with prepping you can incorporate into that so you know you make it fun and exciting and something that she enjoys doing to be able to bring her into it as well okay we're going to get back to some questions and so if you have them make sure you get them ready but we're going to go ahead and go through the list another one is let's just we're going to fitness fitness guys get in shape even if it's just going out and walking that's right you know one of the things and i was watching jordan peterson he was talking about if you haven't ever watched jordan peterson it is phenomenal but um he was talking about mental acuity and con retaining your mental fitness and he said these little games and puzzles and things like that he goes there's no evidence that that's really helped people to become more to retain their memory better he said the one thing that is proven is exercise walking running possibly or in weight lifting that will help you so aside from just your physical fitness but here's the thing if you are in a grid down you got to do work you need to be in good physical shape and so get yourself in good physical shape now the next part of that is is uh martial arts i delayed that a little bit the shock the horror um martial arts now for me i took martial arts for 20 years different martial arts and this is the big thing is guys is the gun is not always going to save you sometimes it gets taken away sometimes you have to grapple sometimes you have to rest i mean i wrestled in high school so i mean you know it's the thing is is you know you've got to be physically fit to be able to fight and defend yourself in our society today we you know we kind of lost that that art honestly when i was in school people got in fights every once in a while the next day they're shaking hands now they get a fight next day the kid comes with a gun so you know the thing is you know but you need to have that physical ability to be able to defend yourself woman or man and martial arts are one of the best ways to do it well and not only the physical ability but the mental mindset yes one of the big big things you know there's a lot of people that have the physical ability to defend themselves but they don't have the mental mindset to be able to use those skills that they have right abilities that they have well i'm not talking about eastern martial arts altogether even though that's great mixed martial arts is really good but you know even boxing and building the strength in your arms and legs okay um knife sharpening knife sharpening a lot of guys you know and you you know they get really technical and there are certain ways that it'll really protect your blade especially if you spend a lot of money on it but learn the art of knife sharpening and uh it here's the thing guys you get some good tools for sharpening your knobs right there's there's the you know the old wet stone you know like grandpa used and said on the counter that's got another strap yep yep yeah but but there's a lot of like the landscape kits that are out there that are really really good especially if you don't if you don't necessarily have the skill a lot of those kits like the landscape kits and stuff they set the angle and everything on the blade for you and it really does a lot of the it takes a lot of the guess work out of what angle you need to put on your blade when you're sharpening right right and i have the work sharp that is beautiful i mean it's powered okay you still want to retain some of that how can i sharpen something a little wet stone that's right not only knives but also your tools you know one thing that abe lincoln said he said you know give me a hat an axe and i'll spend more time sharpening it than i will cutting because that really saves your energy getting a good sharp knife well perfect example go to the store next time you're out in one of your big box stores go in there and pick you up an axe and look at the blade on that axe it is dull i mean like rounded over there's no sharp edge on it it is horrible you're like what am i going to do with this thing it's more like a maul you know there's no edge on it whatsoever you look at that axe and you're like i'm going to wear myself out trying to chop wood with this thing right so you get that axe you get at home the first thing you're going to do is you're either going to put it on a stone or you're going to put it on a belt sander and you're going to put an edge on that axe but if you don't like you were saying you're just going to wear yourself out trying to use it now archery which should have gone actually with firearm training but archery that's another big one you can go with hunting you can learn your skill it takes skill and so you know getting an archery even if it's a longbow but getting out and it's a lot of fun you can take the kids out as well okay this is a different one beekeeping beekeeping now that's one that if you don't like to get stung i don't know you want to do that but you know beekeeping with wax and honey and a lot of guys in fact one of my buddies he he does beekeeping and man he he loves it and i love it because i always get honey from it well i tell you that's one of those that you know honeybees and i have an aversion to one another and so that's one of those items i love honey i love honeycombs but that's one of those items that i'll be bartering for right but or you can meet a friend that does it but and that not only beekeeping but keeping you know uh husbandry you know having chickens and and it can be a hobby it can be a lot of fun you can learn about things you know goats cattle whatever you have so you know that all falls together all right candle making candle making is one of those things that is pretty cool i remember one of my earliest memories as a kid in fact i think i was in uh a kindergarten we went to a candle making place and it was in winston-salem it was in the old town and these people they were making they had a whole factory and they were making candles the old way it was really cool uh but making candles gives you light you know you learn how to do it it's a lot of fun you could even turn that into a business okay we talked about sewing already but sewing is definitely a big one something that's important not just for a seamstress that's over there hemming your pants but repairing doing things repairing your gear okay those kind of things your packs which goes to the next one leather working which takes sewing to another level yes it does yes it does in fact i have been buying leather making tools lately uh tools like you know with the uh the one that has the hole punch you know that has the five different pieces you can go in and you can punch out your holes grommets uh doing leather work you know my daughter is all into and which we didn't even put on the list horseback riding horseback riding was you know with saddles and leather you need to have some skill to work on leather you you're always having to repair something with your saddle you know with stirrups and stuff you know holes get worn maybe you need to add another hole so just having those skills to be able to repair that or replace it yourself is a vital scare right then learning i mean and just horseback riding in itself it's also a great skill to learn i mean that's how we get our mode of transportation up until the past 150 years was horseback riding so you know that's something that definitely could could come into play uh and of course that would be kind of related to husbandry a little bit um blacksmith now we're getting into some things that in fact up in when we lived in brevard north carolina which is the western mountains of north carolina uh there were some guys up there that did blacksmith that was really cool one thing that i would highly recommend is going to a renaissance festival in your area that is a big one there's a ton of stuff you can really be inspired by some of the primitive ways that they were making things uh even a loom in fact one of the girls in our prepper group has a loom she wanted it a new one and she got this one for for her birthday and so she can actually do loom and make cloth and so you know that's that's part of just that whole stream uh pottery pottery's a lot of fun i love pottery something i always wanted to do yeah but we would go to these pottery places sometimes you can go and create your own pot and learn how to do it and then get the kiln and the wheel and everything it's pretty inexpensive and pottery kind of goes back to what we were talking about earlier with woodworking being able to make plates and bowls and cups and stuff you can do all of that with pottery and you know even here in the upstate there's a lot of there's a lot of clay in the ground here that you can you can use that clay right out of the ground to be able to mold and make your stuff with so you don't have to you don't have to buy clay right right so you know just another one all right do we have some questions let's go ahead and we're going to do that and then we'll finish up with the rest of it andrew pope asked would you sell a gun if you aren't shooting it as much or should you just keep it and sit on it it's according to how many guns you have uh if if you just have one or two you know the old the old adage is uh one is none two is one one is none and so you know it seems like that whenever a bad situation happens you can have issues uh but yeah if you have a lot of guns one thing i would just say right now with the way things are going uh you know we may not be able to get as many guns according to what kind of legislation happens but on the flip side of that firearms values have never been higher than what they are right now so if you do have a surplus of guns and you're wanting to get rid of a few of them and make a little bit of money there's never been a better time in probably any of our lifetimes to sell one than there is right now yeah and then you can transfer that money into something else that you can use toward prepping now one thing about guns though you make sure you have your your personal defense gun your handgun make sure you have a shotgun a 22 and you need some kind of longer range option if all you've got is a handgun and a shotgun you need to have something because you can be pinned down with somebody that's outside of 100 200 yards can pin you down and having some kind of rifle and that that would be obviously a little bit of a tougher situation but you know having some of those things lined up and of course having your go-to rifle uh which will help you with both but it won't get you out to this extreme distance so if you've got that covered and you have your family covered okay you know but i would just think about it as in can if something were to happen am i going to hate that i sold this firearm if something's going to happen and i got four or five others to replace it then you know you're going to make some money on it uh kevin asked do you have any recommendations on a bug out slash get home bag that's budget friendly and holds up well well you know the thing is and this isn't this is an evolution it's an evolution for me i have the uh direct action dust that it's a a pack that's really excellent i've been into maxpedition for a long time mystery ranch makes a great bag vertex i mean those are great bags there's a lot of really high quality bags out there uh they can be expensive but so for more of a budget i would look at like 511 one of their rush 12s or rush 24s the condor condor condor makes a really good bag condor makes a premium line they also make a cheaper line so be careful to get spend a little bit extra for your bag but uh just to give you one right off i check into 511 because they are very reasonable bags and they're good quality i have one of the the rush 24s this there you go 511. uh and you know so but you know the thing is is sometimes you just need a pack and you can grab something that's fairly inexpensive like you're doing edc throw in the back of your car but if you are gonna depend on that bag to get you from point a to point b and you need a good solid bag you know you definitely need to put it up um as far as you know and we've done and you can go back through some of the videos we've done a lot of stuff on gear but uh a lot of times you know some of it can be expensive and uh you know i went to walmart one time and did a the cheapest bug out bag you could possibly do i think it turned out to be 86 yeah for the bag all the supplies i mean a fire starter which i used one of the magnesium bars and you know did some things like that and then i went back and did a premium bag from walmart and you can look at that video it you can just search in the little hourglass or the the magnifying glass just search for walmart in my channel on the sensible prepper channel and that'll show you some of the cheap but then the premium was a little nicer but you know you really want good quality because what can go wrong will go wrong when you're out there yeah uh kb design says what's you guys favorite flashlights of all time if it hasn't already been answered well i'm going to tell you and some people would say well suits you know but olight flashlights i carry an old light flashlight with me every oh i pulled it out to put on the charger i carry an old light flashlight with me every day all the time and they are beast they are beast lights we've run over them with the hummer i've thrown them up in the air 30 or 40 times sarah mack has hers out um we we beat him on post do all these things to them i have yet now early on olight had a few lights like they were really getting ready uh you know that are there they could have a little hit or miss with quality control but that's been nine years ago now their lights are to me and i'm going to tell you guys i've had some of these expensive lights i'll just put it that way these expensive lights that are like made in usa which i i love i've had them go out on me i have never had an old light to go out on me and it stays charged and the charging system is fantastic and you can get ten percent and you get a ten percent discount using zero zero i use mine every time that i'm in my shop every time that i'm in my shop i'm using my flashlight yeah and just use it that the lights i'm telling you it is it is hands down the best flashlight i've ever owned without question yeah and i have i do reviews on other flashlights but the old light is just the one that and again i have been my first review on olight was nine years ago nine years ago so you know you'll see though that when they have a big sale that's the time to buy them and they just had a flash sale so they won't have one for a little while it's the best time to buy but yeah i mean there are some good lights out there i mean surefire streamlight those are great lights they're expensive um you know but if you really want some good quality phoenix makes a good light there are some there are some good ones out there but for me olight is my top choice wow we got five minutes good grief that is crazy okay uh let's let's go ahead collecting now collecting may seem something that's kind of funny but like collecting like i've just started collecting tools old vintage tools uh did it so i could do instagram and do whatever and use them for different packs and things like that but also i'm using them because i can use them they're good quality one thing i will say is guys is you go to wall you go to walmart for sure but you go to home depot or lowe's and you see these screwdriver sets you see these tools they're all made in china now china's doing a much better job than they were originally so some of their tools are actually pretty decent but you can get on ebay and you can buy us-made tools that are older tools that are good solid quality for less in fact i was in home depot and i saw some appliers and i thought wow those are they were like 30 bucks or something you know they're really good channel like pliers got on ebay they had a whole lot of usa made good quality i mean they were in good shape and i bought the whole set for that amount so uh you know and coin collecting silver especially if you're into silver collecting silver collecting guns you know collecting things that pertain to prepping and and so guys a lot of us are collecting anyway we get online we're like oh that's good buy buy buy buy that's not the kind of collecting i'm talking about things that are going to have long-term intrinsic value right um electronic repair that's a that's one that you know maybe you need to repair a radio maybe you need to work on your computer even maybe you need to be able to understand and you know in getting into electronics i remember years ago when i was a kid they always had these electronic little projects you could do you know and it taught you the basics well you need to learn little things like learning how to solder right learning how to chase down ground faults uh whether you're doing wiring in your house or or you've got something a grounded wire on your car and your car won't start you need to be able to find those things right and those are things that in a you know in a bad situation you need to be able to take care of yourself because there may not be anyone you can take your car to or have come over to your house to fix that for you that's right that's a good point because cars are so electronic that's right uh welding welding is one and this would be soldering anything like that but uh all of that uh my my son's roommate he's a welder and and he's been he's been i've known him since he's a little guy and one of the things we're doing right now is i'm going to get him i'm getting him set up with a welding machine so that he can weld and actually have his own business side business but also we can do things and he can share with us because he's part of our prepper group and so having a welder in your group is great but being a welder is great and two you can do things to make that a job you know make that part of your employment or help supplement your employment and in a mechanic or machinist i don't have a mechanic on that machinist uh robbie has been a machinist in fact being a gunsmith you have to be a machine you almost have to be that's right and you know machinist for me goes back more to like pottery and and woodworking and stuff like that it's just the ability to be able to make things you know to take something that you have in your mind or off of your computer and take a block of metal and and make it into something that you want or that you can use like lock barrels block barrels like block triggers block triggers wheatonarms.com yeah they do a lot of that or you know even even you know if you're doing it more on a hobby side and you want you know you want to make like little trinkets you want to make you you can make metal plates cups little i love making like little little bowls and stuff out of metal out of aluminum just doing cool stuff like that that's completely separate from like work related stuff even though i do it for a living it's also something that i do as a hobby as well right we can form you can do that's right that's great uh let's see plumbing i don't think that would be a hobby but it's there it's plot plumbing and i'm gonna leave it at that you guys if you own a home or you have to do your own stuff lock picking that's a fun one yeah understanding how locks work uh my buddy rodney nc hill he's gotten into lock picking yeah and he's he has he's got me a kit set up and i've been practicing and it's amazing how you can get in there and rake those locks and open those things up and uh you know some of them are a little more complicated but most of your locks you can get into so if you get yourself in a situation where you got to get through a lock you know especially in an urban situation having lock picking it's a lot of fun it's very interesting but yet it has you know it has value to it uh let's see okay flying learning to fly now that's that's one that's a little bit eyebrow because that's expensive but uh learning to fly i have a really good friend of mine uh john who actually built his airplane himself he actually built the airplane and he had some help with this company that he went down and did the build with but he he finished it up in his garage and uh it's a it's a small plane but he knows how to fly and guys you know knowing how to fly is is just it's not one of those things that's real common but it's something that would be great if you're into that if you want to learn you can use it toward prepping well it goes right back to camping hiking backpacking bushcraft the ability to be able to get in into and out of a remote area right you know these bush pilots in alaska that have that skill i mean they're those guys are irreplaceable right you you have to have pilots like that up there that that can fly by the seat of their pants and get into these really difficult areas and get you out of those difficult areas as well right so it's a tremendous skill if you've got the ability to be able to to learn how to fly and be able to develop that skill that that's one that that you can go anywhere and and basically have a job pretty much anywhere you go and get to do something cool too right right okay let's see i think we've got one more then we're going to be finished okay now this is one learning spanish especially in the u.s if you're in europe maybe arabic but you know learning spanish uh it's just one of those things that you know i worked at a company for for a number of years and we had a lot of spanish employees and man my spanish i mean i got to wear you know it was fur it was funny because i'd sit there with him at lunch and then just be talking and i was like i have no idea even though i took spanish in high school you know i pick up little things after a while they would talk and i would respond to them in spanish it was funny the first time i did and they were like they called me diablo but they they would say diablo he speaks better you know espanol and so we would get into you know and so it's really great because there's a lot of spanish community here there are and if you travel some you know spanish is one of the languages outside of english that is probably one of the most spoken throughout the world that's true between english and spanish would be number two that's right so being able to communicate with people and you know even if you even if you learn spanish you can still communicate with people in portuguese and several other languages because they're spanish is the the root based language even italian that's right we had an italian guy that was working there and he was from italy and he started he would talk to the the girls because there was a number of girls there you would talk to them with italian spanish and they they had to sit there and work at it but they could do it okay so it's it's one o'clock it's past one um we actually got through the list it's amazing we got through the list and guys there are other things if you want to leave down in the comments some other ideas you know please feel free to do so but uh you know find yourself a hobby don't necessarily make it is i gotta prep i gotta prep but you know focus that energy into certain areas that's right make it fun make it something enjoyable something that you like to do and that you want to do not something that you have to do right right and two it's not that you just have to do one i mean we love to hike and camp and you know do that kind of stuff that's one thing we like to do i love to shoot i mean there's so many different things and so adding these hobbies a little bit too and just understanding and learning and then testing it out and you know you may find that you really like certain things like sewing maybe that's right you want to become a seamstress so uh you know it's it's just a these are great ideas to be able to put together uh to help you to be better prepared and that's the big thing so we really appreciate sarah mack for getting the questions out there we definitely appreciate robbie wheaton for being here check out wheaton arms.com great source check gomedgeer.com for medical supplies yep we've got coming up pretty soon the uh such gomed gear ifak uh you can sign up for a newsletter on wheatonarms.com or gomedgeer.com for updates on that as soon as that's going to be available in the next few days you'll be able to jump on there and grab one of those and we appreciate sportsman's guide for sponsoring today's episode guys you get 20 off every 100 or more purchase using s-o-o-t-c-h that's it suge and you get i mean and then yes sign up for their buyers club you get free shipping so you start ordering big bulky items and the free shipping from the buyers club will just about pay for itself with your first order well and even just regular items that's why shipping can be so expensive so just a great way to do it and the guys at sportsman's guide are fantastic we've got that down you know you do we just really appreciate those guys because they're just awesome but uh we're gonna sign off we really appreciate you coming by and hanging out thanks for all the great questions this will be a live vid this video will be a permanent video on the sensible prepper channel if you want to go back and look be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the republic
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 130,064
Rating: 4.8967495 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Id: IgCvA4TB4pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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