How To Make A Perimeter Alarm System - Post Apocalyptic Life Hacks

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hey welcome to the post-apocalyptic garage at first I want to thank you for all of the really really good comments on YouTube and on Facebook you're really awesome guys you really gave me the encouragement I need right now and I definitely will continue to make videos there will be a patreon account in the next couple of weeks and also the post apocalyptic shop will go online in the next two weeks so enough of that for now maybe you have noticed that Australia black in the background today we're filming on 26th of October it's our national holidays here in Austria it's comparable to the 4th of July in the USA and we'll give a little bit of knowledge of this day to mainly my Austrian audience most of you learned in school that 26th of October was the paper the last American soldier from the occupation forces of Austria left Austria on this day and that's the reason why it's our national holiday but actually that's not really the truth the last soldier of the occupation forces was indeed an American soldier and he have left Austria at the 25th of October on 26th of October our national holiday today the Austrian Parliament declared everlasting neutrality of Austria yesterday I spend a little time on the internet searching for new stuff for new inventions and a tripled over video from towel animals in which it demonstrated a tripwire perimeter alarm of sorts which you can use to defend your camp in the woods for example against intruders against bears or other kinds of threats it's not the kind of Philon which necessarily hurts the intruders or the animals in your camp but it definitely will get your attention basically all those dudes it's a little kind of device where you put a 12-gauge shotgun shell in it preferably you can use blanks but you can also put in a live round it's will not apply deadly force to the intruder but it definitely will scare them when intruder triggers the tripwire a little pimp gets pulled out and that will set off the shotgun shell it makes a loud boom and you will definitely know that someone is there they have various models on the market right now most of them are for sale for about 30 to 80 dollars and I think we can make it a lot cheaper so for my version of the perimeter alarm system I search for the following parts I've searched for a big nut like this and I have a tip for you never code to the hardware store and ask for a nuts were a 12-gauge shotgun shell fits in like this they will look at you like you're some kind of crazy bastard or something and it will definitely get you on some kind of watchlist but I found one and the 12-gauge shell fits relatively perfect in there so we are going with that one next thing you need is some kind of bulge and not like this and it's not really important what's that mention is your bulge F it just has to be big enough to fit a spring like this inside you may be asking yourself where to get such let's bring like this one as the cheapest and easiest way is from a toy gun like this in addition to that we just need some kind of washer relatively big nail and some kind of little nuts which fits over the nail like this [Music] [Music] so now we've got a hole all the way through the screw and I have to tell you one thing the best way to do this will be on a lathe we're at the workpiece is spinning and the tool is steady so you can get a much more central hole in there unfortunately I don't have a lathe so I just tried to Center it as good as possible and it's really important to get the hole as close as possible to the center that it don't matter too much when it's a little bit off-center [Music] [Music] okay so as you have noticed we were not drilling the second hole all the way through because we need a backstop for spring the diameter of the two holes are not really important you just have to be sure that the smaller hole is big enough to fit your needle a bigger hole has to be wide enough to fit the spring inside and also it has to be big enough to fit the spring retainer which we are welding on the nail now so guys it looks like I have to correct myself I've just blown the last fuse on my welder so we are going to dry a little bit of soft solder and entrust a little product here [Music] okay so it looks like our little firing pin mechanism is ready right now so now we just have to file the tip in the shape of kinds of the firing pin you find in your rifle and then we will see if our concept is working [Music] okay so now for the tricky part we have to get a little bitty tiny hole in the nail which will surface both as a hole for the safety pin and also for the pin for the trigger mechanism okay to be honest with you I actually can't believe that this has worked out so great as you can see now you can pull the firing pin all the way to the back and you can put in your safety pin here so right now it looks like everything has been great so far so we are going to assemble it and then we are going to test it [Music] [Music] for testing it we use just this 12 gauge primer cut off from a shotgun shell and it should be plenty loud enough to see if our contraption is working as you can see we have now attached this little piece of wire here to the safety pin this will later become a trip wire of sorts now we're just going to pull it by hands to see if the contraption is working it should be very safe right now because first it's chesty primer and the whole metal part here is facing to me so the shell is facing the direction of you guys of the camera no one is behind the camera right now so let's see if this is working as far as I can see worked out pretty good in my view chest the primer here was loud enough to alert you in case of an intruder is coming near your camp so now we're going to set it up at its intended place and I'm sure it will work pretty good for us so in case you're asking yourself what else can you put in there basically everything which is in 12 gauge shotgun shell so I just use the primer because everything else like putting life round in there or like attaching a barrel to it will be highly illegal here in Austria to see some of the options you can check out tali about this video on this kind of device I will leave a link for you in the description so that was it for today I hope you liked this little build video all what's left for you to do now is scroll down please hit the like button leave us a comment we are also on Facebook and Instagram so check us out there all links in the description of this video I really enjoy making videos again have a nice evening guys and we'll see us next time sweetie have some chocolate for you on the forge oh wait wait wait if you're not already a subscriber please subscribe to our channel we will get out build videos like this every week and if you have already subscribed to our channel be sure to click on the bell so you get informed when we are uploading a new video but that's all for now goodbye guys
Channel: PostapocalypticGarage
Views: 117,110
Rating: 4.9117723 out of 5
Keywords: Post Apocalyptic, Bug out, survival, DIY, How To, Handmade, Workshop, Postapocalyptic Garage, prepping, prepper, postapocalypticgarage, bushcraft, apocalypse, post apocalyptic, mad max, improvised, improvising, reusing, repurposing, recycling, life hack, livehack, Perimeter alarm, alarm system, alarm, perimeter, perimeter alarm system, camp, camping, trip wire, trip wire alarm
Id: qA3OJYI3K-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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