12+1 Tips I Wish I Knew! | Wuthering Waves

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what's up Rovers today we're going to be taking a closer look at 11 tips you wish you knew when you started weathering waves now I honestly should have released this video sooner as some of the stuff is from even cbt2 we'll be focusing more on quality of life tips and tricks rather than strict progression related stuff unless super important without further Ado let's jump in first one I'm sure you all hate the current camera implementation which rears its ugly head most in the tower now this fix will not solve all the problems such as repeatedly locking the camera onto something invisible or randomly swinging camera into the floor of sky but those are bugs they're working on for the 1.1 patch anyways go into your settings shut every single camera setting on the bottom here off camera reset that makes your camera reset later on idle maybe you can have it on but I prefer it off but these other three moving camera correction makes camera realign when you move ever mess up a jump because of the camera readjusting just before the jump combat camera correction forces camera to track what you attack whether lock on or not turning it off removes most of the aggressive tracking but will still angle somewhat slowly now assisted aiming is what causes you to randomly hit enemies you aren't even trying to hit sometimes this fails even went off but most of the Jank targeting will stop happening know that this only works for when you are not locked on an enemy with middle Mouse it also doesn't work work well on hard-coded trackers like gn's alt basic attack Direction second one confused on how a puzzle Works can't find objectives just run around spamming sensor every destructible and interactable object in the game even if currently not interactable will be highlighted by your sensor within a massive radius good for finding hidden objects chess or puzzle tools now that we're on the topic of exploration how about when you're trying to clean the map and don't know what's missing open your map click the compass for the region your character is currently in it will pull up a list of Resident beacons son not caskets chests blob flies and viewpoints you're missing it won't tell you where they are which you can use and find with utilities but combined with an interactive map can easily tell what you're missing for that last 2 or 5% in the area how about Co-op exploration did you know you can steal from other people's worlds yep so flowers are not shared on pickup only one person can get them before it disappears for everyone from the host's world or and shell credits on the other hand are fully shared and you will get them when anyone kills anything anywhere and loots them on the map but what about Echoes then they are not shared but they are also obviously not stolen each person rolls Echoes independently on whether they dropped or not and at what Rarity now you know ask your friend before you go stealing their flowers next up are those Red Mist Elites now these respawn every week yep I had someone tell me they respawn on Wednesdays instead of Mondays with weekly reset but that might be wrong I don't really remember anyways if you want one more chance at Gold Echo go take them out too it's where I got two of my correct main stat Elemental herand from they'd be here but I killed them this week already want to know what Echoes you picked up as fast as possible on your daily run don't open your character menu press B to open up your inventory instead move to the echo's page and sort by time added now you can see them all in one big screen now normally exiting the screen resets at to sorting by level to keep it sorting by time added just click a different sidebar menu before exiting like weapons or consumables now when you open B back up one single click is all you need to look at your Echo again still sorted by time added how about this now that we're geared at 2 weeks Post Release you've probably taken a run at the tower did you know that the Vigor system only locks their characters in but not their gear if you're super short on investment you can do a run with one team then remove their gear and put it on your team too and run the other stages that's what I did with my calcher on GN before I pulled verdant Summit passing autum Trace back and forth between them if you have a universal set lingering Tunes you can do this too and obviously Moonlight and healing sets can be passed across supports as well but what if you're not just doing Tower what if you're learning how hologram fight patterns work is there a way to protect yourself easier sure this is an Exar I'm sure you've gotten a couple of these Echo around already I actually learned this from steu during cbt2 a couple of months ago so this one is a shouty thanks to him casting a echo skill puts you underground moving at a fixed Pace while being completely Invincible for a few seconds it follows the direction your mouse aims perfect for getting away from really scary attacks like the morning I 10 hit combo after the big scream surely you'll eventually learn to run away on time this might even work for cress's 10- hit combo once his hologram gets added in the future this uses a top Echo slot so if you use it put it on a support and not your DPS obviously while on the topic of echo utility the imper Heron lets you fly a bit further whereas The Inferno Rider lets you ride at a much faster speed for about 5 Seconds while they have decent cooldowns it's still handy for an exploration team slot on your team building page Echo presets would be nice to have curo and of course finally there's the raving Turtle too how about the one big investment tip I have now right now you're short on Echo exp and eventually Echo tuners right here's a surprise youve probably heard about it already after Union 40 you'll also be short on shell credits why it takes roughly 500k to 1 million shell credits to bring a single units entire kit from level 60 to 70 this includes their weapons their own ascensions and leveling and their Forte skill level cap increases if you're seeing this video while the Intensive training event is still ongoing you should be spending it on the Shell credit simulation training option speaking of forte skills one an easy way determine what skills to level first for DPSS the biggest priority is always their Forte circuit the circuit is what makes units unique and feel different but it is also what allows their source of scaling mechan mechanics and interactions in place allowing skills and alts to synergize a lot better it will always be the most important for DPS units for supports it is still typically the most important but because you can half ass support investment you don't have to put as much in typically if the Forte circuit refers to your Liberation then your Liberation will be the second highest priority if it doesn't then you can assume your resident skill will be the second highest priority enjoy this Forbidden Knowledge intro skill is almost never important Beyond just fre damage if you want to test some rotations on your kit the game does have a testing dummy to the west of jinju city in the central plains yes this is still considered Central Plains there's abandoned NPC here with a chest you might have fought him before for it but you can always come back and talk to him to fight again he is reasonably tanky but will not survive against fully built teams so if you want to practice rotations just put level one gray weapons on your units to test things out I recommend even placing a custom teleport here if you don't want to make the track back each time and the last tip if you've been looking to try and merge your Echo together then wait until you're Union 40 why well the type of echo that you get out of it is determined by your data bank and at datab bank 19 which requires Union 40 you'll see this highest drop Rarity here it has an 80% chance of being gold rather than datab Bank 18 being only 50% so hold on to them till then if you already burned them well I mean can't go back on that now and hopefully you got some useful e go out of it that's it for my tips I hope today's tips have been helpful to you cheers I do stream almost every single day on weaing waves and we've already clocked several hundred hours into the CBT in 1.0 live if there are any questions you might have you might get them answered faster if you stop by while I'm there links are down in the description if this is your first time watching feel free to leave a like or better yet subscribe let me know your thoughts down in the comments stick around if you want to see interesting videos on a nearly daily basis don't miss out on any of that do you there'll be for this video thank you all for watching and see you all next [Music] time Dr [Music] theath [Music] sh our face through the tears it Shin only the way
Channel: Aznvasions II
Views: 28,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wuthering Waves Showcase, Wuthering Waves Guide, Wuthering Waves, Yinlin, Jiyan, Yinlin Build, Jiyan Build, Rover Wuthering Waves, Lingyang Wuthering Waves, Calcharo Wuthering Waves, Jianxin Wuthering Waves, Encore Wuthering Waves, Wuthering Waves Echo Farm, Should You Pull Jiyan, Should You Pull Yinlin, Jiyan vs Yinlin, Yinlin vs Jiyan, Havoc Rover, Echo farming Wuthering Waves, Wuthering Waves Hologram, Echo Substats, Echo Farm, Wuthering Waves Parry, Yinlin Guide
Id: JCh3LfJpYks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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