1.18 will RUIN Minecraft (as we know it)

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if you came to this video and defense the caves and cliffs update don't worry i'm not going to say that the update is going to suck because it isn't honestly i think it looks really good if you came to this video looking for objective arguments of how it's going to ruin the game also don't bother however i named this video what i did for a reason i won't argue that it's bad but what i will do is offer my perspective i believe this update will ruin minecraft as we know it let me explain that perspective starts with a question let's say you have a ship let's call it oh i don't know buddy mcboatface now this boat was used for a long long time many adventures many battles but now it's retired and rest comfortably on a harbour a businessman hoping to make a profit buys the ship and turns it into a museum piece the only issue was that the wood starts to rot over time so naturally every now and then he swaps out just one board at a time an old one for a brand new one this continues until years later every single part of the ship the mass the boards the wheel everything has been replaced the question is is it still the same ship before you look it up there is no correct answer to this question and it's been a subject to debate for literally thousands of years however i have a different scenario that's far easier to agree on just bear with me here it'll make sense in a bit let's say a boat let's call this one body mcboatface 2 is a newly made seafaring pirate ship and through purely legal means the captains came across a large pile of money and a few more quote-unquote workers now instead of buying a new ship they decide to add on to their current one larger mast bigger deck whatever you want it doesn't matter that much now is this the same ship i would say definitely yes it is it's just upgraded so then what if and stay with me here what if that ship was minecraft see minecraft is in a position that basically no other game in existence is in when fortnite updates their game that is the game now there's no more classic island unless they choose to keep it if it's floating islands now it's floating islands however minecraft has the strange position of having both a unified single player and a decentralized multiplayer even though realms exist now the minecraft community was grown and built on personalized custom servers in this position and with notch being a very techy indie game developer the game was designed to be playable at any time in every single version that's been released you don't need to install custom launchers or mods or go through rigorous processes to access old versions all you need to do is click a few buttons and suddenly you can travel through time thing is not all updates are equals while something like the horse update 1.6 added a few things definitely it doesn't even compare to the redstone update adding many of the blocks that redstoners still use to this day but listen to the word i'm using added 1.6 added horses 1.5 added hoppers 1.4 added the weather all these updates are indisputably upgrades to the game they add more things to the base that is minecraft however i would argue that there are two separate updates that irrevocably changed the game as we know it let's go back to 2009 a small tenacious indie developer named marcus person founded a studio called mojang named after a failed project of his two years prior over the following years notch would build more and more on the concept of minecraft it was a simple aimless sandbox game where people could explore and create whatever they saw fit once the beta stage went public the game started finding far more recognition from the wider scope of the internet after the final alpha update the halloween update that added the nether beta 1.0 was far more modest what it primarily did was fix several server issues making them mostly stable and allowing people to easily connect with friends while the beta updates were far less expansive each one slowly built up the unforgettable world that we now know and love beta 1.2 added sheep squids and different tree types 1.3 added beds slabs and crying obsidian 1.6 added maps 1.7 added pistons shearers and more all of these were indisputably improvements to the game then came update beta 1.8 while the others mostly avoided specific names this one was labeled the adventure update and it came in two parts the first was beta 1.8 and the second was the official release of the game version 1.0.0 and while the previous 7 only really added or fixed this update changed when you'd first start up the game you'd be greeted not by the dirt wall you knew for years but instead a gentle spin around a panoramic view if you'd make a new world you might notice something weird on the top of your inventory bar what hunger are you kidding me i can sprint now i have to charge my bow to shoot it i can block with a sword strongholds mine shafts villages what the is going on what this update did was actively change the flow of the gameplay you suddenly had a new stat to keep up constantly combat was different there were hints of an ending being added to the game soon so much complexity and direction was injected into what people loved as a simple and relaxing game now at the time from what i could gather the update was actually taken rather well very few outwardly negative posts were created but as the years went on and this new minecraft was continually built upon a section of the community started feeling nostalgic by the time we hit the modern day there's still a sizable chunk of the community who sees beta 1.7 as the best the game ever got they still believe that hunger is a horrible mechanic and that the game is just meant to be simple and nice and honestly who could necessarily blame them this was the minecraft they came to love and then suddenly it wasn't anymore new boards were swapped out for old ones and it was never quite the same flashing forward to december 25th 2012 update 1.4.8 released just five days prior despite it not being a major update it did add a few new features to the game it added nether brick slabs enchanted books fireworks and me your boy got minecraft on christmas that year fun fact my username used to be bow puncher i originally wanted to go with dragon slayer but i was afraid my mom would get mad at me anyways the minecraft i was introduced to was unique and amazing i'd been watching youtubers play it for around a year prior yet everything still felt incredibly new to me and as time moved on this was the minecraft i came to know i made friends i moderated servers i learned how to build and mine in this minecraft and by time 2014 came around a whole four new updates had passed me by with my love of the game still holding strong things started to get shaky though on september 2nd 2014 when update 1.8 released for the game at this point every single release had a name this one was the bountiful update and bountiful it definitely was the notable additions were the ocean temple coming with a brand new boss slime blocks banners barriers endermites and rabbits they even added new world customization options and a brand new enchantment depth strider it also changed things but not in the same way the adventure update did it added hundreds of tweaks and quality of life changes like doors stacking to 64 or buttons being placed on grounds and ceilings the only thing that really changed was how villagers worked but i never really messed with them so it didn't bother me however another thing happened in 2014 just 13 days after 1.8 released microsoft announced that they've made a deal to purchase mojang in minecraft for a total of 2.5 billion dollars this was different notch was suddenly a billionaire microsoft had full creative control and most importantly the game went silent from 2011 to 2014 eight major updates had released for the game yet for the next year and a half following 1.8 release there was absolutely nothing a community used to constant updates were suddenly left stranded and what happened as a result is that 1.8 just became minecraft that was minecraft now and would be for as long as we knew it a full year of my life passed me by as i grew and learned and yet me and my friends still played that same version but then finally in the february of 2016 15 months later an update was released that would change the game forever 1.9 the combat update to say that the combat update changed minecraft's dna would be an understatement as the name implies the combat system for the game was entirely revamped instead of being able to spam click now every hit forces you to essentially recharge before doing it again armor was made less effective enchanted golden apples were both heavily nerfed and made impossible to craft and the sword could no longer block instead you now need to use a shield to block damage place in the brand new dual wielding slot that's not to mention that the end too was completely overhauled the ender dragon a staple of the game ever since 1.0 had its boss fight updated and a brand new dimension being the end islands was introduced to top it all off in the ships that saw above the end cities you could obtain the elytra a piece of armor that gave you the ability to fly with the use of fireworks once again the flow of minecraft was irrevocably changed not once since the adventure update were such fundamental mechanics of the game altered and after a year and a half of the same game it was a shock to say the least to be clear i actually really like this update but to be honest i don't think i ever fully adapted to it while i may have learned to love the elytra and found dual wielding pretty useful i treated the game for the most part like it was still 1.8 and as the years continued i started to learn less and less about what was added in each new edition i didn't even know polar bears were added to the game until 2019 i thought i was somehow using a mod pack when i first saw one and as time went on i started to understand why some players still lived in beta 1.7 this is minecraft undoubtedly but it's not the minecraft i know 1.9 sent us into a new era 5 years after the release of the game and now five years after the combat update we're ready again for a brand new one mining is such a fundamental part of the game that it makes up one half of the title a title that surpassed any other video game to ever exist and after 10 full years of life even mining is going to change just like the adventure update caves and cliffs is releasing in two parts one the caves and another the surface 1.17 already changed many things but 1.18 will once again transform minecraft as we know it as for the surface mountains are being completely overhauled turning the weird buggy and occasionally beautiful mountains we know into cascading towering monoliths however the real change is down below i've always been a miner in this game it's where i've always been most peaceful i've spent hundreds or even thousands of hours just digging through the dark gray caverns but that's changing now too cave biomes are being introduced and now the player can go even deeper than before where there would be void there's now the deep slate orbs spawn in long winding tendrils instead of independent clumps there's geodes and stalagmites lush caves and vast open areas this is no longer the minecraft i know but that's okay with the release of 1.18 nearly every single board on our ship will be replaced what's old is now new and shiny and again we go back to that question if everything is replaced is it still minecraft i think that the answer is yes all of it every single update is minecraft the only thing separating them truly is time what minecraft is is a living document its nature is to change and just like the game so too does the fanbase newcomers arrive and veterans slowly drift away and i think that finally my time has come to drift away as well i've played this game for nine whole years and i truly don't regret a second of it i might play 1.18 and even the updates beyond it but my heart rests firmly in 1.8 and i'll eventually return there as i always do 1.18 will ruin minecraft as we know it but in its wake a new one will be created in the process and i hope that all of you sail that brand new ship into the sunset for me for now i'll stay firmly at the docks thank you and have a nice day you
Channel: The Cursed Judge
Views: 269,620
Rating: 4.5761638 out of 5
Keywords: caves and cliffs, 1.18, 1.18 showcase, minecraft is bad, minecraft is bad at survival, the cursed judge, gaming
Id: k8PQctgBhjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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