Minecraft But I Upgrade EVERYTHING - The ULTIMATE Survival World! | Part 4

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this year i set myself the biggest possible challenge ever i set out to transform the entirety of minecraft creating the ultimate survival world for you to play for yourselves that's right i'm tackling every in-game structure every major biome and making crazy upgrades to create the ultimate minecraft survival experience for you guys that includes hundreds of secrets hidden loot side quests treasure hunts interactive areas and story related elements for you guys to explore with your friends all in a survival friendly world spanning across 16 million blocks so far we've tackled the plains the desert which includes the beaches the mushroom and swamp and the darkwood forest we still have the mesa savannah tiger snowy mountains jungle and even more to go today though we're heading into the jungle and doing some serious upgrading seriously the building in this biome took me over 150 hours alone that's without all the planning researching story writing scripting and editing we're going to be upgrading the jungle temple creating a huge ancient city transforming the jungle village and pillager outpost and adding in a bunch of custom surprises for you guys to discover and interact with as well as loads of lore and remember if you guys want to see me continue this project and download it via my patreon upon completion then make sure we hit 250 000 likes and hit that subscribe button you guys seem to absolutely smash the like goal without fail so i believe in you it's literally just steph and i working on this massive project so your support means the world and we love seeing your guys ideas in the comments and on the trixie blocks discord so keep them coming anyway to jump in and kick things off it's time for some major terraforming although not pushing my building to its real limits since we've got to keep things survival friendly after all by the way please bear with the glitchy visuals during the terraforming as the world unloads around me unfortunately working at such a large scale means that even with the render distance maxed out we still can't keep everything loaded in now i know i'm going a bit crazy with the terraforming here but hear me out we've tackled some biomes so far that are typically super flat including the plains and the desert plus we have the mesa and savannah to go which are also pretty flat environments so i thought why not give you guys some really cool landscape to explore in the jungle as the only other area set to have a more dynamic landscape is the snowy mountains since i wanted to create a super intricate landscape to really immerse you guys in your jungle adventures i actually spent two weeks just making manual edits to this terrain to get it just right even though there won't be natural oars in these mountains themselves there'll be plenty of secrets to explore including a custom abandoned mine shaft with its own ores which you'll see later in this video plus i'm planning on a crazy network of mines for our mesa canyon so that should fulfill all your custom cave desires i was sure to add tons of variety to these mountains and make them very dynamic decorating them with plenty of caves rocky overhangs and steep cliffs to break up the mountain range even further i mapped out a route for plenty of valleys rivers and waterfalls that connect back into the ocean surrounding the ultimate survival world right so before we get into the craziest transformation of the ultimate survivor world so far please support the channel as i tell you about today's sponsor monster legends fancy building your own world on the go for your very own monsters to live in well monster legends is free to play on android and ios ready for you to start collecting monsters and building your very own army now there are hundreds of monsters to collect and let's be honest you definitely want to have your very own ancient kung fu wizard panda and just look at my guy sir valga he's got some serious drip right there you can even breed your favorite monsters of different elements and rarities so the combinations are endless throw in a bunch of apples for your monsters and nibble on and they'll level up in no time you can test your skills in crazy battles from dingy dungeons all the way to adventure maps with the added bonus of flexing your monsters in real time battles with your friends as a monster master you can team up with other epic gamers and refine your skills in team walls with new events every week there's always something for you and your monsters to sink your teeth into download the game via the link in the description before october 25th for special awards worth 30 dollars including 50 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and the epic monster kyori now tap the link below download monster legends and get a head start in the center of the mountainscape i cleaned up the large stone island and scattered around some rocks and plinths protruding from the bottom of the pit which would eventually be filled with water speaking of water with our landscaping complete i started filling up our valleys with blue wool which would eventually become the various rivers and waterfalls of the jungle valley now i've used this technique before on the channel and it's the best possible way to achieve some really nice looking waterfalls and rivers without minecraft's water physics breaking through and filling up the entire map to finish off our shiny new jungle landscape i added grass moss and plenty of foliage to begin to add a little life to the basic terrain and as you can see compared to the size of my character this place is huge but it's still very empty and jungles are typically known for being well the complete opposite of that so to turn our epic landscape into an actual jungle i created a few variations of palm and jungle trees an assortment of shrubs plants and bushes to add greenery to the jungle floor and of course some custom boulders and rocks to add even more variation now if you remember in previous episodes i spoke about how the desert village traded with the jungle using its wood to rebuild their community after the pharaohs weather destroyed the ancient desert village i wonder if other biomes have such good relations somehow i don't think they're all great friends but that's something you'll hear about later and we'll get to discover in the map itself once is complete now i had to start in true jumanji style and create some giant statues to guard the entrance of what will soon be a legendary ancient city to give you guys some context the jaguar was worshiped in mayan culture and is often associated with power bravery and foresight similarly this jungle civilization built a pair of these powerful figures to not only protect their city but also to encourage the worthy to tackle the maze of the jaguar empowered by these symbols of foresight and bravery watching over them we're gonna return to tackle this mysterious maze of the jaguar shortly but with our statue almost complete i made a few small tweaks before repositioning it either side of this gap between the mountains to kick off this ancient city we're going to need to upgrade the vanilla jungle temple that's going to sit smack bang in the middle of it of course i had to listen to you guys and take inspiration from mayan incan and aztec architecture for this one remember though these creations are never meant to be historically accurate and if you don't see your favorite cultures or architectural styles in this survival world then you definitely will when i make the next one anyhow i transformed the original temple attempting to incorporate a similar style and size well actually this isn't the whole thing this is just the top of the temple i guess i lied about the size now since the jungle temple has been tackled in minecraft so many times before even by me i tried to create something unique for this world incorporating lots of different elements to each layer of the building so what did this intricate temple mean to the ancient jungle city well every year many of the city's people would undertake a perilous pilgrimage across the vast jungle landscape searching for the four elemental protector totems at each totem they would leave valuable offerings and perform rituals to preserve the power of the sacred elements which were essential for the city's survival after finding earth wind fire and water the pilgrimage would finish at the temple and those who succeeded were celebrated in a grand ceremony as saviors of the city and were provided with many valuable benefits for the next year one year however a desperate thief took on the pilgrimage hoping that it would change her life for the better she stole from her people in order to get hold of offerings for the four totems hoping that she would be celebrated upon her return and given a comfortable life for the next year unfortunately her deception tainted the rituals and the protection provided by the totems for centuries was tarnished eventually the city dwellers could find no fertile land their water was contaminated their hunting ventures always seemed to end in fatalities and the elements were totally against them many of the city's people passed away and a small group decided to flee and seek refuge in a part of the jungle untainted by the elemental curse they became one of the several tribes inhabiting the jungle wilderness which you'll hear a bit more about later on anyway to tie our grand temple into its equally grand surroundings i had to do a little bit of terraforming to make some space for the main bridge to the city i made a single column design and mirrored it down the length to support the rest of the walkway etching in details and creating a staircase that leads down to ground level i then copied the whole design and positioned it on each side of the temple branching out into the mountains in preparation for what will be the rest of the ancient city i also included some more foundations around the base of the temple to support this massive structure at the front of our temple i created this mayan inspired statue head that will act as a water duct i added some streams to the jungle temple that filter off through these stone channels and out the mouth of these abstract faces to add a really magical vibe to the temple with one channel complete i mirrored the design to the other side to tie things up for the interior of our giant new jungle temple i was able to include many walkways balconies and other areas for you guys to explore thanks to the multiple levels of this structure as you can imagine this temple was hugely important to our jungle civilization being fundamental to many of their rituals and ceremonies it's even rumored that the jungle emperor who died after the elemental curse struck the city is buried deep within the temple with his most precious possessions protected by dozens of booby traps also you may recognize the villager head statues from a previous ultimate survivor world episode given the plethora of sacred artefacts found in our ancient jungle city there are many famous tales of adventurers who traveled here including members of our wealthy trading family from our darkwood mansion in fact you may have spotted that they've orchestrated a grand heist to steal a sacred statue from the city which still remains in their mansion to this day and it's rumored that this was the source of their bad luck and eventual disappearance anyway with the temple finally complete i headed back outside and decided to relocate the jaguar statues pushing them a little bit further back towards the ancient city this was to make room for the only way in and out of the city the maze of the jaguar for this legendary maze i was inspired by the labyrinth famous in greek mythology for playing host to the monstrous minor tour as you may have noticed i love combining inspirations from many influences since there are no rules in minecraft and it gives me a chance to be as inclusive as possible which i've really enjoyed so far to finish up the maze i incorporated the first four elemental totems that are hidden across the ancient city perhaps you can find them all and discover their secrets this earth protector totem was created to keep the ground fertile bringing the people a good harvest and also to protect the land from natural disaster now that's some pretty deep stuff from our jungle folk and as for the maze itself it was designed to test the bravery of those seeking entrance to the ancient city and is said to be enchanted leading to many unworthy adventurers becoming insane before finding the exit i wonder if you and your friends are worthy of entering the ancient city now with all this talk of an ancient city i'd better start building it hadn't i remember though this is all just a supplement to my jungle temple transformation the actual vine of the village upgrade will be totally separate so be sure to stick around for that anyhow to start things off i added a bunch of platforms and additional bridges around the mountainscape to start plotting out the city's foundations i also added some of the larger infrastructural buildings at this stage which i'm not going to run through in detail as i want you guys to have plenty to discover when you explore the map for yourselves just imagine discovering this hidden deep within a jungle this seriously is an adventurous playground so guys this particular building is super special and i'm very excited to reveal its purpose to you now you may recall that the desert and jungle biomes have always had a solid trading relationship frequently exchanging materials by sea in addition to this over the centuries the two civilizations created a huge mine network with a tunnel spanning between their two biomes to transfer ores and other resources to one another this building is the grand entrance to the interbio mining network and i can't wait for you guys to explore it for yourselves once the map is released next on my agenda was to brighten things up a little bit so i whipped up this huge fire brazier i then created a couple of standard designs to assist with tackling this large area including a basic building and pillar design to kick things off i then placed the fire brazier either side of the jungle valley and a couple of the standard buildings elsewhere before moving on to plan out where i would place the city's buildings using the classic redwood technique and of course it was then time to populate the city with these smaller buildings for our city folk to live in although this place has been pretty much empty since the elemental curse struck which you'll remember from early in this video in its heyday though this city was self-sufficient bustling with inhabitants they had their own military city hall marketplace prison library bank and more you may even spot a little reference to my original jungle temple transformation with this similarly designed shrine sitting atop a mountain rather than spoiling all the fun now i'll leave the interiors for you guys to check out when the map's finished last but not least i had to add that custom mind that i promised you guys where the jungle sources its valuable 1.17 ores and now you know why the desert was so keen to have good trading links with the jungle anyhow as you can see i created a large lift and crane for moving materials around which you can imagine would be pretty tricky given that the whole city is spread across a mountainscape as promised i added in an entrance to some custom caves where the ancient city folk did their mining back in the day i wonder if there are any shiny 1.17 resources left to be found in here with the ancient city complete which was really all just a massive transformation of the jungle temple with lots of added extras i placed down the trees and shrubs that we created earlier to bring the jungle to life to really add to that jungle vibe i added some giant hanging vines across the whole city linking mountain peaks to building tops and bridges and that just about completes the ultimate survivor world's legendary ancient jungle city i suppose it's just about time to move on to the rest of the biome scattered around the jungle i decided to place three small temples for you guys to discover these temples were built by the tribe of survivors who fled the ancient city after the elemental curse as soon as they felt lost in the jungle without a true spiritual connection to their gods they built these temples to revive many of the rituals and ceremonies they had performed in the city's grand temple and to reconnect with their spirituality after all the adversity they had faced it's said that some descendants of the original elemental curse survivors still occasionally visit these sacred sites for worship and special ceremonies i wonder if the survivors ancestors now happen to live in the village we're about to build before we move on to the jungle village transformation it's time to populate more of our vast jungle with these trees shrubs and rock clusters that we made earlier as you can see i left a clear area to do some terraforming for the village transformation i created a large lake and waterfall feeding into some winding rivers that lead straight out into the ocean i made sure to keep the landscape nice and tiered to keep things interesting since this is the biome for more extreme terrain to plan out the transformation i placed down the original vanilla village around the new landscape and mapped out the pathways and bridges to provide a layout one of the most requested features that you all wanted me to add to the ultimate survival world jungle was tree houses so i had to include some for you guys taking inspiration from the vanilla village buildings i created two alternative treehouse designs to sit high up in the canopies of our jungle trees i then scattered them across the village connecting them up with thin rickety bridges to create a treetop network above the ground-based village the ground-based village was feeling a little short of bridges now so of course i added the bridges that i planned out below too and to finally kick off the profession buildings i began with the cleric similarly to my planes cleric i decided to go with an alternative building design given that a cleric is often perceived as a healer so i took the wagon design that i made for the plane's biome and adapted it to house our jungle's wandering voodoo doctor no one ever sees the wagon arrive or leave and its bizarre rickety structure seems to defy all physics but no one asks any questions since our voodoo doctor is a little prone to casting hexes on those who snoop he does make great herbal tea though five stars on ubereats next up i transformed the fletcher's building i opted for a relatively simple design that somewhat matches the vanilla building with plenty of targets and firing ranges to test out the latest arrows he also holds free archery classes for the kids on wednesdays and finally for our butcher i decided to also combine the profession with the farmer role since the two go hand in hand so i created a quaint little jungle farm and a small farmyard to wrap up the profession buildings now since our village was still extremely empty at this point it was time to transform some default vanilla houses to place around i tried to stick as closely as possible to the vanilla designs to make this as authentic an upgrade as possible i had to include some stilted building elements though since it's such a classic jungle building design particularly near bodies of water and rivers so you may remember from earlier that there were several tribes inhabiting the jungle one of which was made up of the survivors of the elemental curse in the ancient city over centuries these tribes lived in territorial conflict with one another and eventually with other biomes seeking expansion after centuries of war the tribes agreed to live in harmony too many lives had been lost and the people had grown tired of living in fear they created a new community which has thrived ever since in the form of this charming jungle village now with our village transformed it's time to add the remaining trees and upgrade our pillager outpost which comes with some interesting law now for those of you who have been following this series closely you might remember that a plague broke out in the outer darkwood settlements located near the coast those who escaped the zombie-infested village fled to the main darkwood village but they were turned away as the villagers were terrified of catching the plague the stranded survivors fled across the river to the edge of the jungle turning to a life of pillaging and scavenging to survive they took over an abandoned outpost that the jungle's most powerful tribe had used centuries ago to protect the jungle's border the survivors began to clear an area destroying the trees to create a new settlement meanwhile the jungle villagers have lived in peace for decades since their tribes aligned and made a pact to live in harmony but the survivors from the darkwood forest are threatening such peace and destroying the jungle sacred land as i mentioned when creating the darkwood forest perhaps you guys can make it your quest to restore the abandoned darkwood village to its former glory so it can start fresh and now save the jungle from the threat of the pillagers too and with all that building and law covered let's take a look at the completed ultimate survival world jungle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks a lot for watching guys your support has been absolutely crazy the last few months now don't forget to hit that 250 000 like goal if you want to see me continue this project also which biomes would you like to see next and before you click away please stick around for some important announcements remember to check out my patreon for my completed world downloads which you can check via the link in the description if you have any questions or suggestions or just want to join the blox fam community which is now nearly at 30 000 members strong please join the discord we hold a bunch of competitions and giveaways and it's a great place to make new friends also i mentioned in the last video that i'll have some merch on the way soon hopefully by the next ultimate survival world episode it will be live and ready for you guys to get your hands on so be sure to keep an eye out for some updates you'll be able to get your hands on some exclusive trixie blocks posters of my most popular builds plus we've created an assortment of some super wearable designs available on tons of items in loads of colors so there'll be something for everyone once again thank you to monster legends for sponsoring this video be sure to click the link down in the description to claim your awards worth 30 thanks again guys and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: TrixyBlox
Views: 1,809,754
Rating: 4.985786 out of 5
Keywords: TrixyBlox, Minecraft, 100 Days Minecraft, The Minecraft Ultimate Survival Map, Minecraft Transforming Every In-game Structure, Transforming The Entireity of Minecraft, Transforming All of Minecraft Into An EPIC Survival World, 100 Days Transforming Minecraft, Minecraft Jungle Temple Transformation, Minecraft Village Transformation, Minecraft Jungle Village Transformation, Minecraft But I Upgrade EVERYTHING - The ULTIMATE Survival World!, Minecraft Jungle Biome Transformation, USW
Id: lBFPpQubOiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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