Is Minecraft Live Rigged?

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minecraft live is just around the corner which means minecraft fans are ecstatic to vote on a new minecraft mob if you don't know what minecraft live is it is convention based around the game minecraft hosted by mojang fans get to vote on which new minecraft mob they want to see this didn't go to plan as last time as the glow squid won the majority vote and had many fans upset many fans wanted the moo bloom over the gloss quinn but what are these year's mobs how are big content creators such as dream rigging the vote what is the true best mob out of these years picks this year we get to pick from an overworld mob minecraft has been releasing each mob day by day online and on their twitter first one announced was the glare it flies to dark spots that hostile mobs spawn in and throws a hissy fit this is because it's afraid of the dark and it's alerting you of the dangers doesn't make much sense to me why it would go to the spot that it's afraid of but we'll roll with it the second mob announced was the alley i'm seeing a trend with these mobs we wanted cute last time we got cute this time if you give an la an item it will bring the same item back to you or a similar item it loves to dance so if you're near a note block it will drop your items there the last one to appear was a copper golem it's kinda like an iron golem but fully made out of copper this can cause it to edoxize over time there wasn't too many details given on the purpose of the copper golem but it was quote unpredictable if the copper golem ends up winning majority vote they will also implement copper buttons into minecraft which will be a new item logically minecraft players would pick the best mob for the game but this might not be the case content creator dream who has amassed over 26 million youtube subscribers is trying to rig the vote he tweeted out quote i'm going to riga along with other things dream wants to rig the vote in favor of the worst mob but what's the true best mob from the three mobs who should we be voting for let's break it down starting with the glare the glare would be good for hardcore players or builders i don't think this has much benefit equally spacing your torches on your base can have the same effect this would however be good for mining or it could be good for building those big minecraft mansions and telling what parts of your ceiling are too dark many fans are drawn to this character because of its cute nature design it has the ability to float or fly which i wish it had little stubby legs cause come on that would be cute i'm curious to see if this is a tame-able mob or a mob that you just have to put on a lead overall i think i'd give this guy a solid 3.5 out of 5. the alley is personally one of my favorites its ability to collect you more items seems to be really helpful especially if you're one item short when crafting something i would really want to see if this mob actually goes and gets you that item or it just randomly appears with it i think this mob leaves a lot of room for questions waiting for the mob to come back too might be a little annoying you could probably find the same item just as fast and at more quantity how much would it bring you back as well overall i think i'd give the alley a solid 4 out of 5. the copper golem is hard to give a solid outlook on there seems to be many mysteries surrounding this guy in its true function it does feel like mojang needs to do something more with copper ore as it doesn't have much function as is i feel like the copper golem is perfect to give copper more of a purpose he seems to be able to fix redstone or something along those lines from the video again we aren't 100 sure on how he would work overall i think i would give him a four out of five now who's gonna win and who should we vote for this is a tricky question that i thought i had the answer to when the owlet and the glare were the only two announced i clearly thought the alley was the better of the two if you're putting finding items versus finding the dark i think there's a clear winner and then the copper golem dropped i took to twitter for some opinions as one does it seemed like many big content creators all loved the alley over the copper golem digging deeper though many took to the copper golem thinking it would be more helpful and far less buggy overall than the la my prediction is dream is going to ring the vote in favor of the glare we already know that he wants the worst mob people love the alley and the copper golem though some big content creators do take to the glare i honestly think that this could be any mobs game i don't think that there's a clear-cut hatred for any of the mobs unlike the last vote where there was clearly favoritism in the community in the end of the day make sure you're voting the alley sorry sorry sorry this is a non-biased video make sure you're voting on which mob you want to see the most not having your favorite content creators influence you if you did enjoy this video please subscribe i skipped doing all my homework to get this video on on time so please subscribe
Channel: inndigos
Views: 536,731
Rating: 4.7002711 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft live, minecon
Id: kXra6zpqnOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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