11 True Scary Stalker Stories compilation part 1 of 2

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I'll see you guys in the dark this story starts around 7 years ago when I was a senior in high school I joined the column I joined the cross-country team my senior year and really loved the experience and the team Camaro deers the boy is having girls teams trained together in the a groups and B groups the a group was all boys and me I didn't mind this it's definitely pushed me to a better runner but it was really difficult to try and keep up with them being a group I grew close with a lot of the guys and they all knew I had a boyfriend one guy Joe was really funny and we got along great we'd sit next to each other on the bus and meets and we'd text a lot but I thought we were just friends after cross country ended the boys convinced me to go indoor track and this is where Joe got really weird in January my relationship ended and it was whatever a high school relationship ending isn't the end of the world but Joe started acting strangely towards me he gets really mad if I didn't text him back I went to a house party and drank and he sent me this long text about how he was disappointed in me and he thought I was better than that our friendship started to get emotionally abusive Joe kept on mentioning how I made him feel worthless and he said things like I bet you wouldn't even care if I died he got jealous all the time and became so controlling I was already under school stress so I decided to take a break from Joe he didn't like this and Joe started spreading rumors around school that I was hooking up with guys who had girlfriends that I did explicit things for weed and just really awful things luckily most people didn't believe him by the time Outdoor Track came around our friendship was completely over I was really happy because the girls and boys track teams were two separate things and girls distance had their own coach and their own practices as well so I saw Joe but I never had to train or practice with him he stopped calling and texting me and that was a relief to after track season ended and I was about to graduate Joe sent me a long apology he said he didn't know he had feelings for me until my boyfriend and I broke up he said that's what triggered his weird behavior and that he was sorry for ruining our friendship I accepted his apology and went on with my life we texted from time to time but we obviously were not close enough friends anymore the summer after my senior year is where Joe started to make me nervous at least once a week at 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning our car would drive down our street blasting its horn it became such an issue that the whole neighborhood was on watch for the mysterious horn blaster I started getting texts from Joe some nights saying things like come out I'd reply the next morning with a question mark and he'd say that he was drunk and just drunk texted I worked over the summer so I was usually in bed by like 9:00 ish but one night I was up a little late when I turned off my lights in my room I immediately got a text from Joe that said goodnight Monty this freaked me out I told my parents everything that had happened and they were concerned my dad immediately thought Joe was my mysterious honker I sent in Joe and non-threatening text just saying that I worked long days so I'm normally in bed early so I'd appreciate not getting texta so late I still got sporadic texts from Joe but the mystery honker stopped which was really great in the fall I went away to college one weekend I came home was up in my room and I got a text from Joe had around midnight saying welcome home Monty I freaked out and looked outside but I didn't see his car I asked how he knew I was home he said lots of people were home for the weekend so he just assumed that I was to Joe then proceeded to favor at all my tweets and like all my Instagram posts I had enough of him at this point and blocked him literally everywhere I texted all my friends and told them what had happened and do not mention me to Joe at all because he definitely was obsessed with me Joe then called me and told me he was going to hurt himself I told my parents everything and my dad got the police involved I didn't hear from Joe after this until two summers later it's important to note around this time one of my brothers had moved out my mom wanted to turn my room into an office so I moved two rooms upstairs to his old room my room now faced the back part of the house not the street anymore my dad works in the courts and occasionally has to do bail duty whereas someone gets arrested he's the person that has to post a bail it sucks because he can get a call at 2:00 a.m. and have to go bail someone out on one particular night my dad got a bail call at 2:00 he went downstairs and got water and saw the motion light in the backyard was on that was weird he looked out the kitchen window and saw a guy in our backyard looking up at my room he ran outside and the guy jumped our fence the police came and took statements but it was the middle of the night and my dad was pretty tired so it could have been Joe but the police couldn't prove it the next few months I felt on edge I really felt unsafe in my own house how did Joan know I moved rooms how long was he be watching me it was nauseating my parents saw the toll that this was taking on me physically and emotionally I was snapping at them over small things my hair was falling out I was losing weight one day breakfast my dad walked into the kitchen and said I'm handling the Joe situation today he won't bother you anymore after that the incidents just suddenly stopped I ran into Joe at a party a few years later he saw me turned white and left the party immediately I have absolutely no clue what my dad did but he made sure Joe and I will never meet again the story I'm about to tell happens because I guess I am too nice to people when I was 17 I was a pretty blonde girl who was very nerdy I would often get guys who wanted to be more than friends when they found out I liked games and films but they always just made their crushes known and I would gently let them down I had a high school boyfriend at the time I worked at a movie theater in the Midwest I loved this job and became good friends with the people I worked with it was the perfect job for a teen who loved movies and needed to work after school that was until I met Simon Simon was a guy who worked at the theater with me he seemed nice enough a little geeky and not very attractive the kind of just a regular guy and I was friendly as I always was he was almost 10 years older than me so I wasn't too worried about him thinking I wanted to be more than friends as time went on he gave me more and more attention talking to me for hours during the downtime when movies were playing I suspected he might like me but I wasn't too worried as he was a manager and I wasn't and dated between managers and staff was not allowed so I thought he would just keep it to himself then after a year I was asked to move to another theater as the one I worked at would be shutting down in a few months I agreed but was the only staff member to be offered this option I realize now that this is not as fruitless as I thought it would be just a week after I started at the new movie theater Simon showed up to say hi I was friendly as always it was nice to him after all we were the same movie chain so he could come here to watch movies for free if he wanted to I thought it was innocent but soon started to feel uncomfortable when all of the time Simon was spending hanging out at the movie theater I asked my co-workers if he came in when I wasn't there but they said no then it dawned on me that we no longer worked at the same movie theater so he was free to pursue me romantically without worrying about his job this made me worried as he started not awkwardly flirting with me I found out later that a girl in my job who didn't like me had Simon a copy of my schedule for the next two months so I started to hide every time I saw him I would make some excuse to go and hide in the stockroom or the projection booth it was starting to make me very uneasy my boss was still a great friend to me noticed how uncomfortable I was and told me if I wanted to I could report it to the Home Office and get him to stop I thought this was taking it too far and I declined thinking eventually he would give up well he didn't he came in close to my birthday and dropped off a card in a CD with lots of rather creepy music on it I had finally had enough and told my boss to report him the management told him he wasn't allowed to come to my theatre again or he would be fired I didn't see him for a few months thought it was over but then I had people I worked with at the old dealer who went to the high school with me coming up to me in the halls and cussing me out for getting Simon in trouble they said I had let him on and that he was a lonely guy who had a crush on and it was cruel and that I got him in trouble or that I wouldn't give him a chance I was horrified that he had been spreading these rumors to people I thought were my friends and now we're attacking me at school I spent the next few months afraid to go anywhere I lived in a small town and was terrified of going out in case I ran into him I didn't genuinely nervous person who scares easily so my parents thought I was overreacting my boss told me not to worry and that Simon probably had given up on me oh how I wish that had been true the day the old theatre closed down I was at work I had to work late and me and my boss were the last ones to leave for the night my boss Peter asked me to wait for him so he could pick the lock up together it was about 2:00 a.m. once we left the door had been locked since 10:00 p.m. so no customers could get in as we walked out my boss had kind of a sick sense of humor was joking about Simon and his crush on me probably trying to make light of it to cheer me up when we stepped outside I turned to lock the door and my boss shouts there he is I thought he was joking again and turned to hell to tell him that it wasn't funny but he wasn't joking Simon was standing there with Peter just between us I froze my entire body went rigid and I didn't know what to do I heard Simon say my name and saw him try to get around my boss but Peter spread his arms up and blocked him from me I saw that he had to get his eyes fixed on me Peter told Simon to get out of here and that I didn't want to see him I struggled to unlock the door which was notoriously sticky to get open I could hear Simon trying to get my attention but I just focused on the lock finally gave way and I rushed inside running for the office which had a deadbolt security door I unlocked it and sat inside hyperventilating Peter came in and shut the door checking in if I was okay he told me he told Simon to go home and to not come back or he would call the cops we sat in the office and waited for what seemed like forever Peter then said he would go and check to make sure he had left and I stayed in the locked office a few minutes go by and I hear Peters voice telling me that he was coming back in when he opened the door he looked furious and headed straight for the phone I asked what was wrong and he said that Simon was still out there apparently had parked in the shadow of the theatre where it was hard to see he parked in such a way that he would have to had walked past him to get to my car he had parked his van a van I didn't know he had in the shadows Peter had found him crouched down beside the van as if waiting for something waiting for me to walk by Peter had shouted he was calling the cops and ran back inside by the time the cops showed up he had left they took a statement and Peter gave them all of Simon's contact information as it was still in the system we guess he showed up today because he was no longer at risk of losing his job as the theater had closed down I never saw Simon again but it didn't mean I wasn't terrified I spent the whole year up until I moved away terrified I might run into him again I never did but I ruined what should have been a great summer before I left the College I hate to think what would have happened if my boss hadn't been there that night or hadn't been smart enough to check that Simon had left I am still good friends with Peter he even came to my wedding I owe him an unknown debt and the Simon wherever you are let's not meet again when I was in high school my freshman year I had a small group of friends we all ran cross-country together and got pretty close we would hang out together after school as well things started to unravel when one of the guys in the group started asking me out all the time I had no feelings for him and was constantly turning him down then he started to get really weird he would write me letters that were basically his fantasies about me and then the letters I were to reciprocate one time when the group was all out of his house he told me he wanted to show me something in his room and me being a bit naive went with him only when we got in his room that I realized I was alone with him and that he had shut the door behind us nothing happened but I got a weird feeling and ran out of the room as quickly as I could our friendship really deteriorated after that he would call me text me message me constantly and even show up at my parents house unannounced I did my best to cut him out of my life after he graduated high school I had blocked him on everything it's a communication finally ended fast forward about eight years on my birthday I got a call from an unknown number I didn't answer but they left me a voicemail it was him he said he got me a present that he wanted to give me I just needed to call him back my heart dropped I don't know how he got my number because it was different from the one I had in high school I decided to ignore him and not call him back he kept calling and leaving me messages for a few weeks finally he left me a voicemail that said I'm gonna make this really short if you don't meet up with me I'm going to end myself I called the police and reported it so he could be checked up on the problem was I had no info on him I only knew his name and phone number I didn't know where he lived now or anything else they said they would look into it I didn't get any more calls from him two months later my little sister called me in a panic during broad daylight my stock work had gone to my parents house let himself inside and gone down to the basement where my room was she had opened the door to her room and found him standing there she confronted him and he quickly left the house but stayed in the driveway by his car she woke up my mom who had recognized him she confronted him outside while my sister called the police he told her they told him he could come over and see me he left before the police got there they wrote a report and that was all that happened police told us that they couldn't find him and we really couldn't press charges because the door had been unlocked and there were no no trespassing signs in our yard I was on edge and my sister was on edge for months finally the police let us know they found him someone else had called the police on him for a different reason and when the police tried to apprehend him he stabbed one of the cops with a pic he's in jail now for less than a year for both charges we have a restraining order against him as well I just hope this is the end of it all I'm terrified if he found out my new number he can find my new address as well I would have never expected violence from him but now I know he is capable of it stalker let's not meet again back in 2013 I was living with my ex at the time believed me or a nice country village and as I was in-between jobs at the time I picked up a job at a local garden center it was casual retail work fairly decent pay and easygoing enough that I could take a coffee break frequently and where basically whatever I liked as long as I wore my work polo shirt it was walking distance from my ex's house and full of people of all ages who were the most lovely people I had ever met most of the regular customers who came to the garden center were usually sweet old people who could visit the cafe because we had free teas and discounted lunches for Oh APs if they had a store card so you often got to know all of them and some of them we gave nicknames most of them sweet like pink hair lady a badass 80 year old grandma who wore a tassel leather jacket and bright pink hair then there was campervan couple who used to drive a really cool camper van with bright orange flowers painted on it you get the idea with creepy artist man he gave most of the young girls weird vibes he wore a straw hat was in his late 40s had Rowden golden rimmed glasses and would wear strange graphic shirts with lewd images and slogans on the back he always wore ripped jeans where his knees were always hanging out of them which were always dirty with paint or mud or something else he had this weird half smile that would never leave his face and a kind of leer that made people feel uncomfortable he would take off his glasses and clean them constantly which kind of made you feel like he was trying to get a better look at the girls who worked there especially the younger ones anyways it was a roasting hot summer's day and I gratefully accepted the job of watering the hanging baskets outside rocket aboard the human sweaty heat of the greenhouses I was wearing black shorts and a red polo and my tool belt to prune and deadhead plants as I went with the hose in my hand and sunnies on my face I was busy but enjoying the solitary job at the quietest part of the garden center well hello there out of particularly nowhere he slipped out behind some wooden trellises and looked me up and down smiling with his weird two small teeth his eyes lingered on me for what felt like an uncomfortable few seconds and I turned off my hose and asked him if he needed anything he shook his head and kind of shrugged still smirking at my legs okay sir have a nice day let me know if you need anything had turned to continue KAG as I called him said I've never seen you here before you're a new one huh well I've been here for eight months now I must have missed the memo that a beauty like you started you have a nice tan you look young CAG said thanks I'm 23 anyways I have to get back to work then CAG said nice to meet you Casey I suddenly remembered my name badge and slightly irritated that he now knew my full name I make a beeline for the smoking area where the tool shed was with an excuse to grab some smaller gardening gloves and by the time I returned to the floor he had left as the week's went by he would come in the store regularly usually mid-afternoon coincidentally around the time I started my shift most of the time I was the only cashier so I would have to serve him he would buy the most smallest pointless things like flourish tree wire or a tiny bag of birdseed it seems like he would purposely make a purchase with the intentions of interacting with me he would make comments about my appearance statements mostly like you have your hair different today yesterday you had it down you now have new glasses well that's a different lip color to yesterday's he would always announce my name loudly and deliberately during every interaction felt uncomfortable but I was 23 and just politely shrugging it all around christmastime I was decorating the artificial trees and he cornered me in the forest of them at the back of the store I kind of stood there and said thank you but I couldn't keep it as a thought it was inappropriate take gifts from customer me he jumped out from behind one and made me jump to which I was kind of pissed about him doing because I dropped a glass of ornament and it had smashed all over the floor he Benton down also to try to help grabbing my wrist and telling me not to touch the glass his grip was scarily tight and forceful and his hands were clammy and gross I slipped my hand out of his grip and asked if I could help him with anything that's when I got weird he pulled out a leaflet and his back pocket told me that he was an artist and had a Christmas art showing happening in the local church hall and he wanted me to go with him he told me that he was a painter and he thought I would like his work I asked him if he wanted me to pen the leaflet to the local event board and he reached out and touched my arm and said no the invitation is specifically for you he pointed his finger and jabbed it into my breast and said you so I'm standing there in a dark corner obscured from view by artificial Christmas trees just kind of cornered by this guy who was touching me I cringed away and said I was busy with my boyfriend that day sorry and kind of scampered off I remember feeling really strange after that the fact he grabbed my wrist and jabbed his finger into my chest that way I told a few of my colleagues about it and they all told me they would warn me next time he was in the store so I could maybe hang out of the storeroom until he was going well that memo just missed a few of the temp Christmas staff because one day I got told by one your friend is asking for you at the till it wasn't unusual for my friends to stop by as it was fairly popular for gifts etc so I think it was maybe my ex's mom or something I head to the till and there he is he's holding a piece of paper I cringe but he had seen me now so I walk over and asked what he needed from me he passed the paper over and asked me to open it fold it up with a drawing of me with exaggerated breasts in cartoon like eyes watering the hanging baskets and a suggestive kind of position I kind of stood there and said thank you but I couldn't keep it as I thought it wasn't inappropriate to take gifts from customers I handed it back to him and he kind of looked at me with this angry stare he turned around and walked out without another word by this point I had had enough I knocked on my managers door and told him about the whole scenario that had just happened and all the previous interactions I had had with him over the past year he watched the CCTV and agreed that it was so strange that he gave me this gross picture and told me he would talk to him if he came back he praised me for my reaction to his advances and said I was doing the right thing and he could try and see him off next time the next day was a Sunday and I was not doing to work my boss calls me and tell me he just received a call from HQ stating that an anonymous caller had called in to report a staff member inappropriately coming on to the customer the staff member they had described and named was me the caller had said that I had been inappropriate towards him at work offered to do it with him had led him on and obviously promiscuous and that I had been pursuing him for over a year the jerk even described a fictitious relationship we had had and ranted loudly about how I had cheated on my boyfriend before hanging up HQ quickly didn't believe a word as my manager had already mentioned the guy to one of the higher-ups but I thought it was wise to let me know about this crazy guy and suggested I report it to the police the next day I did just that the officer I spoke with said he that he matched the description of a man who was a local pest somebody who often harassed young girls in the local area he was also known to stalk girls in his car and attempted to abduct a young girl four years ago the police officers assured me that he would file a report and talk to him officially and that he was not allowed in the garden center or anywhere near me ever again and if he did and I was to call the police and he would be arrested unfortunately though it never happened and never stopped him sending a ranting letter to my workplace addressed to me saying he would kill himself if I didn't take him back and receive his gifts of what he drew of me fortunately the police saw this unsolicited contact and he was thankfully arrested so creepy artist guy let's not meet ever ever again it was the fall of 2017 and I was 15 in New York I was a competitive athlete in high school the type who got up before school for workouts and trained for long hours after with recruiting season a year away I was under tremendous pressure to perform in my sport as well as in the classroom I was struggling to keep up at calculus at the time so my mom suggested I get a tutor she made an appointment with a teacher friend of hers who really knew his stuff I've been going to him regularly probably three times a week for a month before I met Alex Alex had a tutoring session right after mine and we'd cross paths every week it had never been more than a glance and a smile as I was incredibly shy and terrified of boys he was tall and blond with piercing blue eyes so naturally I thought he was cute one day my tutor had to change his schedule and decided to book us together as we were learning the same topics in calculus I was shocked and delighted when Alex started chatting with me afterwards and asked me for my phone number I had never had a boy pay attention to me in that way and I was flattered that someone that cute wanted my number eventually Alex and I began dating Alex went to Catholic school in an over town but because he lived in the same town as I did he took the bus every morning from my school to his this gave us most mornings together and he was able to meet my friends I was taking a little back when they didn't take to him like I did they mentioned him being weird and I got super defensive but I let it go I realized that I've been spending less time with them than I normally did and assumed that they were jealous that I had a boyfriend as time went on things got more serious we started experimenting sexually and eventually I lost my virginity to him back in my Ford Escape that's when things began to change while Alex and I always talked to regularly he started getting over-the-top about saying in contact with me he would make me stay on the phone with him all hours of the night until eventually my mom started taking my phone before I went to sleep this relationship also started taking a toll on my athletic career I was too tired to spend my extra time training and started skipping my practices just to see him driving 30 minutes each way to his school eventually my friend sat me down and told me how unhealthy this relationship has become I had isolated myself from them and my entire free time was spent with him at this point I wanted so badly in the relationship I had fallen out of love with Alex and college applications were approaching I had been scouted by no less than ten colleges and my plan was to attend Brown my dream school of course Alex's obsession with our relationship had taken a huge toll on his grades and Brown wasn't going to be an option for him I remember that I told him that was where I was planning on going and he freaked out on me saying he would never get in there and begging me not to go at the time I was also recruited by the University of Illinois Alex applied there in hopes that I would ditch Brown and go to Illinois with him that was the final straw for me I ended things for Alex I ended things for good with Alex assuming that would be it because Alex would take the bus from school every morning I still had to see him number walking into school past him and his classmates who took the bus with him and some of his guy friends yelled out [ __ ] and [ __ ] at me apparently had spread a rumor that I had cheated on him with a bunch of guys and then ended it with him I ignored it until I started getting Facebook messages from random people at his school I spent months getting mad I spent months getting nasty messages from guys from his school accusing me of having STDs and telling me I was going to get gangbanged at by his friends eventually I had to delete my facebook because it wouldn't stop I think deleting my Facebook was what set off the stalker tendencies for Alex he wasn't able to see my face online so I started calling non-stop and sending desperate ainĀ“t messages telling me he loved me while he this was going on I was the favorite to win the high school championship in my sport I'd gone undefeated all season Alex ended up showing up while I competed for the coach ampionship and I saw him there it shook me so badly I ended up losing the title I was furious and heartbroken I ended up picking up his call that came that night and screamed at him telling him never to contact me ever again that's when the threats began I got a call a few nights later from Alex after he texted me he had something important to tell me stupidly I answered him he began to tell me how he was going to hurt me how he was gonna show up at my house when my parents were at work with a rope and a knife and make sure I suffer like I'd done to him I started to cry and he eventually went on to say he was going to get me before I went into school because he knew exactly where I parked every morning and my parents were never going to find me again at this point I had decided to record what was being said and had it taped on my phone I hung up once I felt he'd said enough the next morning I went into school extra early much earlier that I figured he'd be there I showed in my advisor the recording who then called my mom I remember feeling a deep-rooted shame as my mom listened to the recording like I had done something when to bring this on myself my advisor was so alarmed by the recording he advised me to go to the police this day still feels surreal to me my mom and I sat in the police station all day explaining the story of my relationship with Alex and how it got to this point the police then drove to his high school and arrested him while he was in class the topper on the day though was when I went out to bring food back to the police station for my mom and I and I pulled into the station at the same time as the car holding Alex did I saw him in cuffs and he indeed looked like he wanted to end me I got a restraining order against Alex and he was sent to a mental institution for a short while he ended up breaking the RO on more than one occasion I contacted the police but they didn't think it was just cause to do anything I think it's important to note that Alex's family was wealthy and had a name in the area so it wouldn't have surprised me if that's why they brushed it under the rug I ended up attending Brown and had to inform them of the RO and let them know that Alex should not be allowed on campus it's been over ten years since this happened and I still continue to receive phone calls and friend requests from him on occasions I recently moved to Colorado I recently moved across the country from where this occurred I finally feel safe now that I am far from where I used to live but anytime I get a blocked call or text message from a number I do not know a thought crosses my mind that it may be him it's safe to say that this experience has completely changed who I let into my life and who I choose to date Alex let's not meet ever again being on servers online can lead to a lot of unwanted attention I'm a part of a staff team on a lot of servers weeding out potential trolls or just people who are looking for something we do not provide one afternoon in October we get a new member on the server she went by Terrence she created her introduction and gave her a jazz we all have channels for adults to talk more freely without worrying what they might be saying and in front of minors only being 15 years old I gave her the roles and let her chat in the channels we offered for minors freely something started to get weird when I started posting selfies of myself without any cosplay gear on no wigs no colored contacts no fancy outfits just me now I'm gender-fluid and so I flipped from feeling masculine and back to feminine I have my hair short on the sides and longer on top and stick up the top of my hair just so I can have the best of both worlds and feel comfortable Terrence complimented me I thanked her as I would with any other compliment yet she got more involved with it a few weeks later she began to PM me about how she loved how I looked I again thanked her and kept interactions brief as I felt uncomfortable with somebody three to four years younger than me complimenting me all the time then she started to message me every day from 6 a.m. in the morning to 10 p.m. at night she started to save my selfies and make edits of them fancying up the look on them and then sending them to me she started ask for my snapchat and my other accounts that I only use for really close friends I of course denied giving it to her at first I was weirded out okay odd I kindly asked her not to save my selfies without my permission and please do not edit them as it was kind of creepy I only knew her for about a month and she's acting like I knew her for five years she apologized and said that she wouldn't do it again there that was the end of however a few days later more staff members on the server started to message me that Terrence was talking about me to other members who brought it up with them she had begun to complain to other people about how I wasn't online all the time I began to share my personal private messages and even more selfies of me that she edited with other people I didn't give her permission to do any of this and so I confronted her demanding her to stop this nonsense before it goes too far she again apologizes and started to go on about how she was the worst basically guilt tripping me into forgiving her I didn't fall for it and I told her bluntly there isn't much of an excuse to the actions you have with other members either those kind of actions put a damper on how people see you and when I know you as a person who does that then immediately attaches to me it freaked me out now please stop messaging me if you're not having to contact with me anymore her response was nothing more than oh ok I'm done with life anyways then it went even further she didn't stop and her messages got more aggressive saying that I was the reason why she was having an identity crisis and how she wanted to be everything that I was how she wanted to end her life if I didn't talk with her I started to get really freaked out and we got rid of her we banned her from the server and I demanded that she would leave me alone friend request after friend request came flooding in over the course of weeks I blocked her each time to get rid of her she started to join other servers that I am involved in just to get in contact with me many of my friends who were on staff ordered her to leave me alone and to never contact me again she said she was sorry and that she try again when this whole thing blows over stating clearly what I wanted to happen in this situation are you freaking joking what part of leave me alone don't you understand you're practically stalking me now let me make this clear yet again I don't want anything to do with you leave me alone you creep me out don't ever try to contact me again that doesn't mean in a few months it doesn't mean tomorrow it means never contact me ever again nothing happened for months I was on edge but relieved it was over I went on with my life and started college the relaxation came to a sudden stop one day I got a firm request on my personal accounts on social media these accounts that I haven't linked up to any sort of account I used for business or in my animations she messaged me things that I have never told her she said that she wanted to meet up with me at Tim Hortons that I was on Main Street near my house she even named the street I always said I was from Canada but never give her the province our town I lived in this was when it got worse she started to harass my real-life friends to get her in contact with me every day this fifteen-year-old would harass everybody I knew including my mother she wanted to be in my life but I wanted her out of my life and then it just stopped not too long ago if she tried to send me another friend request and I blocked her once more hopefully this situation has done to that fifteen-year-old who doesn't understand when no really means no let's not meet live in a safe country crime rates and cases of violence are quite low compared to other countries so I grew up having this false sense of security but my view of the place I live in all changed when I was 16 I was on my weekly visit to the indoor swimming pool I really enjoyed swimming and it was a change to my otherwise very routine like life well after my experience that day I wouldn't visit the swimming pools ever again at least for now you see I was just minding my own business swimming around the largest pool in the building when I noticed a man staring at me just a couple of meters away he was older than me about in his mid-20s he looked like he was or had an immigrant and background he didn't do anything wrong he only looked at me when I swam around so my alarm bells weren't going off yet but being a 16 year old girl I felt a bit awkward so I just decided to ignore him and eventually move to a pool that had diving boards it was fine for a minute or two until the man who was staring at me before also arrived at that pool it would have been fine but he didn't even jump from the boards and just swam in a small circle around staring at me now his feeling really creeped out it was already creepy enough but something about his constant stare really made me want to run I left that pool and once again I was at the larger one so lo and behold just after a few seconds the man also stepped in even though my alarm bells were chiming I decided to just ignore him and even if he tried something I was sure that the lifeguards or someone would come to my rescue time went on and I changed between pools time and time every time I moved the man that followed me eventually I couldn't take it anymore and decided to just leave before leaving the building though I spent a longer time than usual at the sauna and in the showers I hope that by the time I left the man would have already left as well that wasn't the case though when I walked out of the ladies locker room he was there talking to a female desk clerk inquiring about bus schedule and broken English he hadn't seen me yet so as fast as I could trying to be silent as possible I headed to the front door damn my high heels though so because my shoes made so much noise he turned to look at me in the face he made after seeing me oh man it still makes me shiver even after all these years on his face dawn the creepiest smile I had ever seen I looked at him for a split second and walked through the door taking my phone out of my pocket it was already dark outside at the time and I could hear his footsteps growing closer and closer every second I meant to go to my mother's workplace after swimming so that she and I could go home together though now that this creep was following me I wasn't going to do that it was because of the walkways that I had to take to get to the part of town where was who isolated while I was thinking about my options I was also writing to a group chat I told my friends everything that was going on at that moment so if the man tries to do anything they would know where I am the guy with the creepy stare was getting closer and walking even faster honestly he was right behind me now I don't think my heart has ever beaten that fast then he walked straight past me I had I overreacted that whole time maybe I was just being paranoid my heart be at this point had calmed down but I was still very wary and decided to turn the left towards a supermarket I had to walk by a couple parking lots and then I'd be surrounded by people only a few seconds after I turned to left I heard them again the footsteps I tried to resist looking behind me but I couldn't he was walking behind me again and he had that weird predatory gaze and smile on his face I was properly freaking out now why would he walk past me but as soon as I turned left he followed me I looked around hoping that I could spot people nearby I didn't the only people near me were in cars and we were walking away from the road he was picking up his pace again and I was telling my friends my exact location they were freaking out and so was I the man was basically breathing down my neck now and I worried that if I started running he would attack me though if he wanted he could do it anyways he was so close that I could hear his breathing then I heard him sniffing me actually sniff me I picked up my pace to almost a running speed when a car drove to the nearest parking lot thank God for that car if it didn't arrive I don't know what would have happened to me the man noticed the car too and immediately slowed down I decided to walk to the supermarket through the parking lots so I walked across the grass to safety I took one last look at the guy and the look on his face was horrifying he glared at me his teeth were almost bared from the scowl that he wore after that I didn't look back and walked back to the store my heart still beating very hard I leaned against a wall and texted my friends that I was fine moments later I texted my mom to come pick me up from the store when she arrived I didn't tell her what happened to this day I wonder why I didn't tell her anything that was probably because I was too embarrassed why I'm not sure myself the whole car ride back home I was holding back tears it was the first time anything like this had happened to me even though me and the creepy guy never even exchanged a word his face is buried in my brain I wish I had informed the police because the thing that haunts me more than his stare is that he had done what he intended to do to me to someone else and succeeded still creepy stalker guy I hope to never meet you ever again this happened a few years ago at a gaming event in London I'm very active on Twitch and a bunch of our online friends were travelling from all over to go to this event I was a moderator for this channel and another one of the mods from the Netherlands who I was very good friends with at the time had told me he wasn't going to do the event because it was too expensive skip forward to the day to the event I got a message on my phone from this mod saying he is outside the event and he'd like to meet up with us turns out he had been planning to come all along but was just aiming to surprise us with his presence at this point it is important to note the group it consists of three boys three girls and has three girls decided that we were going to leave the event early to go get ready for the after-party that evening as we were trying to leave he tried to come with us even though he kept proclaiming that it was literally just us three girls going back to my place to get changed and flashy for this party which in hindsight is very creepy him for him to want to come with us we all arrived at the party and drinks are flowing and it keeps actively making too much effort to spend time with me giving me drinks interrupting my conversations with other people and just becoming a general hindrance I got to the point where I literally was trying to hide from him the whole night as it approached to kick out time for the party a whole group of us moved on to a nightclub nearby where he just stood and watched all of us dance literally still like a statue it was beyond creepy and several people at this point had pointed out that his weird behavior towards me about 3 a.m. in the morning we all make him move to the train station to head our separate ways home me and another girl had to go the same way home as she lived a few train stops away from me as I was about to leave he approached me and said I'd like to take you home I have nowhere to stay tonight and as I plan to just walk around in London taking photos it wouldn't be no bother to me alarm bells start ringing he travelled all this way knowing he had no place to stay a creepy middle-aged guy who had surprised a group of younger people in another country wants me to take him home hell no I politely declined and explained I live for either far out of London and it'd be a long trip for him just to escort me home when I already had a friend for my journey I dart around saying goodbye and make a swift exit before he can notice I'm gone it's now 5:00 a.m. and I'm home in my window faces the front of my house I am getting changed preparing to get in bed and I go to close my curtains and there is a strange figure standing outside of my house it was very dark and I couldn't make out of it if I recognize them but from their structure I immediately recognize this is a gentleman similar to the structure of that man who travelled across country to spend literally every living moment with me whether it was him or not I will never be sure but I have never ran downstairs quick enough to make sure that my door was locked than I had at that moment safe to say I didn't sleep that night the next day there were talks in the mod chat and he had mentioned that he went travelling on the Underground to visit different areas but never really confirmed where he went or what he saw and I guess I will never know if it was him but if it was I never want to see him again you so basically this happened about three years ago all this guy still tries to contact me sometimes let's call him Dean my dad owns a golf course and we are recently hiring new people I worked there every summer up until last year Dean got hired and I was pretty excited because he was younger and pretty cute actually we would talk a lot when we were working and he also managed to get my number so he could text me every so often to see how I was doing or what I was up to after a while of working with him I considered him a close friend and enjoyed his company I was in my final year of high school and was planning on going taking off a year to travel around Europe by myself I started to notice that I could see Dean everywhere he would be at the mall or at the grocery store and basically everywhere that I was he started texting me really creepy things out of nowhere like he wanted me to have his kids and he wanted to be with me forever I would hang out with him once in a while - the last time we hung out he tried to assault me and that was the point where I realized he's very dangerous pretty soon after I started I cut all contact with him about a month after he shows up at my house and tells me he bought a plane ticket to England and he is coming with me and he's excited that he never has to leave me again my dad had to call the police and he was arrested and taken away a little bit later after this I leave for the year and when I get back he still has trying to contact me messages me every day so finally my dad and I agree to meet up with him and he tells us that he doesn't think he can live without me and he's just going crazy that's the last time I've talked to him in person but every so often I'll get a text message from a random number and it freaks me out knowing he is still living in my area not sure what I'm going to do if I ever see him again up close so Dean let's not meet ever again you I'm a GFE escort that stands for girlfriend experience a GF e is a booking where the escorts bring more intimacy and a more genuinely easygoing feeling to the appointment we did not have a lot in common but I found mental health struggles and politics or something we could bond over last June he booked his first appointment with me since then he has seen me 14 times in one-hour increments he expressed interest in seeing me outside of work and I had declined over the past year he gradually escalated in terms of offering to help me outside of work I didn't want the help as I didn't want to encourage the strings that would be attached to it he also started writing me letters that he'd give me at the end of each session he also brought a few odd gifts but nothing that I would have wanted or asked for a couple times this was annoying as I then had to figure out what to do with them I was already thinking that I might need to end our interactions due to him getting too close but things really started going poorly when he lost his job in May in the following weeks he expressed to me that he thought there was a conspiracy to get him fired as well as a conspiracy to sabotage his interviews at other companies I also pointed out that maybe he should stop seeing me until he got another income source at this point I was feeling very uncomfortable being the locust of his happiness especially if it was going to start making the rest of his life worse which really then amplified the issue things came to a head when he brought a damn refrigerator to my work things came to a head when he brought a damn refrigerator to my work as you can expect because of the legality of my work it's essential to be discreet and inconspicuous bringing a fridge to the parking lot area outside my work is the opposite of that I told him that I wouldn't accept it and listed off that I had no means of transporting at home or to my mother his response was that he could drive it to my house or we could take a road trip to take it to her this was alarming as I never done anything to make him think that this was something that would happen and had specifically made sure to disabuse him of any ideas that as they came up in the past at this point I had to decide to ban him because he was clearly out of touch with the reality and was imposing his fantasies on me in a dangerous level before I emailed him to end things he also sent me an email offering me his credit-card info so that I could buy the fridge online since I wouldn't take it in person at the end of June I sent him an email trying to gently break things off and actually recommended that he speak to his therapist and see if his meds needed to be adjusted since I know effects or was caused symptoms of schizophrenia I also suggested that he delve into how inappropriate and dangerous it was to offer his credit-card info to someone he pays to pretend to care about him I'm not sure if he followed up with you about these things at all this is when [ __ ] hit the fan he initially just got banned from booking with me but as he repeatedly called emailed and left messages at my agency and for me at that point he started trying to see other providers I work with outside of our agency to avoid our screening and get past the ban he kept asking if any provider or client relationships ever turn into real ones and they tried to firmly shut that down thankfully those providers also told me what had happened and our boss sent him an email telling him to knock it off then he got angry and threatening during a back-and-forth there and seemed to have convinced himself that my boss was preventing me from responding to him and then it was all her fault this was not the case and she called him out on it and it seemed like she got through to him I didn't hear from him at all up until about two weeks ago he showed up under a new name for an appointment with me I'm not sure if he was waiting for a strategic opportunity but the only reason I opened the door was because it was raining that night and he was using his umbrella to block his face under any circumstances I never would have opened to the door because of the rain I stepped out to hold the door while he squeezed inside with us umbrella so when he lowered it I saw who he was I stepped back and that put me outside the door with him blocking my way in he kept saying he wanted to apologize in person and that he just needed an opportunity and then asked me not to screw it up for him with the other girls I just kept telling him he had to leave over and over and over again until he finally left he tried to hug me as I squeezed past him but I mostly dodged it he had taken the time to make a new identity and see outside provider so that one would give him a reference that would get him through our screening it wouldn't be flagged with any of his old banning information this terrifies me the next time he made a new account with us was around the time we banned him the first time I thought he'd move on and let things go but it turned out he literally never stopped obsessing and trying to find a way to get to me I have felt unsafe taking on any new clients since then this has had an incredible decremental impact on my mental health as well as an impact on my bottom line since I've felt unsafe taking on new clients after he showed up he sent me a lengthy email that further demonstrated his a detachment from reality and cemented my fears even more the next step for me may be a restraining order I worry about how he would respond and escalate I never thought he would stalk me for months so clearly I can't trust he won't do something worse out of concern for his safety I tried to end things gently but at this point it may need to be reinforced that I want nothing to do with him and never have I would never and will never want to spend time without being paid and not even that anymore I do not like him sexually and it is my skill at my job that allowed me to find small common ground with him not any true connection or friendship I'm trying to get in contact with a psychiatrist so that maybe he can intervene medicine before I get the law involved until then please fridge guy let's not meet again I met my stalker when I was in middle school I met my stalker when I was in middle school my school consisted of seventh grade through 12th grade and I had a normal program in an accelerated program with the students in each program being pretty segregated my friends and I belonged to the accelerated program there was one guy in the group from the normal program Carson all in all we were typical teenagers with Carson being the group's prankster we only could hang out at school because we were all shipped in from various parts of the country because we were all shipped in from various parts of the county for accelerated program so after school we would all get on AOL to chat and play games online we had even more friends as we'd invite our local friends to also chat with us one day Carson invited his friend Steve to join the chat he was nice and contributed a lot to our conversation we learned Steve actually attended our school but he was a normal program and had a different lunch period than the rest of us so we had almost no chance of crossing paths we insisted on meeting him however and scheduled for Steve to come to my locker before first period the next morning we waited and Steve never came my friends and I had a short exchange with another kid Marco which insisted of us telling him to go away Marco had been carson's satellites since the beginning of the year wherever Carson went Marco would stand 10 to 15 feet away just watching us we had tried being friends with him but he was simply too strange for us he would touch your face unexpectedly or try and sneak up behind you to bite you or tell you he wanted to see your insides out his list of strange behaviors was a mile long a few days after Steve failed to meet us it came to light that Steve was really Marco and that the whole thing was one of Carson Springs considering Marco had been a pleasant addition to the chat as Steve we gave him another chance to join the real group besides Carson I was the only person that really gave Marco a chance he still did the weird things he had always been doing but it was now apparent that it was all an act to get attention for being the weird guy Marco was being abused at home by his mom's boyfriend he rarely saw his mom because she worked so much Marco was the poster child for bad attention is still attention still my friends wanted him out of the group and I repeatedly found myself arguing his case to let him stay once I caught an older student boy that lived on my street beating Marco up being much larger than either of us he was literally picking Marco up and slamming him into the lockers while he called him a freak knowing the bully and his mother I did what was signature move at the time it kicked him in the balls while threatening to tattle on his parents about how he was treating me and my friends I believe this was a catalyst for years of torment as Marco became my satellite after that day at school Marco followed me any chance he got at home Marco messes me to stop typically in private chat my other friends wanted nothing to do with him I felt bad because he was a sweet kid besides his attention-seeking stunts no one should have to go through life with no friends eventually Marco asked me out which I politely declined he was my friend but he was not the type of guy I would ever be interested in dating he was persistent begging me to give him a chance over and over again I would have to tell him no one day his approach changed you will go out with me or I'll show your mom all of her chat logs there was nothing especially bad in those logs I wasn't drinking or doing any drugs or really anything bad but I was pretty depressed at the time and sometimes talked about wanting to kill myself my parents saw that I would effectively kiss my freedom and privacy goodbye I bluffed him telling him good luck with any attempts to convince my parents to believe him over me which seemed to work wasn't very impressed with the stunt and stopped talking to him a few weeks went by and Marco came crawling back begging for forgiveness I eventually caved and allowed him to go back into a group at first he was well behaved again but slowly he started pestering me to be his girlfriend over the course of high school he tried many different attempts begging blackmailing attacking my self-esteem you're ugly you're a [ __ ] etc catfishing threatening any guy I dated threatening suicide and more I tried to be nice at first but eventually had to get pretty mean and how I said no this behavior would always reach a boiling point that forced me to cut him out of our friend group it was nearly impossible to actually get rid of him however online he would create dozens of new accounts to send messages from overwhelming my attempts to block him he would call my phone all night leave a local messages about how lonely he was and how he would kill himself if I stopped being his friend he would show up at my house and stand outside my bedroom window randomly where my parents had parties fourth of July Thanksgiving Halloween etc he always managed to find out and show up there parties were always pretty big with an open-door policy though he'd slip right in he'd then ultimately do something to get thrown out like get belligerently drunk or stuff his face with finger foods and then put them back on the serving platters the first time I really felt that marco might actually be a threat was at my parents Halloween party when we were 16 one of my dad's friends had a son our age Tim that was a bit of a jerk he fancies himself pretty cool and thought it would be fun to pick a fight with a weird kid to make a display of his own superior strength marco accepted his challenge we all know he was about to get the crap beat out of him going out into the streets tim towered over marco that year marco was dressed as alex from a Clockwork Orange which was his favorite book with his costume including a cane he swung the cang that Tim hitting Tim in the head with it Tim went down quickly and Marco beat him until an adult intervened and sent him home Marco's threat to whenever I had a boyfriend was I'll beat him to death with a shovel and then I'll use it to bury his body suddenly his threats seemed like something he'd be capable of our senior year of high school Marcos dad died in prison he learned the real reason his dad was in prison was for taking someone's life he'd always thought it was his dad in for drugs and Marco started to spiral out of control he said his dad was a killer so he must be doomed to be a murderer he dropped out of school halfway through a year my brother said after I'd left home for college marco came to the house looking for me a few times once he figured out I wasn't there he'd just come and stand in front of the yard aimlessly playing with a Bic lighter till someone threatened to call the police one of my biggest worries was that he'd try to set our house on fire in some weird way of trying to punish me when I'd go home with my boyfriend he'd always show up with my parents house at one point he tried to intimidate my boyfriend into breaking up with me by showing him he had a hunting knife it was always a big ordeal getting him to leave a lot of the issues have now eased up just due to the distance and time I don't use much social media anymore and I'm able to semi block people on my phone initially he was calling and texting everyday hundreds of messages I tried asking him to stop but it was only encouraging him my family no longer lives in that area so I'm significantly less worried for their safety I found the most successful way of dealing with Marco is simply ignoring him eventually his messages dwindled down to once a week then once a month now maybe I hear from him officially once a year his message is typically something along the lines of please just be my friend I won't try to do any more I need you in my life the last time I actually talked to him which was about four or five years ago now Marco tried to tell me I'd ruin his life he said I had put some spell on him that he couldn't move forward with his life he told me he would kill himself and it would be my fault I finally had to tell him that I wouldn't care if he killed himself in fact it would be a relief his most recent MO is to call my work phone from a private number just to hear me answer the phone and then hung up he also calls and texts my brother our highschool friends my brother his best friend's my parents my grandparents my aunt and my husband to beg them to ask me to call him Marco messaged my husband tell her she is my angel the love of my life I'm nothing without her I worry she will snap one day and show up at my house or my job to kill me I have security systems and other means of protection but I still get paranoid about it I've talked to the police about getting a restraining order but they've told me there's no reason unless he does start showing up and threatening to kill me so I guess we'll see what happens if you enjoyed this video please subscribe like and hit the bell for notifications on future videos and become a stalker of the night and I'll see you next time
Channel: Night Stalker
Views: 11,783
Rating: 4.7602181 out of 5
Keywords: night stalker, reddit stories, true reddit stories, true scary reddit stories, stalker stories, true stalker stories, true scary stalker stories, creepy stalker stories, true creepy stalker stories, true scary stories, horror, horror stories, true horror stories, scary stories to tell in the dark, 11 True Scary Stalker Stories
Id: 9osGH70EioM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 49sec (4189 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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