27 True Scary Stalker Lets Not Meet Horror Stories | 2019 Compilation

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this happened a few years ago at a gaming event in London I'm very active on Twitch and a bunch of my friends were travelling from all over to go to this event I was a moderator for this channel and another one of the mods was from the Netherlands who I was very good friends with at the time he told me he wasn't going to the event because it was too expensive skip forward to the day of the event I get a message on my phone from this mod saying he's outside of the event and he would like to meet up with us turns out he had been planning to come all along but was just aiming to surprise us with his presence at this point is important to note the script consisted of three boys and three girls and us three girls decided that we were gonna leave the event early to go get ready for the party that evening as we were trying to leave he tried to come with us even though we kept proclaiming that it was literally just us three girls going back to my place to get changed and flashy for the party which in hindsight was very creepy of him to want to come with us we all arrived at the party and the drinks are flowing and he keeps actively making too much of an effort to spend time with me giving me drinks interrupting my conversation with people and just becoming a general hindrance it got to the point where I was literally trying to hide from him the whole rest of the night as it approached to kick out time for the party a whole group of us moved on to a nightclub that was nearby where he just stood and watched us all dance literally like a statue it was beyond creepy and several people up to this point had pointed out his weird behavior towards me around 3:00 a.m. we all make the move to the train station to head our separate ways me and another girl had to go the same way as she lived a few train stops away from me as I was about to leave he approached me and said I'd like to take you home I have nowhere to stay tonight and as I plan to walk around London taking photos you'd be no bother to me alarm bells started ringing he traveled all this way knowing that he had no place to stay a creepy middle-aged guy who had surprised visit a group of younger people in another country and he wants to take me home hell no I politely declined and explained I lived rather far out of London and it would be too long of a trip for him to take to escort me home when I already had my friend for my journey I dart around saying goodbye and make a swift exit before he can notice that I'm gone it's now 5:00 a.m. and I am home my window faces the same direction as the front of the house I'm getting changed preparing for bed and I go to close my curtains there's a strange figure standing outside my house it was very dark and I couldn't make it out but from their stature I immediately recognize this gentleman similar stature so the guy that traveled across country just spend literally every living moment with me whether it was him or not I would never be sure but I have never ran down stairs quick enough to make sure the front door was locked then I did in that moment safe to say I didn't sleep that night the next day there were talks in the mod chat after he mentioned that he went travelling on the Underground to visit different areas but never really confirmed where he went or what he saw so I guess I'll never know if it was him but if it was I never want to see him again so this all started late in 2015 when I was still in high school I was crossing the bridge to go to school and this very friendly man stopped me and asked me if I could fill a survey out about budgeting I said sure and when I was done he told me to fill out my contact details and gave me reasons like he was a social worker etc dummy of course gave him my contact number I was so naive but at the very least I was smart enough to give him a fake name from 2016 I started receiving random messages from this very same guy and was getting super creeped out by it he knew which school I went to because I when I met him I was wearing my uniform and he started asking me personal questions I tried to avoid all of them and general you didn't replied to him but he kept texting me every day and when he wished me happy Valentine's Day I was like nope I blocked him cuz at that point he didn't throw safe at all later that year we received a police notice calling for witness cuz they arrested a few perverts in the area in the notice they had several photos and I saw the very same man that approached me he thought the survey I was disgusted turns out that he would use those surveys as a tactic to approach female teenagers and take photos of them and harass them and text later I was shocked as well my school was in a nice neighborhood and we all assumed there wouldn't be such creeps but gosh we were all wrong I was glad he was caught by the police to the photo taking creep let's not meet again but I did after he was arrested I graduated in start schooling it was the hours away drive from where I went to high school I moved as well to the school dorm nearby as I was walking home one day I caught sight of him lurking at the bus stop nearby I could never forget his face he looked even more creepy carrying a black bag holding some papers that looked like the survey forms while he was holding the old camera phone I was super scared how could he be here was he arrested last year was he stalking me the whole time I almost started crying and quickly called my friend and walked past him once he was out of sight I ran home while on the phone I was telling all my schoolmates to be careful and soon enough the school was informed the discipline master and a few PE teachers went to apprehend the stalker sometime later they dragged him into the school's office and contacted the authorities I was informed that he was released last year because of insufficient evidence apparently the place where I live taking photos of the girls in a not sexual nature is not a crime they searched his flat and there wasn't anything incriminating other than a creep ton of photos of female students after this incident he disappeared only to be stalking other girls in other schools how I wish we would never meet again but I still see him roaming near my school and dorm every now and then trying to be discreet well there's a little camera phone I'm moving to a university soon and it will be pretty far away from him however will I ever be free from the stalker again I don't know but let's not meet again so when I was 13 my friend who we would call Mary had a grandmother who ran a nail salon downtown I grew up in a really really small town in Alaska when I was younger it seemed like a really safe place but as I got older I realized just how corrupted horrible it actually was but at 13 I still wasn't totally aware of it after school Mary and I would always walk to her grandma's nail salon it wasn't a building with a few other shops and we would kind of just hang around and browse there was a Thai restaurant that was our favorite and we'd eat there a lot and were pretty good friends with the restaurant owners after some months of the same routine just hanging out every day caused me and Mary's family to become like family her grandmother who will start calling Gretchen had the idea of wanting to open a little coffee stand in there the other shops were cookware stores a closed consignment shop a game shop and some other random ones so we figured that it'd be a nice business and she wanted Mary and I to work in the coffee stand while she was in the nail salon I partially believe it's just because she wanted us out of her hair anyways we went and trained properly but since we were 13 we were being paid under the table we had to set up right in front of the Thai restaurant after about a week of the coffee stand being up and running this guy who looked like 18 to about 20 years old would get a small vanilla latte every day and sit in the mall and kind of just watch us work but also browse around the game shop so we just thought he must have just lived nearby and liked to come there every day and maybe we hadn't noticed him before because he obviously wasn't coming to get his nails done he honestly looked kind of dirty and like he didn't care that much when the months got hotter we started walking home instead of our mom driving us there were a lot of kids so I didn't notice very much if people were behind us or in front of me one of the nights would close up the shop a little bit late the ORS are on 9 p.m. which in Alaska is still fully and yes that someone was walking behind me kind of close I stopped dead in my tracks and didn't hear anything so I kept walking and I was sure I heard at this time I turned around rather quickly and there he was the same guy from the mall following me I was 13 and shy so I just kept walking you made a loop around and just walked to the mayor's office because the police station was too far I called my dad from there because I felt much safer if he came to get me this repeated in subtly different ways for about the next two weeks and eventually I don't know how to this day he found out where I lived he would knock on the door leave flowers call our parents phone all kinds of crazy stuff my dad finally helped me get a restraining order but took about a month to get anyone to take it seriously and to come see him at my workplace as we had no idea what his name was once that was in effect it stopped for only about one week and then he started showing up again he continued to stalk my home and even hanging out by the fence of my school when school is back in session finally I had enough I moved in with my mom because she was frankly a better parent to me and taking it more seriously she lived so far out that I couldn't walk anywhere and she had no electricity or running water but I didn't care anymore I felt much safer and so much more loved I quit that job and I took the bus every day eventually he just disappeared and I never heard about or saw him ever again you TV shows and movies usually depict abductors driving white fans or black fans I didn't realize this until I decided to buy a white 1994 Dodge Ram cargo van to all some of my gear I need it for work IVA Nate I've been pulled over by cops and searched three times for no reason but that's another story the point is some people see bands as suspicious one day while returning home a woman pushing a stroller stared at me for a long time while I drove along my home street we had speed bumps and I had a lot of expensive delicate gear in the van saws driving very slow she stared at me wide eyed the entire time so I smiled at her like a friendly neighbor does she was staring so intently that she almost walked her stroller right off the edge of the curb I thought it was funny and I almost forgot about it a week later our HOA emo threat heats up when a resident sends a notice that his wife and toddler were being stalked by a man in a white van fearing a pitchfork and torch bob was taking me for a creeper I replied to all saying I lived in a neighborhood and I also drive a white van I even provided my license plate number in a home address big mistake jokingly I added that I witnessed a suspicious person in the neighborhood as well a woman with a stroller who was staring at me so long and hard it made me uncomfortable I provided the date in time with the incident to see if their alleged stalker was actually me it was dude got triggered he started sending me email after email see seeing everyone on the list telling me he can read between the lines of what I was saying his accusations became more and more ludicrous and he started with personal attacks several neighbors on the email list replied saying that he was behaving badly the emails eventually stopped but things got even weirder on several occasions while I walked my dog a 10 ish year old girl would come out of her house run over to me and awkwardly chat me up about my dog and gave me strangely intimate details of her life I wondered why this child would talk to strangers but thought maybe she just knew me from the neighborhood so I politely played along then one day this girl shows up at my house she says she was angry because her dad won't let her have a dog like mine she said she wanted to visit for a while I told her that I need to talk to her parents before I could let her visit my home like this she said ok and left and I never saw her anymore I have two daughters and one of their friends told me the girl who was chatting me up with the daughter of the trigger dude from the HOA email list he had been sending her out to talk to me and taking pictures my daughter's friend was friends with his bait girl poor girl's dad was making his own daughter uncomfortable which is why she confided in our friend the dad was sending his daughter out to chat with me so he could accuse me of I don't know what one detail I forgot to mention I have dash cams in all my vehicles and CCTV monitoring my front door so the initial incident as well as the girl coming to my door were recorded I emailed the trigger dude and kindly offered him copies of the videos of each incident I also told him I was concerned that his daughter was behaving inappropriately toward strangers apparently this cuddled his plan I never heard from him again on my ninth birthday and moved back to Michigan from Tennessee and I lived in these condos we had a park right next to my building so my mom just watched me from the window while I played in the park one day me and my friends were playing at the park and we see this guy watching us from his window we just ignore it but every time moves outside he would do the same for my 10th birthday party I had a party at the park and he was just sitting on his porch holding his phone we didn't really think anything of it until a week later I was at the park and I saw him on his front porch with a camera just sitting there and this just kept going off her mind he would always come out to the park and try to talk to me and said he had a daughter my age and if I ever wanted to come play with her I could one day I came home from school and my mom and a bunch of cops are in the living room she never told me what happened until I turned 14 turns out he had a whole secret room that pictures and video of me playing one day his wife found the room and she called the cops this story happened a year ago when I was 15 on a school trip to San Fran at the time I was very immature not in the sense that you normally would think but in the sense that I didn't really know how the world worked and how scary it could be I attribute this story to me growing up and realizing how the world works all's room with two other girls both were a year older than me so I didn't really know them well the way the trick works so to say was that breakfast in the hotel was between seven and eight but the chaperones on the trip wouldn't wake us up so if we wanted to have time to get ready and eat before leaving to explore the city for the day we had to do it on her own this meant that in the morning me and the people in my room didn't see the chaperones till we went down for breakfast usually around 7:45 since we all took a long time to get ready however this day was different we were all tired of arriving late and having to eat quickly so we woke up a bit earlier to go down and get breakfast right when I opened we ain't breakfast and pretty much the rest of the kids on the trip and I headed to the elevators together this was a mixed group of boys and girls and my twin brother also happened to be on the trip so the people in the elevator was him and his friends me the girls from my room and a few of their friends the elevator door almost closed when two Indian men stuck their hand through the door and stepped inside squeezing themselves into an RT packed elevator they looked young maybe 19 or 20 eventually we arrived to our floor and got off so did the men the way the hotel rooms and hallways were situated was essentially just a square you go either direction and eventually make it back to the elevator if you just turn left or right three times the people on my trip went right and the man went left eventually my brother and his friends trickled off into their rooms and it was just me and one of the other girls on the trip cuz the other girl had went to one of the boys rooms we were right at our rooms when we encountered the men again at first we didn't notice anything wrong they were probably just trying to find the room I turned away from them and tried to find my room key in my wallet now at this point my amateur brain didn't notice anything wrong but my roommate did I could see the panic in her eyes and as I turned to look at the men I realized they weren't looking for their room they were looking for us my heart began to race and we panicked each fumbling for our carts to get in the room as quick as possible but they were moving towards us too quickly we were standing there pressed against our door as these two men stepped closer to us he got within a foot of our faces their english wasn't the best so they slowly asked us what we were doing I couldn't speak I didn't know what to do in this situation so my roommate spoke up she tried her best not to let them know that this was our room but it was pretty obvious at that point she stuttered something about trying to get into her friend's room but these men clearly weren't there just to know what she was doing I could tell they were there for something more sinister more than that man continued to stare at me and I me up and down when the other one got really close to my roommate and asked her for her number she stood up tall and quickly said no I'm sorry you cannot but her voice trailed off as a confidence wore off at last I spoke explaining that we were underage and that we were on a school trip and that we couldn't they didn't take no for an answer at that point I slowly started to pull my room key from my wallet luckily my friend pushed the card into my wallet and made me push my hand holding the wallet behind my back at the time I was confused why she didn't want us to go into our room but now I realized she had more intuition about these mendel I did she knew that if we opened the door with them right there that they would force themselves in there with us and who knows what would happen eventually they backed off far enough where we felt like we could escape from them she grabbed my wrist and pulled me along the hallway and we were sprinted towards the elevator along the way we ran into my brother and one of his friends we quickly explained to them what happened and they sprinted with us to the elevators once we were there quickly pressing the elevators buttons to get downstairs where the chaperones were we encountered the men again a cluster threw my brother's arm and my roommate did the same to my brother's friend they just stood there on other side of the hallway staring at us and quickly walking towards us he looked like they were just tending to be normal hotel patrons in front of the boys but we knew what they really were they were creepy and we weren't risking it finally the elevator opened and I don't think I've ever clicked the closed door button so fast right as a man got to the elevator the door closed thank God we thought our deal was over but it wasn't there are multiple elevators in the hotel my brother his friend my roommate and I I just got into the breakfast hall where most of our group in chaperones were when we realized the men were there too they had followed us they started off staying across the room from us but we're getting closer we left the room and went back up to our rooms once there my roommate and I were panicking they knew where a room was they knew our floor they could find us at any time and we didn't know what to do our panic was cut short as the phone rang at this hotel you called the people's rooms and we thought it was from one of the boys rooms playing a joke on us we were wrong when we picked up the phone it was just heavy breathing and a quiet laughter we hung up the phone after about 20 seconds I called my brother and his friend and asked them if they could meet us outside the room they walked us to the elevators and back downstairs on the way we told them what the phone call my brother's friend took responsibility for it my roommate believed him but I didn't I knew they want to freak us out like that they were trying to calm us down once downstairs again still shaking we told one of my chaperones about the two men and they freaked out we told the front desk about the man but said we didn't know what room they were in or their names they told us there wasn't much they could do about it they tried to reassure us that there was a group staying there but they were probably a part of and that they were leaving in a few days he didn't calm us down though thankfully we never saw them again and I never want to this isn't happy with me in my junior year at high school my best friend had posted a story on his Instagram account tagging me a friend that he had from the previous school asked him about me because he found me interesting my friend not thinking too much of it just linked my profile and he sent me a request I accepted it and he slid into my DMS I was pretty naive 11th grader and he managed to get my phone number from me - turns out he was a desperate guy and somehow needed a girlfriend to show off in front of his friends I know I shouldn't be mean but this guy was 4 feet tall and ugly as [ __ ] the above-mentioned discoveries were made much later a few days later he talked to me and I was flattered by a smooth talk I didn't say yes thankfully few days later I came to know about this guy and immediately blocked him from everywhere Instagram snapchat and whatsapp the next day my phone was blown up with calls and messages from numerous fake IDs he had made just to contact me I never replied and he even asked my friend to tell him to stop contacting me but that didn't stop him he became my stalker and things worsened when he started contacting my real friends and people from my previous school somehow bringing me up in conversation and asking about me a lot of people came up to me asking about him and telling me how stupid I was to talk to him after much persuasion and his numerous FEMA friends coming to me to unblock him I did he started telling me particular details of my life it felt like he knew everything about me things that only a few people knew about me he also knew my address I started coming after school just to see me by this time he had befriended each and every one of my friends and because he never physically stalked me I couldn't do much about it thank God we weren't in the same school my birthday is around the corner so he made a fake account it was my name followed by birthday and he started posting my images which he collected by stalking my friends and me I got that ID removed by getting it reported by all my friends I blocked him once again thank God he lost my number when he reformatted his phone and I wasn't stupid enough to give him my phone number again I'm in my senior year now and realized how grave that issue was and thankful that I had dealt with it somehow I'm not dating any guy and I hope nobody gets such a creepy stalker like I did so the teeny guy who wanted to date me so bad let's not meet again I'm a 20 year old female and started working in a call center last year it was a team of around 40 people so we didn't exactly all know each other well there was this one guy that was 35 years old I'll call him Craig I could always sense that he was watching me he had perfect view of me at my desk from his and his gaze would follow me whenever I walked anywhere I never paid much attention to it because they didn't know him at all one day I turned up to work and was called over by a couple girls that I was friends with I knew something was up because of the way that they were acting they explained Craig message one of them asking for my number saying how kini was on me I was immediately uncomfortable there's quite an age gap between us and he always gave me a weird vibe I felt weird but sort of brushed it off and laughed with my friends I didn't let him get my number though that day we found out that Craig had lost his [ __ ] at the office after the rest of the staff had left the day before he was abusing management and throwing things around the office he ended up being fired and banned from the building later that night I received a message request on Facebook it was Craig the message said how attractive he thought I was and that he could never stop staring at my ass the fantasies he always had about me etc basically just really disturbing stuff to hear from someone you've never even had a conversation with and was significantly older than you so that's why it started for the next five months I got a message every single day management and security at work we're all informed what was going on as I had concerns that he would show up to the office to see me I was constantly worrying that he would try to find me I had thought of just blocking him but my friends made the point that something like that could just aggravate him I just put up with his messages and calls until one day it stopped and I still don't know why okay so this happened to me a few months ago a new family recently moved into the neighborhood and at first they seemed nice it was a woman and a man and their two kids one boy and one girl since they were new my family presented themselves to them and brought them a welcoming gift since they were on packing my family asked if they needed help and they accepted which meant I had to help there was this one box that caught my eye and as I went to get it the man stopped me and said that he can get it that's when I started to wonder like crazy what was in that box that night for dinner my family invited the new neighbors but they declined so it was just my family I asked my mama she knew what the Box had in it cuz it looked weird she told me not to judge you know I was probably just private things so I shouldn't get into other people's business there that night when I was sleeping I heard her back door open and footsteps coming in I locked my door I wanted to call the police but I didn't know who was so I just forgot about it the next day I woke up and checked the back door and it was unlocked I was creeped out until my mom died I thought the family came in and did something to the house she then called me crazy and I have to be respectful and what if it was the other way around after she told me this I have to hang out with a little boy because he left all his old friends in his old town and needed someone to play with soledad I hung out with him at the park near my neighborhood I asked him his name and he told me it was Diego which was crazy because my name was Diego at first I was like oh my god we have the same name then he said like Diego from karate and there's a TV show I watched called Gracchi and I had a character named Diego I was a little creeped out at first but shrugged it off as a coincidence later that night at dinner I felt like my family was being watched after dinner I spent the night at my friend's Jake's house the next day I ran into the boy and his mom he said how was a sleepover I replied how did you know about a sleepover he said your mom told me I went straight back to my house asked my mom she said she never said anything but then my mom said something scared the crap out of me she said the neighbours mom let's call her age' asked her if she could have the number to her doctor my mom never mentioned this to Asia she then started getting suspicious we secretly called uncle Larry who is a police officer to investigate the house he found something really chilling it was a camera in our kitchen it was hidden and that's when I remembered someone came in through the back door that leads to the kitchen the day goes by and they check the footage and now probable cause my uncle goes to their house and knocked on the door the mother opens the door and he says he needs to investigate and ask some questions she complied but since she had to do something first but he said no and she had to wait outside with her husband and kids the police wouldn't have the house to search it there they found a box full of cameras that looked exactly like the ones he found that family had been spying on us the whole time and who knows who else they were spying on we pressed charges and the family moved somewhere else a few months ago my sister started talking to this boy online named Ben the two of them had a lot in common and we're only about a year apart in terms of age we didn't think anything of it at first because it's normal to have online friends these days my sister is really introverted so it was nice to hear that she had someone to chat to from what I understand Ben was also there for her emotionally too if that makes sense my sister became quite attached to him Ben also introduced her to a few of his friends as well they all seemed like your typical edgy teenagers the kind of post selfies with emo song lyrics and stuff like that Ben seemed like a normal caring friend and even messaged me a couple times when he was concerned about my sister being upset he seemed genuine and I was happy that my sister found someone like this one day my sister asked my mom if she can meet up with Ben in the city he lived in another state and had organized spent a week in our state with his aunt so it seemed like the perfect opportunity for them to meet up they arranged a date and time to meet in the city and my mom had accompanied her when that day came though he didn't even show up he meets some excuse up that his aunt wouldn't drive him there and we figured she was probably concerned about Ben meeting someone he had only known over the Internet I admit I did have a really bad feeling about their meet-up what we waiting for Ben to show up but I stupidly ignored it my sister understandably was quite upset that he hadn't showed up Ben messaged me to apologize to us for having to run around after him he explained to his aunt can be unreasonable sometimes at the moment I generally bleed he was a decent person and wasn't lying about his situation after a couple of months passed with just the two of them chatting away like normal at some point my mom gets idea that she and my sister could fly to his date and meet him Ben liked the idea and so they ordered their flight tickets one day out of the blue my sister burst into my room clearly frightened she told me to block Ben and the two friends he introduced me to earlier when I asked why she explained to me that Ben had been a cover up identity for a person that had previously threatened her using another account all of the pictures he posted were for someone else's account she found this out and confronted to him his two friends that we had chatted with on post and everything were all fake accounts run by him to keep up the illusion the person after being confronted by my sister admitted that they were keeping tabs on my sister they had been chatting for months and she had likely told him personal things - the flight tickets were immediately cancelled after my mom found out and we were all spooked about the whole thing I still am I am even a little paranoid to share this we couldn't tell the police because my sister was a dingus and didn't keep a copy of the messages the account sent her the account was taken down after we informed the guy whose pictures were stolen up about the incident so whoever this person is let's never cross paths again I love this sub and wanted to share a recent set of encounters I've had with my apartment complex security yard I'm feeling a little concerned that I overreacted or took things out of context I moved into a large studio apartment complex a few months ago I'm a single female with the two-year-old daughter my sister and a few of her friends came over about three weeks ago hang out we had some beers and played cards against humanity' my studio has an enclosed patio with a door sized opening that doesn't have a gate or door since my child was sleeping I had everyone chill outside on the patio we were having a great time joking talking and listening to low music when the security guard entered my patio hi there are we being too loud has someone placed a complaint no no you guys are fine just do my rounds he lingered for a minute more then strolled out into the night we continue our activities it really didn't give him a second thought he returned 25 minutes later right after most of the group had left only my sister her friend Cody and I remained he was an overweight late 40s early 50s and wore glasses he strolls unto my patio once again strikes up a conversation we learned that he was a retired cop that had to quit the force after suffering a heart attack on duty he states that he had a undergo a quintuple bypass surgery and after recovery he started night security jobs I felt sorry for him because of his medical history and stopped her to listen to him for a while he must have stayed there for 30 minutes before my sister got uncomfortable and loudly announced that we were going to bed he bit us a good night you left once inside my sister said that she didn't like the way he was looking at me and thought that he took a liking to me I initially told her that she was reading too much into it and the dude was just lonely and had a long shift ahead a week and a half later my sister's visiting again and we are sitting inside my place talking my Syria has a black screen door which is visible to see through and a wood door I had a screen locked in the wood door opened to let some air in my sister is talking to me and I have a sensation of someone looking at me so I glanced up the security guards at the doorway of my patio staring I say hello when he jerked forward as if expecting an invitation in or something but I turned my attention back to my sister and when I clint's back again he's gone this week on Tuesday I took a shower and threw him a red silk japanese-style robe I was washing dishes for about 25 minutes and had poured a glass of wine I turned from the kitchen and sit on my couch and I let out a scream the security guard is almost pressed up against the screen door and staring straight at me through a footlong crack of the wood door I was startled and shaking but the first thing I did was to make sure my robe wasn't exposing me then I ran up to the screen you scared me he had no emotion and no apology I'm just doing my rounds my scalp is crawling and I'm still shaky okay well I'm going to bed now he's still right up next to the screen door all the way in my patio and turns and looks at my Beast cruiser park against the wall oh you have a bike you should put it inside because someone could take it yeah I'll get to it I pretty much slammed the door shut and locked the door I sit down with my wine and calm my nerves I was shaking but I wasn't sure if he was really being a creeper or just a lonely individual that was looking for someone that had expressed interest after a debate my friend's sister I contacted the property manager I was actually surprised at how quickly it escalated that took my verbal instant rapport over the phone and just informed me today that the guy had been fired the property manager told me to call the police if I see him on the premises again I worked with this guy we had a work outing which included drinks I got a little too drunk to drive home so he offered me a ride a few others accepted the ride along with me he dropped him off first and dropped me off last and asked me if I had feelings for him I told him I thought he was really cool cuz we had similar interests I then promptly reminded him of our no fraternizing agreement we signed before we started working there I also told him I wasn't interested in him romantically from that evening on he would always find ways to tell me he had hot dates that would then cancel on him and he would ask me if I wanted to go out for drinks it felt like he was trying to make me feel bad so that I would go out with him but I never accepted he asked me out to dinner dates into the movies a handful of times which I always declined and reminded him that I had no interest in him that way a few of my co-workers caught him looking through my phone I assumed he was looking for texts from other guys he accused our other male co-workers of sexually harassing me when he saw that we were friends on snapchat or even text even though there wasn't any type of sexual relationship going on between them and I he would send videos of me dancing in the club to our coworkers meanwhile I had no idea that he was there were thought the videos existed I had many co-workers coming up to me and asking me if I had any knowledge of the videos and if I felt saved he showed up to my house a couple of times without me knowing or inviting him he knocked once and took off another time he just stood there and left without knocking we only knew this because of my roommates motion sensored security cam that would send us notifications and videos when there was activity my biggest mistake was accepting another ride from him after all this I was in a group setting again so I thought it would be safe my co-workers were sort of aware of this and asked if I could be dropped off first he went about dropping them all off first I stayed in the back seat and he begged me to move to the front seat but I didn't at the end he demanded why I wasn't interested in him and why I didn't like him since he was such a nice guy at this point I was furious and honestly terrified I started screaming at him pointing out to him all the times I told him I wasn't interested and declined all his invitations I opened the door while he is moving and he slammed on the brakes I think I startled him I jumped out and springing home not ten minutes later I get a text from him asking again when did I lose interest in him and if it's because he's too nice or if it's because he gets too many other hot dates as if I didn't spend five minutes telling him I was never interested in him and as if I just didn't sprint out of his car I blocked him on everything brought it up to my manager the next day and filed a report then put in my two weeks so I'm not the best at writing or describing things but something happened to me three days ago and it's been on my mind non-stop I've had nightmares a lot I'm going away for five months of summer to work in Greece same thing I did last year but this time it's not as much of a last-minute decision so I planned ahead to take a few family members away on a little budget British caravan holiday so we get spend some time together before I leave I booked it the week for Friday to Friday the first few days were good celebrating Wales winning the Grand Slam in rugby Monday was much the same we played bingo in the on-site clubhouse and this is when I noticed a member of their security team he looked quite attractive from a distance I like beards glasses so I say to my mother oh he's nice and we laughed a bit later he approached our table and chatted with us for a little bit about general things going on on site and his job he shook my hand and introduced himself he then stood by our table on and off all night trying to engage in general conversation he did make a sense of eye contact with me which was weird so that's why I thought I was getting such bad anxiety being around him because he seemed otherwise normal when we were leaving he was on duty in the front of the clubhouse we walked past him I said bye he said something along the lines of oh don't go I've got two days off I won't be able to see you which I thought was weird because we just met him and had nothing but basic conversation my mom thought I liked him so she said she was gonna catch up to my dad and let me talk to him he looked like he was about to say something but I wasn't interested in being alone with him so I said can't believe she left me behind see yeah I could feel him watching me through the dark carpark again anxiety two days went by and things were normal but on the day that he came back for duty Wednesday he noticed us straightaway and walked over he winked at me and stood right next to me putting his elbows on the table tried to chat away with me a bit too close to my face I shrugged it off what you will play on my nephew in the arcade bowling machine I can see him out of the corner of my eye watching me from behind again I got really bad anxiety I went back to my parents table and he would walk by every few minutes looking at me each time I couldn't stand the anxious feeling in my gut so I waited until he was gone it made an excuse I went back to the caravan alone my parents are right back a few hours later and told me he kept stopping by asking about me and asking where I was and if he needed to check on me he gave my mother a piece of paper with his number on it to give to me I was embarrassed by that and joked with my mother like who tries to get someone's mom to be their wing woman Thursday was our last day I signed up to go out because I felt uncomfortable going there now after being washed and throwing his number in a bin but my parents went elsewhere so I stayed packing and babysitting my nephew this is where I got really freaked out he somehow found my number and began sending me messages on what to happen I replied at first being polite and mentioned I was packing and going home he started to get a little flirty so I put the phone on silent and went to bed my mom had her window and curtains wide open my dad had fallen asleep on the couch watching TV with my nephew and I was in the single room alone I woke up later because I heard rustling noises outside I froze for a second but I could hear movement outside by my window I look to the teeny gap and I saw I'm standing there looking around and I generally thought I was gonna have a heart attack I've never been paralyzed with fear before I felt like I needed a coffee but I was so terrified to make a sound I looked at my phone it was 3:30 I saw a bunch of whatsapp notifications I was too scared to open them so I read a bit from the notification bubble he told me he knew where I was and he wanted me to dig myself out the window for him to play with along with sending me pictures of himself naked numerous calls of text and all why loss on my window I laid there for about two hours too afraid to move I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was my mom waking me up saying that she had just opened the curtains to the living room and saw him standing right outside this was 9 a.m. 6 hours later I never felt so scared in my life we packed up and got ready to leave by the time we're about to go he had gone I ran to my car with my hood up paranoid that he would stop us my parents thought it was really weird for him being out there but I never told him about all the messages so they didn't know why I was being so weird I felt so sick waiting for my dad to start the engine because I didn't know where he had gone or if he was still watching if he had found out my number any Caravan and had seen us in my dad's car with the license plate what else could he have found out I have not mentioned this to anyone because I really can't handle it right now I feel violated in a way although I don't know how to describe it so backstory this happened a few days ago when I was on holiday with my friend in Seoul to put this in context we are two 20 year olds who look more like we're sixteen or something anyway we were at a train station waiting for the train when I actually brushed my elbow against this old man's back he got up and started swearing really loudly at us I obviously apologized at this time the train came and we got on the old man was also getting on through another door on the train he walked past us and started swearing at us again and sat somewhere else when we got to the train station that we were supposed to get off at I turned around to face the door and realized he was also gonna get off and he was staring at us from the other door but it happened so fast we said we just had to get off and at the door at the platform he asked me where I was from I was shocked and scared so my friend just dragged me away we head behind a convenience store at the platform for about five minutes and then decided to exit as we got closer we realized that he was standing by the exit and looking for us waiting for us we immediately ran in the other direction to the other exit where we got on the bus we kept looking behind us and hoping he didn't follow us after this whole situation we were shocked and paranoid that we went back to our place and changed out of our clothes we were wearing in fear that he would spot us again thankfully nothing happened after that and we got back home safe but I want to want to think about what would have happened if we didn't see him at the exit and continue walking his way so old man at the train station let's never meet again I used to work at one of those 24/7 Walmart supercenters I was right out of high school a 19 year old female and worked as a cashier for two terrible years while I was objective - all kinds of abuse from customers and co-workers alike I was screamed at slammed into the register face-first groped and even farted on once because this old lady was mad that the oranges were priced each and not by the pound and I'm not even exaggerating however the time that sticks out in my head the most is the time that a customer tried to follow me home I just started my shift and then a second I got to the register I had a line that was ten people along for some reason the Walmart I worked at never had enough registers open so people were usually really mad and impatient by the time they got to me I get right to work and keep a smile plastered on my face while making mini mandatory small talk how do you do how are you did you find everything most customers were play but not very interested in talking so it's easy to fall into a bit of cashier robot mode I get this guy who only had two items yogurt and band-aids I ring him up in the record time and neatly bag it up but the customer just seemed to be paying any attention he wouldn't look at me or answer my greeting he is stared right down the conveyor belt maybe it was just a bit zoned out the conveyor belt didn't look too dirty I hadn't had a chance to wash it yet because the second I walked over to the register people lined up side note always bag your produce like a very buzz get really nasty I tell the man his total which was something like 436 and he starts fishing in his pocket for the exact change without looking up inwardly I grown but I keep my customer service smile fixed in place while I wait he's wondering one of those muddy brown denim jackets with lots of pockets and as he rifles through them I kept catching whiff of stale Bo and cigarettes his hands were pretty dirty too and all dried out from the cold weather he dumps out an assortment of change on the counter still not looking at me and I'd begin to count it up everything is uncomfortably quiet I can feel the eyes of every customer waiting in line boring into me except for the guy that was now digging his pants pockets too he was about 30 cents short I let him know once I was sure that he wasn't gonna find any more coins it was then he looks at me making this scrunched up face his eyes were very dark brown almost black and they pierced right into me accusingly as if he thought I was lying or something while he was watching I counted everything it's only 30 cents can't you give me your employee discount no that's against the rules I answered apologetically do you want to put something back I wasn't about to get fired forgive me someone my discount which was only 10% if you're wondering he wasn't the first person to ask for it but most people pretended that they were joking he was definitely not joking no I want them he said glaring at me I was beginning to wish that he would start staring at the conveyor belt again instead of me he was making me pretty uncomfortable if I had 30 cents in my pocket I would have just paid for it myself just to get this guy to leave he reaches over to take the bag but I turned a little bad carousel so he can't that was probably a stupid move on my part but it wasn't like I could just let him steal right if my register was short 30 cents my supervisor would be all over me I know you get a discount just plug it in he completely blows up at this point but I just shake my head and look at the other customers probably with a deer-in-headlights expression people are watching but no one does anything this is just something any convenient seeing them even though I'm actually pretty scared I already started flashing my register light so that the CSM would come over but they were notorious for taking their sweet time I'll get a CSM but it might take a few minutes I nervously offer but the man just goes off and goes on about how much he needed it he leaves it before the supervisor comes over grabbing all of this change and shoving them all into his pocket before stopping off I'm relieved that he's gone and continued working in uneasy silence everything seems to go back to normal after that my shift ends at midnight and I manage to clock out on time for once I didn't have a car and when normally call my mom to come and pick me up but she was out of town and it was too late to call anyone else so I decided to walk rather than waste money on a cab I lived about 20 minutes away and felt pretty safe walking because you didn't really tend to run into people at that hour after a few minutes walking I noticed his car driving really slowly behind me the speed limit was 45 and this car was probably going about 10 miles per hour I got a bad gut feeling and started to walk a little faster while trying to rationalize it it could have been someone who wanted to offer me a ride home or get directions but no whoever it was stay behind me and I tried to pull up next to me at all even though they were going really slow after about five minutes of this the car finally turns off into one of the neighborhoods I was relieved but it was short-lived the driver parked his car on the curb and gets out of his car he then comes jogging up to me I realized immediately that it was the yogurt band-aid guy he was wearing the same muddy brown jacket and staring at me with those dark eyes I turn around and start jogging down the sidewalk which is kind of icy he just jogs right up next to me I can actually hear the change jiggling in his pocket he doesn't say anything at first so I just try to run faster without slipping had this guy been sitting in the parking lot for hours waiting for me to get off work apparently so I feel him staring at me and I turn my head to look at him while still running as fast as I could on the eyes I think my lucky stars though there was fresh gravel laid out well I probably would have slipped in a classic horror movie cliche what color is your underwear he asked the question horrified and disgusted me so my immediate reaction was don't be a creep and I punched him right in the face it hurt my hand like a [ __ ] but he stops running for a second and bent forward clutching out his face I swear I heard him say okay but I just kept running and was too scared to look back I'm not sure if he kept following me after that but it didn't went straight home because I was scared of him figuring out where I lived when I did make it home probably an hour later I went to my landlady's apartment first told her what happened I was really shaken up and I told her if she saw a suspicious guy around the building she should call the police my mom was out of town and she didn't answer any of my calls so I watched Disney movies until I was calm enough to go to sleep the next day I told my managers about what happened but they didn't really care in hindsight I probably should have called the police but I was young and I thought that if it was necessary my management would have told me to do so don't know why I thought that considering they had a way of not really caring about employees I felt pretty angry that it didn't take me serious or care that I was scared I wanted to go home early because I was scared that the guy would show up again but they told me I couldn't and made me go work the registers I quit shortly after I never did see yogurt band-aid guy again but it's been about 10 years and I'm not sure if I would even recognize him if I did about two years ago I worked at a movie store inside a mall I've had tons of strange experiences with customers but this one definitely tops them off I was 20 at the time this guy was over 6 feet late 40s very hefty and always had this weird zombified expression on his face he came in about once a week one of my co-workers had even warned me about him how he was a little off but I still treated him with as much respect as I did with everyone else one day he came in and talked for a bit but it got a little awkward and I kept trying to end the conversation and look busy by tagging items behind the counter he stood there in silence watching me for about 20 minutes and then he finally left a few days later he came back in and he walks up to be welding a large container he says I made four pounds of enchiladas at home today just for you I remembered that you like Mexican food I don't remember telling him that I liked it but I do know that I went to a Mexican restaurant crossed the way every lunch break I politely accepted it and put it in the back office I was convinced he uses just for it a few days later he came back in and had a drawing for me of a dragon now I love dragons but I never told him that the drawing looked like it took hours to make and at this point I was a little freaked out I had him leave it on the counter so I could just throw it away later later on I was given about a week vacation during this week I had cut my hair about 12 inches the day I came back in I had a shift with my manager I told her all about the guy and immediately she was weirded out for me a few minutes later I see dude walking around the mall he was going towards the exit and didn't he even notice me my manager tells me to go in the back office I go and wait there until she comes in to get me and when she does she tells me that I need to make a report to more security immediately apparently when I ran back there he turned around to come in and walk all throughout the store when she asked him if he needed any help with something he said I can't believe she cut her hair and briskly walked out I go to the mall security office to make a report and we went through all these videos from the cameras when this guy would come to visit me but there was one video that really stood out he sends chills throughout my body just thinking about it the video shows him pull up into the parking lot of the mall and about three minutes later I arrived this was really early in the morning and no customers were there yet but there were cars in a lot I didn't notice him at all it shows me walking towards the entrance and him following me right as I opened the interest door the man starts sprinting towards me I walked in just in time it shows him stop it standing right in front of the door watching me through the glass as I walk farther away he begins to normally walk inside the mall I never noticed him behind me that's the part that really messed me up it was like watching the last footage before a kidnapping or murder on Dateline or something the video gave security every reason to ban him from the mall and they did they told me later when they did a background check he had four counts of having child pornography and was on probation this happened in early 2017 I was a 23 year old girl and had just finished college the field I studied was not huge in my area so I decided to leave I moved to the biggest city in our country to make a post graduation course and look for a job as I was still unemployed I decided I would wait to make a long-term rental contract worrying about a possible bad commute to work in the first couple of months I was switching from air B&B ease and hostels all the time I was already tired of this I decided this would be when I last move and then with or without a job I would settle I was running out of money and decided to stay in a dorm in a hostel next to where I was taking classes sharing a bedroom is not a problem to me during a trip but when you're living somewhere trying to create a routine sharing a bathroom with some complete strangers just sucks I would show the dorm with three guys but it's not with any of them that my bad encounter occurs they were nice apart from one of them snoring so bad at night no biggie in another dorm although was a creepiest person I've ever seen he was in his mid-30s and he was not traveling he was native from the city where we were in and was using the hostel as a new house says his parents kicked him out of theirs he introduced himself and tried to be nice and flirty with me I was polite initially but declined his advances he wouldn't stop he started following me all day long in the hostel anywhere I went he would show up at less than five minutes on the second day there I left the hostel to a job interview and by the time I arrived back to the hostel late at night he was seated alone on the front stairs waiting for me he told me this like it was the most natural thing on earth he would buy me snacks ask me out try to get information about my personal life all these things when I already made it clear of my lack of interest in this friendship all this happened in three days I was exhausted of his presence but what I didn't know is that it could have went worse as soon as one of the guys that was sharing the dorm with me left he asked the hostel staff to switch dorms so he could stay in the same one as me obviously he didn't tell me this so imagine how surprised and disgusted I was when I saw him coming into the dorm with all his belongings I was so scared of his presence that I slept wearing jeans to avoid any sort of advantage that he could take while I was sleeping the very next morning I decided to leave the situation I got worse and I couldn't handle it anymore while I was packing the guy showed up notice what I was doing and started to cry asking me not to leave him then to make things even more creepy and disgusting he told me that he would miss seeing my face while I was sleeping and thank God that he had taken photos I was trying my best to stay calm but I lost it when he told me he had taken pictures of me while I was sleeping I took his phone out of his hand and asked him to see the pictures and deleted all of them there are a bunch of photos of me sleeping in the night before I left the hostel and I really regretted not reporting him to the staff crazy lonely dude in the hostel please let's never meet again a week or so after my tenth birthday I walked to the corner store with a $5 bill and picked up a jar ragu for my mom on the way home a man I'd never seen before fell in step with me and began talking hi he said cheerfully my name is dr. Ramsey I'm a pediatrician do you know what a pediatrician is I walked along silently not replying and hoping he would just take that as a sign that he should leave me alone subtitles were not his strong suit though he kept right on chattering are your parents looking for a pediatrician for you of course you're almost a big girl now you'll be needing another kind of doctor soon won't you that's okay though they could still bring you in to me until then what's your name you have beautiful hair I was just on the way to get some suckers for the candy jar in my office do you like suckers thankfully we were nearing my house so I ran forward up the back steps and through to the kitchen door I didn't know it then but this was the beginning of a very long very scary ordeal it didn't take long after that for dr. Ramsey to begin showing up at first it seemed benign enough at least to a kid you'd drive by nearly every day smiling and waving I told my mom who said maybe it was on his way home from work but then the phone calls began my dad called me into the living room sat me down he asked about the day dr. Ramsey followed me home and if I talked to him he said I wasn't in trouble but I just needed to tell him the truth I told him no and he asked if I was sure and if I could be forgetting something I told him no again and he frowned and then asked then does he know your name I told him I didn't know it turns out that's not all he knew he knew my sister's name as well pretty soon neither my sister I were allowed to answer the phone he would call several times a day at first neither of us knowing what he was saying then one night one of my brother's told us that he was telling my parents that he was gonna hurt me and later my sister things got complicated after that my dad had called the police but as this was before there was stalking laws there was not a lot that they could do they told my parents to call back if he ever tried anything my dad then called his friend from back in the day who happened to be a cop for the next month my dad's friend escorted me to and from school suddenly life as I knew it came screeching to a halt I couldn't walk to school alone I couldn't play outside I couldn't walk to the Superamerica convenience store as well when access to me was completely denied things escalated it was around this time he began threatening my sister as well then one afternoon my sister two of my brothers and my mom were in the kitchen one of my brothers saw a glimpse of someone in the garage they've seen dr. Ramsay before as well dr. Ramsay came bolting out of the garage my brother's chasing after him they ran all the way to the Cherokee park where they lost him in the trees my parents called the police again but nothing came of it the only information they had was a description and a name that was most certainly fake a couple weeks later we woke to find one of our dogs hanging from the side porch she was a gorgeous Saddleback German Shepherd when the same day I was we were all devastated the cops thought there was no evidence it was him and ruled it accidental but none of us believed that his phone calls became more formative in the meantime he would talk about who was home and who wasn't if my brother would say that my dad was home dr. Ramsey would tell him who was really in the house he would also talk about the house itself about the window in the kitchen that he could easily open with a knife from the outside when it was locked about the French doors that connected the living room to the side porch and how the lock could be finagled from the outside if he jiggled it just right that night my dad put in some carpenter nails at the bottom of the French doors until he could get a new lock ordered and installed my parents had to go to a company event and my dad's work my older brothers were at Saint West roller skating rink my sister was on the phone with her best friend my little brother had fallen asleep on the floor I was watching Devo on The Midnight Special with Wolfman Jack it was late suddenly the top of the French door swung inward and for a few milliseconds before the nails in the bottom caused him to snap back I could see his silhouette my sister whipped the phone at the television and we ran upstairs about halfway up we realized our little brother was still asleep on the living-room floor as quietly as we could we slipped back down the stairs to get him we all went into our bedroom and didn't turn on the light this way we could see outside watch out the window for a while and we couldn't find him we crept down the hall to my brother's room to look we look down and could see someone standing at the back door he knocked loudly what do you want my sister asked out the window he stepped back and said is this the Mersey residence I have a pizza for delivery can you come to the door she scoffed at him declaring she was not stupid she could see that he didn't have a pizza and she was calling the cops he then promptly left a short while later my brother's returned home we told him what happened and they walked around the yard watching out for him they came back in and things settled down by now we pretty much gave up on calling the cops because it never helped us so we just went back in each of us carrying a knife from the kitchen just in case eventually one of my brothers went into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal as a snack you know that sensation you get when you just feel someone watching you yeah he had that in spades he kept looking around the kitchen through the doorway into the dining room at the windows he didn't see anything but you could still feel the eyes on him so he went closer to the door to try to get a better look the kitchen lights were reflecting off the windows of the door so he couldn't see he stepped closer then closer until he was right up to the door then he cupped his hands on both sides of his face so he could see they're on the other side of the windowpane was dr. Ramsay smiling back at him he turned to yell from oldest brother and when he looked back again he was gone they went out there to look for him but didn't see him the next night we were at the table playing crazy aids and what brother was Restless my sister asked him what was wrong and he said he always felt like any minute there'd be a boom boom boom on our door or window almost immediately after he finished that sentence on the window right behind him in the chaos the two eldest ran out but he was already gone a couple weeks later I was at school and we were outside on the playground during recess I was swinging upside-down when I saw that now-familiar blue Ford Galaxie Cruiser by moving slowly there he was smiling and waving he called my name and I ran to the teacher and told her by then the squad are you've been told about him so she took me inside right away and called my mom that same day my mom had gotten a call from the school asking her to verify that my dad was picking me up as he called to say he was on his way and she told him that my dad was not picking me up the day not long after that I woke up one night thirsty I went to the kitchen for a drink and they're sitting alone in the dark was my dad on the table was a gun he was tired of the police waiting until dr. Ramsey tried something he was tired of his children being terrorized he was tired of being afraid every time he left for work that something was gonna happen when he was gone I sat with him for a time watching before he sent me back to bed these events and many more took place over a period of 18 months then as suddenly as it began it was over he had vanished from her lives the phone calls the drive-bys with the creepy waves everything for a long time during and after dr. Ramsey days I would have this reoccurring nightmare in which I would wake up to find him standing over me as I slept it took a long time before I felt like a kid again I found out years later that when he was calling dr. Ramsey would tell my parents that he was gonna rape and kill me and later my sister and there was nothing that they could do about it I don't know what happened to him when he disappeared I don't know if he got into a car wreck locked in prison in a coma but sometimes I wonder if the way ended for my dad when he was sitting in the darkened kitchen that one night I don't know I'm not sure I want to my mother grandmother and I lived in the same house but at T different flats in a very short street with only six houses in total we moved here in 2012 and everything was fine one day there was an old man moving into another house in the street he seemed very nice but my image of him changed quickly when these SBN my grandma lives in the first floor so everyone walking past the house could technically look into her fly which she has her blinds opened she started telling us about how she sometimes see two feet under her blind so the big window always the same shoes one day she pulls the blinds open when the shoes are there and guess who it is yeah the old man turns out he had been watching her for quite some time through her windows and even from his balcony which had the perfect view of the big window in her living room as if that wasn't bad enough he started talking to me when I got home from school because I needed to pass his house we didn't know each other we had nothing to do with each other not even remotely he begins asking me how I was if school was finally over and so on I didn't like it but politely answered one day he started asking me about my grandmother and mother how they were doing etc I was very creeped out by this given the history of the incidents I started ignoring him and after a few days of ignoring him he got the hit but there's more my grandmother has sort of a caregiver who comes her flat twice a week to clean and deliver groceries because she can't walk or bend over that well anymore this caregiver is also the one that comes to our stocky neighbour's house to help him after my grandmother had brought it up to us that he was watching her the other day the caregiver told us that the old man would want hug from her look at her ass cleavage etc and also sometimes touch her in places like her waist and her thighs supposedly unintentionally as if this wasn't already more than tariff he also rides a bus sometimes sometimes I'm in that same bus or sometimes he even writes a school bus for some reason anyways one day I was waiting for the bus and there was this girl with a headscarf waiting for the bus - the man walks up to her and starts talking to her I had my headphones in so out of curiosity I pulled room them out and listen to what he was talking about I was shocked when I heard him talking about immigrants being a problem for the US and that they should get out of the country and such but in a way that he did say directly but rather hinted at those things the girl was really confused and then the bus came which she seemed relieved by understandably this was just a section of the creepiest and worst incidents there are many more that are not as creepy so I'm a 20 year old girl and it's like I'm just straight-up creepy old man B I don't go shopping alone often because it makes me uncomfortable being stared at so I usually go with my boyfriend just to make me feel better on this occasion though he was at work desperately needs some snacks I headed to my local Kroger a relatively large grocery store nearest to my house this particular Kroger is arranged awfully so I usually end up doubling back because I don't realize I missed something because of that it makes it really obvious if someone was following you I started on the left end of the store just picking out some fruit when it notices a very old man and over all staring at me not thinking too much of it I smiled politely and just walked past him after a couple of minutes of shopping and looking around I noticed this man is still pretty close he hasn't picked up any additional groceries so I'm getting a little uneasy and just walk away to the other end of the store to get some ice cream now I'm stopped looking at the ice cream for a while because there are so many options after looking for a while this Creepo comes over and starts tearing out the ice cream directly next to me at that moment I decided I didn't need ice cream anymore and I was done shopping mind you the old man after staring at the ice cream with me for five minutes didn't get any from there booked it around the corner and ran all the way to the end of the aisle took a sharp turn and hurried to the checkout I got in line and then offered a random person about to check out the spot behind me I figured this would give me some time believe it or not the old man comes to the checkout stand behind the person that is right behind me I start quietly talking to the lady checking me out and asked them to take a very long time with the old man because he had been following me the whole time they just laughed it off like I was some dumb teenager and said yeah that's old meant for you when I was generally worried about my safety at this point I'm sure you're thinking call the cops yeah that's what my dad said too but I just didn't think about it at the moment after checking out I ran to my car we started putting away my groceries as fast as possible I had an entire cart to put away I finally got the groceries in my car since I was eyeing the door the whole time I saw the old man come out the doors and beeline for me I slammed the trunk of my car and he was waiting for me at the driver's door I locked the car and ran across the parking lot while calling my boyfriend to see what to do I'm crying trying to get a hold of him but he's at work and of course he doesn't see my call at this point I'm hiding behind a kia soul hoping the old man walks towards me so I quickly run back to my car he does so I jump at the opportunity and I'm unlocking my car as I run I jump into the driver's seat and zoom home he watched me drive away while he was standing in front of his red sedan that was on the other side of the parking lot from where I was parked I took tons of backroads to make sure I wasn't followed by that stupid creepy old man [Music] when I was fifteen raywilliamjohnson was the most subscribed to channel on YouTube I feel it's necessary to say now that he was not the youtuber this story is about but I feel this is important to include four contacts doing some research for this post he was the first YouTube channel to ever reach five million subscribers so he was very popular at the time in his show he reviewed viral videos as a teenager it was one of my favorite things to watch every week he would pick one subscriber video to provide the comic question of the week to which his subscribers would provide responses in the comment section a friend and I thought we had a great question to ask featuring her new baby iguana and sent it in every week after filming it by the fourth or fifth week our video was selected and aired on that week's show in hindsight there definitely wasn't much more traffic coming into my account but at the time it really felt like it I had 30 some messages in my message box at the time and quite a few comments on the original video I can confidently say let's not meet 2ne1 in that comment section gardenia such classy comments as I tap both of you at the same time I would do you both and the iguana can watch I would totally do the girl on the left and of course the classic I love you my friend at the time was 13 years old and my messagebox did not look much different now as a teenager with low self-esteem I was pleased with a lot of this new attention I was actually taking time to respond to a lot of the messages ignoring the disturbing ones taking people for congratulating me on getting picked and occasionally starting a conversation with some Internet strangers one of the most common questions I got asked after the video was how old are you and of course I offered up the information because why wouldn't I one specific person sticks out because he continued talking to me consistently every day I would have a message from him and I would respond he was just chatting just being nice I thought he had a youtube account small but had a couple thousand subscribers having had eleven myself all of which being my friends I thought it was cool that his channel was successful he asked me how old I was I told him 15 he told me he was 21 it was initially quite tame conversation but after a few weeks he asked me for my phone number I wasn't naive and gave it to him because he was nice and he didn't live anywhere near me from what he told me he lived several states away then he texts me all the time he tried calling me around this time is where I started getting creeped out he began talking about wanting to meet me now at this point I had seen to catch a predator in school and I started getting somewhat suspicious I never gave him any more information other than state I lived in my first name that seemed innocent enough but he started getting flirty and creepy and generally uncomfortable to talk to you I slowly stopped responding ignoring his phone calls it would say I was busy then he found my other social media accounts and tried talking to me there I told him I had gotten a boyfriend which was a lie but he still sent me generally just comforting messages especially looking back at it this guy made me so uncomfortable that even thinking about it now or seeing his username makes me feel nauseated and tense the messages that really got to me the one that finally scared me enough and the one that I can actually remember after all these years said I'm gonna come to Ohio to find you and when I finally do I'm gonna hug you so hard I'm gonna squeeze and squeeze until your eyes pop out of your little head I never told my parents but I was lucky enough to be able to get my phone number changed I started getting paranoid that he would find me check-in my locks closing my curtains I removed him from some social media changed my user names and display names to make myself harder to find because you know I was a teenager to be able to contact my actual friends all the time surprisingly he got quiet for a while and I slowly gained some feeling of safety back I actually started a new YouTube channel at the recommendation of some friends and started putting myself out there again doing more media production which I love and gardening a small following of 1200 strangers none of whom ever made me feel unsafe thankfully a few years down the road I started my freshman year of college I just turned 18 and wouldn't you know he found me again found me on all social medias sent me messages again posted some comments on my old youtube channel all at once I felt absolutely sick I remember the creepy messages and unsettling feeling just generally breathlessness I had when he started telling me he would find me and that he was coming for me I had a brief panic attack before swiftly blocking him on everything my profiles were me at my new college wearing my gear and everything I would have been significantly easier to find now and I knew it I hardly made any friends my first year at college I didn't leave my room much after that happened I never went to parties I scarcely made friends every so often I would remember the experience and get sick this is one of those times I've since graduated I moved far away with my boyfriend but I still check my locks and curtains aggressively every night sometimes three or four times even if I'm sure I've done it already but I'll never understand is how a grown man at 21 would be so interested in the 15 year old girl and especially still be interested after several years the entire memory disgusts me he still post videos on the youtube channel and all I can think about is how he tried to get with me when I was a minor a child he was a predator he took away my sense of safety and up to this point he certainly is on my top ten list of people with whom I hope I never ever have to encounter again some a female 23 now but in this story I was 21 with a four month old baby I'm about five nine a bit overweight and I have social anxiety around new people I went with my sister to her work she was 26 and five feet tall she worked at a very nice restaurant in the shopping center and we went straight there for a 6:00 p.m. start after being in the city all day collecting money for a cat rescue I'm just chilling now even food and binging on ready when I decided I wanted to smoke I know bad habit so I let my sister know going down to the car park to have a smoke as she passes through the dining area the cart was only about 70 meters away from the restaurant having good lighting and because it was so late I can hang around near the doors this is where it gets creepy the security guy was doing his rounds and about my high-end Indian he decides to check on me that's cool man I'm just having a smoke the conversation goes like this how are you doing you okay I'm pretty good I'm just waiting for my sister to get off work good good your baby very cute baby I have four at home you got husband yes he's my baby that's good I have a fiance which was a complete lie I was a hundred percent single but he was already making me anxious I could be husband I look after baby for you I look after you no thanks I'm sure your wife wouldn't appreciate that no no wife loves baby wife will love you you come home with me finally I finished my spoke and moved further away from him each second no thanks I'm good now he follows me inside I go all around the mostly closed shopping center hoping that I would lose him in Kohl's I lost him for about five seconds a coal shut down for the night the only place left open was my sister's work so I went back there even though I didn't want him to know where I was as I was about to walk into the restaurant I saw him coming up the escalator he was still watching me I take the last two steps towards the hostess who happens to be the owner's daughter I told her what was going on at this point the security guard was standing in front of the restaurant still staring at me dose this takes me to the semis to cluded booth and goes to talk to her dad about the situation as she's gone the creepy security guard comes to the dining area searches for me and then comes and sits in my booth well they're too close to me and my child how are you I want to ravish a pretty woman you'd be the mother of my babies we will make QED babies at this point it was very clear that I was uncomfortable and he still made it worse don't worry I security I protect you and the baby he reaches across the table with one hand now the other hand is reaching towards my baby I'm frozen I didn't care about the hand near me I was watching the other one no one touches my baby I'm about to snap full mama bear mode when the owner 40 is 250 years old six feet tall big white build of the restaurants steps in asking if there's a problem is there a problem no no problem just talking with my lovely lady this is a customer has she done something wrong no never she's my lady see we're gonna get married and then he grins creepily the silent warning for me to play along as soon as phase the finding comfort in the restaurant owners presence I said please leave me alone I just want to eat my dinner haha funny lady seaweed joke I don't know you please leave me alone she says she wants you to leave now she's just messing she loved me I've been waiting for you my pretty lady he leaves at that point restaurant owner makes sure I'm okay and moves me to the employee break room and it fills my sister end two hours later and my sister has finished her shift we pack up and head out to the car the security guard appears out of nowhere he was actually waiting for me I take pretty lady and baby home now come pretty lady we go home the restaurant owner like an angel steps out of his car right behind the security guard and says she's going home with her sister no pretty lady mind she home home with me give them the car I'll take care of this so we get in the car and go home find out that the next day from my sister that her boss had physically restrained the security guard because he went to go grab my arm as I was getting in the car he then got him fired and permanently banned from the shopping center around a year maybe a year and a half ago I was using this app called whisper to help with making new friends after getting out of high school I was 19 at the time and had a really nice boyfriend I had used whisper before and actually made two or three friends during my senior year and also found a friend of Mines boyfriend cheating using whisper so safe to say that this app can be a handful sometimes I put out a whisper asking for someone to talk to and of course I got tons of replies but I couldn't reply to all of them but I messaged some of the interesting ones back this guy named Jack started messaging me and he seemed really nice he said he was 23 and actually lived 8 minutes from my house if you have used whisper you know that you could search by area or go into a general section to see thousands of whispers being uploaded that you could reply to you could also send photos instantly after 4 messages for some reason as soon as he messaged me four times he sent me a selfie and I was surprised but didn't really respond to it Jack was telling me that he was working for a towing company in a neighboring town no you have to go use the interstate to go places at the time I didn't have a job because my mother was sick so I would use my laptop out in the kitchen at the table to watch streams and play some games in case she needed me at some point I remember watching my french stream talking to my friends and generally having a good time until I got a text from Jack now I never gave him my address never really explained where I lived but he texts me saying hey look out your window I thought maybe something happened on the news day but then I remembered I never told him how close it was to me I see a tow truck right outside my house with the car broke down or something my blood ran cold he was at the truck waving I started shaking due to having bad anxiety I ended up having an anxiety attack how do you know where I lived I replied asking what he meant and he said well you're home aren't you I didn't respond went back to the stream and started typing to my friends freaking out to them I didn't want to call the cops because my cousin is one and so is one of my friends as soon as anything was heard about it I thought I'd be in deep [ __ ] for it so I just ignored him Danny he sent me a dick pic on the app I was disgusted and deleted the post and messages from whisper I also blocked him the next day I don't know number text me and I figured out it was him I ignored it and then I got a restricted phone call and I picked up big mistake I was out at the garage with my cat and I heard the voice on the other end say hey you look sexy right now when I go for some ice cream down the road I looked at the door that was next to me and I see him in his car driving slow keeping his eyes locked on me I jumped up and ran inside after hanging up running to my room so I could feel the comfort of my blankets on my bed I was petrified I got a job soon after a subway and he would come in and start harassing me texting me from random numbers since I would block all of them I felt paranoid all the time knowing that he seemed to know where I was all the time one day my now ex-boyfriend ended up texting him furiously telling him to leave me alone stop stalking me and everything I never got a message after that but I'm still paranoid he's watching me so Jack let's not me back in Community College I rode the bus to and from college the bus stop was walking distance to my house so is a huge help for me when I'm on the bus I always listen to music and look outside never have my phone and never at anyone else guess that's how I never noticed the man always looking at me one day I went to go on my computer to send memes and chat with my boyfriend through Facebook dude sits down in the chair next to me looking at my memes and says hi dude startled me immediately he was like hey beautiful thought I'd finally come by and say hi I see you on this bus a lot I thought you might want some company you know um who are you and I think you're pretty how am I gonna go to class now I leave but not heading to class just in case he follows me he follows me a little bit then turns around and leaves after my class dude shows up on my bus stop at the exact time my class ends and waits for me says the same stuff as last time here pieces for about a week until I finally tell the bus driver the dude is following me and he's creeping me out very much the bus driver proceeds to close the door and drives off leaving the creepy guy before you could get in the creepy guy starts telling his classmates he's gonna get laid soon the only reason I know is because one of his classmates is my best friend I pointed out to him my creepy stalker and my friend said he keeps talking and attempting to hook up with a chick and that he said he might get laid soon the next time I saw him outside of my class like customer he proceeded to say sorry baby I won't do it again I'm not your baby and back off or I'm calling the police I'm serious I don't even know who the hell you are after that I never saw the guy again when I was in high school I knew my parents divorce was imminent my mom was cheating on my dad and my dad was cheating on my mom I did everything I could to prevent my parents from divorcing but I knew it was a lost cause my mother had been planning on leaving him for a long time and eventually served him on my 17th birthday they agreed to live under the same roof until I was out of high school so I would have to stress having two homes when I was a little over 18 my mom had been consistently conversating with a new man while multiple dating apps she even got an app that I was known to use called kik messenger she fell asleep with the app open one night and I seemed that she was messaging a man I'm not gonna use his name due to privacy concerns I ignored it but knew the name and seen his face up multiple times on her cell phone fast-forward maybe two months my dad and I were just spending some time together and wanted to go somewhere to eat his friend called him up that night my dad has been known to be a social drinker who frequented local bars he had many good friends that were bartenders and fellow social drinkers his friend was at the local bar and met a man named AJ who was looking for my father by name in order to buy a vehicle my dad was a car sales manager so we stopped by the bar that night because we just thought we would eat there the bar isn't really shabby or the typical bar most people would think of we lived in a small town and the bar was on the lake and people could rent lots and put campers on it it was more like a club Lodge this man introduced himself as AJ however I recognized him immediately as the man that my mother had been conversating online I didn't say anything to my dad at first I for sure just thought that he looks similar and that I was overreacting that was until he called me by my full name without anyone introducing him to me or even saying my name he knew my first middle and last name he also came up to me to greet me at the table I was sitting I he tried getting me to open a lot of tickets for him and was rubbing against me and trying to touch my inner spies I was kind of frozen and didn't know what to do he eventually left me alone when he saw people staring at him I did what I needed to do I searched his full name on Google on Facebook and that's when I found out that he was a registered sex offender ex-con in a bordering state I looked repeatedly from AJ to the man on my phone screen and there was no doubt he was the same dude he only lived about 30 minutes away from my own home I pulled my dad to the side I told him that his man was not who he said he was I showed him the picture and the information I found I rented the bathroom crying because I knew something bad was happening he lied about his name knowing me and my father's name and knowing where my father worked after hearing this info my dad refused to go outside with AJ he made multiple attempts like hitting my dad outside alone to take a look at my dad's truck due to the fact that he wanted something similar he eventually stopped pushing my dad and went outside to smoke the manager of the bar immediately locked the doors and locked him outside refusing to let him back in everyone in the bar most of them were close friends with my dad had seen how suspicious he was acting and many had seen him rubbing up against me the manager called the cops to report him he didn't take long for him to figure out that he had been caught and he attempted to leave the bar and drive away my dad followed him up the road trying to make sure he didn't get away however he was plastered enough and ended up crashing in a snowbank just up the road from the bar he was caught by the police and charged with a DWI he was jailed just five minutes up the road from my home I did not sleep good that night and sleep was bad for about a month if he knew my family as well as he seemed to he probably knew where I lived he was build out only two days after the incident his vehicle had been found with duct tape drugs rope a crowbar and other materials in it when they impounded his car he was also charged with violating his probation he is a tier 3 sex offender which means he raped a minor with a deadly weapon and was required to register for life he was not supposed to leave the state at the time of the incident not supposed to have a facebook or any form of social media where he could reach out to minors and he was not allowed to operate a vehicle due to his license being taken away I ended up pressing charges for sexual harassment as well as getting a restraining order against him I also found out later through phone records that the police had been tracking his phone and that he had driven past my home more than 20 times in the week leading up to the incident he had also been to my dad's job and my school multiple times throughout a period of six months he had been following both of us for a long time I never experienced something so crazy in my life I live in a completely different state thousands of miles away now thank God but my family is still in the state where the incident happened he has yet to be charged or arrested for the harassment stalking charges and probably never will seeing as he knows if he comes back to the state he could be arrested because he has a warrant what's this then I don't ever put my full name on social media I only put my first name I've become a very paranoid person when it comes to my full name and my address or other personal info please everyone be careful who you talk to on online dating sites you never know who's behind the screen or what their true intentions are and if you do find someone you like investigate do your homework I lived in a town with a population of 5,000 and I never once thought this kind of thing could happen to me but it can so back in 2014 I was in a rush to move to another apartment and they weren't that many they were available for the time for him I won in it for at least not any good apartments and definitely not in any good areas I found a nice decent apartment with three rooms and I moved in for the time being at least I had a place to live in while looking for a better place the suite was newly renovated so I was supposed to get new appliances as well there had been a mistake with a fridge and the landlord told me that they would replace it as soon as possible and I should expect it within the first two weeks of moving in about a month later I get a knock on the door I went to look at the peephole it's all a man standing there with a piece of paper in his hand and another man behind him fridge the man said behind the door I opened the door and saw two men the first man was a delivery guy behind him stood a man who didn't really care about his parents and honestly look like he just crawled out of a dumpster I thought it was just a helper I let the man walk inside and place the fridge in the kitchen the greasy man followed him inside and introduced himself to me on the new landlord he said with a smile really what did the other one go I was a bit startled as he looked like a freaking homeless guy who the hell hired him to be the landlord oh she doesn't work here anymore well no [ __ ] I thought the delivery guy then said to you bye and left but the landlord didn't where are your parents I told him I live alone big mistake no way you look like you're a 15 year old girl he said with a smile yeah I get that a lot what do you need this big place for he asked I just told him that I moved in there temporarily he walked over to the kitchen and started opening and closing the fridge door just checking if everything's good I just not to lean back against the wall and watched he just stood there looking at the fridge and then back at me why doesn't he just freaking leave I thought to myself then he said you're really cute look at you standing over there you are so cute I let out a laugh and thank him no major red flags yet he then said I live on the 1st floor if you ever want to visit we can hang out I didn't know how to answer him so I said yeah I mean I don't think before I could say another word he interrupted me I have no friends and I don't talk to my family I'm really lonely okay red flags are going off now I asked him why he didn't talk to his family but he just brushed it off and changed the topic quickly then he started walking to the door and repeating himself once again don't forget first floor don't be a stranger I followed him to the door and locked it when he left I thought a bit uncomfortable but soon forgot about it about three days later I get a phone call from the place I applied to I had landed a part-time job at Best Buy this was gonna be my second job since I already had a job at an insurance company I was excited to start out Best Buy and I was hired in the tech department and I absolutely love computers before I go on I worked Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the insurance place and then three days a week at best by mostly evenings but it varied on weekends so on the first day I headed out in my apartment took the elevator down and was about to X to the front doors when I heard the familiar voice hey it was the landlord hey what's up not much where are you going I ignored the question and told him I needed to go and walk out the door I didn't need to drive to work because Best Buy was within walking distance about three minutes into my walk I noticed the great car driving slowly beside me I glanced over to see who it was and it was the landlord he rolled down his passenger side window where are you going I told him that I was on my way to work and I would be late if we continue chatting I said bye and I continued to walk a bit faster wait let me take you where do you work no that's all right it's not far away I work at Best Buy I'll walk another dumb mistake I shouldn't have told him where I worked come on let me take you I'm headed to Tim Hortons anyway you need to get some coffee well it didn't hurt for him to drop me off I thought he's going in the same direction anyway I hesitated a bit but then accepted his offer I got into his car I know dumb of me and let him drive me to work it was a very short ride but he did not fail to make me feel uncomfortable when I finally got to my Works parking lot I thanked him and I reached open the door but it didn't open hey your doors locked yeah I have the habit of locking doors before I let you go can you give me your number I lied to him and told him that my phone wasn't working and that I was just using it as an iPad my phone wasn't on vibrate and I was hoping to God that I wouldn't get a text message or any notification ok then let me give you my number grabbed a piece of paper and wrote his number down give me a call ok sure I said when are you gonna call me I don't know I'll call you when I get a chance too what time are you done I'll pick you up I don't know it's my first day I don't know how long I'm gonna be here for I was hoping that he would just fall for my lie he unlocked the door so I stepped out of the car I think him again and walked towards the store before leaving he once again shouted don't forget to call and then drove off Jesus what a creepy guy this is I threw the little paper with his number out and forgot about the whole situation the next day I was scared to take the elevator since he always happened to be where I was going so I decided to take the stairs it led to the back door and I was sure I wouldn't see him I did this for about four days and never saw him great this works I thought on the 4th day I was sitting in my living room watching youtube videos on my laptop it was around 10:30 p.m. and I was kind of dozing off when I heard a knock at the door I wasn't expecting anyone who could it be I start to quietly and didn't move hoping that they would just go away another knock i tiptoe to the door looked out the peephole it was a landlord again hey are you there open up confused and tired I opened the door this is a conversation that followed hey what's up where the hell have you been what do you mean I don't see you leave for work anymore did you quit or something no I still go to work I just have a weird schedule he never called me I was waiting for your call and you never called you promised sorry I never got a chance to I worked two jobs so I'm pretty busy I came to you work and ask for you they told me that they have no one by your name there did you lie to me about your name I was caught off guard I didn't know what to tell him I had indeed lied to him about my name but that wasn't what freaked me out why the hell had he gone by my work you went by my work why I said a bit nervously because I didn't see you around I wanted to know where you were he said kind of irritated I didn't respond he then was just staring at me for a moment hoping that I'd invite him in but there was no way in hell I was gonna invite this guy in I'm really tired I need to work tomorrow I'll see you around look I need to talk to you can we talk honestly I'm really tired right now can this wait whatever fine he said this while walking away still muttering something under his breath I shut the door and stayed up for a bit afraid that he returned luckily he did not return so I finally fell asleep so a next day came I got ready for work again and decided to take the elevator the elevator door opened and guess who was there yep it was him he asked me if I needed a ride to work and I responded with a no are you sure I told him once again that I didn't need a ride and I got out of the elevator and went to work this went on for months by this time I had already mentioned him to my manager and co-workers they told me if I didn't show up one day that they would call the police sometimes he would see me walk out the main door and you would drop everything he was doing to come after me asking me if I needed a ride other times he would ask me to hang out and if he could take me on a date knocking on my door in the middle of the night was a pretty common thing one time he was in the middle of a conversation with another tenant the tenant was complaining about something that had broken in his suite and that he needed him to fix it the landlord told the tenant he should go to his apartment and he would go grab his tools and follow quickly after the tenant left but he never went to go get his tools instead he followed me outside and offered me a ride to work again I told him no and that he needed to do his job and to help the tenant he said he didn't give a [ __ ] about the tenant and all that he wanted to do was be around me this creeped me out of course I would also see him at working sometimes my manager had given me permission to go to the back room and just get out of sight whenever he would come in and look for me which he had done several times while I was at work I caught him walking around once scanning an entire store to see if he could spot me but he didn't so he just left he also mentioned to me once that sometimes he wanted to kidnap me and he told me he just wanted to take me away and keep me to himself I remember when he said it he looked like he was hesitating as if he was gonna act on it right away I find it a bit alarming but I wasn't too scared I don't know why I guess I didn't realize how much danger I was in at the time but I did play it cool in case he was really gonna try something he would often say creepy things to me whenever he got a chance to talk to me however I don't remember all of it it's a bit fuzzy to me now you might ask why I hadn't called the cops well the police said wouldn't have done anything since he had not caused me physical harm so there's no point of calling them all so I had no proof that these things were happening or of the things that he said to me other than showing up to my work a few times he would come to my work often to look for me if he didn't see me leave for work or if he hadn't seen me in a few days or he heard banging my door in the middle of night asking me to open the door I of course will ignore it he had no way of reaching me anymore and it was now clear to him that I was avoiding him a couple weeks passed and I was awoken by the sound of the fire alarm going off oh [ __ ] that's right there's supposed to be another fire drill today it was my day off I quickly went to see if I still had the note you see when you're gonna enter my apartment maybe I still have time to get ready and leave the apartment since the landlord usually comes in with the person who checks the alarm but I couldn't find the note I got ready as fast as I could and I was halfway done when there was a knock on my door crap I thought open the door and there was the guy for the alarm and the landlord they both walked in the landlord didn't say a word to me like I checked the alarm and said it was good and then they both left I felt relieved that went well right wrong not even a minute passes and they hear another knock on my door hey it's me can you open for a second I ignored it then the knocks got louder hey man I know you're in there stop playing with me I need to tell you something come on open up this continued for two minutes when I was finally silent again I had enough of this [ __ ] guy I had to do something about this that night I was supposed to go to my friend's house to hang out with her and also to return her laptop she had given it to me to reinstall windows I got ready and left my apartment around 11:00 p.m. it was really nice out and I wanted to walk to her house it was a long walk but I really loved walking I took the elevator down and when the doors opened I saw him standing by the door he hadn't see me yet so I had act fast either get back in the elevator or sprint to the front door it was a split decision I went for the front doors but sadly he noticed me and I heard heavy footsteps running behind me before I go on with the story I want to say that when you leave the front doors you see a big parking lot in order to leave the apartment complex you need to walk around the building so basically the front doors are pretty much the back of the building and the back doors are the front I know it's weird anyhow when I go outside I run halfway around the building and was looking behind me there was no one there I stopped running and started walking again but something inside me told me to keep running little did I know the reason why the footsteps had stopped behind me it was because he had gone to the back doors to catch me there when I got to the other side of the building I saw that he had made it halfway around the back side of the building I started running again and he started running after me he was chasing me for about two blocks well we both occasionally stopped to catch our breaths I was close to the main road when I stopped running my lungs were burning I couldn't run anymore whatever happened next I had to fight he caught on out of breath he said stop man you're killing me stop doing this to me I looked in shock didn't say a word still trying to catch my breath while he doing this to me man he said letting out a small cry for the first time I saw the look of sadness mixed with anger stop following me I yelled what do you want please don't go please come with me let's talk he pleaded talk about what he was still trying to catch his breath I didn't care anymore I was shaking tired I just wanted to see my friend I didn't even make out what he said because of all the adrenaline I started walking again turn around every two seconds to see if he was following me but he wasn't he just watched me walk away and that's the last time I saw him so creepy landlord please let's never ever meet again mm - I was a 14 year old girl starting freshman year I was an awkward nerdy girl that didn't know how to handle a touch from boys so you could say I made things worse for my situation I had a knack of making friends with weird people that no one really liked but I try to be friendly with everyone I met so it wasn't a big deal to me unfortunately I was also my downfall clubs were a very big deal and actually had an enemy club so of course I was all about that first Club meeting I sat next to a couple of friends and sucked it all up I thought I was finally with my people then here comes stalker kid I'd use a real name but to this day I have no clue what it is he sat in front of me being the person I am I said hi I could tell you was uncomfortable I didn't know anyone so I was just being nice and boy did this guy cling to me after that one word at first he would just find me during lunch and just stand there mumbling things to me he has such a soft voice high-pitched that he just felt unnerved when he spoke to you the way he would look at you as he spoke mean it so I could never look him in the eyes after a while it became more of him asking me about personal life and what I was into me being dumb a naive I tried to be friendly and chat while feeling incredibly uncomfortable after a while my friends and I would move to different tables benches and even hallways to avoid him but he always found me after about a year of this my best friend finally told me that if I didn't tell him to [ __ ] off he would I really didn't want him around anymore so sure go ahead so one day during lunch here come stalker kid with a signature greeting barely above a whisper hey my buddy just goes dude she's not interested [ __ ] off looking her he shuffles away I was like man you have to be so hard on him but thanks I didn't see you much around school after that except for club days where he would just sit across the room and stare at me well my best friend's glared at him fast-forward to me being sixteen and driving now - the awkward Club days I didn't really notice anything from him that was until an old gray beat-up car started parking next to me and extremely close one day after school he was waiting for me in the car he started asking me how I've been and about prom and all that stuff I was trying to Rack my brain on how he knew this was my car and unless he had been watching me before and after school I don't know how he would have I started getting there later and leaving later to avoid him because he was like clockwork finally a boy I used to be friends with in elementary school was walking around with me he made a comment that the guy is always next to my car and asked if he was my boyfriend I immediately said no and told him that he's always following me around and I hated it it was really starting to freak me out bless this guy because he walked straight up to him and scared him off threatening that if he had four parked next to me again he would kick his ass I figured maybe that was enough to keep him away so again there was a small space of time where I hear nothing from him except for my friends who had classes with him telling me how creepy he was one of my friends had an art class with him and said he would draw naked women consistently in his books all big-busted and in sexy poses junior years wrapping up and I started taking my best friend Phil to and from school at some point Phil started noticing that a little gray car was always heading same way after school it made a joke saying what if stocker kid lived right next to him haha small world right one day as usual the little gray car was following us so we took a detour sure enough he used with a step by step the whole way and it was no longer a joke we both started freaking out I push the gas pedal as hard as I could and nope the [ __ ] out of sight I want home and told my mom everything because at this point I knew this wasn't normal she shoved to the side saying I was probably seeing things well it came time for our end a year club party doctor kid was a senior so I would never have to see him again for whatever stupid reason I offered to host the party at my house thinking he has never gone to one yet I was terrified when my dad let him in the door I don't remember giving him an invitation to the party someone else must have given it to him he spent the whole party talking to me my dad being all buddy-buddy with him asking me where my room was I just wanted to cry and hide it was all downhill after that I remember there are days where I could hear carpool outside my front door and my room having the window that's all out to the front I would call my buddy Phil and peeked Steve owes him three times in one month I just hid under my desk and cried on the phone with Phil other events from school would be him asking a girl I played softball with to prom only to dump her and follow me all night this includes two and after the prom where I never saw him in person our high school had a radio TV channel for kids to run and dairy prom they would record us going up and down the stairs and playing around in the gym after prom for the parents to see their kids having fun it took one of my friends to point this out but it showed me playing DDR for a while I guess my friend Phil and stalker kid was right behind me watching for a good five minutes I never knew and the one that still creeps me out to this day his graduation for his class our classes were so big that they did a day and night ceremony where all the students had to attend the day one I was scanning the crowd to see my friends who were graduating when I saw a hand wave as I passed by I looked back and of course it was stalker kid waving at me how he picked me out of a crowd of a thousand people I'll never know 2016 year was great you know signs of creepy stalker kid to this point to the point where I started to forget about him I graduated I chose a college in town get a job at the local retail store and move on life is beginning to be normal I worked the gaming department so you get the weird randos once in a while one thing I saw a lot was this little Mexican guy with glasses this will be important and he never purchased anything but would just walk around from time to time then stock Ricci comes strolling in the doors and walks into gaming and Jes talks I asked how he knew I worked there he says his friend saw me and knew that we were friends I tried to radio for help over and over for someone to come and get him out finally a big guy from computers walks over and asked me for my help in the back once he pulls me to safety I tell him everything from that point on security is made aware and it's told to watch out for this guy of course he wasn't doing anything physical so all they could do is watch out for him so every time he came in they would walk you me and out dip into the back warehouse I started seeing his friend consistently who we called ninja friend and all he ever did was walk around on his phone I began to suspect that he was texting stalker kid tell him I was at work because sure enough 10 minutes later you've come in to sorry tested the theory I started walking randomly around the store at one point a friend who worked the register asked me why I would do this so I had her take a walk with me on her break I told her that this ninja friend would follow us everywhere even just down a random aisle sure enough he did this and she began freaking out if you miss later I told her my stalker would walk through those doors again sure enough so I'm making my way to the warehouse and now steps need your friend from my aisle and says she's right here I just stare him like who the hell do you think you are stalker kid walks up behind me and asked why I'm running away from him and he lost my number and asked if I can give it to him again I say knowing damn good will I would never really give it to him sure I go to the warehouse right this is why I work don't ever come here again and hand it to him glare his friend and then call security on the walkie after that I sit down in the warehouse I just break down security tells me later that he also cried when they took him out later that day as I'm leaving work security offers to walk me to my car this of course isn't the rules but just friends caring about friends so I say sure starker kid is out by my car waiting for me so this is where security says screw it and call the police which we are conveniently next to their headquarters he books it when he sees the car a few years go by nothing comes up I buy a fancy new car I'm thinking that did the trick and I'm finally free it's not 2012 my buddies are leaving work ready to hit a night at the bar per usual Thursday deal we are walking out the door where we all have to stand and wait to hear the alarm sound to verify it's armed as we are walking out I hear it that awful sound hey I cringe grab my friends arm and turn there he is leaning on the car waiting my friend recognizes him and ask him what he wants doctor says he just wants to talk to me his other friend is sitting in the backseat of his car just staring at me blankly I start to think the worst if my friend leaves me here my gut tells me I'm not coming to work the next day or ever I'm terrified that he's had all these years to think about our last encounter well I wrote that note that made him cry I grabbed my friends arm tighter my friend goes off pretends to be my boyfriend and rips into him my friend is about two feet taller and much much bigger they get into it I'm just standing in the parking lot and I'm a terrible person for this but I'm sure you understand at this point I was thinking kick his ass he spooks soccer kid so bad and I'm pretty sure he pissed himself before getting in his car and booking it out ever since if he comes into my store my friend stares him down and soccer kid leaves never has he bought anything in all these years years later I've moved on and got him married and moved out of town but just recently moved back to start a business and to this day I still feel myself looking behind me wall in stores just in case I randomly bump into him he's caused me to have anxiety mental and emotional pain fear trust issues for a decade even after moving on I still feel the effects today you
Channel: Bad Vibes StoryTelling
Views: 61,060
Rating: 4.7769628 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, lets not meet, scary true stories, scary stories, true horror stories, true stories, true scary stories reddit, true scary stalker stories, stalker stories, real scary stories, scary horror stories, horror stories, true creepy stories, true stalker stories, reddit scary true stories, true stalker horror stories, stories, creepy stories, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, Stalker, being followed, being watched
Id: W0FYe_fGuXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 48sec (7608 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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