5 TRUE Scary Cyber Stalker Stories | Scary Stories

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many years ago when I was 11 we had a very sudden and unexpected death and the family everyone was devastated and trying to cope with their grief in their own way while dealing with the fallout not long after this just before summer vacation my best friend and her family moved abroad for six months so I was feeling particularly sad and lonely and started playing on the computer a lot more we had just gotten dial-up a year or so before so I was able to use the internet to play online games but very quickly became bored and wished I was able to talk to my friend when I remembered a classmate had mentioned they had a pen pal I googled pen pals and the results came up with an instant chat room which to my 11-year old mind seemed much better than waiting weeks for letters the description said it was for people 13 plus but I paid no mind to that and signed up anyway and had a few enjoyable days chatting far away to strangers from Canada Germany and even Australia it was good fun and quite interesting to talk to new people but then I kept getting kicked off by mods doing the rounds when they found out I was only 11 so I changed my answer to 13 and then I met James James was 26 male and from Ireland and seemed very nice and polite and we talked for about 40 minutes he asked what year grade I was going into after the summer break and deciding by this point that he wasn't a mod I told him I was actually only 11 and I've just about to go into high school he asked what year are grade I was going into after summer break and by deciding at this point he wasn't a mod I told him I was actually only 11 and just about to go into high school when I had to get off the computer and go to bed I was very surprised the next day when James initiated another chat with me since she normally don't chat to the same person unless you had specifically taken a note of the username and watched for them to come online we chatted for a lot longer this time he said he lived alone and a specially built cottage because he'd been in a motorcycle accident when he was 17 which left him in a wheelchair he likes talking about what I did school about my friend and what kind of games we played he asked if I'd want a school uniform and did my next school required me to wear one because when he was in school it was a Catholic school and you absolutely always had to wear your uniform weeks pass of near-daily talking we had moved on an innocent chat at that point because he said he wanted to be able to email me when he thought of things he liked to chat about and I could just email him back if he wasn't online he started to get annoyed that I can only chat when I was allowed on the computer and even then I could only be on it for a few hours at a time so he started pestering me to give him my mobile number so we get at least text if I wasn't able to get online no long after that he began asking if he could call me he wanted to hear my voice and really how different was it to talking online didn't I want to hear when an Irish accent sounded like wasn't I interested in him we only spoke on the phone once he sounded reasonably young and neither was actually Irish or just very good at putting the accent on he commented on how young I sounded jokingly asking if I had been naughty and lied about my age again then the chats and texts got more intrusive where are you now what are you doing why are you taking so long to reply are you in your pajamas what color knickers do you have on I would tell him off when he asked things like that I didn't like it and I would tell him that I was miffed he would swing between acting all remorseful begging for forgiveness saying he was just being silly to acting indignant he was just interested in me and why is that such a hard question I'm obviously just a badly behaved silly little girl and he's done wasting his time talking to me his punishment was swift and brutal cutting all contact for a few days or so leaving me confused and upset that I really was a terrible friend he always came back acting like nothing ever happened and in the end I just started saying whatever random color came to my mind when he asked then he started asking about meeting up he would travel over to see me because I obviously couldn't travel to see him and instead of going to school he would take me out for the day so we could get to know each other properly when I seemed hesitant to agree to his plan he would become irate what's the point in having a friend you can never see didn't I know he was falling in love with me I told him he couldn't because I was much younger than him and he responded by saying it doesn't matter because his father is a lot older than his mother and anyway we could get married when I turned 16 I said I wasn't even starting to think about getting married or leaving home and he blew up yelling saying I was a horrible child who was obviously against people who are in wheelchairs I was cruel and lazy assuming I would have to wheel him around everywhere how selfish of me not to consider the feelings of my husband-to-be before heading off contact again but this time I wasn't in a hurry to hear from him so I didn't send him my usual apology and text email which I think surprised him a couple of days later he emailed as usual I think like nothing happened but talking about booking tickets to come visit when school started up again in a few weeks I didn't respond he texts and then emailed again and again his emails at first concerned then more and more annoyed at my lack of response finally I told my older sibling a superficial explanation of someone on my new email who was bothering me and they emailed him from my account telling him to leave me alone or I would tell my dad and I never heard from him again this story goes way back and thankfully never escalated into anything more than what it was a period of time that instilled the fear of God in me buts also taught me a valuable lesson about Internet safety in the cautionary tale generated from my young naive it's a false security and teenage invincibility we've all been there at one point or another when you're young you don't think about the potential dangers and telling us from the internet with reckless abandon I knew there were predators out there but I never applied much thought in regards to it besides the standard precautions I never gave out my last name or my location to anyone I knew that much at least I used to frequent an online message board it was a tight-knit community everyone knew each other on a personal level and were good friends I had plenty of good friends in my median life but I had made many friendships through the site they are great people and to this day I'm still in contact with some of them I even met one of them while one vacation last summer which was nothing short of a wonderful experience but there was one user who was different being a very friendship oriented community everyone was very welcoming to him the moment he joined but anyone could see that there was always something about him that was off he was just odd but at the same time he came off as a sweet and naive character wouldn't hurt a fly we thought I felt sorry for him his lack of social grace and people skills had me inclined to believe he didn't have many friends in his life I foolishly made the mistake of befriending him or at least showing him friendliness it was a short-sighted decision and one that would result in a long and traumatizing ordeal for me he became obsessed with me there's no other way to describe it I shrugged it off as some weird online crush that would pass but it never did if anything his obsession with me grew stronger every day it started off small and innocent enough he would always praise me and agree with anything I said even if my view was dramatically different from zone he would continually single me out and shower me with praise butts always in a seemingly respectful manner we all thought he was awkward and harmless then his antics became more fervent he would help me multiple times a day to Skype with them I repeatedly declined until one day I agreed if only to verify that he was indeed who he said he was he wasn't necessarily rude or offensive in the beginning just very awkward and eccentric I kept the session brief because he made me uncomfortable but I didn't think much of it at the time either he seemed harmless albeit strange I felt sorry for him honestly and didn't want him to be outcasted nobody ever suspected there to be any element of malevolence in his behavior but then the qualities I initially dismissed as quirks gradually became something more sinister he began revealing things about himself to me that he sure we knew made me uncomfortable about how his father would beat his mother end about how he used to torture animals as a child all with it was purposeful even if he played it off as being clueless and too socially inept aful we understand the appropriateness of his behavior at the time after that happened I stopped talking to him but still didn't and completely shut him out my view of him was that he was socially awkward but still had no nefarious intent nobody suspected anything and he seemed so naive and innocent around that time I started getting creepy and mostly perverted anonymous messages and troll started flooding the board personally singling me out as creepy as it was I took it all with a grain of salt this wasn't the first time the board was overrun with trolls we'd had a troll problem for a long time now and this didn't seem any different I didn't make the connection between any of it in him one day he asked to join a Skype call between my friend and I we hesitantly obliged not wanting to hurt his feelings to our disgust he started pleasuring himself in the call I cut all ties with him after that and he apologized profusely before disappearing I thought that was the end of it but and that was just the beginning after his vanishing act the creepy messages became more violent and threatening I was receiving at least a hundred a day from multiple anonymous guises it didn't take a genius to figure out who was doing this before I knew it I was being impersonated on multiple accounts throughout social media sites my inbox became flooded with hundreds of messages threatening to kill rape and mutilate me in the most barbaric of ways every week anonymous accounts with Sydney Colossus of pictures of me from sources I never shared with anyone and of which I had no idea how the person gained access to them as I had never given out any of my personal social media to anyone and some of these pictures my eyes would be cut out or the image would be perversely doctored the board became flooded with multiple anonymous accounts all posting threatening messages about me the person even made a website dedicated to his plan to rape and kill me and linked me to it but it was taken down not long after I started saving everything this nutcase sent me so I could compile evidence and requested for performance of an extensive IP check one of the Sauk accounts that was checked matched up with 200 other accounts including you guessed it his original account I always knew it was him but to have it confirmed that this psychopath created 200 accounts to you stalking terrorized me was finally enough to truly unsettle me up until a whole year of his online stalking antics I wasn't too bothered yes I was creeped out but I wasn't fearing for my life that is until the call started coming somehow I ended this day I have no idea how the [ __ ] he got my home phone number I never told him my last name or anything that would have led him to my personal information my guess is that he must have acquired it from my last name and he would have had to have gotten it from my facebook as I never told anyone what my surname was how he found my Facebook though I honestly don't know the moment he called my number he would call my house at all hours of the day and night I never answered it my dad did all of the time though it didn't matter how many times my dad would hang up within five seconds to creep would be calling back and this would go on in a cycle in every hour of the day it got to the point where none of us were sleeping because he was calling non-stop every hour until the wee hours of the morning at this point I was consumed with fear I expected any day that he would show up at my door if he had my home phone number he certainly had my address I became so paranoid that I put tape over all my webcams in case he somehow managed to hack them no matter what I couldn't shake the feeling that he could somehow see me that he was always watching me even though I knew he was safely across the continent from me I spent many sleepless nights fearing that he'd show up any second and try to kill me we contacted our phone service provider asking for them to trace the call the number itself was untraceable but two that were eventually able to pinpoint the address of the caller sure enough it was coming from the state of which I knew he lived because he had once told me I knew without a shadow of a doubt it was him doing this but what could I really do about it the cops wouldn't care about some threatening phone calls and messages from a creep miles and miles away this went on for two whole years I clued my family in as to what was happening immediately once the call started but there was not much else we could do besides block the multiple numbers he'd call from and eventually just unplugged the phone altogether just to get a decent night of sleep needless to say I eventually reached the end of my rope my cyber stalker has psychopathic as he was was not the brightest crayon in the box before he began his reign of terror on me he had revealed all sorts of information about himself even posted them online I knew what state he lived in his parents names his full name etc let's just call it the typical hubris characteristic of a not so smart psychopath he made it all too easy for me to turn the tables on him I went from avoiding and ignoring him to actively stalking him back doing some digging and creeping of my own I was able to acquire personal information of his it honestly wasn't very hard finding his parents phone number I had a last name and he had once told me their first names bingo he was a 20-something year old guy that I knew still lived with them I thought at the very least it was about time his family found out what he had been up to a call was made to them reviewing everything and I do mean everything I don't know for sure if they ever got the message it was left as a voicemail since nobody answered but I assume that the phone call had its intended effect because it's been years and I haven't heard a peep from him since I hope he got the help he needed but I frankly don't care what became of him as long as he's not tormenting anyone else in hindsight it's pretty funny that ratting him out to his parents was enough to stop him but not all too surprising for a 20-something year old he was incredibly childish so when I was 12 we had several computers at home even though we lived in a pretty rural area one was mine a couple of my friends did too we used to message each other on a I am and as a curious youngster I got into the chat rooms I met this guy there named Ian we exchanged ASL and because I was young and kind of stupid I was always honest about mine Ian was from England and was 14 years old and we exchanged emails to talk more he sent me a couple of pictures of himself and he was fairly cute he would always ask for pictures of me but we didn't have a webcam and I certainly couldn't buy one and install it without my parents knowing gradually over time his messages became more and more sexually focused and I started to reply less and less he also kept pressuring me about the webcam that he wanted me to buy and started hinting that he wanted me to masturbate on camera for him he started sending me porn I was a precocious 12 year old and read quite a bit of erotica online but because our computers were in the family room never looked at pics her videos he never warned me that the pictures or videos he sent were porn so I almost got caught with them on my screen a couple of times when I opened up attachments I decided I was not going to reply to him any longer he sent me one last very explosively titled video and then I didn't hear from him again several years passed I had stopped using that email address altogether I was 18 years old now and trying to get into an account that I'd made with that email and opened it up to check for a password reset email lo and behold I had an email from Ian I was pretty surprised since it seemed to have been sync why recently in the title was hey everyone I opened the email to find that I am only one of about 200 recipients it was an announcement that he has gotten engaged in giving a wedding date later that year I feel faintly nauseated now that I am older I realize exactly how disturbing it was for him to repeatedly ask for pictures of me and send me porn granted he was only 14 so we were not far apart in age but in retrospect the whole thing was gross the email is signed with this full name and he includes links to his Facebook account another contact info to RSVP including his girlfriend's email as well so I will come up on Facebook as I'm going through his profile I see his birthdate and age he was at this time when I was 18 25 years old which meant that when I was 12 he was not 14 as he claimed but rather 18 or 19 I briefly considered sending all the emails he sent me attachments included to his girlfriend I've been considered sending them to the emails of the 200 people that had been sent his engagement announcement email I ended up doing nothing but to this day I'm not sure if I made the right choice I just know I never want to talk to him ever again select many people on here I've been lurking on here for quite a while after reading many interesting and horrifying stories I decided to share one of my own names in this particular story have been changed it was December and Christmas was right around the corner it was late around three in the morning her cell I was sick so I was on a strange sleep schedule at the time being bored and the fact that none of my friends were online I decided to venture into a site called omegle I went on there quite often at the time mainly to troll people but tonight I decided to have some actual conversations with people big mistake so I decided to talk to people under the anime tab because people on there seemed generally cool for the most part of course there's always horny teenagers looking for a girl friend no matter what tag you're on I eventually find someone who isn't a bot and who doesn't immediately ask ASL meaning age sex location Azula asked me what my favorite anime is and I jokingly say Fat Albert I knew I said I didn't want to troll but I couldn't help myself a conversation ensues after that about anime and such and she seems like a genuinely decent person she then asked me for my email I gave her my spam email knowing that there's no real harm in giving that one out so we continued our chat and a Google+ hangout she starts to ask to video chat I declined telling her that I don't even voice channeled my real life friends but she keeps on persisting and I keep telling her no I was starting to think that she was actually some pedophile I told her I didn't feel comfortable revealing my face to anyone online and I really didn't want a voice chat she then says that she'll send me a picture of her face if I send her a picture of mine so I let her send Hearst I then did a reverse image search to see if the photo was fake nothing came up anywhere so I knew that it wasn't so reluctantly it's like a picture myself and sent it to her I figured it couldn't do any harm she then kept persisting to videochat I kept telling her no I then turned off my computer because I was tired and annoyed I didn't really think much about it but I was planning on blocking her the next day a day later I get on my computer and was about to block her but as soon as I got on she messaged me immediately at this point I thought she was either stalking me or had no life and was at her computer all day so I went ahead and talked to her she apologized for being pushy and explained that she didn't have many friends and just wanted to get to know me I said it was fine so we talked about anime as well as video games and such a normal conversation for me the next day we talked again she wants to video chat I told her that I'd voice chats since I did that all the time once we were in the voice call she kept asking me to turn my camera on her camera was on at this point so I was sure she wasn't a four year old man I told her I didn't feel comfortable doing that she said she wanted me to video chat to make sure I wasn't some 40 year old pedo my voice was quite deep so I understood why so again reluctantly I turned my camera on after that everything seemed to be okay I could tell there was something wrong but I figured she was just socially awkward after that things were okay for a few weeks but one day she randomly told me that she had a crush on me I told her that I don't do on my relationships and she got really depressed after that she kept saying how every guy five in total I believe has turned her down and she's really sad about it I didn't know what to do at that point I felt really bad for because I knew how it felt to be rejected and how awkward it is to stay friends with him afterwards so I made one of the dumbest mistakes of my life I said that I actually did like her back nowadays there's no way in hell I would have done any of this but I was 14 at the time I was young and dumb just keep that in mind so I was basically in a fake fabricated online relationship at this point I didn't consider her my girlfriend and only one of my friends will call him Erik even knew about her existence in fact he was in a group chat with us that's when things started to get strange in the group chat we had a decent conversation but it got weirder after I left Azula started asking Erik really personal questions about me Erik gave her the runaround telling her that she shouldn't be asking me that stuff she was asking questions like what my last name was where I lived etc Erica didn't tell me about this but I saw it in the group chat I thought it was really strange that she would ask someone these questions knowing that I would see them when I got back anyway at this point she kept asking me what my last name was remember as Ulla was very persistent and she wouldn't stop asking a question even if you decline so I find out that she goes on Facebook and searches every person with that same first name my first name is fairly common so there's a lot of people to go through I couldn't believe it she spent days trying to find my Facebook I've never seen so much dedication red flags were definitely going off at this point she eventually finds my facebook and sends me a friend request I declined because I was very pissed that she had invaded my privacy she then started private messaging me on Google Hangouts and asking me about my family members my friends on Facebook weren't private for some reason she literally wrote down a list of them all asking them how they were related to me I got really scared at this point I knew I had a stalker and I didn't know what to do I blocked her on everything and deleted everything on the net that I had my real name in it I officially went rogue she eventually emails me on another email of mine don't ask me how she found it I honestly have no clue perhaps it was on my facebook before I deleted it anyway she spammed that email with countless messages per day I blocked her and the emails stopped I didn't hear from her for about a month then one day and I accidentally deleted an important email I went to my trash to recover it and my trash were hundreds of emails from her I nearly soiled myself in fear the last emails from that day so in morbid curiosity I read some of the emails what I found was nothing short of frightening she's only that she thinks there's something wrong with her and that she enjoys and gets off on the pain of others she said that she knows where I lived and was going to fly over here and live with me I was so scared at this point I was honestly worried that she was going to kill me I deleted that email account and have been off the grid ever since my partner Johnny comes upstairs and finds it cute that I'm checking him out on okay see I'm confused as I haven't logged in lately like in months how could I been looking at his account I logged in check it out and there's a list of seven or so people that have been checked out for my account today Johnny's included and also someone I work with well that's embarrassing nope wasn't me time to change my password the next day at work I was sure to bring it up and laugh about the fact that my OKC account was hacked to the person who was in my viewed list I didn't want this person thinking I actually looked at his account we work too closely together and I are to get the impression he may see me more than his boss it always pleased him that his luggage tags printed in the middle name and first initial has Christy this is not the type of person who should see his name right now like he's God's gift to earth I'll refer to him as Chris Chris just left off the OKC hacking comment I made I found it strange he had no questions or comments on the subject most people would at least ask if you changed your password but nothing from Chris I brushed off the situation a few days later I was out of the office for work Jonnie messages me saying it happened again that I checked him out on OKC no I didn't but I changed my password again July it's a weekend I'm having a lazy morning in bed with Johnny I get a facebook notification your account has been logged in from a new location the IP address points to Chris's hometown my heart's racing what the hell is going on I took care of the Facebook password and screenshotted the notification later that nights I get a text from Chris happy fourth boss lol I assume he's drunk and worried about being caught having his access to my facebook revoked so quickly no it can't be him doing this it's just a coincidence right johnny is convinced it's Chris but that means someone I work with on a very small team is targeting me this will make work nearly impossible I can't talk to anyone at work about this I'll have no way to run my department this situation will get minimized Chris drank a lot I'd seen it at work events or when we travel just the two of us he'd often got out of hand but everyone brushed it off he was young it was funny we all had those nights but as long as you show up to work the next day it's fine I brought it up to him once and Chris you need to be more cautious about how much you drink work events he didn't speak to me for three days apparently I had offended him when I told him that he's not allowed to have fun at work events that's what he told me when he finally snapped at me i recoiled he's three times my size and we're in a secluded space at work one time while travelling with just us two I got very sick I told him I could make it out for dinner so Chris offered to pick up something from nearby store he not till my room door and handed me the water that he'd gotten me he tried to make small talk as I thanked him and indicated I was going to lie down it was apparent by his stance in my hotel room doorway he wanted to come in he moved an inch closer and I said goodnight shut my door and locked every lock that I could it wasn't the only time he made me feel uncomfortable I hadn't noticed any other accounts being hacked for a while I was cautious around Chris he even disassociated when I could I avoided work outings if he was going would back out of lunch plans that he decided to go to once he knew I was going but we often had to work very closely we were team after all I couldn't do my job without him and him without me November Johnny was online checking out his fent life account one evening he saw I was online via the old messenger they used to have Johnny asked me if I'm logged in I'm not again at my heart's racing it's different this time though the violations are beginning to feel commonplace normal expected but this hacking is extreme no one outside of my FetLife friends know about this account definitely no one I work with and there's some faceless nude photos of me on there I reached out to phat life they gave me the IP address of the last login it's the same as the Facebook hack [ __ ] I can't avoid this anymore I can't pretend it's just coincidences anymore but I need proof it's Chris all I have is an IP address and intuition I can't take that to HR the police maybe well they help or will they make matters worse that they need to contact my employer I started looking into the login history of my account that tracks it my bank account why is there an iphone logging into a daily I don't have an iPhone but Chris does [ __ ] this is real this is happening I don't know what to do I'll call the bank while at work and ask them about the unknown login chris is at his desk right next to mine the conversation is easily overheard I hang it with the bank they can't help chris didn't say a thing under normal conditions a co-worker would inquire while is everything okay did you change your password did any money go missing nothing from him though so out of character he's always interested in my personal life the next weekend I woke up to a phone call the caller is calling from my phone number my heart skips a beat but I answer no one responds I just hear breathing that's it I've had it I've lost my sanity that's it I've had it I'm losing my sanity I spent weeks months researching IP addresses and how it might be able to use the only info I have I've lost sleep I can't focus at work johnny is worried about me my safety and I am too but what can I do johnny suggests that we go to the police I don't want to but I'm at a dead end I agree the officer is kinder and more receptive to my situation than I expected this serves as a reminder to me that this is a big deal I shouldn't minimize it in my own thoughts she takes the report every detail we use the IP to subpoena the ISP weeks and go by the officer on my case claims that there's no crime the ISP records were never obtained December my work email keeps doing this strange thing messages and I've read keep being marked as unread weird is it him or just the multiple devices I used to check it on I don't know I can't tell the server doesn't keep a login history that I can see should I talk to IT I know them well they'll help but that would make the situation real and known at work no not yet I can't bring myself to do it I can't do this anymore my heart is constantly racing the slightest noise sends me into a panic I get a security camera from my front door and worried a bit less when I hear the door slam from the wind or when the dogs bark at something they hear I'm becoming comfortable living in fear as much as it's impacting my health at least I had the pepper spray Johnny got me I carry it whenever I'm outside Chris and I have a shared account we use for work maybe I can get an IP address from that if it matches that's some proof right dead ends what if I send him an IP tracker I've learned that you can place an invisible pixel on an email it will send you the IP address of where it was read all I have of Chris is this his work email and Gmail I test both myself of course I can't take the risk of him figuring out I'm on to him damn it's our work email blocks it and our Gmail rerouted to their HQ another dead end more hours days weeks pass I've called private investigators and they're impressed and I've tried the tactics they already have their disposal I feel confident that I'm doing all I can but more had lost than professionals can't help February one last attempt it's a week before I have a 7-day out-of-country trip with Chris it's with a large group this time but I'll still be working very close to close with him I send Chris an email with a shortened link that would track what IP address it was clicked on from I've tested this it seems to work but I'm shaking what if this tips him off what if he knows I'm onto him and he attacks me at work why don't I send him to get him to click I find a local event that this particular breed of neckbeard would be interested in hey Chris I saw this and thought you might be interested five minutes later Chris replies pure panic no excitement maybe a mix of both sets in I don't care what the reply says I checked the IP tracker I got a hit I'm shaking I can barely type or hold my phone it's the same IP address as the Facebook and fetlife hack I got it I had the proof I need it's Chris who's been stalking me via my accounts my intuition was right there's a relief the weights been removed but then it sends back in and what do I do now go to a jar back to the police we've got that trip coming up I need my team there to do the job I'll wait till after I'm back it's not that bad I'm used to living like this now Johnny thinks I'm insane for considering it he's right I am I've lost touch with reality this situation has been unable to determine what levels of uncomfortable one can and should live with a night of debate and I've made my decision I won't wait I'll do it now i text my boss Jay the next thing asking him to meet me on lunch for Sunday I need to talk to you away from the office this is not a normal request we're closed at work but this is bizarre to him he tells me I'm scaring him I wish I can tell him don't worry the following day we meet for lunch I'm so nervous I could vomit this is it this makes this all real now I tell him everything I'm worried he may minimize the issue chris is just a kid he didn't mean anything I'll talk to him tomorrow after I finished speaking Jay is at a loss for words we had a plan to take this to HR tomorrow and he's already finding me someone to replace Chris on our work trip again I'm relieved and nervous at the same time [ __ ] is going down tomorrow 7 months living in fear and I can finally see an end Monday my pepper spray is in my pocket I picked out a work outfit that would conceal it today Jay calls me asked me a question I don't remember what but I take it as an invitation to go to his office anything to get away from the real person I now know without a doubt has been hacking and stalking me Jay wasn't expecting me but understood the department head is in his office Jay is about to inform him of my situation having my story told by a third party was surreal I filmed the details were needed and give him the folder of evidence and I collected to take to HR screenshots IP addresses written accounts of the time line up at this point the emails from Chris confirming his involvement in the info from the IP tracker the day is a haze I was at a chars office at least twice saw the police drive through the campus and had to fight my way with the HR director he didn't feel I had enough evidence to prove that the email I sent to Chris's Gmail was actually the Chris that works there I dug through my work email BAM he emailed me through my work email from his gmail account once enough evidence for our non-believer hours go by it's almost 3:00 p.m. and the [ __ ] is going on if I keep leaving my desk Chris will know something is up I can't call HR and ask he'll hear the conversation Chris walks over to me oh [ __ ] he says he's showing his work phone to my face too close for comfort he got an invite to go to HR 4:00 p.m. I'm screaming inside no one else is around if he's going to do something to me now is the time that notice is the forewarning of being fired until they do it at my job I managed to look concerned and tell him I'll let you know if I get one insinuating maybe our team is being let go not just you he walks away no idea where to I sit at my desk shaking in fear I don't know when he will return how could HR betray me like this they know the situation damn it they should have warned me they were about to send it I could have fled I could have gone somewhere safe Mike stops by my desk just to say hi and offer me some left to her catering but in this moment Mike has offered me so much more than leftovers he has no idea what's going on but can see my face something is wrong I asked to walk back to his office with him Kris will never find me there an hour or forever passes by it's got to be done by now I know Kris will be exported back to gather his things I don't want to be there for that I sneak to Jay's office he checks the area for me chris is gone J heard from HR as for HR I'm not allowed to speak to anyone as to why Chris was fired that's serious this leaves me so vulnerable if Chris decided to come back to work no one would stop him in fact they would welcome him with open arms and I'm left looking like the [ __ ] that fired the nice quiet kid that week the IT department took a few extra days to gather C's devices I had time to look through them during that period the days before our trip was one of so much discovery not just one I found on his computer but what I learned from the people around me the day after he was fired I looked into his laptop IT had no issues with me getting into his files I was Chris's boss and I needed his work his picture folder a lot of personal stuff stupid memes vacation pictures screenshots of the naked cam girls he chatted with and me some pictures I had never seen before some that I had the pictures I were familiar with were from a cruise I went on months earlier with Johnny only those were the ones I deleted I had a GoPro set to take pictures every 10 seconds that hung from my wrists while walking around I inadvertently took close-ups up my ass in a swimsuit upon importing my vacation pictures I deleted those from my computer were they still on the card then there were some pictures from my Google accounts well it was a picture of a picture on the screen he kind of my Google account too why didn't I catch that one then the ones I had never seen pictures that have been taken around the office and on work trips me my desk me bent over setting up gear a close-up of a hints of cleavage shot from above his phone was more of the same close-ups of my ass while he sat behind me me struggling with a navy rack and a closet while in a dress video from under a table during a meeting while I'm wearing a skirt zoomed in upskirt photos pictures of dates I had written on a post pictures of my phone settings showing my FetLife account the knowledge assets and again I remember all these moments in the pictures he'd taken to me him nonchalantly looking on his phone looking like he's slacking off i answering an email little did I know he was filling his spank bank with images of me during work hours and keeping a record of my days off [ __ ] creep I got into his browser history it was sickening he researched how to hack someone's text messages he stalked friends of mine on Facebook as well as my partner he got her to my Amazon Gmail Facebook fetlife work email OKC and bank account he read old emails of past relationships looked at the places I'd visit and stalked images from events like go to there was hard evidence now I took it to the local police near work they couldn't handle it so I went to the county prosecutor office most people wouldn't think of that it was suggested by Johnny's friends they had a computer forensics department and to handle the case I met with an amazing detective he took my packet of evidence and listened to the whole story it's becoming easier to tell the story especially when it's to focus on the facts at my office I learned more about Chris how he slandered me to my coworkers I knew I couldn't tell the people I worked with like Chris was fired but for my safety I know I had to tell a few people just the ones close to me once they knew the story I heard the things from them like Chris would complain I didn't pay him enough he lied and said he made half of what he actually did to co-workers I even fought to get him above normal raises for two years he lied and said I would withhold work from him they usually responded to him by telling him to talk to my bosses or HR obviously he never did you can't take lies to a chars and directors he spread lies around the office koware some coworkers to take his side when I wasn't aware there were sides to be had from these people I learned more about the obsession Chris had with me he craved to have power over me he showed them my FetLife profile he bragged about how compatible we are on OKC he even spoke about being obsessed with my partner he told them how he tried to catfish me on reddit I couldn't blame them though Chris laid the groundwork and a bit of gas lighting on them then I was a bad person and Chris was their friend Chris was really good at playing the victim and never was able to take any self responsibility 9 months went by I followed up with the detective often it took a while to subpoena his devices for my company then run forensics and early September I got a call from the detective they arrested Chris they showed up early morning at his home where he still lived with his parents and admitted to everything he took the card from the GoPro and recovered the images yeah my password once while I walked away from my computer he went through my phone when it was left at my desk I would have the loved to have been a fly on the wall the shock to his family of the type of person he actually is him cowering while in handcuffs face-to-face with what he'd done no hiding behind a computer screen anymore I was on vacation when this happened I remember thinking it's not long now until everyone at work will know he's got a court date set and then it's public record I can't help but people know up to that point I didn't have to wait that long though later that day coworker started sending me a link hey didn't you work with this guy what creep the link was to the county prosecutors PR page announcing Chris's arrest mug shot all I came back to work and was able to have the truth come out it took another nine months for his final court date I worked with prosecutors during that time to determine how I wanted to proceed I opted for a probation period instead of going through a trial and fighting for jail time while Chris deserves to jail time he wasn't worth my time nor effort and a trial would offer him the slim chance of getting off scot-free also this way he would spend some much needed time in counseling three years no contact with me three years sexual offense counseling three years of checking in with a probation officer this way I can at least hope he will come out understanding what he did was unacceptable and fingers crossed we'll never do it again to another living being I know there was no chance of rehab in jail the hearing I of course was nervous I didn't want to see Chris but I knew whatever I was feeling he was feeling 1,000 times worse I didn't have to go but I knew I would regret it if I didn't leave my fiancee Johnny at my side I watched as he got up to the front of the judge after he cried in the courtroom and agreed to the terms of his sentence his mom glared to me the whole time as though this is my fault so that's where he gets it from
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 67,679
Rating: 4.8897862 out of 5
Keywords: cyber stalker stories, cyber stalker, cyberstalking, internet stalker, online stalker, online stalking, True Scary Stories, True Stories, True Creepy Stories, LetsNotMeet, No Sleep, Real Scary Stories, Creepypasta, Storytime, Stalker, Creeper, Strangers, Home Invasion, true creepy stories, creepy stories from reddit, true scary stories from the woods, true scary stories animated, creepy caller stories, social media, chatroom stories
Id: VDBvokgFljM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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