14 True Creepy Stalker Stories

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I'll see you guys in the dark a few years ago I had to travel to another town alone when I arrived I checked myself in the hotel and went on my business later in the evening I was free being in a place I visit for the first time I decided to look around maybe shop a little bit staying in the hotel room seemed so boring I went to a mall and since I had nothing better to do I decided to see a movie at the cinema there I checked what movies they show at the time and shows one which starts at about half an hour after I bought a ticket I had to kill the time so I took an ice-cream and sat on a table in a common place at one of the other tables was sitting a guy I didn't pay attention to him and went on eating my ice cream suddenly this guy starts talking to me it was something about my beautiful eyes I thanked him and continued on my business he offered to join him and he offered me to join him at his table but I politely refused him I thought the conversation was over but it seemed like he has nowhere near such thought he continued talking to me like we were old friends I tried to ignore him at first but I felt it's not right and I should be more polite big mistake on my part he started asking me all kinds of questions and I was dumb enough to answer him I told him that I was not from here he said he's also just visiting this town he said he saw me looking at the movie posters and asked me what movie I was going to watch of course silly me I told him I didn't really think it would do any harm send enough his question started to bother me more and more I finished my icecream as fast as I could and made some excuse and left there was still a lot of time until the movie starts so I decided to linger in the shops hoping that the guy will finish his meal and leave before I get back when I returned there was no trace of him I was relieved I went in front of the cinema waiting the last couple of minutes before they opened the entrance just when they opened and people started getting in guess who came out of nowhere this guy he immediately attached himself to me I started talking casually about the movie we are about to watch I was already extremely uncomfortable but I cannot forbid someone to watch a movie technically he didn't do anything wrong even if he clearly bought the ticket just because I told him I'm going to watch it we entered him followed me and I started looking for my seat eager to get rid of him then he said something that made me shiver he casually pointed towards a row and said there are our seats my seat number was exactly where he was showing me I never mentioned it to him he not only bought the ticket for the same movie but he also asked which one was my seat and took the adjacent seat I have no idea why the cashier would give that information maybe he lied to her that that's my friend or even my boyfriend I froze at the beginning of the row and calmly said go ahead he continued towards the seats but I didn't follow him i sat right there at the very last seat of the row close to the exit there were not many people in the cinema so there was a small chance that I took someone else's place luckily he didn't move maybe he finally realized that it's not going to happen at the end of the movie I bolted out scared that he might follow me I haven't seen him ever since then just for context my boyfriend and I are homeless and we live in our car there is road that leads to a quiet beach on the bay near some train tracks and there's only one road to exit so not a lot of people come down this way unless it's for beach access people going to work and the industrial plants on the road going to an a a meeting or if they were sleeping in their cars as well nothing in the area was open except maybe a couple of bars and even those were good three to four blocks away most of the stretch of road was eight-hour parking signs so there are usually at least a few other people camped for the night most of whom we have seen before but tonight there weren't as many just a few vehicles taking advantage of the overnight parking we parked a little further up the road than we normally do hoping to get a better internet connection it was a little after 12:30 a.m. and we were just relaxing watching YouTube with the dog starting to get sleepy when we heard a car pull up behind us with their lights off we cover our windows so no one can see in but we can peek out if we move the blanket and we can see headlights from cars passing or approaching my boyfriend said it was a van we didn't think much of it he kept trying to watch our show annoyed with the spotty Wi-Fi connection there was a few words exchanged on what sounded like was the other side of the street not behind us with a fan pulled up it then sounded like there were three or four people a little bit later the band drove off then we heard a knock on my side of the window we shut off the volume on the laptop and called out yeah there was silence so he called out can we help you but again there was nothing it was then that I realized my door was unlocked so I quickly locked it after about 30 seconds of quiet I pulled open the cover and no one was there whatever there are sometimes bums walking around they could have thought we were someone else it was silent for a while then we could see in the light of the street lamp through the crack of the Sun reflector covering the front windshield silhouette of someone walking around the front of the car very slowly it was another solid minute after we saw the movement before we heard a quieter tapping on the passenger side window this time my boyfriend pulled the cover down almost right away and again we didn't see who it was right after this there was a knock on my side again it was right about then we realized that there was still more than one person around the car there was no time for one person to get away from the passenger side to the other side between the second and third knock and we had heard more than one voice prior I started to think that maybe not everyone had gotten back inside the van before I drove off so after the third knock I pulled my window cover down almost all the way super annoyed and on edge by now there was a skinny white male probably in his mid 30s to early 40s holding a flashlight and something else scooped awkwardly in the other hand almost like he was keeping it under his sweater but we couldn't make it out the windows were steamed up from us breathing inside with the window shut tight so it was really difficult to see out he said hey I need a jump interesting since there are no stores nearby no reason to be down here at 1:00 a.m. we said we are sorry we were just about to take off we're in a rush he got frustrated and whined come on I've been down here for hours okay if we had been down here for hours why did he not ask us to help him out about 45 minutes prior when we pulled up parked let her dog out to eat and go to the bathroom etc and get our bed set up or attempt to start the car at any point we never heard a motor revving an attempt to turn the engine or even the jingling of keys another reason this thing creeped me out as I could only see him he said I need a jump I've been down here for hours when I could clearly hear that there were more than one person around and we couldn't see them at all for one reason or another they were standing out of view not making themselves known after this he grumbled and went across the street to a white car with black rims they we had seen before but not associated with I got this awful feeling in my gut and even though all the windows were steamed up I started the car and told my boyfriend to start wiping the windows so I could see and I just started driving away we could feel that there was something sinister about the whole situation for one reason or another they were trying to get us to open a door or a window when that didn't work they didn't respond because they didn't have a good reason made up yet so after a couple of attempts to get us to open the door they gave us the sob story hoping we would get out of the car so that they could either steal the car while we were trying to help them get to my boyfriend or they were just going to rob us for the laptop which I am sure they could hear and see the glow of the screen the possibilities are unsettling and endless or maybe he was just a guy who happened to need a jump at 1:00 a.m. nowhere near any stores or houses and on the [ __ ] that left some poor guy down there just on the side of the road right while we drove to McDonald's to eat something and parked in the back driveway someone we knew so that we weren't right out in the open anymore the lock on our trunk recently broke and is held together only with a bungee cord and most of our belongings are inside so it worries me that it would make us an easier target for thieves the next morning we were down there again in the white car with black rims was still there only now back window was busted out and the man was nowhere in sight I think it never was his car to begin with I think all of those people came in the van and one of them drove off so the rest of them could rob someone outright or they would break into the parked cars on the side of the street when no one was in them it was really stressful and my boyfriend had rattled for days we are now nervous to park in the same spot so we are now looking to rent a residential driveway to park at night so we are not so vulnerable my boyfriend teased the dog for the nut barking but I think it was a very intuition of him because we needed to pretend we weren't inside of the car we would have been able to do so maybe it would have scared them right off I like knowing he will wait and watch me to know what to do in stressful situations I am just so relieved that I am NOT down there by myself even the two of us together were pretty nervous knowing that we were likely outnumbered but if it were just a 120-pound female like myself in the car alone I am worried they may have been a bit more aggressive about getting the door opened sometimes I think I watched too many murder investigation shows in conspiracy theory videos and that may make me paranoid maybe it's the fact that my grandfather was a crimes and homicide detective for 30 years in the same area and I grew up with him constantly warning me of the dangers that lurk in the dark and what could happen to a person he taught me that real monsters are not boogeyman they are just plain humans hey guys like the content so far considered donating to the channel's patreon account for exclusive pictures recordings and even videos not found on the channel tears start at a dollar and go up so if you want exclusive rewards go and donate and help this channel survive and grow by showing your support and donating my wife and I live in a somewhat medium quality apartment complex in a fairly well-off City it's a gated complex and we pay extra for security so we thought it'd be fairly safe and secure a lot of our neighbors sleep with the windows open as well my wife also used to like to sleep with the window open or would occasionally leave the back door open early in the morning so that the dogs would go in and out as they wished our back door is open to a small private porch area with a cement slab and some low greens and gardens surrounded by a short wall I used to keep my collapsible bike back there folded up and locked up nobody would even see it unless they were already on our porch and I kept it locked to a support pillar besides a few months ago this bike went missing the dogs went crazy one night and we can't figure out why one moment we were all sound asleep the next moment the dogs would not calm down I didn't take my bike to work that day but we noticed it was gone the next morning we went through the necessary channels it was an expensive bike costing upwards of a thousand dollars we filed a police report build a claim with insurance and notified our apartment managers this is when we find out that although there is technically video surveillance as part of our security package it only covers the front of the complex not the central Greene where our back porches since my bike was collapsible it would be impossible to say whether somebody had it or not if they were leaving they were hyperventilating for a couple of months after that we have a good rental insurance so I got compensated for the loss fairly quickly well we never really forgot it didn't seem as important anymore as nothing more was happening my daughters weren't even waking us up in the night to be let out until just a couple weeks ago they did my wife being tired and not thinking much about it got up and just opened the door for them so they would go in and go out as they wish she then went back to sleep this was around 4 a.m. thankfully nothing happened the very next night though she wakes up around 4:30 to use the restroom on the way back she notices an odd silhouette between the vertical blinds of our back door as she looks closer she realizes she sees a man standing right on our back doorstep as if trying to peer through the blinds she doesn't get a good look at him but immediately rushes to wake me up which I do with a startled shout when she told me what happened I immediately grabbed a detachable bedpost and go to take a look but though I'm trying to be quiet at that point there doesn't seem to be anyone out there we discussed briefly whether she was just jumping at shadows but I did wake up somewhat loudly and my bike had been stolen a few months ago we decided to walk to our apartment managers in the morning and go back to bed the next morning I go out to the porch again just to make sure nothing else was missing and that everything was undamaged and I find that all our greenery next to the wall had been trampled flat there was definitely somebody back there that night I was speaking with our apartment security they said they can't do anything without a description unfortunately my wife didn't see the guy very clearly apartment management just reiterates how they only have surveillance on the front of the complex we didn't even bother making a police report it doesn't seem like there's even anything to report I don't know what I would have done if he was still there when I got out of the porch yell at him maybe for some reasons our dog didn't even wake up during all of this in any case creepy man who was on my back porch please don't come back I'd rather not meet I was in seventh grade it was during winter at all this happened my two friends Kyle and Paul and I used to meet up and walk to school every morning and we would walk home together every afternoon we always took the same route school was about 15 minute walk from our meetup spot one afternoon we're all walking home but that day we had another friend with us Sam I did not like this kid he would always do really crappy stuff and he was a little prick so we're all walking home and Sam is making snowballs he's starting them at buses and stop signs Sam grabbed one last snowball and throws it at a car all of a sudden from the backseat of that car we see an older man sit up in the backseat he rose up like Dracula awakening from a coffin the old dude gets out of the car and walks towards us he tilts us head to the side looks at us with a smile he says thank you and then that's when the camera came out of his pocket he began walking around us and taking pictures we were holding our hands to our faces he would SWAT our hands away and snap pictures all would this step smile on his face my buddy Kyle was a big kid for his age he jumped at the old guy that gets knocked to the ground with a punch the old man just leans over Kyle while he is on the ground and starts snapping pictures Kyle gets up and we all start running the guy runs to his car while yelling I'm gonna find out where y'all live we cut through a park when we reached the end of the park he pulls up in front of us we run back the other direction and he caught up with us in his car again so he faked her running one direction and cut through some backyards which led to my street we got away from him Kyle's older brother drove us to school for the next week one day he was unable to drive me home and I had to walk Paul didn't come to school I was alone I thought enough time had passed and I was safe I made it all the way to my street I was about five houses away from home when a car slowly creeped up beside me I didn't even hear it behind me I looked up and it's this creepy old again smiling at me I told you I told you I would find out where you live he licked his teeth I did the first thing that popped into my mind I just looked at him and sat on the snowy curb I said go ahead try to find out which one is my house I can sit here all night I quickly added oh and the guy that lives in the house behind me is a [ __ ] cop which was a total lie he stared at me for a couple of minutes and slowly drove away I watched him turn the corner and he was gone I sat in the snow for a good hour eventually I went home and called the cops they found the guy because I knew the plate numbers turns out he lives right on our path to school never saw him again though and I don't know what he did with all those pictures he took of us creepy old guy who followed me home let's not meet again so a bit of my backstory I'm as now 21 and this still chills me to this day the student name was Adam and he was something else my cousin Sam was hanging out with this guy Adam in high school my aunt would babysit me when I was about 9 or 10 so he would come around every now and then even at that age that Adam gave me a creepy feeling I wouldn't want to be alone in a room with him and I assumed my cousin's just thought I was shy Sam's younger sister just really liked this guy and what it's Sam to date him right away I was worried for my cousin this guy he made my stomach churn he would always insist I sit in his lap and would try to get close to me for my comfort at one point he tried to let me play with his pocketknife which my cousin would tell him to knock it off and he would put it away I'd like to point out Sam would go on a walk with me and meet up with him at the high school or the park so my aunt knew nothing of this adam was so thin and tall with dark hair and what I would recognize when I got older his meth mouth my cousin was the opposite a tall blond bombshell with bright blue eyes he at one point tried to get my cousin to run away with him which I told her was a bad idea but being a kid I was ignored as a kid what I didn't know is my cousin was stuck romance wise between this creepy guy and a guy named Derek she and Derek were messing around while sam was keeping Adam at an emotional distance when Adam figured that out he snapped he yelled at her and called her a cheater I remember because seeing my teenage cousin in tears and a crazy dude way bigger than me screaming and carrying on scared the crap out of me my cousin had enough and we headed for home a few years passed and my cousin Sam and Derek got pregnant and got married soon after I casually bring up what happened to Adam when sam was out of the room and Jessa's face kind of goes pale she told me that night Adam out of what I'm guessing was anger shot and killed his roommate he loaded a shotgun found roommate watching TV and shot him point-blank after he complained about his parking about an hour after his explosion on Sam we found out later that he kept his shotgun loaded and in his car the one he drove to the park into the school when he met my cousin this is the story of how my cousin dated a killer and just how close we were being targets had we stayed longer super creepy friend-zoned killer let's not meet again to give a small amount of background I'm a 19 year old female for 11 and 125 pounds not exactly the most intimidating girl out there I live in a small city and a somewhat rural province of Canada this happened a few weeks ago and I debated posting it due to the discouragement of my father who happens to be a police officer the case is no longer deemed active therefore I thought I'd share it this roughly screwed me up and I'm almost positive I won't be able to stay alone for at least a few years anyways I had been planning on meeting my friend at her place where she lived alone in a small apartment building I think it's important to notice that she is very pretty blond hair blue eyed fairly small girl I had told her I would swing by after my exam at our local university and expected to be done around 8 p.m. anyways I ended up finishing early and headed to the apartment I texted her and let her know to which she responded that was she was at her boyfriends and would be home late and I could let myself in with my key after arriving I swept the floor and watched some TV and I had a glass of wine or three her apartment is closest to the outside door and those doors are paper-thin so you could hear whatever or whenever someone entered the building this also makes it pretty secluded about 30 minutes later I'd heard her voice and a man greeting her at the door because of this my spidey senses were immediately tingling she told me about this potential creeper in her building and how she always thought he would end her one day haha right not so much anyways this guy is asking her about her day and I start to relax thinking he had just made me paranoid then I heard this guy asked my friend she's home alone like what the heck at this point I knew I was about to go mama bear I start to get up and I hear a muffled scream and some thrashing [ __ ] you nut I felt like I was in a freaking Twilight Zone and all I could remember was my dad saying in his most police-officer tone go for the eyes go for the eyes I took my keys between my fingers and with no time to text or call anyone went out the door and this freaking guy had his hand around my friend's mouth and waist and was pushing her towards her apartment door I swear I put my key so far into this guy's eye I seriously think I blinded the creepy neighbor he dropped her instantly and ran for the door she was obviously very shaken up and at this point multiple neighbors were coming out wondering what the heck was happening I ended up calling my dad and he investigated creepy neighbor never came back as far as I know had used a fake name for the lease the most screwed-up part of the whole thing was creepy neighbor had pictures of my friend myself and her old roommate plastered all over his damn apartment and the only thing in there was a dirty mattress that this weirdo was sleeping on also in the wonderful apartment of Horrors was some rope and a scalpel apparently it's inactive as of now because this guy is probably long gone and possibly blind now it's a creepy neighbor who possibly only has one eye let's not meet this happened to me in school our school is rather small where everybody knows everyone so gossip also spreads around fast there is this one boy who is the main focus of the gossip for privacy sake I will name him tarmo for this story tarmo is a loner of the school he never talks with anybody and keeps to himself there are so many rumors going around him for example that he is beaten at home and that's why he always wears hoodies and long-sleeve shirts even at summer another one was that he had a habit of following girls around and trying to force himself on them I really didn't believe that I thought that it was just another stupid rumor to make people hate him he just seemed like a loner boy and not some pervert one day I was talking with my friends in the hallway just talking about random things until I felt eyes burning into my back I turned around and saw Tarmo looking at me with his usual emotionless face and instead of glaring at him or quickly turning away I smiled at him gave him a small wave I saw a look of surprise spread over his face before I turned back to talking with my friends they asked me why I did that and I answered that I just wanted to make him feel more happy they left it at that we went back to talking about our things from that day I could see him staring at me more and at first I didn't mind it I thought that he just thought he had finally gotten himself a friend which I wouldn't mind being but it soon turned weird when we walked past each other his hand usually landed on my butt at first I thought it was an accident but after the third time I understood what he was doing it on purpose when I went to the bathroom and then came out he was waiting for me when I came out that really had started to creep me out I tried to stay with my friends for as long as I could and I succeeded he didn't have a chance to come close to me or do anything to me I felt like I was free of the troubles included with him well that was until it happened I was walking to my home from my best friend's house I always spent a lot of time at her house I always left a late from her house since we always had so much to talk about like best friends do so I was walking home listening my music until I felt eyes on my back I turned around and there in the distance he was grinning at me and fastening his steps I didn't know what he wanted for that look in his blue eyes made me feel extremely uncomfortable I broke into a run and so did he he was gaining on me fast and so I did the only thing my panicked mind could think of I started to scream as loudly as I could for help for anybody to help me and I saw a nearby house lights turned on and a middle-aged man step out of it it seemed like tarmo quickly grew nervous and he ran towards the opposite direction of me I was near a panic attack as tears ran down my cheeks the man ran towards me and quickly asked me what happened I explained everything through my tears he took my hand and took me to his house where he asked me for my parents number I told him my parents number while still crying my parents quickly came and picked me up they think the man before taking me home my parents let me stay at home for a few days to collect myself before I went back to school I told my friends about what happened and they were enraged I don't know if my friends did something to tarmo but after I told my friends about my terrifying encounter he finally left me alone and avoided me like the plague from then on it has now been a year and I still think about the odd encounter I wonder what he would have done to me if that man wouldn't have come out and saved me all I can hope that I'll never have to see him again and that this memory will eventually fade I just want to forget him and that dreadful encounter that could have ended very badly so in all sincerely let's not ever meet again creepy classmate I'm a GFE escort that stands for girlfriend experience a GF e is a booking where the escorts bring more intimacy and a more genuinely easygoing feeling to the appointment we did not have a lot in common but I found mental health struggles and politics or something we could bond over last June he booked his first appointment with me since then he has seen me 14 times in one-hour increments he expressed interest in seeing me outside of work and I had declined over the past year he gradually escalated in terms of offering to help me outside of work I didn't want the help as I didn't want to encourage the strings that would be attached to it he also started writing me letters that he'd give me at the end of each session he also brought a few odd gifts but nothing that I would have wanted or asked for a couple times this was annoying as I then had to figure out what to do with them I was already thinking that I might need to end our interactions to do to him getting too close but things really started going poorly when he lost his job in May and the following weeks he expressed to me that he thought there was a conspiracy to get him fired as well as a conspiracy to sabotage his interviews at other companies I also pointed out that maybe he should stop seeing me until he got another income source at this point I was feeling very uncomfortable being the locust of his happiness especially if it was going to start making the rest of his life worse which really then amplified the issue things came to a head when he brought a damn refrigerator to my work things came to a head when he brought a damn refrigerator to my work as you can expect because of the legality of my work it's essential to be discreet and inconspicuous bringing a fridge to the parking lot area outside my work is the opposite of that I told him that I wouldn't accept it and list it off that I had no means of transporting at home or to my mother his response was that he could drive it to my house or we could take a road trip to take it to her this was alarming as I never done anything to make him think that this was something that would happen and had specifically made sure to disabuse him of any ideas that as they came up in the past at this point I had to decide to ban him because he was clearly out of touch with a reality it was imposing his fantasies on me in a dangerous level before I emailed him to end things he also sent me an email offering me his credit card info so that I could buy the fridge online since I wouldn't take it in person at the end of June I sent him an email trying to gently break things off and actually recommended that he speak to his therapist and see if his meds need to be adjusted since I know FX or was cause symptoms of schizophrenia I also suggested that he delve into how inappropriate and dangerous it was to offer his credit card info to someone he pays to pretend to care about him I'm not sure if he followed up with you about these things at all this is when [ __ ] hit the fan he initially just got banned from booking with me but as he repeatedly called emailed and left messages at my agency and for me at that point he started trying to see other providers I work with outside of our agency to avoid our screening and get past the ban he kept asking if any provider or client relationships ever turned into real ones and they tried to firmly shut that down thankfully those providers also told me what had happened and our boss sent him an email telling him to knock it off then he got angry and threatening during a back-and-forth there and seemed to have convinced himself that my boss was preventing me from responding to him and then it was all her fault this was not the case and she called him out on it and it seemed like she got through to him I didn't hear from him at all up until about two weeks ago he showed up under a new name for an appointment with me I'm not sure if he was waiting for a strategic opportunity but the only reason I opened the door was because it was raining that night and he was using his umbrella to block his face under any circumstances I never would have opened to the door because of the rain I stepped out to hold the door while he squeezed inside with a Sunbrella so when he lowered it I saw who he was I stepped it back and that put me outside the door with him blocking my way in he kept saying he wanted to apologize in person and that he just needed an opportunity and then asked me not to screw it up for him with the other girls I just kept telling him he had to leave over and over and over again until he finally left he tried to hug me as I squeezed past him but I mostly dodged it he had taken the time to make a new identity and see outside providers so that one would give him a reference that would get him through our screening it wouldn't be flagged with any of his banning information this terrifies me the next time he made a new account with us was around the time we banned him the first time I thought he'd move on and let things go but it turned out he literally never stopped obsessing and trying to find a way to get to me I have felt unsafe taking on any new clients since then this has had an incredible decremental and impact on my mental health as well as an impact on my bottom line since I've felt unsafe taking on new clients after he showed up he sent me a lengthy email that further demonstrated his a detachment from reality and cemented my fears even more the next step for me may be a restraining order I worry about how he would respond and escalate I never thought he would stalk me for months so clearly I can't trust he won't do something worse out of concern for his safety I tried to end things gently but at this point it may need to be reinforced that I want nothing to do with him and never have I would never and will never want to spend time without being paid and not even that anymore I do not like him sexually and it is my skill at my job that allowed me to find small common ground with him not any true connection or friendship I'm trying to get in contact with a psychiatrist so that maybe he can intervene medicine before I get the law involved until then please fridge guy let's not meet again so about 10 minutes ago I was jogging through my neighborhood that I just moved to I have not experienced anything weird but we just moved here in the fall it's now springtime and I guess the freaks are out while jogging up ahead of me I see a car that pulled into a driveway but not all the way in our neighborhood the driveways are long and the sidewalks are set a bit away from the road so they cut part way through the yards and driveways he is idling between the sidewalk in the road as I'm getting closer to this car the windows rolled down and a man's eyes are on me I could practically sense the slobber I think you but whatever weirdo I pass him up as I'm heading towards the next road I noticed the same car passed me and slowed way down I don't have time for this crap luckily I have headphones in and I am moving at a quick pace no time for stopping sorry dude I pass him hoping he just gives up he drives past me but super slow this time I ignored him he drove ahead and now I'm starting to freak out a little bit thinking what if this guy does this the whole time around a soft corner and who's at the end of the street but this jerk had stopped and waited coincidentally I am on a street with the house on it that has a backyard parallel with mine I decided to cut to the back yard of this house and quickly get home when I got home I locked all the doors and I'm currently camped out at a window for signs of the creeper how lucky I am that I was where I was when this occurred he could have followed me home but I don't think he did because I don't see him but I'm still keeping watch for him so weirdo that followed me while jogging let's not meet again I had been working at a fried chicken restaurant for about a year during that time an older co-worker who I'll refer to as CeCe also known as chicken creeper would get very friendly with me I believe this man was in the mid 30s at the time about 5/8 and of Latino descent it was actually a shift leader so it would be in charge of me turning shifts I relatively thought he was a nice guy at first until he started getting too chummy with me it would start out completely innocent he'd make friendly conversation with me about various topics and I would do the same I actually liked working with him in the beginning he was easy to talk to and wouldn't berate me if I made a few mistakes while working I would also event to him about knowing customers that I had to serve well after I've gotten comfortable with me he would get touchy as well he would poke my side sometimes and my stomach I don't particularly like older men touching me like that especially if he's my supervisor at work almost everyone at my workplace though would act a very close with one another so I assumed it meant nothing despite my discomfort he would often poke me when no one else was around which should have alerted me on to how creepy his actions were he would later make comments of how pretty I was and would ask questions about my boyfriend simple questions like do you live together are you going to get married soon how old is he and stuff like that there was us one night I came in to pick my check up from work it was my day off and I was wearing makeup and a short spaghetti-strap dress one of my shift leaders greeted me and went to get my check Cece was also working and came out to say hi to me he knows my outfit and said I look too sexy you I'd rather not have my supervisor refer to me as sexy please I just smiled and chuckled awkwardly got my check and left there to be other times when I was working late he got close to me and would Stroke my face with his hand I shivered and found an excuse to walk away at this time I was wondering if I should say something to my manager there were cameras at my workplace everywhere so maybe some of his creepy antics were caught on video I decided against it though and weak invited my friends about it instead they also found CeCe's actions pretty creepy and said I should tell my boyfriend about it I didn't feel I had to though because I didn't think that Cece had done that much harm I also really hate conflict and thought that my boyfriend would try to convince me to tell my manager a few weeks before I had decided to leave my a few weeks before I decided to leave the fried chicken place Cece did something I found to be very inappropriate I was working that day and had just ended my shift we are allowed to have drinks from the soda dispenser machine using the restaurants to-go cups as long as we kept them in the walk-in freezer in the back I've gotten a drink that day and walked to the back to finish it up and throw away my cup because I hate when people leave their cups there for others to throw away little did I know though that Cece was in there as well I had started to avoid being alone and secluded parts of the restaurant with him because that's usually when he would try to touch me I was startled when I saw him because I didn't see him walk in beforehand he asked me if I was leaving for the day and I told him yes I am he asked why why can't you stay longer he would often ask me this when I was done working for the day and I'd always say because I'm tired and I want to go home and sleep he would usually just say okay bye but this time he did say something different this time he walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead this disturbed me but me being so non-confrontational I just smirks who grabbed the cup and hurried away I told a couple friends about this and they got upset for me and found Cici pretty revolting for doing this they again told me to tell my boyfriend but I didn't want to upset him and kept it to myself I eventually told him about it a year later and he was shocked and upset that I did not tell him about it while it was happening I told him I did not want to tell him because I thought he might try to confront ceci or my manager about it I feel the saddest part about this was he actually was married with children and that she worked alongside us as well his wife was also a shift leader and I always found her pleasant to work with I honestly didn't even know Cece was married let alone they she was a nearby worker with all of us at this time I was so surprised when she told me while we were working together she had mentioned she had a husband and I asked her how long they were together for she said fifteen years I believe and that they have been working together in the same chicken place all this time astonished I then asked her who her husband was and she replied that it was Cece I commented really and she said yeah how did you not know that I said that I didn't really ask people those questions because I don't like prying in people's personal lives until they were okay with it didn't stated house she had three kids as well I felt so guilty about it wondering if I should tell her about her husband's flirtatious wretch de ways I decided against it though feeling I might strain their marriage in fearing she might not believe me anyway - my Kentucky Fried creeper I hope we do not work together ever again the story I'm about to tell happens because I guess I am too nice to people when I was 17 I was a pretty blonde girl who was very nerdy I would often get guys who wanted to be more than friends when they found out I liked games and films but they always just made their crushes known and I would gently let them down I had a high school boyfriend at the time I worked at a movie theater in the Midwest I loved this job and became good friends with the people I worked with it was the perfect job for a teen who loved movies and needed to work after school that was until I met Simon Simon was a guy who worked at the theater with me he seems nice enough a little geeky and not very attractive the kind of just a regular guy and I was friendly as I always was he was almost 10 years older than me so I wasn't too worried about him thinking I wanted to be more than friends as time went on he gave me more and more attention talking to me for hours during the downtime when movies were playing I suspected he might like me but I wasn't too worried as he was a manager and I wasn't and dated between managers and staff was not allowed so I thought he would just keep it to himself then after a year I was asked to move to another theater as the one I worked at would be shutting down in a few months I agreed but was the only staff member to be offered this option I realize now that this is not as fruitless as I thought it would be just a week after I started at the new movie theater Simon showed up to say hi I was friendly as always and was nice to him after all we were the same movie chain so he could come here to watch movies for free if he wanted to I thought it was innocent but soon started to feel uncomfortable when all the time Simon was spending hanging out at the movie theater I asked my coworker because if he came in when I wasn't there but they said no then it dawned on me that we no longer worked at the same movie theater so he was free to pursue me romantically without worrying about his job this made me worried as he started not awkwardly flirting with me I found out later that a girl at my job who didn't like me had Simon a copy of my schedule for the next two months so I started to hide every time I saw him I would make some excuse to go and hide in the stockroom or the projection booth it was starting to make me very uneasy my boss was still a great friend to me noticed how uncomfortable I was and told me if I wanted to I could report it to the Home Office and get him to stop I thought this was taking it too far and I declined thinking eventually he would give up well he didn't he came in close to my birthday and dropped off a card in a CD with lots of rather creepy music on it I had finally had enough and told my boss to report him the management told him he wasn't allowed to come to my theatre again where he would be fired I didn't see him for a few months thought it was over but then I had people I worked with at the old theater who went to the high school with me coming up to me in the halls and cussing me out for getting Simon in trouble they said I had let him on and then he was a lonely guy who had a crush on and it was cruel and that I got him in trouble or that I wouldn't give him a chance I was horrified that he had been spreading these rumors to people I thought were my friends and now we're attacking me at school I spent the next few months afraid to go anywhere I lived in a small town and was terrified of going out in case I ran into him and even generally nervous person who scares easily so my parents thought I was overreacting my boss told me not to worry and that Simon probably had given up on me oh how I wish that had been true the day the old theatre closed down I was at work I had to work late and me and my boss were the last ones to leave for the night my boss Peter asked me to wait for him so he could pick the lock up together it was about to land once we left the door had been locked since 10:00 p.m. so no customers could get in as we walked out my boss who had kind of a sick sense of humor was joking about Simon and his crush on me probably trying to make light of it to cheer me up when we stepped outside I turned to lock the door and my boss shouts there he is I thought he was joking again and turned to health tell him that it wasn't funny but he wasn't joking Simon was standing there with Peter just between us I froze my entire body went rigid and I didn't know what to do I heard Simon say my name and saw him try to get around my boss but Peter spread his arms up and blocked him from me that's all that he had to get his eyes fixed on me Peter told Simon to get out of here and that I didn't want to see him I struggled to unlock the door which was notoriously sticky to get open I could hear Simon trying to get my attention but I just focused on the lock finally gave way and I rushed inside running for the office which had a deadbolt security door I unlocked it and sat inside hyperventilating Peter came in and shut the door checking in if I was okay he told me he told Simon to go home and to not come back or he would call the cops we sat in the office and waited for what seemed like forever Peter then said he would go and check to make sure he had left and I stayed in the locked office a few minutes go by and I hear Peters voice telling me that he was coming back in when he opened the door he looked furious and headed straight for the phone I asked what was wrong and he said that Simon was still out there apparently had parked in the shadow of the theatre where it was hard to see he parked in such a way that he would have to had walked past him to get to my car he had parked his van the van I didn't know he had in the shadow Peter had found him crouched down beside the van as if waiting for something waiting for me to walk by Peter had shouted he was calling the cops and ran back inside by the time the cops showed up he had left they took a statement and Peter gave them all of simon's contact information as it was still in the system we guess he showed up today because he was no longer at risk of losing his job as the theater had closed down I never saw Simon again but it didn't mean I wasn't terrified I spent the whole year up until I moved away terrified I might run into him again I never did but I ruined what should have been a great summer before I left the college I hate to think what would have happened if my boss hadn't been there that night or hadn't been smart enough to check that Simon had left I am still good friends with Peter he even came to my wedding I owe him an unknown debt and the Simon wherever you are let's not meet again when this happened I was 19 in London my then boyfriend had called me a cab to go home from his place which is about a 30-minute drive his car was in the shop at the time before I got in the cab he kissed me and told me to text him when I got home an earshot of the driver I get in and the man starts a friendly conversation about what I'm studying nothing unusual but the conversation that gets a bit personal when he tells me he's from Pakistan and a Muslim he then asked me if I am too I'm Iranian and my family is Muslim but I don't practice but I just said yes to not cause any awkwardness he started to tell me I look like a good Muslim girl and that he wanted to marry someone like me I became increasingly uncomfortable and noticed he deliberately turned on a street that would make me ride another 15 minutes longer than usual I text my boyfriend saying the taxi driver is creepy and replies telling me to keep texting him till I get home so he knows I'm the cab driver asset that guy that said goodbye to me was my boyfriend and I immediately said yes hoping that would shut him up he asked if we're serious and I said yes and he continued saying he wants someone exactly like me he then locks the car doors I asked him why he did that and he says for safety I swear in my mouth was so dry I could hardly swallow I was pretty scared but I didn't say anything because he was still going towards my house and I didn't want to make him angry he asked me the most disgusting questions if I was still a virgin if I'd ever done stuff with my man I refused to answer and kept frantically texting my boyfriend but the douche had either left his phone somewhere or fallen asleep so much for being worried for my safety we finally get there he overcharged me told me he had my number and that he was going to call me so he could meet I thought I won't because I'm in a relationship and my family wouldn't like it he said I can keep it a secret I tried to open the door to get out but it was still locked and he laughed he then stared at me intensely through the rearview mirror for what felt like a full minute my stomach felt Hollow and the street was quiet and dark which made it feel even more creepy he finally unlocked the doors and I booked it to the front door and frankly Logan knocked as I looked for my key my mom asked why I looked so pale and I told her she proceeded to call the cab company to make a complaint and they admitted that he'd done this before and promised they would fire him and reported it to the police but they didn't pursue it since he hadn't harmed me mr. cab driver I hope we never meet again and no I won't marry you walked in your run-of-the-mill sub shop in high school it was all a secluded stretch of road and the in-between part of town we didn't close till late at night and I was often there alone as the closer not long into my time there I got a phone call one night that made my blood run cold it was about 30 minutes away from close and I was eager to get off I started to close down half the bread case wipe up cutting the board degrease ovens that kind of thing I was elbow deep in the dishwasher when I heard the phone ring I rolled my eyes great I clean everything and someone's gonna call in eight minutes before we close I rush up the front and answer with our name and a forced but friendly how can I help you toe there was a pause so I waited can I help you I said with an even more forced smile are you there alone a man's voice said no I stammered immediately who's there with you he said with a not so forced smile in his voice I began to panic I was new I only knew one of my co-workers names for sure I had Ed's here know the voice said abruptly ed isn't there I couldn't speak I couldn't think of anything to say and the silencer was roaring in my ears will you make my sandwich just for me I want you to make it and only you I hung up under no circumstances were we to close early without permission but I wasn't about to go for some damn subs I grabbed a knife I rushed to the doors and locked everything up I called my mom because of course I called my mom I told her what happened and asked her to come sit in the parking lot in case anyone decided to pay me a visit she did and I closed without incident I just wondered who called me could they see me was it Eadie himself I don't really know and I hope that I never find out this happened several years ago when I was at university I had a good group of male friends that I used to go on nights out with they were all like older brothers and they were very protective of me even more so my boyfriend at the time was a part of that group I guess that made me feel a little too safe as I had a tendency to just wander away from the group when I got drunk I wouldn't go far but I'd just dance around and drift away my boyfriend usually steered me back as he knew what I was like anyway that weekend my boyfriend had gone home to visit his family so it was just me and a few guys out that night I was wearing this high-waisted skirt that zipped in the back we were on the dance floor and as usual the boys were mucking about I think they were talking about something I had no interest in so I drifted off to dance by myself abruptly out of nowhere I felt hands on me now this isn't really anything new unfortunately being female getting groped on a night out is fairly normal I feel like being quite petite as well makes me look like an easy target because I don't look like I'd fight back i squirmed out of the person's grip and continued to dance deciding is just time to ignore them but then next thing I know the stood had completely unzipped my skirt from top to bottom and when I turned around obviously furious he tried to grab me I was so angry that I just started screaming at him and then tried to punch him he dodged me and that's when my guy friends found me and his friends found him his friends immediately started grabbing him I started to apologize on his behalf while my friends were trying to calm me down I was so angry though that I didn't want to let it go this guy had just unzipped my skirt and tried to assault me how am I supposed to be a calm about this honestly I think I really would have tackled that guy if my boyfriend's best friend hadn't come up at that moment and realized what had happened because of instead of focusing on my anger I now had to spend the next few minutes trying to call my boyfriend's best friend down so he didn't try to start a fight at that point a bouncer had arrived to see what was happening I didn't want my friend to get in trouble so I just pulled them all away and decided to forget about it I really wish I had reported that guy but I was young drunk and just wanted to go home anyway creepy [ __ ] let's never meet again hey there stalkers of the night I wanted to thank you for 900 subs and beyond don't forget 1200 subs and I have a massive face reveal ready for all of you also I made a patreon for those who are interested in supporting this channel the link is in the video's description I will see you guys [Music]
Channel: Night Stalker
Views: 14,362
Rating: 4.8532109 out of 5
Keywords: nightstalker, true scary stalker stories, stalker stories, true scary creeper stories from reddit, true creepy reddit stories, true scary reddit stories, true stalker stories from reddit, true scary stories, true scary stories to tell in the dark, true freaky reddit stories, true reddit stories, true letsnotmeet stories
Id: -Ma13KeMQn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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