BEST Horror Stories Of August | Stalkers, Creepy Neighbors, Online Dating App | TRUE Scary Stories

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this happened about seven or so years ago and i've never really talked about it all too much but i guess i just figured this would be the time to share it so when i was younger my mother used to gamble a lot due to this we would always be getting free hotel rooms at the various hotels i always loved going to these hotels as it got me out of my house and sometimes i even made new friends although i would never ever see them again because they were all from different states it was still fun to have someone to play a nice game of marco polo with at the pool nothing usually happened out of the ordinary i would usually go down to the cafe and get a frappuccino or something then go to the pool and hang out until it closed or if i got tired but on this day something really strange happened i was sitting on one of the lounge chairs right at the edge of the pool when a guy who was probably about 20 to 21 years old then starts talking to me he seemed really friendly but something just seemed really off to me he was talking about how he knew me from somewhere when i just knew for sure he didn't i had never seen this man before in my life anywhere he told me that he was military and he asked if i wanted to go up to his hotel room to see his military outfit at this point i was just thinking what the hell how stupid does this guy think i am so i just gave him a smile and then said no i'm about to go swimming sorry he told me that he was going to put it on and then come back down and show me and as soon as he left i then took that opportunity to go get up and find one of the workers at the pool i told them what had happened and the workers seemed pretty weirded out but she then assured me she'd take care of it cut forward to about 10 to 15 minutes later this guy comes walking down in the most fake looking low quality get up i've ever seen in my life he starts standing by the edge of the pool trying to talk to me when one of the hotel workers then approach him and they then tell him he needs to leave he was then escorted out and i didn't see him again after that i mean i definitely wasn't as scared as i should have been but i guess i didn't really think too much of it at the time as i had never really had something like that happen to me before but i'm really glad that 10 year old me had enough sense to go tell an adult that i felt unsafe about it definitely glad i did that this happened around 1997 when my family moved back to our home state after just a few years of living pretty much all over the place i was 10 years old and having a really fun summer hanging out with cousins who i hadn't really seen in a really long time it was a particularly pretty hot and boring summer day so my cousins and i had decided to go to the community it was pretty close to my house so we got on our bikes and rode over for an afternoon of fun [Music] now we lived in a really small and safe town so our parents were pretty used to us going off by ourselves we told them we'd all head back home right after the pool closed for the day like we always did we all really had a blast that day and when it was finally time for the pool to close my brother and cousin jake went into the boys locker room and my cousin alice and i went into the girls locker room i ended up changing rather quickly than alice so i went into the lobby to see if the boys were out there yet the lobby was pretty chaotic with parents trying to hurt kids out and gropes like ours trying to find everyone before leaving it was pretty noisy busy and tough to navigate for little four foot nothing me as i looked around for the boys i had then felt someone grab onto my arm and start to lead me towards the exit since there were so many people there i thought someone had just mistaken me for their kid so i looked up at the red-haired man that had my arm and i then shouted hey what are you doing he barely looked down at me and started moving more insistently staring really intently right at the exit as we slowly moved through the crowd i then shouted let go of me and he didn't even flinch or even acknowledge that i had spoken to him that's when it then dawned on me that this wasn't a mistake he was actually trying to take me i froze i started trying to remember what they had told us to do in school about stranger danger and how to act but i was destroying a blank i eventually tried to shout out i don't know you but it just came out as a really tiny squeak and there was no one around me to seem to notice in all the chaos i was scared finally after what felt like forever my cousin jake came out of the locker room and he then spotted me we made eye contact and i think he could see just how scared and confused i looked he shouted my name looked at the guy who had my arm and then screamed let go of my cousin i don't think the guy was expecting that he immediately froze looked at jake then dropped my arm and slid back into the crowd he just left i was so relieved though and i didn't care i then ran over to jack who had then asked me if i was okay i was barely able to talk at that point so i just nodded and held onto his arm until everyone else came out we never really talked about it after that i've told my partner about it a few times and my closest friends also know the story i became pretty obsessive after this things like searching for sex offenders in our area to see if i could find this man also looking through news articles to see if anything like this happened in our area around that time but i never really found anything and eventually i just gave up i still really hate that i completely froze up in that moment and i just really can't believe how lucky i was that jay came out when he did it's still just so crazy to think about when i was in high school i used to visit my dad every summer in florida he lived in a one-bedroom apartment and my best friend had also moved in the same complex with her little sister my dad had to clean up the apartment that day and he's pretty meticulous whenever he cleans so he had told me to go play with my best friend for a while we decided to go to the pool in the complex and go swimming her little sister had just had a surgery like a week prior and she wasn't allowed to get her stitches wet i had decided to invite another friend that also lived in that area as well her father dropped her off at the pool and we began swimming while my best friend's little sister was playing on her phone her little sister and i had to go to the bathroom and the pool bathrooms were closing soon i had warned my best friend to go before they closed them but she said she didn't have to go as well as my other friend as i suspected not even 20 minutes later after the pool bathroom's closed my best friend had to go to the bathroom since my apartment was the closest she opted to go there but my dad was cleaning so she had to walk all the way to the other side of the complex then go to the bathroom at her house there was an older couple who had decided to come to the pool and use the jacuzzi behind us as we played it was taking kind of a long time for my best friend to come back so i started to get a little worried i told my younger friends to stay there while i went to go look for her i finally found my best friend who was walking back to the pool wrapped in her towel i saw about two men a short distance behind her but i didn't really think too much of it at the time so we began walking together but it takes about 10 minutes to get back to the pool and not once did their path differ from ours i got a really bad feeling deep in the pit of my stomach and decided to pick up the pace a little bit while going back to the pool we got there before the men did and i told her little sister to gather all of our things and go to the other side of the pool near the older couple the rest of us jumped in the pool and went swimming to the deep end to try and get away from the men that's when the men then finally showed up to the pool they were looking back at the older couple and then right back at us as if they were weighing their options or something the men kept whispering back and forth at each other while looking at us but they decided to leave i got really freaked out and called my dad and the older couple had asked if we were okay they asked if we had known the men but we told them no our parents were furious and came straight down to the pool the police were eventually called and the older couple had waited for our parents to arrive when the police finally came we had gave them a description of the two men they had actually searched the entire complex but they couldn't find a single trace of the two men the police took our statements and then left everyone had to basically go back home during that summer no one was allowed to leave the house without their parents being there that's how freaked out they all were after that i never really thought about the incident again that is until i was a junior in high school when i turned on the tv one night after school to watch the news the two men's faces were all over the news the men were arrested in miami for being smugglers into a sex trafficking ring my face grew white as i had then called my best friend she saw their faces on tv and started to cry as she then realized that it was the same two men who had stalked us not even two years prior about a month later i had got a call from my dad saying that some police officers would like to talk to me i was already heading down there for the next summer anyway in a couple of days when i got to florida i had already found out that my best friend her little sister as well as my other friend had already talked to the police i also found out that there had also been other reports around the same time that our event happened about 17 other girls had been stalked in our area by the same two creepy men they ended up using our statements in court to go and put them in jail i'm just really glad that my gut had the right feeling about those guys the point of this story is to always trust your gut if you feel something's wrong please you might not be as lucky as my friends and i always pay attention to your surroundings and be careful [Music] i was 12 years old at the time and i and my family would always go to this private club that had a lot of different things i'm gonna list some of them off so you get an idea there are thirty tennis courts eleven indoor racquetball courts two basketball two volleyball courts and a huge open field with a pool in the middle it was a normal friday my family got there and my friend zach also came with us we stayed and played with each other pretty much all night that night we're both pretty athletic boys and we really love to run and play basketball i've been mistaken for a girl before so that might have been what happened here i was wearing pretty athletic shorts which were maybe about five inches too short i was wearing basically short shorts anyways so i and zach had went into the pool and started playing marco polo a man had approached us and got within about three feet from us and he just stood there not even talking at all we didn't really think anything of it and just moved out of the way thinking that he was a dad and just trying to get somewhere as we moved from the side i then felt a pinch right on my butt this had never happened to me before and i was a little too innocent to realize what had happened i whispered to my friend that the dude just pinched my butt and he laughed it off this guy about five minutes later then comes back to us and again just sits there me and zach are totally freaking out now because this man had pinched my butt and he's now following us zag then decided to see if he would test if he would pinch him instead then went swimming by him he didn't pinch zach and he got a little closer to me i take a step backwards and then swim as fast as i can over to zach this time i think he tried to grab my butt but only succeeded in brushing my thigh i freaked out and i then told zach that i'm getting out of the pool and playing basketball he made fun of me calling me a scaredy cat but my gut told me that something was off we get out of the pool and we walk over to tell our parents where we were going as we're walking in a tiny stretch of dirt that separates the pool from everything else i saw this man getting out of the water and walking our way based on what just happened i totally freaked i started pulling on zach and we ran to the courts luckily some people were already there playing so we just joined in i didn't know their ages but i'm assuming about 16. one of them was a girl she realized that i was distressed and she asked me if something was wrong i began speaking in a really whiny voice hey are you alright the girl asked there's this man that grabbed my butt and thigh in the pool and he's walking over here do you know where he is now the girl then asked i shook my head and just said that he was walking over here now as if on cue he walks out from the corner and i pointed at him the girl walked over to her friend and i thought i was on my own again until they all come back over and then tell the dude off instead of this guy walking away he just sits on the plaza right next to the courts and starts staring at me while i know i can't prove it i could tell that he was totally staring at my butt and junk for literally about an hour he just stood there not looking away and not on his phone the teenagers eventually left and this guy walked over to us we ran over to the tennis courts and of course he followed after like 30 minutes he left and we ran to the main grass field to find this guy waiting for us yet again the man then pushed my friend to the ground and then he started grabbing me no more light choked me and then he pushed me right up against the wall then he started grabbing me and touching my butt the man started doing these really weird sounds like aggressive moans and oh yeah i really like this girl give me more and actually tried to mess with my shorts thank god i was wearing a belt my friend got up and then he started pushing the man but it was more like a weak shove instead when that didn't work i then took the opportunity to get out of the choke hold and then start biting his arm we ran to my parents and we then told them everything that happened the man for some reason went back to his town like nothing was wrong leaving a trail of blood along the way when we got to my mom she had asked me what's wrong and she then saw the bruise marks all over my body then she asked me if i fell i started to shake my head and the only thing i could manage to get out was there was a man my mom got more scared and furious than i've ever seen her in my life she asked me to point him out and i did i don't know what happened after that because my parents sent me to my friend's house that day the man ended up getting arrested but i don't know anything else after that like i said at the beginning of this story i'm not really sure if he just thought i was a woman or what but it's seriously the creepiest thing i've ever experienced when i was around 11 years old my dad took my little brother and i to a public pool we went swimming for a few hours there the place is pretty big and it has this area that's sort of like a beach where you can lay down your towel if you want and you can also sit on the steps surrounding the water everything was pretty fine at first we were playing in the water with all the other little kids like we usually did but there was this one kid there who just wouldn't leave me alone he started with just bugging me and following me around which wasn't really a big deal because i was kind of used to playing with annoying kids then he started touching me and poking me and whenever i asked him to stop he said that he could touch me wherever he wanted then he touched my breasts i was getting really upset and trying to get away from him but he just kept swimming after me he went under the water and tried to actually swim between my legs no matter what i did he wouldn't leave me alone i finally got out of the water and i then ran over to my dad i was really out of breath so he could tell something was wrong but when he asked i just said nothing and just sat down next to him until we left when we were getting in the car my dad started telling us about this kid who was bothering all the girls in the pool he was jumping on their backs and doing other things as well like trying to cop a feel and one of the girls actually punched him in the face i think by the way i was acting my dad had realized something was up and he asked if the kid touched me as well that's when i confessed and i said that he did he was kind of mad that i hadn't said something while we were still in the pool so that he could do something about it i don't know why i was so scared to tell him i think i was just a little ashamed about it my whole life i've always felt really stupid for being affected by this moment i guess because the person touching me was a kid like me it was terrifying though i felt completely powerless i guess i didn't know up until that moment that if someone wanted to come up and touch me they could just do it and i couldn't defend myself i really wish that i would have punched him in the face like that other girl had but i guess i was just too scared and just really wanted to get away from him i guess i should just be glad that's all that happened when i was 16 to 17 years old i worked as a lifeguard at a private pool in my neighborhood you had to be a member and each member was assigned a member id you could buy a friend or guest pass during the summers on friday night we had what was called friday night cheers where we would have a band play and all of the adults would sit around the bar and drink then all of the kids would come and swim until about 10 pm one night while i was working cheers i was at the diving well and there was this guy and his friend that were trying to splash me while going off the diving board i didn't think anything of it because every kid tries to splash the lifeguard it's not anything too crazy as it was getting close to closing i started to go around and clean up all the tables the diving board guy had started to follow me around the pool and make small talk i'm a pretty friendly person so i started having a conversation with him he tells me his name and that he's 19 years old and home from college then he asked me for my number i told him no and that i don't give out my number to strangers and that i also have a boyfriend he won't stop asking and saying that he just wants to be friends so i then leave and go and sit in the guard shack a couple of days go by and i'm working and he's there yet again we're not really supposed to talk to people while we're on duty but he won't go away so i just ignore him he stops talking but just kind of hangs out in the water right beside me a guy that i work with comes to take my spot so that i can go relieve another guard at another station the guy follows me but i ignore him this continues every single day one day i get a text from a number i don't know i ask who it is and what do you know it's the guy from the pool the only way i can think that he got my number is from our schedule that hangs in the guard shack that's right by the door which is like always open i tell him that he really needs to stop texting me and following me around the text eventually stopped but he still continues to come to the pool like every day and follow me i finally decide to tell my manager and she says the next time that he comes in they're going to make sure he's actually a member sometimes people will give their friends their member number if they know that a picture isn't attached to it on the computer so the guy comes in and they ask for an id it doesn't match the information on the computer and his id says that he's 27. i don't know why but they let him in anyway he comes over to me and as soon as he gets about five feet away from me my manager comes over and tells me to go on my break i come back about 15 minutes later and she kicked him out thank god for this since that incident i haven't seen him back and i guess that's the end of my creepypool story i was an 18 year old female when this incident occurred i was in the first year of university i was walking to one of my classes when i then saw a man walking towards me there was nothing really too off-putting about his appearance he was tall and slightly large and he looked to be in his 40s he was also wearing a shirt with my school's logo on it the same shirt that the service workers wore i noticed that he was staring at me i stared back at him to try and make him look away but he didn't he continued to walk towards me and held eye contact till he passed me i didn't really think too much of this over the next few months i had saw him around campus several times and the same thing would always happen he would always stare at me until he walked past me but he never once said a word on one occasion i had saw him in the basement of my building while i was doing laundry once again he walked past me without saying anything although he really made me feel a bit uneasy i didn't let it bother me too much and just kind of assumed that maybe he just had something off about him this continued for a couple of months before anything disturbing happened on one night my roommate was asleep and i needed to clear my head so i slipped on my shoes and coat and then headed out for a smoke now my university's campus was smoke-free so i walked around to the back of my building and then with a cigarette i had heard some rustling coming from further away still around the building but kind of in a spot where i couldn't see it i didn't get too worried though as the back of my building faced the woods and were kind of used to seeing deer and other small animals around the campus still though i was really curious i quietly walked over and looked around the corner i was surprised to see a man standing there looking right up at my building i started to squint my eyes and that's when i realized that it was the same man who was always staring at me what was he doing his hands were in his pockets and he seemed to just be staring right up at the windows i felt a little uneasy as that's when i realized that he was staring at the general area of my own window but i couldn't tell for sure what he was looking at i didn't want him to see me so i quietly finished my cigarette and inflicted onto the ground i crushed the cigarette into the ground with my shoe and then headed back to my room i had then took a really quick shower and slipped on some pjs i tried to fall asleep that night but i just couldn't get that man out of my head why was he just staring at the building was he really looking into my window after a few minutes of wrestling with my thoughts i decided that my questions really needed answers so i quietly got up and tiptoed across my room to the window i looked out the window and sure enough the man was staring at me when he noticed me staring back i honestly expected him to walk away but he didn't he just continued to stare at me i started to feel kind of sick at this point should i call someone i mean i guess he wasn't technically doing anything wrong so i decided i would just leave it he couldn't do anything to harm me my door was always kept locked and there was no way he could fit through my window it was on the third floor and it was extremely tiny i crawled back into bed and went to sleep about two months had passed since this incident and i hadn't seen the man since i was hoping that maybe he had quit or maybe he had been fired but i wasn't so lucky one day i came back from class to then find my roommate standing in the lobby of my building and she had two police officers standing with her when she saw me she had then grasped and ran right towards me then hugging me she was visibly really shaken and she seemed really scared about something i asked her what was going on and before she could even answer me a police officer then approach me he then asked me to confirm my name in room number i told him and he then showed me a picture of the man it was the same exact man that had been standing on my building two months prior i said that i recognized him and i told him everything that happened from the start of the year the police officer sat me down and he then told me what happened apparently the man had been sneaking into our room like multiple times throughout the year the man had both mine and my roommate's schedule so that he could see when we would be in and out of the room he also had placed micro cameras in the corners of the room my roommate wasn't feeling well so when she had left one of her classes early one day she had returned to the room to find the man standing in it she then freaked out and called the campus police the police then searched his office and they found that he had stolen multiple things from my room things like my underwear and he even stole my garbage it was really weird he also had like dozens of pictures of me and some even taken around campus and some extremely zoomed in on me in my room the man also had a spare key to our room which he would use to get in and out of it the man was obviously fired from his job i'm not exactly sure what kind of legal action was taken but the police assured me that i'd never see him again i've always really wondered what his true intentions were and what would have happened if my roommate hadn't caught him that day i guess it's a good thing i never found out a few years back i was a shift manager for a local big box pharmacy and convenience store it was right across my backyard and i could probably sprint there in under a minute if i really wanted to so it really worked out for me i was in my late 30s i worked out quite a lot and while i was fit i was still a smaller girl even though i was married and i would constantly get hit on and asked out it was pretty flattering but it always made me feel really awkward now this particular store i worked at was in a really weird part of town it was on the right side of town to attract the karen's but close enough to the not so good side of town to attract the drug addicts drunks and psychopaths anyway let me say that i'm not someone that gets scared easily i've had someone high on meth crash their car into the side of the store causing the back of our store to bend inward because we didn't carry pineapple juice i had a man pick me up and throw me over his shoulder and start walking out the door with me saying that i'd make a good wife yeah that's one for another time anyways it all started on a sunday morning i remember this because i was really busy building end caps and making sell signs i was working with my favorite co-worker so the day was flying by and i was really bubbly this day there was a man and his son that came into the store and they made a beeline for me the man was probably just a little under six foot and he was skinny the man had dreadlocks and a long skinny silver earring dangling from his ear he also had this really tan trench coat that i found really odd because it was summer nonetheless though i had then greeted them and asked if they needed some help the man spoke with a really thick jamaican accent and he said that his gps stopped working and he wanted to see if we had any i let out a really small laugh thinking he was messing with me uh no that would be at best buy or something but we do have a small section of electronics on this wall over here i indicated the wall to the back of me oh thanks he said taking a look but also keeping his eyes on me something about those eyes just really chilled me he was speaking another language to his son but i kept going on about my task for the day and he would call me to help him asking me questions about chargers and sd cards i answered them and then he started telling me how beautiful i was really awkwardly i had thanked him you must work out yeah he asked um yeah yoga mostly i replied while getting more and more uncomfortable now he made some more comments about my body telling me how he loved my tattoos and he was just really being a creep i tried to stay polite though and eventually i just walked away to do some more work i started to avoid him but he was still staring at me the man had his phone out and i kept hearing the shuttering of a camera i went to the office to tell my other co-worker that i thought the guy was taking my picture and i was just really feeling uncomfortable he then came out and watched over me shortly after my co-worker came out the man and his son then left by the time the end of my shift came i forgot about him a few weeks later i was up front ringing customers with a different co-worker we were crazy busy that day but i was the manager on duty after we got the line down my co-worker then handed me an envelope uh what's this i asked her i don't know some man in dreadlocks told me to give it to you she said i took the envelope and i went into my office with it inside of the envelope wore dozens and dozens of pictures of me my heart sank i had no idea that these were taken most of them were of me in the store while working some of me walking home and some even with me and my daughter i felt sick there was also a no with it it said something along the lines of you're so beautiful i'm in love with you i'd be a much better husband than what you have now please give me a chance there was more to it but it's in police evidence now the guy really stupidly left his name in a dress i then called our store manager as well as the police they took our camera footage my statement and the pictures and letter they told him that he really needed to stay away from me or the next time he's getting arrested and he's banned from the store i was really relieved but still really bothered by it a few more weeks to about a month then went by it was another really busy sunday night it was just myself as the manager on duty and we had another co-worker as my cashier we were ringing things up together when i noticed a man staring at me the man was tall with a medium build he had dreadlocks and he had the same earring and long trench coat as the other man did this man was really scary his eyes were just cold and really dead and angry it felt like they were staring right through my soul he didn't have anything to purchase just stood and stared i tried to smile politely at him then another wave of customers came i got lost in helping everyone but didn't see the man anymore even when things calmed down i still didn't see him i decided to go start facing the back of the store and i told my co-worker to call me if she needed me as i was back there i heard that jamaican accent and all over i looked up at the mirror to see that same scary man on the phone yeah she's here no it's just one other girl here with her i can grab her when she leaves no problem i was absolutely horrified he didn't see me so i slowly made my way up to the front i briefly tell my coworker what's going on and then called the police and store manager the cops took him away a few days later a detective came to speak to me the two men were brothers they were abducting women and actually using them for human trafficking he told me i was really lucky i later found out that they had apparently found a woman beaten to death in their apartment they've both since gone to prison this still gives me really bad nightmares what happened to that woman could have easily been me but thank god it wasn't all of this started happening maybe about a year ago i remember that it was really warm outside for reference i'm a female and me and my husband who will call jay have three kids at home elle who was 13 at the time age who was 12 ng who was eight it was during the evening time and it was pretty dark outside so it must have been pretty close to 9 pm i was just sitting on my bed watching tv when i then heard a knock on my window that was really close to my right the curtains on that window were open because i had a window unit running i've always slept with those curtains open to get all the air because it's just so hot here jay goes directly into the backyard to check it out the door to the backyard is in my room it's one of those add-on rooms on smaller houses anyways he goes out there a button he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary the dog was also with him and she didn't bark or let on that anything was off elvin came out of the bathroom and she thinks that she might have heard someone knock on the bathroom window she was covered in soap and bundled up in a towel but we told her that we just looked and there was nothing there so she went back to finishing her shower no one was really that scared by this because our neighborhood is really active and people are just always outside so we tried to reason that it was just some odd noise and then let it go about an hour later she had fallen asleep on the couch watching tick tock videos h was asleep in his room which is next to elle's room and l was in her room laying on her bed looking at her phone with her curtain open up to this point elle was really relaxed about her room's windows i was always getting onto her for not closing her curtains and making sure that her windows were locked and even found out that she was sleeping with her window open so that the cat had a way in and out [Music] jay and i were in our room watching a movie when we then heard l then let out the most terrifying scream i think i've ever heard in my life it was a scream of sheer terror panicked jay and i ran to her we meet her in the living room and she's actually so scared that she faints right there in the living room floor elle comes to in just a few seconds and she then tells us that someone had banged on her window and that when she looked over she had then saw a man that was staring right at her with his hands cupped around his eyes he didn't run when he saw her look over he just stood there and just kept staring at her jay then runs to his room to get his rifle and runs out to the front yard while i get on the phone to call the cops jay had positioned himself right outside the house next door that had been empty for years the neighborhood kids have been in there and they found chip bags and beer bottles before but have never seen anyone in there before the cops arrive i take the gun inside so i didn't have to answer any uncomfortable questions the cops searched my yard the property next door and the alley up and down the street but they don't find anything they tell us to just lock the doors and call them back if something else happens i forgot to mention that by this time all of the kids are awake and know everything now l and g were really terrified and h was just really pissed off h has autism and just has no real sense of danger all he knew was that his sisters and mom were scared and his dad was pissed so he's just standing on the porch cussing up a storm into the night daring that sneaky bastard to show his face again and vowing to kick his ass about two weeks later the person comes back just tapping and since then it's been a pretty regular occurrence of tapping or knocking one time he actually pretended to be a cat trying to be let in i saw him on our porch while she saw him peeping through the window on the front door we've called the police like they advised us but they've never been able to catch him we've stayed up all night waiting in nell's bedroom and never heard it we've hidden in my shed in the backyard and my car in the front trying to catch this person outside but nothing works no one can catch him my kids either sleep in the living room or our bedroom we don't go out after dark and we don't stay home alone i contacted the lieutenant that is over our neighborhood he sent officers and he's assigned a patrol for our street police are randomly popping up in my house to check on us and patrol i think it's to show the people on the street that they're here and know what's going on whenever they come at night to visit they always have at least two cars and the lights are always on in their cars the man came back last week at 2 but elle was just way too scared to get out of bed to wake us up elle was a teenager and she really likes the privacy of her room so sometimes she sleeps in there since this last occurrence ellen g have stopped sleeping in their room so i honestly don't know if he's been back he's never knocked on my bedroom window since that first night i haven't been able to buy cameras until now and someone on reddit actually suggested anti-climb paint which apparently is a paint that never dries and stains whatever it touches after posting this on reddit and reading all of the comments and thinking about it and i think this creep lives on my street his escape is always so quick no matter how fast or how quickly we get outside he's always gone he never does it when they have friends over or when we went on vacation and my dad stayed here he knows all of our cars and routines and he's close enough to get away quickly i just have no idea what to do anymore so for a little back story i'm currently an eighteen-year-old female about five foot seven and the youngest of three older brothers an older sister and really protective parents like seriously if i never moved out on my own i think my dad would actually be okay with that as then he could continue to be the overbearing helicopter parent that he still is in my adult life i mean don't get me wrong i love my dad very much but he's pretty much the definition of a helicopter parent if he was at all tech savvy he'd probably put trackers in all of our phones my mom is better allowing us a bit more freedom but she definitely has her overbearing moments as well i think they're just both convinced that something terrible will happen to me if they let me out of the house past like 9pm so growing up with parents like these and the stereotypical if you mess with my baby sister i'll hurt you older brothers i'm a very conscious person to say the least the story takes place in the fall of 2017 around mid to late august it was the time when it was beginning to get dark around 6 pm where precisely my mother had asked me to run up to the store to get a couple of last minute things for dinner she had me do this because she had forgotten to get what she was shopping for earlier in the day i'm pretty much convinced the only reason she asked me to go around the time that it was getting dark was because that she basically had no choice and she had already began cooking and she couldn't leave and my dad was also out of the house which pretty much left me as her last option well that and the fact that the store was literally like a five minute walk away so handing me a ten dollar bill and making sure i had my phone on me she sent me on my way growing up in the same house my entire life i had made this walk probably a thousand times for some context my house was essentially right behind the store you could say there's several ways to get there for my house but now i always take the quickest way which much to my parents satisfaction also happened to be following one of the main roads in my neighborhood the store that i was going to was in a shopping center that didn't really have much in it especially on the side i always came in on basically my point is just that unless you lived in that direction there was really no reason for you to be walking over there upon reaching the entrance of the store i had saw an average looking guy sitting on the bench right outside the automatic doors he was wearing the orange shirt and brown apron that was the storage uniform and he was smoking a cigarette now i've had pretty moderate asthma since i was 4 years old so i always do my best to steer clear of smokers but seeing as i had to pass them to get inside the store i just tried to keep as much distance between us as possible as i was passing him we had made eye contact and he said a seemingly friendly hello to me i offered a wave and a small smile in response then walked through the doors one thing that really struck me as odd was that me and my family frequent in this store at least like two or three times a week and i had not once seen this guy in there i just did my best to brush it off though as i grabbed the few things my mom needed thinking that he might have just gotten hired or maybe we just coincidentally happened to come in on the days that he doesn't work there that thought quickly slipped my mind as i then texted my mom that i was on my way home and i left the store being met with the now dark sky i noticed the man still sitting outside with a cigarette now long gone and i could only assume that he was on a break once again he greeted me this time i said a quiet eye in response i'm naturally a really fast walker so within about a minute or two i was stepping out of the parking lot and onto the cracked sidewalk it was then that i had heard footsteps coming behind me and since i'm already pretty paranoid about these things my heart began to beat a little faster now we had just recently got straight lights on our street something that we didn't have during the time this incident took place so the only light came from the gas station across the street as well as the porch lights from the house next to me this only added to my feelings of unease i had stopped walking and then heard someone shout hey from behind me quickly turning around i saw that it was the guy from earlier who was smoking outside the store he was fast walking up to me so naturally i had took a few steps back he noticed this and he then said in a really calm and overly eager voice hey i just want to talk and get to know you i was barely 15 years old at the time and this dude was at least in his mid-30s it was definitely creepy not even responding i then turned and began to nearly run home really thankful that he didn't try to follow me instead he just shouted out some stuff to me that i now can't really remember but in a really annoyed tone as soon as i got through the front door i told my mom what happened and she agreed with me that it was definitely really weird and creepy we never told my dad about it and to this day he still doesn't know thankfully i never saw that guy again and nothing ever came of this incident and i'm really glad so this was around seven years ago when this happened and i never felt like doing anything about it or even talking about this experience but i just wanted to explain my story so that others may get how dangerous it can be to meet people from online so i was meeting with this guy from an application from okcupid or tinder but i highly doubt it was tender the guy looked pretty normal from their profile really just an average guy i'm a curvy 21 year old female at the time the place that i'm originally from was a really small town so even to meet people was pretty hard for me i'm not really much of a social person so this is just how i met people and i would do this all the time so i mean what could really go wrong anyways we had a few texts that went back and forth then we exchanged numbers they had told me to meet them at the house that they're currently renting this was probably during about 1 p.m or noon so i didn't really think anything of it since it was in the middle of the day the only thing is the place was in a secluded small town where i'm pretty sure pretty much everyone was at work i walked up to the place they told me to go to after parking on the street in front of it it just looked like a small house nothing too creepy looking i walk up to the house and i didn't even have to knock the sky then came right out of the house he didn't invite me in and then when i stepped inside it was looking to be a house that was mostly abandoned for like storage reasons or something this probably should have been a red flag since everything was covered by cloth except for the air bed they basically knew i was uncomfortable and they told me we could take a walk if i wanted to now we just walked around the neighborhood but it was mostly a really dead one there was a baseball field there and we pretty much just sat there not even really talking that much we were just standing there and then out of nowhere he then starts forcing me on the ground i try to fight him because i thought i would be stronger but i'm still a weak person and he's pulling my pants down now i wanted to scream i managed to get loose from him though and i ran out of the baseball field while pulling up my pants i ran for my car got inside then peeled out of there luckily the guy didn't follow me i never ended up reporting this because i was just so shaken up about it i'm a pretty stupid person and i drove back there and there were people in the front of his house they looked so shady and creepy to me and i had asked if they heard of the guy that lives there that's when they told me that they've never heard of him and no one's even living there then the same two guys try and get close to me and try to get me out of my car but i just drove off i honestly don't really know why i wanted to drive back there in the first place i guess i just wanted confirmation on what actually happened i did report the online profile button it was like this guy was a ghost or something because no one even knew him and i couldn't find him anywhere else like many others have said before me just really be careful of the people you meet and always meet in public places you'll thank me later this happened during the summer of 2001 i just completed my sophomore year of college so i created a profile on yahoo personals i replied to some ads and i then got to chatting with some young ladies however some of the conversations died down and i didn't really hear anything further and i figured they found someone else or just lost interest one of the ads i responded to really stood out to me her username was virgin girl with some really odd numbers after it we lived about two hours away from each other she seemed to take a real interest in me telling me how i sounded different from all of the other guys she's met and how she really wants to get to know me better we began emailing each other and chatting on yahoo messenger pretty regularly however she seemed to like to talk about sex a lot telling me about some of her experiences and it didn't really feel like she was that into getting to know each other first it's not that i didn't want to get intimate with her but i mean we hadn't even met yet and this topic just seemed to come up way too early on to be honest it actually made me kind of uncomfortable but i just went along with it for the time being we exchanged a few photos via email and she seemed to really like mine however the one that she sent me it looked like an old photo then there was an attachment she sent to me that my virus protection picked up as a virus needless to say i didn't open it i did however mention it to her but she didn't even say anything about it that should have been my first red flag her and i got into talking about a couple of things we liked of more of a sexual nature we had also talked about meeting she had mentioned about a male friend of hers who had actually passed my town pretty regularly and meeting up with him to engage in some type of sexual activity and get a feel for me now this was really a red flag why did i have to meet up with some guy to get to her what exactly did he plan on doing with me or to me something just sounded really odd with this i told her i wasn't into that and i'm definitely not comfortable with it she then told me it was okay and she asked if i would meet him at a local walmart and that he would bring a pair of her panties to me i said that i would with no actual intention of doing this so this was just getting so weird and i was really starting to lose interest at this point it was now august and the day afterwards i was to meet this dude at the walmart i told her i wasn't into this we had chatted for a bit and we agreed to just be chatting buddies on messenger however i just ended up blocking her shortly after and i never heard from her again after that i'm really glad that i never gave her my phone number or my address i also hate to think of what would have happened if i would have met up with a friend at walmart what i found so strange was that when i tried doing a search using her name nothing came up so i really don't even know who i was chatting with fortunately a few months later i did meet someone else over at yahoo personals and we actually ended up getting married so some good things really can come out of online dating sites but a little word of caution to all when in doubt always go with your gut this is hands down one of the creepiest experiences of my life and probably the most in danger i ever was even though i didn't realize it at the time i'm a 19 year old female i live outside of a medium-sized virginian city even though we're only about 40 minutes away from a decently sized city our area is still very rural and unpopulated i had been in community college during the time working toward a nursing degree like most young women who hadn't found a good boyfriend her husband yet i turned to internet dating apps i was a bit hesitant about doing so but i really wasn't in the partying scene and there weren't any guys that already knew who i was interested in so tinder just seemed like the logical option at first i didn't have very much luck it was pretty bad the first month i was on there i got nothing but invitations to one night stands and creepy guys asking to do all kinds of horrible things there were a few guys that tried to act smooth but it was very obvious that they were only interested in getting me in their bed the only positive thing to come out of it all up at that point was that i had made fifty dollars selling pictures of my feet joke all you want but fifty dollars is fifty dollars at a certain point i realized that i either needed to lower my expectations or find another place to find dates i decided to give one of the less perverted guys on there a try he didn't well me very much but he seemed like he was a nice guy he told me that he had a job came from a nice family and finished college we met at a coffee shop in my town and hit it off from the beginning we were very compatible from the start he was compassionate driven and very smart those were all qualities i was looking for in a guy and he looked a lot better in person than he did on his profile picture as surprising as that is to say we eventually drove around in his car for a few hours just so he could talk what did we talk about you might be wondering conspiracy theories it was like the moment we left the public he turned into a conspiracy theorist nutjob when he first started talking about the government listening to our conversations i'd joke with him and said something like okay alex jones he didn't take kindly to this lighthearted joke and there was a little bit of tension for a few minutes eventually though he went right back to blabbering about the government and aliens i'm not going to lie to you i was halfway interested in some of the things that he was saying because they seemed at least a little true but some of his conclusions just didn't line up didn't make logical sense it was like he could get you from point a to point b but when he went straight from point b to point x for no reason we eventually got off topic and things went back to normal for a short while we started talking about our past relationships and some more intimate details like that we really bonded there and i felt a weird connection with him as strange as he may have been i felt like i could be there for him we had gone on about two or three dates before i started asking around about him i wasn't big into the whole gossip scene but i always want to know everything i can about someone that i'm dating most people i asked around town that i knew said that they had never heard or met him before this was a little strange considering he lived in this town and seemed like he would have met at least a few of these people the only people that i had found who had heard of him had some really strange stories to tell one of them went like this i guess he had rented an apartment that was on top of a beauty solana town at least according to this person he got really violent one day and started stomping around upstairs and yelling it wasn't like he was angry but it seemed more like he was trying to talk himself into doing something and what was he saying he was chanting kill them kill them the whole thing seemed a little ridiculous i wasn't sure i believed it and i just convinced myself that this couldn't have been the same guy sure he was a little weird especially with the conspiracy theory thing but he seemed like an otherwise normal human being i kept this in mind during the next two or three dates we went on i tried picturing him being the kind of person that would do something like that flying off the handle for some kind of reason and i just didn't see it couldn't imagine it at the time and oh how wrong i was one friday night after i finished all my homework for the weekend he texted me he told me that he wanted me to come over i honestly wasn't in the mood i was really tired from class and just wanted to be alone for the night i put my phone down and walked into the bathroom so i could shower when i got out i had 53 missed calls i got worried that my mom died or something i looked at all the notifications and they all came from this guy i checked my text messages and he had repeatedly sent me the same sentence over and over it said i need your help right now and it was in all caps unsure of exactly what to do i gave him a call he answered the phone and seemed extremely panicked and worried i finally got to ask him what was going on and he told me that he was worried that someone had broken into his house but he couldn't find them i guess he was home alone and this had been going on for about 30 minutes by this point i told him that if he couldn't find someone else in his house then there probably wasn't anyone else there it just seemed obvious to me but he didn't buy it he was thoroughly convinced that someone was in there he told me that he heard a door smash open on the other side of the house and when he rushed over there it was wide open and he thought that whoever had smashed it open was still there hiding waiting for him to relax so they could jump out and attack i started asking myself whether or not he was in a healthy state of mind i wasn't sure if i believed that his door had been smashed in maybe he really is crazy i began thinking to myself quietly he kept begging and pleading with me that i needed to come out there and help him i didn't have a gun and i was just some girl what was i gonna do i decided that i didn't want anything to do with this guy anymore i blocked him on everything and just kind of hoped the problem would go away i tried getting my mind onto happier things i figured that i was just gonna watch my favorite movie the lion king and just eat some ice cream before i left to get some ice cream my mom asked me if i could stop and get her some cigarettes i agreed i was happy about it because i knew that i would have to drive by his house tonight i didn't think that he was crazy enough to do anything about it or even notice but it still made me a little uneasy to think about being closer to him like that there was a lot of traffic about a few minutes ahead of his house and when i finally passed it i saw police cars everywhere my heart dropped i started feeling guilty i instantly thought that somebody really had broken into his house and tried attacking him i pulled over on the side of the road and started making my way to his house i asked one of the policemen who was on the scene what was going on he told me that the guy who lived in this house had taken his mother hostage and was holding her at gunpoint i was shocked he wasn't being attacked he was the attacker i ran back to my car slammed the door and drove away as quickly as i could that really freaked me out that night and ever since i've wondered what would have happened to me if i had gone to his house when he'd asked me to thankfully no one was seriously injured and the police got him into custody after three days he's in federal prison now it was hands down the scariest experience of my life but as bad as it may have been i still have a tinder profile i'd like to preface this story by telling you that i was always a very good kid growing up my name is mike i was always nice to people and always followed all the rules i never drank alcohol smoked cigarettes did any other drugs never partied never even had a girlfriend or did anything inappropriate with girls so when i tell you the story i want you to remember that this was during a phase of my life when i was really questioning reality and going through a serious identity crisis with all that being said let's get into it so i considered myself bi i like girls and i also find boys attractive i don't seem gay or feminine or anything else and if i didn't tell you you probably would never guess and it's not all guys there are just a few that i find myself attracted to and after reading it about it online a couple of years back i realized that it wasn't a big deal that sometimes you're just attracted to the same sex a little bit i never had the opportunity to be with a guy i only ever thought about it i was fairly shy and had a hard time making friends and relationships so i did what any sane person does i created a few internet dating profiles at first i was only looking for women i was definitely interested in dating a guy but i didn't really want to that bad i knew that there was going to be a certain stigma attached to our relationship it wasn't like we lived in san francisco or anything and kind of had that social freedom so i knew i was going to be doing myself a favor by simply dating a girl after a few weeks of trying to find a decent woman i found myself a little frustrated the women that i met were horrible i started simply matching with any woman i could and all i got were uggos single moms and thoughts i remember getting an attitude about it the women online just seem like lower quality people as rude as that sounds and any of the decent seeming ones never messes me back and i feel the need to point out that i'm not ugly or anything i'm fairly attractive i'm not brad pitt but i thought it was handsome enough to at least get someone of equivalent looks i guess i was wrong i remember getting really excited at one point when a girl agreed to go out on a date with me she seemed like a real catch and was incredibly attractive no kids great but then when the night of the day came she told me that she was having car trouble when her mechanic needed 500 she wanted me to loan it to her and she promised to pay it back i blocked her and gave up on women for a little while that's when i decided to make a grinder profile i mean i didn't have anything to lose and i'm sure there were plenty of decent guys in the area that could at least keep me company until i can find someone that would be a subtle long-term partner the night i installed grindr i had a guy wanting to meet up he was definitely my type tall muscular and not afraid to take his shirt off we skipped the whole dinner thing and got right into the action it was a really fun night and i enjoyed myself way more than i ever thought i would that was when i became semi-addicted to one-night stands with guys months went by and i was out doing this every single weekend sometimes even during the week and i remember meeting one guy in particular that changed it all his name was fred and for someone who might be the most malicious person i've ever met he had a very innocent and unfitting name he was one of the few guys that wanted to do weird stuff before getting into it he wanted a lot of role play which was quite unusual and unexpected he was extremely manipulative and i don't know why i went along with any of it for some reason i just couldn't say no to him he was sadistic domineering it made me feel horrible about myself i ended up giving him my number and we started having regular encounters he told me that he didn't want me seeing anyone else that i was only to see him i couldn't explain it to you if i could i've thought a lot about this in retrospect the only thing that i can imagine is that he had been slipping drugs into my system somehow which may very well have been the case whatever reason for it he always got his way with me and then things started escalating the foreplay became even more extreme it started resembling the freaky stuff you see on the internet like the really freaky stuff that you wouldn't even dream of doing in your wildest fantasy i remember being choked one time and passing out i had something in my mouth to prevent me from saying anything or stopping him in any way i couldn't resist after that i tried telling him that i wasn't into this kind of stuff but he refused to listen he told me that he didn't care what i wanted as horrible as that may have seemed i still didn't really do anything about it i just let it happen things climaxed when he tried forcing me to kill a dog he'd already psychologically manipulated me in so many ways that i almost did it it was like he had read a psychology book on how to program someone into obedience because i'm not gonna lie i came really close to doing it i remember punching him in the face and literally running away i blocked his number and did everything i could to avoid him after that he's tried to contact me a few times showed up at my workplace a couple of times but i've decided to stick to a firm now i told him that i wasn't bi anymore and i didn't like men especially him looking back the whole experience makes me really sad it was really traumatic and i didn't even realize it until after it happened but he was using the role play as a way to psychologically condition me and there's a part of me that's really scared that he's going to do it to someone else i tried calling the police and reporting him before but i never had any evidence i got a restraining order on him last month and i'm hoping that's the last i ever hear from him i know all of that went from zero to 100 quick but it's been a while but i think after this i'm gonna stick with only dating girls if i even date at all when i was around 13 or 14 i was really into anime one of the sites that i had used had a chat box to talk to others while watching the same anime and the chat happened to be sponsored by this dating website i joined the website and hoping to meet some new friends because i had just moved and i didn't have any yet as it was right in the middle of summer so school was out at the time i met some really great people and i'm still friends with one of them today at age 20 and i'm actually about to attend his wedding and then there was timothy timothy claimed to be 16. he loved art anime fan fiction and he was largely into cosplay and the same music i liked as well we flirted non-stop and after about five months we decided to try a relationship around late november early december timothy would always ask for photos of me nothing inappropriate and just pictures of my face basically whenever i asked for them in return though he would say that his cam was broken pretty big red flag but i gave him the benefit of the doubt i learned a bit more about him including his addiction to adult sides and self-pleasure which i didn't really have an issue with and then he began asking for really inappropriate photos of me as well as initiating over inappropriate and really detailed role plays i didn't send him the photos or respond to the role plays and i just expressed my discomfort about it for a little bit he blocked me and about a week before christmas then he began messaging me yet again this is around the first time that i saw the man taking pictures of my house and i had told my mom about it but of course she brushed it off i saw him again on christmas and once again i let my mom know about it but he was in a different car this time he took a few more pictures and my mom actually called the police this time before they arrived she had came in my room and she had saw me talking to timothy she quickly took away my laptop and she then grounded me then telling me how dangerous it was when the officer arrived she told them what i saw and that i was talking to timothy online the officer took my statement and description and said that they would be watching the area he came back for the third and final time a few days after that and i got a really good look at him this time my dad had woke me up the day after and he had me look through this website full of all these men's faces i had got to about the fifth page and that's when i then saw him my dad told the police and he told me that he was on the registered offenders list after a couple of hours there was another officer that showed up he told us that the man didn't have access to the cars i described and that they wouldn't be investigating him any further i swore up and down that it was him but the officer just told me that they couldn't do anything more without a warrant or probable cause on the next day our dog was found dead on the porch with a plastic bag around his face and his neck totally broken my parents still to this day just think it was a freak accident that he got into the grocery bag to lick all the meat juices off of it then fell and died i'm not too sure though we buried our dog and after about a week later the same original officer had knocked on our door to then tell us that the man fled he apparently had illegal substances and the police were after him they went through his house that we later found out was only just about a block down for mine and they found the pictures of our house some of them which were taken inside and one of them had actually been of me asleep in my bed when we caressed my face in another one he had partly put his private parts in my mouth the nylite in my room illuminated everything around me my hello kitty pj is easily visible as well as the stuffed pig right next to me they went through his computer after obtaining another warrant and found the chat logs he was 57 years old and his name wasn't timothy i'm not going to disclose his name for the sake of my own privacy he has yet to be found and he's suspected to have left the country i live in constant fear now and i have ptsd from this what they tell you about strangers on the internet is absolutely true please don't trust everyone you meet and don't ever disclose personal information if you haven't seen them on camera before really just don't do it nowadays it's just so easy to connect with someone all you have to do is pick up your phone download an app and boom now you can see all the eligible bachelors within a close radius without ever even getting out of bed but just about a year ago something happened to me that changed my mind about online dating forever i was 21 years old at the time and getting a bit tired of the mundane life i was scrolling through a really popular dating app and that's when i saw it tall blind blue eyed pretty smile absolutely perfect we instantly matched and we agreed on dinner as well as cuddles at his place yes i know never go to a stranger's house on the first date but i was trying to score a home run if you know what i mean i take a shower throwing my favorite pair of shoes big t-shirt and shorts rubbed on my favorite perfume and i was out the door when i had pulled up to his three-story town house i thought his living arrangement seems to match up with his line of work so of course i didn't have any doubt that he was who he said he was i go up to his door and then knock about 15 seconds later the most handsome man i'd ever laid my eyes on had opened the door pretty much instantly we connected we dated for about four weeks when one day he looks over at me and he then says so can i tell you something well of course babe what is it i quickly answer eager to hear what he had to say he looks me dead in the eyes with a straight face and he then says when i saw you on that app i actually planned on killing you but then i just changed my mind he had said this while i caressed my hand with his chills went down my spine as i then knew that he wasn't joking completely paralyzed in fear i just stared at him i wasn't able to speak and i couldn't even move he moves in a little closer and then says ah babe and that's when i snapped out of it i grabbed my purse ran out of his house blocked and deleted his number and quite frankly deleted the entire app so did that really hot psycho guy from the dating app i hope i don't ever see you for the rest of my life so i work as an anesthesiologist and we're routinely part of this cardiac arrest and co-team of the hospital when a cardiac arrest call comes over our pages we have to get their asap the hospital i work at is a new building but it's attached to the old and now mostly empty hospital by a link bridge the old hospital was about 150 years old and it was built on the side of a really old roman fort it really only has a few wards open on it i've come across some really strange occurrences as a doctor working nights in a hospital but this shook me to the core and it's actually made me question just about everything anyways i was working the night shift and i received a cardiac arrest call at about 4am to one of the wards at the old hospital so i start to run towards the old hospital and enter the link bridge that then connects the two this bridge is a bit like those walkways whenever you get off an airplane long tiny and feels a bit flimsy and it's about 50 meters off the ground it's about 500 meters long and absolutely pitch black at night there are motion activated sensors that turn on the lights as you make your way through the bridge as i was running through the bridge the lights were coming on right in front of me as i ran in segments of about 20 meters at a time about halfway through the bridge i nearly crapped myself as i nearly ran into someone who looked like a patient heading the opposite way to me towards the new hospital the guy just appeared out of the dark as one of the light sensors i triggered then illuminated a section of the bridge he was a very distinctive looking man he looked a bit like albert einstein wild white hair a big bushy mustache and wearing a gold medallion style necklace that poked out from his hairy chest and hospital pajamas he also had a really large distinctive hairy mole right on his left cheek excuse me sir can you help me he called out to me as i ran past him i slowed down momentarily to do a quick walk and then said yes but i have to be quick as i'm on my way to an emergency yeah i was just wondering if you could tell me where the morgue is he called out as i wasn't 100 sure on where the mortuary was in the new hospital i then said you'll have to ask somebody at the reception desk at the other side of the bridge they should be able to direct you sorry but i've gotta go i just carried on running without looking back for about a second i had briefly crossed my mind as to why the hell a patient was looking for the mortuary at four am i didn't give it too much further thought and made my way to the ward where the cardiac arrest call came from as i made my way under the ward the war nurses were directing me to the patient's bed space where the emergency was coming from the nurses had already started performing cpr when i got there to my absolute horror and disbelief the patient in cardiac arrest was the same man i crossed past with that was going the other way on the link bridge same wild hair same bushy mustache and same mole on his left cheek as well as the same hospital pajamas and the same gold medallion poking out from them and i'm not talking a look-alike it was the same exact guy we tried doing cpr for 25 minutes but we couldn't get him back i crossed paths with this man's spirit on the link bridge and he was looking for the mortuary to this day it still gives me the heebie-jeebies whenever i have to cross it and especially at night i've had a few other mild paranormal encounters in the old hospital which i'll save for another time but none of them were as visceral as that one none that will forever be burned into my memory just like that one [Music] i'm 27 years old and these memories from my childhood still really haunt me today i grew up in an old house that was right outside of bowling green ohio the original foundation of the house dates all the way back to the mid-1800s so there's a lot of history that's imprinted in the walls i have always been into the paranormal my whole life i've always seen ghosts within my house as far back as i can remember but there's one specifically that always sticks with me to this day and it always makes my blood run cold whenever i think about her my parents and two older sisters told me that i started to see this lady when i was around three years old that i would be running and crying to them about the old lady in the closet my mom and dad would always walk me back to my room and would walk inside the closet just to show me that nothing was there but the second they'd leave my room i would always turn my head and she'd be walking right back out towards me she was a tall skinny woman with really short white curly hair she wore glasses and she had a really long red and white checkered dress her fingers were all bent and disfigured as you can imagine it was absolutely traumatizing for me to see her as a child for years i saw her and i would always run away crying my eyes out and when she wouldn't come out of the closet i could always fill her presents i don't know why i'd look but i'd always walk over to the closet and see her in there always just standing and staring at me all of this happened when i was in my old bedroom that was downstairs in the house my dad had started building a whole other section to our house in that section was a brand new bedroom upstairs for me when it was finished i got to move out of that bedroom and i couldn't be more excited about it not only because this new room was huge but i wouldn't have that creepy closet anymore i finally slept peaceful without any disturbances that is until about two weeks later back when i was 12 and still sleeping with a nightlight i really hated the dark back then well for one last and final time i saw her on one night weeks later i had looked up and there she was right in my closet standing in its doorway just staring at me i just threw myself under the covers absolutely shaking to my core i peeked from under my blankets and i could see her red and white checkered dress standing right next to me i quickly covered my face again and i didn't uncover it after what felt like hours i eventually drifted off to sleep and i never saw her again after that night how i feel now is it was almost like she was telling me by or something i always look back and feel like maybe she just wanted to talk to me but being the young child i was i just didn't understand and i was just too afraid to find out if i happened to see her again in this day and age i don't really know what i would do would i run and scream just like i did as a child or now that i'm older and that i found a love and fascination for the spirit world when i finally try and see what she may have wanted to tell me all those years ago to be honest i'm just not really sure i'm not gonna lie even to this day i still get really creeped out by the closets i don't know for sure but i think that i'll always feel this way i was around 11 years old when i started to notice really weird things that had started to happen my grandparents had never told me but the land that we lived on was apparently an indian burial ground then i told my friend anthony about it and sure enough he believed me soon after i told anthony weird things started to happen now i'm from north carolina so i know all about the lost colony i began to think that was it so during the next time that my dad came to my grandparents house he said that when he was coming out of my driveway a long time ago he could have sworn that he saw an indian that was actually running around with a bow and arrow soon after my dad told me that story i had started to see what seemed like an indian run around in my backyard i had no clue what it was so i just ignored it but things only began to escalate from there the indian would throw sticks at me every time i drove past it on my golf cart so i pretty much had to stop riding the golf cart then i would hear these crazy indian calls so i just stayed indoors after that from that day on i made a pledge to myself that i would never go to the woods and i would always ignore the calls coming from the woods still to this day though i don't know if the indian that i saw was even real or just a ghost sometimes i still hear that same indian call in my grandparents backyard whenever i go to visit so yeah i guess that's my true ghost story or allegedly true only you decide the following is a recount of every incident that's led me to believe that my family and i are not alone in our house meaning that we have a ghost mind you and not a homeless person that's living in our walls for starters i'm regarded by most as superstitious and there's no doubt that i am but these are the things that most if not all of my family members have experienced while living in this house it's a 1950s rambler with little to no history behind it no one was killed here no one committed suicide that we know of and the house itself is relatively young the neighborhood is even regarded as a really safe one we do live down the street from a funeral home though and of course i always let my imagination run wild with it at times the first incident had actually happened when i was about eight years old my dad had just finished putting me and my sisters to bed and was still in the room putting away all the storybooks he read for us my mom was in their bedroom right down the hall watching tv now since the house was a starter house it was only supposed to support about three people it was really small and even now you can pretty much hear anyone from anywhere in the house the point that i'm making here is that we all knew my mom was in the master bedroom and that the rest of us were in our bedroom from the kitchen came a really loud bang as if something had popped open under pressure or maybe falling off the stove as he often does my dad said out loud to himself hey i thought mom was in the bedroom i told him she was he went to go check on her and sure enough he found her in the bedroom as he previously thought he then went to the kitchen to try and investigate the source of the noise that's when he found that one of my mom's biggest cookbooks had somehow made its way from the shelf and to the bottom rack of the dishwasher which was still hanging open as no one had finished loading it up yet now this can easily be chalked up to the pool of gravity and i encourage you to chalk it up to that because that's what i've been doing my whole life but somehow it just really rubbed me the wrong way when i was sitting up in bed wondering what the noise was the cookbook was one that my mom hadn't touched in a really long time and the shelf it rested on was right above the dishwasher but there was a countertop that it should have landed on right before it could even reach the open rack and if it had bounced off of there we would have heard two crashes but we only heard one i don't really know what happened and i suppose in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter that much but of course there's more the second event i recall was pretty similar and also in the kitchen my family was out to the theater to see a movie and i was washing some dishes to pass the time since theaters generally make me more anxious than excited i was about halfway through subbing up the plates and looking around behind me for things to grab off the stove and watch that's when i noticed that my mom had left the green soup ladle right on top of a crumb-filled cookie sheet it was stable there if not precariously balanced i only mentioned this because as i sat down the rag to go and retrieve it to wash it it started to roll towards me i wasn't quite sure what i was seeing at first but it reached the edge of the cookie sheet right before that happened i had said nope to myself really quietly and just walk out of the kitchen to go find something else to do i ended up returning to the kitchen with my cat to finish the dishes at which point i had then noticed the ladle resting on the edge of the cookie sheet which then gave me the jitters for the rest of the night the third event well it was already hectic enough my mom in extreme pain from what she thought was a kidney stone was taken to the emergency room by my dad he had called his father to come and watch over us till they got back but my grandparents had lived a solid 30 minutes away so it was going to be a while until we got there in the meantime i was to watch over my sisters who were both sobbing like babies while trying to get them to calm down and stay quiet i had heard something from the dining room that had then made me stop dead in my tracks my sisters were confused for a moment but they listened to me we heard bootsteps like a man's heavy construction boots bootsteps they seem to be coming from the dining room sometimes nearer and sometimes even further like whoever was wearing them was just walking in circles i didn't even get a chance to look i just closed the door to the room and then locked it telling my sisters that we had to be quiet and wait for our grandpa he soon did and my dad left the door open for him so he walked inside and looked around the house for us at which point the bootsteps then miraculously stopped he had found us in the living room and the rest of the night was pretty quiet the fourth event didn't happen to me but it first happened to my younger sister who was about 12 years old at the time she had a lot of nightmares since she would often wake up crying and trying to get comfort from me which ultimately backfired because i really hated to be woken up and i would usually just make her more upset by telling her to shut up and go back to sleep i know i know world's worst sister after a while she took the hint and she stopped waking me up when she was having nightmares which i was glad for at least until this night it was summertime maybe midnight or one in the morning and everyone in the house was asleep including me i was soon awoken by my sister who was shaking me roughly and whispering my name i asked her what her problem was and to just go back to sleep or listen to music or something if it was a nightmare but she shook her head and she told me she heard the basement door open and somebody climbing up the stairs i told her it was just mom or dad going to bed really late but she just started crying and shaking her head i asked her why not and she said that she hadn't even fallen asleep yet and that she knew for a fact that both of our parents were in their bedroom i told her i'd wait up with her for a little bit and see if anything came of it but that i wasn't going to go look in the kitchen on the off chance that there was actually someone in her house being a little more than scared we may have imagined the sounds of the cupboard swinging open and all the packages being tossed into the countertops but we were both absolutely positive and we would ask each other every few seconds did you hear that was that the cereal box or something like that right around two in the morning the sound ceased rather quickly and somehow we both managed to fall asleep during the next morning nothing was even out of place but we were able to confirm with our parents that they'd both gone to bed around 11 and that nobody had been up during those hours the last several events have been more recent and while i can't remember when each of them occurred exactly they were no less chilling both me and my sisters began to fear going into the basement alone but more specifically the basement office and laundry room the laundry room is a bit understandable because there's only one single bare white bulb in there and there's so many things stacked in storage that it would make a pretty good hiding place for someone wanting to jump out at you but the office is my dad's part of the house sort of like a man cave and there really is no reason for it to be ominous in any way except that it is if there's no one else down there with you and even if there is you'll always get an intense prickling feeling like someone's just watching you from the doorway the electric piano happens to be in that room and oftentimes whenever i would go down there to practice i always had to have the door wide open i guess because closing it felt like i was somehow trapping myself in with something even back then i would only be able to get through about five songs right before the back of my neck seriously started to burn with the intense feeling of being watched i'd apologize to thin air and leave the room immediately feeling settled the second hour turned upstairs while in the office my siblings have had similar feelings my first youngest sister really loves to use the computer to draw but can only do so with my dad in the room with her because she always feels like someone's behind her whenever she's sitting at her desk my second youngest sister refuses to go into the basement like at all without anyone down there even if all the lights are on and the cat's down there as well because it's just too scary for her and i agree it feels like there's a pair of eyes on you while you're doing anything down there and it's just really scary there have also been a multitude of incidents where i've just gotten out of the shower only to find handprints right on the fogged up mirror one of my friends had told me this was natural and then when someone touches the mirror it gets foggy around the oils left by the palm of the hand or something like that but what's really odd to me is how the handprints always go up they're really small almost the same size of my youngest sister's hands but they're so close to the ceiling that even i would need a step stool to reach that high also on three different occasions i've also gotten dressed in brushing my teeth before bed when suddenly i get a feeling like the one in the basement office the leave now where else feeling since brushing my teeth is like the last thing i do before going to bed i decided to just blow it off the first few times and on one of those two occasions i had felt a tug on the back of my shirt this wasn't a shirt settling on your back feeling or like i just brushed up against something and maybe mistaken it for that feeling it literally felt like someone was grabbing the back of my shirt right between my shoulder blades and then pulling it really hard needless to say i got the hell out of there really quickly a similar thing happened to me while i was walking past the living room on my way to bed although i'll never know why i got a really prickly feeling like i was being watched or something which i'm used to anyway since it happens all the time around here but this time i felt somebody shoved me the force was hard enough to make me stumble and actually have to rebalance myself and i looked behind me thinking that one of my sisters snuck up on me but there was no one there i practically ran to my bed and didn't mention it at all the next day thinking i'd made it up because i was just so tired or something like that the last event is the most chilling to me and yet like all the others could definitely be explained away by shared stress or psychological duress or something but i really do think that this was something's attempt at getting our attention i had fallen asleep one night to a really bad dream which was really odd because i don't usually have nightmares a lot of the time i don't even dream at all but this one was especially bad because it was all based on a feeling not sight the back of my eyelids was a velvet red color and then there were these voices that were chanting all these nasty things at me sort of like how people described their inner demons but these things were unfamiliar to me i woke up with a start facing a direction that i hadn't fallen asleep facing staring right into the black void of my closet the very next second i then heard a really small voice right in my left ear that it started to giggle and then said hi i shot up at a bed and put a hand in my ear and began seriously freaking out but i tried coming down so that i wouldn't wake up my family i then got up to close the closet door and went back to bed lying awake and just praying that i wouldn't hear anything else i was wondering if i was going insane or having auditory hallucinations or something of the like on the next day i told my sister about it at breakfast then complaining that i hadn't gotten much sleep she looked at me kind of funny then i asked her what her deal was and she said that she had a similar dream if not the same exact one only that she hadn't heard a voice and she hadn't woken up until much later probably about an hour after i calmed myself down enough to fall asleep it's these events that have caused me to believe that my family isn't alone in our house but then again maybe i've just gotten unnaturally superstitious all the same i really think something is with us dear god i just really can't wait to move out back when we moved into our house we were introduced to all of our neighbors by them coming to our house with cookies or brownies kinda like they do in the movies this was a nice quiet middle class neighborhood made up of mostly older white people and new families i mentioned that because we were the only black family in the neighborhood no black wives husbands not even adopted children we didn't really find it strange though it was just very clear that we were different i was about 13 years old at the time and my brother was 15. our backyard was about a half an acre and is fenced but it's also connected to two other houses backyards each one is about half the size of ours but we all have separating fences so to paint a picture there's a t-shaped fence separating our backyards the house to the left was the home of an older man named tom he kind of reminded me of willie nelson but without the cool pigtails he liked to be outside shirtless and usually with a denim vest no matter what the weather was he was a pretty well-built man but visibly kind of frail we actually found him to be quite funny and a creepy old guy type away as i got older he had started to make comments i played in the backyard with my dogs a lot and tom could see me in his living room window that faced his backyard whenever i glanced over i could always see him in the window just standing there watching me when he noticed that i saw him he'd come out and talk to me i would try to get away before it would come out but sometimes i was just too slow i didn't want to make it too obvious so i would just walk but if i didn't make it inside and he'd yell for me to come back i never got too close to the fence though i'd speak from a distance he would ask me about school what grade i was in tell me i was pretty and ask if i was old enough to have a boyfriend also if i had an older sister or older friends that looked like me it was pretty weird but and i just laugh it off but after a few questions he'd stop talking to me and just stare at me silently i would always give an excuse about needing to go inside and he would nod and stand at the fence and just watch me walk back into the house this kind of thing happened almost weekly my mom really loves to decorate so she changes the house to cora every few months or so it's pretty annoying actually during one of her designing sprees she had decided to get a new sliding glass door for the bag porch which required her to take the curtains down in the living room it took forever to get them installed but she figured that there was no point in putting the curtains back up if we'd have to take them back down again fine i guess now our family tv was in the living room i didn't have a tv in my room so i'd often watch tv late into the night in the living room with my brother one night my brother went to bed pretty early so i decided to watch tv by myself that night right around midnight or so i had turned off the tv so i could go to bed i got up from the couch turned off the light and then turned around to see another light on not in my house but in tom's house it was in his living room and he was there just standing in the window watching me i later told my parents about it but they just shrugged it off i'm a pretty anxious soul so i often just chalk things up to my anxiety fine not too long afterwards though my dogs had started to get sick i would take them out to play and they'd start throwing up or have diarrhea we knew that it wasn't their food because we didn't give them anything new we also threw away the dog treats that we recently bought just in case that was the problem but it didn't stop i had started to notice that every time i let them out alone they'd always run straight over to tom's fence jumping up and down and wagging their tails he would slowly walk outside reach over the fence and then feed them his treats which was really odd because tom didn't even have a dog i told my parents and my dad went to talk to him telling him the dogs were getting sick tom had apologized and he had also stopped feeding them and they got better a few weeks later i was coming home from school my brother was in the grade above me and i was a senior so he was in college at the time whenever i got home no one else would be home for a few more hours i had a routine i would put my book bag downstairs then change clothes let the dogs out of their cages on the porch get a snack and then let them back in for some strange reason i was just unusually excited to see my dogs that day so instead of going upstairs i went straight to the back porch i had got to the door to open it and i then saw tom just sitting on the ground right in front of the dog's cages i froze he didn't see me though i looked over to see if the door was locked but it wasn't i had began to walk it as slowly as possible so it didn't make a noise but it did tom then looked over and he saw me standing there i ran upstairs to go call my parents my mom's a nurse so she didn't have her phone on and my dad well my dad just never answered the phone i didn't really think that it was serious enough to call the police so instead i just hid after about a moment though i had then heard tom knock on the door it wasn't loud or aggressive though it was almost like friendly like he just wanted to talk i tried my dad's phone yet again and he then answered i was crying hysterically and i had then told him that tom was on the porch he said he'd head home but he was about an hour away i just sat in my room just waiting for my dad the knocking stopped all i remember was that my dad got home and tom was gone i don't really know what happened between tom and my dad but he did stop coming outside and talking to me he never did stop watching though always standing in his living room sometimes i'd see him through the window and he would wave at me but always with the light on just so i knew that he was still there it was pretty creepy i'm a 21 year old female so i just recently moved into my first apartment my neighbors are all really nice i was actually introduced to them the day i moved in about three weeks ago one of my neighbors is this guy named paul paul stays outside most of the time and he like always wants to talk now i'm not too social i'm totally fine with talking to people and having long conversations but when i'm at home i really just want to be inside with my pets and watching x-files paul always talks to me like every second that he has the chance knocking on my door to ask me something or inviting me over to chat like last week soon after i moved in paul would gave me his wifi password so that i could use it for my tv he asked me for my phone number to send the photo of his internet box because the password's just a bunch of numbers and letters all jumbled up i gave him my number and it was whatever we never sent any texts apart from that photo then today i had got a series of texts saying that i have a secret admirer and that he wants to stay anonymous until we see where things go at first i just ignore it that is until he then uses my name and then says talk to me yes or no so now i'm totally freaked out i entertain the text answering simply and just trying to find out who it is he asked me for my preferences my type and my age preference pretty mildly weird and unsettling since he absolutely refuses to tell me who he is later on in the text he says that we should have a secret affair not tell anyone he says that he's in his 40s and that we should sleep together and that he'll always support me financially there's only one person in their 40s that has my number my neighbor my neighbor paul who's always outside talking to me any chance he gets and constantly staring at me i tell him that i'm pretty positive that i know who he is but he just insists that i don't there's no coincidence in the fact that i got his text not even two weeks later after giving him my number he says that he could have gotten it from a co-worker now i work in a hospital but in my department there's only five guys but not a single one of my co-workers even have my number so anyway yeah now i have a creepy neighbor who propositioned me for sex in return for money and i'm pretty much stuck here in a year lease living about 10 feet away from him so [Music] great this event occurred when i was a child i was around eight years old at the time my mom my sister and i had just moved into a new apartment complex and we were really happy to finally have moved in and everything was going pretty fine my younger sister and i would always play outside almost every day and soon enough we had met our neighbor he was really nice to us and would often give us candy and ice cream but always told us not to ever tell our mom which at the time i didn't really give much thought to we would sit outside and eat whatever treat he had given us that day and then he would collect our trash which we thought was really nice of him he would always stare at us with a really creepy smile on his face and i remember feeling really uncomfortable with it on one day my family was getting ready to go somewhere and while my mom was getting ready my sister and i just went outside to play after some time we had heard a whisper coming from upstairs it was our neighbor and he was poking his head out of his front door he then said hey girls i've got some candy but if you really want it you're gonna have to come up here to get it my sister and i being really naive children got really excited and we started to walk up the stairs to his apartment while we ascended up the stairs he had a really wild smile and a finger up to his mouth like he was motioning us to be quiet we were about halfway up the stairs when my mom then came out and told us to come back down then the man immediately closed his door after that happened my mom wouldn't let us go outside alone anymore and our neighbor stopped talking to us completely looking back on this i was so foolish to take things from a man that i barely even knew if my mom wouldn't have called out to us who knows what would have happened to me and my sister not too long after we had moved to a different location to that really creepy man that almost successfully lured us into his home i'm really glad you didn't succeed when i was 11 almost 12 there was this woman living above me that was a coke dealer the night of my 12th birthday she had went missing not long after her boyfriend came down to ask if he could use our phone this happened in 2004 so having a cell phone was more of an exception than a rule at least for my area for a little context i was home alone at the time while my mom was at work about a five minute walk away my mom had let our neighbor and her boyfriend come to you as our phone several other times before so i assumed nothing was wrong with it and just let him in bringing him into the living room which is towards the front of our apartment to use the phone in there he picks up the receiver dials a number waits for a few seconds then hangs up the phone he does this a couple more times before the front door of the building then opens now you can easily hear the front door open from where we were it's a heavy door and the walls are really thin and the way that our building is set up it's a really small old single family house converted into apartments me and my mom's apartment was the only one on the first floor and our upstairs neighbors apartment was literally the only one above us kind of irrelevant but there was also a much smaller apartment below us anyways my neighbor's boyfriend then looked at me pointing his finger right up to his lips as if he was trying to shush me or something he then went on to tell me not to tell anyone he was there before then speed walking to my room right at the other end of the apartment i then watched my bedroom door then close right before there was a loud hard cop-like knock right on the door my jaw then dropped as i opened the door to see a cop the cop had then asked me if my neighbor's boyfriend was there being really scared i had stammered out yeah he just went into my room the officer asked if he could come in which i agreed to and as he was coming in he asked if i could let his partner in the back door and lead them to my room we started to walk together to the back of the apartment so that i could let his partner in now the back door to the apartment was right next to my bedroom door but we had to walk around the kitchen table to get there after i let them into my room i had been watched as they then pulled my neighbor's boyfriend right out of my bedroom closet as they brought him out of my room and towards the back door they had told me to go wade in the living room while they had then brought him to the back door i walked back to the living room and after they closed the door i couldn't really hear what they were saying but i could then hear the distinct sound of metal clicking and i quickly realized that he had just been handcuffed still pretty scared i waited for the police car to drive away before grabbing my keys making sure the back door was locked and locking the front door on my way out i decided to head to my mom's work now crying i'm pretty sure i cut the five-minute trip into about two minutes and i've never been a fast runner in my life i was pretty much fueled entirely on adrenaline and fear at that point and i just really wanted my mom when i told her what happened my mom was so pissed off that he had used me in the way that he did hiding out in a child's bedroom closet of all places and trying to keep the cops from finding him there she gave me a pretty short but gentle lecture that night about not letting people in to use the phone telling me that i wasn't to let people use our phone even if i knew them unless she was home i don't really want to know exactly what he was wanted for nor do i want to know what would have happened if the cops hadn't shown up when they did to start off this story i was a really naive teenager and the first 12 or 13 years of my life were very sheltered i grew up in a small town community and i actually attended schools that had fewer than 100 students we moved when i was about 14 to a larger urban area and at that new house was where i had then met the neighbor in question i didn't really realize it until recently when i really thought about that period of my life that he was trying to groom me i really could have been a potential victim of his it's been about 12 years since then and i've now just realized what he was trying to do when i was about 14 we had moved packed up our lives and just moved we moved into a pretty quiet cul-de-sac and i had attended the local school my mom found a new job and she worked a lot so she was out of the house quite a bit i had an older brother but he was about 20 years old and always partying out and staying at other people's houses so i saw him even less than i did my mom i met the creepy neighbor the day after we moved in he lived about three houses down from sn because it was a sleepy cul-de-sac he had seen the comings and goings of the cars and moving trucks he came over and introduced himself and then presented my mom with a dish of lasagna and asked if there was anything he could do to help us normally my mom is actually quite wary of new people and she's really been burned by users and abusers in the past but she seemed pretty comfortable around the neighbor and he did very much put her at ease even making her smile and laugh he helped us with some of the larger items of furniture and even gave my mom the contact information for the local plumbers and electricians should we need them he had also told us which were the best companies in town for the internet things like that in short he was very friendly and helpful always going out of his way to make sure we were settled in at first he kept to himself we didn't really see him in the first three months if i ever walked past and he was in his garden then of course i would stop by and say hello he would ask me a lot of questions he asked about school my friends which teachers i liked which i didn't like and he also asked me which subjects i liked and if i had homework again i didn't really read too much into this he was just being polite and neighborly he had figured out my mom's work pattern and that i was home alone a lot after school then he became even bolder one day i was walking home and it was after four and i had volleyball practice he was out in his garden it was a really hot day that day and he said hello to me and asked me about school he asked if i had enjoyed practice that day then he invited me inside for a glass of lemonade i told him that i needed to get home and go and get dinner started so that my mom had something to eat when she finished in a few hours he told me that it was just a glass of lemonade and i really didn't have anything to worry about long story short most weeks after practice i'd always have something to drink with him he was really easy to talk to and really friendly he wasn't like any of the other grown-ups in my life looking back on it now it seemed that it was really easy to relate to him in a way he wasn't trying too hard to be cool but he really seemed to trust my intelligence in a way that no other adult would he wasn't condescending and he wasn't a rule enforcer like all of the other teachers or adults in my life he also started dropping by the house a bit too on the odd chance that my mom had gotten off work early or if it was her day off then he wouldn't and if my brother was home then again not a peep out of him but if it was the evening and i was home alone then on most days he would definitely come by he was quite a good gardener so he'd ask what had been left for me to start dinner with and he'd always give me tips or sometimes he'd go to his garden and pick me some herbs to go into the meal he would also pick me flowers from his garden every time i thanked him he would always say something along the lines of that's what friends are for or you deserve flowers you worked so hard in school one time he even said to me pretty flowers for a pretty girl that one washed right over me i thanked him and put the flowers in a vase not really thinking too much into it at all somehow he had then found out it was my birthday and so about two days after when i was once more home alone he had came by and gave me a silver bracelet when i told him i couldn't accept it he then shushed me and then said nonsense don't think anything of it then he told me that it could be our fun little secret and that i could only wear it when no one else was around it could be our fun little thing and i could always think of him when i'm wearing it again despite the fact there were all these red flags i just didn't really think too much into it he was the neighbor and he was being a friend and keeping an eye on me because he knew i was home alone a lot he very much wanted me to believe that i could trust him and view him as this protector who i could always go to if i ever needed something i got a few more gifts from him over time and again i was always told that it was our little secret and that no one else ever needed to know and that they wouldn't understand the dynamics of our friendship after all you wouldn't want to get the both of us in trouble he told me and he was right i didn't then out of nowhere one day he had hugged me i had quickly gone over to his house to help with some odd job and he hugged me i'm also almost certain that he also sniffed my hair but i can't really remember i remember feeling like it wasn't right by that point i think i was about 16 almost 17 and we had been friends for about two years now he tried to convince me to stay even longer and i really remember having to literally spell it out to him that i had to get home i ran the very short distance home and i must have looked out of sorts because my brother who was home for once had actually asked me what was wrong i didn't tell him about the neighbor i just made up some bullcrap story about the neighborhood kids and them being rude and bullying me so luckily the next few times i went out and he was always there to protect me he wouldn't let me out of the house without him i think that he sensed that i was really scared the neighbors seeing us always together and that my brother was actually home for a change had backed right off we had moved about two months later my mom got a better job and we could afford a nicer house in a nicer area so we then moved i shudder to think about what would have happened if i stayed on the day that he hugged me and it really makes me sick to think that i ever ate or drank anything he gave me it could have been spiked i just really can't believe that i was so easily fooled and was able to let someone do that to me i'm really glad we moved away this happened when i was 13. i lived in a duplex with my dad and brother it was a two-bedroom and i shared a room with my dad while my older brother had his own room it wasn't that uncommon for both of them to have plans at night while i stayed home to play video games and alone this night was no different my dad was probably at some bar and as for my brother who really knows where he was i was playing the original resident evil on playstation and at around midnight my eyelids were getting really heavy and i decided to go to bed i had slept with my bedroom door wide open now not one time in the years that we lived in this place did my dad or brother ever come home by entering through the back sliding glass door there were a couple of times when my brother didn't have his key for one reason or another and he knocked on my bedroom window to ask me to let him in my dad always had his key though and he would always come through the front door on this night in question i had heard the back door slide open it was an old door and sliding it open wasn't really that easy it was also very loud so i heard it crystal clearly i lay in bed absolutely wide-eyed my imagination going crazy i heard whoever it was walked through the dining room then through the kitchen and then into the living room they had made no attempt to be quiet after a brief silent pause i saw someone walk by my bedroom doorway this scared the living hell out of me as you can imagine and my heart throbbed whoever was in my house walked into the bathroom that was right next to my bedroom then flipped the light on the light poured into my bedroom and i was just laying there absolutely terrified completely exposed by the light from the bathroom you're probably wondering why i didn't shout for my brother or my dad well because like i mentioned earlier i knew it wasn't them and there was no one else that it could have been that would have made sense to me not a family member and definitely not a friend i just knew that it was someone that didn't belong the person then walked out of the bathroom left the light on then went into my brother's room and started making a ton of noise it sounded like they were searching for something all i did was lay there shivering after a few more minutes the person walked by my bedroom again i expected at any moment that a stranger would then walk into my room but they didn't i heard them making noise in the living room walking around huffing and puffing then they started walking back and forth right by my bedroom repeatedly into the bathroom and then back out over and over at the time i was 100 sure they were messing with me for some reason they knew i was there whoever they were i heard the person making noises by this and by the really huge figure that i saw walking back and forth i knew it was a man they continued walking around each room except for the one i was in and then suddenly i heard them walk back through the house to the back sliding door open it and then leave i lay there in bed terrified just wondering what the hell just happened after a while out of sheer exhaustion i fell asleep in the morning i found that my dad and brother were home i have asked the both of them dozens of times but they both promised me that it wasn't them plus again why the hell would they go through the back door then leave again through the back door this was about 21 years ago i'll never know who it was or why they were there nothing was missing either what really makes me wonder to this day is why the hell they never came into my bedroom i mean the door was wide open and they walked by at least 20 times it just doesn't make sense i was about 21 or 22 years old at the time and living by myself i had left my window open on a really pleasant night it was low enough to the ground that you could get in if you really tried but the screen wasn't easy to take off and i did live in a fairly safe neighborhood so i didn't even think twice about it i woke up in the middle of the night to the smell of smoke and i reached out to turn on my lamp and my hand then hit what was very obviously a person my brain fully woke up at that point and i realized there was a shirtless man right in my bedroom smoking a cigarette and staring at me i remember yelling for him to get out of my room and i must have spooked him just as badly as he spooked me because he left out of my window and took off after that i slammed it shut then moved a bookcase in front of it and when i went out the next morning in the daylight i found the screen sitting against the house i didn't sleep for the rest of the night and i haven't slept with the window more than having it cracked ever since i also absolutely refused to live on the ground floor of a building i don't know if he was planning to rob me or what but it was absolutely terrifying and it really makes me wonder how many times it happened and i didn't wake up it was scary this happened a few years ago my parents were both working out of the city my siblings weren't home because they had to go to school that day so i was left home alone i was playing some games on the main pc in the house that's right in the living room my parents never allowed me to have electronic devices in my room they trusted me to stay home alone with all the rules of not picking up the phone or opening the door when someone knocks or when someone rings the doorbell while i was playing games i had heard the sound of my front door then opening i was confused because my parents weren't to be home anytime soon i checked the door and it was wide open but there wasn't anyone there i yelled for my mom and dad but no answer i texted the both of them but they said they were still at work i got a bit creeped out but i thought they forgot to lock the door and maybe the wind opened it or something i just decided to go back to the computer that i was playing games on that is until i heard a noise coming from my room i got really frightened but my stupid young self just decided to check it out to see what the noise was i checked the bathroom first but i then heard a zipper opening and closing i didn't have a closet at the time since mine had recently had to go because there was mold behind it i looked into my room but everything seemed fine i got a little closer to my temporary closet and opened it a bit once i opened the closet my heart started pounding there was a man holding a knife in my closet i ran to my living room shut my bedroom door and took the house phone i ran outside with the keys to lock the person in the house i called the police and they were able to arrive shortly after they looked through the house and they found the person trying to look for me all over the house since there was no way that he could have gotten out he got arrested i still get nightmares about this traumatic moment what if i didn't hear them and i just went to sleep that night would i be dead who knows but the thought of that absolutely terrifies me to this day [Music] so i'm 16 years old now and living in a duplex with my family which consists of three younger brothers all under five my 18 year old sister and my mother and father about three years ago when we lived in our old apartment i was home alone for the entire day this was pretty normal as my father worked in the summer my mom would take the kids out to do things like swimming and other things like that i usually just slept in and i had a small list of chores that i had to do during the day before everyone came home one of those happened to be laundry the way that the apartment is set up is on each level there's about 20 places where people live and only one laundry room shared amongst us i lived a few doors down from it and i had to pass the door to the stairs in order to get to it which that door had a little window i was going to throw the clothes from the washer into the dryer when i then heard a clicking noise i wasn't really sure what it was but for a second i decided to listen before then stopped i was always really freaked out from that apartment and this definitely wasn't helping i finished throwing the laundry into the dryer and then started it then i started walking down the hall when i then heard that same clicking noise yet again i froze it sounded like it was coming from the stairwell so as scared as i was i looked out the window and to my surprise i didn't see anyone really relieved i booked it down the hall to my apartment i closed and locked the door going about the day again or so i tried when it's quiet in that apartment you can really hear everything conversations footsteps laughing everything especially from the hallway and that's where the most crap was heard i was in the kitchen feeding my animals when i heard slow heavy footsteps in the hall it sounded like they were coming down the hall right outside of the apartment i decided to run to the living room and mute the tv so that i could listen when i then heard three loud bangs at my door i was kind of crapping my pants at this point not really knowing what to do i kept the tv muted and slowly moved my way to the door looking out the peephole i was horrified at what i saw it was a black figure standing with its back towards me i didn't know what to do and i was frozen in place and then i then heard a familiar sound that same bizarre clicking sound that i heard before i nope the hell out of there and grabbed my animals then hid in my room i mean i was really scared but i was starting to wonder if it was really nothing i usually listen to scary stories just like these to scare the crap out of me but maybe something was actually there later in the evening when my sister arrived home i told her about what i saw because she's really into supernatural things like that when i told her what i saw the color from her face ran away she said something along the lines of seeing that same figure but in dark rooms and hallways not lit ones the next time i encountered it i was sleeping on the bottom bunk and my sister in the top the clock read 3 37 a.m the fan was going and the night light was plugged in my sister was sound asleep at this point i heard the clicking again but this time quieter and from under the bed one of my cats on my bed didn't seem to notice it so i figured maybe i was just imagining it that was until i then noticed a long black bony cold arm then reach out and start making its way right up to my bed i then yelped enough to wake up my sister but no one else pretty groggily she just tells me to shut up and then she's trying to sleep but you gotta see this i say as i look down and notice the things gone now i didn't catch an ounce of sleep that night i have lots of other terrifying stories from that hellhole apartment but i think most of them revolve around that thing ever since i moved i haven't had anything weird happen since i'm just really glad that thing never followed me to my new house thank god for that [Music] one night i was watching the conjuring at home with my little sister when we heard someone putting a key in our front door as well as opening it we were sitting in the living room next to a sliding door that was also very close to the front door so we both heard it very clearly now this didn't really alarm us since we knew that our dad had recently gone out to get some things so we kind of just assumed that maybe he had returned dad you're back already i casually asked there was no response uh dad are you there i asked yet again thinking he hadn't heard me the first time once again just silence right at this point i'm starting to get the feeling that something isn't quite right and i could tell by the look on my sister's face that she was just as nervous as i was we started to look at each other for a brief moment wondering what we should do before we started hearing a few more scattering sounds from right outside the sliding door by this stage i was frozen in fear i tried one more time in a louder but shakier voice dad is that you but the silence continued now at this point i'm freaking out and i literally jump right off the couch my sister also abruptly gets up and starts rapidly walking to the other end of the room which leads to the kitchen area she later revealed to me that she was planning on grabbing a knife she had this horrified look on her face that i hadn't ever seen before we just looked at each other in nervous silence i didn't really know what to do and i didn't want to make any further sounds i finally decided to walk up to the sliding door and begin opening it as slowly as possible now peering into the darkness when the door was finally opened wide enough i poked my head out and scanned the corridor now preparing for the worst to my surprise there was no one there but what was more strange was that the front door was still completely shut my sister and i were obviously both extremely relieved as we were almost certain that there was an intruder in our house after this i immediately went to go and ask my mom if it was her or whether she had noticed anything she told me that she thought my dad had come home as well and she also heard someone opening the front door around a half an hour later which felt like an eternity at the time as we were still quite shaken from the incident my dad finally arrived home and he confirmed to us that he hadn't returned home earlier to this day my sister and i still have no idea what happened that night and i guess we never will when i was nine i was staying home alone it was early morning and i just got out of the shower and brushed my teeth i put on my favorite outfits set up a little area in the living room with a drink and a snack and then turned on the tv to watch something the phone rang i went across the house to go answer it the voice on the other end was well really familiar and really comforting for me he asked me about my day so far and he made small talk after about a minute or so he then said i like your outfit is pink your favorite color i replied back with oh thank you no it isn't what were you planning on watching on tv he asked it took me a few seconds to understand what was happening as i was only nine years old and very naive the voice on the other end of the phone then changed it became deep and raspy and horrific the voice then proceeded to describe all these horrible things that they wanted to do to me and in detail i went numb my skin felt as if it were on fire and my heart was racing i had never been more terrified in my entire life i slammed down the phone and then i called my mom at work i tried to explain what happened and i'm not sure i was making much sense she got onto me for answering the phone and she told me to go back about my day i remember trying to explain to her that he was watching me and that he told me what i had been doing and that he knew what i was wearing i also mentioned that i was going to call 9-1-1 because i needed help that isn't necessary i'm not coming home just don't answer the phone and go watch tv she said and then i hung up i was really confused and i was scared i could feel his eyes on me i pulled the curtains closed and i raced around the house torn between doing what i felt was right and doing what i had been told by my mother this whole time the phone was ringing the second it would stop it would just start up yet again the sound of the phone ringing would pulse through my entire body like electricity it was practically paralyzing me it was like i was frozen but also on fire at the same time i waited for a pause in the ringing and called 9-1-1 [Music] i'm home by myself and i'm 9 years old and someone's watching me and telling me they're going to kill me i told the operator she tried to keep me calm and she said that she would send help for me i remember standing there listening to this kind voice just trying to help me but i could feel every scary movie scenario just playing out behind me was he creeping up behind me with a knife was he going to shoot me through a window was he going to throw a rock through the glass and open the door i just didn't know i couldn't breathe and i couldn't feel my body in a moment of panic i set off the alarm to the house and ran outside i remember this sense of relief but also this overwhelming feeling of having a separation in my reality the house felt small and dark and really dangerous and cold outside felt open as well as safe and warm i could hear lawn mowers and the sounds of birds chirping it was a beautiful break from that bone chilling feeling of the phone it was like i was watching a movie and i could see myself experience both of these environments at the same time a neighbor was pushing his child in a swing he was concerned he let me stand next to him and he protected me i could hear the sirens now the blaring sound getting louder as they grew closer it felt like it took an eternity but the police finally arrived an officer walked over to me and he asked me what happened i did my best to explain it but so many of the words on the phone that were used were just so embarrassing i couldn't bring myself to use such adult words to a police officer and his other words were just bone chilling i couldn't say those either to this day i can still hear my young voice repeating the words he was watching me he said he was going to kill me not long after my mom's car pulled into the driveway she for some reason decided to come home she didn't look for me or come to speak to me she just calmly got out and then walked over to the police officer i was standing in the doorway from the house to the garage just facing the driveway i could see my mom and the police officer i was watching and trying to understand trying to figure out what was happening then i saw it she was laughing my face was swollen from tears my heart's still racing and my skin was on fire and my mom was laughing what the hell was going on very slowly i crept a little closer and i then overheard i'm so sorry about this i guess she just got scared being home alone and overreacted i'm really sorry what the hell's happening what did i do wrong did i imagine this was this a dream should i not have called 9-1-1 did i actually overreact my memory of what happened after that is a little hazy i remember refusing to stay home alone and the sound of the phone ringing just rippling through my body it wasn't something i liked discussing i refused to repeat what had been said to me by the voice on the phone my mom decided that she knew who did it but she didn't even know the details there was no investigation no one was questioned she told me it was a boy who was the same age as me who lived across the street i knew that was impossible but no matter how much i protested it i was always told that it was him many years later after i was an adult with my own children we were at christmas everyone was in the living room and i had gone into the back bedroom to change a diaper as i was walking out of the room and back into the living room i could hear my mom laughing her voice as if she had been telling a joke the faces of everyone else in the room told a different story discomfort anguish shock fear yet she was still laughing it felt as if i was walking in slow motion one of my older children had actually stopped me from entering the living room and sort of pushed me back into the room that i had just come out of she just told the story of you being home alone and the man threatening to kill you she told it like it was a joke or something like some funny story from your childhood my child told me to this day i never learned who it was that called me i deal with my fear of ringing phones and phone conversations on a daily basis it's awful you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 97,355
Rating: 4.8313851 out of 5
Keywords: southern cannibal, true scary stories, scary true stories, scary stories, dating app stories, online dating stories, online dating app stories, dating app horror stories, stalker stories, stalker horror stories, scary stalker stories, stranger encounter stories, gas station horror stories, scary gas station stories, true creepy stories, creepy true stories, creepy stories, scary stories from reddit, true scary stories from reddit, scary stories from lets not meet, creepypasta
Id: nnmY5GREm8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 31sec (8371 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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