101 Facts About Jumanji

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greetings mother factors my name is Sam and I've been released from my horrifying boardgame prison to tell you about the thrilling world of Jumanji the game that brings fun to you it's what perilous jungles endure monsoons and menacing upper-class big-game hunters whose sole purpose it is to track you down and murder you for their own amusement can you experience all that playing Scrabble like a nerd didn't think so nerd but why did Robin Williams like an acting into man Chi 2 tripping your face off on psychoactive substances how did the newer films pay homage to the original and exactly how long was I trapped there I don't mean to complain but I was losing weight got it anyway 203 discretion is gonna be answered so grab some mate crack open the game and try not to unleash on thunder a stampede of African wildlife as we stare down the barrel of 101 facts about Jumanji number 1 Jumanji is an American multimedia franchise most famously associated with the popular Tremonti film series this franchise follows the myriad exploits and adventures of various characters who play a range of magical games that bring they're presumably fictional in-game dangers to life the players can only end the resulting chaos by finishing the game dealing with the consequences of each move as they go number two the Jumanji franchise is based on two books by American author Chris Van old buck the first being the 1981 fantasy children's picture book Jumanji followed in 2002 with its sequel the sci-fi fantasy children's picture book as a juror these two books have so far generated for film adaptations as well as various other Jumanji media for fans of the series to sink their teeth into number three that olds burger stated that he wrote demands years of result of his frustrations was playing classic board games like monopoly as a child van osburgh would enjoy playing the game that felt like ending up with fake money was somewhat of a letdown and honestly that's a big mood a very big mood indeed as a result though Van osburgh thought up the idea of a board game that actually does bring forth real effects and consequences and thus Jumanji was born number four as you are likely well aware the original 1995 film adaptation stars the late great Robin Williams as Alan Parrish a young boy who gets himself trapped in the board game called Jumanji for 26 long years only to be released in the mid 90s by brother and sister who found the game in the frankly enormous attic however a number of other well-known actors who were totes big in the 90s were also considered for the role of Alan these in GRU the likes of Tom Hanks dan Aykroyd Chevy Chase Kevin Costner Bruce Willis Harrison Ford Mel Gibson Bill Paxton and even Arnold Schwarzenegger number 5 indeed when the film was being developed director Joe Johnson actually had his reservations about casting Williams because of his reputation for improvisation Rhimes fearing that the famed comedic actor simply would not stick to the script number 6 however Williams made it clear he understood that the film would be a tightly structured story and in general adhered to the script after filming scene as written Williams would have a go at improvising like the comedy legend did he was usually in the scenes with co-star Bonnie Hunt number seven when asked about whether or not his character's father was similar to his own Robin Williams stated that the strange relationship between Allen and Samuel Parrish was actually more similar to that of his father and grandfather Williams went on to say wonderful things about his father and said he would never force him to do anything because of something that had happened early in his life that he didn't want to happen to his own son number 8 Williams also stated that he deeply related to his character saying the story tapped into the fear of abandonment and separation from their parents that all children have number-9 similar to the casting of Sarah whitsel a large number of other celebrated actresses were considered for the role before it went to Bonnie Hunt including Jodie Foster Demi Moore Michelle Pfeiffer meg Ryan Kirstie Alley Sharon Stone Helen Hunt Julianne Moore Heather Locklear Teri Hatcher and Rebecca De Mornay even Madonna was an option for the role at one point and as we all know casting Madonna in the film always ends well what a missed opportunity number 10 the film adaptation of Jumanji stars Kirsten Dunst and Bradley Pierce as siblings Judy and Peter Shepard the pair would incidentally appear again as brother and sister only a year later in the 1996 docudrama TV movie the siege at Ruby Ridge a popular actress Scarlett Johansson audition for the role of Judy Shepard before Kirsten Dunst bagged it for herself luckily rejection did not deter her and she went on to become one of the most empowered female characters in recent cinematic history yep she played Kelly Foster in the 2011 drama D we bought a zoo truly her magnum opus number 12 it's a known fact that girls generally developed sooner than boys showing the nightmarish hellscape that is adolescence and this is exploited to greater effect in Jumanji while Judy Shepard is clearly presented a significantly older than Peter in actuality Kirsten Dunst is only six months older than Bradley Pierce and still is to this very day number thirteen incidentally Bradley Pierce also appeared as the lovable teacup chip in the delightful 1991 animated musical romantic fantasy film The Beauty and the Beast I mean if you're gonna be a child actor you may as well be a prolific one at least then you might have some money left over after your parents blow your Rowling's on themselves number fourteen the terrifying character of Van Pelt's the villainous big-game hunter who stalks Alan throughout the film it's portrayed by Australian actor Jonathan Hyde in case you didn't realize Hyde also portrays Sam Parrish Allen's distant father did you know just his first time round or were you today years old when you found out the van pelted Alan bad but played by the same person let us know in our stars tastic youtube poll number 15 gary joseph thor upped the child actor who assumes integral rolls of film sterotypical all american bully Billy Jessup has only one other acting credit on IMDB having a period in a 1995 episode of the police procedural drama Law & Order called wannabe in which he somewhat ironically plays a bullying victim since then he's disappeared from the glitzy world of Hollywood and is therefore presumed dead number 16 according to Van Ellsberg the word Jumanji is in fact a Zulu word meaning many effects chosen as an allusion to all the exciting consequences of the game number 17 William as however took great pleasure in responding with fake answers to people who had asked him what the title meant often claiming that Jumanji was actually an island in the Caribbean after hours spent poring over various maps and atlases our researchers here at 101 facts can confirm that Jumanji is not a Caribbean island almost had me for a minute there Williams almost number 18 the song that Alan sings in the bathroom while shaving off all the hair he's grown in the 26 years he's been trapped inside the shuffleboard game is the thing two Gilligan's Island which for those of you who weren't watching TV in the 1960s I wasn't I wasn't even a sperm is an American sitcom following the comic escapades of a group of castaways who get themselves shipwrecked on an uncharted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean number 19 when Peter Judy and Allen go in search of Sarah Whittle and believe that her house is now occupied by a psychic medium called Madame Serena it's a wild fill Miss Judy encourages Alan to stay because she might know where Whittle went at which point Peter chimes in with a line of course you'll know where Sarah went she's a psychic apparently Pierce improvised this charming this will quit all on his own number 20 for some reason the movie somehow prompted a rumor that an elephant killed during the filming of Uncle Sam paid scenes this is entirely untrue as no live animals were used during the film's production apart from a few puppets the popular sport you see on screen was all TGI baby number 21 in order to film a moment when the rhinoceros smashes through the wall of the library the production crew rigged a huge hydraulic ram to smash through the bookcase just after Williams runs back to grab the game of the table the Wizards in post-production then added the horny beasts in afterwards using all the movie magic that mid-90s CGI had to offer number 22 whoo-hooo Williams claimed that acting around the CGI effects that would be later added in post-production was like taking LSD because he had to hallucinate everything by interacting with various animals and objects that weren't really there I wouldn't know how that feels Williams this is a family show number 23 when Van Pelt enters the gun store to get himself an up-to-date boomstick the music playing on the radio in the background is in fact the Mexican national anthem indeed the exact recording has been identified as a Berliner gramophone discs record performed by Souza's band recorded on the 7th of April 1898 thanks Google number 24 when the film was released in Mexico the background music heard in the store was changed as it's against the law in Mexico to play the anthem for commercial reasons the Morgan number 25 as Van Pelt is so ominously inspecting his fancy new state-of-the-art firearm the owner of the store gingerly asks if he's a postal worker for those of you who watch the film when they were a kid you may have missed this actually rather dark joke and in reference to a spate of workplace shootings carried out by employees of the US postal service during the late 20th century prompting the American expression going postal I genuinely thought that was just a joke about his outfit Lord was i naive number 26 Williams has admitted that very little acting was required to appear startled in the scene to which van Pelt is shooting at him as the blank gunfire was extremely loud on set good in my opinion movies are always better when actors are genuinely terrified well filming the stunt in which the monkeys still a police car stunt woman Betty Thomas lost control of the car and careened into a tree at 60 miles per hour luckily Thomas survived a crash without any injury however number 28 the incident did attract the attention of news crews eager to report on the mishap apparently in order to stop the incident from ending up on TV Joe Johnson paraded around the area yelling various speed tips in order to make their footage on arrow ball number 29 Bradley Pierce has stated that one of the most challenging parts of the role occurred before the cameras even began rolling given that the game turned Peter into a half monkey half human abomination is punishment for its attempt to cheat the twelve-year-old Pierce was forced to sit through three and a half hours of monkey makeup application every day for almost 70 days I don't know if you've met many 12 year olds but they're generally not very good at staying sat still for long periods of time poor makeup Department number 30 roughly two-thirds of the way into the film Judy Peter and Sarah follow van pelt into a store called sir sav-a-lot Wald chaotic scenes of hysteria and looting break out across the town as a result of the stampeding hordes of large wild animals brought forth by Jumanji those have a lot is set in Brantford New Hampshire in reality the store in which the scene was filmed was in an old shopping center located in salicin a town located right on the border with the United States in the Canadian province of the British Columbia roughly 4,000 kilometers away from New Hampshire number 31 Williams once stated in an interview that while filming the scene in which Allen wrestles a crocodile he apparently got too carried away during one of the and began whaling on the crock with his elbow like some kind of twisted interspecies WWE throwdown Williams did this having completely forgotten that it was actually a man inside the crocodile controlling its movements and only stopped pummeling upon hearing the unfortunate fellow shout out in protest number 32 the final Christmas scene was shot on location in Vancouver in the Canadian province of British Columbia located just across the border from Seattle in Pacific Northwest vancouver isn't exactly known for its idyllic snowy winters it just generally tends to rain a lot as a result germany's production crew was forced to shovel fresh snow down from the mountains and dump it around the mansion in order to get the picturesque shot required now a 33 in the christmas party scene at the end of the film one of the guests is playing hark the herald angels sing' on the piano while other guests sing along this is possibly on a marsh of the closing scene in the 1946 Christmas classic It's a Wonderful Life possibly for the sake of the video say it is number 34 as you can imagine Williams was well-loved on set for making everyone laugh throughout filming dance particularly enjoyed his impression of Jodie Foster ordering her to drive through in the 1994 American drama film Nell which was a popular film at a time about a woman who are do you care alright fair enough me too why moving on number 35 when shoot you and Jumanji Raptor Williams gifted each other cast member with a hardbound signed copy of the script he's recalled so did his copy Williams has written something in the lines of you were a great monkey boy and a pleasure to work with you have a bright future ahead yo ho Robin Williams was the best number 36 though Jumanji was filmed all over New England a large region in the northeastern United States the film is fictional town of Brantford is in fact the small city of Keene in new hampshire throughout filming Robin Williams became so beloved by the people of Keene that the city's mayor even presented him with the key to the city in 1994 number 37 a Parrish shoes mural was painted on the side of a brick building in Keene for the shoot initially with washable paint so that the image could be easily removed art affirmed and concluded however the owners of the building wanted the mural to remain as a lasting tribute to the town's role in the film so the production crew made it permanent and remains in place to this very day number 38 following the tragic death of Williams in 2014 the residents of Keene paid their respects to the legendary comedian by crafting a makeshift memorial of flowers and candles beneath the parashu sign and even organized a public screening of Jumanji in tribute number 39 on another sad note Jumanji is dedicated to its VFX supervisor Stephen L Price who died of pancreatic cancer in May of 1995 only months before film was released number 40 no Jumanji is today regarded as a classic nineties family film upon release in 1995 the film elicited decidedly mixed reviews one of the main criticisms directed at Jumanji was that it was simply too scary famed movie critic Roger Ebert noted that the film was widely marketed as a family film despite the fact that Van Pelt is utterly terrifying number 41 indeed even Williams later admitted that he wouldn't let his children watch the film presumably because Van Pelt is utterly terrifying ver meaning of life despite its media critical reception Jumanji performed very well at the box-office raking in slightly over 100 million in the United States and Canada alone the movie made an additional 162 million dollars from its release outside of North America constituting worldwide earnings of just under two hundred sixty three million dollars making it a tenth highest-grossing film in 1995 number forty-three following the film's release in late to 1995 a real-life version of the Jumanji board game was released by Mb Games in 1996 which was then later re-released in 2018 these versions of the game did not unleash various jungle themed Horrors upon players as magic is not actually real sorry to break that to you number 44 the Jumanji board game became very popular throughout the years but versions of it created as props for the film were highly valued at collector's items indeed in 2014 a prop version of the game used in the actual film sold for 60,000 eight hundred dollars number 45 after the film's release Jumanji was adapted once again this time into an animated series imaginative be titled Jumanji the animated series it was broadcast between 1996 and 1999 lasting for three seasons number 46 Sarah Whittle Alan's love interest and a Jumanji player from the film does not appear in this animated series and is the only major character from the film not to make an appearance number 47 one of the characters in the show is a robot loving mad scientist called Professor J s Heinrich Epson who is named after celebrated Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen quite a sophisticated little reference for a mostly forgotten kids cartoon a number 48 as a name what is enough to convince you that Jumanji the animated series contains highbrow literary references the episode in which professor in person first appears is called the master builder the title of a play written by a person in the late 19th century that's widely regarded as one of his most significant works number 49 the Sun bizarre reason the character of JH trader slick is voiced by the one and only Tim Curry constituting yet another injection of culture to the show interestingly Tim Curry actually auditioned to Van Pelt's a role that ultimately went to American actor Sherman Howard number Vivat II before curry turned slick into a shady cockney the character was originally intended to have a Bugs Bunny ask New York accent but then it wasn't as far as uses information goes that one's pretty useless come number 51 in 2005 Jumanji was followed up by the sci-fi adventure film Saphira a space adventure based on the aforementioned 2002 children's book Sofia also written by Crispin Augsburg Zathura has a very similar premise to that of Jumanji in which two siblings play a board game that alters reality number 52 both the book and film versions of Sofia were intended as spiritual sequel to Jumanji however while the book Zafira makes references to the events that occur in two mangie the film adaptation is pretty much entirely separate from Jumanji and makes no mention of it despite the fact it was marked to this being from the world of Jumanji number 53 in the film a young Kristen Stewart portrays Lisa the ill-tempered older sister of two brothers named Walter and Danny portrayed by Josh Hutcherson and Jonah Bobo though Lisa is clearly presented as being an older teenager in the film while Walter and Danny are much younger boys in reality Stuart is only two and a half years older than Hutcherson again using faster female development during puberty to great effect number fifty-four interestingly enough so Thoreau was filmed in the same house that would later be used in the 2007 American thriller film disturbia starring a young Shia LaBeouf I mean okay it's not that interesting films used sets all the time for different films but it's literal [ __ ] so it's in sorry I don't make the rules number 55 in Lisa's very first scene in the film a tenacious d poster can be seen on the wall just before dad portrayed by Tim Robbins walks in the room only a year later Tim Robbins would appear in the film Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny which is ready to a sequel by now right number 56 in the same scene Lisa argues with her dad about her upcoming date before saying sarcastically we never should've said film stars the American actress screenwriter and singer-songwriter Nikki Reed with whom Stuart would later go on to appear alongside in the uber popular Twilight Saga not only that both thirteen and the first Twilight film were directed by the American filmmaker Catherine Hardwicke number 57 children are known for their amazing ability to lose teeth that a rapid rate and the closely related species known as child actor is no different Jonah Bobo lost a total of four teeth during filming as careless isn't it so the production crew had to make him fake teeth to wear so his jacked-up grille would ruin continuity number 58 Kristen Stewart later admitted that the life-sized replica made of her for the scenes in which Lisa is frozen left her disturbed which is exactly how I felt after watching Jumanji for the first time because Van Pelt is utterly terrifying number 59 in the film the boys are forced to deal with the effects of altered gravity after the game informs them that moved too close to a star called Saurus 3 in the Ashkenazi Jewish language of Yiddish Soros is a word meaning trouble aggravation or simply a problem that one faces such as I don't know hurtling towards a gigantic ball of burning gas because you're playing a magical board game that likes to threaten the lives of small children number 16 when Walter opens the sliding doors after the house refers back to his normal and obliterated state a framed copy of the iconic Steve McQueen poster from the 1968 action thriller film bullet can be seen on the floor leaning against the left-hand side of the fireplace mama 61 is Bentley all three of the siblings who appear into thourough eventually went on star in films in which their mother is played by Julianne Moore it's a weird connection but happens I guess Josh Hutcherson plays more son in the 2010 drama The Kids Are All Right bobo plays one of mors crotch goblins in the 2011 comedy Crazy Stupid Love and Stuart portrays Moore's daughter in the heart-wrenching 2014 drama still Alice number 62 and so we get to the newer fretta Jumanji movies of the 21st century which have been directed by Jake Kasdan and standard like - Dwayne the rock Johnson Jack the jack black black Karen nebula Gillan and Kevin shorts hearts however you may be surprised to learn that prior to the production of the recent films in the series the possibility of a Jumanji sequel was discussed as far back to the late 90s indeed when the American film studio exec and purchaser John Calley took over a Sony chief in 2001 of his stated priorities was to make a sequel to Jumanji number 63 the original idea for the next Jumanji movie was to have the game be found by fellow named John Cooper who just so happens to be the literal President of the United States of America after playing the game with his young son Cooper gets sucked into Jumanji allowing the villainous vice president who apparently would have been played by Steve Buscemi by the way to take control a year later however Cooper finally gets paid out of the game along with Ultraman geez many jungle themed delights which are unleashed upon the American Capitol Nintendo 64 apparently in this proposed sequel Cooper would have encountered a variety of hybrid animals rather than the usual boring animals that we saw in the original mangy and you know nature this would have apparently included a fusion of a crocodile and an ostrich that's right a croc stretch I felt dirty saying that even though doesn't mean anything clearly the good Lord deemed humanity unworthy of what would obviously been a glorious film as production the project stalled around the year 2000 not a 65 however by 2012 which by my maths is 12 years later murmurings have a fresh attempt at a Jumanji sequel had begun to bubble four from the swirly simmering morass that is Hollywood and eventually it was confirmed that Perdue term Matthew tal Mack was on board alongside William Tyler one of the producers on the original Jumanji film number 66 upon looking at the original 1995 Jumanji movie with fresh eyes producer Matt toll Mack stated that he immediately felt there were more Jumanji stories to be told a bold stance cotton let's see if it works out for him number 67 the announcement of the Jumanji sequel was met with significant backlash with some reporters even calling the news depressing this is likely a result of Hollywood's overproduction of classic movie reboots as well as the unfortunate timing of Robin Williams death number 68 Bradley Pierce who you'll remember played Peter Shepard in the original Jumanji was also unhappy with the prospect of a new movie stating that the decision to go forward with the project was unnecessary and kind of insulting for godless road the movie was made and now we have a bunch of facts about it for your viewing pleasure onwards number 16 in the film for high school students are sucked into Jumanji which is in this installment a videogame rather than a board game when they appear inside Jumanji they take on the bodies of the characters they selected for instance Spencer becomes dr. small the brave stone a burly Explorer and archaeologist betrayed by Dwayne Johnson incidentally the name smolder was actually suggested by Jake Kasdan by Johnson via text number 70 Nick Jonas has revealed that he got the call confirming he had been cast as Jefferson see plain McDonough when he was on a tour bus and what was he doing in that tour bus watching Jumanji I know amazing right the Jonas Brothers are still touring incredible really Jonas Brothers can't break up there number 71 interestingly enough though Nick Jonas wasn't actually the first choice to play the role of Jefferson see plain McDonough spider-man himself Tom Holland actually had already been cast as McDonough but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts with a film quick spiderman homecoming for an important spiderman stature doesn't work as him number 72 the actress who was originally cast betray ruby roundhouse was shailene woodley but unfortunately she had to drop out of the film due to scheduling conflicts with the american drama television series big little lies she was also probably busy eating clay that's a thing she does look it up anyway following Woodley's departures wonderful and lovely Scottish actress Karen Gillan was cast in her place because Jennifer Lawrence cannot be in every film and that's just something I hear such as something I have to accept you know number 73 indeed it was probably for the best that Gillan got the role Arlington the fact she stated that the original 1995 adaptation of Jumanji is one of her favorite films number 74 Professor Sheldon Oberon the character selected by the stuck-up teenage girl Bethany is portrayed by the one and only Jack Black according to his castmates black embodied the role perfectly indeed when asked about being the only woman in the group Gillan were some wonder by saying I don't look at it that way because Jack Black is so accurate I just feel like there were two women in that movie number 75 to properly prepare himself for the daunting task of embodying a self-obsessed teenage girl black sought advice from Madison iseman who actually plays the version of Bethany outside of Jumanji black asked her about her favorite music and TV shows in order to gets himself into the mindset required to portray a vacuous self-absorbed high school student frankly if I were Iseman not be a little bit insulted by that number 76 Dwayne Johnson has stated that if he could have portrayed and the other in the film he would have taken on Jack Black's character Bethenny remarking that he knew how much fun black had betraying yourself obsessed sixteen-year-old girl number 77 Ruby roundhouses outfit was heavily inspired by that of lara croft the pointy chested protagonist of the Tomb Raider video game movies and series in reference to the heroines infamously skimpy exploring outfit Martha even comment on how impractical her getup is to wear in the jungle number 78 Jumanji : welcome to the jungle constitutes Black's fourth collaboration with director Jake Kasdan having previously appeared in the 2002 comedy Orange County the 2007 comedy walk car the Dewey Cox story and the 2014 comedy and I used the word comedy very very loosely their sex tape black stated that he was excited to work with him once again referring to the filmmaker has a good acting scientist who knows how to tweak his brain to make the best acting happen number 79 funny enough Dwayne Johnson has already starred in a film called welcome to the jungle though this might not be immediately obvious toward the Colonials watching Johnson previously appeared in the 2003 action film The Rundown which was known internationally as welcome to the jungle number 80 before shooting on the film commenced the production was blessed by traditional Hawaiian priests known as a car who who according to Johnson reminded the actors that even though they were the faces of the film it takes the work of the entire cast and crew to make it work number 81 the sections of the film set in Brantford were actually shot in the city of Atlanta in the US state of Georgia where various other sets such as the bizarre scene the Jaguar statue and the maze of booby trapped tunnels were also located sorry Keane Georgia just has a better tax situation which is why lots of films and TV shows to film there actually weren't really interesting I'll talk about that the other day and oh we have to move on okay number 82 the sequences that take place in the open jungle were filmed on location in Oahu in the US state of Hawaii oh ah who provided a wide variety of dense jungle environments including Waimea Valley on the islands famed North Shore and Kualoa ranch on the island's East Coast number 83 picking off said ranch this is the location where the open field scene in which the gang were chased by a horde of murderous Mad Max esque motorcyclists was shot incidentally this is also the location where Steven Spielberg film the famous dinosaur stampede scene from Jurassic Park number 84 the game this Spencer is seen playing in his bedroom at the start of the film Street Fighter 5 good ok right moving on number 85 spencer has covered the walls in his room in various posters including though he's promoting popular video games on the back of his door is supposed to for the 2016 action-adventure game The Last Guardian and on the wall behind his computer as opposed to for uncharted 4 thief's end another action-adventure game for at least in 2016 is intended by the way the score for uncharted 4 and Jumanji welcome to the jungle were both composed by the award-winning English composer Henry Jackman number 86 not only that dr. brave stones utility belt is partially inspired by the utility belt worn by Nathan Drake the protagonist and hero of the Uncharted videogame series number 87 interestingly Nathan Drake isn't the only character who gets a utility belt based not the low-slung fashion which dr. brave stone versus utility belt was Johnson's way of playing tribute to Han Solo from the Star Wars films number 88 the film also includes a few little references to the 1995 original for instance the statues at the gang encounter in the jungle before the final battle with the updated Van Pelt a based on the board game pieces from the original film number 89 edition need the school's principal in Jumanji welcome to the jungle is named Bentley an affectionate yet very subtle reference to the character of Kyle Bentley from the first film number 90 the film also contains a number of very subtle little references the Johnston's pre acting career so subtle we don't blame you if you miss them entirely but luckily Papa Sam is here to fill you win please never call me that again though for instance fridges football jerseys in plays over the number 94 which was Johnson's jersey number back when he was a football player at the University of Miami number 91 additionally at one point in the film during the scene at the bizarre brain-stone takes out one of the bad guys with a side slam variants known as rock bottom one of Johnson's most popular signature moves during his time as a professional wrestler under the stage name of the rock number 92 in case you didn't notice by the way the vendor selling food at the bazaar is portrayed by William Tokarski whose most famous these days for appearing as the killer in that ox woman's iconic viral shorts too many cooks too many number 93 Alex's treehouse originally built by Alan Parrish from the 1995 original was actually built for realsies by the film's production designer Owen Paterson who apparently built the whole thing after vitam summit irreal as he salvaged from around the eye and number 94 in order to film the helicopter sequence in which the gang are chased by a rhino Stampede the car spent several days harnessed into a full-size customized helicopter mounted on a special-effects rig and abated over six metres in the air number 95 oh and apparently Kevin Hart was sick during the filming of this scene yes that's right he was sick while being harnessed into a full-size customised helicopter mounted on a special-effects rig elevated over six meters in the air rough number 96 frequently throughout the movie the first few notes of somewhere over the rainbow can be heard mixed into the score likely as a reference to the wizard evolve say cinematic classic in which the main character is also transported to another world and must face various trials and tribulations in order to return number 97 in addition to all the over the rainbow jingles there's another Wizard of Oz reference towards the end of the movie when 98 is about sent fridge back to the real world and says I'll miss you the most this is the very same thing that Dorothy says to scarecrow just before she goes back to Kansas number 98 upon the film's release in December 2017 Jumanji welcome to the jungle was welcomed with pretty solid reviews actually working itself 76 percent on Rotten Tomatoes while the film audience survey service post track returned an 84 percent positive score this makes Jumanji welcome to the jungle a better reviewed film than that of the original which seems bizarre but thats entertainment baby number 99 Jumanji welcome to the jungle eventually made its way to the top of the box office where it's staying for three whole weeks the film ultimately raked in over nine hundred and sixty-two million dollars worldwide making it the fifth highest grossing film of 2017 number o hungry you'll be happy to know that Jumanji welcome to the jungle this to be followed up by sequel to be released across the globe in December 2019 under the title of Jumanji the next level the movie is notable for its zippy production with filming having commenced in pepper of 2019 and wrapped only four months later in May for a Christmas release in December of the same year that's pretty fast number 101 during filming Jack Black chronicled some of the best behind-the-scenes moments on his personal YouTube channel Dubinsky games yep Jack Black vlog the next Jumanji film like it was a party at YouTube HQ that's just the world we live in now anyway that was 100 more facts about Jumanji which one's your favorite do you even realize if there was part of it because I didn't for a while let me know in the comments down below be sure to give this video a like if you can and subscribe to one of our facts because I mean we're nearly at 500k now it will be really nice if we could get in the mean time or the moon time like they say on the moon which I mean I don't think they do but they should anyway two videos on the tree now one of which is really gonna wet your whistle the old one will do to find out which ones which though and I'll see you there bye I'm very tired sorry [Music]
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 47,346
Rating: 4.9035716 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, facts about jumanji, jumanji facts, jumanji, jumanji 1995, robin williams, kirsten dunst, jumanji welcome to the jungle, the rock, dwayne johnson, karen gillan, jack black, kevin hart, nick jonas, jumanji 2, jumanji 2017, jumanji 2019, jumanji the next level, jumanji trailer, alan parrish, best scenes, full movie, ending, bloopers, interview, dance fight, jumanji 3, trailer, review, spoiler free review, spoiler review
Id: Oi8fVs3EZrI
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Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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