PAID $5 MADE HUGE PROFITS! Found JEWELRY ! I bought an abandoned storage unit and made money

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five dollar unit sound jewelry look at that you know the trunk and then I can finish wrapping this up with you oh yeah hundred thousand dollars how to make money buying and selling stores ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages we are here to pick up the sheena right now we're actually not even gonna pick it up i've bought way too much lately so we are actually going to we rented this unit 50% off one hundred and eighty bucks we're gonna fill it up full of more stuff so we come here to film this one push everything to the back make room so we can go pick up all the other stuff we have purchased in the last few days by myself and with storage doctor a little mama and we have Uncle Mike the mattresses I get to leave in the dumpster area what did I buy this for Michael Michael no one wanted this unit we can leave the mattresses up here for now and put them in the dumpster area tomorrow or something huh what actually good what a coincidence so I guess we'll move that out and then load everything the back we can throw them away but I don't like dealing that today so we're just gonna put them right here at the end and we're gonna I don't know I don't like doing the now we got lots to do I'm lazy and that's funny everybody says that I'm I mean cuz I just film everything and you do all the work there's so Julie says and they said I mean to you I don't want to do that so reason I bought this nobody wanted this unit at all was a no sale he said you could leave the mattresses best thing I could think of is that's that's a lot of space right there that's dump money etc etc but if you look a little deeper is this an antique have an Uncle Michael having is not opening it up there's something in that was just trying to discuss the cabinet kind of old uncle Michaels ruining all the fun while I say it's right here I see the dust see the spiderwebs carbon date that it's sitting here a few years and there is a trunk one two sealed boxes and nothing with sellable stuff besides giving rid of the matches we get rid of all this in Stockton let's go through it and let us not forget there's a random chair on the top of the wall you're not gonna do it positive affirmation be thankful live simply be kind do your best I think we have enough of these in the house already Elvis a print of Elvis actually it's a mirror okay and some not art okay it's not quite hard as this Elvis to know but it's neat it has that Andy Warhol look to it there's a wild Apple studio ball floor looks like huh looks like Andy Warhol though anything we need to look at some close your Nikes I'll go Mike we have to look in here alright this was also the first unit of the day or the second for the second stop first unit here and I didn't want to go the whole day thought nothing so I say to by the random unit that nobody wants the beauty is you know why you also buy units nobody wants Uncle Michael cuz then they don't know how to date everybody wants to profile what I do they want they want to bid on all the units that bid and so if I buy ugly units nobody wanted then they start to think this guy has no freaking clue what he's doing what I don't think that's tree climbing yeah prove it I see oh I see a hook right there nice that's that's 30 bucks right there right that looks like money ooh is that a guitar guitar this one has been demolished maybe it's like a guitar somebody famous broke on stage no stretch you Laguna next good this right here is weird this is like a coffee table or the some type of surfboard interesting that right there gets cool but what does it go to hmm maybe though it's weird though it's heavy feel that junk gold his breast back in the day you throw that up there lickety-split they have to be two pads on it before bands what is this is penny one yeah back to the day that was it would have slung now with nobody's business now he thinks about his back I like funny thing is uncle Michael these are ones I would like you know why there Marilyn Monroe just go down a price $10 box Jack Daniels would very intriguing fit can you open this up right here that's for your hat roadside reflectors you know I want to say shaving yeah giant poop emoji Oh bedbug and fleas and that makes me disgusted it in the bombs right there yeah no one touch nothing I'm over here inspecting stuff now get open box anything good spider on something the oceans apostle you believe there you go alright thoughts become things ultimately you pay attention in my videos okay this looks like junk ten dollars and job what's in that thing set silver we're right then don't break it off Mike there's a pitcher plant what kind of watch is that not so what's in there I feels like a jewelry box is like a mere Italian grandmom's are the best there's a rock collection the homeless children see Sally other side nothing in that moment when your stomach hurts because they might be jewelry a jewelry box there is jewelry can you thank you you didn't yes I woke up near all the sheets into $5.00 unit found jewelry looking over Michael the possible silver I don't think any of its silver but it's still cool all right whoo look at that unicorn box mind set that aside I'll take that come on silver silver gold mmm I don't see any possible goal but I see silver on silver piece well she didn't say loss but that's silver gold this one you know okay next draw possibly gold no just make them nothing almost gold he's gonna say watch watch citizen citizen not bad they get the figure listen unit nobody wanted we are not done whoo what's in there a snake can you open this up did you open it oh there's nothing in it what's underneath it nothing so negative Nancy well a little bit that's silver right there look at that nice all right something to say it's not marked but it looked like it could be silver a white Gore definitely have to have this one looked at we got more stuff here on for mine you're looking a little bit little things down there not bad for a five-door unit yeah got some more down there off to Mike I just sitting outside till we look at everything the USS Enterprise what are those that's the special almost silver what's in that last box come on then almost like you didn't want what's that one ring right there Bulova rolled gold blue a weave I mean look at this a little closer this is nice there's a whole little nice smugglers that this one aside here nice little trinkets coming out of this five dollar unit but back to us saying that's possibly gold and silver right there I'm gonna take a whole junk box I wasn't gonna go through little bobbleheads weird a little $5.00 unit I'm starting to like it you'll see a marking but that has potential being gold could be soft any white gold doesn't it doesn't I don't think it is but I'll have a testing oh yes yes this right here this is prices Uncle Michael sure it's freakin fairy dust it says fairy dust on it that's not prices to you Wow you have no idea how and how invaluable and priceless that is right there on a silver necklace yep like just like that and just like that right we need you yep we're making a thumbnail and you have to hold that up don't drop that and then just whatever make a funny face and try to point at the other box you know do some ridiculous uncle Michael there you go that's what's up Oh having fun as a priceless job whoo we had a trunk stock you forget we got a trunk after finding these things I got magical fairy dust potential gold ring we still got a trunk in this minute didn't nobody wanted whoohoo come on hundred grand ah that was a weird collection whose hearts pounding right now type 17 if you think in the comment section of that Trump's can have something good what is this we're talking about having something good I've got a quarter uncle Michael for that your piggy bank for your granddaughter look at all that sound coin collection maces nutmeg wu-tang Clan ain't nothing to with okay vintage wu-tang clan sure this could be some money right here we're gonna have to have this look that could be vintage I don't know all right I don't want that one who is there something there um Michael making a loud noise yeah I'm hoping to find some a van I want to unroll that and just see it what do you think that is nice shape I wish it wasn't uh from this unit I would keep it does it have a label on it anywhere it has a high KPS eyes this is a look you don't know you always pull drugs you roll carpet holes what do you phone what I think that's worth over 100 bucks maybe even a couple hundred let's set that let's set this aside for this is we're making a good load for our next week Thanksgiving this will go in the good pile one way one way I'm gonna make the rain bedroom for Michael let's just stop thinking that way let's get through this and then we'll do the trunk we're still manifesting good-looking Uncle Michael he just looks like over here that was base cameraman films loader man we're gonna go through this real quick and I'm not talking how to though you know when I love because it's nice fine you twenty bucks there's actually broken you can see on the plastic count nothing in there and we just leave this stuff in here on for Michael we won't have to so we won't have to move it all twice we valued over there Yan still having high hopes still having high hopes for the trunk I am books liars poker a DVD collection movie said they were give it to a name he's good at poker you watch his poker live stuff Metallica alright nice cabinet through the trunk and then I can finish wrapping this up with you good giant slam potential comment out what you think's in here hats hats hats and clothes oh you giant fans out there we can still leave it in here we're just only putting cookbook paperwork you know you can't take a personal Mike who found duffle bag in trunk chess I'll play chess don't come on this thing is almost well loaded found back about a hundred thousand dollars it's not $100,000 uncle Michael how come every time we open a bag when we say $100,000 there's not a hundred thousand dollars in there damn I saw a video yeah rutaberries harutora yep that is all right that's 20 bucks and a good jingle oh that's an iPad down there what's it there's something in that blanket yeah yeah open it up sound iPad older one what is it windows 7 core i3 that's not bad we find the charger for that that's a few bucks there too nice out I know we're just going what we're gonna put them in that bag and set that whole bag of so I think that's a good bag Class B specifications I don't know which one this one is this $5.00 unit is paying out how to make money buying and selling storage unit I don't want to hold it I want to see what's in there I can't do the camera I can't film and hold it this stuff that's why we're a team local Michael and n65 I don't know if that has high value what's important though at that point is these right here Nikon 702 300 millimeter this could be a 100 hundred 50 bucks right listen definitely goes in the good iPod 4 and we have a 20 to 80 millimeter nikkor that's probably that could be like 200 bucks right there I don't think that's the good body and we got one more box left one more box left we we you and me me and you come on you're quiet today we'd like to say anything to the whole world you wouldn't ah so we it is a we at the games yeah we use don't sell very well anymore but yeah we'll set that aside all right I'll come I glad to rap on this no I don't want nothing at it from this at my house not after seeing that spray so what do you think over Michael you're a wise guy five dollar investment on this unit nobody wanted and we got to take the mattresses and throw them away even though we're gonna keep hell don't you think there's probably at least a hundred there yeah maybe two hundred does it say there's two hundred right there by Kim stings then you look over here this rug is guaranteed 100 bucks right I can promise I can get a hundred for that I might be able to get more that's probably 40 50 bucks do we build $20 is 40 I foresee maybe $400 out of this $5 investment and we rented it back to attempt to move in and we got to leave the mattresses oh yeah at least $400 coming back oh it's time to get to work on my go stop horseplay all right on to the next one
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 16,629
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: DEkK3FvbfWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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