Huge Full Safe | What’s inside ? Storage wars mystery unbox | I bought an abandoned storage unit

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Wow what is all of this Mike might want to enjoy that anticipation now the bottom ones giving us half it's full of something who is this a coin is this a coin is it lady and gentleman boys and girls parents of all ages we are here at this unit I paid $1,100 for one and one specific reason only and that is there is a safe as you can see right there the place plays music non-stop so I probably won't be able to film the unit itself didn't intrigue me that much you see a guitar you see just some random stuff outdoor decor etc etc but the fact is there was a safe was going cheap so I said screw it now I went with 1,100 just because I need to see what was in this lock safe with that being said we'll try to film some of this and what we don't we're just going to show you in a fast forward motion or if there's anything good you will see looks like messy tossed etc etc so far everything on point seems to be looking like trash or junk or whatever but I found these right here empty coin boxes could that be a sign and what is inside over there Wow what has all of this can any of these have a coin in them that feels like it does please if there be coins in these all my there's just a box of them could it be something in there Narcotics Anonymous I open this up and what do I see coin things coin things every one of them open up you think it's heavy and you feel like there's coins nothing they're gone every one of them that I've touched sickening to be honest with you Proof Set mint Proof Set mint Constitution points you open one up you almost fight there's cones in there and they're not what are they come on can daddy have a gold coin to fruit points well the only consolation that we have right now is that all of these are inside of that safe right there if we can come up with that then you've hit the mother lode because either some good points this could very well pay for the unit just this fine because right now we're looking at hot dog here kitchen snow Oh a rooster anything cool in this kitchen stuff so far no nice kitchen almost almost silver well I was hoping that this would have something to yeah imagine that no one ever steals the kitchen stuff right dog food all right this doesn't look too promising yeah I just cool cool and almost cool item right here hahaha record player almost something neat alright we almost found something cool here it is alleged Epling 404 of 2500 CD set gold-plated I don't know if that constitute is a great item but it's a lot better than the nothing I've been filming for you guys so far with what you saw so far tell me if you would've gambled eleven hundred plus on this story inside this swing be there for them with it this is almost kind of cool here I don't know what it is but rock and roll theater Howard Temin only silver dollars are worth their weight in gold sadly this is probably the most intriguing box in the whole unit it is McDonald's toys yeah this has been the most exciting box in here woody Woody's chip Jesse I should say - Jesse oh wow so far not found nothing only one of the worst units I probably ever bought again this has not been my week for buying storages I don't think but we have a safe left if you saw there was a huge coin collection take it out of the box and the only thing I could think of my head is that that coin collection is inside that safe so we're gonna wait and see if Benji can get in or we get started on this next unit that we are about to deal with until we get to that moment cross your fingers and manifest coins so we have resorted to using the tools because the little tricky head would get in the emergency button to open was not working so let's see if we can pry this baby we got doodads we got pry bars we got hammers we got more tools than we have hands careful there Benji was hoping the safe was gonna be a lot easier to open than it is or was there supposed to be a little button you slide down if you saw him earlier when he first got there you try to slide it through there's like an emergency just like reset button it'll pop and trigger the door but we couldn't get it I'm just the only one that won't come out these two are done we're trying to get the last hinge out now we got to open we need one more to go this safe has been not as hard if you guys have recalled I have once a five still yet to crack we got to get a plasma cutter but right now look right there we got to get in there and pry that open the tools are not exactly the best tools they're kind of short the longer the pry bar the better in these situations they give more leverage on the pool or these don't yeah now the bottom ones giving us half oh wow it's full of something wow what what do you see I want to find all the silver damn coins they're empty is it so far this unit has been really really bad so I want to find something to bring my money back that is not the stuff you want to see in a state and you see if you see some good in there I would just want to find some day money 1 1960 4.2 unpopped it vest literally nothing in this thing here Benji sadly the place had speakers going everywhere it was so hard to film editing this videos kind of been a nightmare trying to edit out every single space where there's no word spoken we're gonna try going with an audio over now remember at the end of this video I'll show you what I did with this unit but for now we're still trying to get our money back on this I think $1,100 purchase hoping the safe is full of something it was kind of a downfall to see all that box of coins and there was no coins in there the only thing in my head is please be coins inside of this safe I think these are like Boy Scout medals or something I'm unsure exactly what they were coz this units long gone then we had this few coins here I believe two of those were silver and one was not silver or they the other three were not not what I was expecting to see for a coin collection I was hoping to see like massive just hundreds of coins in this baby open you want you want to talk about my heart skipped you see what's that for dice playing games this right here was probably one of the nicest items I found and there's probably about a forty dollar bill it's a Led Zeppelin picture disc with Jimmy Page on it I believe that Jimmy Page or Robert Plant one of the two carrying on we're just pulling out little boxes this she set like this you think automatically jewelry you think oh my god we hit the big one no we got keys we have a inexpensive gold colored and I emphasize the word colored pocket watch we have a non valuable Hot Wheel we have a watch that was not gold and we just keep thumbing through here and we have just trivial it's like pocketing this is like this is equivalent of a box that somebody just puts it things they were loose in their pocket those were not two silver coins one of them was on the bottom there the other one was not but we had one out of five coins there if you remember correct I believe I auctioned off those few silver coins and a couple were like actually the 1964 1969 silver coins at only 40% value i auction those off on my live auction on my channel that goes every single Sunday if you guys enjoy auctions I occasionally do it but not all the time as well often little trinkets like this end up in $25 mystery boxes so if anybody has any interest in mystery boxes feel free to go to WWE Champion and order a mystery box we're getting down to it in this safe trying to find something come on go come on silver please this is exactly what it's like to be in a storage business you see a safe you gamble if you guys remember there was a safe I found once with $26,000 in it one of my favorite videos our ever filmed it's something that makes things like this just go nuts in your brain you constantly think every time you see is safe you're gonna repeat that history and the fact is the average human who has a safe is really just guarding precious memories things that have personal attachment things that they hold dear to their heart every safe don't mean gold silver gems and projectile dispensers we got a candle we got a broken watch we got a used possible beer cup look there's a pill bottle that wasn't almost that almost happy there I thought this is gold for like 3 and 1/2 seconds my heart sunk I'm thinking right on we got gold but no wouldn't that be nice if that was a petit Phillipe I'd settle for a solid gold petit philippe watch right now we got more just doodads and trinkets and little chops keys they calm I believe they calm skis we're getting down to the bottom shelf now I can't show personal photos come on no more paperwork let's see gold let's see silver let's see gems nope that is a leather shirt and we got coins nope no coins imagine that whoo what could be wrapped in this blue velvet bag please be something of value oh we got a green pouch and it was empty then we got a hat then we have that whatever that was this is just ludicrous we're getting down to the nitty-gritty in this safe it looks like we have just this one thing on the bottom right to go through there's your typical that is the most one of the most 100% common things you ever see in a safe is personal paperwork like Social Care DS last will and testament special documents that people are afraid other people will get to that it's probably the 99.9 percent most common thing found in a storage unit who almost thought we had like the rare sterling silver red line right there right now the morale is low I'm getting a little unexcited it's like what do I do - I keep going through - I just say screw it because it's not looking promising as I feel sometimes you fight keep fighting coins like this you keep thinking there's gonna be like a coin set and poof see there should have been eight silver dollars inside of that container but they're not they're trying to remain positive positive is our name right now come on Michael you could do it pull something out of there value a hard drive Wow ooh what is this here do we have a sign from Bethel island 2004 okay almost something cool our hearts beating and our mind is racing what is in these last few boxes that a coin box is they're quite in there could it be no again we've been bamboozled geez come on you know books who puts books in a safe come on now Apryl that look like a coin no it's no it's a piece of paper ooh one more chance at romance is there a coin imagine that ladies and gentlemen we're pretty much getting to the end of the barrel here we have up have you seen like almost no value inside of this a bouquet we got a foot foam box we got another cell phone box we got a piece of paper this is just blowing me away the reality of this business is I would buy this unit again just like this for the same price because it has a safe and I am a storage auction pirate roaming the storage business looking for safes full of gold silver and gems and sometimes if you don't swing the bat you will never hit a home run right now I'm literally just kind of like I don't know I'm dumbfounded I'm sitting here just staring thinking in my head what did I do I spent 1,100 what does it maybe almost 1200 on this storage unit time money hoping that something I pull out like $100 bills gonna fall out of there's gonna be a weird little pocket of safe of money and then poof there was actually some money this one piece made it to my auction actually on YouTube but was not some super treasure to be found that being said ladies and gentlemen that's the way the cookie crumbles I was hoping that think was gonna be full of gold silver and gems but no that was the one of the world's worst safes I've ever seen in my life it was full of nothing absolutely nothing this thing was prized possessions of zero value nonetheless we got in there least there was something to see we found a few coins these right here is probably a few bucks right here as well - and the rest is que sera now for the quick update on the unit and that is as soon as I bought the unit I went home the woman who owned the unit somehow got my number texted me and asked me if I would sell her back some of her stuff I told her give me a thousand bucks I'll give you the whole unit she gave me a thousand dollars however I did sell a few silver coins and I did sell one green coin book and the little tiny watch with the silver band I gave every single thing else back to the woman I hope she's happy with getting her stuff back I don't like buying people's stuff it's just a business but when I have contact with the people I don't want nothing to do with that I just let go there's always plenty of storage units to be made money on when the person is not in contact with you
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 12,869
Rating: 4.8526602 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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