Let’s open some $6900 boxes | abandoned storage makes huge profits #storagestalker #Money

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should i just not even tell him what i found um maybe this should be on the next video when you know what you're getting on earth stop [Laughter] tomorrow okay okay psycho don't ever give up come on you record all right you win you win you win now i'm just stuck i just want to thank everyone that's been here for me this whole time you know what this award really goes out to little mom and all my subscribers because we are so close to 100 000 but we're not there yet so i need you guys to please please please like share subscribe and all that good stuff but today we're about to go through some of the boxes from the 6900 would you call it mega uni mega unit so let's do it what nothing [Music] all right guys after doing load after load after load out of that humongous unit which happened to be a pretty guard guard dog pretty darn god good freaking unit we have a couple more things out of there is that unit empty pretty much but due to legal reasons can i tell you everything i found no but let's just say no let's not even let's just stop there but anyways these are some of the things that came out of there just got it out of the trailer after the market and this is one of them this stuff guys bags and bags buckets and buckets of greatness let's see what we got in here uh a couple beads this is the one i really want to get into right here let's go baby [Music] really old watch it's pretty nice i can't really see the name that clear something's grand oh that's silver that's a nice piece of silver too pretty i don't mind marie she's just over there fishing you fishing baby look at this thing that's nice a little sherlock holmes thing thing we have a elegant elegant i think the name of it that's silver missing the stone but that has to be silver oh look at that silver one pretty pretty silver oh i like that one thank you go ahead it's not silver that one already that says silver and silver yep that's sterling another sterling ring we got a watch that says something on the back point this way yeah there you go that's pretty nice um i don't think that's cold it kind of looks like it within the color on it is this another silver ring no name i will get it though look at that thing that's pretty nice that's a nice piece of silver right there very nice silver no nothing in it um got silver silver look at this pen wow felt tip pen is that what that is right hold on it says something right there only if i had a magnifying glass it says that's a booty bootsiest magnifying glass that i ever did see if i say so myself it says on it say something good pen sorry i gotta put it to the light it says i can't make it out i want to say sterling no right here boom water mints watermens made in usa i don't know that's a pretty nice pen can we see the pen the back says four five two and a half it's a pretty nice pin i don't know let's try some dog tags okay a piece of something that's nice and that's silver nice little silver bracelet these chains are not gold i do not feel like taking them out there's something stuck right here you know what just do like this take the whole twisty thing out the whole twister thing yeah come on out now sir look at that compass yeah and you attach it to your clothes so you won't get lost it is a marble something compass okay that was alex i think you need this one i don't know look at that any gold in here no you don't never get lost this looks like costume you just lose everything i don't get lost that's a nice piece i just lose everything all right let's put that back what is that anything else in there you bagging on me huh oh look at that little ring a gun we found a gun you know mega units paying off man oh my goodness more than you know that's silver and that's nice put that to the side a pin i just love van halen that's nice what how your daughter's nonchalantly fishing in the background huh look at that nice it's a couple pins batman the pins are nice jagger yeah i think you should put all that the moves like jagger oh raiders together just when we thought we had good pins they they throw garbage in there come on baby be something good we just went see that toilet bowl huh i was stuck are you stuck at dude what is that werner hardware company made for foreigner hardware company is it a knife no they bend down it might be like a little change dispenser thingy maybe i don't know what it is somebody on there will know though right all right let's see what this is let's see nothing nothing a little piece of jewelry oh here we go more coins from there one cent 1935 and a 1974. okay i can see your future no you can't it dude look at this this stuff is crazy oh sweden what is this like a or some sort no look it's a clamp that opens okay so i said a clip you said a clamp clip clamp same difference sterling already seen that yeah just a couple pins and stuff naked girls on a um thing oh look at that sterling that's nice what is this oh that's fake that's it unless you want to keep digging in there that's it it's behind in the back thank you come again nothing all right that wasn't bad let me straighten that out let's grab some more treasures out of this thing oh wait we need to open this bag what the heck mama how are you just going to not open the bag i like that that's a little cross pretty pretty sterling sterling very nice piece of sterling a watch band that says on it 10k goldfield costume costume piece of silver another piece of silver a little mama grabbing my butt you guys can't tell a back to a watch this must be gold let me see 10 carat gold filled boo silver yeah wasn't much in that bag anyways all right let me put this all back and we'll go [Music] oh look it can't lie to you guys i did see the top of that when i loaded this and i got super juiced and i gotta go through it up top we have a defenders marvel treasury treasury edition oh look at that that's pretty nice that's a little bigger than usual no oh yeah that's extremely bigger than usual oh san francisco 49ers yearbook 1958. 1950 freaking eight in the past okay we re slow down on the fishing okay save some fish for everyone else to catch what is this 73 disney parade parade what i think that was a parade back then probably the uh like what was going on yes i just look like regular stuff okay these are always cool to have we'll put a couple of these on the auction friday well today or tomorrow whichever day they see this just marvel carts all right what do you got here vampirella vampire what the heck okay vampirella things are getting a little crazy vampirella another vampirella monster madness 60 cents for this thing that's cool 82 a's they don't there's a stuff living way out where we got you from the once the once in future marvel 1974 19 oh it's a calendar oh holy crap that's nice that's a nice calendar i like it very nice calendar what and the condition of it is just super good wow that was nice michael jordan sports illustrated whoa what's that the name dallas texas what the freak marine road africa usa what people michael jordan look at that magic what else we got in here what is this poster of who of what of when and of where you got to be there what was that i don't know because i just see tequila too oh wow warriors oh that's cool that's dope it is oh whole sheet of cards just made me hungry pizza sounds good right now okay i guess i'll order some look at the bottom of the box oh what do we got in here baby stamps blue chip saving book spin stamp save money hey fisherman what are you doing over there catch any big ones oh okay i'm sorry jeanette you catch any big fish jeanette she says marie no stamps is that just like a book to collect them i think so you see look there's no stamps unless these are stamps oh those aren't stamps none of these are stamps oh wait look boom whoa blue chip these are stamps whoa what the heck those are you sneeze like your dad how many times did she sneeze it was like three oh my poor baby you sneezed like daddy no sound like you did to me little lady no want me come fishing with you no i can't fish with you why not because i'll catch all the big fish in one save none for you oh these are all stamps look stamps stamps stamps stamps envelopes envelopes stamps oh these are all letters oh postcards or postcards huh i'm cute some kid kitty pies old postcards in niagara falls or something oh vernon fall you simmet yosemite wow okay those are cool those are actually really cool more of them stamps postcards holy crap we're gonna have a big old lot stamp on tomorrow when we do our auction these are all stamps look um they're all loose though you got options sir no yeah i got auctions you know i got auctions friday night maybe not even it's gonna be early tomorrow friday 3 30. i'm safe to say these are all stamps and these are all going on the auction be there or what or be square or else not a circle or a triangle not a circle not a dot dot you better have your cootie shot oh what all right let's see this box getting interesting getting interesting pins still in there wow i would never open it and eat it so don't ask me to usa pen to stab your little mama if she's being mean to you little mama well stuff okay i'm just playing i'm just playing sorry honda walk-a-thon it's a little larry the license plate the little larry's a little licensed try to say license plate at the same time ah raiders why what is that okay eldorado okay well that makes sense that's where he was at el dorado plastic oh it's a bug's bunny dude that's brand new never open um what year is that thing open it stick 19.95 i can't open that then it's gonna miss the value open it stick it on your hand why because that's what kids do with a woodstock high sierra okay that's a cool lot that's a lot in itself right there all those pins that's a lot in itself that is nice oh man what is that i was kept eyeing that i can't get my eye off it oh so nice oh a microphone check one two one two big daddy on the mic and i thought you knew oh i don't need the bottom stand cause i'm holding with my hand that's pretty nice mike you had to drop that fire real quick drop that file model 30 patent number the ass corporation youngstown ohio that's a pretty cool mike look at that thing he said he had to drop that fire real quick you almost dropped that on my toe your toe almost dropped it in front of subscribers you know how bad that would have been i think my toes more important so your toe would hurt for five seconds they would have broke my spirit every five seconds on a comment about why i dropped it what do you got here hey get down a little mama and big daddy in i'm near the freaking clip oh stamp damn what the sheets of them what i just wonder what they are blue we'll look we'll look them up we'll look them up for sure before we sell them right yes sir revival that is your job is that what this is yeah what are those presidential collection shells okay that might have some type of value to it not too sure what we got here what is this doom of dragon it's a movie that's a movie let's watch it yeah on what our dvd player or hulu stick it in watch that oh look another one that looks like a superhero one oh no the night before christmas that one looks a little messed up it's in a metal reel but it's still a movie i might have put this in the bam baby you are not touching my man oh panasonic jack okay let's test your knowledge if you had a tape in here and you wanted to rewind it which one would you press okay if you had a tape in here and you wanted to pick which one do you want what do you pick dolby all of them all of them maybe all right let's press them all up press them all let's do it press everything that's what i do when i play like rules and regulations i just press all the buttons this mini something series animal meter 490. okay whatever that was something like that fish knife got a knife for you sir let me open you up you are a stainless knife okay hi ray and just a regular knife and a nice names cut off ph something okay that was nice well what's in the sock this looks like this goes to our kilometer meter get out of here 1960 general electric a little blue book body reading men's grooming and fitness i hope you don't know that too you might need a manual for yourself they still had a whole bunch of just mixture of just weird stuff that's a is that a razor in there it looks like one oh these are razors these are all razors okay put them back in the bag leave them alone unless somebody get your nerves when you're grabbing you just let's go is that what you do to people oh look there's a clip i think this goes to wait for legal reasons we can't tell you certain things out of this unit all right then zip your mouth claw put some little balls hanging ballsy clock i've ever seen you know what that was that was a knee slapper hey watch out you forgot i just found some razors why you choking me out this old school shaving kit and it looks gross why are you touching it put it down now okay that's gross okay i'll put it down skin fragments all up over there more of the little booklets no information oh oh somebody was studying the police department all right what do we have in here ray-bans uh no bands all right going through all that simple pot by guardian service guardian service okay what was this thing turf flex yankee norwalk counter i don't know what this is what is it fast faster fastest we got to cut that out we're gonna really have to cut that out no we're not i was thinking that it's for like when you want to not go to the casino put it right here come on leave it no hold it just hold it when you want to not go to the casino and save all your money jewelry wallet butts coins and keys oh that's actually a good this well that's idea shaver i think that's the whole box oh look ooh tell me that's the key that's tight i don't think that's the key oh wait you could feel it kind of opening don't break it it works that's dope yeah we should do with this what we should send this to pirate he had one like this he used to carry on his big old chain uh-huh and his neck but when we bought i forgot what you know we bought he climbed to the back and lost the key but that right there with the key if i could open it power might like that that's pretty dope oh we could just tell him to come bid on it if he wants it that'd be me now what the mother i'm giving it to him now the struggle it's called there it goes it's pretty nice it's a samson high flight or no eight eight level leveler that's a pretty nice lock that's a really nice lock i'm gonna use that to block something okay let me straighten this out you know what this video is getting kind of long but we're going to just keep going oh my god this is what i'm excited for you ready to see it let's go are you sure this is what's going to bring the excitement are you ready for this supergirl conan look at that how old that looks dude going in look at these oh these are in beautiful shape to be this old there's no creases really a couple here and there but oh come on where's the good ones at champion sports betty and me okay watching the witching war i know that's what i said oh deadly dozen captain america 20 cents dang those are some good ones look at these and like they kept worlds oh 20 cents oh world's finest look at that though look at the shadows they are like literally in world's most good shape villains two spidermans 60 cents spider-man oh superman 15 center that one's kind of what but that's a nice one action comics another spider-man oh x-men oh i like it i just had a dollar on it it's not that old looks old though yeah oh my it goes all the way down babe are we gonna go through every single one um just look at this three of the same ones night force wolverine oh you know the wolverines more of those what the heck let's have a lot of the scene collecting look at wolverines like those we've seen all those are selling maybe okay no really thor thor the a team sorry you keep branching off i'm trying to show the a team what why are they all the same what if like three are the same that are just like super expensive wanted action comic 20 center 20 centers assignment oh i think we're getting into better ones oh x-men number one two dollars why is it two dollars action comic 20 cents 20 cents oh no baby justice league wonder woman wonder woman we found a motherload of comics babe oh night force knight why does he have all the same knight force night force what is that that looks weird looks kind of all over look at they're all the same those ones are so it's like oh batman struggle in the sky batman 1982 what 1982 batman oh x-men um i don't think i'm able to get through all these comics right now unless you want to be here all day going through every single one superman special all magic issue well that one is fat that's not a regular magazine look how thick that is it's like a book huh it's like a book dazzler hey dazzling war supergirl supergirl spider-man g.i joes look at all those gi joes why do you have so many joes dude why do you have so many joes dude hercules haircuts where are the crazy you know what movie that's from good expensive ones let's see okay i'm gonna grab this whole stack right here those are the same spider-mans ghost rider spider-man's superman 15 cents superman envy of earth is that the the most expensive one i'm putting out to the side because i don't know why i feel like that one is just a little better well we've been told the cheaper the more you know well these aren't that cheap thing because they're all 60 cents and 50 cents ghost rider special marvel lois lane let me see clark look at that one that one looks weird it looks cool actually hey there's a lot of them here there's a lot of comics okay that's that whole stack what look at these mystery comic designer green hill detective comics adventure comics what look at this one tarzan oh save you a little jamie what's the year on this quiet this thing has to be old 2005 is that right it looks like it's from like 1955. okay this side oh conan conan warrior justice league america that's a whole book that's a whole book x-men another one of those star wars a lot of star wars star wars okay put those back in there right there let's grab these captain americas why is there so many of the same ones i have no idea captain america's mystery team america the thing what thing the thing flash power man you know what i think i'm officially done going through them all got this stack left i hope there's something good in here come on guy superman superman something tells the smurfs this maps what strange adventures unexpected unexpected again unexpected again unknown from beyond the unknown batman 1982. that's pretty good it says annual batman can you see that 1982 see we got here all right elektra i think that's it well so where can we find all this good stuff why would you ask a question like that you already know basically are you saying that i should tell them but what i got more stuff in here to record should i just not even tell them what i found um maybe this should be on the next video when you know what you're getting on earth stop tomorrow [Laughter] okay okay psych i'll never give up come on you win you win you win now i'm just stuck with your seatbelt on the next video peace out guys thanks for being here
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 10,609
Rating: 4.9488373 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: J3hZK8FfhqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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